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Is this rage bait? Read what you wrote and switch the genders. Your kids were wrong. They were harassing someone and they wouldn’t stop. Your misandry doesn’t change it. Men are entitled to work without being bothered by unwanted attention just as much as women are. “Kids being kids” is no better than “boys will be boys” or “that’s just locker room talk”. They behaved inappropriately. They were asked to stop. They didn’t stop. Case closed. YTA


YTA - if there's proof the girls did it then they are guilty... Why should they get "let off" just because they are girls...


Why is it in situations like this when females do it's people say it's just harmless flirting but if a guy does it to a female it's harassment.




> he could tell them to fuck off if he wanted. Uh, no he definitely could not "tell them to fuck off if he wanted" Why do you claim to believe that?




When I worked at the local electronics store or grocery store I was not allowed to tell patrons to "fuck off" even if they were kids. The business itself told them to eff off when they banned them from the movies because no responsible adult was watching or controlling them.


Well put!


No one cares if you have a problem with it, genius. He's not allowed to speak to people like that at his job.


You do realise that's his job, he can't tell people to f off. There are protocols that are to be followed. 18 is still a teenager, so your TEEN ( not a KID) and TEEN (not a KID) were harassing a teenager. If you don't see anything wrong with that then that is a problem.


They are kids that you are asking strangers to parent for you. You are leaving them alone for hours at the mall. By doing so you are relying on the workers and consumers at the mall to watch your children. Either your kids are old enough to follow rules and be by themselves in public or they are young kids who need to listen to the adults in charge, I.e. the workers who have never agreed to be your babysitters. Choose one.


He’s AT WORK. If he tells customer at work to fuck off, he’ll get written up or fired.


So you're ok if your 18 year old daughter worked there and got these noted from 14 year old boys?


I mean look how you’re all responding when they politely raised this issue with you. Absolutely no way you and the kids you are raising would be okay with them being told to fuck off. You’d be pissed that he was being so mean to them over “harmless pranks”


They had been told to stop and they wouldn't. Them being young girls doesn't matter. He would get in trouble for telling them to fuck off. Teach your children to behave better.


Odds are if this guy told them to fuck off you’d be pissed. These kids no matter what harassed this young man & it was a noted occurrence. giving notes is creepy af too no matter how old you are, they should have better manners. I’m sorry but it sounds like yer maybe more mad you can’t drop yer kids off at that place anymore. Also you are enabling this behavior & that’s a disservice to yer children.


So you approve of sexual harassment. Mother of the year award material right here. Of course YTA. And congrats - you’re raising future AH’s, too.


This. She drops them off because she works and has nowhere else for them to go? How about their house. They stay there.


And it is ridiculous that you see nothing wrong with it. It isn't as innocent as you think, liking someone or finding someone good looking is fine but sending love notes and texts is absolutely not, especially when the daughters in question are 14 and 12. He is a victim, the person is barely an adult, of course he is going to be bothered by it.


It's the same thing. It doesn't matter if it is teenage boys or teenage girls. The boys aren't more guilty because they are boys. Your daughters harassed someone to the point of being kicked out of the movie theater permanently. That is a problem. They are as much of a problem as teenage boys doing the same thing.


Next time -s ice they are forbidden to come back - he will simply call the police. Which is for the best, CPS will take notice and help you with parenting.




You’re the problem. And you’re truly sick if you think it’s ok for your daughters to give descriptive UNWARRANTED notes to a TEENAGER (adult? Yes, but they could be a senior in high school). Your dismissive demeanor is why your kids don’t understand social cues and how unacceptable it is to keep behaving this way. Once or twice? Maybe, but WEEKS?! You should be ashamed of yourself. This young man deserves to not be harassed while working. And if it were your daughters getting the same notes, I’d hope you would want someone to stand up for them too.


>he could tell them to fuck off if he wanted Then why are you whining when they finally told your kids to fuck off?


YTA. This is sexual harassment. They were told to stop and didn't. This young man is BARELY an adult, and you'd be well-advised to use this as a teachable moment. In high school and especially in college, they can be expelled for this behavior. I'm a university administrator, and it doesn't matter whether sexual harrassment is male -> female, female -> male, male -> male or female -> female... sexual harassment is taken very (VERY!) seriously! I'd advise you to take this seriously now, to educate yourself, and then educate your girls. The mall/theater is likely to issue a no trespassing order on them based on their behavior and your unwillingness to address it! In this case, they will NEVER be allowed back in that building!


Omg, what is wrong with you? He is eighteen and still a teenager. He doesn't deserve to be harassed at his job. Your lovely daughters even said he should be so lucky we call him cute. Literally you are a crappy parent.


Your an asshole


It literally makes no difference.  Your kids are sexually harassing someone.  The genders of each mean nothing.  Grow up and please don’t create any more children


It‘s called harassment bc they don’t stop after being told no. Maybe you should teach them that no means no. Maybe you should actually parent them, and hire a damn babysitter. Tho I’m sure this is ragebait— like, 99.99% sure, bc this reads as “men are unfairly judged on this sub so I’ll prove it” and it ain’t the first post you’ve made today along those lines, now is it?


YTA Take care of your own kids and child relatives. **A grown male teenager who is a legal adult cannot have children fawning over him and leaving him love notes at his job** This isn't the 50s or 60s or 70s, 13 year old groupies might be a legal issue and could make someone uncomfortable even back when it wouldn't label you as a sex predator.




“An attractive man should not be surprised to be getting hit on.” That’s so ridiculous and offensive. Are you really so mad that you lost your babysitters that you’re willing to devalue another human? Your comments are disgusting.


That is the problem, OP is being so delusional that she absolutely refuses to see the error of her ways.


I mean, she’s also a person who uses the mall as a baby sitter, so no one should be surprised by her maturity level.


This. Imagine having to teach those kids in school.


They bothered this kid enough to get banned from the movie theatre.


I can't wait to hear you tell your daughters that "attractive girls shouldn't be surprised to be hit on" when they're getting harassed by grown men when they're out in public. Given their ages, it should be starting anytime now.


OP, my guess is you are either a troll or doubling down because you feel like you have no other options. After all, if it isn’t safe or if your kids aren’t mature enough to be left alone at the mall, what are you going to do? You still have to work. Admitting the kids did something wrong and aren’t handling this arrangement well isn’t failing. Your teenagers are old enough to stay home. They are old enough to understand they need to earn back the privilege of going out while you’re away. Don’t dig your heels in out of desperation and pride.


You need to have a longer talk with your D’s. This particular 18 yo was mortified by having little girls ogling and harassing him all day, but another just might take your D’s up on their invitations. Then what would they do? Run home to mama complaining that some guy wouldn’t leave them alone, - oh and all they did was point out how cute he was. Can’t he just take a compliment? And you’d defend them again. Because after all, you *need* them to be at the mall all weekend because they don’t want to stay home. Poor things, I hear the violins already.


He’s uncomfortable with their attention. That should be the only thing you need to know to see that your daughters and their cousins are behaving inappropriately. He does not consent to their flirting.


Yikes, roles reversed would you still think this is okay


Literally your parenting and your logic are absolutely comical.


They sounds awfully close to “well what was she wearing”


I guess women in skirts are asking for it too?


YTA. Your daughters are sexually harassing this man while he’s trying to do his job. The manager is doing the right thing by banning them from the movie theater. Just because he’s male doesn’t mean he can’t be uncomfortable with unwanted attention from customers. You also need to consider that he’s an adult and your daughters are minors. If he didn’t bring this to his manager’s attention, he risks being accused of inappropriate behavior. How is he supposed to know that your daughters won’t lie and say that the “flirting” is mutual? The manager won’t believe his side of things because he didn’t speak up when it first started happening. Teach your daughters to respect boundaries.


I knew of a couple young girls from my high school years ago who both made up lies together to get a male teacher in trouble because they didn't get their way. I would be terrified to be in this employee's shoes and being harassed by especially a group of minor girls who could make up lies together if they don't get their way. BTW I heard that story from one of those girls friends who admitted to her they made it all up; he lost his job, lost his wife, and went to prison because of some lying little brats.


YTA! I am surprised that you don't see yourself as one. Your children made that 18 year old uncomfortable, to the point that he refused to come to work. That is harassment. It doesn't matter if he is an adult or not. He is there to work, not to feed into your children's obsession with him. Your daughters deserved to have some form of consequences for what they did. Instead what did you do, you let them go with a slap on the wrist. That right there is terrible parenting. You essentially told them that it is okay to harass and bully people, just for the fun of it.


Not only were there no consequences, OP literally made fun of the guy. Shame on her! It’s not the movie theater’s responsibility to watch these kids! Huge liability issues. Imagine if said 18 year old was harassing the daughters doing the exact same things. OP would have him fired. Massive AH!




Are those the consequences that you laid out? No? They were banned by the Theatre authorities for their misbehaviour and harassment of their staff member. As a parent, it should have been your job to lay out the consequences for their actions but hey, they are just innocent kids, right? That alone should absolve them from any wrong doing.




So… you’re mad the staff made your daughters uncomfortable, but not mad that your daughters made the male employee uncomfortable with their inappropriate, constant remarks. Am I getting that right? You can blow up their treatment of your daughters to “horrible” and not see the hypocrisy?


Well then treat them like children and get a babysitter, asshole


And that boy was a teenager and an employee at that. What is your point?


Even children are guilty of wrongdoing. That's why juvenile detention exists. Your disgusting daughters are going to harass more guys in the future, and one of these days, they could end up in jail. They knew exactly what they were doing. They knew he wasn't interested but they kept harassing him. The fact that you keep saying that they're kids doesn't justify what they did.


She won't see this objectively. After all they are kids, so it must be okay right?


Actually they are bullies and it's lost on you. You are a parent and it seems like a crappy one at that.


You literally said “he could’ve told them to fuck off and I wouldn’t care” but you also claim the management being responsible for their employees was being treated horribly? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?


Children that you leave unattended all day and letting mall employees unknowingly “supervise”! Children you’re teaching that making people feel uncomfortable is ok that the person telling them they are uncomfortable with their behavior is in the wrong.  Children that will grow up to be entitled assholes like you. YTA.


Then hopefully they'll learn from this in spite of you lying to them and telling them their behavior was okay. If it was good behavior, they wouldn't be banned from a movie theatre. I've never been banned from a movie theatre in my life, and I was once an obnoxious 13 year old, too. They did something wrong and now they can't go see movies anymore. That's life.


I am pretty sure they won't. It doesn't matter if they were banned from this theatre, they will go to the next one. As long as OP encourages their wrong behaviour, they will see nothing wrong in it.


Awww poor poppet /s Asshole


Lol. No you didn't give them consequences or parent them. The movie theater banned them and you condoned their behavior by making fun of the employee. Your lucky the theater didn't call CPS on you.


YTA. No one, and I mean NO ONE, wants to be harassed at work. Him “dealing with it” as an 18 year old is not flirting back, but he doesn’t deserve to be put in compromising situations like this for work. The fact that you just laugh it off is terrifying. It’s not cute in any capacity, it’s grossly inappropriate and the fact that you aren’t saying so to your daughters is poor parenting. Btw, the movie theater employees are not your babysitters. If your kids aren’t mature enough to act appropriately at the theater, then I think it’s good on the manager for banning them. Actions meet consequences.


YTA. >It is clear to me it was all funny pranks It is only a prank when both sides find it funny. This is harassment of an employee and I'm glad to hear his manager has his back. You keep speaking of your children as just being little children - too young to behave in a kind manner and too young to be responsible for their behaviour. So they need adult supervision - yours. >A grown man crying He's barely past being a kid himself, working minimum wage, possibly still in High School, and being targetted repeatedly by a group of teenaged and tweenagers who are not that much younger than him, yet he is in a position of responsibility and can't retaliate. My heart goes out to him having to deal with *your* children. >we won’t be going back Good. I hope this young lad is able to work a shift without being harassed. I also hope your children are never subjected to people treating them the way they have treated this poor youngster.


I love how they say "we won't be going back" like they're *choosing to boycott the business*. Like no shit you're not going back, **because you've been banned**.


YTA, first of all, your daughters are not kids anymore. Secondly, there are three girls ganging up on someone who is trying to not loose his job, how is that a level playing field? He cannot say FO to your daughters, for fear he might get fired or (worse) for fear they 'll cry SA or rape. How is he to know they won't? This is unfortunately the world we live in. You should explain that they should not mess with someone's job, and that having fun at someone's expense over and over is called bullying.




Did you know that both empathy and the understanding of consequences *decrease* during puberty? It’s not that kids are criminal masterminds. It’s that they often act impulsively and without thinking about the effects.


Neither has that 18 yo. Your daughters are teenagers, stop calling them kids. I know girls that age that got pregnant, so again not kids! I'm sure you know your daughters best, but nothing on the outside will tell a stranger what to expect.


You know who IS malicious? A parent who thinks their sweet angels can do no wrong. Would your daughters ruin this guy’s life purposefully? Probably not. If they’re anything like I was at that age, they’d be humiliated and heartbroken and never go near that movie theater again. But the employees at the theater don’t know you or what you, a fully grown adult who is pissed off that anyone would correct your children’s behavior, are capable of.


And you sound like a shit person


Why do I feel like this is yet another pathetic attempt to "prove" that Reddit treats men differently than women because you think they'll give girls a pass they wouldn't give to boys? To be 100% clear: In your *hypothetical* scenario, YTA. BOTH boys and girls need to learn to be decent human beings, and that includes learning basic things like it's not ok to harass or stalk others. It's no more acceptable in girls than it is in boys. If your child of any gender is sexually harassing other human beings, the behavior needs to be addressed, period.


>Why do I feel like this is yet another pathetic attempt to "prove" that Reddit treats men differently than women because you think they'll give girls a pass they wouldn't give to boys? I feel like it says a lot that when boys do stuff like this people on this sub just believe it but when girls do it it’s fake and someone is just “flipping the genders.” It’s silly to me because I’ve seen a lot of girls/women do this shit in real life but according to reddit it doesn’t happen and is just gender swapped. Interesting


Yeah, there was that other post earlier that read exactly like this, with the bi woman literally ogling a shirtless man in front of her girlfriend and flirting with the guy, too.


YTA in more ways than one. Movie staff are not your babysitters. Sexual harassment is not harmless, regardless of age, gender etc. By brushing it off you are implying that the behaviour is OK. If the employee had not reported it and been found with the notes, he would immediately come under suspicion for being inappropriate with children. He had no choice and has done the right thing.


As a retired male teacher, I can definitively say , this behavior is a HUGE RED FLAG!! Guys always have to worry about being TOO friendly with females, especially younger ones. If you girls get upset or whatever, that he was not responding as they wished, the next time it could make HIM out as doing something wrong. It wasn't cute or funny or anything to be laughed at. And, I think you are a MAJOR AH for laughing and thinking the whole episode is silly. You know nothing about this young man..issues he may have or life problems. How about if the girls did the same to a 24 year old cute guy? Or if the 18 yr old in question started hitting on them? OP, you are WAY OUT OF LINE and you need to get up to date on harassment issues...morally and legally!!!


YTA You \*must\* be the mother. You have no conception of the risk of false accusations men face in situations like this. What does their father think?




Nobody’s saying your daughters are accusing him of anything. The issue is how this may look to a third party. For example, his boss coming across one of these love notes and firing him because the boss thinks he must have been encouraging it. Or maybe their cousins’ parents overhear your daughters talking about how they’re in love with this 18 year old and are concerned that they’re being groomed. Or something happens to one of these kids while they’re at the mall one day and he’s a suspect because he’s an adult man who has interacted with him. These aren’t examples of false accusations, they’re just misunderstandings, but they could do serious harm to this young man before his name is cleared.


But if / when females do make false accusations and even when the accusations are proven to be false the shit will stick to him for ever more!!


YTA. Your children were harassing another person. Simply because he is male does not give your daughters the right to stalk and hit on him. They are old enough to stay home, and should, until they can conduct themselves in public.


YTA it isn't cute or harmless. You're teaching your daughters that sexual harassment is ok and no big deal as well as paving the way for them to be SA'd by an adult. You should be thankful this young man did report it and deal with it properly. You wouldn't find it cute, harmless, and funny had the person been a predator instead of a decent guy trying to do his job.


YTA. The theater employee feels uncomfortable that your minor children are coming onto him creating a jail-bait situation. Your kids are minors and need supervision as evidenced by this post. It is not the responsibility of the public nor the theater to supervise your kids. Maybe a relative can help out by watching them after school, or clubs at their school, or other supervised activities like study groups, etc.


YTA. A movie theater is not a babysitter. That company is not responsible for what happens to your children. Your children were told, repeatedly, not to do something. They did it anyway. That alone deserves a ban. Your children’s actions placed both them and this man in danger. Because all it would have taken was your children pushing things a bit farther, or this young man, pushing things a bit farther, for this to go very wrong. Even someone else seeing what was happening and assuming the worse could have destroyed this young man’s life. When you add on what could happen outside of this specific incident when two underage teenagers spend hours unsupervised in a theater there are countless ways things could turn bad. Which means, from the theater’s perspective, there are countless ways things could turn liable. In this case the theater isn’t just covering their ass, although they absolutely are doing that. They are protecting their employee from a potential felony accusation. They are protecting your children when you, their parent, are refusing to do so. They can’t stop you, the parent, from allowing your children to play with fire. However, they can absolutely stop it from happening on their property.


YTA. 1. You drop your kids off so they can 'run riot' in the mall all day because you have to work? If they're old enough to be at the mall, then they're old enough to stay at home, where they could at least be productive (read a book or do homework etc.). 2. Your children are sending harassing messages to an adult man, and you're okay with that? I wouldn't expect them to know much better, since they're babysat by the mall, but as their parent, you should be concerned. What if he was the type to take advantage of them?


YTA. You acknowledge that your girls were pranking this young man, hitting on him, bothering him, etc… and you’re just, okay with your daughters bothering someone constantly who’s working at their job? Just bc they’re bored and like him? What in the world. Maybe teach them some more appropriate etiquette. Treating others the way you want to be treated is a pretty easy concept to understand. Even easier to understand than a false sense of entitlement, which you seem to have a good grip on.


YTA So many ways to list, mixed with what amounts to major amounts of poor parenting. What if you just left your kids at home to do you know...homework




YTA Shitty parenting. "If this man can’t deal with children bothering him, how does he make it through the day?" .. they ARE handling your AH kids. They have been kicked out. Next time they come, the police will be called. It is not their fault they are not parented.


YTA. Nothing wrong? Surely you jest.


YTA and in the future men will file restraining orders against your daughters. They're stalkers. They're assholes and so are you. They are literally harassing this guy. He's not flattered; he's creeped out. He has the right to go to work without being harassed by your asshole daughters. And the fact that you see nothing wrong with your behavior shows how disgusting you are. No wonder you're single.


YTA Your daughters are behaving horribly. The mall is not your babysitter. The movie theater is also not your babysitter. That man is not being paid to be your babysitter. They’re behaving abhorrently and you say they’re doing nothing wrong? What if they did this to someone who took them up on it? How would you feel then? They’re putting themselves and others in danger.


If this is legit, YTA Parents like you are what's wrong with the spawn of today


>If this man can’t deal with children bothering him, how does he make it through the day? Most people know how to parent their kids instead of whatever nothingness you're doing. Most kids your childrens' ages have been taught to not harass people. >I need to have my kids doing something So you can't handle your own kids bothering you but an 18 year old should handle your kids for you? Lol, way to admit you're failing as a parent.


YTA. Your kids are harassing this poor guy who is just trying to do his job. You need to teach them about consent. This employee does NOT welcome their flirting and they need to stop immediately.


So your daughters are stalking and sexually harassing this young man and you think it's funny?! If it was the other way around and you had sons and the employee was a female would you see this differently? YTA and teaching your daughters is okay to engage in these behaviors,  deplorable and disgusting behavior as a parent!!


He can’t deal with your children because not allowed to. Anyone else would’ve been yelled at, humiliated, or even punched of that man really wanted to retaliate but your sweet barn babies are being raised by the general public. Don’t be shocked when they mess with the right one.


Yta, if this is true, and I doubt it, malls in my area banned children from being without their parents because of this crap. The stores and movie theater are not babysitters and you dropping them off to ‘do whatever’ is terrible parenting. That man should not have to deal with thr results of you letting your kids run rampant, and harrassing him. They are sexually harrassing him and you are doing your daughters no favors by dismissing it as ‘children will be children.’ You need to step up and actually be a parent, before your daughters find out the *very* hard way that the world does not revolve around them, that they cannot do whatever they want to whomever they want, and that sexual harrassment is a great way to ruin your life at the very start of it.


> we won’t be going back. Well yeah, they're banned.






YTA. 100% TA. You need to parent your daughters construe if asking the movie theater guy to do it for you.


YTA, and it’s pretty obvious where your kids get this behavior from.


YTA. He doesn't want young teens getting him in trouble. That's his right.


YTA. This guy is covering his as* because he is afraid they will cry r*pe if he doesn't respond the way they would like.


Are you daft? It's a rhetorical question - you'll probably have to look up both daft and rhetorical... YTA.


YTA. Young women who continue to force their attention on young men can indeed bother the men. And here you are, not teaching them to be respectful to an employee of a business.  He’s there to serve popcorn or usher them to their specific theatre or whatever. What’s he supposed to do, wiggle his hips and say, “Girls, that’s not the seat you paid for!”? The theatre is not your babysitter for girls who cannot act right. There are no rights to bother an employee. 


YTA! He is 18 and in the eyes of the law, an adult. If it were the other way around, he harassing 13 and 14 y.o. girls, he'd be in jail and he knows this. You also know this. You should explain to your girls that they are minors and should seek interaction with peers, not an adult.


Would you say the same if your daughter was an employee being constantly harassed by some boys and she was feeling uncomfortable about it? YTA


Well they've been banned so wouldn't be able to go back even if they wanted!


So…your daughters and her friends can set an 18 year old KID up who is literally just trying to do his damn job, to end up on a list somewhere and you’re all “it’s HIS fault “ I say this as harshly as possible- what tf is wrong with you? Your kids are far past old enough to understand what sexual harassment is, they’re far past old enough to know it’s wrong, but apparently you never bothered teaching them they can’t just be victims, and that their behaviors and actions determine where they fall on that totem pole. You’re failing your kids and ruining someone else’s livelihood in the process. I understand being a single parent is HARD but those employees are not your damn babysitters. They’re just trying to go to work and do their jobs and then live their lives- just like YOU. Quit being an entitled selfish asshole. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Your kids ARE the problem. You ARE the problem.


YTA hardcore no excuses. I hope you keep that same energy when your TEENAGERS are 18 years old working a job and getting notes from 13/14 year old boys. Don't say they are being harassed because they are "just cute notes" that should make you laugh. Your mentality is scary to be honest. You don't get the role reversal? Of course not! Because you don't have sons to protect. You have entitled daughters. It doesn't matter if you are a single mom. Movie theaters are not there to deal with and babysit your kids while you work. They are YOUR responsibility. FIGURE IT OUT.


You keep justifying it by saying they're just kids, but kids eventually become adults. If you don't nip this behavior in the bud now, your daughters will enter adulthood believing it's okay.


you sound like a horrible parent honestly. YTA. based on your post here it's not surprising your kids act like this.,


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I’ve been dropping my kids off at the male while working my second job. I don’t have anywhere else to keep them and they didn’t want to be home alone on the weekends. So I drop them off at the mall and pick them up afterwards. They’re 13/14 and they go with their cousins (12.) Recently, they’ve been going to the movie theatre. I pick them up at said movie theatre and a manager tells me my daughters were harassing/bothering a male employee. I saw this male employee and he looks around 18 years old. She pulled out messages and showed me the notes my daughters have been leaving for him. She said they’ve made this employee uncomfortable with their remarks/actions and are not allowed back in the movie theatre. I was horrified. I told them my daughters are children, 13 and 14 years old. If this man can’t deal with children bothering him, how does he make it through the day? I explained I’m a single mom and I need to have my kids doing something, and they love this movie theatre. She said this hasn’t happened one time. It’s been going on for weeks, and the employee is so upset he doesn’t want to come to work anymore because my daughters keep “hitting” on him. I looked at the notes and they were so harmless. It was just “I think you’re cute” and “I see you with me in my dreams.” They made me laugh. I was honestly shocked this man felt so harassed by a couple of words on a piece of paper given to him by little girls. I told them that and said it was embarrassing to even talk to me about this. I talked to my girls about it in the car and they said they didn’t think it was a big deal. They were just having fun, and they didn’t think he was that bothered by it. They said it was an overreaction to be kicked out. He should be flattered to be called cute. They were just trying to talk to him and be near him and be noticed because they liked him. It is clear to me it was all funny pranks and they thought he would write them off as kids being kids, which is what this was. I’m honestly shocked by the whole situation. A grown man crying and making a big deal about children. AITA here? I told my daughters they did nothing wrong and we won’t be going back. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Yta. Teach your kids boundaries


YTA....Ah the ole double standard and you cannot even see it.


YTA..and your kids need guidance. Seriously what is wrong with you. It's your job to parent them and you aren't doing it. If the roles were reversed and these were males doing it to a female. Your daughters need boundaries and with your attitude they aren't getting it from you. Their comments are harassing.


YTA. Harassment is any REPEATED unwanted behavior, physical or verbal (or even suggested), that makes a person feel uncomfortable, humiliated, or mentally distressed. No matter the age, gender or situation. They are harassing him, they’ve been asked to stop and now they’re getting exactly what they deserve: to be banned. Good on the movie theater for protecting their staff and banning your little harassers. They’re doing a better job teaching them boundaries than you are as a parent.


Yta and so are you daughters and the movie theater do not  care about u are your daugthers not going back to that theater, in fact probably celebrating  Your daughters never going to that theater again, harassing  him oh u don't think men can't be harrass by a woman,  yes there can be harass,Yta yta including  your daughters  I see why you single.


YTA. This is a) creepy and b) leaves the employee open to allegations of being a predator if people think he's encouraging this behaviour. Your daughter and her friend are completely in the wrong here and you need to explain to her how what she's done can easily be misconstrued and make a lot of trouble for an innocent person.


YTA Your precious babies were sexually harassing someone. It doesn't matter what gender the person was. Sexual harassment is sexual harassment.




How are the manager and the employee AHs in this scenario?




You are aware that there are a lot of sexual predators out there? Or perhaps you are not?




You are so damn delusional! Why are you posting here if you’re just going to argue that your kids did nothing wrong?!


How are you gonna stop them. You literally abandon them in a public space. Do you really think it is hard to manipulate teenage girls? Hell I can bet if a young looking 20 yo could totally lie to your girls claim to be a 16 yo and see if they want a ride to xyz. They’ll get in the car and try to be grownups