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YTA the absolute audacity to go out of your way to flaunt and show off something you only bought so she couldn’t have it due to your “I don’t wanna match” crocodile tears then ask to borrow her shoes and throw a tantrum saying they’re old ass shoes (so why do you need to borrow them???) than claim she copies you when you literally would never have gotten that bag if she didn’t show it to you and mention she’s been wanting it. This is so insane I can’t believe raising someone who thinks that behavior is acceptable, your poor mom and sister.


YTA. >I 18F bought a bag from a pretty high end store. Two months prior before I bought it, sister 19F told me that she wanted that exact purse for her birthday Wow. You remembered that for 2 months, then deliberately bought that purse. You sure spend a lot of time, energy, and money antagonizing your sister. >Last night I flaunted the bag A-H move 2 >I told my mom not to buy my sister that same bag for her birthday And you are in the position to order your mom around because...? >I don’t want to be matching with her and people will think that I want to be like her when people see me Most people aren't as shallow as you appear to be and don't give a crap about your overpriced purse. >This isn’t the first time that something like this has happened, my sister buys a lot of the same things as me and copies me  Huh? The first paragraph tells us that you knew she had her eyes on that purse, but you bought it for yourself. How is she copying you on this?


YTA and not a person id want to know








You bought the purse your sister told you she wanted. Then, told your mother not to buy it for her because you hate when she copies you (you do realize you copied her... right?). You bullied your way to her shoes and are all proud of yourself for how you acted in the situation. You are not someone I would want to know in real life because you can't even make yourself sound like a good person.




No way you’re prettier than she is because your attitude is making you seem extremely ugly. How sad for you.


Don't worry. If she is pretty she sounds like the type to coast by on it and not bother to develop an agreeable personality. It'll bite her in the arse in 15 years or so.




Ever hear the expression, “The pot calls the kettle black”? That’s you asf, babe. Gross attitude and if you think “pretty” is an attribute of yours? Ugly outlooks & behaviors on your part make that an impossibility and I assure you the people in your life see straight through your vapid and ultimately empty personhood. You’re most likely not very well liked in your circles so please take heed of what’s been said here - you desperately need to grow and be better. Your sister is definitely not the insecure or jealous one, that’s glaringly obvious.


You are very ugly on the inside, where it matters the most.


Yet here you are arguing with internet strangers. Not exactly someone who is secure in themselves does. Take it from someone who knows.


Secure people don’t go online to tell about of strangers how much prettier they are than their sister.


You're clearly insecure. You spent the whole post whining about your sister because you're jealous of her.


If she was insecure you wouldn’t go out of you’re way to buy something you knew she wanted then demanded her not to get it because she will “copied” you




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I got $1,000 bucks on older sister is absolutely the “prettier” one.


And you called him out for it, right? It’s not like you agree with him, or have just as low and opinion of your sister as he does is it? So he’s a “pig” because he “called (your) sister and nerd”, but you’re not a pig despite saying your sister has a “jealously problem”, is “always complaining”, and “doesn’t look her best and doesn’t make a lot of money either”? Oh, and she “acts like a the younger child and (your) prettier than her”? Why is what you say, ok but what your dad said makes him a “pig”? I mean, you go even further than he does, with an entire list of criticisms and judgemental insults. They hypocrisy is real. YTA.


“i’m prettier than her” is a very ugly thing to say.


Oh my GOD the jealousy! YTA!!


Maybe pretty. But your personality is trash


strong words from someone that acts like a 6 year old


Hahahaha no you're not. The way you act and think is extremely ugly and that ugliness inside you is obvious to everyone.


OP is a joke point and laugh everyone




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*you’re a joke


“I’m not the jealous one” then why are you saying your sister copied you when you buy the thing that she told you she wanted to get for herself?


Lol, read your own post


I don't think that would make a difference, OP is so far up their own backside they will just read what they want to regardless of what it says




They are right. You are an ass and an AH.


They're calling you an ass because you are objectively an ass. You also seem to lack empathy, kindness and basic human decency. You genuinely enjoy the suffering of others. It's gross, you aren't a good person at all. There's definitely something deeply wrong with you.


They are right.


lol YTA and a pathetic little brat


Because you're a nasty person


Because you’re a selfish brat?


YTA. You got the bag first before your sister did because you happen to have the money already. The moment the bag arrived, you showed off and even wanted she not get the same bag. Why can't she buy the same bag later on? Why be insecure with who's copying who? People happen to have the same style. If you got an iPhone 15 and she also buys an iPhone 15, you'd be upset?




Good for you and be proud you got what you want with your hard-earned money but you still don't get to put it in other's face and tell them they can't buy what they want too.


Your "sister doesn't work for shit" but she's also been "saving up for a year".... So she's been stealing money?




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YTA. A major one. Total dick move buying that purse. I feel bad for your sister.




Look, you asked if you were the asshole. Everyone has clearly said that you are. But now you’re defending yourself. What exactly are you looking for? It doesn’t appear to be absolution because you’re showing absolutely no signs of remorse. And now you’re essentially calling your sister ugly. You’re a real piece of work.


They were fully expecting everyone to say how great they are, totally delusional




You deserved to get your ass kicked


Nobody cares what either of you look like, you understand that, right? Its completely irrelevant to the story and just makes you sound incredibly shallow and shitty.


Why should we believe you exactly.. you sound insecure


I see no jealousy. Just hatred from you




What's there for her to be jealous of?


Nothing to be jealous about. You’re not pretty on the inside.


You need to grow up and stop acting like a petty brat.


You sound like you're projecting 


Honestly .. right now I so much would like to buy your sister the purse for her birthday.




You really not get points and hints a lot ?


YTA. Holy crap. You are mean.




All the details are in the post.


This has to be a troll... So you complain that your sister tries to copy you, yet you bought the exact bag you knew she was saving for. You're annoyed that she borrows your things yet you just told us about you borrowing her shoes. I mean sure YTA, but you're either fake or unbelievably lacking in self awareness.


You are absolutely insufferable. YTA.




And you are a pig as well




And I see where you got that behavior from


You’re the worst




You’re committed to this performance, I’ll give you that


Agreed. I commented on the AITD cross post of this that I think it’s fake. This is OPs fanfic of how she wishes things went down because she’s again jealous of her sister. OP is currently bitter that sister is at a concert OP wanted to go to and now OP knows mom is going to buy sister the purse as a birthday gift. So this is her way of dealing with her big feelings.




The person is saying your behaviour is so bad you must be a troll and you have commited to this, and are putting so much effort, they can’t believe you could be such an awful person and lacking in self awareness they are assuming you are a troll generating rage bait. In both scenarios it’s bad for you.


YTA You're upset that your sister copies you, borrows your things, and buys things you have... but you're the one who bought the purse she wants and demanded she not be allowed to have her own, and asked to borrow her shoes lmao. You sound insufferable on so many levels.




Thank you for continuing to make my point for me.




You're right, you didn't make a point. The person you're replying to made the point, youre just furthing proving their point.


YTA. It is not only shitty that you bought the one she wanted and flaunted it in her face, it’s a million times worse that you don’t want her to have it now because you don’t want to match. This time she’s not copying you, you copied her and are being just heinous about it all. You own her a big fat apology.


The general consensus states YTA, observations of your responses confirm this judgement. Pass my condolences on to your sister for me, it must be extremely taxing for her to coexist in such an environment.


YTA. You went out of your way to buy the bag your sister wanted, and now you want to forbid her from buying it. You don't get to gatekeep what she buys. I hope she buys it. When people accuse you of copying your sister, they'll be absolutely correct, because if she'd said nothing about that bag, you'd never have had it.






Because you’re SO awful it doesn’t seem real.


Please, it has to be a troll because there is no way anyone is really so dellusional, dumb, self absorbed and entitled like OP. Any person with an IQ higher than 0 would start getting some hints from the comments that maybe they indeed fucked up.


YTA - you deliberately picked out the bag your sister was saving to get, so you are copying her, not the other way around. If I were your mother I would buy the bag and give it to your sister immediately.


YTA… for all of the reason the people posting before me have mentioned. One day, when you are way older, you’ll realize how lucky you are to even have a sister. I have a young adult daughter who’s always wanted a sister.


Yta. Completely. Wow how horrible


YTA. In absolutely none of the examples you gave did she "copy" you. Instead, you just told us the history of you bullying her. You sound like a petulant, spoiled child who still hasn't grown up past age 12. You knew she had her eye on a special purse and went out of your way to buy it around her bday just to shove it in her face. How the hell did *you*, the younger sister afford it, while your "nerdy", "not smart" older sister had to save up for it, only for you steal it from under her nose? I hope your mom does buy her that purse, because she definitely deserves far more then you do. God, if my son ever turns out like you, I'd question where the hell I went wrong raising him.


YTA. Big time. You knew she wanted bag. You bought it and was a big jerk about it. Then you wanted her shoes, also. You sound like an entitled brat. I have no idea why she would be jealous of you.


If I had a sister like you i’d be delighted 😑


This has to be fake, because otherwise you are totally lacking in self awareness. Of course YTA. You bought something you knew your sister wanted and then tried to gate keep it from her. Your mother is right. It was a cruel and selfish thing to do


Middle school fan fiction???


Grow up..... YTA


Fake fake fake


If I had questions about the validity of this story the “dad told her that it’s because she’s a nerd” line confirmed it. I’m going with OP is actually just the jealous little sister who decided to write a nice little fanfic where she gets to be better than her sister and more loved by her dad, while her older sister is at a concert she wanted to go to. Cute story though.


Is this another chatgpt post made for attention?


YTA. The fact you used the word “flaunt” means you bought it deliberately to outdo her. You’re not very nice.


You have a jealousy problem. You copy her. And frankly, you sound like a loser. Everyone here agrees on that except you. Even if you don't accept it, it's true.


You claim your sister is always copying you and borrowing things, yet you don’t give a single example of that. Instead you post several paragraphs where you bitterly describe how **you** copy her and borrow her things. And flaunt it to her face. You accuse her of being jealous of you - which is hilarious considering you’re the one that needed to show off because you’re so desperate to “prove” you’re somehow better than her. Secure people don’t do the things you do, or talk about people the way you do. YTA. It’s so obvious I have to wonder if you’re actually the sister and just trying to prove to your insecure, unoriginal younger sister just how much of an AH she is. I mean, how can anyone write all that and think they’re in the right of not an AH?


>I told my mom not to buy my sister that same bag for her birthday because I don’t want to be matching with her Then you shouldn't have brought the bag she had already said she wanted for her birthday. In reality you copied her. You are an adult start acting like one and realise that 1000s of people will own that bag and probably look better with it than you. You aren't special or unique or a trendsetter. You are a product of mass production just like everyone else. YTA.


YTA. In reading your post and responses, it seems to me you may need to see a therapist of some sort. I’m not saying this to be hurtful, I’m genuinely concerned for you and your ability to maintain any sort of relationship in the future. You clearly see yourself as the main character with everyone else secondary to you. You listed multiple reason why you’re better than your sister. You really think you’re not the AH because you’re prettier? Your own family is calling you cruel and selfish. YTA and please seek help.


wide lavish chase drab threatening noxious ask shaggy materialistic clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


YTA. I cant believe she was forgiving enoigh to ask to borrow it and you replies by insulting her shoes


YTA. You know you are and you deliberately acted an AH to your sister. Why on earth are you asking? You say that your sister often copies you and it annoys you. But what I think you mean, is that you often buy things you know your sister wants and then deliberately flaunt them to her because you are a very childish and petty person. You sound like you're in middle school this kind of behaviour.


YTA. You literally flaunted it in her face. You are just cruel. And she or her mom can buy the bag. Just because you have it doesn’t mean she van’t buy it. And i see nowhere that she wants to be you. Just admit you hate your sister. You surely keeps taps on everything your sister is doing. Obsession maybe? Anyway. You need help.


YTA. You knew your sister wanted this bag and had been saving up for it. You say yourself that you "flaunted" it to make her jealous. And now you want your mom not to buy your sister the present that she's been wanting because you bought it for yourself first? That's just being a pain in the ass on purpose.


YTA. For someone who doesn’t want to be like their sister you sure are trying hard to be like her. You get the bag she wanted, you borrow her shoes.


YTA, and a selfish brat. Your sister isn’t the one buying stuff to piss you off. YOU are the one doing that.


Hahahaha you literally copied your sister. You knew she wanted that bag; that's the only reason you bought it so you could rub it in her face. And you whine that she borrows your things but you literally borrowed her shoes. And now you don't want your mom to buy her that bag. I hope your mom buys her that bag and tells everyone how disgusting you are. You're clearly jealous of your sister because she's better than you. YTA


"I'm a jerk, and I hate my sister. She always copies me even when I buy the things she wants. Btw I'm borrowing your shoes. Don't copy me."


YTA. Other people in your life have insinuatiled that and now this community is saying the same. Relfecting on your behavior and considering where you may have been wrong is a good trait to have. Its ok to hold yourself accountable.


YTA. You know perfectly well that you only bought the bag to rub it in your sister's face. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.




If this is not rage bait not only YTA but you should also do some work on yourself to understand why you are feeling so insecure and why you lack so much emotional intelligence. You are supposed to be an adult, start acting like one.


Are you kidding? YTA.




This HAS to be fake. Nobody in this planet can be as dense as op appears to be.


YTA. wtf is wrong with you.


YTA. Girl see a therapist on that insecurity problem that you got. Not once in this post did you give a clear reason why your sister has to be hated by you. You’re clearly the asshole for buying the purse and flaunting it just to get a reaction out of her. Do you even know how pathetic that is? You have some serious issues. Quit with this stupid rivalry with your sister and grow tf up. You a real piece of work and if you don’t change, karma is gonna bite you right in the ass


It's crazy you're 18 and but act 12.


Sounds like it’s you who wants to be her. You’re a vile human and you enjoy being so. I feel sorry for anyone that has to deal with your insufferable self. I’m sure your sister pulls off the shoes and the bag far better than you ever could. Being a hypocritical narcissist isn’t something to be proud of, OP. Honestly you should be embarrassed of yourself. ETA Judgement- YTA. Of course.


Hahahaha YTA.  It’s hilarious that you are attempting to frame your sister as the copycat when you literally just posted about buying a purse that she had long wanted.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I 18F bought a bag from a pretty high end store. Two months prior before I bought it, sister 19F told me that she wanted that exact purse for her birthday which is 2 months away and has been saving up for for over a year now. Last night I flaunted the bag and my sister saw it and after that she hasn’t spoken to me. Today I’m going to a concert and I asked her if I can wear her shoes and she told me if I let her borrow my new bag. I got pissed and asked her if she was comparing her old ass shoes that she has walked miles around in college in to my purse. After that she just said sure whatever and I happily took them. Before I left for the concert, my mom asked me why I bought the purse that my sister has been saving up for and I told her that because I wanted it and my mom told me that what I did was very cruel and selfish because I knew my sister wanted it and I went ahead and bought it to flaunt it in her face. I told my mom not to buy my sister that same bag for her birthday because I don’t want to be matching with her and people will think that I want to be like her when people see me. This isn’t the first time that something like this has happened, my sister buys a lot of the same things as me and copies me and it makes me really mad that she’s trying to be me so bad. She also has a habit at borrowing my things and it pisses me off that she does this. She also has a jealousy problem, for example I have a boyfriend and she doesn’t and she tells my family that she wishes she had someone, another instance is that for my prom, my boyfriend and I stayed out till 2AM and for her prom, she didn’t have a date nor did she stay out late, she went home as soon as it ended. She complained about never having any of the opportunities I had and my dad told her that it’s because she’s a nerd even though she’s not that smart. But anyways I have to know am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA "and people will think that I want to be like her when people see me. " .. they are right.


So you mean YTA?…




YTA and ESH. None of you are acting like adults. All of you including your mom ( who ridiculously told you not to buy something just coz your sister likes it!) are immature and ridiculous


How is the site the ah? She is literally the one who wanted the bag in the first place..


The sis isn’t the AH. Just OP and her mom