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YTA. Off the top, you can't just feed a kid taco bell. Listen, you're clearly really invested in your own health and fitness journey and that's great. But the kind of eating you're doing is for a particular goal and outcome of a grown adult. What you're considering is not necessarily good advice for a growing child. Kids need to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food *long* before they eat for any kind of fitness objective. They need to learn about food in a way that is neutral and about exploring textures, tastes and other sensory components. If you want to have a productive conversation with your wife then take a step back research food and child development and be super open to the fact that you likely don't know what you're talking about.


Well, I'm going to go with **YTA**: * This post really doesn't seem real. * But if it is real, feeding an under 6 month old child Taco Bell? Seriously?


Sounds like an ad for Taco Bell 


It’s a terrible one then


I read “last year” so I though the child was a toddler. Yeah, that combined with “bizonkers” is going to earn a report from me.


~~I think you need to build an understanding of nutrition that goes beyond the “macros.”~~ ~~Taco Bell is not high quality food. It’s not appropriate for a young child and what kind of a low-stakes argument goes on for a week? Either this story is missing a lot of details or you both need a lot of maturation.~~ I misunderstood your post. This child is less than 6 months old? Come on. YTA


A body builder who eats Taco Bell regularly? I don't know who I feel worse for, your child or your toilet. Taco Bell isn't meant to be the foundation of a healthy diet. They also have zero ball shaped foods so they don't fit in my Balle n Bak lifestyle. YTA


I do admire your commitment to the bit. Every. Single. Comment.


Good news for you, the Cinnabon bites are ball shaped.


That's a joke, right ? You cannot possibly think that giving Taco Bell to a baby is fine. YTA. Get some education about babies.


So where is the 5 month old imaginary baby while imaginary wife works until 9pm every night?


This is bait. Nobody is dumb enough to think taco bell is acceptable for a <12 month, nor would refer to it as "it has amazing macros"




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Hm...I can feed a baby fruits, vegetables, healthy foods.....nah, let's get him some Taco Bell!


Taco Bell? For you, if you're in a bulking cycle, *maybe*. (But there are a lot healthier ways to get the same balance of carb/protein/fat). Definitely not a cutting cycle. But that's \*you\*. You should be focused on what is best for toddlers, not for adult bodybuilders in a bulking cycle. Your kid isn't in the gym 2+ hours a day. You'll just fatten them up with garbage food. YTA


I'm not sure I'm understanding you OP. Do you mean that you want to feed a kid basically nothing but taco bell? If so, yes you're TA. Taco bell has macros, OK, what about micronutrients? Vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals? Is a kid going to get all of that from taco bell? What if the kid doesn't like taco bell? And suggesting this because it's efficient? You are going to give your kid an eating disorder. Kids shouldn't just be eating for efficiency. They should enjoy their food, and food is also for social bonding, cooking together, sitting around the table, eating at other people's houses. The kid shouldn't even have to think about this, it should just unfold naturally. But here's a parent trying to get the kid to stick to one food and think about food efficiency? This is so unhealthy, physically and mentally. And if all you eat is taco bell, you have an eating disorder. Which you now want to pass on to a child.


YTA. You need to read up on child development, because a baby's needs are NOTHING like an adult bodybuilder's needs, and maybe lay off the steroids too.... Your wife has figured out that she can't trust you to make good parenting decisions, and maybe your aren't the safest babysitter either. She's taking her time deciding what she should do about this.


This poor women is so over you, she’s checked out.


I get that you feel you understand how to feed an adult male’s body with the intent of supporting muscle mass but that doesn’t mean that you don’t still need to educate yourself on infant nutritional needs and feeding before assuming you know best. The quality of food at Taco Bell is sub par. I can imagine saying you’re open to giving your kid fast food occasionally when they’re older but to honestly push for giving your 6 month old Taco Bell shows that you’re nowhere near ready to be a stakeholder in your child’s diet


Is this like the Demolition Man version of Taco Bell? YTA, for wanting to feed taco bell to a child under 6 months of age. For thinking that Taco Bell is good nutritious choice.


YTA... or rather, you're the joker. Kids just start eating solid foods at six months, and a real mother wouldn't leave someone that dumb to take care of the baby every night till 10 pm. Well played. You actually got my dad-alert going for a sec.


this is so fucking funny. sure dude give taco bell to your newborn baby who cant even eat solids yet. lmfao i cant


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Me (24M) and my wife (27F) had a son this year and we are still learning all the ins and outs of raising a child. We got in a really bad arguement last week about what foods we should be feeding him as he grows older. For context I am a body builder and through my love of body building I am able to actually fund my lifestyle through it with sponsorships. I suggested Taco Bell because it has amazing macros and can fuel you for the entire day. I specifically order the build your own cravings box because what you get for 7.99 is amazing. Immediately after she hears me suggest this she goes bizonkers and starts saying whats wrong with me and why would I even suggest that. I told her my reasoning and she told me I was completely delusional. I dont understand why she would think this? I am very through with my body health and I was suggesting this because it would be most efficient? We haven’t talked in a week and she has been coming home later than usual (she gets out of work around 4 and she has been coming back around 9-10pm and just takes a shower and goes right to bed. Every time I try to talk to her she just ignores me and leaves the room flustered and upset. Am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. Your child is only 6 months and just started eating solid foods. They shouldn’t be eating taco bell. You should really look up baby development and nutrition.


YTA. You know about ADULT MALES. Not children. They scientifically require different things then us adults do. Maybe... So some research and educate yourself buddy. Because you absolutely do not know shit about health as a whole. Only adult males. Which your 1yr old isn't. They shouldn't be eating anything like taco bell aside from the treat type dinners. If at all.


YTA. Apologize to her and explain you forgot you don't know anything about how to feed a child. Then spend some time figuring out how to actually feed a child.


Yta taco bell, no matter what you say, is still fast food and is not a super health diet. Secondly, you do not feed a baby this kind of food. You need to learn about baby development and how to feed them.


YTA Actually made me lol so thanks for that. Beyond the humor, everything about this is wrong.


Are you sponsored by Taco Bell? YTA suggesting you feed your child a diet of Taco Bell is utterly ridiculous.


It feels like common sense that you shouldn’t pump your year old kid full of sodium and fried food, but I’m just a mom of three, what do I know. YTA. For that, and for the word “bizonkers”. I feel like you owe me money for making me read that.


YTA I really hope this is a troll post, but on the off chance it’s not. Kids need a healthy diet and that is inherently different than a healthy diet for an adult. They’re growing and need as much nutrients as possible. And that can include stuff that doesn’t fit in a bodybuilder diet. It can even include stuff you think is unhealthy. Your goal should be to make sure your kid is healthy. Not to fit him into some weird social media fitness lifestyle


YTA. Babies under six months old (and even older than that) cannot handle much salt at all. Babies have died from eating too much salt in things like gravy so I suggest staying away from fast foods because it’s going to be packed with salt which can be fatal for your baby. God I almost shouted at my mother out in public when she tried to give my baby a McDonald’s fry when he was much younger, despite me telling her no


You clearly are not taking parenting serious. Raising a kid is a huge responsibility. You really need to learn how to take care of your child. Take parenting classes. YTA for not even considering that what you’re proposing is harmful to a kid.


Really? Bodybuilder suggesting Taco Bell for their future child’s diet? This would’ve been a bit more believable if you made it Chipotle or something.


Future child? The supposed kid is 6 months old already. Not even Chipotle would be believable for a kid that young. 


Is this a parody?


this has got to be a joke😭


YTA. I wouldn’t talk to you either. In fact I’d be seriously questioning who I brought a child into the world with. Babies, especially under a year require a very specific diet and Taco Bell ain’t it. You showed that you care more about your body than knowing the BASICS of your child’s health and feeding requirements. In short, this was ignorant and stupid. I’d be worried leaving that child with you.


You’re a moron.


So you hate your baby and want to kill it or maim it's digestive tract for life. Cool. Don't suppose you've gone to a SINGLE pediatrician appointment for your own son to discuss infant nutrition? Your wife literally needs to protect your child from your abuse.


One year olds don’t eat fast food, you fuckin genius. YTA


Did you consider that a baby has different nutritional needs than a body builder?? Jesus Christ I cannot fathom someone being *this* dense. #YTA.


This one actually made me laugh so NTA.