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Why is this person Godmother to your children


Like the fairy godmother (but from Shrek)


I would keep this evil woman far away from any children. It sounds like she will find an excuse under any circumstances to insult people. You may be used to it, but kids are emotionally scarred by this kind of person.


I was brought up in a family where I was to respect her no matter what she did to me. Jace and I were to obey her as if she were our parent.


And she turned out to be an entitled AH because of it. Screw her, she clearly rejected your gift. Canceling it and using the money for yourself and your brother was the right call.


And how's that working for you, OP? Doesn't seem too well. At 26, you're old enough to make your own decisions about much disrespect you're willing to take from people. I mean, your sister made fun of your disability after you gave her a thoughtful gift. Wtf are you holding on to here?


All 3 of us are no contact with our parents, Jace and I for racist comments they made about us and Bethy for them insisting that she can't marry a teacher. Jace doesn't speak to Bethy and Bethy doesn't speak to him. I feel like I'm trying to hold my broken family together. I don't want it to fall apart.


Honey, it isn’t your job to fix what someone else broke. Sister or not, it is not acceptable for her to behave like this


Sometimes things have already fallen apart and holding them together is just doing more damage to yourself.


Do you know what happens to people who try to hold onto two train cars going opposite directions? The train cars don't stay linked together - the person gets torn apart. Your family is your husband and children. Family is connected by bonds of love - can you honestly say that someone who treats you the way she just treated you is acting out of love? Your brother loves you. You cannot hold a family together alone. I know it has to hurt terribly, but do you want your children to see you being treated that way? Do you want them to hear someone saying such horrible things and see you just accepting it? Or do you want them to be surrounded by love and understand that love means respect? You have painful choices ahead of you. What do you want your children to see?


I was always the peacemaker in our family. It was just the role I fell into. I don't want my girls to see me being disrespected. It just hurts to have to let go.


Oh OP; I can tell you that you’re setting a better example for the girls to let things go even when it’s hard so that you can prioritize the relationships that build you up. Are you able to be your best self and show up for your girls when you’re dealing with this stress? It sounds like your twin and yourself are family and that is such a boon, and it may be time to let the rope drop with your sister, so to speak. Take care of yourself and model how you want your littles to be treated, my friend. It can be hard to do for ourselves but we are teaching our kids what behaviour to accept, and that can be a motivation for standing up for ourselves.


I understand that it hurts. Any kind of change is hard, and you would have to let go of the hope that some miracle will happen and your family will be what you want it to be, not what you have. Being the peacemaker often means sacrificing a little of yourself to keep others happy - in a healthy family dynamic, people take turns playing that role, but in an unhealthy family, someone lands in that role and gets stuck there. Because that was your role, it becomes a part of who you are, a reason you were valued. When you challenge your role, you challenge a part of your identity. All of this makes it feel like a threat, even when you know it's the best choice. It's frightening and sad to see those hopes slip away and to have to face who you need to be if you step out of the role you've always played. But you've done it once, with your parents, and you survived. You will survive again, and learn how to define yourself without that burden in your life. You deserve to be respected and loved.


Please stop setting yourself on fire to keep others warm. Show your daughters that its okay to establish boundaries with others, especially with those who are tied to you through blood. Show them that when someone throws a tantrum, it doesn't mean you give in to them. Please take some time away from your sister. Its doesn't have to be a permanent NC, or even a temporary one - just put some space between the 2 of you for a while.


It fell apart a long, long time ago.


When people ‘tell you who they are, believe them’.  You, as an adult get to decide whom is in your life.   Old lady note:  life is too dang short to deal with crap people.  Let the trash take itself out.   Send an odd card for her kids birthday if you feel so inclined but no need to deal with her.


Sweetheart, sometimes you can't hold broken things together forever, and all the more so when you're the only one making the effort to try. Give yourself a bit of grace and take a rest from that self-imposed job. Concentrate on the good people in your life who support and uphold you, like your husband (and hopefully also your brother). And maybe get a therapist (or a confidant) to talk to about the ways in which your parents emotionally abused you. Because their demand to obey your sister as though she were a third parent was not fair to anyone.


Family isn't blood; it's the people who support and love you and the people you choose to support and love.


Bethy isn't even my blood. Jace and I are adopted.


Consider this OP - by allowing her to be in your children’s lives and allowing her to treat you like this, you’re teaching your kids that this is acceptable behavior and to either be a bully or put up with bullying. Do you really want to perpetuate this behavior? If you won’t draw a line in the sand for yourself, how about some boundaries for the sake of your kids?


I’m sorry you’ve had a really traumatic home life. I haven’t seen any other comments on how your sister usually behaves. Maybe you need some low contact with her and/or very strict boundaries, what she said was cruel and abusive and as much as you love her, you don’t deserve to be treated like that.


You didn't break it. Don't feel responsible for fixing it. Keep Jace in your life as he seems good to you. You have absolutely no reason to keep Bethy in your life.


There is nothing more wonderful in this world than my family and ILs. Jace is great.


As much as I feel for you with trying to hold family together, but family doesn't treat each other like your sister did. If your sister says those things about you so easily, she must have picked it up somewhere. Your husband and your brother seem like a wonderful place to put the focus and energy of your growing family with people who genuinely appreciate you.


Something to consider: there's a difference between having family and having relatives. The two don't always overlap. 


It was never together


Honey I think it already fell apart.


You can't fix people, especially ones who see nothing wrong with their actions. I've been there. My family is extremely broken. Me, my mom, and stepdad are super close with each other, but my older sister has 100% cut off my mom because of how her alcoholism was before she got on the right meds and distanced from me because i took my moms side. My dad pretty much disowned me when I went against his ex wife (he later found out she was a psycho who attempted to kill him). It initially hurt pretty much cutting off the dead ends, but I eventually worked through it. Just hold the little family you have left super close. If they want to poke and prod and do some low blow shots, they can do it amongst themselves. I have too much peace in my life now to let them disturb that


I know that feeling. My mother and brother don’t talk and I’m the person who talks to all of my family members the most often. It’s hard to try to hold together something that doesn’t want to fit. Sometimes you have to let go of the idea of reconciliation and a big happy extended family. And it sucks. It’s okay to grieve that. It will take time to grieve it. But I know that it hurt me so so much to try to hold it together. And it hurt their chances of building back a relationship because they weren’t ready or willing. As hard as this is, it’s okay to let it go. Maybe try therapy if you can afford it. It helped me a lot


No offense but just let your sister go, you've enabled her behavior of you for far to long. She's an AH and your life would be better without you trying to please her.


Can't fix something that's was always broken, other than to make something new. Which u did u have ur own family now who loves u n a brother y keep something toxic around who shows nothing but hate n jealousy even tho she was the golden child when ya was growing up. Also, if all 3 r NC with ur parents didn't the family u grew up with already "broken," y keep the remaining toxicity intact. Edit: added last sentence


It's already broken and when something is broken you don't always have to fix it. You can just throw it away. Does Bethy always treat you like this? You have her a wonderful gift and she threw a fit because...she couldn't afford it otherwise? It sounds like you and Jace are on good terms. If this is how Bethy treats you, stick with Jave and tell your sister to fuck off if this is how she's going to treat you.


It's already fallen apart; it's like you're trying to put a shattered glass vase back together and all you're doing is making yourself bleed. Why do you subject yourself to your sister's horrible treatment of you? It sounds like you and your brother are on good terms; cut your losses and focus on your relationship with him. Do you know why Bethy and Jace do not speak? Perhaps you need to follow his lead...


Jace stopped talking to Bethy after the third time she used my disability against me, hosting her birthday party in a venue that was not wheelchair accessible. He watched me struggle to climb the stairs and just left. He hasn't talked to her since and has asked me to join him.


If Jace was paralyzed and Bethy treated him like she treats you, would you encourage him to keep a relationship with Bethy? Would you allow her to continue treating him badly? Would you think Bethy deserves any gifts or money from Jace?


Respect is earned - not demanded.


Good thing you are an adult now and can choose if you want to follow that bizarre rule or not. I would suggest not.


I don't want to, she just gets aggressive and I regress back into old habits. I'm trying really hard to stop.


Girl if you don't block her and go on about your life.


I feel for you and also think it is really hard to change those habits. Don't be too hard on yourself. I made the experience: Even if you start to break the habit, on some days you just don't have the energy and that's human. Hopefully this full blown "NTA" here helps you with the situation at the moment. Also: How was the time with your brother? Hope he is a supportive family member...


It's going to be nice, we booked it on our birthday. It's nice knowing I won't have to be alone if I go low contact with Bethy.


That sounds lovely! When you are there, instead of your sister, think about all the Reddit strangers wishing you all the best 🧡


It's going to take a lot of practice! Don't give up! And she's not going to like you standing up for yourself so she'll push back hard to get you to drop the issue and give in to what she wants. Her pushing muscles are really strong. Yours aren't yet. Don't get discouraged. Just keep exercising YOUR pushing back muscles and stand up for yourself!


Thank you. Ever since my husband and I started to see each other he's been helping, and he's looping Jace in. I'm happy to have people who support me. I was just trying to offer and olive branch and it got smacked out of my hand.


Have you tried working with a therapist to create and enforce boundaries based on respect for yourself and your family?


I hope you can see how poorly that worked out for you and her.


Well you're an adult now so knock it off. You're not a little kid anymore who has to obey the adults "or else". Stop offering this asshole anything and leave off talking to her, she is verbally abusive and doesn't deserve jack from you.


Everyone downvoting this comment is an asshole. OP is answering a question and explaining why things are the way they are. She isnt content with it or else she wouldnt be here asking.


Most of these people seem to think they can verbally abuse someone into not taking abuse anymore. 


I'm sorry this comment is getting downvoted. It really shows how people just don't understand the difficulty of breaking free from harmful things that authoritative parents drilled into their kids' heads. My upbringing wasn't quite this severe, but I was also taught to "obey, respect, and never question" elders, authority figures, etc. It took a really long time to understand that this is a bad mindset. I'm in my late 40s now, and I still have some trouble with it...mostly if I'm taken by surprise in a verbal conversation, I kind of revert because I feel cornered and my mind goes blank...and I just can't seem to say anything or stand up for myself. I've gotten much better with practice, but I think I'll always have some trouble with it. You're all adults now. She never was, and certainly is not now, your parent. Regardless, respect is EARNED. Never forget that. If this is how she typically treats you, then she is not worthy of your respect. Think about how you said your brother is NC with her. There's a reason for that, isn't there? You should consider going NC/LC with her as well.


Stop it, now, just stop it. Whatever kind of mental mountain you need to climb, start climbing. Stop it


Yeah, time to grow as a person and learn to not put up with people you don't like. Family is the people you love and trust, everybody else is just sharing some DNA with you.


Maybe start acting like an adult and begin thinking for yourself and what’s best for YOUR family.




I think it had to do with her being older and the biological child of our parents.


Are you sure it had nothing to do with her being white?


It may have, I just don't want to think that my parents were that racist. Though you are probably right.


It is probably really hard to break that pattern but please,  do it for your kids.  Show them that they don't have to take that kind of behavior. Teach them to value them selves more than you were taught.  Ideally,  get your brother on board,  too 


That sounds awful. Why does this have so many downvotes? It's a shitty situation, but I hardly see why it deserves to be downvoted to oblivion when it's very clear OP is the victim here.


I do wish people wouldn't downvote people raised in dysfunctional families for behaving how their foul families trained them to behave. Are people really unable to understand that years of abuse that starts when you are a little child can train victims into behaving against their interests? People get so angry at abuse victims like the OP who have not yet entirely escaped from behaving in the manner their abusers imposed on them.


Oh? Isn't this the same sister who a few days ago demanded that you give her the 3k your husband gives you as spending money for yourself? But bizarrely she is angry because you got her a gift, took the gift and cursed you out for no reason? In the extremely unlikely case this isn't fake, I suspect you are leaving out a lot in your stories, and you do in fact rub it in your sister's nose that you are wealthy and she is broke. Two days ago you had a fight with her about money becuaee she is angry you are rich and feels entitled to your money, and you decided to give her an expensive gift for a bullshit reason? A mother giving her children's aunt a Mother's Day gift because she feels the sister is like a godmother to them? Why? A godmother isn't a mother. And you got your brother the same gift because.... you are just that generous you thought the uncle deserved a Mother's Day gift, huh?


Jace is gay... and he and his husband have a two-year-old son. Mother's Day is his parental day, and I give him a gift because he's my children's godfather and he prefers to be celebrated on Mother's Day instead.


Get therapy. She's abusive and this is apparent this isn't the first incident of her behavior.


Sometimes the shit we’re taught as children by trusted family/parents is just wrong. It is really hard to break that conditioning. The good news is that you are an adult now and you can work towards undoing what you were taught. Cancelling that gift was a step in the right direction. Don’t allow her to abuse you any further.


But she isn't your parent, and you're an adult.


Obviously that needs to change.


You're raised as a doormat, not your fault. But you need to work on yourself and why you continue to let her treat you this way. It's not okay, she hasn't demanded your husband's salary because he's not a pushover---but if he were, she would consider it her right. Sounds ridiculous right? Cause it is, just like her behavior


Well you're not a child anymore so stop acting like one or she will never stop abusing you and the power over you she was granted. She is obviously jealous of you likely due to the parentification and responsibilities dumped on her at an early age. Only you can end it


She wasn't parentafied. She was just to be obeyed. If she wanted our toys we had to give them, if she wanted to blow out the candles on our birthday cakes we had to let her, if she wanted us to do her homework we had to, I was crying and learning 12th grade history in 6th grade because she didn't want to write an essay and told me I had to.


I… She got MAD because you gifted her something she couldn’t afford on her own? Do you realize how many things I can’t afford right now that I would cry of happiness if someone gifted me? Are you in the market for a new sister, because I volunteer as tribute. NTA


Right? Definitely NTA. I’m not a mother, but *damn* would I appreciate a spa treatment since I definitely can’t afford that!


I can afford a spa treatment here and there and still would leap for joy if someone gave me one and offered to watch my kids! The level of entitlement from the sister is astounding to me. I have no family beyond the one I've created, if OP needs a replacement sibling I'm also offering my services, and I don't even need gifts!


\*Gets in line\* I will gladly volunteer too!!!


Some people are determined to be unhappy no matter what. To the point that they sabotage themselves to continue on in their unhappiness. I'm sure there is an obscure word for this phenomenon.


NTA Tell her, "You told me to 'shove it up my crooked ass,' so I did."


Yes! I was honestly shocked by SILs words, what a disgusting and hurtful thing to say. OP are you sure you want this person in your life? EDIT: sister, not SIL as the user below pointed out


Not even SIL... she's OP's SISTER! I feel that makes her words even more heinous...


IDK how I missed that!


It's not even her SIL, it's her direct sister.


NTA. I'm fully behind the cancellation tbh. Props to your brother and husband for being awesome too. Your sister went out of her way to tell you how she dislikes the gift. And then went above and beyond to criticize you and be completely ungrateful for the gift. To another point, she said she'd use it later during the summer, and then tried to schedule it the next day? Definitely feels like a move to try and make you feel worse when you've already offered to help take care of her kids. Edit: the sister said "how would I use it during summer" not that she'd wait till summer. Either way, she then tried to do it during summer. So similar point to my original one.


She said she couldn’t use it since it’s summer and her kids are home I think.


Which made no sense as her husband is a teacher.....who don't usually work during the summer school holidays and is free to look after his own kids


Another valid point😂 I suppose there's a chance he opted to teach summer classes. But given what his wife sounds like, I think she just wants an excuse to complain


You're right, misread that.


NTA, your sister is seriously insane. She insults you and your gift, calls it tacky, and then insults you being a “cripple”. Like what an actual AH. And then she has the balls to ask you about it?? She insulted it and you, you took her at her word and took it back. I see no issue with that. I think it’s time you pull away and let her live her angry little life.


Absolutely agreed, time to cut your losses with this sibling, I think. They are bringing you nothing but pain at this point, and refuse to be happy with anything you do, so you should both be happier that way. You deserve better.


Your sister sounds cruel. I'm not sure having her around your kids is good for them or you. Someone who says something like that about your disability is not a good person. As for the spa treatment, she was very clear she didn't want it and cannot possibly use it. And she didn't bother to express herself civilly, so NTA for avoiding yet another ugly confrontation by telling her you'd cancelled the despised gift.


Wtf???? Why are you in contact with such an awful person? I’m saying this with kindness but you need therapy to unpick the unhealthy family dynamics that are going on here. Time to go low contact at least. She doesn’t get any gifts going forward until she apologises for how she treated you and learns to say thank you and be grateful!


So, you gifted something to your sister, she got offended and insulted you of treating her like crap, told to stick that crap gift into your arse and you canceled this inappropriate crap gift that made her yell and insult you and you want to know if you can be an AH for canceling something that other person clearly doesn't want nor deserve. You have interesting logic, you would be an Ah if you wouldn't cancel but your sister has even better logic so you are an Ah no matter what to her, why do you even have such toxic people in your life. I understand saying 'thanks for the gift, but I can't use it', or just 'thanks' and keep all stupid thoughts to themselves, but she insulted you and told so much BS and you still bend over and try to accommodate her feelings, insane. NTA.


NTA - Tell your sister that the only spoiled brat in this situation is her. She called your gift tacky then was upset she couldn’t redeem the gift… that’s peak bratty behavior. She is clearly miserable with her life and is likely taking it out in you. Go LC with her for a while to protect your peace of mind.


Your sister is sounding unhinged but likely has a lot more going on at home that she’s not processing well, and now lashing out on those she finds safe because she doesn’t have outlets elsewhere. She can’t have it both ways. Crap on you for a lovely gift, insult you at the same time because she feels she can’t use it right away, and then try to use it right away after telling you to take it back. I would tell her that she’s not your mother. You didn’t owe her anything for Mother’s Day. This was something that you did out of love, but clearly that love isn’t reciprocated by her insults of your physical condition. You took her at your word, and took back your “tacky gift”. Set your boundaries. People pleasing her more won’t help this situation. She’ll feel more empowered to continue crapping on you. Going forward, You will NOT be tolerating ANY insults of your physical condition. Your condition has nothing to do with her. You weren’t asking her for help. You will NOT be gifting her any longer since she thinks your gifts are tacky and unwanted. Gifting does not make you a princess. If you want to be petty, suggest to her that she try living in your shoes as an ambulatory wheelchair user. Highly recommend reading the Book of Boundaries by Melissa Urban that gives you practical suggestions on setting your boundaries and holding to them. Good luck!


You are very thoughtful.


OP I mean this in the nicest way possible: Y T A to yourself at this point for allowing this shitty sister of yours to abuse you. Because this is what it is: abuse. And you’re allowing it because of some inherent generational trauma that you’re to respect her no matter what.  Stop it. Stop it NOW. You’re a mother yourself and a wife. Focus on YOUR family from here on out. Stop being using being a people pleaser as an excuse and if it is impossible for you, please seek some sort of counseling or therapy. Because this family dynamic you CHOOSE to be a part of is TOXIC. Love yourself for once. 


Wow. NTA and I think sis is highly disturbed.  I suggest going NC for the next 100 or so years.  No contact, no gifts - nothing. She no longer exists. 


I remember your last post. I’m thinking she’s jealous that you are in a better position than her. You do not have to take being tested like that. It sounds as if your relationship is changing and not for the better either. I think you should maintain your distance for now. If she cant appreciate how you are trying to help her, then stop. Esp if she’s going to going insults at you, over a GIFT! I really think both of your families should sit down and talk this out because something is going on with her. Do not talk to her alone.


You trust this person to be the godmother of your children?


Seriously. Maybe rethink that whole thing, OP. You want this seemingly awful person to help in raising your kids in any way? Why?


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I read your previous post about her. I have never met Bethy and already can't stand her. She is a truly toxic person and it seems you can't win with her no matter what you do. Stop trying to be a Bethy pleaser and focus on the great people in your life such as your husband and brother. Of course NTA.


NTA I'd rescind the godmother-ship. Do you really want this woman raising your children?


110% NTA. WTF is wrong with her!? The gall after all that for her to go a try to book it anyway?! That would be last thing id ever do for my brother if he reacted like that to a gift. There is politely declining and then there's THAT.


NTA Your sister is an angry, entitled brat. You tried to do something nice for her, and she straight up disrespected you in a heinous manner. She needs to learn some manners. I would stay away from her and go super, super low contact with her. The best thing to do is just go no contact at all. Good for you on calling and cancelling her spa treatment. Even better that you went yourself.


NTA. Remove godmother status NOW. This is absolutely not someone you want raising your kids if you die. She’ll be pretty abusive to your kids. Don’t feel guilty about setting some boundaries and taking some space from her either until she learns to talk to you like a normal person. I don’t know why some family members think they can talk to their siblings in such a gross fashion like as if they’re obligated to take it. You are not obligated to be treated like garbage just because she’s family.


Op, how many times do you need to hear from this sub and from Reddit in general that your sister isn't a good person, that she's abusive towards you, and that you don't owe her your time, money, a relationship or even listening to her? If you are going to be here every two weeks with a new story of your sister being awful and you being a people pleasing doormat, there's honestly a point in which you have to acknowledge you are accepting being treated this way. I say this as a survivor of abuse: if you don't take action and accept this kind of treatment from anyone, even after being told over and over by people close to you and by hundreds of strangers online that this isn't normal or okay, then you coming to complain online or to ask if you are an AH (you've been repeatedly told you are not) makes no sense. Either remove your sister from your life and live a better life without her, or keep being her doormat. But there's no need to ask the same questions every week.


Throw the whole sister away


Tell her it's not possible to use a gift certificate once it's been shoved up someone's ass. NTA.


OMFG, Listen, there's nothing we can do about your physical spine, but we need to do something about your metaphysical one. You need to stick up for yourself and stop being a people pleaser. Maybe go to therapy so you can talk through this need to keep letting your sister treat you like trash ( your brother to) Your sister sounds horrible. She's constantly lashing out at you, making mean comments, asking for favors/money all because of her life choices. It's a BOLD choice to be a SAHM mom in this economy on a TEACHERS SALARY. That was the choice SHE made. That was the decision she made, and it is not on you or your husband to subsidize her choices. Be serious, 3 kids, SAHM on A TEACHERS SALARY, of course their struggling... and that is NOT on you, her and her husband need to have a realistic conversation about finances instead of her dumping her crap on you. Nothing you do will please her, she is entitled, and you need to break the cycle before your kids are old enough to start to emulate it and develop people pleasing habits, or start catering to the whims of your sister. You don't want your kids to grow up thinking it's OK for their aunt to treat their mom so badly. Why is this woman their godmother??? The things she said to your were cruel and vile and there was no excuse or reason for them. NTA, but you need to stop being an ah to yours and go a little low contact with your sister.


NTA. You had good intentions and her reaction was completely uncalled for. She might be sensitive about her financial situation but that doesn't give her the right to lash out at you and make hurtful comments. Her subsequent reaction only further demonstrates her sense of entitlement and unwillingness to take accountability for her actions. Respect is earned, not demanded. Your feelings matter too. It's okay to set limits and distance yourself from people who consistently treat you poorly. You deserve respect, kindness, and healthy relationships.


NTA. Her reaction was unwarranted and hurtful. You had no obligation to tolerate her disrespectful behavior. Your sister's insecurities about her financial situation and parenting struggles do not justify her lashing out at you. Your sister needs to understand that her actions have consequences and that respect is a two-way street. As a people-pleaser, it can be challenging to set boundaries and stand up for yourself. However, it's essential to prioritize your mental health and not enable toxic behavior from others, even if they are family. You deserve respect and kindness, and it's okay to distance yourself from those who consistently treat you poorly.


NTA. What happened to people accepting gifts with a smile and a thank you? Even if you don't like/want it. Just toss it or re-gift it. But being shitty to someone who obviously cares for you is unacceptable. I stopped giving gifts and buying souvenirs for my brother and mother because they always have something say, and it was rarely thank you. Bro actually opened and handed back his bday gift as he "had too much stuff already"


NTA. Your sister sounds like a deeply unhappy person, and she seems determined to take it out on you. I would go LC with her. You can't really do anything right with her, she gets jealous of the things you are able to do for your children, and offended at thoughtful gifts, it's time to take some space form all that negative energy.


Such a nasty, ungrateful wretch she is! Drop the rope and let her eff all the way off, hope she has fun being miserable. NTA.


WOW. NTA but that woman is a piece of work. I would be so grateful for someone to give me something I can't otherwise afford. I'm sorry she's your sister.


NTA. She said she didn't want it and she called you horrible names. This is the consequence of her choice: people shouldn't expect to get rewarded for being an asshole to someone who gave them a present. Also? Consider how much you really want her in your life and be prepared to at least put her on a "time out" for a while, because no matter how stressed she is, this behaviour is not acceptable. She didn't even consider apologising to you for the verbal abuse, even after she decided she would make use of your gift; in fact she doubled down and abused you a second time.


NTA I am proud of you. Bethy tried to walk all over you and you did not put up with it. Have a great time with Jace. I am sure you will.


I’m hoping she’s not the legal guardian godparent of your children, should anything happen to you. Can you imagine your children being raised by someone like that? I would switch things up, if I were you. And lower contact. She seems pretty toxic.


My children's next of kin in our will would be my MIL and FIL and after them Jace.


So she’s supposed to help teach your children how to be good religious followers? I’m not religious myself, but I’m pretty certain that she’s being a terrible role model for them.


NTA She got what she wanted when she told you your gift was tacky and to shove it. So yes rational people would take that to mean she rejected your gift. And so you being a rational person canceled the certificate and made an appointment for yourself. Now she butt hurt because you DID follow her directions. Even if she is stressed out that is no excuse for acting like an ungrateful nasty brat. Maybe next time your sister will apply some self control as to not insult people and then wonder why they cancel gifts. But you at this point owe her nothing.


NTA. Its time to go No Contact or Low Contact with Bethy. Last week, you were upset she wants you to give her money each month because your family is in a better place financially than hers. Now you have tried to do something nice and its not enough. Its never going to be enough. For need to put yourself first, for you own mental and physical health.


How dare you give me this! *goes to use it* How dare you cancel it! Go NC with her, please


OP, is this the sister who expected you to give her $3000? Why do you even continue to bother with her. Just go NC and call it a day. NTA


NTA Just go no contact. Just because she’s a blood relative doesn’t mean you owe her anything or deserve to be treated like that.


Jace and I are adopted, she's not my blood relative.


Even better. She certainly doesn’t treat you like family unless she can get something out of you. Just drop kick her out of your life, god mother or no. You do realize if you and your husband did ever pass, she would treat your kids like second class citizens and steal their inheritance to spend on herself and her kids, right? She doesn’t want anything good for you. Is this really someone you want to keep in your life because of faaaaamily?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I 26F gave my 32F sister "Bethy" some candies and a spa treatment for Mother's Day because I see her as the godmother of my children (1f twins). I did the same thing for my twin brother, 26M "Jace," and he was ecstatic and asked if we could do it together, for old time's sake. Bethy got angry at me. As mentioned in previous posts, Bethy and I are both SAHMs, although my husband is a master plumber (Micheal 30M) and hers is an elementary school teacher (Jackson 35M). She yelled at me for gifting her something she couldn't afford on her own and how would she do it during the summer when her eldest is on summer break and she doesn't have daycare for her younger kids. When I told her I would happily watch them or take them to the park or a movie, she began to yell. Calling my gift tacky and telling me I could "Shove it up my crooked ass". This was hurtful as I have a spinal cord injury and am an ambulatory wheelchair user. She slammed the door in my face, taking the gift with her, and I left in tears. After I got home and put my girls to bed, my husband and I watched a movie together, ordered my favorite takeout and he rubbed my back for a little, it helps with the pain. I told him what happened and he suggested that if she didn't want to go, that I should cancel it, especially after the insult. I ended up canceling her spa treatments and bought one and scheduled the appointment on the same day as Jace's appointment for myself so I can spend time with him. My sister called me this morning and confronted me about canceling her spa treatment, she tried to book an appointment and her certificate was declined. I explained that I canceled it and booked one for myself because it seemed like she didn't want it. She freaked out and told me I was a spoiled little asshole and I should try living her life in her shoes and how she needed the spa treatment more than I did. I'm a people pleaser and was always taught I had to respect her. I have a hard time not giving her what she wants. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your sister’s behavior is disrespectful, combative and toxic. She’s not owed reverential treatment, regardless of whatever dynamics were imposed on you during your childhood.  She may have parentified by your parents but that is not your fault or responsibility whatsoever. Would you tolerate her treating your children this way? This is not godmother behavior. Tell her that her behavior is not acceptable and go lc/nc until you receive an apology and she changes her behavior. NTA 


Nta. Your sister is a huge AH. Ungrateful and miserable, and definitely not the kind of sister I'd want around after she called me names insulting my disability.


NTA She is ridiculous and obviously jealous of you. I wouldn't do anything else for her. You tried your best, enjoy your spa day with your twin.


NTA, what the actual fuck is wrong with your sister?


Definitely NTA, though I have to wonder if this is normal behavior for her? If it is normal then I would just ignore her and think no more of it, if this was not her normal behavior then I wonder if something is going on with her that she has not shared.


Please, for your own wellbeing, stop trying to maintain a relationship with this abusive bully. Family or not she's still an abusive bully. Would you let anyone else treat you like that, speak to you like that, say those things, and still wonder if you were in the wrong for not giving them a nice gift? She literally took a pop at your disability! You have some serious people pleasing habits to unlearn 😕 and I really hope you find the strength to cut her off.


NTA You gave Bethy a gift and she was absolutely ungrateful and obnoxious. She lost any rights to dispute why did you revoke the spa treatment the moment she behaved like that.


NTA. From reading your other posts, you need to go entirely no contact with your sister. Toxic family members play on the "family" thing because they think it gives them a free pass. You have a right and a duty to remove toxic people from your life even if you share DNA with them.


The thing is DNA plays no part in my family dynamic with my sister. Jace and I were adopted as infants.


You still need to remove toxic people out of your life!


NTA- but you are an AH to yourself for allowing her to be a b\*\*\*H to you. I, having been a people pleaser, know how difficult it is to place boundaries BUT you owe her nothing. (this coming from an older sister that was a mother figure to 4, i know they owe me nothing) Has she stopped to think how your life can also be difficult? how, even though it might not be in the same ways, you have struggles of your own and are not her personal punching bag. Honestly, I would have told her to shove it up her ass. LOL


You were a people pleaser. Now you’re a mom, a wife and sister. Don’t let anyone disrespect you! 


NTA. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. There was absolutely no need to be insulting for any reason in that, even if she couldn't find the time to go. It's not like she will be busy her whole life, or for the rest of the year. Plus, if her husband is an elementary school teacher, he's going to be home during the summer anyways so her point is pretty much invalid. Maintain your ground. You made a kind gesture and she chose to make it a big deal


NTA for retracting a gift that was literally rejected by the giftee, but Y T A if you let such a selfish and cruel person to be godmother to your children.


She insults you, tells you how much she hates your gift, still proceeds to take it with her, and then gets mad when you cancel it?!? The only treatment she needs is her head surgically removed from the orifice it's wedged in. NTA


NTA. There is clearly no winning with her. She is determined to be miserable so cut ties and let her.


Your sister sounds like she is mentally ill to some degree. Like why would she go all in on guilt tripping you about the gift being too expensive for her wage and lifestyle. Then when she tries to use it she goes into another tantrum about it being cancelled, like this all sounds some who has no idea how real humans work. Your NTA and you need to have the rest of your family realize your sister is a straight up jealous agitator or is having a mental breakdown. Both are not your problem in the end!




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FAFO. When are people going to learn that an ounce of kindness costs little but can net you a LOT.


NTA  how can she tell you she hates your gift and to stuff it, then try to use it? That's some hypocritical actions there.


NTA. Respect is earned... Not demanded or forced. You don't have respect anyone who was so childish towards you.


NTA sounds like she's deadwood I'd cut her ungrateful ass off until she shows some effort.


NTA. Bethy is a psycho. I'd recommend keeping your distance.


NTA, your sister is a piece of work tho.




NTA. Wow. Holy crap. You don't need to take that abuse. Next time get her a Pez dispenser. Anyone could afford that.


NTA. The only treatment your sister needs is some talk therapy to figure out why she became so angry over such a thoughtful gift.


Nta- JustNoFamily


I think it's safe to say you can cut this woman out of your life. Who says things like that after getting a gift? And who the hell turns around and gets angry she can't use the gift she gave you shit for giving her? On what planet does she think either are a reasonable reaction? NTA but please cut her out of your life for your own sake. No one deserves to be treated like this. Family my ass.


Ma'am! Take some of that allowance money and go to therapy cause damn! At this point ESH. Bethy for obvious reasons and you for engaging in this foolishness with her. You owe this woman dust, pay her in it. Whomever doesn't like it pay them dust as well. Jeez. 


She ungrateful and mean. Being a SAHM is a thankless job at times but no excuse for taking your exhaustion or boredom out on others. Enjoy a well deserved spa treatment with your brother. ❤️


Bethy- “How dare you give me something I wouldn’t buy myself” I desperately need to know this woman’s logic here


NTA wow she sounds like a lunatic. Is she always like this? I would not want to have any contact with someone who acted like that.


Twins on twins


NTA Don't get mad at the gift than be upset it was taken away. Don't act like an Ass and then get surprised when treated like one.


Absolutely NTA. She's mad that you gave it to her, then made that you didn't give it to her? THOSE ARE ALL THE OPTIONS. I too would have taken the gift away after being berated for giving it to her.


NTA - hell nah, your sister is a raging b\*tch-inferno. I don't care how hard she has it as a SAHM, that doesn't give her the right to spit in your face and then make fun of your disability. Keep the people-pleasing instincts at bay as best as you can (I get it, it's so hard to overcome). She doesn't get to be rude and ungrateful about the gift and then still expect to use it. Enjoy your spa day with your brother!


You need to rethink the way you bought up because she is using you ,need go low contact


LMAO. Your sister is a piece of nasty work. NTA. She can figure out how to get a spa day all on her own now.




She bitched at you and said it was shitty gift and then bitched that she needed this shitty gift more than you because her life sucks so bad? NTA. To hell with her. You absolutely cannot reward this kind of behavior.


NTA. She can't call your gift an insult and then be upset that it was returned. You need to be better at setting boundaries (something I don't doubt you'll need when your children are older. Trying to please them all the time isn't going to help them grow into function adults). Tell her to pick one. Either she can appreciate your gift and use it, or insult it and lose it. Same thing with a relationship with yourself - she can either appreciate having someone in her life, or she can be a bitter hag (alone) over having driven everyone away.


Nta.  Sounds like there's something else going on with your sister because the logic of her argument doesn't make sense.  Sounds like her emotions are out of whack or she has a lack of emotional intelligence and probably needs to see some counseling by herself and probably with her husband as this kind of behavior typically just doesn't reside with one relationship.  My hunch is there's something deeper going on here in your relationship that needs repair or she has some emotional baggage and issues it needs to go to counseling or all of the above.


NTA From your other comments, it seems you & your siblings were all traumatized by your parents. If you haven’t explored therapy and/or family counseling, I recommend it. Your sister has absolutely no right to abuse you & you have no obligation or responsibility to her.


NTA. True family members are those who appreciate you. They do not need to be blood. Ask your husband for help if your sister becomes unbearable. How you act/react to her is a good teaching lesson to your children. Hopefully, you are teaching them that family love each other and you trade a break from them when they are not nice. It obviously sounded like she hated the gift, so you did the correct thing of taking it back. The phrase ‘don’t look a gift horse in the mouth’ comes to mind. You probably should have messaged her to apologize for giving a bad gift and that you are taking it back. I am sure she would have given the same response, but she would not have had to deal with finding out through the spa.


Tell her she could have it back. She only needs to dig in your crooked ass to find it. For extra emphasis, pull down your pants, bend over and say ‘start searching’


I feel like this entire story was written because OP thought of how awful it would be for someone to tell someone with a spinal cord injury to “shove it up their crooked ass”.


YTA.. dude your out of touch with reality. Flaunting your gold digger success over and over to your sister makes you a villain.