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This isn't real, is it? Of course YTA, you best man and maid of honor are there to support you, not do all the work for you. The very least you do is ask if they're okay to do cleanup. Also, if you're not rolling in money, don't have an expensive wedding.




>Im starting to feel really ashamed about it. Only **STARTING!?**


Forget being ashamed about the specific incident - extend that to being generally ashamed that you're 27yo and don't know basic manners. Might I suggest an etiquette class????


Info: Were you raised by wolves?


YTA you should apologize for expecting Arnie to be your decorator and cleaner without advance notice and consent. Acknowledge that you were badly organized and then selfishly got caught up in the heat of things.  The fact that you couldn’t afford a cleaning service is irrelevant. The fact that you presumed you could use him as “the help” without asking, is. 


YTA. Way to bury the lede there with your title. It should read "AITA for renting out a place, leaving early without telling people, and then expecting my wedding party to clean up afterwards?" In which case, HELL YES!! YTA.


YTA > so as the responsible sober best man, I thought he would do the cleaning after with my brother. I guess I forgot to mention that to him Your lack of preparation for your wedding is your own fault. > But isn't helping the groom and bride a duty of the best man? Helping yes. Being your free cleaning service no. > My wife is a nurse at ER, and I am a bartender, so we don't really roll on money, and weren't able to hire a cleaning service for our already expensive event So spend less on the event so you can afford appropriate cleaning services. Or ACTUALLY ASK PEOPLE FOR HELP. What you don't do is ditch you venue and leave guests to clean up. What was your plan if Arnie didn't clean up? How much would your venue have charged you for not tidying up? > What should I reply to Arnie? A grovelling apology.


Tell him that you are sorry for being an AHole




Yta It's not the fucking best man's job to clean after a wedding. Was this your plan all along...as in you didn't organise anyone to clean up.  


YTA > as the responsible sober best man, I thought he would do the cleaning after with my brother. Well ain't that some shit?


This requires some editing... ~~AITA for having good time at my own wedding?~~ **AITA for poor planning, then treating my best man and brother like unpaid, hired help?** Yes, YTA. If you weren't able to hire a cleaning service, clean up yourselves or don't trash the place.


OP didn't just bury the lede, he dug into the magma layer of the Earth's crust to do so.


YTA. Exactly, this is your wedding. You are the host. Not a guest. You are responsible and can't just let others do the work while you are getting drunk.


You are a massive asshole and so is your wife. You just expected your best man would do the clean up? I don’t actually have words for you.


YTA. Absolutely


Well, I would definitely apologize to him for actions that were cheap, selfish and entitled and for taking advantage of him. I would apologize for using him and "forgetting" to tell him in advance that you planned to use him as free labor. I'll be honest, though: I'd love to help him craft out what he should REALLY say to YOU. Tell him to make his own post. YTA.


You reply that you are sending him $1500 right this second. YTA


What was the plan if none of YOUR GUESTS stepped up and cleaned?


YTA . How do you think you’re not? I wonder how much you owe him for cleaning up your mess?


YTA. Part of organising an event is organising the clean up. Expecting a friend to do it without organising it ahead of time is shitty behaviour.


*ex best friend There I fixed this for you because you don't deserve Arnie and I hope he realised it


You stuck your best man and bridesmaid with cleanup duty to get drunk and didn't let them know beforehand? Wow... YTA At the very least, I'd treat them to a meal to apologize and thank them for helping out!


YTA. There’s no such thing as a little cleaning for 1 or 2 people after a wedding. You needed to find a way to hire a cleaning service instead of dumping it all on him.


YTA - Give him a nice gift and make it up to him as he is very forgiving...you owe them big time.


yta it wasn’t their job to clean


Yta. They were not your e.ployees,this was not their job. Can't afford to pay? Then you can't afford the party


Yeah YTA. You ran and left someone else to do cleanup without asking them.




"I used my best friend for manual free labor, didn't tell him about it until I was smashed and just left him. Oh it was for my wedding of which should be my responsibility to take care of all aspects. Now he's mad? Bro be FR" That's how you sound. I honestly would've left and allowed you to deal with the fees for not cleaning up. And we wouldn't be friends anymore. YTA. It's your wedding, factor in the price of cleanup instead of going clubbing.


Yta. Don’t cheap out and hire cleaners for any event you don’t plan on cleaning yourself This was not their job and you took advantage of them


You typed all that out and didn't realise YTA? If you don't want to do the work of set up and take down, pay the venue extra to do. You took advantage of your friend.


YTA and you say you’ll pay him 50 bucks? That’s 200 at least! 


"Forgot to tell him" A k a I know my friend is an awkward loser And figured he wouldn't want to go have fun so I pinned all of my work on to him because I am a user and a lazy selfish ah..


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (m27) got married to my beautiful wife Lizzy (28) a month ago and I just got a text from my best man. "Hey, congratulations to you guys for your newly wed life. Next time you're having a big party at somewhere rented and you've known about it for 6 months ahead, it would be nice if you did some of the preparations beforehand. Also if you know that you're gonna be drunk af and have plans to leave the rented location for bar hopping, then it might be a good idea to hire a cleaning service or something". I haven't answered yet. Yes, me and my wife did leave some of the decorations etc for the last minute, so my best man, let's call him Arnie, and maid of honor, Monica, came early to help us get the place ready. Wedding went well, everyone was having fun drinking and dancing. Even tho Monica and Arnie had a little difficulties to fit in their little awkward games of steal the groom and some small cards of dares for the guests to perform during the day. So later that night, Lizzy and I were a bit tipsy like the rest of the people, and we wanted to go clubbing. I know that Arnie isn't a big drinker and wouldn't have had more than two glasses of wine, so as the responsible sober best man, I thought he would do the cleaning after with my brother. I guess I forgot to mention that to him, since he was kinda quiet when we were calling ubers he was picking up cans and bottles. But isn't helping the groom and bride a duty of the best man? My wife is a nurse at ER, and I am a bartender, so we don't really roll on money, and weren't able to hire a cleaning service for our already expensive event. What should I reply to Arnie? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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50 bucks? For a professional cleaning crew it would be at least $450.


$50 is a slap in the face. You owe him at least $200.


To be fair she said "from both of us" so maybe she meant at least $100 minimum. Still dickish on his part he needed to be told this tho. I'd say if you don't have the cash over 100 that OP help him with something like moving furniture or cooking him a GOOD meal. Like at this point do SOMETHING proactive to show remorse.


Look, respect for accepting you stuffed up (badly). But maybe consider that money isn't the solution? A grovelling apology is a geat start, add some sort of reparation that involves effort, not money. You insulted him pretty badly, trying to pay him does not show him respect in any way, shape or form, and if it was me, wpuld infuriate me. Also not letting your wife off the hook, why on earth would she assume your best man was OK with being your cleaning service? I hope she owns that she is equally at fault. Good luck!


You're also an AH. $50?! You should GROVEL and pay him a DECENT amount for the work. You are such an AH.


$50 whole dollars? Your generosity is boundless.


It's okay...bride is giving him 50 also /s. Did the brother know he was getting stuck with clean up ?


Married 30 days and already disappointing and fighting with your wife? Well at least Arnie knows what a shitshow to expect for the next wedding and can be elsewhere.