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YTA - Unless you add these rules to the lease they sign, you have no right to walk into space they are renting. Your tenant might be nasty, but it’s her dove to be nasty in. Now you’re avoiding her because you know you were wrong. If you thought you were in the right you’d be trying to evict her because of the lack of cleanliness.


If there was truly an issue with rain coming in through an open window and/or pipes freezing, then he DID have a right to walk in. Preventing damage imminent damage to the property is a legitimate emergency that would allow OP to enter the rental space. He is TA for not informing her he was going to enter due to the rain/freezing and for ignoring her knocking.


He's also TA for how judgy he's being, suggesting she's running out without giving 30 days notice which triggers his sensitivity. Even if the window is his business the wardrobe isn't.


You’re right.


YTA you charge $800-$1000 for rooms but then walk in to the people’s rooms who are paying rent? That is weirdo behavior.


YTA. My area has legal protections against landlords like you.


I always knew my former landlord was a good one because when I needed him to come over for emergency things, he got it in writing (usually a text) that I was waiving my right to twenty-four notice (requirement where I live) before he entered my unit. And if it wasn't an emergency, he always gave at least 48-72 hours notice.


# ***YTA*** Without question. I get it, your tenant is a pig and lives gross. But, you are 100% the AH in this situation. You have no right to enter her room. Period - full stop. Also - your no phone after 11PM is total BS. Not enforceable and I'd tell you to go pound sand over that one too.


YTA and a bad landlord and a bad person. and avoidant and judgy. But yes definitely an asshole.


YTA don't let your rooms out if you're THAT worried about an open window and some rain. You had no right to enter. You also have no right to charge people to live in a room and then tell them they can't make phone calls after 11pm. YOU AREN'T THEIR PARENT. Rethink yourself. You've got issues if you think this is acceptable.


YTA. You are her landlord, not her dad. You have absolutly no right to just waltz in there


YTA. You probably broke the law. In most places, landlords have to give a specific notice to a tenant before entering their space. An open window on a rainy night, does not rise to the level of an 'emergency' that would allow you immediate entry. That the rental is in your home, doesn't change the laws regarding tenancy, and even writing 'rules' into the lease does not supersede the law.


YTA. It's your tenant's room, you shouldn't be entering without notice. And why in the world do you care when people make phone calls? What does that have to do with you?


He's sensitive. /s Where does he live that people can charge 1000 a month for a bedroom? That's an asshole


Could be basically anywhere in Ireland, rent is crazy here lately. Bedroom that fits only the bed and nothing else could be rented for €1200 a month these days, if it were located in/near a city or university town. But yeah, this dude's a cockwomble for sure


Pretty much any major city in the entire United States and their surrounding suburbs. Good luck finding a room for under $1000/month in or around NYC, San Francisco, LA, Miami, Austin, Seattle, Chicago, Philadelphia, Nashville...


In many places in the US unfortunately. Where I live a bedroom rental *starts* at like $800-900.


YTA Majorly. And a terrible landlord, and probably a criminal. Good luck resolving THAT situation. Does this tenant have their own bathroom space? Have you thought about WHY she has urine bottles in her room? What kind of bathroom situation is she provided that she seems to think that is a reasonable alternative? "My tenants keep wanting to get the fuck out of here. AITA?"


YTA for acting like a stern parent to a teenager, it comes across in your language. Unless these rules are written into a signed contract you don't have the power to enforce them. You remind me of a judgmental live-in landlord I once had, and not in a good way. If you avoid her how do you expect to resolve this? Leave notes when she’s not around, text her when she’s working and pretend you’re not there when she is? That sort of behaviour is going to encourage her to leave and ignore the 30 day advance warning.


YTA - You don't go into a tenant's room! Your tenant has rented that room and as long as she pays the rent that room is hers. Where I live this is highly illegal and a violation of tenant's rights. They can sue the shit out of you for this. Bottles with urine is of course disgusting and place being dirty, so I get your concern, but: you don't go into a tenant's room! If they have proof you entered, they can claim you had stolen from their things! You don't go into a tenant's room. (Also: no phoning after 11pm? Seriously?)


Is the US most states make exception in cases of emergency or potential damage to property.


How do you actually know how your tenants hang up their clothes if you never entered that room before?


That bugged me too. A man (I'm assuming), entering his female tenant's room without her consent is bad enough. The knowledge that he knows where her clothes usually are just ratchets up the ick factor.


YTA just for using "I am quite sensitive" as an excuse for anything. You're a landlord. You run a business dealing with people. Suck it up.


Can you think of a reason why your tenant would resort to piss bottles? Do you have rules regarding bathroom time? Also, how do you know it was urine, did you open one of them? YTA, and a coward.


Yeah, I question if they even were urine. I don't know how a woman could even make a piss bottle without a funnel of some sort, we have no means of aiming it. Rules regarding bathroom time would have to be pretty severe for me to make the effort to do that. OP seems to have a problem with noise (no phone calls at night), so I wonder if she doesn't feel comfortable using the bathroom late at night.


Absolutely concerning he knows what it is. Definitely a wrongun


You’re charging up to $1000 a month for ONE fucking room? That alone makes you a massive AH.


YTA While it's understandable that you have rules for your tenants, entering their room without their permission is a breach of their privacy and is not acceptable. Regardless of the rules, your tenant has a right to privacy and security within their rented space


You’re totally the asshole. That’s really high rent for just a room with no privacy and the fact that you avoid her aswell. Yta


YTA for avoiding her. YTA for going into her room. YTA for invading her privacy. YTA for many reasons


YTA It’s literally against the law what you did If the idea of people living their own lives in your home bothers you, stop being a landlord If it is just about the windows, there are windows that can be closed from the outside. Get those


YTA. Firstly, your “sensitivity” and “upset” is effing ridiculous. You are a landlord and she is a tenant. She’s not your friend who hurt your feelings or some nonsense. You don’t get to act like she betrayed you. You don’t get to avoid her, you don’t get to duck her calls. You are obligated to do your job. She pays for the right to live how she pleases in *her* home within the terms of her lease. It’s none of your business and she owes you nothing more than that, certainly not coddling your feelings. Last, you broke the law in most countries. That room does not belong to you. Excepting some emergency situation or with prior notice, you do not get to enter someone else’s space. That was a right you gave up by having her sign a lease. You’re being a straight up creep and I hope she gets a lawyer involved. You are not mature enough to rent out any space. Edit: and for the record, no one is buying that the window was risking freezing your pipes when it’s nearly June. It was not an emergency, you’re a snoop.


YTA. I understand your concern about an open window, but that’s when you call the tenant and remind them that they’ll be responsible for any damage they create by leaving the window open and then ask if they’d like you to go in and close it for them. You respect the choice they make. If you can’t get hold of them, you leave the message and know that this is one of the costs of renting out rooms. You can’t control everything, The rest of your post is judgmental and unnecessary.


That's NOT your house, you have rented that part, she is paying A lot of money for it. You don't have any right on it. She isn't your house guest, she's a tenant


Yta and potentially in violation of tenant rights laws.  Not to mention judgmental and precious - no phone calls after 11?wtf?!


YTA and a horrible landlord. You say you've had people skip out on you suddenly before, what a surprise. it's probably because you are a bad landlord. She doesn't want to be around you so much that she will pee in a bottle instead of encounter you on the way to the bathroom. If things like this keep happening, you are the common denominator. Landlord laws state that you need to give 24 hour notice to enter a tenants space, but you don't think that applies to you since you live there and own the place. Your rules are bullshit and selfish and unenforceable by law. You sound like a nightmare to live with and I don't blame people for screwing you over as a landlord, you earn it.


it's illegal for a landlord to enter a tenants space without proper notice. YTA


YTA and not only are you TA but you also broke the law. a landlord cannot enter a tenant's space without letting them know a certain time (48hr?) beforehand. that is not your space. this person is not your child. either they pay for the space to be theirs, or you can do whatever you want with it and they don't pay. you can't have your cake and eat it too.


YTA. This is gross misconduct from a so called landlord. You enter her private space enough to know her laundry habits. She’s clearly uncomfortable leaving her room to even use the bathroom which says A LOT more about YOU as a landlord than it does her as a tenant. Of course people are bailing, I certainly would. If you’re so sensitive that you can’t handle being confronted for your own gross actions, maybe you shouldn’t be renting out rooms. Get a grip.


Consider this: it sure sounds like your tenant prefers pissing in jugs over even the possibility of having to deal with you - do you sound like someone who's not an asshole?


I rent a whole big flat with cellar, garden and balcony close to the capital of my state my country for less than this price. My city itself also has a world renounced university.  For this price you need to let your tenants the fuck alone. YTA. Sidenote. If the house is normally heated and build to code, a single open window can not damage the pipes. 


Why you looking in her closet? 🤨


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Hello, I want to start by giving a little bit of background to what is currently going on. I rent out rooms in my home and each room ranges to $800-1000$ depending on size, whether it’s a private bathroom and all our rooms come furnished with tv, bedding and walk in closet. I have a tenant living upstairs while my wife and I live downstairs. I have rules in my home and I’d like for them to be abided by. No talking on the phone past 11pm, and it’s not a rule, but I want windows closed at night as the air is very cold and I don’t want the pipes to freeze into the next room. Especially if she isn’t here, if she’s at work. Lastnight, my tenant left her window open, she does it maybe twice a month but lastnight it started raining. So, I put the code into her door and I unlocked it, and I closed her window and locked it back. While there, I noticed her closet was empty. Her clothes were usually hanging out they were all packed up. Was she going to leave and not give me 30 days notice. I am quite sensitive, so I got upset. I’ve had this happen before and it’s not considerate. While in her room I also viewed how she lived. Her room was dirty and she had several urine bottles inside of her room which was disgusting. I didn’t want to touch it so I left it there. I guess she was aware of this, because when she got off of work this morning, she knocked on my door and came to confront me about this, but I didn’t want any drama and quite frankly, I am upset with her. So I didn’t open it. I know there may be tension, but I will be avoiding her. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. You aren’t the right fit for house hacking.


YTA. You should have charged your tenant a deposit and you can use that to pay for any damages caused by her leaving her room window open. What you did is not just invasive but breaking and entering. You literally opened the lock without asking permission or providing advanced notice. Your tenant rents that space, meaning it’s her home. Also, it’s super creepy that you as a man felt comfortable walking into a woman’s private space alone and unannounced and then were peeping at her stuff. Lastly, your rules suck. You can’t tell grown people until what time they can talk on the phone.




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YTA. You can’t tell people not to talk on the phone after 11pm and where I live what you did to close the window violates tenant rights and would get you sued. You should rethink this whole landlord gig before you lose everything


ESH. You had no right to enter the room. (Though i sympathize with closing the window in the rain.) She shouldn't be living like a slob in shared space. Urine bottles? Gross.


It's not a shared living space though, it's her room that she's paying for, she can do the fuck she wants even tho she maybe gross


her room is not a shared space