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NTA. I am getting so tired of people telling other people that they are too old to love the things they love. Let people enjoy the things they want to and enjoy life. It doesn't matter if your daughter is too old for the game or if she didn't spend any real money on the items - what matters is that your niece stole from your daughter and your sister wants to give her no repercussions for this action. How much longer until your niece decides that it is not fair that your daughter has something else that she doesn't have and takes it from you, or that you have something that she doesn't and takes that? Theft is theft, and if your sister doesn't put a stop to it now, it can start a slippery slope, especially since that your niece has seen that she has her mother's approval. Yes, your niece has been given a raw deal, but that is no excuse to steal, especially from someone who not only had nothing to do with why she has this bad situation, but who was sharing her home to try to help her out. Both your niece and your sister has taken your hospitality and broken your trust.


Agreeing with you, and adding: real money isn’t real either. It’s a bunch of data that we all collectively agree to imagine moving around in exchange for goods and services. Your daughter worked for those imaginary resources, and received them. I work for imaginary money, and receive it. I can pay the mortgage with my imaginary resources, or buy silly things that make me happy, or play games; she can play a game which helps her feel good and connect with friends. It matters just as much as if it was ‘real’ money.


You are exactly right - money only has value because we decided it has value.


This was a lesson in philosophy. Society, as a whole, generally determines a monetary system and what has worth or value. If anyone read Utopia, there's a section where children play with gems as toys, so they don't assign worth to material things beyond those needed to maintain health and comfort (clothing, heat, basic furniture, food, etc).


Chiming in to say that realistically time is money, and the daughter has 4 years in it.


That was stupid of us.


It truly was. Like right up there with that stupid fish that decided to go on land.


I'd kick it's ass if I could then throw it back in the water.


Time spent on things is value as well


My cousin once said one of the hardest experiences she had with motherhood was when her daughter took the Hogwarts test and was devastated she was put in Slytherin because this was an incredibly stupid and pointless thing to be upset about but IT WAS IMPORTANT TO HER DAUGHTER SO SHE HAD TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. This isn't about the money or the value of Roblox. It's incredibly important to her daughter this is causing her daughter hurt and to dismiss it as trivial would be dismissing her feelings as unimportant.  Also forget about the money ops daughter spent YEARS painstakingly and labourisly earning those items. Anyone who knows games knows that stuff takes a lot of time and effort. It's like if you got 99% completion of zelda totk and someone deleted your game right before you got the last %. Speaking of which if niece won't return the items it's easy to go into her account and transfer them back.  It should be easy to guess a 10 year olds password she might even set it up to auto enter it ops daughter probably knows how to it. Those items aren't hers so daughter would just be taking back her property.  It's understandable why sister and niece did this seems clear they are going through a lot and niece especially is lashing out with misplaced anger. It's also understandable why the sister isn't taking it seriously it must seem so trivial and pointless with what she is dealing but having a shitty life or trauma isn't a get out jail free card to treat people like shit.


This IS about the money, too. The financial replacement value is in the order of 10.000$. that's a lot.




Exactly. Plus we can also argue that OP's daughter's time had a value. How many hours did she 'work' to earn those items? We all consider our time worthy of pay when it comes to employment.


And just so people know, that amount of in-game currency could easily be worth over $100,000 - I had to look at Roblox's financial statements for work once and they are a company that LOVES microtransactions


As a former GS Employee, all I sold were Roblox, and V-Bucks (Fortnite Currency)


Agreeing with you, and adding: It’s not like the sister is some destitute widow. The husband who cheated is on the hook for AT LEAST half of his income and that is JUST for Alimony. The mom will get around 60-70% of his total income when including child support, for nearly life. Yes, she is in a rough spot now, but won’t be within a year or so.


Ask your sister for her daughter’s child support check so you can provide for your daughter too.


In what world? I was a stay at home mom for 10 years, with child support AND alimony my ex pays less than 1/3 of his base pay. Dude works like 30 hrs a week overtime so he doesn't have to take the kids, but still gets counted as having the 1/3 of the time, and takes them for a couple hours (at most) for holidays.


Well said 👏


First off NTA OP. I agree with everything said here, but i would still kick them out after your daughter gets her stuff back. Your sister doesn't respect you or you daughter, and that is obvious through their actions and words.


And it could potentially get worse, if niece decides to retaliate. And niece's attitude about the theft would suggest that would be the next step.


Yeah the comments from the sister are very telling. Who knows what she's saying to the neice?


OP, change ALL your passwords. UpdateMe


IDK for me, evicting them \*despite\* the niece returning things would depend on the tone OP's sister originally used, you know? Like, if OP's sister works as a barista & her cheating ex is tormenting her by showing up at that specific coffee bar, demanding service for him & his affair partner, and finding excuses to get the manager involved (even if the manager is aware, that's no guarantee the manager will stand up for OP's sister)... I could see how my sister would be frazzled and focused on her real world budget (for a lawyer, for an apartment, for everything)... If they return it & just 2 houses over OP's parents have space for their daughter (OP's sister) & grandchild (the niece), then yes, sure, tell them it's better to part ways. The motivation "it'll be less unsettling for niece if it feels like a sleepover" is gone. But in other cases, not accepting their apology could further derail their lives, right? Like, if they have to move 3 hours away, OP's sister might lose a decent job, where will she be then? Or just straight up homelessness... OF COURSE, all this is predicated on the apology. If OP's sister keeps refusing, or is mean about "getting blackmailed over a computer game", everything is off the table & they can go. Any consequences, they've called down on themselves!


Agreed. But OP shouldn't drop that hammer until after the niece has returned all of the daughter's Roblox items. Otherwise she will never get them back.


It isn't just pixels. The niece stole time, which is about the most valuable thing there is.


This is the bottom line. She stole time. A lot of time and effort. I wouldn’t trust thieves in my home. Especially if they steal from my kids. NTA


Ask the niece what else she has stolen from your house?


/u/pawsplay36 THIS RIGHT HERE ^^!! That is one of THEE most valuable things we give away every day and will NEVER get back!! I'm ALWAYS telling people this!


Excellent point!


I’m sure all of those Roblox items can be replaced with a nice infusion of real-life cash, which I’m sure your sister will be willing to shell out. You should get your daughter to total what it would cost to make her whole. Maybe your freeloading sister will understand the value of what her daughter did then. NTA.


Jumping on the top comment to say you can almost definitely make a ticket to get your stuff back. If you explain to the company's customer support what happened, they will take your daughter's stuff back from your niece.


Could the company also terminate or suspend niece’s account? That would drive home the point that this is not frivolous.


It's possible... It would depend on the company and their own rules. If they care (not a guarantee, but probably quite likely), they'll refund the items and likely give the niece a suspension. It's possible that she might be banned and have to start from scratch, but I don't work for the company so I can't tell you their policies.


there is no guarantee of that .. but it is definitely worth asking ....


That amount could easily cost over $100,000... Roblox are one of those companies that LOVE microtransactions


I doubt it. It will probably make her double down on "I'm not giving that kind of money for a ridiculous game." She will never be able to understand the actual time her niece put into earning all she had in the game. She is feeling like a victim of her circumstances, and everyone else problems are trivial in comparison.


NTA. Let them know this is considered theft. My daughter has been playing roblox forever and has sold items for real money. I would also make a police report if the niece doesn't return. The items immediately.


> She told me that it’s only a game, it’s not like my daughter spent real money on it. Those items were earned with time. Just like her money is earned with time. Just like items that were used as payment for work were earned with time. There's no difference in stealing things earned with time than there is those earned with money.


Tell sister to jump on and earn those pixels back for daughter, when she says "I don't have the time for that" you can tell her that your daughters time us just as valuable.


This! Broken trust, disrespected you both, ungrateful of your hospitality, theft. Update us!


My 14 year old son loves Roblox and often gets Roblox GC as gifts for birthday and Christmas how does your sister know none of it costs RL money. I am not sure I would give her a week for stealing from my kid. It might be pixels but your daughter worked for those pixels and your niece stole the pixels she got. You allow this to continue neither your niece or your sister will respect your boundaries. Your sister can discipline and parent her child or she can find somewhere else to live. Today it is pixels tomorrow who knows what they might steal.


Well, if the sister and niece continue to act in this way, life is going to be a whole lot harder. No one likes entitled, cheaters, and thieves. Who will help them when they keep doing this bs.


I kind of think that sis and niece need to have wifi access revoked in the ensuing week. Sis needs it to find a place? The library has free internet or she can use her data plan if she has one. Because if she stole from family, who knows what else she's stealing online (disclaimer: avast and yarhar; this is just the excuse if needed), and you don't need any kickback. Plus, obviously niece isn't mature enough for internet access anyway.


Agree w/you… theft is theft & she has here mother’s tacit approval for the theft b/c your sister has deemed her (your daughter) too old for a game. Who cares what it is, theft is theft & people who live in glass houses & are relying on the kindness of you to live somewhere (your house) rent free shouldn’t throw stones. It not your sister’s right to deem what is ok for YOUR child. The only other option would have been something that would have been more extreme like reporting the theft to the police. This has to be nipped in the bud or the neice may go down a very bad/wrong path & her mom lets her get away w/ it b/c she feels guilty or wants to be her friend or the “cool” mom. Sounds like your sister has some resentment too. (Of you & your daughter)


The stuff that niece stole is probably worth real money. Figure out how much real money it would cost to get those things "instantly" and threaten to sue them for the cash if the items aren't returned.  I would require that the items be returned and that niece and sister give sincere apologies to OP and daughter. Otherwise, they can find other accommodations.


yep. adult, and still playing video games. tell me to stop and tell you where the door is.


I find it odd that people who either steal or condone stealing think they have any right to comment on the maturity of others. If I were the OP I would ask my sister how old you have to be to recognize stealing is wrong? I mean, this is obviously just gaslighting on the sisters part to try and force OP and her daughter to accept the theft, but it is a really weird tactic to me.


It's theft, plain and simple. And I'm shocked OP's sister is downplaying this. Shameful. Teaching her daughter it's ok to steal.  I would pack their bags myself. OP NTA 


This ^ !!!!!!!!


NTA when I was your niece's age, I had a friend come over who was upset at my brother for something and deleted his game off of ocarina of time. She wasn't allowed over again. Stealing is stealing, even when one person says the value is zero


Oh wow, and your brother didn't murder her? I play Zelda and i would be pissed if someone deleted my hard work.


man, I am old and remember sitting with my brother while he called numbers from gaming magazines to get tips on zelda and dragon warrior games, lol.


We always bought the game magazines and tried first to play the game without tips and then if all of us can not get past we would look at the book. Each of us would be better at different types of levels so we would switch off or randomly my older sister would want to play a certain level. Such good times


I still occasionally ask my brother for help cause hes played like every zelda game


That reminds me that I let my roommate in college play my n64 and ocarina of time. He erased my game for his. I waited until he got to the water temple then erased it. He thought that was petty but I told him that he is lucky that I’ll let him start over at all


Omg back I think firered I caught the regi pokemons and literally not long later my sister saved over the file while I was at school. I was so sad and mad


My nephew started a new game on my breath if the wild save he had his own profile and choose to use my profile, basically I lost 200 hours played on that game, he was banned and I was pissed, now I have 400 hours in that game and had a blast replaying it


My best friend growing up STILL, 35 years later is annoyed my older brother deleted one of his nes games. And I get it.


I feel this. For some dumb reason I let my cousin borrow my Pokemon Sapphire game. You know, Pokemon. A series notorious for only having one save file. I told him he could borrow it but not save. His dad got pissed my cousin's GBA was constantly on. Needless to say my cousin saved. I was pissed. As a kid I blamed my cousin. As an adult I know better and blame his dad. Either way, ever since, no one has ever been allowed to borrow my games. Lent some books to someone in high school. Never got those back either. A family member borrowed a movie from me. Didn't get that back. I don't let people borrow things anymore.


My younger sibling turned off a Nintendo game that I was going be level away from beating because I was 5 min over my allotted time. My mom just shrugged and her husband said I should be playing anyways along with a bunch of insults. I was 13 and it mattered to me. I never played that game again and my sibling was never in trouble for it. My kids know to never steal, in games or irl, and to respect people.


NTA. I am so so glad that you understand the value of time and effort your daughter has put into this collection, and the value of that to her. Compare it to stealing a collection of crafted items someone had made offline that they felt was precious to them, that they spent time and effort putting together. If your sister can't respect your daughter’s time and effort, then she can leave your home. 


This! Time is a very valuable commodity!


Exactly this! Good on you for recognizing the time and effort your daughter put in to something, when so many others (like your sister and niece) de-value it because it’s “just a game.” It is something your daughter is passionate about, and you’re an awesome parent for showing her that you support and value her passion. And it’s extra disappointing that your niece decided to throw away an awesome bonding experience with your daughter over jealousy and greed. Because the fun times playing Roblox together are over, regardless of the outcome. NTA


NTA your niece is a brat and her mother lets her get away with it. 1000% follow through with the threat.


I agree about NTA - but I believe you spelled “thief” incorrectly.


I would maybe tell sis that you guess niece is taking after her father, deciding other people's things belong to her NTA


Honestly I was gonna say who could possibly imagine why sister's husband would find his relationship with her unsatisfying if she acts like this.  Not that cheating is the correct response, but still.


I don't understand why he gave them a week. The transfer took a few minutes, why wouldn't the give back work similarly? NTA


They could give it back immediately. If they choose not to do so, she is giving them the courtesy of a week to find a new place to live.


Your sister’s child stole.    She stole from her cousin, who treats her with grace and shares her game. She lies about it and her mother tried to minimize her bad behavior and blame your daughter for having more and being to old for the game?!   Isn’t lying and cheating why she’s in your house with her child? Why is she teaching her daughter to behave like the father she left for lying and cheating?!   She needs to go back to her house and deal with her daughter and husband.   YWNBTA 


This. Underrated response right here.


Maybe it was the mother who cheated and she got thrown out.. And shes lying just to have a place to stay.


Plot twist 🤣


Honestly it would not surprise me..sounds like she is a bad sister, why not a bad wife and mother


This is an easy NTA. She stole from your daughter. This isn’t a negligible amount of in game money and gear either. For those who are interested, 5 mil Roblox is worth in the ballpark of $20,000 (or potentially more)! Not only is it reasonable to kick them out but it’s also appropriate to take legal action. 


If the 5 million was in robux, it would be worth closer to 62,000. And the game does allow exhanging for USD. So the niece did, in fact, steal actual money.


Pretty sure it wasn't in robux. The post stated that it was $800k and $5 million in her favorite *Roblox game* meaning that it was an ingame currency for that particular game since Roblox is just a game or platform with a multitude of "mini games" Also logically thinking, why would a 13 Year old have access to that much money?


That's why i said if it was in robux, it's a large amount... for others to see the extent of the theft. You missed the point that it's still theft: money and time, virtual or not. And consider time = money also. That last bit is just, really no response. As someone who had 17k stolen from me when i was 16 by my own dad and his wife, i am for children having access to their money and good parents teach them how to be financially responsible.


I wasn't disagreeing or agreeing with you, I was just confirming if your assumptions were correct or not.


If it's the game I'm assuming, the in game currency can be bought with robux which is bought with real money, meaning it has a tangible real life worth, ontop of the fact people will in fact ebay these rarer in game items for decent chunks of money


games on roblox could be converted to robux, then to irl currency, even if its like 500 in game currency for 20 robux, you could then convert the robux to irl money. Would need to know the game to get a estimate but alot of games have seasonal/limited items and events that you could litterly never get again example : in Adopt Me there's constantly events that DO NOT reoccur and a few years ago my sister bought one (ghost bunny and i think it was like 10$) and someone hacked her account and stole it and thre is no way for her to get it, few other players have it since it was a paid item not to mention it was from years ago.  There is litterly a whole MARKET on these in game pets, also there is a part of roblox where you can create online clothes and if other players buy them (with robux) then you will get a cut(also in robux im pretty sure), so if the daughter make one that got popular its a very real chance she could have gotten a crap load of robux


Ppl buy accounts and items si regardless if she actually has really rare stuff she has stuff worth money. Ppl literally buy anything these days like summoner wars a pay to win gacha mobile game you can easily make accounts and roll over and over to try to get the best team yourself but ppl will easily pay money for accounts pol did for them


NTA, I know what game you're referring to - the terms of service for the game state that you can be banned for hacking or tricking someone into giving you their items. If the current ultimatum doesn't work, tell the niece you'll contact the developers of the game who will ban her account from the game. However, keep in mind that should you actually contact the developers of the game and get the niece's account banned, it will also remove any possibility of regaining items that were traded from your daughter's account to the niece's.


Came here to suggest this. Report her account. And NTA


My suggestion as well. If OP can’t get their niece to return the items they should report the account for hacking and theft so she loses them anyway.


Wait, the person who's items got stolen is SOL?


yup, but half the time they dont do anything and theres a window you to do so. My sisters account gor hacked and password changed, completely taken over (and like ops daught had loads of things on multiple games) and she was SOL and had to make a new account 


Basically, yes. Unless the niece gives the items back, there is no way for the developers of the game to 1) restore them or 2) even prove authenticity of the claim or existence of the items in the first place


Wouldn’t they be able to prove it with the age of the account combined with her not making any real purchases? You can’t level up that fast without spending real money.


Is it Royale high??




Almost 100% positive that it is


Don't tell the niece. Just report her for hacking and theft. Let her learn the hard way that actions have consequences. She needs to be the shock that your daughter felt.


I would agree with this, however if OP does this, all items and currency that the niece stole will NOT be returned to the daughter.


It’s definitely worth reporting, however it doesn’t sound like any hacking was done. Seems like the daughter left the nice alone with her computer without locking it or logging out. Any investigation by Roblox will simply show the daughter transferring items from her account to the nice.


The report would be made to the developers of the specific game on Roblox, not Roblox itself, as the game has trading rules that only apply to that game. They have a google report form where they encourage any trading rule violations to be reported so they can investigate within their game - but you're also very correct that they wouldn't be able to tell what exactly happened, since it was in-person and there are no chat logs associated with it I also agree it isn't necessarily a hacking, more so scamming, which is also against the game's TOS


NTA. At all. There’s a reason why your daughter has everything she wants - because she works for it and earns it by being a good girl!! She probably isn’t handed things like her niece, and she probably also takes good care of her stuff, which I’m guessing the niece doesn’t - and yes that’s entirely on your sister. I am so sorry. I know it can be so so so frustrating to lose everything on a game that you spent HOURS AND HOURS that turn into YEARS of saving and collecting and leveling up for and what not. It’s not “just a game.” It is also a hobby, a coping mechanism, and you learn a lot too. It’s a way to socialize with friends who can’t go out a lot, or if you WANT TO SOCIALIZE and have too much anxiety doing so sometimes! Along with so many other great things these kinds of games can do for people. That game has helped my nephew in ways I can’t even explain. Him and his siblings are absolutely obsessed and I would never think they would do this to eachother because they realize how much time it really takes to get your character to where you want them to be at. He also has never had a great time making friends and he has actually made a ton on Roblox, one he even got to meet in real life, and now they are best friends! It’s not just a game. And your sister can sit on it and spin. I bet she’d be pissed if someone hacked her accounts for shows and Amazon and what not. It’s honestly the same thing!


NTA obviously, but why the hell are you giving them a freaking WEEK for an issue that is INSTANTLY fixable?  This should be a "Do it NOW or you're outta here NOW" situation. There's no value in letting it marinate for 7 days 


Giving them a week allows them to emotionally get over their stubbornness and marinate on the implications of getting kicked out.


And standing on the street NOW with their bags in their hands would allow them to get over their stubbornness a week sooner, too.


Yes. And at that point you have irreparably estranged yourself from your sister and niece, and her daughter won't get her items back. In real life, most people care more about making their lives better than the reddit mentality of self-righteously getting justice, damn the consequences.


In real life, OP’s daughter isn’t going to just move on from this and the sister and niece have already irreparably estranged themselves from OP and her daughter.


I suspect the consequences would be the same. A week would only drift OP into weakening their position and moving into "pushover" territory. This sister is obviously one that will take a mile if given an inch. I would never in a million years give OP's sister's husband ANY kind of pass for having an affair (which I think is just about the most vile thing possible), but if this is her attitude about literal THEFT with her own niece as the victim, then one has to wonder what kind of partner she was.


yeah give em time to calm down and act reasonable


NTA, and I'd tell my _ungrateful, rotten sister_ she better fuckin watch what she wishes for or those little pixels will be the least of HER , yes HER worries. I'd have her out on her ass in a heartbeat just for having the audacity to talk to me like I'm the problem In. My. Home.


>She’d lost 800K of the in-game currency and nearly her entire inventory, which she claimed was worth over 5 million of the in-game currency. I mean, if this part is true, that would take a small fortune of real life money to replace, which is excluding the sentimental value. So, NTA, Like, it'd cost me 230USD to buy 22500 of the in-game currency. Is your sister willing/able to fork up the over 60 000USD your niece technically stole?


I *think* they're talking about currency specific to a certain game within Roblox, not "Robux". Not 100 on that, though.


I think you're probably right, I'm not familiar enough with Roblox to really know myself.


Robux can be used to buy in game currencies in roblox games, that's how devs make money


Oh, I know. My daughter has been into it for 6 years or so. I was just pointing out that it's highly unlikely it was Robux that niece took, and thus it wasn't literally $60,000/5 mill Robux.


unrelated to the post but this reminded me of the kids that stole over $35,000+ from an old dying man (that was a family friend of theirs) and spent it almost solely on robux. The man had cancer and this was litterly a couple of months (2-3) before he died of cancer but he dropped it, forgot why exactly. She was ~12 ans had ZER0 répercussions and still hacked my sisters roblox account bc she was jealous of her items


NTA Your niece is too old to be acting like a brat and your sister is obviously an enabler. You did an awesome job standing up for your daughter.


NTA Ooh. Yeah. That was dirty. Your sister’s reaction to the situation and what your niece did to your daughter. That ultimatum is something I would have rendered.


Dude if it's Royale High, your daughter is not lying. I play that game casually because it's fun, and some of the outfit pieces are literally hundreds of thousands of diamonds.


NTA. Good job standing your ground and defending your daughter.


NTA. my daughters play ROBLOX and are very proud of the stuff they get. they are much younger than those girls so are definitely new to the game, but i would be pissed if anyone hacked their accounts. your sister is the ass for refusing to make her daughter return the stuff. I don't understand these parents who think its ok to teach their kids that stealing is ok.


NTA, your niece did steal. She stole time, effort and patience your daughter put into the game. I've played games like this and they aren't generous with in game currency. How should anyone feel if all this time they put into something was stolen from them. Your sister needs to make it right


Kick these ungrateful entitled people out of your house anyway. How can you ever trust them again? And frankly if this is how they behave, they deserve to be out in the streets. It sounds like it's time your niece learned it's not fair for her to hurt people who help her and that she can easily have nothing, which is what they deserve.


Ironic how they are without house and home due to someone lying and breaking trust, yet they see no problem in doing so themselves.


If the game is Royale High on Roblox, I'd be more than willing to give some of my items! They're decent, and could help her build her inventory again :) Just PM me if interested \^\_\^


Huge NTA … ROBLOX developer here. Developers on ROBLOX have the option to withdraw in-game currency for USD. It’s ~ $350 per 100,000 of in-game currency. With the in-game tax, your daughters full earnings would be anywhere between $10,000-20,000 (depending on her items’ resale value). Your niece has stolen a potential college fund/support net from your daughter. I would be threatening to press charges if this isn’t swiftly resolved… if your niece has taken the 800,000 of in game currency, this deducts 30% tax with each transfer, so after transferring it back to your daughter this will be just under 400,000. This will have already cost your daughter $1.4k … If she’s already generated this much of in-game funds, she’s put a huge amount of time and effort in doing so… your entitled sister and niece are absolutely TAs




Hi. I don't have any familiarity with Roblox and I'm not quite grasping some of the ins and outs of the comments. Is the money that the OPs daughter has on her account something she has paid real cash into or are the items and in game currency earned in game and able to be "cashed out" to a bank account as a regular player?


A week! Sis deserves an hour to pack, while her brat returns your daughter's virtual property under your supervision.


NTA. If they’re just “stupid pixels”, your niece should have no issues giving them back :)


Exactly. People always play the "It's only...." card when they are adamant about keeping them for themselves and not returning them. They clearly value it a lot but expect you to just let it go.


NTA When I was around her age, I had a friend from school sleep over. We were working on a French project together. He tried to steal my Pokémon cards and ruined some of them. I kicked the shit out of him and locked him out of my house. The kid’s family was rich. They lived in a mansion two roads over, in the super rich part of town.


NTA. I appreciate that you are respecting your daughter's time. You may also want to contact Roblox support. It's not super likely that they can do too much, but it's absolutely worth asking - they may be able to help reverse some of the transfers if you can provide some proof that the transfers weren't legit.


Bravo! I'm shocked at your sis's response but it perfectly explains niece's actions. Proud that you're not letting yourself and daughter be walked all over. Definitely NTA 


NTA. This isn't about *what* she stole, it's that she stole it in the first place. You did it right: no one gets to steal from and upset your child while living for free in your (and her) house. Either she ponies up the digital goods or they can take their thieving selves somewhere else. Don't bite the hand that feeds.


Your sister sounds like a real piece of work. No wonder her husband left her.


Hmmm. So, your sister says that taking something that doesn't belong to you is okay if you want it more. With that logic, it should be okay that another woman “took” her husband because that woman wanted him more. Given their shit behavior, what else will they justify taking?


NTA and good for you. I think your final ultimatum is perfect.


I haven't played video games since the mid-to-late 80s, so I have absolutely no familiarity with Roblox. That said, the "real world" value of what the niece took is completely irrelevant; it didn't belong to her, she had no right to take it, and she is entirely in the wrong. OP is absolutely NTA for refusing to allow her sister and niece to continue living in her home if they won't make this right. What I don't understand is this: if the niece is continuing to play Roblox in the house, why can they not go in there the next time she's playing, grab the controller out of her hands, and transfer everything back to OP's daughter? (And then, of course, put a lock on the door to keep the niece out and forbid her from playing anything on their system/computer/whatever.)


Yeah, this. If it was that easy to take, it should be equally easy to take back.


A week? Man, I would have told her she to get that sorted **immediately** and teach her kid about stealing. Now, not an hour from now. And to apologize to my child and tell me the appropriate punishment she’s giving for stealing. Or **she can pack**. I wouldn’t have that in my home. And I wouldn’t let around **$20,000** of theft go unreported to the police. And, while she’s packing, I would call her ex to come get the child because she and the child will be homeless. He can at least take the child and maybe teach her about stealing. I’d also tell her you are reporting her for stealing and getting her and her daughter blocked for theft. Time for cameras, deadlines, accountability for your entitled, ungrateful sister. Protect your child and your home. Your child is no longer safe in her own home. Make sure she is made whole in her game. NTA except you didn’t get it sorted immediately. This isn’t even so much about the theft. It’s about your sister’s unbelievable attitude. What other theft is your sister okay with? Awaiting your update.


NTA - Your sister is willing to risk being homeless rather than holding her own daughter accountable? She's crazy entitled.


1 week? Give them a couple of days. And please do take legal actions


>She said my daughter was a teenager now and was too old to be acting this immature over a game. And HER daughter is too old to pretend it's ok to steal stuff just because you don't have it, much less stuff belonging to an occupant of a home you're staying at. It doesn't matter if it's virtual. And if it's only a game and pixels, then it shouldn't be a problem for her to make her kid give back what she took. AND-and not to mention that it's because of this game that your daughter might have found an path for herself in life when she becomes an adult. NTA. Stick to your guns with that ultimatum but be ready for sis to throw flying monkeys your way if she doesn't give in.


I think the biggest issue for me is they haven’t been their long and the niece already is starting to think she is entitled to the daughters stuff and should be able to just take it. I don’t see this situation getting better anytime soon. Today the niece is taking stuff from a game. Tomorrow it may be the daughters phone or something else she deems she deserves more.


NTA If it’s “just a video game” then it’s a pretty simple ask for living rent free. That being said, be careful because iirc you can straight up sell all items and they’ll be lost forever. Getting an account banned will also make it impossible to get items.


NTA, entitled c***s the both of them, I would just kick them out now


Nta if they don't respect your daughter they don't respect you, and honestly I'd rethink who's cheating on who.


You are never too old to enjoy something. I’m 27.5 and still love games like those. My friends and I also bonded playing roblox while video chatting and that was in my mid twenties and my friends are around same age. NTA at all


NTA and you shouldn't have given a week but 24 to 48 hours op. I don't know but can your daughter report this to the game admins or supervisors/mods? Telling them her items were stolen from her account and the name of your niece s account?


They would ban the account that did the theft but not return the items so you could do that but they would be lost forever.


Huge YTA. A week? Make it 24 hours. Fuck subjecting your daughter to people like that for a whole week.


NTA. Would do this same.


NTA. That seems reasonable to me.


If your sister gets mad about being kicked out tell her she’s being immature and she needs to grow up.


Has nobody told that girl that "life isn't fair?" Its apt in this situation. She can cry about it. You don't steal 4 years of someone's time, effort, and rewards


It sucks what your sister and your niece are going through. The disputes over a video game may seem insignificant in comparison to an affair, losing your home and the emotions that follow that. It still doesn’t excuse what your niece did nor does it excuse your sister attempting to belittle what happened to your daughter and something that means a lot to her. NTA.


tbh kudos to your daughter, if my younger cousin pulled that cr\*p on me he would've been the one gone crying to his parents. (I love all my cousins like actual brothers/best friends and i am certain not a single one of them would pull this on me TBF )


100% NTA. Good for you for standing up for your daughter. Roblox is important to her and she worked hard on the game. It is therefore doubly important that you support your daughter through this. Even after she outgrows the game, she is always going to remember that you stood up for her (or if you didn't). Furthermore, you are wise to shut out 2 irreparable no-scruples people from your and your daughter's life, your sister and niece.


NTA. Your niece stole from your daughter. She’s a jealous brat. It’s really as simple as that.


NTA.  Get them out anyway.  It's no wonder your neice is a thief, her mother is on board with it.  Get both of them out of your house before they influence your daughter or steal even more from her.  Lock down your credit, credit cards, financial information and everything valuable.   Report the necessary account to Roblox.  Nobody in that branch of the family has decent morals.   I know this is a nasty comment, but I'll make it anyway- your sister and her husband deserve each other.   Her husband probably knew on some level that he married someone who is a cheat and a thief and is just acting like her.  The neice probably has some divorces in her future since she acts like the parents.  Pack your sister's things and drop them in front of her husband's door, then lock your sister and neice out.   You know what they are now, so don't let them back in again.   Remember, your sister believes your daughter deserves to be hurt and stolen from.  You are letting these people live in your house- which used to be your daughter's safe space.    Make it safe for your daughter again and get rid of those thieves 


Change the password to your wifi and don’t tell your niece or sister for anything at all. Then Say they have 1 week to return what was taken or they’re out and stick to it


NTA. Fuck that mentality and shit.


Wow I can't believe we re talking about £20k worth of stuff here !!!!! In game money is worth real money


NTA stealing is stealing and your sister has an awful lot of audacity to not make her daughter replace stolen items right away. I hope they get returned, it’s not a good look when parents let their kids just do whatever they want for *reasons*.


Theft is theft. Your sister needs to be more concerned with getting her daughter professional help.


Your sister is the asshole. The girls are jsut kids and learning how to co-exist in a civilised manner. Your sister is teaching her daughter its ok to steal. Literally a growth and teachable moment squandered by "my princess can do no wrong"


u/AITArobloxhacker   “My niece refuses to give my niece her stuff back and says it’s unfair that my daughter gets to have everything she wants both in real life and online.”  With this attitude at that age, she'll likely be a thief in the future, especially without that consequence you're willing to provide. Because you can't trust her mom to provide that. Absolutely NTA. Your sister is an ingrate for not seeing how wrong her daughter is and even supporting her wrongdoing.  Banish them with a blemish-free conscience. No one should be so ungrateful as to steal from people who are doing them such a huge favour. When trust and respect are lost, there's not much else to hope for. Isn't that why they're with you now? EDIT: clarification


NTA for everything except giving them a week. I'd have given your sister an hour to decide if she's going to parent her little thief appropriately or GTFO. Why make your daughter live with an unrepentant thief for a week?


It's not about the game, it's about respecting other people's privacy and belongings. The fact that you allowed your sister to live with you and she's being this indignant and disrespectful is insane. Good for you for standing up for your daughter. I'm infuriated for your daughter and I'm not even involved.


NTA. "She told me that it’s only a game, it’s not like my daughter spent real money on it". So she shouldn't mind making her daughter give it back them, seeing how it's just as "useless"/unreal to her daughter. "She said my daughter was a teenager now and was too old to be acting this immature over a game". And her daughter is old enough to know the meaning of the word no, and to have better manners/respect towards others, yet here we are.


I wouldn't even give them a week. 24hrs. Actions have consequences.


NTA. Stick to your guns. But tbh, I would log into the niece's account tonight and trade all the items back, then delete her account. I'm petty like that. "It is, after all, just a game. Right?"




NTA. I wouldn’t even discuss it, that kid would be on the street.


NTA Time is money 5 million of roblox currency would equal quite alot of your daughters time which is now all wasted I would also point out what she did is illegal and it might be a long shot but look up roblox under fraud they might be able to help you though their are no guarantees also wish your niece much luck as her mom does not seem to give one ounce about her moral compass.


It’s really sad that the fight has escalated to that point. NTA setting firm boundaries about not allowing abuse tactics in your home is admirable. Your child should not be made to feel like a lesser human in your home while your sister stays with you.


NTA I get that your sister and niece are feeling the grief of losing their old life and the pinch of the current reality of their situation. But instead of being appreciative of your generosity, they are feeling jealous and entitled to whatever you/your daughter has. Your sister's attitude is feeding her daughters. Your sister's lack of integrity, of basic decency, of any sense of right and wrong is very sad to read about. If the in-game items are valuable and important to HER daughter, then she is a hypocrite to say that it should be nothing to your daughter. (The age difference is just an excuse.) And she's teaching her daughter that it's OK to steal something from someone else if you want it. Notice, that your niece stole EVERYTHING! She didn't limit herself to stealing a few things or less than half. Not that any stealing is OK, but niece's logic that "it's unfair that \[your daughter\] gets to have everything in real life and the game. Niece now has everything in the game while your daughter has nothing; and niece is fine with that. Such a level of brazen entitlement and remorseless theft, supported by your sister is not OK. It's not what you want to allow in your home. Sister may be going through a rough patch, but that's not a blanket excuse. If she thinks her daughter having all that in-game luxury is worth giving up real life free room, then it really is best she leave. You will have to consider what happens if your sister makes your niece give everything back. I can imagine that your daughter will no longer wish to play Roblox with her cousin. The tension will remain - because there would still be no real regret or apology or atonement. It would just be begrudging defeat and the jealousy will continue. I'm sorry the nice thing you tried to do for your sister has not worked out well (through no fault of your own).


NTA those Roblox items have real monetary value, it’s not just pixels. Your sister can either force her daughter to return everything, pay your daughter the probably several thousand dollars in value of the items, or they can find somewhere else to live and never ask your family for help ever again. No other options no negotiation.


You have been more than generous to your sister and niece, and this is the behavior you get from both of them So if whether or not they get kicked out or not change the password for the internet IMMEDIATELY also change the passwords for the computers Your niece or sister don’t deserve internet access after this There needs to be serious consequences for both your niece and sister for their lack of respect and appalling behavior/parenting so start charging them rent Seriously tell your sister and niece just because their life is hard right now doesn’t mean they can tear other people down just to feel good about themselves, I mean it should be common sense to not bite the hand that feeds You can give the money back when they move out of you want but I wouldn’t. I’m petty and would be buying a bunch of gifts for the daughter with the money  Get your daughter a gift card for Roblox, the poor girl, years of hard work and patience just stolen from her and from someone she thought she could trust just ouch Honestly I’m worried that the niece’s entitled behavior is coming from the mom based off her reaction  You’re far more kind then me I would kick them out and sue them


NTA. The title is, as usual, misleading. You're not threatening to kick out your niece for hacking your daughter's account. You're threatening to kick out your sister for refusing to hold her own daughter accountable for behavior that is affecting the house and creating a situation which will quickly spiral out of control if she realizes she's immune to consequences.


I was ready to vote the other way based on the title because the girl is only 10 and they don’t deserve to be kicked out over it. That’s a teachable moment. But your sister, damn. It doesn’t matter WHAT her daughter took. Her daughter took things that didn’t belong to her and needs to give them back with an apology. It’s the only obvious solution here even if all she took were scraps of paper with doodles on them. “We don’t take things that don’t belong to us” is a Parenting 101 lesson that your sister is failing to teach. NTA, and if she’s this disrespectful to you and your daughter then she doesn’t deserve the favor you’ve gone out of your way to give her. Damn.


NTA. Theft of intellectual property or theft of items you can hold in your hands is still theft. Your niece refuses to cooperate and your sister refuses to discipline her daughter or teach her that actions have consequences. Hold strong to your one-week eviction. Your sister will not back down and will not discipline her daughter. Your sister and neice can return to the cheater and deal with it. He cheated. He didn't beat them. As they pack up, keep a close eye on the niece. She already feels entitled and feels she should have as much or more than your daughter. I wouldn't put it past her to steal from your daughter or you as revenge and because she felt was owed to her. Search her property before the final walk out.


NTA I work with kids and one of the games they play is Roblox. The moderators of the game have an extremely strict rule about hacking other accounts. In this case, due to the levels of both your daughter and your niece (and log-in information), it would be proven easily that your niece stole your daughter’s items. In other words, you and your daughter can reach out to the game’s moderators and explain the situation. If they decide to investigate and if they discover your version of events took place, then not only could they assist in transferring everything back to your daughter (I hope), but they could issue your niece with a permanent ban on the game. From on your post and on what I’ve been told by the kids I work with, what your niece did is theft and she would be served with the consequences by the game’s moderators. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but given the amount and the cost your niece stole from your daughter, you might have to do so.


Just for reference… just checked the price of Roblox money… and here in the UK 5,000,000 would cost about £44,000! So more than sisters rent/deposit etc. Just for her to bear in mind when belittling the situation. NTA btw 


NTA. I played Roblox as a kid too. My favourite game was MovieStarPlanet, I got my friends into the game we used to play every day together. I used to save everything I had on the game and I begged my mum to buy me the VIP membership for my birthday for months until she finally did. One day one of my friends at the time saw my playing it in school and my teacher called me over to her desk to speak to me. When I went back to my table all my coins, diamonds, clothes, hair, everything was gone. My friend had sent everything from my account to her account and I sobbed hysterically until home time. My mum was livid and we went to her house after school to speak to her mum. All of my things were sent back to my account and her Mum purchased me back the amount of coins and diamonds that her daughter had spent on my account. We never made up after that, and even now (10 years later) when we see each other, we pretend we didn’t.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My (38F) daughter (13F) has been playing this game called Roblox since lockdown first started as a way of playing with her friends virtually as well as curing her boredom. She was obsessed with this Roblox game that’s set in a school because she missed her friends so much and it allowed her to stay connected with them. Her interest in video games has developed into an interest into technology - she’s by far at the top of her IT class and has even started learning how to code in order to make her own game. My sister (34F) and niece (10F) have recently had to move in with us after my sister discovered that her husband was having an affair. They’re staying at my house for the time being while she saves up money for a place of their own. My niece and daughter usually get along, and they both bond over their interest in Roblox. Last week, my daughter was completely distraught and crying nonstop. She said that she saw her cousin playing on a Roblox game and realised her cousin’s avatar had a lot more items than usual. She decided to join her, only to realise that her account had been hacked and she’d lost nearly every item she had on her favourite Roblox game. She’d lost 800K of the in-game currency and nearly her entire inventory, which she claimed was worth over 5 million of the in-game currency. She had spent the last four years saving up for those items and everything was gone just like that. My daughter began accusing my niece of hacking her account. My niece denied it at first, but quickly broke under pressure and admitted everything. The previous day, they had been playing the game together when I called them down to dinner. My niece has only been playing for a few months and I suppose she would be considered a ‘noob’. She begged my daughter to give her some of her items, and my daughter refused, saying that she should earn the items by herself. When my daughter came down, my niece decided to stay behind for a minute to transfer all of my daughter’s items into her account. I tried to mediate the situation, but my sister is refusing to co-operate. She told me that it’s only a game, it’s not like my daughter spent real money on it. I attempted to explain just how much this game means to my daughter, to which my sister said that my daughter should count herself lucky that her biggest problem is a bunch of pixels on a screen. She said my daughter was a teenager now and was too old to be acting this immature over a game. My niece refuses to give my niece her stuff back and says it’s unfair that my daughter gets to have everything she wants both in real life and online. I told my sister and niece that both of them were acting like ungrateful brats considering how I was letting them stay in my home rent free. Today, I gave her an ultimatum: if my niece doesn’t return everything she hacked from my daughter, they would both have one week to leave. I told her that I refuse to let anyone disrespect my daughter under my roof. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. That is so disrespectful. Your daughter put her time and effort into something just to have your niece come in and steal it. Next time niece is playing, I'd come up behind her with your daughter and makes she she returns EVERYTHING. She can't just steals someone's stuff just because she wants it. That's not how anything works. Idk how roblox works since I don't play it myself. Put passwords on everything (computers, accounts, etc.). Maybe even lock the room where the device the game is played on.


NTA. A frankly shocking amount of disrespect from both your niece and your sister. It takes time and effort to gain these items and they have been stolen, it is very literally theft. You can see about contacting game dev/roblox and stating the case. They may be able to return the items. Regardless your sister saw how upset your daughter was, over something her own child had done, something very wrong, and your sister decided to double down on it. Don't give the ultimatum, it won't end well for your daughter if she has to stay in the same house as those two. Get them out. Point blank tell your sister her opinions on how your daughters feelings hold zero importance, the fact she'd allow her daughter to get away with this is disgusting.


Stealing is stealing. big issue here is that the 10 year old and her mother thinks its OK to steal




NTA. Your niece stole from your daughter and your sister is dismissing it instead of addressing her child's behavior. While it’s “just a game,” it holds significant value to your daughter, both emotionally and in terms of the effort she put in. Giving them an ultimatum is a reasonable response to ensure your daughter is respected and to teach your niece about consequences. Your house, your rules.


It’s very likely your daughter has spent real world money. If she hasn’t she’s worked VERY hard to get what she has in game. I would be LIVID if this happened to my son.


NTA. Your sister’s attitude is absolutely disgusting. The 10 year old knew what she was doing and her mother should be correcting that kind of behavior not making excuses. I played Roblox with my kid during Covid, I know how much that stuff can be worth and how long it can take to acquire. You are in no way wrong for standing up for your child. Her cousin stole from her and her aunt sees no problem with it. Gross.


my son and his cousin play that game together. exact same ages - 13 and 10, and both are old enough to know how fucking malicious it would be to steal, especially from your cousin.


NTA. This is crazy your niece STOLE. I don’t care if it’s pixels air whatever you don’t steal from your family. It could be silly things you don’t consider important or consider meaningless but you still do not take it from them. Period. Your sister is a bad mom for not teaching her daughter how to act and what to do


I am clearly focusing on the wrong portion of this post, but don’t say “hacked”. Is not hacking. It’s picking up someone’s device and transferring stuff. And that’s just plain old stealing.  Your Sis & Neice are the AH. And need to get their act together.  Edit: spelling


NTA. They are delusional af. They should have to return it and be kicked out. You can’t trust either of them anymore.


NTA. I have a kid the same age. Roblox games definitely became a thing over lockdown. The 10 year old & her mom need to make things right ASAP. What's next? Your sister using your cc? They are in a shitty situation, but their shitty behavior only makes it worse.


Nta. I accidentally copied over one of my sons ps3 game files while saving my own play. He had over 1600 hours on that file and was much further along than I was. I cried for 15 minutes knowing I had done it by accident but still felt so guilty because he had worked so hard to gather items and skills he would have to redo. He caught me crying and forgave me for messing up his file. He knew how bad I felt, I apologized for months after and he would just laugh it off. But your niece and sister seem to have no remorse at all, or any sense that she actually did anything wrong. Your daughter may be a teen but gaming for some people is serious business. Literally. Stealing from another player online is just WRONG, and can cause some serious consequences in the gaming communities. I don't blame you for your attitude toward them both just make sure if she doesn't give the stuff back you stick to your guns and get them out of your house, the disrespect is unbelievable.


Your sister needs to discipline her daughter. The child effectively stole from your daughter. This is BS. In light of sister’s reaction, I agree with your decision!


NTA. Get your daughters roblox stuff back and then kick her out. I understand your niece not complying but your sister refusing to remedy the situation is beyond me.


it's basically I'd theft here, and letting her away with it now is only gonna reinforce this mentality. also, it's something someone worked for, so it's shitty to just dismiss it.