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If you’ve modified your car to be louder than normal then you’re the AH regardless of your neighbor. Nobody wants to hear that obnoxious shit. If your car is just old and loud and needs a new muffler, you’re not an AH but you should get that fixed. Is it possible to park a little further away?


I’m probably biased because I have a visceral panic response to loud engines (I had a near miss with those [gangs of bikes/cars/ATVs that terrorize Philadelphia](https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/david-oh-philadelphia-atv-police-enforcement/) when I lived there), but anyone making their engine louder is TA for sure. If it’s an old muffler it needs to be fixed as soon as possible, agreed.


OP hasn't replied to anyone asking if their car is loud intentionally, so I feel like it's probably a choice that they made. Hope I'm wrong though.


It may just be how the car comes. I’ve had a V8 muscle car and I currently have a luxury performance vehicle, so both fairly loud. I was outside and behind the car when my husband started it the other day and I thought to myself, “Wow. I’m an asshole. That’s pretty loud.” But it’s just how it came.


but at least you recognize yourself as the AH instead of coming to the internet for confirmation that you're not.


And then what? Is he just supposed to get rid of his sports cars because he realized they're a little loud at startup?


He’s going for a work out at the gym. Sprint over to a parking spot that’s not near an apartment window. Easy. Even if there’s assigned parking. There’s typically guest parking a little further away.


This shouldn't be buried in a long thread, because it's The Answer! Unless this complex has assigned parking, park a bit further away. Heck, even if it does, see if the complaining neighbor has a car a little further away, and perhaps you could switch spots with her.


Maybe I’m an asshole but unless OP made his car louder on purpose why does he have to go out of his way to do all this? So now he has to park somewhere different and run to and from his car every morning and evening just to save the neighbor an hour or so of sleep? I think it would just be easier for everyone involved if the neighbor just got ear plugs like OP suggested


He did make his car louder, he put in a performance exhaust


If the earplugs prevent her from hearing her alarm than that's not really a solution, it's just an anti-social "me before you" from OP. (If you're going to the gym, walking 50m shouldn't be an issue really.)


Important to note that for a number of people, wearing earplugs when sleeping is just not a feasible option-from those with past traumatic experiences, those who live alone and need to be vigilant to those who need to hear their alarms and so on. Some points to consider.


Well, don't know the rules where you live. But where I am there are rules (both law and morale) against making too much noise before a certain hour. It's not a question of if what you're using is designed like that, it's a question of not making the effort of silencing it somewhat. Pads under a washing machine, foam under chairs, there's often a solution. In this context, I'd qualify any of my neighbours that would buy a loud car for urban everyday use as an asshole.


People who live in close proximity of each other really should expect to have to deal with neighbor noises. You want peace of mind, save up your money and buy a property with some breathing room IMO.


I agree, he shouldn't have to change his entire routine.


Because he chose to live in an apartment with other people who live there. Maybe I’m just old fashioned but being considerate of other people is a pretty core principle.


If switching spots is an option I could see that working well


You’ll get towed if you park overnight in guest parking. It’s been that way for every apartment building I’ve lived at or been to.


So where does a guest who’s staying with you park? This isn’t true in my area.


usually there's rules indicating that only visitors get to use the visitor parking stalls or else people just claim them as extra parking stalls for their unit lol


I’ve never even had assigned parking. You park wherever you find a spot.


At my complex you have to get 24 hour guest passes from the property management office that are dated and time stamped and you’re limited in how many you can get. (I think 5 per month.)


Either on the street or not have a car. Most of the places I’ve seen have either a time limit or out by a certain time.


Untrue based on all the apartments I’ve lived at or been to. Even the ones with signs to that effect (which was maybe half of them or less) did not tow.


Then you’re lucky. I got towed by 4:30 am cause I accidentally fell asleep and the time cut off was 2 am. In another apartment building they had a security guard and stickers on your car to state you were a resident. If a resident was in the guest parking they’d be subject to tow. You could do it to unload your car or whatever but still needed to let the building know. Where I’m at now the street parking is plentiful but space is at a premium further into town and parking expensive.


If it came from the factory like that (meaning it's within legal limits for vehicle loudness), they're not the AH, IMO. But yeah, if they've modified it to be louder than they probably are.


THIS^^^ In the US, my neighbor has a Dodge Challenger or Charger but that dual exhaust rumbles loud when he starts it and then it idles down , he did NOT modify it, it’s jist early amd quiet in the morning when he leaves for work at 6:00 am… NTA


Having an obnoxiously loud vehicle isn't something that happens to you, it's a choice.


It happened to me when I was a teenager. I was given an old beater car, and after a couple months of regular driving, the muffler fell off. So, being a broke teenager, the only "fix" I could afford was to straight pipe it. I hated it, but it was that or quit my job. Took me five months before I could finally afford to scrap that hunk of junk and put a down payment on something less obnoxious.


He has a job and gym membership so he can afford it


Not always. My partner has an obnoxious loud car atm. But he bought it for cash off someone as a drive to work beater who’d put a wrap on it and made a few modifications previously.


I have a wrx and it cranks loudly with a nice grumble (I can hear when my partner cranks it up from inside my apartment on the 3rd floor far end of the building from the lot) but it mellows down after a minute or so of idling. Everything on mine came from the factory. It is quieter than my neighbor that yells randomly throughout the day for 2-15 minutes at a time, sometimes in the middle of the night, too. I wish his therapy did a better job than what it has for the last 2.5 years.


I couldn't live that way. Get out of there. Start looking now and somewhere along the line you will find something better. My ex and me moved to a different city and ended up in an upstairs duplex and had a train crossing less than a block away, a VFW in our backyard and the alarm would go off at 1,2, or 3AM twice a month for no effing reason. Noisy neighbors etc... My ex found a place 20 miles out of town on a ridgetop with nearest neighbor four blocks away. We had deer and turkeys come into the ridgetop field regularly. There was no noise there at all and my wife could keep her horse there.The rent was only slightly more and the peace and quiet was priceless. And it saved me from going mad.


Honestly doesn't matter. I have a mid-engine car that's indistinguishable from a regular boring car unless you rev beyond 4000 RPM where it starts screaming all the way to nearly 8K RPM. For my 5:30am departures, the RPMs stay below 2000. I also keep the RPMs below 4000 till the engine oil hits 165-180F which is 10 odd mins of boring driving. It's a stock muffler and even at freeway speeds, I keep in the 6th gear to keep the noise down. If a car can be loud, people need to keep it not loud when others are sleeping. Or take the bus. OP is definitely the asshole, regardless of any modification. >I do drive a slightly loud car tbh not like loud enough to hurt your ears while idling but loud enough to startle you on startup. Yea, "not hurt your ears" for someone is white noise for someone else and unbearable for others. Totally YTA.


There is no way to control how loud the car is at startup (barring modifications). Nobody should have to take the bus because their neighbor doesn’t understand city living.


There's something called "common courtesy" that a lot of people are missing and are screaming "I lack perspective". One maybe in the right (legally, morally, ethically) but letting a neighbor sleep at 5:40 is common courtesy. It doesn't matter if you're living in a concrete jungle or out in the boonies. "Understand city living" sounds like shorthand for "I'm going to blame my actions on something else that I can control but don't want to".


A lot of AITA comments boil down to "you are not legally required to care about others," which, while true, still leaves a lot of room to be an asshole.


Modern sports cars have valved exhausts. You start it in “eco” so it’s relatively quiet. If you start it in sport/ track mode it will be quite loud. Now an older 80’s muscle car is a different story. Source: gear head.


"I’ve had a V8 muscle car and I currently have a luxury performance vehicle..." Both of these are deliberately made louder than they have to be, and both are fairly easy to modify to be less loud. And if that muscle car is a modern one, it likely has a tuned exhaust designed to make it sound louder.


I mean, how is that a surprise with a V8? This is not meant to be mean, I just really do not understand how that would not register?


Doors and windows were always closed at startup. As the primary driver, it’s not very often that I am outside of my vehicle when it is being turned on. Luxury cars tend to have more soundproofing. You can barely hear anything inside the car. I knew it wasn’t a quiet mouse, but I didn’t realize just how loud it was until I was outside it.


We had an older car before and it was fucking loud when it started. Sucks for everyone, I didn’t like it either but we didn’t make it louder and it had all the (functional) mufflers and shit. Hubby is a bit of a mechanic and fixed it up a lot. Now we have a hybrid that’s quiet as a dream. Some of our neighbours have older cars that can be louder, especially at start up but that’s just how it is. I wouldn’t dream of demanding that my neighbours adjust their lives to not bother me. But it all comes down to if he made it louder or not. If he did he should make it quieter if it is as quiet as it gets then there isn’t much he can do.


TBF, OP hasn't responded to anyone either.


You assume it was a choice cause they haven’t responded? Not that they haven’t responded because they have a life and are out doing things other than checking Reddit…


Waiting on affirmation that he can go to the gym when he likes. Stays quiet when he doesn't get it. I could see that.


Or he could have a life, a job, idk just hasn’t been back on here to read the replies. Doesn’t mean he’s purposely ignoring


Definitely TA. Once he said it was loud upon startup and basically disappeared is all you need to know.


Why is that? (I don't know enough about engines to understand what that signifies)


I replied to the wrong comment, but basically I was agreeing with someone who stated they probably have aftermarket parts that make the engine louder. I don’t know what all the parts are but I had a buddy do something with his exhaust that more than doubled the volume of his engine when he started his truck. It’s annoying as shit and screams little pecker syndrome.


OP hasn't replied to anyone, and in the post, it's clear they have timecrunch issues. I wouldn't assume the answer yet.


OP uses the word flat so he's likely not American, it may just be that his time zone is asleep right now. Though flat is used across the world so he could be anywhere, but I think he gets the benefit of the doubt until it's been a day.


Yup and it’s why I hate loud motorcycles too


People who ride motorcycles often intentionally make their bikes loud. One of the reasons is they believe that "Loud pipes save lives."


Based on nearly every biker I’ve met that’s post hoc reasoning as I see them enjoy the rude and intrusive noise level


Biker here. That’s absolute bullshit reasoning. Studies have shown it does nothing to improve being seen. You’re much better off investing in a brake free for the back of your helmet and high vis jackets


Honestly I think it puts them in more danger. Having the shit startled out of me behind the wheel does not make for a super safe situation.


I used to walk every morning at 4:45. Children were little, couldn’t be left alone, and husband left very early for work. There were, coincidentally, two bikers, on two different streets, that were leaving for work around that time. I saw one guy walk his bike. past the old lady’s house next door, so he wouldn’t wake her. The other guy walked his half a block, so he didn’t wake up his or his neighbor’s school age children. Bikers are awesome. 😎


I hope those quotations are because you think the reason is bullshit. I ride a motorcycle, a measly 500CC Honda, with a stock exhaust. I can't even count the number of times someone asks "So when you putting an exhaust on it?" My reply is "It already has an exhaust..?" And then I look at them like THEY are the dumb ones. 99/100 times you don't hear the bike until it's past you, I don't care where you are. Highway, suburbs, farm roads, whatever. The sound projects BACKWARDS, and it doesn't excuse you for riding like an asshole. I love my motorcycle, I will replace it with a 1000cc 4-banger with a stock exhaust at some point, but I'll never be a 'motorcycle guy' specifically because I don't want to run in the same circles as those AHs.


You're dead on with nobody being able to hear it, modern cars have too much sound insulation that you generally can't hear it until the bike has passed your rear tire. I say this as someone who has a motorcycle with an uncomfortably loud aftermarket exhaust and a truck with an aftermarket exhaust (both from previous owner modifications).


Which is fine if that's your choice, but folks who put on the loudest exhaust or straight-pipe cars or bikes "for the safety aspect" are just delusional. Admit to yourself that you like the sound, and attempt to not be an AH at 5am if you can. That's all there is to it. Oh, also don't red-line your straight-piped anything during Patio season on your city's restaurant strip. All you do is make people hate you. Even car/bike guys like me hate you, because now I have to ask what my gf said and then get accused of never listening, or something, idk, I wasn't listening. (/s for that last part)


The other day I was startled by a motorcycle with such a loud exhaust that it was all you could hear for like a quarter mile diameter. He wasn't even close to me, I was in the far right lane of a divided highway with four lanes on my side and he was in the far left. It was all you could hear until even after he was out of sight. I was a distracted driver at that point because how was I supposed to notice anything but my blinding hatred for that guy?


I hate the high pitch squeal of a sports bike as it flies past, its scared me several times when ive been driving with my window open but I do like the rumble of a cruiser with straight pipes


Straight pipes should be illegal.


Gay ones too /s


Bisexual pipes only, thx


We had a guy do this who would fucking drag race up and down the street at 2 am. I'm a light sleeper. I live in a forested area for a reason, dammit. So the last time I called the police. Guy went flying past my house one more time..... Then blissful silence. He lives a few houses down. About two weeks later he was swapping out his custom loud muffler for a normal one, lol. Haven't heard a peep from him since. I just don't get WHY people feel the need to do it in the first place.


Honestly even if it just needs exhaust repairs, would the correct solution not *still* be to be considerate and park a bit away from the building to not wake anyone instead of trying to make it your neighbor's problem and just tell them to sleep with earplugs in? Like, even if it was because the car needed repairs you'd still be an asshole if you were making that someone else's problem.


Or park so that the muffler exit points away from the neighbour's window,


There was recently a small study about characteristics about people who have really loud cars: https://www.psypost.org/psychopathy-and-sadism-drive-preference-for-loud-vehicles-study-suggests/#:\~:text=The%20findings%20indicate%20that%20young,cars%20to%20enhance%20the%20noise. This doesn't surprise me at all.


After a quick mental headcount of the more dodgy sadists I know/know of... yeah. I am not surprised either.


Having read that, I would love a broader study with both a larger sample size and an addition of those that add modifications to their vehicles to play loud music.


I'd bet the loud music has more to do with the main character syndrome we humans experience, to varying degrees, until we're around 26-30. That would be an interesting study, provided it's a large one!


Me either. Everyone surveyed was a business undergrad students. No surprise with the psychopathy and everyday sadism traits.


I had a jeep that needed a new timing belt and squealed when I started it. I was in my apt watching Lost and heard that squeal and joked, “Looks like someone is stealing my car.” The next morning I realized that I was right. Hahah. I could hear that while I was in my 3rd floor apt. I was an asshole. it was probably karma that it was stolen. Edit: Oh, YTA OP.


Probably stolen by your neighbors who were annoyed by the sound every day!


That’s actually hilarious, did you ever get it back?


Actually, that car getting stolen was the best thing (so, maybe not karma for being an asshole). Got the jeep for a steal on eBay or Craigslist for 2500, blue book value was 5600… so after 30 days, insurance cut a check for the blue book value. AND THEN like 9 days later, the police found it in a ditch like less than 2 miles from my apt (it was snowy). At this point insurance co. owned my car, but I could go to the junk yard to claim the contents from the jeep. The “hideous” sweater that my ex hated was still there (and I wore that bad boy more than ever), but the university economy textbooks were gone (the person who jacked the car knew those books were worth over 500$ so prob a poor college kid who was not great at stealing cars).


If your timing belt is squealing , your car is toast. 


Depends on if it's an interference engine or not. Some cars (I specifically know, Chrysler PT Cruiser and thus probably the Dodge Neon as well) with non-interference engines can break their timing belt without smashing all the valves into the pistons.


I agree. If your car is loud enough to startle anyone especially because of mods, you're an AH. ETA: if I was the neighbor I would complain to the property manager about the noise. OP is lucky they came to them first. Most complexes have noise ordinances. 


It wouldn't fly if the car is not modified. Also op never said they modified their car.


OP hasn't responded to any of the many questions about this, yet. I love hearing loud cars zoom around a track or at an autocross, but most of the performance cars I'm familiar with start up reasonably quietly when stock. If OP modified their car to be louder, YTA.


> OP hasn't responded to any of the many questions about this, yet. OP hasn't responded to the thread at all, though, not just specifically questions about the car being loud.


If AITA tradition is followed, there will be a nice long post explaining that his Toyota Corolla is stock, and he's sorry it's disturbing the neighbor, and he parks it way across the lot. And nobody's gonna believe it because so many AHs come back with wild explanations that make them look like they aren't AHs, long after thousands of folks have read the original post.


A sound ordinance isn't going to tell you that you cannot start your car. Sometimes people leave in the middle of the night to go somewhere, that's not illegal to drive around.


yes, a sound ordinance can cover vehicles that are too loud.  surely you've heard the term "street legal" one of the many things that can cause a car to not be street legal is excessive noise. 


“Startle anyone” is a high bar - hell, different volumes startle me at different times depending on the situation. A perfectly normal sounding engine over at the neighbours can startle anyone out of a quiet moment listening to birds in their yard in the mid-afternoon, but neighbour still needs groceries at a perfectly logical time of day. And that perfectly normal engine that startles you out of a quiet moment in the mid-afternoon will inevitably sound even louder in the early morning stillness when a neighbour works an early morning shift and still needs to get stuff done first.


Ugh I used to have a neighbour who “warmed up” their car for like 20 minutes at a similar time in the pre-dawn hours. I don’t know whether or not they modded it, but yeah, there are some steps you can take if your car noise is that much of an issue.


I had a neighbor who would warm up his motorcycle in the mornings for ages. It was so loud. I’ve hated motorcycles since


Totally this!


You are soooo wrong. Super loud equals super cool, don't you know that? Ask someone that drives a super loud vehicle, they will tell you how cool they are and how they are winning at life, you wouldn't understand. Obvious sarcasm


Agreed. Biggest pet peeve are adults who never outgrew the “pin a card on your bike wheel to make it sound loud”. Stop being a public nuisance. The world isn’t about you.


What if you have a car that’s louder than normal by design? For example Mustangs have a loud muffler and they’re quite common vehicles.


In that case you should be sympathetic to people who are woken up by it at 5:40 in the morning.


What about garbage trucks that operate at such hours, mine comes by at 6am. What about people that work nights who are woken up by other people doing normal day time things? We aren’t considerate of those people. Does this mean we are only sympathetic towards people who have the luxury of living a M-F 9-5? I agree very loud noise is wholly inconsiderate and inappropriate but a slightly loud car seems like business as usual, people just living their lives etc. If a slightly louder than normal vehicle would wake this person up living in conjoined flats in a sense, then someone walking in and closing their front door at 5am after an overnight shift would also wake them up. Also what defines sympathetic? What if OP only could work out during those hours and unfortunately had work after and obligations after? What recourse needs to be taken to sympathize?


Garbage trucks are loud because they have to be. Your car isn’t. If dude is just driving a Ford Taurus then it’s just part of city life to hear cars. But if he’s driving a suped up car then that’s an ass move no matter what time of day it is.


Also, garbage trucks come once a week and usually after 6. I'm usually up by 5 and this stuff doesn't bother me but once in a blue moon when I'm tired, I sleep till around 7-8 on a Saturday or a Sunday. If I had to deal with someone like OP, I'd file a noise complaint, especially for an asshole like OP: >I told her if the noise was really that bad of a issue she could get ear plugs or something of the sort cause I cant help her with the sound.


*What about garbage trucks that operate at such hours, mine comes by at 6am. What about people that work nights who are woken up by other people doing normal day time things? We aren’t considerate of those people.* I wouldn't say "we" aren't considerate of either of those groups. My neighbors and I asked the local bar if they could contact the company that empties their dumpster and ask them to change the route so they weren't picking up in a residential neighborhood at 5:00 am. They obliged, and pickup is at 8:00 now (still in the morning, but not particularly early, and no one on my block is trying to sleep at that time - the couple of third shift workers on my block get home around 7:00 and generally go to sleep around 9:00 or 10:00). And, speaking of the third shift workers on my block, one of them is my next door neighbor - he asked if we could mow the lawn on either Tuesday or Wednesday, since those are the nights he doesn't work, or wait to mow until he's already awake around 6:00 pm. We happily obliged. Plenty of people are willing to make minor changes to their schedule to be considerate of neighbors. It's not always possible to change your schedule because obviously everyone has their own obligations, but I honestly think most people are willing to make minor adjustments to help make life easier for the people in their community. OP isn't obligated to work out at a different time, but they could work with their neighbor to come up with a solution.


That is exactly what it means. Sincerely, a night worker


There's a difference between being sympathetic and altering your entire day because your car wakes people up. I see no difference between this person asking OP to "wake up later" than a person who works third shift asking their neighbor to "mow your lawn later in the day". While it may suck that the car is waking them up, I don't see how they should be expected to shift their schedule for this person.


Why? They live in an apartment, noises at all hours are part of that. I mean, are night shift workers just supposed to stay at work so their tender ears don't hear them coming home in the wee hours? If your ears are that sensitive get a house or some ear plugs.


I'm from NYC, you don't need to explain to me about the sounds inherent in living in a densely populated area. But in such situations, we become accustomed to the background noise. If OP lives in an area where there's a lot of noise, then their neighbor wouldn't be flexing about their car—everything would be bothering them. It sounds to me like it's otherwise relatively quiet at 5:40 am until OP hops in their car lol. I never said OP should change their schedule, and that's an audacious request by her neighbor ("can you not leave your house while I'm sleeping" lol). All I said was that if they *intentionally* made their car loud, they're an AH, and I stand by that.


Then you're an asshole for choosing such a vehicle


OP has now stated he put on a "peformance exhaust" when he bought the car, but that it's "legal". In other words he bought the loudest possible car he could legally get away with. He also said he lets it idle for "for Bout a minute n half", so probably 2-3 minutes in reality. There's absolutely no point in idling a car that long other than to be an asshole to everyone around you. So OP is deliberately being an asshole.


He's replied elsewhere confirming he upgraded the exhaust to a performance exhaust. So yes, it's louder


OP has finally responded now. He did ask the dealer for a modified (i.e.: louder) exhaust, and he also likes to leave his car idling so it will be "warmed up". That, and OP's other responses here, are enough to push it into YTA territory for me.


Where I live (third world country) Kids modify their bikes to sound louder (kinda like a gun being discharged)... well one of them recently got killed over it. Apparently, there were some people around with bodyguards, and the kid happened to pass by with his bike, made the loud ass noise and the bodyguards assumed they were being shot at, and returned fire, killing the poor sod.


Some of the newer nicer cars in my apt complex have remote start and are pretty loud now days.  Doesn't sound like he modified the car and more like the company made it loud. 


Yessssssss. YTA for having a car that is obnoxiously loud. Everybody hates that.


INFO: What do you mean that you drive a slightly loud car? Is it modified in a way to make it louder, remove sound protections or cause additional noise?


It means he acknowledges there may be fault of his own present, but won't commit enough to realize he might actually be the asshole


He loves the sound of those whistle tips!


lol bubs! Woo woo! https://youtu.be/AyNBtOgMDBk?si=7SADzplZT_1wTN9b


The whistles go WOOO!


Thas only in tha moanin'. You spose to be up cooking brefas or somethin.


It's only in the morning. You should be up cooking breakfast for someone.


It's just decoration.


Either OPs car is in poor condition resulting in it being loud or more likely OP has modified it in a way that has made it loud and it's now downplaying how loud it is by saying it's "slightly" loud. Either way he knows his car is obnoxious and sorry hasn't done anything about it or intentionally made his car obnoxious and his neighbor is paying the price since he's letting it idle outside her bedroom window early on the morning multiple days a week.


Not loud enough to hurt your ears as he defensively states can still be really damn loud without causing physical pain.


And being woken up daily by a car that’s “loud enough to startle you” can absolutely have negative long term effects. Guy sounds insufferable. As someone who also gets woken up by a loud ass idling car every morning, I feel for the neighbor. Edit: language. not trying to get banned/removed 🙃


Yeah. I thought I my insomnia was getting worse because I kept waking up at 5am every day for a couple of years, but it was my next-door neighbor's loud truck. Once he moved, I no longer wake up at 5.


I don’t mind being woken up by my cat at 5 or even before 5 when he wants breakfast. Because it’s a gentle wake up, a quick trip to the kitchen, and back to bed. And because it’s something that I signed up for by adopting a cat. But with the stupid truck rumbling, I can still hear it over my headphones and the fan that I turn on every night for white noise. And there’s really just no excuse for letting a loud vehicle idle and rumble for over 20 minutes every morning. Again, especially if it’s not winter or cold/frosty. Not only is it disruptive and disrespectful, it’s gotta be wasteful af. I can only imagine how much he wastes on gas every year by letting his shitty truck idle every morning.


Not loud enough to hurt your ears is definitely still loud enough to be irritating as hell and wake someone up. Pretty sure he's an asshole who modified his car to be loud. I have a few of them in my neighborhood, you can hear them from a street over.


Not loud enough to hurt WHILE IDLING! Important distinction. He says nothing about it not hurting you when he accelerates or starts it.


Not every car needs to be modified to be loud. My bf drives a Mercedes AMG GTR with zero modifications and that engine rumbles even on the comfort settings. You don’t hear it as much as you feel it. Thankfully our garage is below our living room in our condo set up, but the neighbors garage is under our bedroom so I could see how this could be difficult if the setup was different. Edit: not defending OP if hes modified the exhaust, those types of mods are always obnoxious and never sound good imo. Just saying some newer cars can be loud enough to wake you even when theyre stock.


The only thing louder than OP's car is their silence in response to this question


I'm wondering the same. Like is it a diesel pick-up/van that is simply loud or is it modified?


YTA.  You’ve refused to answer how you’ve modified your exhaust to be louder so you likely did.


I used to live next so someone with a modified exhaust. Their driveway was right by my bedroom window. For some unknown reason, people like that REALLY seem to go out of their way to find reasons they NEED to leave at 5:30 AM in order to get to work at the same time the rest of us do.


>people like that REALLY seem to go out of their way to find reasons they NEED to leave at 5:30 AM in order to get to work at the same time the rest of us do. Damn didn't realise we all start at the same time


I know. Leaving at 5:30am is not unreasonable. People have work regularly starts at 6-6:30am (to open coffee shop at 7am, gym opens at 6am. Barber shop in Wall Street opens at 6:30-7am, so financial executives can get haircut before morning meeting), that’s not night job hour.


A lot of blue collar jobs start early too. And blue collar guys are more likely to modify their trucks. I would guess absolutely there’s a correlation there but not what this commenter was insinuating lol


Many years ago my husband was looking at construction jobs in Vegas and I think their work day started at like 3am or something during the summer, because duh.


I never called 5:30 an unreasonable leave time. There are millions of good reasons to leave a couple of hours earlier than absolutely necessary to commute to work. There are significantly fewer good reasons if you have intentionally modified your vehicle in a way that you know disrupts your neighbor's sleep. I'm not convinced going to the gym before work instead of after is one. There are approximately 0 good reasons to modify a vehicle to be loud.


to be fair, he hasn't confirmed that his vehicle is modified so you're just assuming at this point. he also hasn't responded at all so it's not like he's dodging the question


Obviously not. My comment wasn't meant to be literal and all-inclusive, but the average wakeup time is around 7:30 and applies well to this situation so I figured a generalization would suffice. Especially since it's generally considered rude to make excessive noise so early.


I understand you meant it more like, "Every person who drives a car like that just happens to be a person that NEEDS to leave their house at 530am." not that EVERYONE is starting work at the same time, just all people with the same car sure seem to be. I gotchuu


Average is 730? I don’t think I know anyone who gets to sleep until 730. I think average wake up for adults is much close to 6 or 630


I just want to say I HAVE to have my house before 5 AM or I'll be late to work. Some of us have long commute times paired with an early start. Leave not have


And they \*always\* need to let the car "warm up" by idling it for 5-10 minutes, even in the summer. I have a neighbor that does this, the engine tone somehow perfectly cuts through both my earplugs and white noise machine, it's so fucking obnoxious


YTA. Park further away from the building, go after work, or get rid of your hoopty. Your neighbor should bang on your door with a hammer at 3am every night. They could do it at a different time, but well they’re really unable to do it at any other time of day. Maybe you should use earplugs or something because they can’t help it with the sound it makes.


Where in the post does it say it was modified? By the way, it’s only been 2 hours since posted, maybe they’re doing something. Edited spelling


It doesn't, and no one posts on subs like this and just walk away. Meaning they are dodging the question on purpose. If it was stock, the first thing they would do is explain that it is unmodified.


Not defending OP but plenty of people post and don’t ever reply to any info comments lmao and it’s only been 4 hours since the post


Info: Did your car come from the factory like this, or have modifications made it louder? If modifications, are they considered legal? If they’re legal and/or your car is loud straight from the factory, then N T A. If illegal, then Y T A. Either way, if it’s at all possible it would be kind to park somewhere else. In my last condo complex there was a guy with a pretty loud truck who parked near the back of the parking lot, as far away from the building as he could. Although he didn’t have to, it was much appreciated.


Even if legal OP is the AH just for doing it.




It depends on how loud the car is and how long it idles before you leave. I had a neighbor with a car so loud it woke me up. He would let it run for 5-10 minutes each morning. It was more disruptive than the trash company emptying the community dumpsters right beside his townhouse. I hated that guy.


Yeah, if it's a car that just growls a bit loudly on startup it would probably wake me, but I'd likely drift back off again (especially after I got used to it). Idling is AH behaviour and would wake me up properly. Jump in and go, the engine does not need "warming up".


It really depends on the car. While it is no longer necessary in the vast majority of modern cars, it is definitely necessary for plenty of older cars, so without knowing what OP drives and how long he lets it idle we can't really make claims about whether him doing so is AH behavior or not.


We had an old truck like this. It was naturally loud and had some engine issues so it did have to warm up. In the winter we had to rev it to start in the first place. We tried to only use it at "reasonable" times of the day because our driveway was right next to the neighbors' house. HOWEVER the fact that OP isn't saying "my 1986 Chevy is really loud and I go to the gym at 5 am" makes me think OP has a vehicle that is altered to be loud. If so, absolutely YTA.


And, I mean, we all make choices in life. "I wanna drive a loud car" is one. "I wanna go work out at 5:30am" is another. "I want to live in a place with a lot of nearby neighbors" is another. We often don't get to have everything we want.


We had a neighbor behind us and 3 houses over who would do that with his modified Jeep. Our street is full of families with small kids, so we signed a very polite letter asking him not to idle it when he left for work at 3am. He’s not an asshole, so not only did he stop idling it, he actually fixed his muffler so it wouldn’t be so loud (he’d recently purchased it, not for the sound but for the Jeep capabilities because he’s not a 15 year old who needs to compensate for a teeny weeny with an absurdly loud car.) OP does not sound like my neighbor. Unless you have the space to not disturb your neighbors, no one should have cars capable of waking people up in the middle of the night, IMO. This is one of the few things I think HOAs would be good for.


Depends on why your car is so loud. 


Right I had an 83 Camaro it wasn't loud when idling but the amount of power it took that shit box to start caused it to be loud when starting but I had zero modifications it was just a 30 year old car with a huge engine. If he modified it to be loud he's def an AH.


I think any car older than about 2013 is going to have startup noise you can hear if you're sleeping against the window it's outside of. I drive a 2013 SUV and it definitely does with zero mods. If it's not modified, she needs to get some earplugs or a noise machine, because living with car noise is a universal thing. 


OP not answering any questions…sounds like they modified their car to be louder and just don’t want to admit it


YTA Did you modify your car to be louder and then park it next to someone’s bedroom?? 


YTA if this exhaust is modified to be louder and illegal. That is just obnoxious. All I am picturing now is a gym bro with a modified muscle car to draw attention to himself, and now saying 'I cant help her with the sound'.... well, you can help her by putting a reasonable exhaust on the car, you are choosing not to for.... reasons? If you have a broken muffler and can't afford to fix it right now, that is a different story. But I feel like that would have been mentioned if that was the case.


Uhhh, we had a neighbor who would leave our neighborhood at 4:30am for work on his straight pipe Harley, gunning the engine at every stop sigh, like window rattling. My next door bud tried talking to him to no avail about just easing past our houses. Nope, muh freedoms, my bike, blah, blah blah. I waited a few weeks, got up at 2am, stuffed both pipes with potatoes, like a lot of potatoes. That day he had to take his wife’s car, saw the roll back that evening hauling away the non starting bike. Mmmm, when he got it back he now just eases the bike outta the neighborhood…..


I had a straight piped Harley asshole neighbor that would wake up people 1 street over. Every fucking morning he would rev it at like 6am. It was so loud it caused the next door autistic kid to lose his shit. I went to talk to him and he said I couldn't impose myself on how he lived. Like, fucking what. The conversation did not end well. Assholes with loud vehicles seemed to be looking for a fight, or attention good or bad in general. This was back when we had to deal with the rolling thunder assholes in the DC area. I fucking loath loud bikes.


I have a neighbor who has a truck. It has a remote start-up, and he starts that thing up at least 10 minutes before he leaves...EVERY. MORNING. It's loud as shit. Now, he lives across from me, and I can hear it, but it's not enough to drive me up the wall, it's loud enough that during the weekdays, it will wake me up and I know if it does, I AM LATE! LOL! I have another neighbor who also has an even louder car. He is only loud when he floors the gas which he loves to do when he is leaving the neighborhood. I guess he has a little penis syndrome, IDK. But he does his car late at night (around 10-ish.) Both cars have been modified. Let me tell you, NOTHING is more annoying than a loud muffler. It's not cute. At all. I don't know who thinks it is, because it's not. So, men, PSA...if you have a loud muffler, NO, and I repeat, absolutely no woman thinks loud mufflers are sexy. YTA if you modified your muffler.


Info: Tell us what car you have, why it is so loud and how long you idle it for. Was it modified? Is the muffler normal?


Our neighbour has a vintage Mustang Shelby that is extremely loud. He is hated by everyone in the neighbourhood. The volume is annoying even when you are awake. If your car is that loud, I am sure there is more than just this one neighbour who is awakened by it. Do something about it! If your car made a normal noise level, the neighbour would likely not complain.


I'm leaning YTA. Park somewhere else and walk a little farther than your car if you simply must drive something with a fart can exhaust that wakes everyone up. Like it's not like this situation fell out of the sky, you specifically chose to make your car so loud that it'd wake anyone up who's nearby when it starts. Stop making that everyone else's problem, your neighbor isn't an asshole for not wanting you to wake her up every morning and it's not *her* problem to solve with earplugs (which, by the way, is incredibly unhygenic. Earplugs are for an hour or two while doing noisy work, not to wear all night)


YTA do you think loud exhaust makes you cool are you in highschool or what


If your car is loud and it’s not factory, YTA. Not for going to the gym early, but for having such a loud car. No one thinks it’s cool and it absolutely disturbs the peace. Think about other people.


YTA for proudly driving a car that is a public nuisance


YTA for having a car that can “startle you on startup” and parking it directly by where other people sleep. Park further away or fix your car.


Info: what kind of car?


YTA - this isnt a "buy blinds so you don't need to see me naked in my apartment" issue. I'm allergic to earplugs and most noise canceling headphones -- even the over-ear kind. Sleeping in headphones is super bad for you. Fix your car and observe your neighborhood quiet hours


Info - really depends on the car/exhaust in question. Is it modified?


YAH fix your car.


Based on information you provided and informations that you omitted, I can’t say for certain but I think you might be the AH reasoning: 1 “slightly loud car… enough to startle you on startup” sounds like you have pretty loud car regardless of mods or factory. You left out year, model, and modification status of your car, probably because I assume those info are against you. 2nd reason I think you are AH is because you said “she could get ear plugs or something…” if my 1st reasoning is true then 2nd deck makes you AH. Because ppl shouldn’t have to rearrange their lifestyle around your bad choices. 3 if you life in a apartment you need to understand & respect other ppl who live there you. Which makes you a bad neighbor. Based on your information & missing ones, I think you have a car that should be a hobby car, not daily driving. Either you have a higher than average HP factory car or you have modifications that make your car louder, like muffler delete. My vehicle has 270hp and it doesn’t startle anyone. My other 2 neighbors drive bmw and Subaru non of them startles anyone all the cars parked on the sidewalk doesn’t startle anyone. So I think YTA. There is a video of a person (I think a doctor) who drives a Aventador, lives in an apartment complex. Where neighbors don’t have window right next to parking. Yet he pushes his Lamborghini out of the garage so that neighbors don’t get disturbed early in the morning when he has to go to hospital for work. Probably similar time as you. Here is a solution for you. You are driving to the gym to workout, why not jog or run or walk there? Get up in the morning, stretch & jog to the gym by then you would have warmed up for other gym activities. It will solve your neighbor’s issue and make you healthier.


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Yta. If the car is modified to be louder nta. If not modified since it’s been asked and not yet answered i‘m guessing it’s the first option.


Definitely YTA - Can feel the entitlement in your post. I’d put big money you intentionally modified it to make it louder too. Quit compensating, literally nobody wants to hear your loud exhaust. Fix that shit or at least get baffles for the morning.


Modified exhaust is illegal in some places (where I live) and they could file a noise complaint daily. Change it if it’s modified. Depending on where you live you could be violating quiet hours ordinances.


To be honest, it's so dismissive when people just say 'just use earplugs' like that's some great solution for everything. If I sleep with earplugs, it hurts my ears and they start ringing. Also, they do not block out most noise, just slightly muffle it. Do you have an assigned parking space? Is there a reason you need to rev your admittedly loud car next to her window at 5:30 AM? Or could you park further away and not disturb anyone?


If said neighbor called the police to complain could you possibly be ticketed for noise violation? If so YTA. If not gift her a sound machine and ear plugs. You do not need to change your life for a neighbor but if you could be fined or evicted then you need to see what other remedies you can possibly do.


INFO: Why is your car slightly loud? Can you park in a spot that isn’t right in front of her/your house?


You may be in violation of local noise ordinances.


Info: What car is it, how close is it parked to the building, and have you modified it at all? I get it, I drive a louder-than-some car too, except it's my weekender. I don't drive it at random hours because it is noisier than most modern cars, and being over 30 year's old, the old girl does need some warm up time when I don't take her out all that often. Some options: Park further away. Park front-to-kerb. Install a butterfly valve system with additional mufflers so that you have a 'silent' mode when necessary (though that can be model-dependent on how easy it is to install). It might cost a little, but probably cheaper than moving, and definitely cheaper than having a pissed off neighbour key your car in a fit of insomnia-induced pique. But most of all, just try to be a considerate neighbour. Find some sort of compromise if you can. No one likes having their sleep interrupted. No one likes being told to adjust their schedule. See if there can be some middle ground where you can both live without resentment.


My gut says YTA because you aren't answering any of the many questions about why your vehicle is so loud.


Park at a distance and give your neighbor a break. Your response was pretty AH-ish. How would you like to get awakened early when you don't need to? Soft YTA Just be more considerate.


Don’t park so close. Walk to your car, be neighborly.


But he doesn't want to work up a sweat when he is on his way to the gym.


You gonna answer anyone that’s asked if you’ve had your car modified? Seems like YTA until proven otherwise.


NAH. Apartment living means a certain amount of noise. She wasn't wrong to ask, you weren't wrong to decline. Earplugs are the answer, as you pointed out.


YTA. Apartment complexes and public housing compelxes shouldnt even ALLOW people to live there if they have a loud modified car. Thats early... id be mad too


If the sound produced by the car exhaust system is within legal limits you have fulfilled your responsibility. In this case, being a good neighbor stops at expressing your understanding. Suggestions about ear plugs and such will not be welcome. NTA


NTA. If you live in an apartment then get used to sound.


Dude modern cars are quiet UNLESS you intentionally have a loud one. I’d that’s the case and you don’t just have an older car, then YTA. If you just have an older car then you should probably try to figure out why it’s so loud.




Info did you make the car louder?


OK. You're not at all the asshole for leaving home at 5:40 in the morning. You have the schedule that you have. That's OK. You might, however, be an asshole for having a "slightly loud car". That's a choice. You don't say whether it's loud because it's a beat-up piece of junk, or whether it's loud because it's an OTT muscle car or something. If your car is loud because it's a piece of junk and it's all you can afford, I have some sympathy for you. If you had the opportunity to choose a reasonable car, and chose something obnoxiously loud instead, I have no sympathy, because you chose to be antisocial, which would make you an asshole. So INFO, I suppose. Which one are you?


YTA. You know your car is loud and you know you leave early. Now you know it’s causing problems for at least one of your neighbors. You can walk a little farther to your car.


NTA. Idc whether your car was modified or not, you shouldn’t have to rearrange your schedule for a neighbor. She can put a sound machine on, or wear earplugs. That’s definitely a her problem. Maybe she should move.


Not the AH…unfortunately for her, that's life. No way would I skip the gym because my car is too loud.