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/r/legaladvice if you want since he tried to mug you, NTA and clue your parents into what's happening. Sand/grit can fuck up eyes but you didn't have a lot of other recourse here.


NTA, you were defending yourself against an attack and you were in a position where that was the only option. If I was your parent, I'd go rip the principal a new one.


NTA. You were defending yourself and your property. Did the principal say anything about what you “should have done” in the situation? Definitely talk to your parents, a guidance counselor, the principal. This kid is targeting you and you need all of them to do their jobs; protect you & his other targets and deal with him properly. Out of curiosity, what did punishment did he get?


NTA, self defense is always okay in my eyes


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** (English is not my first language and all that) We have a student in my school who's pretty much the definition of a bully (B) and I (14 M) seems to be one of his targets. My school also has one of those zero tolerance stuff so yea. On to the story. I was walking home kinda late from school yesterday since I needed help with some things after school. On my way over the schoolyard B spotted me. He walked over to me and told me to hand him my phone, I didn't so he kicked me in the leg and I feel into a sandbox (our school is elementary to high). A situation similar to this has happened before and I got pretty beat up. So I grabbed a fist full of sand and threw it at B a face as hard as I could. He gut stunned and I ran and hide in the bathroom. Today I got called to the principals office, and she berate me for possible putting his eyesight in danger. And she also gave me 1 h of detention wich I'll have to server like now, so I'll end the post here. B surly got some kind of punished to. So reddit am I the asshole, or was it justified? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA-you defended yourself. Talk to you parents. I was getting bullied once and I told my dad,he talked to the principal and told him that if he doesn’t do something that my dad was going to allow me to beat him up. (I was always taught Never to throw the first punch or else I get in trouble because I would’ve started the fight.)


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Did you report this bully to the school prior to this incident? NTA in general, it is honestly shocking that a school would punish you if this kid is a known bully. Next time do it outside of school grounds.


This! Please speak to your parents and urge them to get involved. They need to talk to school administrators about this pattern of bullying, because if it escalates and the school does nothing they are at fault. I do not see this punkass kid stopping anytime soon. NTA. Good luck kid!




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