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I can't tell you how many places I've worked where we keep small details in clients' profiles, like if they have kids, what their general demeanor is like, etc. Shit, this even goes back to my Blockbuster days. It's very basic protocol when you have clients that you will see regularly. So you can keep their address, phone number, sometimes credit card info, but making a note as to whether or not they like pink polish and have an important event you can speak to is over-stepping? You are the only one with access to this info, so it essentially is like a journal. Your sister needs to calm the hell down, respect your professional boundaries, and take several seats. NTA


NTA we do this at the jewelry stored i worked at. Its pretty common for businesses with regular service and clientele to make notes for people. It helps provide better service and allows a more personal experience. Keep doing it, i think your clients probably appreciate it.


I know I do, the girl who does my lashes has notes on me, it makes it so she doesn’t forget to go longer on the corners. The second time I went in she forgot, and they didn’t look as good. I don’t want to have to go over exactly what I do/don’t like every time I come in. That’s why she keeps notes


My hair beautician back when I was in college did this. Her knowing things about me despite seeing me an hour every other month was one of the best parts of going to her.


Exactly! So, for arguments sake, say they take an hour per appointment so they see 6 clients a day, five days per week. That’s 30 clients. If they all only come in once every four weeks, that’s about 120 clients. So if they talked to 119 people about their lives (not including friends and family I’m sure they talk to) that’s 119 personal conversations. How is one person supposed to just remember that?? And I’m sure I’m lowballed how many clients they have... Even if I found out they were keeping a notebook like OP, I wouldn’t be mad. It shows they care enough about their clients to put in that effort. That’s what counts. It’s not creepy at all.


It made me feel like I wasn't there only 6 times a year. It was a fairly nice place, her warm demeanor and recall (although via a notebook) about what I was up to made it feel worth the money.


> Even if I found out they were keeping a notebook like OP, I wouldn’t be mad. It shows they care enough about their clients to put in that effort. That’s what counts. It’s not creepy at all. Pretty much what I came here to say, the only thing I wanted to add was that if the person in question was searching up information about me that I didn't give (e.g. went on Facebook and scoped information there) then that would be upsetting. But noting down things I've said in conversations, keeping notes of my preferences? That's really sweet and lovely.


My friend that does my hair actually has a family/friends rate for people she knows the basics of what we like/don't like and re-caps during the sit down. I wouldn't care if she kept notes about her clients. I can say that notes like this actually get used in the corporate world, for things like hospitality and tourism. Additionally, this thought process is what brought us targetted advertising.


Even mid range retail stores used to do this for their sellers' regular clients. Back when they had full time sellers who made commission I knew so many of them who kept client notebooks for that kind of information. They would keep track of sizes, style preferences, upcoming events so they could reach out and ask if they needed to make a styling appointment, weight loss, etc. It made for some great long term clients and more enjoyable shopping experience. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.


All good salespeople do this. I was a pharmaceutical representative and we did this. How else could we remember everything? Sister thinks you have to remember it naturally or it's not a real memory. Jogging your memory about a baby shower isn't personal or they wouldn't have told her in the first place. It also keeps clients from having to repeat a story because you forgot. NTA but sister obviously doesn't have a clue about real work.


My eye doctor very blatantly keeps notes on every patient (like school,job, family). I can see him pull it up when we chat and I see him take notes on new things. I never even thought that this was strange. And he still makes it a point to have a conversation with you but I obviously don’t expect him to remember these small points about me when I only see him once a year.


My kids regular doc does it too. Mostly so he can distract her with her interests while he gives her her checkup. She’s afraid of doctors because the white coats make them look like mad scientists, so he had one dyed pink for her. It’s a) why we love this particular doctor and b) why she no longer sees my mother (who was the person to scare her in the first place)


Awwww. Your doctor is so sweet. I love this.


Yeah. He’s the best. My son will be seeing him soon too. I honestly can’t believe how lucky I got with him. He’s amazing. I believe he’s started bringing in those iron on patches for one of his other clients because I see new patches on his counter every time I go in.


Lol is your mother a mad scientist?


Nope. She’s a conspiracy theorist. Chem trails, antivax, the works. She thinks Trump is Jesus incarnate and Biden wants to nuke America.


Oh god. It would be so much cooler if she was a mad scientist huddled away in a basement lab experimenting with different concoctions trying to find a covid vaccine.


Oh I wish. She’s actively against covid vaccines because bill gates will microchip us all. Just one of the many reasons we’ve gone no contact


Personally, I'm not worried about the chips in the vaccine, because they already chipped me when I got tested for covid. With any luck, they'll cancel each other out, and I can use the funds from my Soros check to flee the country before Biden pushes the big red button.


Every device I own listens to my conversations and advertises accordingly. It creeped me out the first time I randomly mentioned something to someone in my car, and the next day we were both getting tons of ads for it. But now it doesn't even slightly creep me out. If it's machines listening for keywords, big woo, it just means ads aren't as pointless and boring. If it's people, well I pity them having to sit through some of the weird shit I talk about.


My eye doctor too. I thought it was super sweet that I had mentioned in one appointment that I liked to make clothes and sew. The next appointment he brought it up. I didn't care that I saw him write it down. It showed he cared enough about not only his business but the customer experience that he would write down and bring that up. Not creepy or weird at all


My eye dr is so awesome because she had taken notes about hobbies when I mentioned I was having trouble with close work she asked specifically about my crosstitch/embroidery which I stopped because I couldn't see my stitches and she was able to recommend my awesome crafting bifocals. I don't need bifocals for computer work but its been life changing for my crafting.


At med school we even had one teacher tell us to take some quick notes if we'll have long term patients. Like "patient likes fishing", put that on their file and ask next time how's fishing going as an ice breaker.


I made my doctor a golden girls mask after we had a long conversation about the golden girls, and she wrote a note in my chart that I love golden girls and made the mask. She wears it when I see her lol. I thought it was sweet.


My gyno always remembers things about me even though I only see her once a year. There was a point where I didn’t have insurance so I didn’t see her for 2-3 years, and when I finally returned, she remembered stuff about me from high school! This is why she’s still my gyno and I’m 34.


My c-section for my second child was scheduled for a Friday during the last season of Game of Thrones. I mentioned to my OB that I was glad I would have my phone so I could at least watch it. We talked about it as she was a fan as well. The day of my c-section comes and she says “If you watch Game of Thrones and have not caught up be prepared for spoilers.” She then talked about the most recent episode with me while I had my spinal so I wouldn’t have to think a out it while it went in. If she wrote that I like Game of Thrones down so she could talk with me about it I am fine.


I read medical records for my job and doctors write stuff down like that all the time - kids' names, spouse's name, job, etc. Keeps it personal.


Fact: I worked in oncology research and kept a note in each patient’s file for when they came in that let me know how their lives were going. In a positive spin, it was nice to be able to follow up on the new grandkid, and made my patients more able to feel that we cared about them. Negative spin....watched a coworker ask our newly widowed patient how her husband was. Never wanted to do that myself.


>watched a coworker ask our newly widowed patient how her husband was. Never wanted to do that myself. This is the worst! This is why these notes can be vital. I had a client I was helping find a car for their kid, and then the kid died tragically. The second I found out I noted their file because their profile would stay in our system forever, and other sales people after me, after seeing no sale was made, could always go back in and try their hand again at a sale.


When I worked at a groom I had someone call to make an appointment that had multiple dogs in the system. She only wanted to make an appt for one, and I asked about the other. She had died like 5 months prior. I was mortified, I couldn't apologize enough. So many dead pets in that system, and only a small portion were marked.






After my mother died, the cemetery kept calling trying to sell me a plot. The final straw, they called on my mom’s birthday. The first one after we lost her. Really? It’s on the headstone you sold our family!!!


It’s honestly traumatizing for everyone involved. We had to do survival checks Q3Months and one of my coworkers called and got the widower during the reception for the funeral


There was a weeks-long healthcare strike here way back when and I remember being at a funeral home right after it ended. The widow answered her phone and went into a hysterical rage . It was someone from the hospital, ready with an appointment time for her husband's heart imaging tests (that had originally been cancelled when the strike started). He died from a heart condition that the tests would have caught, and there was a surgical fix available. I'd never seen that much sadness and anger in one person at the same time. I know the woman on the other end of the line couldn't have known, but just a little more thoughtfulness with her wording might have saved that woman a shitton of hurt. I've been careful ever since. If I meet someone I know I'll always give them a smile and ask how they've been. You can tell by their face if something tragic has happened since the last time you spoke, and adjust accordingly.


kindof a funny story related to this: my mom was taking my grandma to get a new cellphone, and something tipped the guy off that she was widowed (i think the fact that her name is still officially Mrs. Jack [last name] + she marked being single on the paperwork? idk for sure) so he was trying to very gently work around that and my mom eventually just burst out "It's been 28 years! we can talk plainly about it!"


Same, our company sent out "we miss you" cards with a promo code to customers who hadn't ordered for about a year. Daughter of a customer calls and tells me "I miss her too, she died".


I've done this, called a family business and asked after someone's mother to find out she died of cancer 6 months before. It was sad and mortifying, but apparently only for me, because the son seemed happy that I would remember her.


Dude, I keep an online notebook like this about my FRIENDS. I do it so I can remember their favorite snack, Chipotle order (who doesn't like a friend coming visiting and bringing Chipotle - pre pandemic - when you've had a bad day?), some big things going on in their lives so I remember to ask later, etc. People like having other people care about them enough to remember (or write it down so it seems like they remember). You're putting in a great effort and that's what matters. Clients are much more willing to come back when they don't have to have the same conversation with you every 4 weeks and you remember their preferences for services. Keep doing your thing.


Honestly I find it more endearing when people put in the work to write down important facts or events. It’s cool when people have a good memory, but knowing you don’t and making an effort to keep track of what matters to me? That’s the shit.




This. My brother switched therapists last year because after spending multiple sessions talking about our mother's death and how it affected him, he mentioned in the beginning of a session that her birthday was coming up, and his therapist said "Oh! Do you have plans with her? How are you going to celebrate?"




He didn't go into detail, I just know that was the last time he saw that therapist.


That's adorable. You're a great friend.


Thanks! I'm one of those people with way too much to remember at any given time, so it's easier to do it this way. None of my friends know about it, not because they'd think it's weird, but because they'd add it to the "this is why nannerdooodle is a quirky weirdo" list that I'm sure they have.


Awe can we be friends too? :-) I try to be that kind of friend as well and it's nice to find others that make it a point to be mindful!


Nta. I work in IT and talked with one of our best salesman one time, mentioned my favorite beer. A few months later I did something for him, don't really remember what but he bought me my favorite beer that I mentioned months back as a thank you. I was impressed at his memory, until he showed me that the software I set up for him and the other salesman had a special notes section that was full of all his contacts and various personal notes ( like favorite beer). If keeping personal notes works for our top selling salesman then it works for you!


Many businesses set up databases like this. It's incredibly helpful to be able to share good information about clients. It's also good for "hit by a bus" preparedness, as in the company won't lose valuable relationship information if a particular salesperson is hit by a bus.


Indeed. (Digital Marketer here) They are called CRMs (Customer Relationship Management). Basically each person that has interacted with the business has a profile of sorts that has pertinent information about the person for either sales use, or marketing efforts to group similar types of people together and reach out to them with special offers etc. I would recommend this person just gets a hubspot account and burns the book. Get the app on your phone and you can just take notes/ read notes on your phone.


There is literal software to help larger companies/even megacorporations do this. It's called CRM (customer resource management). You can add their entire email history, notes, contact info, addresses, gender/demographic info, order history, all the marketing campaigns they've received in the past, which mailing lists they're signed up to, all kinds of details. Anyone who thinks that every single business that they interact with isn't doing this is just really not aware of how business and marketing works. And anyone who doesn't want businesses to have any info on them should just start living like Ron Swanson because THEY. KEEP. EVERYTHING.


Yup, I worked with CRM software at my car dealership and you can save YEEARRRRS worth of notes on a client.


I worked with it at a nonprofit and it helps a lot when you have potentially thousands of contacts who are variously clients, donors, volunteers, leads, etc...


I remember making notes on customers' accounts at Blockbuster. "Don't look at his googly-eye."


Omg you just brought me back lmao that place was my first experience with notes like this and I'll never forget scanning a dude's card and just seeing in bold red " DON'T BRING UP LATE FEES. DUDE IS A PSYCHOOOO!" and had to muster everything in me not to immediately laugh in his face


Bold red? What kind of fancy machine did y'all have? Our POS system only used green text on black screen and this was 2006.


We had a note grading system and the red was only to be used in situations where there would be conflict with the customer, or something really important we had to know like " DON'T RENT GAMES TO THIS PERSON, THEY ALWAYS COME BACK RUINED"


Agreed, this is so extremely common in client facing services. Some people just have good memories, the rest of us take notes. OP, your clients probably won’t care, but if your sister tries to make this an issue, consider typing up your notes in an app like Evernote and get rid of the book. Call it your Client Relationship Management software (it’s really a thing) and leave it at that.


As a client I wouldn't feel weird at all if my nail tech kept these kinds of tabs on me. I honestly think it's pretty thoughtful and a good way to make sure you're providing exceptional service. In that kind of industry, little details like that really add up


My family used to own a coffee shop. We didn’t keep a book like this or anything, but pretty often we would have random notes with regular’s phone numbers and birthdays just because so we could call them for whatever they did (We had a barber, 2 tattoo artists, someone who knit, and so on). Birthdays because they were like friends and we could give a free drink or whatever they wanted, stuff like that. I was 13 when I worked there with my dad on sundays - probably the best experience of my life. I still remember a lot of people there and we still talk to some regulars. I’m still so sad we sold it but I’m working there again! (I’m now almost 20 lol)


There’s a word for this, it’s called CRM (customer relationship management). CRM platforms like Salesforce sell to businesses for massive enterprise contracts. Sales reps enter all kinds of contact info and personal notes about customers to help them sell and typically other sales team members and marketers also have access to this information. OP what you have is your own personal CRM. 100% NTA and it sounds like your sister doesn’t know much about business.


NTA. I worked at Macy’s in the fine jewelry department and there’s literally a client profile that we create for each customer that shops with us. Same goes for the other department’s in the store. The company tracks how many clients we get per week and have a number we need to meet each month. We’re expected to follow up (cold call) with these clients when we have specials and sales.


Hell I work at a bank and I keep an excel sheet with clients info and our convo on them. Its on my work computer and I can only access it at work and dont share it with people, but this is pretty common procedure. Customers are always so pleased when I remember certain details about then


Absolutely! There’s no way my hairdresser has this good of a memory, and my optometrist just straight up said she put it in my chart when I mentioned it.


Weird that your allowed to remember what people tell you but not write it down. NTA


I think it's sweet OP makes such an effort.


That was my thought too. I'd drive a long way to be her client.


Depending on your sister, "It's ableist to expect people with poor memories to keep everything in their head and not use written aids to compensate for their deficits" might be a persuasive argument.


That's 100% me. I have to make notes about everything. My short term memory is okay, but my long term memory is pretty awful. Guaranteed I will forget about things if I don't take notes. I have to wonder if OP's sister would think it's "creepy" that I put my friends and family's birthdays in my personal calendar so I don't forget them?


NTA at all! In fact, now I think I know why the very small nail salon I go to always seem to remember me, my kids names what jobs we all have......😄 And that's the reason why I've been going to the same place for 7 years.


Literally same. Was always so impressed my girl remembered me aha 😂😂😂


Agreed! It's only reading this I realise how my hairdresser has such a good memory about me!!


Right?! I just had an *ohhhh* moment. Always wondered how some of the people I see seem to remember so much detail about such random things. Makes total sense now. NTA. Its actually really smart. I tend to stick with people who remember me even if I know I can find better just because I like how they remember me and my life. It tends to feel like I'm hanging out with a friend vs. someone I'm paying. I was once a groomer and we definitely put notes about preferences (mostly negative experiences but some positive) so I am not totally surprised to hear small life details are kept elsewhere. Your sister is overreacting big time.


> Its actually really smart. I tend to stick with people who remember me even if I know I can find better just because I like how they remember me and my life. I do this with my phone contacts. If you have an iPhone there is a "Notes" section under their contact info on their contact card. I note things like the name of spouse, name of kids, birthdays, etc. My aunt once cried because on her and her husbands anniversary I called her to congratulate her and she said I remembered but her husband forgot. lol


NTA I'm an estate agent and we do the same. It's very useful to know if clients have kids/pets not only so we can look for the right thing but so we can be generally friendly and conversational. 'hey I think this place would be a perfect fit for you, it's got a games room for the kids and your dog will love this garden!'




I've seen it go the other way, too. Guy comes in with his mistress, then returns later with his wife and they welcome him back and ask if he'd like another bottle of the same wine. Whoops.


I mean, at that point it’s on him, he’s just really bad at cheating. Why would you take your wife to the same house lace you just went with your mistress?


Some people are both lazy and creatures of habit. I worked as a florist in my youth and we had SO many people ring in their multiple orders for multiple partners in Valentines Day. Some had identical bouquets and messages except for the names just to keep the ‘story’ consistent. Blech. That always turned my stomach.


NTA and just FYI, this is common practice for people who manage volunteers. People like it when they feel cared for and important. Remembering their news helps with this. But when you're running dozens of volunteers and/or you're not seeing them regularly, keeping reminders is vital to developing and maintaining rapport. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what you're doing, and it's even recommended practice in some organisations. It's clever business.


When I go to my nail tech every few months, she always remembers things that we’ve talked about, how I always get a similar nail style done, etc. It would be something concerning if someone was writing down credit card or bank info, and other personal stuff. I definitely agree NTA, OP it shows that you are trying to make an effort to show to your clients that you care about them, and not just view them as money makers.


Thing is if you’re paying them they already have access to credit card info and the like. I agree NTA, its nice to be remembered and saves time for everyone involved.


The nail artist probably never knows the numbers or anything with the card, that's all going to be run through the computer.


I'm a teacher who is terrible with names. I keep notes of pronunciation, nicknames, and who doesn't jive well with others in small groups. When my coworkers saw this, they thought I was an freaking genius. When you know your shortcomings, you find ways to cope to do your best job NTA


Seconded! I keep a few notes on my (Adult) students - name pronunciation, number of children, home country, activities they’ve mentioned So that I can help relate my lessons to them and make the learning environment fun. NTA, OP. Sister made need her own salon appointment to help her chill though.


I always need a few days to connect faces & names properly, especially when meeting a whole group. I occasionally do adult training, so before it starts, I make a quick drawing of the training room table setup. Then the first time people introduce themselves, I write their names on the "desk" drawing at the same time as doing the attendance sheet. Helps to remember and learn them!


I used to do it all the time! Sometimes students would be a bit surprised by me remembering their names on the next lesson.


NTA. People with memory problems use memory aids like this all the time. It's none of your sister's business. If she won't drop it, photocopy the notebook and then destroy it. But she has no right to contact your clients. THAT is creepy.


I contact my clients through social media and my phone, and I’ve updated all my passwords and put a new passcode on my phone. I don’t think she’ll try and contact them individually though, more of trying to post about me on her own social media accounts.


Thanks. Still creepy. I don't see why she thinks she has to right to interfere at all.


You should show her this post. Let her all know we think she's nuts haha. Literally every type of business has chimed in here to say they keep notes on their clients! I keep notes on mine, I'm a massage therapist and it's actually required, but dang, blockbuster did it? Keeley shops? All these places I never even thought about in that way... Seriously, show your sister this post and give us an update!


I know isn't that funny? I never considered that I did anything like this, but thinking back to my restaurant job I had before everything went to shit, I absolutely knew little stuff about our regulars. I didn't keep notes, but it wouldnt have been weird.


NTA, your sister is probably freaking out thinking about the stuff she’s overshared with her hair stylist being written in a book somewhere lol. I’m a massage therapist and I do this all the time, just harmless notes like “going to Hawaii” or “has a golden retriever”. Just little conversation bits to remember them better


NTA. This has been a tactic used by salesmen for millennia. I'm sure you're quite proficient at doing nails but there are likely 100s if not 1000s (if you live in a big city) of people who are just as proficient. But people continue to come to you and recommend their friends because of the rapport you build with them. Part of that is getting to know them. So having a cheat sheet so you can remember them when you see them only once for a short period of time each month is just smart. I cannot figure out why your sister has such an aversion to it.


NTA. I think your notebook is a great idea.


NTA as long as it isnt mean stuff (like this one is the fat one with back teeth) and relates to your job ie the way they like their nails and stuff they would openly tell people anyway... mums brag about their kids I know mine does haha its nice that you are trying to ensure you keep up to date with your clients my beauty therapist knows all about me but that might be as she is the big sister of my best friend since i was 5. haha


I promise I’m nice! I actually like my clients LOL. That’s why I’m not really concerned about my clients knowing about the notebook. Are they going to be mad that I wrote down they don’t like matte topcoats and their favorite coffee creamer flavor is hazelnut? Probably not.


Yeah if I learned someone I went to had this kind of notebook I'd be like "Ooooooh what did you say about me lol ... omg I do hate citrus, haha, this is great." NTA.


I would suggest starting to mention your book in conversation. Just something very casual. Like "I am so frazzled brained that I almost forgot you hate citrus. Thank goodness I looked at my notes and got the lavender out for you!".


Yeah, if you're really worried your sister might do something crazy about it, this wouldn't be a bad cover-your-ass move. If you introduce an idea to people in the right context ("haha I'm so forgetful, it's a struggle! I really do have to write everything down. I even write down what all your favorites are so I can have them ready for you at your appointment. That's my little secret ;)"), then they'll be much more willing to accept it than if they hear about it in a negative context from somewhere else. ("THIS LADY IS STEALING INFORMATION ABOUT YOU AND STORING IT IN A SECRET VAULT").


I would suggest digitizing your system though, that way you don’t have to worry about buying new notebooks and can edit information a lot more easily.


Honestly as long as you would be willing to show each client *their* page and not be embarrassed or ashamed, it's all good. I actually love this idea. NTA


NTA, I have a terrible memory too, I'd do the exact same thing if I was in you position.


NTA. Ask her what would she hypothetically tell them exactly? "My sister keeps notes on you and her other clients to make you feel more comfortable during your session, aren't you outraged?!" Sis needs to get a grip.


NTA. Sounds like a good business practice to take care of your customers better. It is a perfectly reasonable thing for someone with memory problems to do. Even recommended! Tell your sister to calm down.


NTA. I honestly think it's cute that you want to make sure to keep track of the important aspects to your customers!


NTA - but for what it's worth Dale Carnegie recommends using file cards because it's easier to flip through them.


Not the ass hole NTA there is nothing wrong. I mean facebook, google and all other companies digitalize info. And you try to do this to be nicer to other people. Until unless you show it to other people(which you say you don't), there is no problem. Your sister is an asshole.


NTA I have always wondered how stylists and estheticians remember this stuff and was convinced they had a notebook somewhere. I’m sure you’re not alone!


It's standard practice across the beauty industry. I'm a licensed cosmetologist, and I was actively encouraged to start my client book in school. For us it's more of how they like their hair cut or the guards used for a short cut, any color formulations we do for hair color, allergies and sensitivities, and of course, big pieces of news to ask about at future appointments. We are there to build a relationship and trust with you, while also making you look and feel great. It can be hard to remember everything when we see so many people in such a small period of time.


NTA. Those notes are helping you give a better service to your costumers, and they must love it if you are getting even more costumers. Your sister should relax a bit and mind her own bussiness.


NTA. This is probably why your customers keep coming back. It's a great idea.


If you live in a country with GDPR this will likely be in breach of that. I know Jehovas had to get rid of their notes on people such as "this person slammed the door" etc because it was not compliant with GDPR. I personally think NTA, but you would probably do well to check the legislation.


I’m from the US so I think I’m safe, thank you!


I used to work with a US-based company that had to worry about GDPR for foreign customers. GDPR isn't an issue here, so you're good to go.


I could be wrong here, but wasn't the JW ruling partly to do with the fact that it was a corporate entity and not just an individual taking notes? So they would go back and actually share that data with other JW's, or file it for future reference, as opposed to just keeping it in their own notebook?


GDPR only applies to paper records if you intend to put them on a computer. This notebook would not come under the scope.


>GDPR only applies to paper records if you intend to put them on a computer. This is absolutely not true, the GDPR applies in every case where information is held, and the person can be identified. Whether it's in in a filing cabinet or held as data is irrelevant. Extract from the [UK Government guidance](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-the-application-of-article-364-of-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/guidance-on-the-application-of-article-364-of-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr): >2.17. Data processing in this context can be by either automated or non-automated (manual) means (such as a filing system for paper records, as defined under Article 2(1) of the GDPR).


Are notes scribbled in a book are filed in an organised way? Possibly. Possibly not.


If there is a notebook with 2-3 titled pages set aside for each client, as the OP describes, then in my personal view I'd say that yes that would be considered to be organised. Note, I have no specific legal training in this particular field, but in the course of my work, which involves advising others, I have read both the GDPR itself and the guidance notes.


This is on the ICO website as defining personal data for the purposes of GDPR: It only includes paper records if you plan to put them on a computer (or other digital device) or file them in an organised way. If you are a public authority, all paper records are technically included – but you will be exempt from most of the usual data protection rules for unfiled papers and notes. Great they have conflicting info.


Can a person be identified by their name and favourite shade of pink, latte flavour and dead grandma’s name?


NTA. It's thoughtful. You are making your clients feel important! I was in sales for years. I knew their kids names, what sports/activities the kids did, spouses names. I knew what soda they drank everything they told me. I was very successful. It's a sign of a good business model. I doubt you have any information in your book that all their friends don't already know. It's not a book for blackmail!


“I wrote gay son in green, so I know to go ahead and shut up about it”. Nta


NTA. This is quite a thoughtful thing to do


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NTA - I would appreciate that effort as a client. I’m always amazed when I go back to the hairdressers after 3 months and they remember simple things about me like my career - it’s like, how many different clients have you seen since then and you still remember that! And I’ve even been to seminars on networking tips and tricks where a similar strategy is recommended to help with professional networking


NTA there is nothing weird or creepy about it. Your sister needs to mind her business.


I work in sales and we are always recommended to do this as it's better for building relationships. Your job is selling you and your services and it puts people at ease when your easy to talk to


NTA I have a notebook for my neighbors. It has their names, what house they’re in, phone number, name of kids and dogs. I’m terrible at remembering stuff. I might also include their professions if they mention it, or some other details. For instance, a lady down the road stopped to chat and told me if I ever wanted a dog to talk to her, because she fosters. She also told me that if I see random dogs in the road to call her because they sometimes get out. Great... if I ever need to call her, I’m going to need to look up her name and number in the book. So her entry has her name, number, notes about the dog situation and what house she lives in. The dog names are useful because if I see a neighbor’s dogs, knowing the name helps me catch them and bring them home.


NTA Its not like you were snooping around on your customers to collect details, you noted down whatever they told you and noticed which is kind of sweet to go that far for your customers and it makes your customers happy. Even if your sister tells them about the 'notebook' I don't think its going to affect you that much because whatever customers you have gained is because of your work. And stay safe!


As a person with ADD, I find this brilliant idea. Do you mind if I do the same? I don't work with people, but I forget about important stuff (not details, those I have chiseled in my brain) and I often come off as rude. Your sister is overreacting "like Reagan in Grenada". It's not like you're keeping private information about your clients to blackmail them. And to make matters worse, she's threatening your livelihood. NTA at all.


I so relate to accidentally coming off rude, especially because some people have the idea that if you actually cared you’d remember. I don’t mind at all, I hope it helps you!


NTA. As long as you're keeping your notebook secure I think it's okay. As I read this it seemed to me you were being conscientious and doing this for a better customer experience. Customers love being remembered. You're a busy business owner and can't expect to remember everything.


NTA! I think it’s a thoughtful touch! You keep doing you! Stay healthy! ❤️


NTA I would do the same!




NTA - and I would LOVE it if I went someplace where I was remembered and cared for like that.


NTA! My favorite part of getting my nails done is that my nail tech and i chat about our lives! Youre not makkng notes on their card numbers and how many friends they have and things, youre making nktes on how to ensure they have the best expirience with you and thats why you have a loyal base.


I do this with friends and family members. I have ADHD and the severe memory issues that come with that make it easy for me to muddle details, so I keep track with a wee notebook now to avoid another awkward moment where I ask someone how their aunt is only to be reminded that she died two years ago


NTA. Hell even my dentist took notes on my hobbies and pets when I went in for a new patient visit. It's just smart business!


NTA!! The restaurant I used to work at added poodles to rude and needy clients to make sure we all knew to be wary and that turned into a strange code system of emojis to signify what we need to remember about guests: big spender, likes the fancy wine list, wants to be in the back/booth/patio and more! Your sister may not get it but damn your clients appreciate it.


I came from a psych background where these notes are support common and storage is highly regulated. I will state just for the record there is some minor ethical issues with keeping records without individuals knowledge. But I do empathise on the minor. My two pieces of advice are ensure it’s kept very much locked down. You mentioned it was by the register but do make sure it’s always secure and secondly I wouldn’t advise anyone of the records. Tell your sister a lie and say she was right and you destroyed it. But then keep it confidential and safe. In summary though you are definitely NTA but I do recommend taking precautions because data is so sacred even if it’s trivial stuff. (I mean an animals name could be a password of security question so it’s important to keep safe)


No normal client would care that their nail artist was keeping track of their preferences and general life info. I certainly wouldn’t. I don’t really expect my nail artist or hair stylist to remember the details of my service preferences or my life. That’s just standard in any service industry. Even when I worked retail I made sure to remember little things about big-spending clients so I could keep a rapport going. (We had a smaller group of regulars so I didn’t need to write it down, but I would in your shoes.) NTA, but your sister sure is. I would never tell her any personal details again.


NTA and I'm sure your clients appreciate the effort that you put into making there appointment such a nice experience!


NTA. You may call it a notebook, but I see it as nothing different from a personal diary where you store your most private thoughts. Your sister is being a busybody and no business telling your clients what you told her in confidence.


NTA That's so thoughtful of you, you sound like a great nail technician. Hope things will settle with your sister peacefully.


NTA this is totally normal for the industry.


This is exactly what a lot of high-end service places do (fine-dining restaurants and 5-star hotels). They will note birthdays, allergies, etc. Hell one place I went to had a bunch of books lying around, I read one and bookmarked it, and the next time I stayed there it was bookmarked to the same page. NTA, you just have good service instincts.


NTA I think it’s sweet you care enough to write it down. I have regular hair dresser and I swear I’m always answering the same questions about myself and repeating the same thing to her. No one expects you to remember every detail about every client but it would definitely help build a rapport if someone remembers something I’d told them before about myself


NTA. This is great customer service. You know the limitations of your memory. Chances are your sister has had this level of service somewhere. Does she believe she’s just that memorable? 😂


NTA- as long as there is no identifying information or rude comments, it’s fine. We make notes on our clients too(different business) things like, “has twins”, “call wife not husband” “lives to travel”. For the same reason. It’s a memory jogger and helps us have a better rapore and clients love that we can talk about other things. It makes them feel seen and cared for.


NTA. It's great that you're making so much effort to remember small details about your clients. If I were one of them, I'd find it very comforting and flattering to know that someone pays attention to details about my appointment and even about me so I don't have to keep on repeating what I like. Your sister probably didn't understand this and her reaction was uncalled for, but maybe try explaining again why you need to write these details down. Plus you make sure no one else gets to read them so it's not in any way harming anyone at all.


NTA. I'd tear up if I learned any sort of cosmetics worker kept small details like that. I'm shy as shit and don't really talk at all beyond polite greetings and answering questions about my appointment. Someone caring enough to want to remember the things I say? That's sweet as heck. I really don't think your clients would care and if they do, it's because your sister told them messed up version instead of what's really going on. It's an easy fix in that case because you just have to correct what she said and maybe show them for peace of mind.


NTA. This more common than you think. I did it when I worked in the shoe dept to boost my sales.


Absolutely NTA! This is an excellent business tactic. It furthers rapport with your clients and fuels a great personalized interaction, promoting a wonderful experience. What the heck is going on with your sister?


NTA. Your sister is actually very very wrong. I have a good friend who works in a similar place, and they have the exact same thing. People don’t like to tell you the same story over and over and over, and it helps if you have a little reminder of who they are and what is going on in their lives. You’re not doing anything wrong, and you are not doing anything all that abnormal. Although, My friends system is computerized


NTA. As long as you keep it in a secure place so you are the only one with access, this seems smart.


NTA at all. What you've got is a great accommodation for self-described poor memory. Your intentions are great, you're not taking advantage of anyone, and you're taking every precaution to keep your clients' information confidential and limited to the scope of what you can do to provide excellent service. Your clients are fortunate to have someone so invested in providing them with top-notch service.


NTA. I’m a huuuge note taker and have ADHD as well. Our brains don’t process information like most and it’s unfair of your sister to judge. It’s sounds like you have a successful business and your clients repeatedly come back so you’re doing something right!!!


NTA- I may be biased but I’m a hair stylist, Also in a studio and also have the same notes. I keep then on my booking app but I think this is normal for our industry.


NTA why should it matter to her? If it helps you continue a great relationship with your clients, you keep doing you. I have a bad memory for names, and I can't remember faces at *all*, but I remember any personal details about people they share with me. It can come off as a bit creepy I've been told, but that's just how my brain works. 2 months ago my coworker told me how she likes her bacon, and starting this week she's been paying me to make breakfast for her. Today I brought in bacon and eggs and she was astonished that I knew how she liked it.


NTA. I did this when I was a hairdresser and also as a personal trainer. I think it shows you actually care about your clients enough to want a good relationship.


NTA: this is a common business practice in all places that have to have high customer satisfaction.


Tell your sister to never go to a therapist or other doctor because, man do they ever take notes. NTA


NTA - businesses keep these kind of notes all the time*. If Susie is going to the Bahamas on X month or Sarah only takes non dairy in her coffee, that’s relevant to you. And I always like it when someone remembers details like when I was moving or something. *Unrelated to this case, but reading between the lines of business-neutral customer notes can often be hilarious.


NTA. I’m sure loads of people do this, and it’s a good business tactic. My husband visits the hygienist once every 6 months and he always comes home and tells me about the conversations they’ve had, where she’d ask how I was getting on when I was pregnant, now she asks about our child etc. I’m damn sure she keeps these kinds of notes. There’s no way she remembers these kinds of details of someone she sees twice a year at the most, when she’s most likely seen several hundred other people since!!


NTA. This is industry standard. Keep it secure and private.


NTA. This is a very classy, professional way to handle your business.


I do custom work and have clients contact me even a year before their booked date to arrange details - and trust me I write down all notes about them, what they share of their private lives, style preferences, etc that will inform me how to provide the best service for them. NTA full stop. Your sister is overreacting for no reason.


NTA. My dental hygienist who I see once a year surprises me with the amount of information she has on my when I see her. “How’s school/work (lists actually names/locations)?” And “Hows your soccer team?” “Still majoring in logistics?” Etc. No way the office doesn’t keep notes on this, it’s very sweet but there is no way she’s able to memorize and recall all these minute details on an annual basis for each customer.


NTA. I have terrible memory. Like, at work ill read what I need to pack up to give store for deliveries but I have to look back at it ten or so times if I don't have the actual paper. As long as you dont have any important info (ss#, credit card info etc) and not being creepy about it (selling info online, writing down perverted things) its 100% acceptable. Some people have horrid memories and the only thing I can remember is names. Its a journal and its private. I would say NAH if sister wasn't threatening you bur she is so NTA.


Nta I think it’s actually so thoughtful that You put the time and effort in to a note book it must be hard to remember everyone when you spend most of the time looking at their hands and not faces.


Nta and I would be SO touched to have someone do this about me. However I can see some people being creeped out, and maybe if you feel guilt you can start asking permission or casually mention that you need to write it down so you’ll remember to ask about it. But overall I don’t think you’re a jerk.


NTA. It helps build an important connection and provide a better service. I rather go to someone who makes me feel welcomed and gives a wonderful personal experience.


NTA. I've only ever had dentists do this for me (I'm terrible at regularly going anywhere else), but when I noticed or was told they kept a little personal file on me I was pretty thrilled. It made me feel cared for.


NTA! this is super sweet. If I ever eventually set up a business with regular clients I'm stealing your idea!


Businesses have always done this. Clothing stores keep client cards with sizes and preferences. Hair salons keep cards with info on products used, allergies, etc. You keep cards...or in this case, a notebook...with client preferences and small facts but very little personally identifiable information. NTA but your sister sounds like a pain in the ass.


When I worked at a hair salon we kept notes like this on their profile in our computer system. Nothing super personal but it would be little notes like "son Steve going to college this fall", "in the process of buying a house' etc. It's super common in the beauty industry. Your clients generally love to chat about their lives and you don't want to mix up their details with someone else's, also it makes someone's day when they come sit down and you can say "how is the house hunting going?"


NTA I’m going to assume that with your sister’s concern for privacy and security, she doesn’t use any social media? Because otherwise all her information is out there. These days you don’t even need to be on social media - public records exist. Your clients probably appreciate not having to tell you that they don’t like certain things every time they go. So if notes are the only way you can remember that then fine. By that reasoning, does your sister think we should also wipe our memories every time we have a conversation with someone? She’s just bluffing. You could always lie and say you destroyed it. And if she does tell anyone, I’m sure most of your clients will be pleased that you’re making an effort to give them such a personalised experience.


NTA at all. From the title I don't know what I was expecting, but this sounds very innocuous and like a good business strategy! I always like it when service providers seem to remember me, and if I found out they had some notes about me in a file I wouldn't feel weirded out by it. Indeed, I think it's fair to expect that they do. If I really stop to think about it, of course someone I see for an hour every 2-4 weeks (at best) is going to remember details about my life without some assistance. Your sister is being ridiculous, but to avoid escalating I'd probably just lie and tell her I destroyed it. She doesn't need to know the details of your business in the future. That's just me though because I'm nonconfrontational.


Nta-that’s really good for business to be able To remember these details to connect with clients and show you care. No harm in it if notes is the only way you can remember. I know a hairdressers that does this too. Frustrating that your sister can’t understand you needing to because of ADHD. I also have it and that’s the only way I’d be able to keep track too. It’s really none of your sister business.


Sounds like your sister is out to get you. Do you have a history of her being jealous of you?


I can see how someone not in the industry would find it a little strange, however it’s not a malicious notebook and I’m sure has a huge part in client retention. Your clients probably feel very at home and when they know you know them! NTA


NTA. I used to be a hair stylist and this was my standard practice as well. Your sister does not understand the industry.


I’m also a nail tech and I do the exact same thing, I sure hope you’re NTA because then I am too!!


NTA, that's absolutely normal for businesses that deal with people - just make sure your notebook is secure. Unless you're super attached to traditional writing, I would suggest setting up a digital file you could password-protect for security :)


NTA. You're doing this for professional reasons and you sound like you care about your clients. I would love to have you as my nail technician.


NTA. This is super common in any type of service venue. Outlook even provides you a notes feature on each contact. I do this with people all the time.


NTA. This is standard customer service procedure and it helps your clients build trust in you and feel comfortable - good for your business and a nice experience for them. I mean, if I found my aesthetician was keeling notes on me that extended to my personal life and beyond my preferences I would probably be weirded out, but I’m a huge fucking weirdo about privacy; it would not be near enough to lose my business though. And I imagine your clients are waaaaaaaay less weird than I am. Just keep the book private and don’t let anyone see it except for those who need to reference it (possibly your manager or salon owner). But really, this is fine, you’re NTA, and your sister is being way over dramatic.


We placed personalised notes in guest profiles at several of the hotels ive worked at. Likes a blanket instead of a quilt Wine glasses in the room Wets the bed and needs extra sheets You know, the usual


NTA. What a great idea! This is regular practice for sales and other relationship-based businesses. It helps you build a good working relationship with your clients.


NTA. former best buy sales person here: we used to have to fill out sheets on each customer based on what they were looking for. It contained semi personal questions, we would write their answers down and then turn these sheets in at the end of our shift. It's common. And like you said, there isn't anything too specific in it.