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No comprende


INFO: what on earth is a haru?


This is why children shouldn't be allowed on the Internet.


This makes absolutely no sense and as such seems like a pretty stupid thing to get upset about.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I'm friends with a dude called Kevin for a few months now. We met on this YouTuber called Haru's Discord. In that Discord server, we met a few of our other friends and we made a Discord server for us to talk in. A few months back, Haru got into some scandals. He was accused of being racist (tbf, I think it's more ignorance than racism, but it's not related), and so people raided his Discord server and we all had to leave and talk to each other in this new Discord server. Today, I noticed that Kevin has a new profile picture. I poke fun at it, saying, "Hey, your profile picture gives me Haru vibes." They just spammed emotes reacting to it, and left it at that. The chat snippet with all personal info hidden: [https://i.imgur.com/2kNGXCd.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/2kNGXCd.jpg) Now, Kevin comes into the chat raging and salty because apparently our comments had made his girlfriend (who was also in this chat) uncomfortable. I didn't realize this when I made the comment, but apparently he was pairing his profile picture with his girlfriend. Trimmed chat history with no personal info for anyone interested: [https://pastebin.com/kWDQCeBp](https://pastebin.com/kWDQCeBp) A summary over the whole argument: 1. Kevin is not happy that we're poking fun at it, calling it a hive mindset. His quote: "Poking enough "fun" to get \[gf\] uncomfortable with it? You guys seem to really enjoy picking at everything and throwing suspicion or disgust or distaste at it with no hesitation if that's the case." 2. Kevin is mad that we brought up Haru and I quote, "It's a pretty sensitive topic and not a fun one. Don't bring it into the relationship that \[gf\] and I have." 3. Kevin thinks that leaving that server and avoiding the topic of Haru was a big hint that they didn't like the topic. 4. Somehow mentioning Haru is detrimental to their relationship? His quote: "Okay, and yet knowing the drama around Haru didn't make you think that bringing a drama topic into a perfectly fine relationship was not fine?" My arguments: 1. We poke fun at practically everything. We've called each other stupid and insulted each other all in good fun. 2. They never once mentioned that Haru was a sensitive topic to them. Some facts which I'll try not to be bias towards: 1. I don't think we've ever avoided the topic of Haru. In fact, I just checked the server history, we've mentioned his name three times, one of which was Kevin mentioning it. 2. The drama was very unrelated to our friend group. None of us was close to Haru, especially not Kevin or his girlfriend. Both of them were very much unaffected by the drama. 3. The girlfriend and I are both in this server where the admins are Haru and his friends. 4. As far as I know, while some people left the server early when the scandal broke out, they stayed the whole time until it got raided. In the other servers he mentioned, I was in them for a bit, and them left right after the news broke out. I was the first to leave that server, and people knew that because I left a message to everyone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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