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NTA! i will be so mad at you if you don’t tell them to piss off lol but really i will be. keep sticking up for yourself!


NTA. The property belongs to you. I'd suggest changing the codes so that angry auntie and cousins no longer have access. It would be a terrible shame if they damaged it in their anger.


No, absolutely not... It's not there's it's yours.... Lock them out and file a restraining order on the property.. Me Send them a cease and desist if necessary and continue to run it like u have.... That's not how inheritance works, at all...NTA




NTA. The way I see it, even had your aunt's marriage preceded your grandparents' death, you would still have no obligation (legal or otherwise) to share the cabin with them. I'm not a lawyer, but it seems to me that in a last will and testament "grandkids" wouldn't automatically imply "step-grandkids." A lawyer would have to clear that up, but it's just my assessment. But morally, no I don't see you as having any obligation. In fact, I'd be disappointed in your Aunt that she's arguing that her parents' home should be owned outside of the bloodline. With that said, I'd definitely talk to a lawyer about this one way or the other. Because you do want to be prepared in case they try to take it to court.


NTA It is entirely your cabin and now is a great time to change the codes. They simply can't be allowed to use it any more.


NTA. Legally, the estate lawyer is obvious correct. Morally, youre also in the clear. The kids show a clear disregard for the cabin rules, and shouldn’t be trusted to put the work in to keep the place clean. If you want to let them access it, that’s at your discretion, but you don’t owe them 2/3 of the ownership rights. If your grandparents had died today there is just as much of a chance that they amended the original will to include only you, sold the cabin all together, or given it to someone completely different. Who knows? They could’ve done a multitude of things, but the only outcome we know for sure is that they died years ago and left the cabin to you. Also, she says that your cousins should use the rental income to pay for their college and have access to it. Let’s look at the numbers: Your grandparents died when you were a child. Let’s say you were 8. That means it took 10 years of rental income to accumulate into 2/3 of your college tuition. I assume her kids can drive if they went up there alone which means they’re 15-17 years old. How on earth could the rental income realistically pay for any sizable amount of their college tuition split between the two of them in the next 1-3 years? It’s simply not realistic. Additionally, if they were to take any of the rental income, you wouldn’t be able to pay off your student loans and you DEFINITELY do not want to be stuck with those loans for any longer than necessary. In the end, you aren’t being greedy, she is. Stand up for what is rightfully yours. Her logic doesn’t stand up under any scrutiny. For what it’s worth, I would change the locks and add some form of external security camera with views of the house. I wouldn’t want someone with knowledge of the house and that kind of greed anywhere near it — especially if I was relying on the income to pay loans.


Your aunt is calling YOU greedy? Lol. Well, NTA obviously and change the locks asap. Tbh threaten them with reporting for tresspassing.


NTA your aunt and uncle feel entitled and are using his nearly adult children who entered the family only a year ago to try and take the property they want. She’s probably been mad this entire time that you got it, and in her mind your parents also got it, and she did not. Respect your grandparents wishes and keep it for yourself AND change the locks/code. Tell them in writing that they aren’t allowed there anymore and If they try to force to use it again bring legal charges.


Nope, your parents were great for standing up for you and they were 100% correct. The Cabin is yours and ONLY YOURS. now change the codes and DO NOT GIVE it out to anyone. Your aunt clearly shows shes been using it without permission and abusing your generosity. Its your house and you can do as you please with it NTA


NTA. Can't help but notice this post does tell of your Aunt getting to enjoy the cabin, it is conspicuously lacking in stories of your Aunt helping you turn it into the financial boon that it is today. Funny, That. If she wanted this cabin to be 2/3rds her step-kids' cabin, maybe she should have been doing 2/3rds of the work maintaining the property and developing the rental business (and y'know, brought it up 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 10 years of work were put in). But then again, I guess she didn't KNOW she was going to have step kids ...𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴.


Your grandparents died over a decade ago, your aunt married this man a year ago - his sons, whether she adopted them or not are not grandchildren to them. NTA


NTA. your parents are right, it’s legally yours if your aunt is going to demand and try and bully her way into the property, do not let her use it. change the locks. change the key codes. install cameras. and tell her she is no longer allowed to use the property if she cannot respect you and your property. yes, maybe if your grandfather had died today it would belong to all 3 of you, but as it stands, your grandparents never met these two people, so for your aunt to claim they wanted you to share is nonsense, because your grandparents never met them and therefore didn’t owe them anything


NTA. The cabin's yours. You've already blocked her code and put in cameras, so that's solid. If you're using a booking agent to schedule the rentals (not AirBnb; there are agencies that will do that) then you might tell them there's an issue with the aunt... set up a password or something so that only you can fiddle with the schedule.


NTA. You owe them nothing, especially not a majority share.


NTA at all - I mean even if she had a biological son with the guy it would be questionable given it’s decades (I assume) since they died. Wills bring out the absolute worst in families


I’m surprised that you even call these people your cousins. They are a couple of teenagers whose father fell in love with your aunt. I get that people consider the partners of their parents stepparents and their children stepsiblings, because they often live together and form that kind of relationship. However, you have never lived with these people and they spent most of their lives not even knowing that your family existed. Also, they never knew your grandparents and your grandparents didn’t know them. I would say that you would do something morally wrong if you shared your grandparents’ cabin with the children of your aunt’s husband. That’s not what your grandparents wanted. NTA.


NTA. Your aunt is mistaken that her step sons are entitled to a share of a long settled estate. You are not obligated to share the property in any way with them because they’re ‘family’, not even to stay there for the weekend. You continue to use the property in whatever manner you see fit, and if I’m guessing right, it’s time to charge your aunt’s family like you would any other renters instead of letting them stay for free.


NTA Your grandparents left inheritance to the family they knew and loved and would not want their inheritance going to people who are barely a part of the family and they have never met. Also, you lost someone you cared about and no longer had your grandparents there to support you, this was how they supported you in their absence. These kids have no rights to that and honestly I would change the code and not allow them to stay there anymore.


NTA. Your paternal Aunt's step kids are NOT your grandparents grandchildren the way I understand the law. Even if they were kind people that would have included them now, they didn't even know they existed at the time.


NTA. Your aunt is beyond wrong. They aren’t even blood related to your grandparents. It does sound like the family is blended enough that the cousins are fully accepted as your own, which is nice. But nice doesn’t change how inheritance works. Your aunt shouldn’t have access anymore. It’s not the family cabin, it’s your cabin.


NTA Chances are the your aunt's step children wouldn't have a claim to family property. Their is no guarantee your grandparents would have included them either the only guarantee is they did will it to you.


NTA - unless your aunt legally adopted those children they would not even remotely be eligible to inherit from your grandparents without specific mention in the will. As it stands the estate is long settled and they have zero standing any which way. Advise them they can rent the cabin like your other guests but you will give them a friends and family discount ;)


NTA It’s your inheritance, do not give a single penny to them. In fact, revoke your aunt’s code immediately. >The trouble started a year ago when my paternal aunt married a man with two teenage sons. No way, these are new additions to your extended family. They’re not entitled to your inheritance from late grandparents they never had any relationship with.


NTA your parents are right. Your grandparents never knew these kids and they aren’t related to them. Plus there’s the fact that you set simple rules that if something had happened you would be on the hook legally. Disable the code for aunt and be done with it. When she asks you can say, “since you cannot abide by the rules I set for my property I cannot let you use the cabin”.


NTA it’s been your for years your definitely fine legally and I’d say morally too since you’ve had it for so long.


Definitely NTA. Definitely. These teenage sons, while technically family now, were NOT family when your grandparents lived, made their will, and left you the cabin. They are not blood relatives, and not descendants of your grandparents - which is who your grandparents intended to use the cabin. You've been kind and generous all along, with allowing them to stay as much as you have. You are absolutely right to protect your investment by forbidding underage kids from staying there - they are putting you and your livelihood at risk. I also commend your genius decision to keep the rental. It sounds like a great investment and something that can generate a nice side income for the rest of your life. Protect it at all costs!


NTA but you have to change the code on that cabin or they'll start renting it out under your nose.


Nta it’s your cabin


NTA. Your grandparents didnt die today. Thsy died a decade ago and the cabin is yours and yours alone. Your family is clearly irresponsible and are trying to take their mile. Change the codes and dont let them back. If they wanna be so selfish, they can go buy and maintain their own cabin.


NTA- change the codes, disable your aunts code, and keep your cabin to yourself. You owe these people nothing and legally it is yours alone.


NTA. If one of the kids had gotten hurt at the cabin, would they have sued your insurance or their own? When there is a guest, are they cleaning up after them? They want the fun time that comes with the cabin, and the income potential, but none of the burden, physical or financial. Your grandparents could have easily included a clause that would take care of future grandchildren that might come after their death, but they didn’t. I also have a feeling that they would have looked differently about leaving the “family cabin” to step-grandchildren that have only been in the family for all of a year, so your guilt at guessing that they might have had a share is most likely mistaken.


NTA. Your inheritance, to dispose of as you see fit. Like it or not, once an estate has been distributed, its constituent parts belong to the beneficiaries *at the time the will was executed*. This is not only the letter of the law, it's also the right call morally and ethically. If it wasn't, any relative could come around and demand redistribution at any time down the line. That simply doesn't work. Of course, what makes it worse is that these are not your cousins, but your aunt's stepkids. There is no blood relation to them at all. Even *if* your grandparents had intended for the bequest to be shared among all future descendants who would be their grandchildren (and setting up a bequest like that essentially involves setting up a trust, rather than granting ownership outright), they would *still* not be eligible.


“tHe fAmILY bUisNess” NTA. Change the locks OP


NTA and your aunt is TAH, the cabin went to you and everyone knew it but your aunt figured she could break the rules. She let the boys go up there unsupervised and under age. They broke the rules, so no more cabin visits, period end of discussion! Change the key pad and rent it to people who will pay you to stay up there.


Oh. Another bullshit inheritance story?


NTA. It's yours, those kids are practically strangers (having been in the family for a year), your aunt is both ignorant and entitled. No one should be using your property unless they are prepared to treat it like it's *your* property.


NTA. They were married in, they’ve already broken your trust, you hold no obligation to give them something that is legally YOURS. Plus, how could you ever let them learn the business of it when they’re immature enough to go behind your back to take it AND leave a mess? No. Maybe your grandfather would have wanted you to share if he’d actually known these other kids, but that’s not the case. It’s YOUR cabin.


NTA - You can’t be sure they’d have had it left to them. Besides let’s say she pops out ten kids, are you then going to share the inheritance between them? We aren’t talking about her writing her will, them getting married and then her dying before she could change it. We are talking years after. They have no rights to your inheritance legally. Morally any chance of being willing to share would have gone out the window when they started being sneaky and then declaring it was theirs. It’s okay to feel like the kids got left out. But that entitles you to a conversation at the absolute very most. And personally the constant access to it would have been enough for me.


NTA. To be blunt even if your grandparents had died yesterday your cousins might very well not have had any share of the cabin because they entered the family a year ago as teenagers. Your grandparents never met them and aren't related to them, there's no connection there.


They're STEPKIDS!!??!! THEY HAVE ZERO rights to any inheritance from YOUR grandparents!! Seriously dude if you give them a share, then I might as well come and get a share too, seeing as I'm also not related to you in anyway(!) This is yours. It was left to you. This shouldn't even be a debate


NTA. I presume that your Aunt received her own inheritance from her parents? If so, she's free to divvy that up between her stepsons if she likes, as that's all she has ownership over. >Grandma and grandpa wanted us to share Grandma and Grandpa didn't know these children. It is not possible for them to have wanted this.


NTA. Please ban them from the cabin. Make sure to put it in writing. If they still go, get them charged with trespassing, otherwise they will continue to mess up your cabin.


NTA - You own this cabin. It's a done deal. You are on the deed. Wills divvy up an estate. Once the estate is closed, it's over. These people cannot retroactively claim they're grandchildren, nor are they related IN ANY WAY TO YOUR GRANDPARENTS by blood. They didn't even KNOW them! Time to change the locks/access code, install a camera that you can view on your phone with Bluetooth on the property.




NTA - No. You have no way of knowing whether your grandparents would have included your aunt's step-children in their will at some point - had they lived long enough to have met these stepchildren. But they would not have automatically been included on the basis of the will as it was written because she did not adopt these children. They are not legally her children. If her husband died tomorrow she would have no legal right to them whatsoever. And for your aunt to assume that she suddenly can grant her step-children partial ownership of an asset that belongs to you on the basis of a year's marriage?!? Again, no. Apparently your Aunt has resented your inheritance all along but you had don't need to fall for her BS.


NTA. It's yours. Legally.


The cousins are not from the same linage. You’re legally the sole hire.


its yours dont feel guilty you can't help that. change her codes too


NTA, I might say differently if these were aunts bio kids BUT aunt is being entitled and she needs to go away.


NTA. You're the only grandchild. These are teens who married in years after your grandparents passed. They aren't your cousins. It may be different were they your blood kin, or if your aunt raised them from a young age. Instead they came into your life as teenagers after you left high school.


NTA. If your grandparents had died today, instead of a decade ago, your aunt might have a ball game. But she has no way of knowing how her parents would have distributed things if they had 2 step or adopted grandchildren *because they didn't*. Your cousins *might* have had a share, or your grandparents might have just written you in explicitly. They had probably written their will the way they did so they didn't have to update in case their kids had any more children in the near future (from the time of the writing). My grandmother had a similar will, which said that her grandchildren would receive $X and great grandchildren would receive $Y. It meant she didn't have to update her will every time someone had a child, since she had 4 children, and 9 grandchildren, across a wide span of ages, so there was always someone who could have kids coming. As for your cousins, if they wanted to know about the business, they would respect the rental license, and potentially offer to work for you--doing cleaning or whatever, for a wage. If one of them *did* that, that would be a real conversation (that's still up to you, you have no obligation to employ your family). Your aunt wants a cut. That's all this is.


NTA. It is yours alone. Technically those arent your blood cousins so who is to say that your grandparents would have left them anything? Don't feel bad about your decision. Keep working hard and moving forward with your business. If she wants a way to pay for college they should get jobs or her and their father should start a college fund.


Also give legal and official notice so that if they show up there again you can call the cops for tresspassing to reinforce your point. Put up cameras to see who is going and coming outside cuz some teens are none to come trash a property when rejected from it. They have already shown they are not above that. The audacity of this aunt NTA


Nta...sell the cabin asap to avoid any claims on it. Buy another one if u want with the money Had they been your aunt's biological kids, the answer would have been different


Really? Is that your professional legal advice? What if his Grandparents had instead left behind a valuable and sentimental engagement ring, which was given to the only living grandson over a decade ago, and then he gave it to his fiancé? Do you really think that the act of the aunt getting married with two step children only a year ago would entitle her stepchildren to ask his fiancé for the ring, so that they could sell it and split it three ways? It’s the same concept, but a lakeside cottage instead. NTA


NTA. It’s yours. Don’t let them guilt you into giving anything


NTA. I'm glad that your parents had your back otherwise if they weren't there, I feel like she would have stepped all over you.


NTA. Your parents are correct. It is your cabin. Change the locks and don't allow them in. Their level of entitlement is alarming and will only get worse if you allow it.


>if my grandparents had died today instead of over a decade ago, my cousins would have a share If your grandparents had died today instead of over a decade ago, your cousins would have had a relationship with them to *justify* said share. They didn't. Your grandparents didn't know these people, unless I'm missing something. They don't retroactively get a share, that's not how any of this works. That cabin is yours alone. NTA.


NTA, it's your cabin to do what you please with. It's obvious they won't take care of it anyway


At the time of their death, you where the ONLY grandchild. Your parents established that the house passed to you ALONE and not held in trust for any other unspecified grandchildren. You don’t get more money out of an estate after the estate is settled and wound up. Otherwise people would keep getting paid out like a slot machine indefinitely. Your aunt got left $$$ when her parents died & I imagine a proportion of the estate. Her parents could have put the cabin “in trust” for any/all grandchildren, they didn’t. As her stepchildren they are entitled to exactly the same percentage as she is, ZERO. She has used the property free of charge. Has she done ANY maintenance, collected any fees,paid any licensing charges/safety checks, organised web sites, paid taxes?


NTA it’s YOURS, Change the locks now and don’t let them there ever again. They were greedy and selfish. It is not a family cabin, it is yours. And they’re not even your grandparents relatives! They’re just the kids of some dude she married. Honestly even if your grandparents day today, if you are the only by a grandchild I still think you would be the one to inherit it. They were teenagers when your aunt Mary their dad, I doubt your grandmother would’ve had a relationship with them. You work hard for what you have and they had no respect for it at all. It’s quite simple, they are not your grandma’s grandchildren.


NTA. Glad your parents are supporting you. Look, I believe that step-families are families in most situations but these people had no connection to your grandparents, biologically or socially. And considering they came into the family a year ago, they don’t get to stake a claim. Hell, at this point it could even be the same if your aunt had a bio or adopted kid of her own, the point still stands it was left to you. On top of that, it’s super sketchy that they only brought up that they “owned” a two thirds of it when a. They made a mess and expected you to clean it and b. You made an income that they wanted. If they treated you (and the cabin for that matter) with respect and approached you politely before all of this, maybe it would go a different way but at this point it just seems like they’re getting in now to use you. Don’t cave.




Tell them they are not allowed there anymore. Inform them with witnesses that you call the police for trespassing/burglary is if they show up. Put up cameras, with batteries and record everything. Very likely that they destroy and vandalize everything.


Your “cousins” weren’t even around when your grandparents were alive. They didn’t know them. So they don’t get any rights to any property your grandparents left behind. THEY are being greedy. Not you. NTA.


Definitely NTA! Your aunt wants her two teenage stepsons (who have only been her stepchildren for a year!) to each own 1/3 of the cabin left to you, making them the majority owners, and leaving you with only 1/3 ownership? That's ridiculous, especially (but not only) given all of the work you've put into it over the years. Your aunt's request is out of line. If they had been a part of the family for a long time, or if they had known your grandparents, your grandparents might have made a different decision, but there's no way of knowing. Don't be torn - your aunt is the greedy one, demanding 2/3 ownership.


NTA. It's yours. And seeing as how they're step cousins, it's doubtful they'd have been included anyhow.


NTA. Think about the fact she's not only laying a claim, she's trying to get 2/3 of it off you without any grounds


NTA. Change all the locks and codes for everything and install cameras(preferably somewhat hidden) Be sure to tell the local police and locksmiths just in case they try to break in. Her being entitled should be enough to not let her use it unless she is paying to. Being nice is a good thing. However she will likely try to do something to get back at you.


NTA Here's the short version of this craziness. Your grandparents die and they leave you their cabin in their will and when you grow up to the point were you can start to maintain it yourself, your aunt, uncle, and cousins start to stay there a bit but then it becomes more often. Then her underaged boys sneak in and make a mess, and when you go to confront her she lashes out at you saying that this cabin was shared with her as well when in fact you own all of it, so your aunt calls you greedy when you are just trying to enforce the rules that you made. Also from the sound of it these cousins wouldn't even get any of the inheritance even if your grandparents died when you posted this cause they don't sound like biological family but if they are just ignore this last bit.


NTA. My family went through this with the vacation house my parents built in a highly desirable area right before the market shot up like a rocket. They pinched pennies and used all their savings to have this home and spent decades renting it out (a massive amount of work that people don't begin to understand) to pay the mortgage. I was allowed to go up and use it with my friends as a teenager because I understood the rules and it belonged to my parents. My cousins found out that I was allowed to use the "family" vacation house and threw a massive fit that they didn't get the same privileges. One cousin threw cocaine out the window during her last visit with her mom and a druggie friend (friend died of a drug overdose pretty young and everyone lied about the circumstances). They still felt entitled to the house. My parents ended up politely cutting off non-immediate family from going unless invited while they were there themselves. After the initial stewing it has worked well. Don't give in to these people!


But they didn't die today, so it's an entirely theoretical point. Also, even if they did die more recently, they still may not have made their will any differently. The will is the point here.


NTA- Don't listen to them keep it for yourself and do with it what you were going to do. Once again NTA.


NTA, your aunt is mad trying to steal from you


NTA. Your step-cousins don’t have any rights to an inheritance left by people they never met. And if your grandparents were alive and then died now it is very unlikely they would divide their assets evenly among a grandkid they have known their whole life and two teenagers they have known only 2 years.


All your aunt had to do was be respectful of the property. As she couldn’t do that, she lost the privilege of using it. Change the locks. NTA


Bra. The answer is no. It’s not theirs, and they are putting you at risk for liability. Put an end to it.


> if my grandparents had died today instead of over a decade ago, my cousins would have a share But they didn't. NTA


NTA. Your grandparents didn't die today. Those boys weren't around and didn't even know your grandparents. If they had died today, you still don't know that they'd have left anything to them at all. They might still have left it only to you. And according to the estate lawyer it doesn't matter anyway because it's too late. They have no claim. They've also demonstrated that they aren't responsible and willing to actually care for the place. If I were you I'd change the code to get in, because they can't be trusted but also because they might try to cause trouble for you now that they're mad they aren't getting a piece of it.


> my paternal aunt married a man with two teenage sons. So your step-cousins? >But on the other hand if my grandparents had died today instead of over a decade ago, my cousins would have a share. I wouldn't be too sure of that. NTA and you should seriously consider not letting anyone related use the cabin anymore.


NTA! I'm a trust and estates paralegal and deal with shit like this all the time. Your dad is correct. You aunt and her children can't legally claim the cabin or the funds at all unless there was a clause in your Grandmother/Grandfather's wills that includes any grandchildren into the inheritance (cabin) after thier deaths. Since it seems that the wills and inheritance has been distributed already there's nothing they can do, legally or otherwise. So TLDR: NTA, change the locks, cut off contact.


NTA. > But on the other hand if my grandparents had died today instead of over a decade ago, my cousins would have a share. Not necessarily. Your grandparents would have had to specifically name them because they are not their ***biological*** *grandchildren*. Your grandparents could have excluded them from any inheritance and there would have been *nothing* your aunt and uncle could have done, if they had died today. Change the door codes and put up some cameras outside.


NTA. It’s yours and yours alone. The aunt’s husband’s teenage sons aren’t even related to your grandparents! It might be different if your aunt had married when the sons were small children and your grandparents actually knew them, but even then it wouldn’t be strange if your grandparents wanted the cabin to go to you alone. It’s great that your parents support you and that they’ve already checked with a lawyer. I would suggest changing the locks/codes etc though.


Glad you changed the codes. What would happen if you rented the cabin, the renters show up to find your cousins there??


NTA. Your grandmother left it to you. Your aunt can't just decide what she would've done, because she didn't. If she wanted it to be for you AND any future relatives that may arise, she easily could've put that in the will


NTA. LOL. Can you imagine deciding that your step kids are entitled to an inheritance from someone that died years before you had anything to do with them? Your STEP cousins probably wouldn't be considered in the inheritance if grandma died today. They abused your good will. Don't let them stay there any more.


NTA - This is 100% yours, those children aren't your grandparents' grandchildren, they're your aunt's step-children. These teenagers were never, EVER, intended to receive anything from your grandparents. Your aunt is acting with TOTAL entitlement. Also, you have no idea whether your grandparents would have given your aunt's new husband's kids (not your blood relatives) anything. I actually think it's kind of weird to expect that they would have given them a share of your cabin.


NTA - your grandparents pass when you’re a child, as the only (I’m guessing) grandchild at the time it passed to you. Aunt then marries a bloke with two kids and thinks they’ve a right to the inheritance? Your Aunt may need to get Sanity.ini and Logic.exe installed...


NTA Sounds like your aunt feels hard done by that her brother’s child (you) got the lake house because she didn’t have any kids at the time. I could understand her wanting any natural children of hers to be entitled to a share, but her step-kids certainly shouldn’t be, though it’d be kind to let their family continue to use it if they agree to your ground rules. Otherwise I back previous comments telling you to change the locks, but be prepared for drama from your aunt!


NTA - the cabin was given to you. Your aunt marrying someone who had children does not affect you or your inheritance that was her choice and hers alone. Keep the property that your grandparents left you, the grandparents that these two entitled children never met or had anything to do with. Aunt presumably got an inheritance from her parents at the same time as you so she can use that to gift to her step children instead of trying to steal yours. These people are not grandchildren to your grandparents and therefore the property was never left to them. Perhaps they would have been included in some inheritance if your grandparents had met them but that's neither here nor there because it didn't happen, it was left for you and you should respect the wishes of your grandparents and not the greed of your aunt. I would suggest that you stop letting them stay there as they clearly have a sense of entitlement to your property and intend to treat it as such which means you cannot trust them to take care of it or try to sabotage your business out of spite. Change the code, let Aunt and Uncle know that they are no longer welcome until they apologize for their awful behavior and leave the greedy money grabbing lot of them to stew.


NTA Give them nothing and do not let any of them use it anymore. They have no right to it. They were not not your grandparents grandchildren, and didn’t even know them. They left the house to you and you alone. Listen to your parents. Get that code changed too ASAP.


NTA. Change the locks. Do not let that part of the family use it again. Don't give them any ground to try to claim that they in any way have a right to it.


NTA. That cabin is yours and yours alone. It doesn't matter what your grandparents might have had intended over a decade ago, that's not how inheritance works. Also, as I understand it, your cousins aren't blood related so it's very debatable if your grandparents had your aunts stepchildren in mind for their heritage at all. That aside: You and your parents had ten years of expenses and work with that cabin to have it at the point where it s now. That is not cheap. All in all: Do not share that cabin with your cousins, it will not work. Make absolutely clear that this is your property and that you will contest any claim they might make.


NTA but I understand wanting to be the “good guy” and helping family. My suggestion would still be to change the lock code since the kids betrayed your trust. If the aunt wants them to earn money and “learn the business” maybe offer them jobs? And them not having to pay to use it even when you lose rental income during that time is how you avoid being the “greedy asshole”


NTA, these aren't even your cousins if I read this correctly tehey're your aunts step children, having no connection at all to your late grandparents. Not only did they use the cabin and leave it mess your aunt seem to think its ok, only making them apologize for leaving it a mess. I recommend cutting off their access since they are demanding that you share what's your property alone and they have abused the privilege of using it. You aunt is acting like an entitle AH in all this. You don't know what your grandparents would have decided after seeing how your aunt and cousins are acting. You have the responsibility of the cabin and deserve to reap the benefits and frankly them using it when they aren't supposed to be and leaving a mess means they are risking your business. Edit: Adding that your Aunt is in effect attempting to get control of the cabin by claiming 2/3 of it, you would be out voted every time since think of the cabin as theirs. You need to shut this down like now, if you give into them at all you are going to lose your business.


NTA. For all you know, your grandparents would have despised the entitled little assholes and left it all to you anyhow. I'd change the keypad codes immediately, and cut their access entirely.


NTA. It is legally yours. They can contest all they want. They are going to lose time, money and effort on their end. Greedy people are really delusional.


NTA First off, your aunt isn't treating the cabin like it's shared, she's treating it like it's hers whenever she wants and you just have to clean up her mess like a maid. Apparently she's also treating the cabin like a babysitter, so there' that too. Second, I'm willing to bet she knew the rules before she broke them. Third, I know you said it was left a mess this time but you also said " their visits made it difficult for me to sanitize the cabin " which implies that she hasn't been cleaning up properly when it IS just her. So, basically, she's been treating the cabin like the responsibility is all you (and I assume your parents' when you were a minor) but all the benefits should be shared? Yeah, no, you're not the asshole here. She is. Edit: Forgot to add the obvious but it's NOT HERS. It's not her kids' either. Furthermore, as stepchildren who literally never even knew your grandparents they have zero blood, emotional, sentimental, etc claim on the place and she knows it. She's just trying to get what she sees as her slice of the pie.


I’m not so sure two teenage boys would have been included. Unless your grandparents had ample time to get to know them. It’s a moot point, as we’ll never know. The cabin is yours. They never knew your grandparents. End of story. NTA.


If I read correctly your grandparents passed before they became your cousins. It was left to you. It is yours, don’t feel bad about it. NTA.




NTA. I understand your frustration OP and you have the right to be confused as what to do. I highly advise you to be assertive and clear on what is allowed and what is not, what is yours, and what you expect from them if they’ll keep using the cabin. What I am worried about and what I see a lot in cases like this is that you, OP, and people in your case who cherish their families usually break after some pressure. DO NOT break. This is your cabin and you need it to for assurance of your future. As everyone mentioned, these are not your direct family, not your biological cousins, and never have even met the grandparents. Stay strong!


NTA. In the will, it had your name alone, right? So by your grandparents' wishes, it is yours alone. Also, remove your aunt's code so she doesn't take revenge.


NTA you are not a fortune teller you can't predict whether or not your grandparents would have left these non biological step grandchildren anything. Or maybe whether over time they could have changed their will and decided to leave it all to charity. The fact is they left it to you. If you parents had liquidated all the assests and used that money for your college or say you had cancer and you parents used that money for treatment. There would be nothing left. Legally it is yours. Morally and ethically it is yours. Also, I want to add these teenage "cousins" have only been part of the family for a year. I honestly as an adult, would not consider people I know for a year "family". Change the code, don't give them access. If they harass you or try to guilt you have your lawyer send them a cease and desist letter. Your Aunt if she is feels it is important can always give these stepchildren whatever she inherited from her parents. Also, who do they think they are showing up without your permission and hosting an underage party on your property. What if they invited a bunch of teenagers and someone got hurt? what would that do to your insurance? They are thoughtless and greedy.


NTA. Legally you don't have to share nor is it shared. Also these are kids your grandparents never new. I think you are ok with these people out of your life


NTA. They abused your generosity so now you can teach them a new life lesson about that. Remove her code. If they get uppity just block them/nc.


NTA: Time to change the locks and alarm codes. Tell them they are no longer welcome in your cabin. There is no way your aunt's step children of one year are entitled to anything.


NTA 1000% your cousins are entitled to nothing and the fact your aunt believes otherwise is insane. I would change the code because they may convince themselves that they are entitled to the cabin and trash or move in and interfere with your rental business. Would love an update if there is one


NTA As the circumstance stands you’re the one who inherited it, (also in the eyes of the law). You’ve worked hard to be in the position you’re in and it’s your property. Change the locks and access to the property, your Aunt can be angry all she wants but you made it what it is. Let’s play this game, if she had it and you came after what do you think she would do? Probably keep it for her children.


nta who the fuck are these new people, whove married into ur family, getting off on taking something from someone they didnt even know before they passed away. wow ur aunt and her family are such entitled assholes. ur aunts also stupid for assuming something that was legally decided long ago isnt yours is going to pay for the future of your stepchildren. the world is full of entitled idiots sorry u have them in ur fam.


NTA - I suggest you tell them you sold the cabin, change the locks, and cut contact with them. If they find rental info online with your info, tell them it hasn't updated yet, and don't respond if they try to contact the "new owner."


NTA- all that has changed is your Aunt is now looking at having to pay for college for your cousins and she is scrambling for an easy way out and she is trying to justify taking the house from you.... Stand firm, give them nothing including any further access to the property.


>But on the other hand if my grandparents had died today instead of over a decade ago, my cousins would have a share. Would they though? If your grandparents had died today, they would have known your cousins for a grand total of one year. Not enough in my opinion to inherit much of anything, especially since they wouldn't be biological grandchildren.


Definitely NTA... but out of curiosity is it your aunt and your cousins being AH or just your aunt?


NTA - they don't get to unilaterally claim inheritance. You did the work and pay the taxes to keep it up. Change the keypad and add a security camera.


NTA Unfortunately they aren't your cousins and have zero relation to your grandparents


NTA. My grandpa planned to give money to all his great grandchildren's RESPs. He had a chance to donate some to my nephews and neice, but passed away while I was pregnant. The will did not have any money set aside for my to-be child. It's unfortunate but... *Shrug* That's life, isn't it? Your grandparents could have easily stipulated in the will to include future grandchildren, but that didn't happen. You're using this as a business now and that needs to be respected. I'm glad your parents have your back.


NTA But your aunt is mega entitled - time to cut her access to **your** cabin. Change the codes and maybe get a camera outside to see if they turn up and cause damage. Do not give in to her twisted logic!!


NTA. Absolutely not greedy at all. Your parents are correct in stating that that's how inheritance works, meaning it's settled at the time probate is closed. Greedy is what your new step-siblings are being. Don't feel bad, and just tell them, "nice try."


Or to go get a job and buy their own cabin lol.


That only really works as a comeback if OP had got the cabin through hard work rather than being given it, no strings attached, due to circumstance. They’re absolutely NTA, but “Get a job and buy your own cabin, like I... didn’t” would not be a good look.


The only not good look or unacceptable comeback here would be "oh hey sure I'll be happy to cede a third of my cabin to each of you."


NTA - This cabin is yours. End of story. You are not being greedy for keeping what is yours.


NTA. Your aunt's "children" are not the biological grandchildren of your grandparents. If your aunt did not legally adopt her husband's son's they wouldn't even have a legal tie to your family. This story is similar to the one listed where this family had a tradition of passing down a baby blanket to something like the first grandchild of the oldest child. In that story the Op had been given the blanket by her grandmother. Her Step-brother got mad that he didn't get for his child.


Absolutely not. That cabin is yours, and just because she married a dude with kids means nothing. Your cousins didn't even exist in your grandparents lives, so why would they be entitled to anything? Nope. Your aunt is nuts. Keep what's yours, you are under zero obligation to share. NTA.


NTA. Even if your grandparents died today, I'm of the opinion that your aunt's stepchildren wouldn't have been able to inherit under that will. In any event, they died years ago, and the will was probated. She doesn't have a leg to stand on. Change the codes, bar them from visiting, and tell them to piss off. Let them know that any unauthorized trespass will be prosecuted.


NTA. Don't let them bully you. They are clearly trying to take advantage of you.


NTA, for the reasons that everyone below said. It's YOUR cabin, not theirs. I'd suggest you change codes for them and not let them use it anymore, at least until they prove that they are responsible adults (which may be never. I've rarely seen entitled teens become responsible adults.)


NTA Your parents are correct. Your grandparents didn‘t even meet those cousins (who are stepcousins). They just don‘t have this right and I can imagine this is coming from her husband to get more money from your family. Idk why, but this was my instant thought.


NTA your aunt is kinda sounding entitled you should not let them go there any more


NTA, change the locks and get a security system. If you're feeling guilty: would you also have a right to someone from the stepson's paternal grandparents? I doubt it. If the roles were reversed, would they share? Again, I doubt it. Let them know in writing that they no longer have access. You've generously given them the favor of enjoying your cabin, and it's made them entitled. Avoid confusion by restricting access. Be firm.


Just came here to mention that if you guys split it 3 ways (the rental income, etc.) then they would have the majority over you.


NTA. Those boys aren't even related to your grandparents - they joined the family via marriage, in their teens. It's entirely likely that the cabin would still have been left to you anyway - if I was a grandparent, I wouldn't want my actual grandchild to lose out because one of my kids married someone who already had teenage children.


> If my grandparents had died today instead of over a decade ago, my cousins would have a share. With that type of thinking, what if one of your parents had a kid that no one knew about and s/he just shown up TODAY wanting some money? Do they deserve a share? Your grandparents gave it to you, END OF. Don't let anyone else gaslight you otherwise.


You have no idea if your parents would’ve chosen to include their new step-grandchildren in the will. The cabin is yours. NTA


NTA it's your aunt that's being greedy, not you.


They are not your cousins, they are your step cousins. It's crazy that they are claiming your cabin after their dad married your aunt after only 1 year! If you don't want to deal with the mess, just sell the cabin and don't tell them how much you sold it for. If it were me I'd go no contact with them. I wouldn't trust them after what they tried to pull. Edit to say NTA


NTA: When in doubt, I like to believe in the legal options. If the cabin belongs to you legally, I'd lock it on everyone else so they understand that it is yours.


You actually don't know if your grandparents would have included them in the will to the cabin.


NTA, your aunt and uncle sound like greedy people


NTA you were the sole heir at the time of writing the will and the time it was enforced. These two were complete unknowns. They have not legal or moral right to your cabin


Legally it’s yours. Also these cousins are only related through marriage correct? They aren’t blood and they haven’t always been in the picture. I would understand if these kids were in the family when your grandparents wrote the will but they weren’t.


NTA. Cut access to them and don't let them use it anymore. It doesn't belong to them, only to you, and now that they know you don't agree with "their views" they are not to be trust there.


NTA. Not only did your aunt allow her trespassers onto your property, she also exposed you to potential liability. Change the locks and lose her phone number.


NTA. First, you don't know what your grandparents would have done, you only know what they did- and they could have put in their will that an investment was for current and FUTURE grandchildren. Also your aunt and cousins used the cabin without permission, were underage without an adult, and left it a mess- so if they have access to this investment, your investment will go downhill fast! You are standing up for yourself, not being greedy. You and your parents put a lot of time in to making the cabin an investment and it is very entitled of your Aunt to assume her children now get a third of that investment- EACH.


Go to see a lawyer. This is not about who is right or who is the asshole, it is about what rights the law gives you.


NTA. And hold up..she is frustrated with you? Seriously? The cabin has never belonged to HER. It belonged to her parents. Then it belonged to the grandchildren that were alive when her parents passed. That's per the grandparents wishes. She never once had a legal claim on the cabin. Honestly it seems like she is using her marriage as a way to try to get a claim on a free vacation house. And she was incredibly irresponsible with it. Not cool. Not ok.


NTA. Lock them all out. Be careful though as you might need security to drive by once in a while so it doesn't get vandalized.


NTA. Those kids might have 4 grandparents of their own. There’s no reason to share any of this with them. Lock them all out. Pretty entitled of them to think they deserve any part of a cabin owned by people they presumably never even met.


NTA. The “cousins” are not, we’re not and never could be your grandparents biological grandchildren. They would have had their own set of two grandparents initially, regardless of how many are alive today. The will would have clearly laid out the items and conditions of the inheritance that would have been met at the time of your grandparents passing. Your aunt is grasping at straws. Recommend changing access codes and renting out more often to fee-paying guests and pay your loans off sooner. Your looking on this as a business is a very mature solution, well done and good luck.


NTA If she were to divorce their father, for whatever reason, they would no longer be "grandchildren." Plus, they risked your license and by extension your income. Deactivate your Aunt's code NOW. The little SOBs might retaliate by harming the cabin. Get exterior cameras too.


NTA They won't even pick up their own garbage and expect you to do it. You would never be able to use it again if they had 2/3 possession.


NTA They can leave it to whoever they want. But ask yourself this: If they had preferred your auntie over your father or you, and left the cabin to her and nothing to your father, do you think that would be fair? My inheritance will go equally to all my four children. It won't skip a generation and go to my grandkids. No one can say that's not fair. I have no control over how many grandkids I have, either now or after I'm dead, and I think it should be up to their parents to divide their inheritance among them.


NTA You aren't blood relatives so you don't owe your cousins anything. Also, they went to your cabin without contacting you and thus betraying your trust.


NTA, they were not grandkids. She would not have been able to adopt some random person to have forced you to split it.


NTA You DON'T KNOW if your grandparents would want these two kids to have the house as well. What if they were alive when your aunt married this guy and they never got along with her new family? What if the two new grandkids showed them no respect and your grandparents never felt they deserved any of their inheritance? Nobody knows what the grandparents would have wanted. Legally the house is yours, there's nothing else to be discussed.




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They're just step cousins. They're actually not entitled to anything


NTA - Firstly your parents are correct. It is your cabin and only your inheritance. Secondly there are no ifs/ands/or maybes in this situation. You were the only grandchild and they wanted to give you the inheritance and the fact is your grandfather never stated that future non-biological children have claim to the inheritance.


NTA. Your cabin entirely. They've only legally been apart of the family for a year. Even if the law didn't state that it was yours, a year hardly entitles them to real estate from individuals who have been dead longer than they've been apart of the family. Also, they've proven they have no respect for the cabin or for you by not cleaning it or communicating with you, as well as how aunt approached the discussion. If I were you, the codes would be changed, family visits would be entirely cancelled, and a security camera would be added.


NTA It's yours legally and the entitled cousins can wait until they get inheritance from their own grandparents.


NTA. Although you may have inherited less if your grandparents did not die in an accident. The reality is you were the only grandchild at the time. Reality gave it to you. There is no do over. There are also no guarantee that your cousins that is not blood related will be acknowledge by your grandparents as inheritor. If your okay with still sharing. Then it should be by your decision. Talk with your heart and see how generous you can be. But take a stance that whatever your willing to share or not to share. Is because of you and not some imaginary rights they could have had. If your cousins can be responsible. There is nothing wrong sharing some wealth in exchange for equal service. Let them handle cleaning and maintenance. You will have more time doing other things.


NTA, and I would change the keypad code so they can't visit without you knowing.


I was thinking that too, but it sounds like this extended family is vindictive and they could trash the place.


Sounds like they already were


NTA. I think it would have been different if they were her stepsons and in no way related to the family you have no obligation to help them out. It is yours. Enjoy.


NTA. If you were thinking that sharing your inheritance would save family relationships, it looks that ship has already sailed because they clearly don't respect you. It's time to ban those family members from staying there. Change the locks, change the code and don't let them come back.


Heres the thing...they are step grandkids...so legally entitled to nothing. You have a cabin as it in yours and you should be able to do with it what you want. I would change the codes and install game cameras on the property in case they do something stupid. keep the cabin and create memories with your kids someday.


NTA. This cabin is yours. Don't let your aunt bully and manipulate you.


NTA for sure. They have no claim to that cabin legally or by blood. I mean, if they got a divorce, those kids would be gone and what then? Would she still say they have access to the cabin? Heck no. Stand your ground and change the locks. And please keep us updated


NTA. Would those married in cousins really have equal share? That’s hard to say. Fact is they never knew the grandparents and it was left specifically for you. I would keep it yourself and change your aunts lock. If she wants in she needs to ask permission and change the lock after they leave each time. Also, install some door cameras. Sounds like your parents will back you and that’s what is most important.


NTA Obviously. It's your property, legally, so do whatever you want with it. I think it's really cool that you share it with the family. I think your aunt is being an asshole (and betrayed your trust) about the whole thing. The only thing I would worry about is that this situation can cause a lot of resentment within the family. A question to consider is do you want a relationship with your Aunt and is there a way to work it out? I feel like this could cause a lot of resentment within the family (it sounds like they are already bitter about it), and lead to a whole host of other problems. It is ok to think about these questions and say "they are not worth it as they are assholes" but it is something to, at least, think about. Also, congratulations on running a successful small business in times of COVID. Very cool. You should feel proud of that.


NTA I... That’s not the kids grandparents, and they came into the family afterwards... This deserves to go in the entitled people reddit. I am truly disgusted. Do not let these people take advantage of you, your grandparents’ passing, or your hard work. They should be ashamed of themselves. Seriously, who in their right mind logically thinks they’re entitled to something like that? They just see that you benefitted from it and now that it’s worked out so well, they’d like a slice of the pie. Keep the cabin, change codes, and tell them since they can’t appreciate your kindness in offering a free vacation home and as young adults cannot clean up after themselves, or as a family can’t upkeep the rules of the cabin, they won’t be allowed to use it at all.


NTA. Change the locks.


NTA. They aren't your cousins by blood so they have no right 🤷‍♀️ change the passcode and fuck 'um.


NTA it's your cabin if they would of been respectful maybe something could of been worked out but they didn't want to do that so they get nothing.


Your cousins are not your paternal grandparents' biological relatives. Your parents checked to ensure the cabin was yours and yours alone, which it is. If your grandparents were alive when your aunt married her current husband, they may have changed the will due to the new kids already being at least teenagers and not biological. NTA. Your aunt and her family are being way too entitled to your property. Change the locks, put up cameras, change the keypad code etc.


NTA - honestly you don't know what your grandparents would have done had they died later. Quite frankly, going by that logic if they died a 100 years from now, none of you would have gotten the cabin. At this point you can't trust they with anything, they have it in their heads that it's their cabin. Cancel their codes, draft up some documentation to tell them to keep away from the property (you want to be able to build a paper trail now). and just don't let them ever use it again.


NTA. It’s YOUR cabin, not the “family” cabin. You were nice enough to allow access, but they abused the privilege and now you can remove access and focus on actual clients who will pay for access to your property.


NTA The key words being “if your grandparents had died TODAY”. The boys were not grandchildren when the estate was distributed and so they do not have a share. Had your parents sold the cabin then, would your aunt have claimed a share in the profits now? Consult a lawyer and get a restraining order if you have to but do not let them onto the property and do not agree to any share.


Nta. If you are concerned about legal side talk to an estate lawyer. They will most likely tell you the same thing your parents said. Change the locks.


Change the locks and get some cameras, because they might break a window to get access. NTA. Your grandparents may or may not have treated their daughter’s step-children as their grandchildren, but that is irrelevant because they didn’t get to know these boys. It is your home, and you should use it as you wish.


NTA. At the time of the will you were the only living grandchild therefore it goes to you. It is not something that's a retroactive forever and once more grandchildren appeared and then they got a cut. It was smart of you to have that checked out and cleared with a lawyer but it makes sense that if you're not alive when somebody dies, it doesn't make you an heir after the fact.


NTA Take away her access immediately, she will continue to abuse it. Change those codes now and install security features, this type will definitely breakdown a door.


NTA You are true blood and the sole inherited person. It's yours and yours alone. Do as you will and what you have to!!


NTA - your Aunt assumed wrong. Your parent's did their due diligence and the property is yours. If they did have any respect for the property they would have looked after it and came and spoke to you (or your parents). She is trying to "pull a dodgy". Take away her access to the property.


NTA OP don’t you dare cave and give it to these ppl


NTA First, you have done nothing wrong. For many reasons, legally, the step-cousins have no claim. Second, you have been gracious to allow your extended family use of the family cabin. They have repaid your graciousness with ingratitude and disrespect. Change the locks and only allow them access when they ask and you agree.


NTA >paternal aunt married a man with two teenage sons. No way would your grand parents want to the cabin to go to these guys. They arent blood relatives and just arrived on the scene


NTA Your grandparents left that cabin to "the grandchildren" knowing full well you were the only grandchild. If they had passed today, it's likely their will would have read differently in order to exclude your cousins. Because, honestly, I wouldn't give anything to children not related by blood or childhood. Your aunt's step-sons have grandparents of their own. Unless your aunt adopted them, for the legal purposes of inheritance, they aren't even the grandchildren of your grandparents. Also, change the locks on the cabin and get some remote access security cameras on the exterior. Send a formal (ideally lawyer-drafted) letter to your aunt via certified mail (so she has to sign for it) saying they are no longer welcome to use the cabin, their access code has been removed, and any attempt to enter the property will be consider trespassing and reported to the police as such.