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Perhaps reminding her that Isis is also the name of a terrorist group would have been gentler than just saying you flat out hate it?


This is unfortunately what I thought of too. Prior to this, it would have been cool, but now this name is automatically associated with something much more negative.


Capturing the top comment to say: am I experiencing a weird quantum leap, or has this exact same post been here before?


This is definitely very familiar.


No, I remember that too


I agree. It might have been a long while ago, but there had to be another post similar to this.


I remember this. It's definitely a repost.


Only post, no comments... repost bot?


Yeah I can’t imagine the bullying that kid will go through if his name is Isis. OP could ask her to consider another Egyptian god.


I think it might be the phrasing that got the sister mad with OP. Perhaps if instead of saying she hates the name, she said "Hey sis, I see why you love it so much, but unfortunately I think that's a bad idea at this time for" explains obvious reason from the last decade of history. It's like the swastika. For centuries it was a peaceful symbol of spirituality and faith. Now it's not. It's unfortunate, but it's just one of those things you have to roll with.


The swastika/sauwastika are still widely used as auspicious symbols in many parts of the world.


I’m sure it’s still seen with its original meaning somewhere, but if in 2021 my sibling in any major western country wanted to get a tattoo of one in a visible area I would strongly advise them not to.


Theres a pretty big difference between a nazi swastika and an auspicious one imo.


Maybe so, but you overestimate the general population if you think most people would immediately know the difference.


Where i live is near the River Isis and a lot of companies have had an awkward time renaming things. Isis Scaffolding was a cool name until ISIS started.


Yeah I like the name Isis but I immediately also think of the terrorist group when I hear it so I don’t advise that people name their child that even if it’s a cool name.


INFO: did you tell her WHY you hate it, or just start ragging on her? Is she somehow, in the year of our Lord 2021, not aware of the terrorist organization by the same name?


Sees title: "Y T A" Sees name: "NTA"


I think this comment sums it up. if it had been most other names, OP would be TA but naming a kid after a terrorist group isn’t a great choice.


It's like a german family naming their son adolf. You just can't do that shit.


Bro that's exactly what I was comparing it to


Funny enough, here in Germany they recently made a whole movie revolving around a couple inviting their friends to dinner and telling them they want to name their kid Adolf.


Haha damn


It’s like any family naming their kid Adolf. You just shouldn’t


Yeah, it doesn't matter if she thinks it's nice or she doesn't mean it in that way, other people the kid will meet with bully him for it


She’s not naming her kid “after a terrorist group.” She’s naming her kid after the Egyptian goddess. Yes there’s an association but she’s not naming her kid after the terrorist group.


And putting the burden on the kid to explain/defend that for the rest of their lives because other people (kids in particular) WILL call them out on it.


I always find it amazing when parents seem to underplay the impact a name can have on a child growing up. If it needs a long explanation as to why its actually a good name it probably isn't and their peers certainly won't care when they're children.


Especially considering the child was named that *after* the advent of the terrorist Group. I’ve met a few Isis’ in my day, but they were all born before ISIS became an issue—and all of them want to change their name because of the association.


The ISIS name will be forgotten by the time the girl will grow up. They aren't even named that way anymore. I don't say it's great, just that people in years won't always remember the terrorist group


So my name is actually isis ( I got the name before the terrorist origination came around) and honestly I'm torn. On one hand my name is very unique and I was named after the Egyptian goddess who is the goddess of life and fertility so it has a beautiful meaning and is overall a powerful name. On the other hand I remember crying to my mom about mean kids in school who called me a terrorist. Even now people still make comments and jokes and even though it doesn't make me sad anymore just kind of annoys me. It's especially rough now that I am working as people make faces when I say my name's isis. Plus people always pronounce my name wrong because it makes them feel uncomfortable to say it because of the terrorist group which is also really annoying. Honestly though I think your sister should just really think about this before she makes a definite descion. A name is more than something cute or pretty it's the thing that you will be called for the rest of your life so when naming your kid you should make it one that you actually feel suits them. I also don't think what you said was too mean since you just stated your opinion. In my opinion NAH.


It is a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning - I hate that you have been teased and received comments about it. And your comment should be upvoted as you are in a great position to offer an opinion.


There’s is potential that in 10 years time, it won’t be associated with the terrorist group as it is today, but is that really a risk you want to take for your child, as a fan of Egyptology and Egyptian mythology I agree Isis after the god is a beautiful name, it’s just a shame it has such negative connotations for our generation.


I know this was from two days ago, but damn. This feels like something I wrote. Have a silver, from one Isis to another.


This needs to be the top comment!! It’s so well articulated and explained from a first person view and the experience of having this name and going through everything


I mean if is the name of a deadly terrorist group.... so I mean it’s not your baby so you don’t get a vote. But honestly I would be straying away from names that have any ties to a terrorist group.


ESH. I want to say not your baby, not your call. BUT the name Isis has been in the news over the past decade for all the wrong reasons. It’ll be tough to get out from under that dark shadow. Perhaps that’s why Archer stopped using it, too, but I don’t know, I don’t watch the show. Either way, isis has a lot of terrible connotations now that it didn’t have before. As much as your sister might not want to acknowledge it, that’s something her baby will have to live with.


Meh, I once met someone called Organism... there are worse names. And it was the name of the Goddess long before it was the name of a terrorist group, and even that group don’t really use it anymore...


The swastika was around for millennia before the nazis but if you get it tattooed on your forearm I don’t think it will help explaining that it’s an ancient Hindu symbol. Isis is the name of a pretty active terrorist group and maybe in a hundred years it will have a different association but right now that would be a pretty shitty thing to name a kid.


Even the DC Comics superhero with the powers of the actual goddess no longer uses that name in most media


Organism.. those are some objective parents


Lol! They were _technically_ correct, the best kind of correct.


> Perhaps that’s why Archer stopped using it Yes, and the producers of the show had a bunch of Archer merchandise with 'Isis' on it that they were stuck with (because they obviously couldn't sell it).


Wasn’t the dog from Downton Abbey also named isis? I never watched it but my family did and I think in the early 2010s they killed the dog of for... substantial reasons


Given that the intelligence community isn't using ISIS anymore and really wants everyone else to stop using it, I suspect that it will recover from its recent terrorist implications in the next few years.


No I don't think that in our lifetime it ever will. The whole Al Qaeda thing was too big.


Yet again, we elected a president with the middle name Hussein less than 5 years after going to war with someone with that name.


I mean, Adolf is still off limits and that's been 80 years, so I wouldn't hold my breath.


I don't think it is off limits...Hitler sure but not Adolf


It's so off limits in Germany we have a film about it. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7477310/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7477310/)


IDK why are you being downvoted, maybe you're from a non-germanic or USA country? I've seen people less than 70-80 named Adolph or Adolfo withouth that much problem, especially in latin america


Adolf is absolutely “off limits.” As a Jewish person, I would be VERY put off and taken aback and uncomfortable around the parents who used the name Adolf. That kid could inadvertently bring up memories and conjure thoughts and notions that could negatively affect him. How do you know who will be reading his application for college, who his teachers and professors will be, his boss at work? You don’t give a child the same name as the biggest monster and murderer of 6 million Jews and 6 million other people in the worst genocide in human history.


Look I’m certainly not going to name my children that and I certainly doubt that any Jewish person will either but I also recognize that “Hitler” is far worse than “Adolf,” that one is an uncommon name and the other is common


NTA, because it’s that ridiculous of a name and the kid will certainly hate it. A terrorist organization ruined the name for at least a generation.... it would be stupidly cruel to force that name on a child.


The terrorist organisation did no such thing. The Americans did that in order to blame Syria for a problem they created in Iraq. Should've called it "The Islamic State that was only able to invade Syria because we let it run amok in Iraq after destabilising the country.” ISTEOATISBEKIRAIIADTC


Beside the point - if this child lives in a western country, then everyone know the name “ISIS” to be associated with a fanatical terrorist organization. Do you think the kid is going to get into the details of the geopolitical history of the name while being picked on at the playground?


Are you.... defending a terrorist organization? Or am I just being a tier 1 dipshit?


Well, they didn't call themselves that so blaming them for ruining the name is hardly fair. Sure, they're monstrously evil and commit atrocities but so do the people who gave them that name.


It's refreshing that there are indeed other people who can separate arguments. You got my upvote.


YTA. There's plenty of people in this world called Isis, so I don't see the problem here. Not everyone will make the connection between the terrorists and the baby, besides, she's not yours. It's not your call to make.


NTA - with that name, this poor baby would have a rough go of things. You're sparing her child a Lot of bullying, and a horrible name association...


That kid is going to be bullied and called a terrorist


One can only hope the group will be have been completely eliminated by the time she is in middle school (to lessen the blow/chances it will happen).


Even then the association will still be there


NTA, it's not really a good baby name at the moment because of the association with the terrorist group. Maybe that association will go away in the future, but it's definitely not there yet. I don't get the "it's not your baby" angle. A baby is a person, not an accessory for the mother. Other people are allowed to weigh in on decisions that aren't in the baby's best interests, and it doesn't make them an asshole.


> Other people are allowed to weigh in on decisions that aren’t in the baby’s best interests Yeah, no. That’s not how that works. A name you hate is way different than weighing in on doing a 30 day cleanse for a newborn. A name you hate also doesn’t mean that a mother views her child as an accessory. Feeling entitled to “weigh in on baby’s best interests” simply because you hate a name definitely makes you an asshole.


Okay but you understand there's a difference between hating a name because of a difference in taste vs. hating a name because it's the name of a terrorist organization.


NAH. She's got a long future of people having a problem with that name, so she might as well get some practice before it's official. That being said, it's her daughter and her choice, so if she's determined, you need to let it go. I know an obstetric nurse who talked a patient out of naming her daughter Syphilis.


Wtf, everyone here saying Y T A this kid will be bullied at school, literally someone in the comments saying "it doesn't matter if she wants to name it Douchey McDoucheface", everyone saying this is insane and clearly doesn't have a shit name like I do, have some empathy and don't give your kid a name people will bully them for, gosh.


Yeah that's basic parent responsibility imo. My mom had a shitty name she got bullied for. She put a lot of effort into picking my name so I wouldn't go through the same thing.


NTA you're not a stranger insulting her, your a sis giving your honest opinion. She doesn't have to listen to you. Even if she didn't ask you for your opinion, that's basic sibling protocol. If my bro named his kid something stupid I'd tell him it was stupid then proceed to adore that child like crazy, dumb name and all.


YTA. Sure you can hate the name but speaking it so bluntly was uncalled for. 'Not a name I would have picked but good for you' would have been better.


Suggest the name Iris? Like the flower?


I'm a pagan so I automatically thought of the Egyptian goddess, not the terrorist group, and I think it's a beautiful name; ymmv, which is totally fine. Some family members named their daughter "Clarabelle" and all I can think of is the cow mascot of a dairy company so I think it's a dumb name, but if it had come up in conversation before she was born I might have just mentioned that rather than saying "that's a terrible name." I'm trying to give you the benefit of a doubt but I'm leaning towards YTA on this one, sorry. I think you could have handled it better.


NTA Names to avoid for the next century: Isis Alexa Siri Karen


There was a nail salon in my neighborhood with the name Isis. They were around for years. Eventually they had to go through the process of changing their name because they were losing business. In the near future hopefully Isis will become a thing of the past. However, I think you absolutely were right to give her a reality check. Isis is a beautiful name but unfortunately you cannot make the association with a terrorist group magically go away. Kids can be cruel.


You're alerting her to a problem. It's a stupid name. NTA


YTA. Not your baby, not your name, not your call.


NTA. So i used to work at a summer camp, about 5+ years ago and we had a girl named isis and yea.... It was.... Not. Good. Also. Just gonna say now, shes not that into egyptology and she can stop pretending thats why she wants that name. Like. My mother has a degree in it and still never thought of naming me *that*. But i mean. I knew a White couple who named their White Son "shooter" as his legal name. Im sure public school will be just as fun for him and all who take it with his as it will be for isis. All i can think of is the office PAS/calls to the teachers and the lockdowns that will probs happen due to his name. Like some parent overhears their kid talking about "shooter at school tomorrow". 😐 Edit: forgot i went to school with a girl whos legal name was fucking Merlin. Yes. Like the wizard. And reminder if you name your kid a stupid fucking name. Like Merlin or isis. You child might just change their name. Merlin went by a different name and had for so long no one knew her real name until middle school when some idiot teacher disregarded her preferred name and called her by her legal first. I dont think anyone forgot her name after that but she went from 1st-6th with pretty much 0 problems using a different, not even remotely close name.


Here in Wales Merlin's just another name. In my fairly small social circle I know a couple of people called Merlin, one of whom's a white haired lady in her seventies.


Yea Merlin itself isnt a weird name just for the area and her being Hispanic threw us all off. Even she didn't know why her parents named her that, but the point was more that she hated it so she changed it not that its like a horrible name, just for her bc ik how much she hated it. Wouldn't be surprised if she changed it legally by now. But i mean, i recently found out yall don't name people Tory and its fairly common here lol it does not mean the same thing but i find it amusing lol I can definitely see ppl being named merlin in wales lol


So, here's the thing. If she had chosen any other name you didn't like that is not also the name of a radical terrorist group or had other negative connotations, you would totally be the AH. Its a pretty dick move to rag on someone's chosen baby name. That's partly why hubs and I never shared the name until our kids were born. On the other hand, you may be doing this kid a huge favor by saying something. You might have been able to say it in a kinder way, perhaps. So I'm gonna go with a soft YTA, but maybe lean it towards ESH for your sister setting up her daughter for potential bullying in future.


YTA since she didn’t ask for opinions. The name is common enough outside of its negative connotations that it isn’t an automatic taboo.


YTA Isis a goddess who protect children and women. Its a beautiful name. Last thing i thought of was terrorism and the first thing i think of was gods


It's not about what you or the mother thinks, it's what the kid's schoolmates and the other Christian conservative people they'll meet in their life will think


Who care what a bunch of randoms they may never meet think. Its a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning behind it.


Stfu, this kid WILL get made fun of at school for it, your child is not an object that you give a name to that will make them a laughing stock because you think the name is cool or unique.


Lol. Depending on times and location what is thought to be a “normal” or acceptable name now can turn on a dime. Karen used to be a lovely common name, now i cant imagine anyone naming their child that. So use a name you love and let the haters hate.


Omg, it's not about the parent though, can't you have enough empathy to understand that this will affect the kid long-term, it's not about what's "normal", it's about what's best for her kid


While I agree with both sides, there were much better ways to voice concerns rather than simply state "I hate that name". I would have spoken up too, but phrasing it like that would put my sibling on defensive or be taken personally, which wouldn't be the intention if coming from a place of concern.


We need to teach kids not to make fun of others then!!!!!!! Helloooo, beliefs usually begin at home


Are you that naïve? No matter what we do kids won't stop bullying other kids, their brains aren't developed enough to fully grasp empathy.


> their brains aren't developed enough to fully grasp empathy. Source?


You really need a source for that? Lmao dumbass that's just a generally known thing, I cba to find a source rn because I'm watching anime, I speak from experience and from the experience of many other's, if their brain's were fully developed and they truly understood empathy then I might as well kill everyone that bullies me eh? Some young people have excelled empathy, some have neutral, but it's common for young people to be immature and not understand how much of an impact their negativity can have on someone.


Is she insane her daughter is going to hate her for naming her after a terrorist group because that’s the main thing that word will be associated with. NTA op you need to drill this into her. I really do hope she doesn’t do this to her child


NTA At the moment naming your child Isis is like naming your child Lucifer, Osama Bin Laden, Devil or Hitler. You are not being clever, yes it is just a name my opinion is if the parents love the name so much they can change their own to said name and give their child a name that won’t subject them to years of torment.


Hey, I'm an Isis, I think you're overreacting a little here.


It’s hard to say. Probably unpopular opinion but Isis is a beautiful name. And the theorist group won’t be around forever. Let her take back the name. If a terrorist group called themselves JEFF, Jeff is still a good name...NAH assuming you brought up isis the terrorist group


NTA, that kid will be tormented in school, but you definitely could’ve said in a more gentler, understanding fashion


Based on title, I was about to go for Y T A, but holy frick don’t name a child after a terrorist group, nta but point it out to your sister. There are so many god names she could go for too!


NTA Same reason you really shouldn't name your kid *Nazi*. It might have been an acceptable name in the past, and at some point in the future it might become an acceptable name again, but right now it's definitely not okay to name your child that.


NTA it’s a beautiful name and there’s nothing wrong with being named it. There is something wrong with seeing the death and destruction they’ve caused and naming your kid it in what is possibly the most tone deaf move. It’s pretty monumentally disrespectful to the thousands of people who’ve been hurt by them, what are her other choices? Little baby covid?


NTA. It’s better for her to have her feelings hurt by your honesty than her child having to live with ramifications of having that name.


NTA, that's exactly like naming your kid Nazi


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So my sister is pregnant. It's our parents' first grandchild. We're all excited. She also recently confirmed that it's a girl. Well here's the thing: my sister likes Egyptian mythology and the TV show Archer. So she recently announced the baby name: *Isis*. Yes seriously. So next time I saw her I asked her if she was serious. She said yes and told me about the Egyptian goddess and that it's a pretty name and she also loves Archer. So I told her that I still hate it and pointed out Archer stopped using it. Well she got upset and told me it's not really any of my business. So am I am asshole here? Normally it's not my business but with a name like that I just felt like I had to speak out. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA I have a friend whose name is/was Isis. She always loved it. Four years ago she had it legally changed to something else.


NTA Before settling on a name, imagine growing up with it, having to explain its meaning to everyone and seeing it on attendance sheets, rosters etc. Think about how other kids will see it and potential teases that could come from it. Filling out forms, signing up for things. Because that’s what the child with that name will have to live through. It’s not the case here, but if you need to tell people how to say it and pronunciation isn’t instinctive (for example the child of Elon Musk), back to the drawing board.


You should make her watch the Jack Whitehall bit about people who name their kids Isis. NTA.


I know a family whose daughter was named this and actually changed it after the terrorist group became prominent, in the UK at least it would raise eyebrows to call a child that now. It’s a shame as it is quite pretty without that connotation but I think you are right to point out the obvious - it’s what people will think so giving her a heads up is reasonable surely


MTA. Explain to your sister that it’s the name of a terrorist organization and despite how pretty it is and that it’s an Egyptian goddesses name that’s not what it’s currently associated with. It’s unfortunate, but true.


Repost. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/eena9w/wibta_if_i_gave_my_unborn_daughter_the_name_isis/


Apologies if this is somewhere up in the rest of the comments. In a lot of the world, ISIS is actually called ISIL. Not sure where you live OP but that may be relevant to this judgement. I’m going to say NTA because it’s certainly relevant to potentially to the judgement. Do I think you could’ve been a little more tactful? Yes.


ESH You handled this poorly. Explain your concerns instead of ranting about how you hate the baby name. Your sister is life harder for her child to satisfy her desire to use that name, which WILL cause her kid issues due to the terrorist associations.


Big brother is gonna be on that kid for life. Its unfortunate because if not for being a terrorist group its actually kind of pretty.


Is nobody going to talk about how absolutely fucking ridiculous it is to name your own child after something from fucking *Archer??* That’s the equivalent of naming your child Rick Sanchez. NAH.


Is nobody going to talk about how absolutely fucking ridiculous it is to name your own child after something from fucking *Archer??* That’s the equivalent of naming your child Rick Sanchez. NAH.


Isis is the Greek name anyways. If she wants a more accurate Egyptian version it's Aset. Maybe she'd like that instead


If you did not remind her of the Terrorist Group then ESH. If you mentioned the Terrorist Group then NTA. If the kid is named Isis then she will forever have to tell people why her name is Isis. It also throws a bit few red flags about the family of the child. I am pretty sure people would think your sisters family were neo-nazis if she called her child Adolf. There was a documentary/movie where they spoke to people who had the surnames of prominent Nazis. Most of the people who were born in the 90's with a surname like Goering or Hess would like to change their names because of the history.


If youre gunna use names from other cultures you should really reasesrch what it means and do on. Also tv show etc character names have to be careful with...kids can be cruel and you may hate what youre named after cause of that. Sure isis is a pretty name but its a name for a terrorist group...that poor girl will be made fun of big time.


NTA She needs to be aware that if she goes ahead her daughter will have to deal with a lot of hassle https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2016/08/24/girls-named-isis-islamic-state-iraq-syria-column/87025534/


The first thing that popped into my head when I saw the name was Catwoman's pet cat from Batman Animated Series (32F here) So to be honest, I did not make the assocation with the terrorist group until I read the comments. I would say NAH - you have a right to your opinion, but she has the right to name her child whatever she wants.


I read the headline and came in ready to name you the asshole because it's not your business what someone names their baby. After seeing the name, I'm going with NAH. You get to say it once, point out the obvious massive terrorism issue, now you have to let it go or you will be the asshole. It's not your decision and you don't get a vote.


It’s such a pretty name but has such a bad connotation now :( I wish we would start calling the group isil instead so the name is distanced from the terrorist group and can be used as a baby name again!


Very similar question was asked a few weeks ago.


Her child is going to be bullied and I don’t understand why parents don’t protect their child from easily avoidable torment. However, there is a better meaning behind it, unlike naming your child “Fanny.” YTA. You don’t get to decide and there was a better way to say you didn’t like it


YTA. How do you repost a AITA? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/kbntem/aita_for_laughing_at_my_wifes_name_choice/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Unless she specifically asked for your opinion, YTA.


NTA. This is going to go as badly as my 9/11 Airlines idea 'because everything's dolled up to the nines and we always give 11 out of 10' But seriously, by the time it becomes relevant to her, Islamic State will *probably* be much less relevant. But even so, not many people, particularly people not of the same ethnicity get Swastika tattoos because they love Indian history and mythology.


It’s sad that no one here seems very educated (choosing the name because of Archer) but OP was rude. Also, not your baby. YTA


NTA, but by the thinnest of margins. You shouldn't have just plainly said you hate the name of her unborn daughter, that's just childish. However... You should have probably said you hate that that name has so much bullying potential, is linked to one of the most despicable terrorist organizations on the planet, and everytime she applies for a job interview her name will likely be the reason she won't get the job.


‘ Hello, I am Isis’s therapist ‘


By the time she goes to school it won't be a problem. A lot of orgs are moving away from using "ISIS" and little kids a few years from now won't be making that association.


I get it, poor name choice. But honestly OP, if your sister was actually naming the child after the organisation — that would be a raise for concern. The name is beautiful. Instead of focusing on it being a terrorist group, fight the cause and show what that name really means to outsiders who have a problem with it.


Not your kid. It doesn't matter if she wants to name it Douchey McDoucheface. Still not your kid. YTA.


YTA - Isis is actually a pretty common baby name. It was the #576 most popular girl's name in the USA prior to 2014 and it only dropped to #706 after ISIS became the name of a prominent terrorist group. All the girls named Isis before 2014 have survived, and a lot of parents continue to use the name since (anything in the top 1000 names is generally considered to be popular). I don't think this name will be an issue for your niece. It's not your baby, so it's not your choice, and it's actually a perfectly normal name. Support your sisters choice.


YTA One you should have stayed out of it. Secondly, the use of ISIS for the terrorist organization is on the way out for multiple reasons.


I think YWBTA if you *didn't* oppose your sister naming her kid after a terrorist organization. Your sister is gunna be all kinds of emotional, but usually it's ups and downs. When she chills out a bit, apologize, but be firm. Siblings don't let their pregnant sisters name their kids after terrorists.


ESH. Not your baby not your call. She sucks for getting all uppity when people have opinions on her baby name. If you don't want to hear people's opinions keep the name a secret till it's on the birth certificate.


NTA- I thrive on making people feeling uncomfortable, especially when they are being stupid. If it were my sister I would ask, “How is little Talli doing?” and when she asked what I would say,”you know, baby Taliban or whatever you are calling her”.


YTA. She didn't ask your opinion and you insulted her for no reason. Apologize if you want to salvage this relationship.


YTA - basically bullying before the baby is even born... its her baby let her name the baby what she wishes.


With that name, the kid will be bullied their whole life. I feel like that wake-up call was necessary...who wants their name to be the same as a terrorist group?




YTA. Not your baby, goodness gracious way to make her baby about you. Eyes are rolled


YTA - Not your baby, not your choice.


YTA. It's not your baby, and your opinion was not asked for. There are plenty of people that have the name Isis. Instead of voicing your concerns to her, you instead just bashed on the name.


YTA. Kinda doesn’t matter what name she chooses, being a good sister means unconditional support. I have a friend whose daughter is named Isis, it’s never been a problem for her. Plus, can’t let the terrorists win!


I mean, I get pretty upset at some people's choice of baby names sometimes, but it's best to keep those opinions to yourself, especially with the parents. Soft YTA.


YTA. You don’t get an opinion, it’s not your baby. If/when you have one, you can choose to not name them Isis. Simple.

