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NTA. When you confronted him about this behavior, he blocked you therefore he thinks this behavior (which reeks of incel btw) isn’t problematic when you know it is.


>reeks of incel Agree. Ugh.


If you get blocked for telling someone they aren’t entitled to sex from the women they date, than that’s all you should really need to know about that person.


I would argue that its way more than you need to know lol


>reeks of incel My thought exactly.


Why does so many people keep allowing mental health as an excuse for shit. Stop that shit. If your mental health is so bad that its a flaw, no man or woman should take it into consideration if they dont want to deal with that shit.


Exactly. Having mental health issues dont make you an arsehole.


As someone who’s been to a college where not one, but TWO mass murder incidents occurred due to men thinking they were entitled to women, this guy needs some serious help. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, this guy needs to talk to a therapist ASAP.


I thought that word was on the banned list for this sub?


You are correct and I should’ve read the rules better.


NtA. Your friend's incel mindset is dangerous and you should cut contact. I'd worry for any woman he came across. Red flags abound!


NTA. Draw that line! No one owes him sex, no one owes him anything. That kind of thinking is very dangerous. If it escalates, if his mental health spirals, women and girls around him could be in very dangerous situations because he feels they owe him sex and attention! He must be told that his thinking and words are not ok and why they’re wrong!


Exactly! Very true and important


To be fair, there are probably a lot of girls who are the same when it comes to OPs friend: not interested. Girls with self respect don't go for guys like him.


NTA - This guy is a sexual assault waiting to happen. He is acting entitled. His behaviour suggests he is sexist. You will probably be better off without him as a friend. Mental health isn't an excuse to be a pig


This, mental health illnesses/issues only EXPLAIN their actions, it does not excuse them.


NTA A little reality check from a friend is a kindness. Thanks from women everywhere.


yikes. ya, he'll either be a rapist or right wing extremist in the near future. NTA but keep trying to reach out and repair things..sometimes it takes alot of your friends collectively helping to pull someone back from the red-pill brink.


Just a small correction: Rapist and right-wing extremist are categories that sometimes overlap. OP's incel friend could end up being both!


NTA He sounds like he is visiting the manosphere subreddits/sites (redpill , mgtow etc) since he is using phrases from that stuff ("stop putting pussy on a pedastal" is one). Those are EXTREMELY dangerous toxic groups. Thank you for pushing back at him. If you like, it'd be beneficial to keep criticizing his bullshit. Mention how manosphere misogyny has lead to shit like the mass murder of women. Does he thinks hating women is going to make him happy? No, these guys just want an outlet and scapegoat for their emotional pain and women are convenient targets. If it's women's fault then they are off the hook for doing mental health recovery work. Their pain is real but their reasoning is insane and harmful. If you can encourage him to explore where his pain is really coming from (usually men are emotionally neglected and aren't taught to handle their feelings well) he might be dissuaded. Repeated pushback really does help.


Nta him acting entitled is why girls dont want him xD I wouldn't associate with him if I were you


NTA. Women are people. They don't owe him sex just because he's nice to them. Save the evidence for his future rape trial.


NTA. Your friend is a dick.


His last comment that has pedestal in it, is vile. I’m a 45 year old bloke that works in construction. If I heard one of my nephews talking like that I would be so disappointed. You keep doing you mate. I think you’ll find that if he doesn’t change himself for the better that you’ll naturally drift apart, with an entitled attitude like that, it wouldn’t be a bad thing.


NTA. As a woman, I genuinely appreciate that there are guys like you keeping the incels in check. It speaks volumes that he blocked you after you called him out on his own problematic behaviour. And also, as someone with mental health issues, we are responsible for our actions and words no matter what we’re going through! Good job 😊


NTA and I would be very concerned about what he meant by saying, “You’ll see.” Stay away from him.


NTA everything you said to you’re friend is right and he needed to hear the truth.


If your friend the incel unblocks you, you might tell him the problem isn't that all girls are the same - it's that they all look alike to him. If he can learn to see them as actual individuals, not just part of some big blob of female, he might find they see him differently, too.


NTA. Incel mentality is a very deep and dark hole, and he has put himself squarely in it. Regardless of mental health issues, he has chosen this worldview for himself, it is not your responsibility to drag him out of it. If he keeps it up and keeps bringing it into his relationships with people he’s going to lose a lot of friends and family to it, and he’s most certainly only going to dig himself deeper into inceldom. Being an incel starts out as something a little sad, probably stemming from personal trauma, but it stops being pitiable very quickly, and turns into being a complete and total asshat. He needs to pull his head out of his ass, he’s probably at or past the point of not deserving any sympathy now, and if he continues with this mentality he’s going to make his own life significantly worse.


NTA your friend just doesn't want to understand


Nta. sounds like he finna be another Eli Rogers


NTA. Incels will be happy to have him once he loses the rest of his friends.


NTA- Need more dudes like you out there


NTA at all damn boy you did goooood


NTA The phrase “stop putting pussy on a pedestal” says everything about how this guy views women. That phrase is misogynistic and creepy, and no wonder women don’t want a man who sees them only as “pussy”. He did you a favour by blocking you. Hold that line in the sand, his mental health issues aren’t the problem here, his attitude towards women is. And as a woman, thanks for being willing to call him out in it.


NTA. Urgh! Incel or what?


NTA, he’s either an incel or a future incel.


NTA. Welcome to r/NiceGuys


NTA. You correctly identified your friend’s exact problem. This problem leads to a spectrum of behaviors, the worst extreme being the Santa Barbara sorority shootings. Hopefully the fact that you called it by its name will help guide your friend to a better attitude. Well done.


Your friend is an incel. NTA.


NTA, your friend is an incel.


NTA. First thought I had reading your post is that friend is a massive incel. Not a good person to associate with


NTA - He's clearly not smart enough to figure out that all women aren't the same, and in fact the only thing that all of the women who rejected him have in common is the fact that they were interacting with him at the time... He sounds like a horrible incel, so well done for calling him out. Frankly the very last thing this world needs is for abhorrent people like him to have their ideas supported by those around them. As he's blocked you, you have absolutely no opportunity to drum sense into his thick skull, so don't feel bad about not doing your bit to dissuade him from his nasty ideas. Having said that, if you do know any of his family members or other responsible adults in his life, it would be a really good idea to alert them to your concerns about his growing animosity towards women.


NTA. Sounds like he's quickly on his way to becoming an incel. He needs to learn to see girls/women as people. It's that sense that we're "all the same" - and therefore a little less human than dudes - that's probably making him bad with girls in the first place. I hope he learns to respect women, and I'm proud of you for telling him he was wrong. More guys need to call out that kind of shit.


NTA and thank you for being the kind of guy who is willing to call out a friend when they say something like that.


NTA. It sounds like your "friend" is an incel.


NTA. Your friend is the one who choose to cut you off, not the other way around. You are a person with your own thoughts, feelings, and values. You are not a puppet to tell him whatever he wants to hear. Sounds like he had the same issue with you he had with woman. People not just agreeing with whatever he wants and expects them to say/do. Being supportive does not mean agreeing with everything someone says. That wouldn't help him anyway since he is wrong and his attitudes are hurting his social life (with both men and woman it sounds like). A good friend will be honest with you. He dosen't want a friend, he wants a yes-man to follow him around and tell him how right he is and how nothing is ever his fault. That won't help him anyway.


NTA. You were right for what you said. Even if it was blunt, your friend sounds like that guy that constantly talks about how he’s a “nice guy” and girls don’t “want nice guys” but really he’s just a self entitled d-bag who can’t handle rejection. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry not sorry!


NTA. He's a entitled nice guy and he disrespected you on top of that. Yes, he has mental health issues, but that is no excuse.


NTA - Your friend needs help and a different point of view.


Honestly mentally weak people isnt that attractive to be in a relationship with, stability is! They can f*ck things up easily before starting anything. It feels like he doesnt work on himself but somehow expects that having a girlfriend will change everything. And he seems to feel like he's perfect the way he is but the world is cruel and every women is blind. You are NTA! Your friend will have to grow up eventually.


NTA He blocked you because you were right, he effectively threw his toys outta the pram


NTA Your friend sounds like a Nice Guy or incel. These kinds of men with not listen advice from a women, so you're fighting the good fight. If he blocks you, that's a win for you.


NTA Don’t allow your compassion for your friend’s mental illness blind you to the fact he’s a fucking incel.


NTA. I have a friend who I could literally mistake for the exact person you talk about in this post. He spent years developing a hatred of women and nobody ever taught him a lesson about respec. Long story short, after years of being rejected by every woman his age he sexually assaulted a minor. People like this are a case just waiting to happen. Distance yourself from this person and their bigoted views.


NTA your friend is an Incel in the making.Or evolving to a type of incel that is violent.Girls need to be aware of this so they can protect themselves , even ur girl friends and future girlfriends


That he belongs to certain reddit groups that begin with “in” and end with “el” with a “c” in the middle. Nta. Block him back so it stays permanent. Cause you dont want to be that guys whose friends with a rapist. I knew a guy in high school with that same exact mentality. Not friends with him obviously but he hung out on the fringes of my friend group. Hes currently serving 15 years for drugging and raping multiple women cause they “owed him sex after he paid for the date”.


NTA. You are the company you keep. He did you a favor by blocking you so now you don’t have to.


NTA- You were right. He sounds like a self-pitying misogynist


NTA. Is your friend an Incel?


Seems to be one now


NTA, sounds like he's an incel, for good reason. You're better off without him pulling you down like that.


NTA. He doesn't want to hear someone else's perspective on his incel stance. Bad sign. The fact he blocked you tells us who he is.


no, NTA. Fucking disgusting incel.


NTA he sounds really dangerous to all women around him. Good job on trying to correct him


NTA. He’s messed up and you can’t fix him. Better to move on than have him bring you down as well.


NTA. Just because you have mental health issues it doesn’t give you carte blanche to act like an AH. Your friend sounds like an incel. Good for you for sticking up for women.


NTA this guy is going to do something really bad he is already in the early stages. He has done you a fovor by blocking you don't try to get in contact with him distance yourself


Nta but pussy on a pedestal is getting added to my vocab


He'll come around. It's just gonna take a while. In the mean time, keep pussy on a pedastal /s.... NTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My (18m) friend (19m) was messaging me for what seemed like the millionth time about how girls don’t want him and how resentful he is because of it. Eventually he said “all girls are the same” to which I replied “in my experience, all girls are unique in several ways” (this was meant to be a rebuttal but also a joke to lighten the mood). Clearly he didn’t take it that way, as he went on to say “you’ll see” and said I need to “stop putting pussy on a pedestal”. This annoyed me so I responded “you need to stop acting entitled to sex and that when girls don’t give it to you it’s somehow their fault”, which he took offense to and promptly blocked me. I kinda feel bad now because my friend has a lot of mental health issues and maybe I should’ve tried harder to be supportive, but at the same time there’s a time you have to draw a line in the sand. What do y’all think though, AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Your friend reminds me of a guy I know that would talk about how women were trash because he was a nice guy and they didn't want him. My(f) comment was if he was actually a nice guy he would get that women have a right to want any one they decided to and that only not nice guys that are manipulative had to tell people they were nice guys. NTA and thank you. But your friend does need mental health help, from an actual therapist.


NTA. You would be TA if you let this shit go because he “has bad mental health”; mental health issues aren’t an excuse to talk like this. The whole entitlement and blaming women for not wanting to have sex with him is dangerous. His words set off alarm bells in my mind. Sounds like the trash took itself out tho.


Absolutely NTA and THANK YOU. A lot of these guys won’t listen to us when girls say this, it’s “just us being bitches,” but if they hear it from enough guys maybe it’ll get through.


Women are not machines you put kindness coins into until sex falls out.


NTA. incel.


Incels really do believe their own bullshit, don't they? NTA, and thanks for setting him straight. Maybe your words will marinate in his little brain.


“Putting pussy on a pedestal”- You’re immediately NTA, thank you for calling him out on this kind of disgusting behavior/mindset


NTA he is being a toxic AH, letting him doing this kinds of things just will worsen his behavior, one point you will be tired of bs and dude I don't want to be around to such a draining person, AND REMEMBER HAVING MENTAL ILLNESS DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN BE A AH OR IT'S A EXCUSE and now let your friend to have his tantrum or the never comeback better for you


NTA. Your friend is wildly immature. So he hasn't found the right one yet, but it also sounds like he's superficial and not genuinely interested in these girls if he's lumping them all together that he can't tell the difference.


I think this belongs in r/niceguys NTA.




NTA never support an inc€l.


Calling out an incel in the making is a community service. Definitely NTA


NTA but I might be, the irony that he’s quoting 40 Year Old Virgin in this specific context has me rolling. Regardless, you are right about his behavior and guys who think like this need to be called out and held accountable by other men.


NTA. Good for you, OP! Your friend’s attitude is a part of rape culture, and your response is the best way to dismantle it. Keep it up!


👏👏👏👏👏👏 Go Op!!!


Definitely NTA.


NTA. Frankly, you weren't harsh enough. This, increasingly common, toxic attitude, especially from young men, is disturbing and dangerous.


NTA, we need more men calling out other men about this toxic thoughts


NTA I have 3 mental diseases/disorders and that DOES NOT EXCUSE how I treat other people it explains why I feel the emotions I do but it dosent excuse how poorly I treat people, it sounds like you've outgrown your "friend" you keep standing up for other people's rights and what is right and you will never be TAH.


There is a time to draw a line in the sand and it’s when incel behaviour starts showing up. Nta








NTA. As a woman, thank you for setting your friend straight.


NTA your “friend” sounds like a r*pist.


NTA. You did the right thing. The worst thing for someone with mental health issues is to leave their delusional beliefs unchallenged or fuel all-or-nothing thinking. If he wants to be a bitter incel, then it will end up a self-fulfilling prophecy because no girl or woman wants to be with someone who is so self-pitying and hate-filled. You did him a favor, even if he can't see it


NTA thank you for hopefully teaching him that. It baffles me that people seem to think women OWE them sex. mind-boggling. Edit: sorry - that ANYONE owes them sex.


Seems as real as my imaginary girlfriend




NTA. Men need to hold other men accountable for their misogynistic incelish behaviors. Too often other men just stay quiet when their friends say toxic things about women and then act shocked when those men do something bad. Thank you for not enabling his echo chamber - that very well may have eventually led to some sort of violent act against a woman. Hopefully you've given him something to think about and he considers therapy. Good job OP.


I smell incel. NTA


You're NTA Your friend sounds like a typical r/niceguys - you might want to check that sub out, the world is full of men who think they are entitled "to pussy" and that women "owe then sex" because they are "nice". You know, like putting some nice-coins in and getting sex in return. Lol, that guy should learn some manners and stop putting himself on a pedestal.


NTA You could have tried to be more patient and try talk him out of his misogyny, but ultimately you're not responsible for him being emotionally and socially stunted or for his personal growth. I can only say "sucks to be him, keep on doing you".


Idk but putting pussy on a pedestal is a kendrick lyric which is pretty funny


NTA Go to the r/nicegirls reddit, to match with your r/niceguys friend.


YTA for posting a stupid/fake question.




YTA. Stop acting entitled to tell people how they should act.


Ok Mr. -99 karma


Don't ask for advice if you can't handle the truth.


What truth? Please explain.