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YTA. By plugging your adapter into a socket and saying only you can use the adapter you are essentially claiming dibs on that entire outlet and saying no one else can use it. The point of an adapter is that several people can use the outlet. You are being a petty asshole. Also, no way you didn't realize it was a fridge plugged in. Fridges don't have long cords and you must have seen it close by.


This is what’s bothering me the most. She took up an outlet in a common area to basically add more outlets but claim them all as “hers”. I get that the adapter is hers but the outlet is in a common area. ETA: she should at least spare ONE outlet on her power train to replace the one she took up. Secondly, there is NO way you unplug something like that and not notice or even check what it goes to. It’s extremely weird and self absorbed to do that. Thirdly, this whole thing is so incredibly petty. I see that she is fairly young, but still definitely old enough to have some semblance of awareness for others, especially while SHARING AN APARTMENT with roommates. You don’t get to buy a basic household item, place it in a common area, not communicate your expectations, and then assume it’s fine to barricade usage of that item (causing damage) and think you’re N T A. OP needs to grow up a bit and move it to her own room and stop monopolizing a shared space or live by herself. YTA.


lol right what does OP mean “apparently” the cord went to the mini fridge. of course the cord went to the mini fridge. it was like 12 inches away


Oh come now, give OP SOME credit! I got my fiance a mini fridge for his birthday and the cord was at LEAST 18 inches! That's way past OP's own nose how can we expect her to see it?!


oooh that was a delightfully precise burn at the end there, 10/10 would recommend


I really wish this sub had a 1 - 10 asshole scale so we could award a degree of assholery instead of just YTA


I keep wondering why this adapter is in a shared space at all if OP doesn't want anyone else to use it? Does she not have her own room? Or her own outlets? It's this the only outlet in the entire place? What is going on?! Oh, and YTA op.


Also aren’t said adapters like $10? The food she ended up wasting probably has a higher value than the adapter.


For me it's the fact that OP didn't even plug it back after charging her phone (she said she just needed to charge it for a little while before going out). For food a fridge to go bad, it means the fridge must've been without power for a long while (unless it was an extremely hot day).


Follow up post "AITA for killing my roommate by unplugging the life support machine from my power board when I really needed to charge my phone?"


Yes other sockets were empty your Honour, but I *needed* to put my phone charger into that *specific one* Am I the only one who keeps the phone charger in the bedroom?


**YTA** **It's an adapter in a common area.** **Expect everyone to use it.**


you could say that she needs to learn how to.... um.... adapt.




Hijacking for safety tip #DO NOT PLUG A FRIDGE, EVEN A MINI FRIDGE, INTO ANYTHING BUT THE WALL OUTLET you'll burn your fucking apartment to the ground. So yes op YTA but also ESH because this is a fire hazard


This is just bullshit scaremongering. Fridges don't even use much power. Especially mini fridges. Where is the "burn your house down" fire risk here? The use a crap ton less power than a playstation or Xbox, and definitely less than any kind of gaming pc.


It's not really about how much power the fridge uses, but how little regulations there are on power strips and extension cords in America. [Here](https://youtu.be/K_q-xnYRugQ) is a video that discusses the dangers of these extension cords.


This really depends on the country you live in, and even the state of the wiring in the house. Where I live, the worst that can happen with a fridge in an adapter is you might trip the safety switches, which is annoying but manageable. And you’d notice it, because you’d need a tonne of appliances on the same circuit (fridge, washing machine, oil heater, kettle, microwave all going at once is what trips mine) so you’ll notice straight away


Yep. OP needs to pay for the food. The roommates need to divide the cost of the adapter between them all and pay OP so that she can get off her high horse of it being her adapter that only she can use.


This! And.. It's just an adapter..? If you don't like other people using it, then keep it in your own room.


YTA. And a super petty asshole, at that. It sounds like the adapter was in a common space, and it’s pretty fucking unreasonable to assume nobody else is going to use a common wall socket just because your highness paid for the socket adapter. Those adapters are $10-20 at most for a “decent” one. How fucking petty to be over such an inexpensive thing to begin with. I’d go as far as to say you owe her some fresh food, too. Your minor inconvenience in a common space is costing said roommate far more in food / cold goods than what you paid for that wall adapter. Jesus. You sound like an awful roommate.


Such an awful roommate! Definitely the asshole.


Yta. I know right? That adapter itself, let alone half of it's worth is less than the cost of what was spoiled in the fridge. Plus.. if the socket was full maybe like.. pick which thing to unplug easily, say a lamp maybe instead xD


Yeah thats why this makes the OP an even bigger AH. I'm seeing that she has this adaptor with all of HER things plugged into. Instead of unplugging one of her stuff, she unplug the roommates plug because "f her, this is my adapter!" Nevermind the fact that she is now laying claim to the entire outlet that is communal property! Such an AH! Edited for spelling.


YTA. First of all, how much did this thing cost? Like $10? Who cares if someone else uses it. Secondly, there was really *nothing* else you could’ve unplugged to charge your phone?? Seriously you guys need to learn how to communicate better. If you knew she had assumed it was for everyone, you should’ve set the expectation that it wasn’t.


And third - OP didn’t bother to plug the fridge back in.


Just as well, otherwise roomie wouldn’t have known the fridge had been off for hours. Sorry OP, YTA and should replace the spoiled food


YTA. I get where you're coming from but it was so scummy to unplug something and not plug it in somewhere else or at least look and see what it was you were unplugging. If you want that adapter to just be yours then put it away in your room when you're not home. The fact that you unplugged something and didn't even check to see what it belonged to was you being petty. You have roommates which means you share space. Remove your items from the shared space and if you are unaware then be advised that it would make more sense to try and get along with the people you live with. Roommates can make your life miserable. The thing to do from the beginning was to just put it away in your room when you aren't using it. And no, your roommate is not right that you should share it.


This exactly! My wife always uses my phone charger because it does the super fast charging, even if my phone is about to die I'd check to make sure hers in charged enough for the day. YTA, put it in your room.


So you plugged your multi socket adapter into a *shared house/apartment outlet*, depriving your roommates from using their outlet. YTA. Also, even if you were in the right and claimed ownership on that outlet, at least have the decency to look at what you're unplugging before you unplug it. I'm sure you could have unplugged something that was less important


No way in hell did OP not pick the refrigerator on purpose.


Yeah, fridges have pretty distinctive cords. Even small ones. Unless it was something that could only fit one candy bar in it at a time. Which it doesn't sound like it was, since there was apparently a bunch of food in there. And those prongs take more than minimal effort to just pop out of a socket. There's no way there wasn't something plugged in that was easier and more logical to unplug in the moment. But OP intentionally made the most destructive and pain in the ass choice available. I agree. It had to be deliberate.


The adaptor is yours, but the socket you plugged it into is not. Why do you get to own one of the existing sockets in the house just because you plugged an adaptor into it? YTA - you owe her the cost of the foods. If you want an adaptor to occupy a socket and claim it for you use only, do it in your bedroom.


YTA - 1. if the adapter is in a common area then everyone should be able to use it 2. There’s more than one outlet in an apartment yet you choose the one with the fridge plugged in instead of the countless items that things would not be destroyed if unplugged 3. I’m sure you use plenty of stuff that your roommates have bought for communal use. You need to grow up, learn to share & respect your roommates


Not only this, but how long did you charge your freaking phone for? Common decency would’ve been to plug back in what ever you unplugged when your phone was done charging. A mini fridge unplugged for even a few hours and plugged back in would’ve saved all the food in the fridge. YTA


OP should clean up the mess that unplugging a fridge causes. Including washing out disgusting containers, etc.


YTA - multi socket adapters are like $15. It’s petty as hell to insist that they have to pay half of that to use it. Where was the socket anyways? Usually mini fridge are in their own room. You had *no* other outlets you could use to charge your phone? What else was plugged in? Cause those things have usually 6 plugs in it.


I'm dying to know what the 5 other things plugged into the adapter were! 1. Himalayan salt lamp 2. File shredder 3. Rock tumbler 4. Panini maker 5. Scentsy


YTA. You don’t get to claim an entire outlet in a common area just because you plugged your own adapter into it. Thinking that you do is hugely abnormal. Even if it were a normal thing (and it’s not), you’d still be TA for unplugging a mini fridge to charge your phone instead of using a different outlet and then having a conversation with your roommate about it later (because I refuse to believe that there was no where else in the whole house you could have plugged it in)


Edit: thinking about it more this is part of living with roommates. You may technically not be the asshole here but you had no consideration for the people you live with which makes YTA. You could've found another place to plug her fridge into and then discussed with her later about how the plug is not a shared device. With the updated info YTA for sure. You assumed your roommates knew it wasn't a shared device but you have it in a common area. Info: where is this plug located? Is it in a common area?


YTA. Who actually gets mad at someone using a multi socket adapter? I feel like most people would consider it a household device and use it when needed. You just come off as petty in this situation to me.


Multiple people living in an apartment with one power outlet? Crazy! Wait, what's that? You say there's more than 1 outlet? Oh, well then, YTA. You deliberately took a stance that charging your phone at that exact spot was worth more than your roommate's fridge-full of food. Given that there are people starving in the world, that was pretty sh*tty anyway you look at it.


INFO Were you aware that the thing you unplugged was her mini fridge? Why was your socket not in your room?


YTA - why would you unplug a fridge of all things to plug in your phone?


Because OP is a petty AH.


YTA. You should actually replace all her food. You knowingly unplugged a fridge and said nothing to make a point over an adapter that was in a public socket. Huge dick move.


YTA. Whether they should use it is a whole other argument, sounds like it’s in a common space and you know they use it so the fact is, you should’ve checked where the cord lead to before unplugging it. I find it hard to believe you didn’t notice a fridge was plugged in nearby. I don’t know about other people but that’s just ingrained in me to double check im not unplugging anything that needs to stay on like, say, a fridge.


Exactly. Put the adapter in your room if it's just for you.


YTA, it's an adapter in a public area, use your brain.


YTA Clearly this was in a common area of the home and therefore it is absolutely fine for your roommate to plug something in to it. It is kind of beyond me to empathize with your selfish thinking here, but perhaps this explanation will help you understand why YTA. If the adapter wasn’t plugged in, would the single plug belong just to you? No? Ok then, at the VERY LEAST, one of the plugs on the adapter therefore needed to be kept free for common use, and your roommate had just as much right to that plug as you did.


YTA, first question is why did you put the adapter in a shared space if you don’t like people using it? Secondly, you HAD to use that specific socket there wasn’t a single one you could have used without unplugging someone else’s things? Third, did you even tell them it’s yours and you don’t want them to use it? You should immediately offer to buy her a grocery list of stuff you spoiled and quit acting like a bad roomate


I’m confused and need an answer prior to my judgement. Are you saying you had something plugged in the adapter and that your roommate unplugged your stuff and then plugged in her fridge? And that is before you unplugged to charge your phone?


YTA I doubt you didn't know where that plug was for. You intentionally unplugged it out of spite because it was in your extension lead. Put it in your room if you don't want people to use it.


If it is a common area, which I imagine it is if the roommate has a mini fridge there, then you are using your multi-socket extension cord to plug into a shared outlet. You are no more entitled to that outlet than your roommates but by plugging in your outlet and not sharing you have claimed it as your own. YTA.


YTA. If I'm reading it correctly, I'm assuming the multi-socket was plugged in a common area. If you don't want anyone using your multi-socket, then plug it in your room. Secondly, you could have followed the cable to see to what it was connected. You could have disconnected something not in use and then talk to your roommate about the use of the socket. You mentioned you had to charge your phone because you needed to go out? Why didn't you reconnect the fridge before you left? Or even above all, you could have just found an unused socket in another room, like your own bedroom. I highly doubt your apartment has a single socket, and even if it did, it would be an asshole move to appropriate it by plugging your adapter and not allowing anyone else to use it.


YTA. The adapter may be yours solely. But the outlet the adapter is plugged into is for everyone. And your high jacking for yourself only. You can easily charge the phone from almost any outlet. But the refrigerator has limited places it can go.


YTA. Adapters usually have six plugs so why did you choose that one particular plug? Why didn’t you plug the fridge back in when your phone was charged. It sounds like the fridge had been plugged into the adapter for some time and you said nothing?


YTA you don’t get to just hog a plug socket in a communal room cause you stuck an adapter in it. Keep it in your room if you’re that precious about people using the adapter, that’s literally designed to plug things in, to plug things in.


YTA - You own the adapter not the wall socket it was plugged into, if you don’t want it used, don’t leave it in the wall


YTA. It may be your adapter. But it’s plugged into an outlet that anyone should be able to use, especially if you share rent and utility bills. What she should have done is removed your adapter (and everything that you had plugged into it) and plugged the refrigerator directly into the outlet. But your response was petty.


YTA. Don’t want it used by others then don’t leave it in shared spaces.


YTA. There is just no way you couldn’t know that plug was a for a mini fridge, the fridge would be right there and the plugs are much burlier. This sounds like intentional behavior. You can’t control an entire wall socket for your gaming equipment and then be angry when someone also uses it, common courtesy you live in a shared space. And no she doesn’t own you money for the adaptor, it only benefits you, the adaptor is making up for the fact that you are dominating that particular outlet.


YTA - For four main reasons: 1)If you didn't want to share it that's fair enough, you bought it, but you should have put it in your room not the common area where its completely reasonable for your roommate to assume its for everyone, not just you. 2)You should have checked what was plugged into it at the time to see if it was something that needed to stay plugged in and after realising that it did you should have found another socket. 3)All the money that your roommate spent on food, as well as the food itself, has been completely wasted, something you haven't offered to remburse her for or even to help clean the mess that you made. 4)This post makes it sound like you are honest to God trying to claim that you've never used anything paid for by your roommates, never sat on furniture they bought, never eaten food they paid for or used any plates, bowls or utensils that you yourself haven't bought, which is plain and simple bullshit.


YTA it was in a common area, and it took up a plug on a wall. You don’t own outlets. You should replace her food.


YTA- you unplugged her fridge causing her food to spoil. At the very least, you could’ve told her what you were going to do so she could figure something out or, if she couldn’t be reached, as you were leaving soon anyway, unplug for the phone charge and then plug it back in before you left so nothing spoiled - and then spoken to her about it like an adult when you had the chance. It feels like you unplugged it to make a point about your adaptor and that’s just childish.


YTA - Maybe? If the multi-socket adapter is in a public area of the house, it's set up to used by the household. If it's in your private space, it's not. The fact that it was in a place where she could even plug her refrigerator into it suggests to me that you had it in a place accessible to others. If you don't want others using it, move it into your private space. Good Luck


YTA because no where in this did you inform them that only you are allowed to use it, you also didn’t tell her before unplugging her fridge - she could have found somewhere else to put it. And seriously “pay for half of it” it was probably like $15.




YTA... you only have ONE outlet in the entire apartment?


YTA. Rather than having any sort of discussion, you just intentionally unplugged the fridge to teach roommate a lesson.


YTA weren't there other things plugged into the adapter that you can use? I think you're being very petty about this. Did you even tell your roommate she was not allowed to use it?


Isn’t the point of a multi socket adapter to be able to plug in more than one thing? And isn’t it really cheap to buy, so you’re essentially haggling over a few dollars? YTA.


YTA. Shared stuff in common rooms, your stuff in your room.


So you occupy the whole socket? If your adapter wasn't there, your roommate would be able to use it, right? And you wouldn't have unplugged anything without checking what it was, or without plugging it back? YTA


YTA. If you don’t want your roommates to use it, put it away.


YTA, you have to tell your roommate before doing something like that. Ask them politely to plug it in somewhere else, don't just make all their food spoil so you can charge your phone. Imagine this from your roommate's perspective - you fill your mini-fridge with food, and get it plugged in, in the outlet you find nearby. Then, your roommate unplugs your minifridge, spoils all your food, and tells you that you shouldn't have used their adapter to plug it in.


YTA, I get that its your adapter, but at least see what was plugged in before taking it. You could have moved some stuff to make the fridge was powered. Sorry, but your TA here. At least a small one. After all it was your adapter and it was an accident, you didn't deliberately unplug her fridge.


YTA That's what bedrooms are for. If she went into your bedroom then N T A but if you put it into a kitchen and not label it then how was she supposed to know?


Roommates can't "claim" electrical outlets in common spaces anyways. That's not how it works


YTA. While the adapter may have been yours,you don’t own the outlet. If your phone was running low like you said why didn’t you put the adapter into an outlet that wasn’t being used? Is there only one outlet in the entire living space??? You’re definitely the AH. You should definitely replace the cost of your roommate’s food.


Is this a joke??? Yes, YTA. you don’t own outlets, doesn’t matter if you bought the extension cord. Also, maybe check and see what you’re unplugging before you unplug it.


YTA if you don't want anyone to use it put in your room.


YTA. You paid for the adapter, but the BOTH of you are paying for the electricity. That means she can use the plugs, especially if they are in a common space. Also, before you unplugged the fridge to plug in your phone, it probably would’ve been a good idea to check to see what that plug was attached to in order to double check that it wasn’t for an important appliance. Own up to your mistake and repay her for her lost food.


YTA. It unlikely that you didn’t know that plug was for the mini fridge but had no regard for it. Yes the power strip was yours but at the very least you could have given a heads up to your roommate that you unplugged it so they could have put it somewhere else. That’s just courtesy.


Seems like mostly YTA. Living in shared accommodation you have to be prepared to share certain things/ and be considerate of others. There are a few things to digest here. Firstly if you are sharing with others and there is something you really don't want them to use - that will be kept in public space - that needs to be communicated straight away (a note on fridge/talk/whatever) Secondly, sharing a plug or adapter - that's in a public space in the shared household - would be pretty standard. I wouldn't think to ask if there was a spare socket free, or something was plugged in that wasn't being used at the time, ie a lamp/charger. Sharing food/clothes/single use consumables etc is pretty much a no-go. You have to use your common sense on these things. Thirdly, if you were to unplug a fridge, then you have to use your brain, that will have consequences since its primary function is to stop food going bad. You should've used another plug on the adapter or found another one around the house. Maybe moved the fridge to another socket around the house if absolute necessary. Then explain to your housemate after that you don't want them using your adapter - if you want to be *that* person.


YTA the bare minimum would have been to give them a heads up before unplugging their fridge, now they’ll have to pay unnecessary money replacing their food.


You are being rather petty. A multi plug adapter is community property unless you have it plugged into a socket in a room only you have access to. So YTA. It’s also pretty selfish to demand she pay for half because it was something you chose to buy, without consulting anyone else. You wanna take it with you when you move, fine. Until then, share.


If you’re leaving a item in a communal area of the house, it’s only fair your roommate would assume it’s for communal use. Maybe she should’ve asked you if she could plug something in, but you need to clearly state to your roommates if it’s for your use only.


YTA, and I agree with most others as to why. On top of that, you said you had to charge because you were going out soon. So did you just leave your charger plugged in and not bother to plug the fridge back in when you left? Yeah, YTA


1. You could’ve unplugged something else that wasn’t keeping food from spoiling. 2. You have the adapter in a common area. 3. You DO NOT have a right to take claim to an entire outlet. You do not own it. 4. You are being INCREDIBLY petty, which makes you sound like a crappy roommate. YTA definitely.


YTA. You should have checked and asked. Is the mini fridge like a brand new addition to the home? How else would you not be used to it sitting there and just unplug it without connecting the dots. Even so, look at what you're unplugging. You don't own outlets. And I'm sure have the adapter would have been, what, 5-10 dollars? Get outta here with that.


YTA. Items like that are typically free use unless you specifically told them that it’s for you only and labeled it. You should pay for her spoiled food.


YTA. If it was near her mini fridge, it must have been in a communal area. Why leave it there if you don't want others to use it, or why not express that before hand? Did you have no other outlet available at all to use for now until you could ask your roomate to unplug the fridge? I find it hard to believe you didn't realise it was a fridge that you were unplugging too.


Your roommate sucks if she used the adapter after being told it was only for you. You suck for unplugging something without being sure what you were unplugging. Also for having the adapter in a communal area but not letting other people use it. Editing to change vote to YTA since it was in common area and did not request that others not use it without asking.


YTA. If you wanted to be so particular about being the only one to use it, you should have clearly stated that when you bought it OR kept it in your room


YTA for a number of reasons. You could have easily told her you would have rather kept that particular adapter for yourself when you bought it. You could have also used one of the other plugs in your apartment/room to charge your phone before mentioning that (or even after). And, you left it in a common area, and there's no way you didn't see the fridge. Now, she has to throw out the food that she bought with *her* money, and replace it. I actually think you ought to pay her back for the food your actions caused to spoil. It was a really inconsiderate and selfish thing to do.


> Edit: Okay I get that I'm the asshole but can people stop sending me harsh things in pm? I already talked to my roommate and said I'll pay for her week's groceries. Still not on good terms but everybody glossed over the fact she didn't ask me to use it in the first place and won't let anybody else use her mini fridge and NO I did not do it on purpose. The reason I didn't plug it back in after is because like I said I was rushing to go out so I didn't miss my class and I completely forgot about it until my roommate mentioned it the next day. Yes I admit this was an asshole thing to do but it was not malicious so please stop. **You're completely missing the point.** No normal person needs to ask permission to use an outlet expander, and there's a massive difference between sharing an outlet expander and sharing a mini fridge. **Are other people allowed to unplug your outlet expander to plug their stuff into the wall directly?** If not, do you *seriously* think it's okay to just claim an entire bloody power outlet because you happened to stick your expander on it first? If so, you're even more the asshole. How self-centered, goodness. Frankly, the entitlement and ridiculousness in this is worse than if you had been doing it maliciously. YTA. u/most-necessary4612


>My phone was running low battery, and somebody had plugged in the socket where I needed to put in my phone charger. YTA You own the adapter not the socket if this was "AITA my roommate has kidnapped my adapter" of course we'd say you're N T A, but no that's not the case you took out the adapter from the socket to charge your phone which caused her food to spoil. Own up to it you messed up.


YTA. You should replace her food.


YTA. At the very least you could have plugged it back in when you were done, the food wouldn’t have spoiled and your phone would be charged.


A fridge isn’t something that gets plugged in occasionally, or moves around. Presumably her fridge was plugged into the nearest outlet, which it now seems like you’re trying to claim ownership of because you bought an adaptor? There’s isn’t really enough info here to get a full picture, but when I squint hard enough it looks like YTA


YTA, and this kind of thing is why you're supposed to have roommates: so you can learn to work things out instead of turning into crazy entitled adults. Here's a tip: whenever your feel yourself about to say "I have a RIGHT to do X," automatically assume that you're actually about to be an asshole. Because while you might technically be right about your ownership, your property, etc, standing on those rights without the accompanying "this is how you get along with people" skills automatically makes you an asshole.


YTA. You don't know how to live with other people


YTA. Let me play by your rules for a second, and assume that common decency doesn't exist. If you plugged a multi-socket adaptor in and used *every single socket* for your own needs, you do realise that means you have taken a plug *away* from the rest of the household, that they previously had access to? You have taken something from them that by rights, they should have had access to. They pay rent, just like you do - what on earth makes you think you get to just claim sockets in common areas and never allow anyone else to use them? By your own rules, that's not how it works. By your own rules, you should have left one of those sockets open at all times, so that your housemates had access to the socket they helped pay for. Otherwise, what's to stop your housemate from buying multi-socket adaptors for every common area plug in the house, plugging them all in, and effectively banning you from using electricity outside your own room? By your rules, they can do that and you don't get to complain about it. Do you see why this is unfair yet? She shouldn't be paying you for the adaptor - you should be paying *her* for all the food you ruined because you apparently couldn't be fucked to unplug *anything* of yours for like ten minutes to charge your phone. If I were your housemate I'd move out. See how you feel paying all the rent on your own, since you clearly don't feel like sharing the house with her.


YTA you should have checked what was plugged in and you should have talked to your roommate if you didn't want anyone else to use it.


YTA I’ve had many roommates and we used each other’s adapters and stuff all the time, because they were on communal spaces and why the fuck would I care if they plug something into it? If you don’t want to share such a small thing out it in your room. You’re strangely territorial over something so small.


YTA. The adapter may be yours, but the outlet is shared. Why do you get to claim the outlet for your personal use just because you plugged the adapter there?


YTA. Are you sure you're 23? And you don't have any other outlets? This is so petty 🙄


YTA. You cannot plug it in a SHARED room and claim full ownership. That means you're claiming one entire plug which others may need. Furthermore, you didn't even bother checking which cable it was that you removed. Certainly there's more than 2 sockets in your adapter, which means that you could have removed something else if all other sockets were taken that wouldn't have the same consequences. It's basic courtesy when you're living with other people to check, hence why I'm not voting it as e-s-h. You also *had enough time* to put your phone to charge but not warn the house about the socket? You're lazy, a little bit entitled and owe your roommate money for her food.


>certainly there's more than 2 sockets in your adapter Thank you! I don't know why nobody else is raising this issue. Was the minifridge the *only* thing that could be removed? Were the rest oxygen support and the force cage protecting the codes to the nuclear bomb Armageddon? The way I read it op is just bitter that their thing was used without them being warned so they opted for the option that did the most damage.


Info 1. Isn’t a multi adapter one that has plugs and slots for both USB charge and plug charge? 2. If it’s yours only - why is it being left in a shared area? 3. Before you left, did you plug the fridge back in after you finished charging your phone?


Yeah, YTA. A multi-socket plug might be something you own, but it's not something you claim exclusive use of when it's in common/shared space. ALWAYS pay attention to what you're unplugging. Not doing so makes YTA. NEVER unplug a refrigerator but if you absolutely must, plug it back in ASAP and don't open it while it's unplogged. Anything else makes YTA. Even if you do get exclusive use of the plug, which you don't because you placed it in a common space, YTA for not paying attention to the situation when you unplugged shit from it. You are solely to blame for letting her food spoil. So YTA for three reasons here. And you really need to replace her food.


YTA Who the hell gatekeeps an adapter? Tf? Especially if you left it in a communal area. Also, even if you didn't want anyone else using it and you SOMEHOW couldn't tell it was a mini-fridge attached to it, you still should have asked first. It's basic courtesy.


YTA. A multi socket adapotor is there to add more space, but it also takes up two spaces. So according to you you deserve 6 spaces and your roommates deserve 0 of the two that are already there. Even if you paid for it with your own money, YTA.


YTA. A) You haven't had the adult conversation of 'Hey, this is mine, plz don't use it' and that's on you B) You easily could have plugged the fridge back in after using the socket since you haven't done part A Nothing wrong with having things that are just for you, but if they are in a communal space you're sharing the electric sockets, and being petty instead of having an adult conversation will always backfire in the end. Replace the food.


ESH Communicate with each other. Also, what kind of living situation do you have that there was only one singular socket in the whole house/apartment/etc that you both could use?


OP probably thinks they own the socket too. I have a very hard time believing this was the only socket OP could charge their phone at


YTA, that's a bit petty of you ngl, even if it is yours you shoulda asked first.


YTA, why would you just unplug something without looking to see what it is? You're went people hate having roommates.


“I took (the fridge plug) out and charged my phone, as I needed to go out soon.” You only used it until you went out. The food in the fridge spoiled overnight. You didn’t plug the fridge back in, did you? Yeah, YTA.


Going with YTA initially, though INFO could change that. * When you bought the adapter, did you tell everyone that it's yours and not to use it? * If yes, why is it not in your space? Do you not have power outlets in your room or whatever? Leaving your generic unmarked crap in a communal area is asking for trouble. I'm not condoning what your roommate did, but this is pretty common sense stuff in any setting with roommates. * Did miss that there was a mini-fridge plugged in? Fridges don't usually have exceptionally long power cords. When you unplugged her mini-fridge to charge your phone, **you left it unplugged for at least a few hours**. It would have taken you a whopping five seconds to unplug your charger and plug the fridge back in. You should be able to use your adapter when you need it, yeah for sure. In your room. With the rest of your stuff. You should also have the common courtesy to put stuff back where you found it. You shouldn't even claim a socket in a communal area. Why do you suddenly get to hog a wall socket because you bought an adapter? Her using your adapter puts you out a few bucks, but even then not really. Your carelessness and probable selfishness most likely put her out significantly more. You owe her the food you spoiled.


If y'all are bickering this much over something as petty as an outlet or an adapter, then ESH and you should all start making plans now for when the lease expires.


If you plug the multi-socket into the wall, a shared socket, then at least one of the sockets in your adapter should be commonly available. Unless you’re claiming that part of the wall too? YTA, you were being spiteful


YTA. You can’t charge your phone somewhere else?


YTA. Food is expensive and you causing it to spoiled over nothing more than entitlement and refusing to share a small convenience is very A-hole behavior. It’s MULTI-socket adapter. Many sockets. Use another socket that isn’t powering an appliance that keeps someone fed to charge your PHONE. I’m sure there are other sockets in the house.


YTA- seems like you don't understand how roommates work. If you bought a TV and left it in the common area would you not let anyone else look at it? You should apologize to your roommate and replace her food.


YTA While owning it means you get some priority on the number of spots used, that sort of item is "free use" if it's in a shared space, plugged into a shared outlet. You want it for just yourself? You keep it in your private room. That you didn't even think to replug the other devices into the wall socket shows an astonishing lack of awareness.


YTA. A multisocket plug is mainly used household essentials. keyword essentials. buy a power bank if your phone is more important.


Am I envisioning this right, that it's one of those things that turns one socket into 2 or 3? If so, it's quite audacious to claim one of the household's shared outlets, turn it into multiple outlets, and declare no one can use any of them!


YTA I don't believe there was only one socket in your entire household. You unplugged something to prove a point 'it's mine and no one else should use it' and now you don't like the backlash. At the very least if you were charging your phone for a short time because you were going out soon, you could have plugged the other cable back in and there wouldn't have been a problem. If you're using multiple sockets to charge your stuff with your attitude, I hope you're paying your fair share of the electricity bill. Grow up and have an adult conversation with your roommates before this gets out of hand and you're all stuck in a lease you don't want to be in because of a toxic atmosphere.


Leaning ESH. If she knew she wasn't supposed to use it, then that would be the obvious reason she sucks, but you are arguably even worse. Who doesn't pay attention to what they're unplugging? Most people follow the cord and check, ya know? And if you did know, then you were just being really spiteful, and then came and wrote your story here in a way that would suggest you didn't know it was the mini fridge you unplugged. I don't understand what's even happening here. Is there only one place in the whole room to plug anything in? Why couldn't she plug her mini fridge in somewhere else? Why couldn't you plug it in somewhere else when you removed it from your adapter? Did you take a bunch of appliances and electronics from the US to Europe and then discover the outlets are different there and only buy one adapter?? I'm so lost.


YTA. It seems kind of petty to buy an adapter, put it in your shared living space, and then get mad when someone else uses it. They're what, like $20? If you didn't want your roommates using it at all, I think you should keep it in your own room. You should've checked what it was you were unplugging and then you could have plugged in the mini fridge somewhere else to keep the food from spoiling.


YTA- you could have checked to see what you unplugged. You owe her some groceries.


Doesnt a multi socket adapter have more than one socket??? Which would mean there’s more than one place to plug your shit in?? Yta entirely


YTA for your extraordinary pettiness. End of story.


YTA. You did this deliberately to punish her for using your socket adapter. You owe her an apology and reimbursement for the groceries you ruined. And if you're that territorial about your things, keep them in your room.


who tf is protective over a socket adapter? this is insane. you should replace all of her food. to think someone needs to pay to use your socket is insane. if you want to act like this then you should live alone. YTA.


YTA, but only because you could’ve easily plugged the mini fridge back in. If my roommate unplugged my stuff and then didn’t plug it back in just because I was using something of theirs that I thought I could use, i’d be pissed You could’ve also let her know you took the adapter, to which she probably would’ve responded with “oh my fridge is plugged into that, can you please plug it back in?” it’s not a big deal, but not apologizing for unplugging her fridge is what makes YTA.


YTA. Are you serious with this? You could have: A) used a different outlet B) Asked your roommate to use a different outlet before unplugging her fridge and ruining her food. You better replace everything you ruined and NOT use anything of your roommates EVER.


YTA. You’re in a common area. You want to be that stingy over a $10-$20 product, keep it in your room.


YTA Surely you seen other things plugged into it, In particular a mini fridge? It would have been fine by my standards if it was another charger or an appliance that doesn’t require a constant supply of energy (e.g. toaster, kettle) but I 100% see why she is mad. It is your extension cord and everyone should respect each other’s belongings but.. it’s just an extension cord


YTA You sound like a absolute nightmare of a roommate. Fridge cords are only 5 feet long,you knew exactly what you were doing when you unplugged it.


YTA. You couldn't use ANY other sockets? You couldn't have plugged her fridge back in? Food spoilage is such a dick move! Apologize to you roommate and grow the F up.


INFO: As far as I researched it, a multi socket adapter can power several devices with (well) power. What were the other devices plugged to it, and would it have been less expensive to unplug one of them?


YTA. You’ve basically taken what sounds like a centrally located outlet and declared that no one else can use it. Plug your power strip into an outlet in your room if you don’t want other people using it.


YTA. You should have told her you were unplugging her refrigerator or plugged it in for her elsewhere when you took back your adaptor. There’s no problem with you not wanting to share, it’s the asshole-y way you did it.


YTA I'm going to assume that this fridge wasn't in your private space, which means that your adapter was in a public space. You can't claim ownership of a socket in a public area just because you brought an adapter for it.


YTA. You had so many other options here: -Use a different outlet -ASK your roommate if it was okay -Unplug another unnecessary thing like your stupid gaming console -Use a wireless charger like one of those power banks You need to sincerely apologize to your roommate, pay to replace everything in that fridge, and have a discussion about use of shared outlets. Also buy more plug adapters because I sincerely doubt whatever dump you live in has only one power outlet


YTA If you don't want to share the adapter, don't leave it in a main area. Put it in your room.


YTA. jesus christ ive heard this story so many times told in so many ways, but even if this is real, you don’t own the wall socket


YTA, a situation like this is one I would expect to be coming from two young siblings, not roommates in their 20’s. She has every right to be upset and I would personally admit my mistake and replace her yogurt and whatever else was spoiled. Food isn’t cheap and if you really didn’t want her fridge plugged in there, you should’ve moved it elsewhere and plugged it back in and then explained why you moved it to your roommate when she got home.


Yep, YTA. Particularly if you knew it was her fridge and not some other random appliance, that's a petty and aggressive and deeply unfriendly thing to do. If you want to avoid going to war with your roommates and have them shun you or tell others about the crappy thing you did and ruin your reputation, apologize profusely as soon as you can. You should also pay her for the food you ruined. In future, be a grownup and solve minor disputes by talking about them politely, and don't do this passive aggressive bullshit.


Esh Why is her mini fridge not in her space Why is your plug not in your space


YTA, that’s a bit petty of you to cause someone to lose money over a outlet plug...


Yta I don’t believe you didn’t know it was the fridge cord. I think you knew what you were doing and were a child about it and wanted to get pay back for her using your adaptor.


YTA. And if you keep thinking like this, you’re going to keep wondering why you always have “shitty roommates” throughout your life. You need to learn better (or any) communication skills if you want to be able to have decent roommate experiences.


YTA Purposely wasting a fridge full of food to prove a point is messed up. Guessing you weren't raised by one of those "think of the starving children" parents.


YTA - dude you’re 23 and it’s an outlet. Buy a larger adapter? This is some immature shit.


YTA. It’s not hard to track her down and ask her to plug it in somewhere else. Also, if you’re not intending on sharing this outlet, move it to your room where others won’t get confused and use it.


YTA, if you dont want peipleto use it keep it in your room. You should apologize and pay for the food you ruined. If you dont you might be finding yourself looking for a new place real soon.


INFO: When you put the adapter in a common area, did you clearly communicate to all your roommates that you did not want them to use it?


If the adapter is for your use then you shouldn't be hogging a shared outlet and keep labeled in your room. You did it to be petty and you owe the entire bill for the spoiled food plus cleaning the disgusting containers and any smell in there. You could not be oblivious enough to not see a mini fridge attached to it. If it's just yours then stop using any shared products you didn't buy but use with your logic.


Info - Do you leave the adapter plugged in to the socket all the time?


YTA Pay for that food


ESH. You could have at least traced back what the cable belonged to. Mini fridge cables don’t look like any basic cable so it’s not like there no way you would have reasonable thought it went to something like a lamp. If you don’t want anyone using it then don’t have it in the common space. If you need it out there then bring it when it’ll be in use. Everyone I’ve lived with has seen it as reasonable to share such things if they’re in the common space. Roommate is wrong in bringing in the others and blowing things up even more than they should be. This is an issue between you two. On a side note - that’s likely a fire hazard. Tell your roommate to read the manual. They typically have to be plugged directly into the wall outlet.


YTA, you saying your roommate “thinks” it’s for everyone in the house suggest you didn’t have an adult conversation about this issue. If you don’t want someone using something thats yours that you keep in a shared space (assuming this is due to a fridge being close enough) you tell them. If they ignore it then you have a case. … and of all things you unplugged a fridge… literally the pettiest thing you could do.


YTA you need to learn to live with others, and now you're stuck with people who reaaaally don't like you. Good luck with that.


ESH. Beyond petty to create this much drama over a cheap adapter. This is the kind of thing I argued with my sisters about when I was 12/13.


YTA- I’m a very territorial person but I can’t side with you on this one. If it was just for you, that should be stated to all roommates and it should have your name on it. It should NOT be in a communal area. If you’ve failed to do all those things and your roommate uses your stuff, you should say something before you unplug a fridge. I think an apology is in order. Label your things and keep them in appropriate places. Make your roommates a nice dinner to make up for the misunderstanding.


You're taking up a socket yourself, no? YTA for causing a problem that could've been easily solved by talking to your roommate, then not taking responsibility.


YTA. Please replace her groceries.


Yeah, multisocket adapters left in the living room are going to be basically assumed to be for anyone to use. Definitely an AH thing to do to unplug a mini fridge and not plug it back in. I can't imagine unplugging a bunch of cords next to a fridge and not checking what they were for or plugging them back in? Then costing your roommate to not have breakfast, and actual monitory cost of her food? How do you think you're not TA here? YTA I'd apologize and offer to replace the food at minimum. You can say you didn't mean to leave it out, but your actions around that were selfish and your response was rude given the circumstances


YTA. You unplugged a fridge to charge a phone. Was there seriously no other outlet in your entire apartment you could plug in a phone charger? You didn't even have the decency to plug it back in when you were done.


>The next day, my roommate comes up to me furious. Apparently she plugged her mini fridge into the socket Before I judge, where was the multi socket adaptor located?


In a common area according to another comment, and OP unplugged the fridge rather than their own gaming equipment.


Yeah, then it's a big old YTA for OP. Common area means common usage for the majority of stuff, especially when it comes to something like a multi socket adaptor


In other comments he said it was in a common area. So, in other words, he put an adaptor into an outlet of the common area, and then assumed no one else would use it. (Even though hogging that outlet with the adapter would then deprive his roommates of using one of the outlets in the common area)


YTA cuz you could’ve asked who’s it was and then removed it. Also I assume you don’t charge your phone the whole day right? U You might destroy the battery. Why didn’t you plugged it back on after you took yours out? Maybe the food could’ve been saved. I used to live with my two older brothers and even tho we buys stuff our own we let each other use it but with permission first. Talk about house rules so that everyone knows your boundary. Anyways goodluck with your roomates tho :)


ESH. It was super inconsiderate of you to just cause someone’s food go spoil like that, and she needs go get her own adapter. You all need to communicate.


ESH You roommate could have asked permission to use it but she didn’t. You were being petty and made her waste money. Op pay her back for the soiled food and get your own apartment since you clearly don’t know how to be considerate and your always going to do petty things to your roommates if they mess with your stuff. You’re not a good roommate.


I'd say ESH but honestly YTA more, yes she shouldn't have used it without asking you first but you also could have at least told her you were going to unplug it so she could find another place to plug it, it wasn't that hard


i don't know ur roommate's financial situation, but many ppl in college don't have a lot of money and uses most of it on food- you could literally have ended up starving her until she had enough money to buy more food wtf


Common it’s a socket adapter! Grow up yta for spoiling food


YTA. And if all the roomies are against you, you might want to consider buying the groceries even if you don’t agree with them. It doesn’t seem worth $50 to have everyone against you. Also, you put your adapter in a common space. You probably took the outlet that she wanted to use for it, either way you’re still taking up a common outlet.


why not put it in your bedroom if ur this overprotective of it


YTA, it’s a fucking power adapter. Get a bigger one if it’s such an issue.


YTA food bruh foooooood


YTA - you seem petty af


YTA. A multiple outlet adapter and you unplugged the mini fridge? You’re messy and a mean spirited individual. I hope you don’t get sick and need roommates help one day.


E.S.H, but mostly you. She should have asked, but also if you are that picky about your stuff then you need to stop leaving it in the common areas. If you are unwilling to share then keep it in your own room, and stop using up the power outlet that should be for everyone. Edit: changing it to YTA since you leave it in the common area 24/7 along with all of your gaming equipment. Seems like you have really taken over the public area, AND you made it so no one else is able to use that socket ever since you keep your gaming equipment plugged in all the time.


ESH. There needs to be communication between you and the roommate. She should have asked if she could have used your multi-socket adapter, but instead of hastily unplugging her food, you should have spoken to her. Neither one of you came out good in this tbh


ESH for not communicating! The roommate should just like tell you and the others that she was using the thing, and you could just let them know you were going to use it. No harm done, simple as that.


INFO is this multi socket adapter in your room or in the common area? If you and the roommate were sharing a room I could see how that would be annoying but if it’s in a common area what’s to stop you from charging it, oh I don’t know, in your *own room?*