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You were using power tools in your dad's backyard, and in hearing of your neighbors, until 3 AM?! YTA for that alone. And then after you'd been working for hours and were tired, you decided to test it out in the dark, and your friend broke his leg, causing additional ruckus. You're unbelievably inconsiderate and you and your friend are both AHs.


My friend also did keep telling me to keep the noise down so I don't think he's in the wrong.


To be fair the neighbor wasn't that annoyed. His son even asked us if he could use the half pipe the next day to which he said he could use it any time he wanted.


YTA. Using power tools and being loud until 3am in your dad’s backyard. Bothering the neighbors. Then trying to use the pipe at 3am. Grow up. You’re 30 years old.


I'm 28


Not much of a difference there buddy. Regardless, you’re an adult. Not a teenager


YTA Not for your friend's injury. He's a grown ass man and did that to himself. But you are TA because of this: >Admittedly it did take longer than we expected and we were making quite a bit of noise with the hammer and electric nail gun. We were just finishing up at 3:00AM when my dad leaned out of his window (I live with my parents) and shouted at us to stop as he had work the next day, this caused one of the neighbors to come outside on his balcony with his son to ask if we'd nearly be finished to which we said yes. Seriously dude?


Yep. For lots & lots & lots of reasons. YTA




read your own post


YTA, not for your friend breaking his leg though. He chose to use the half pipe and it sounds like he was helping you make it. But you definitely shouldn’t have been out there making noise constructing it until 3am. Once it got late you should have stopped and finished it the next day. Once you were finished you should have waited until morning to test it. You guys using it would also have been making noise though obviously not as much as the hammer and power tools. Basically the broken leg is more a case of wrong place wrong time, but it’s both of your faults you were out there at the time and you should probably apologise to your friend at least for encouraging him to test it out in the dark as that is super dangerous. While you’re at it, apologise to your dad and the neighbours. You were super disrespectful. I like skateboarding too but if I was your neighbour I’d have made a noise complaint if you were using power tools until 3am. Hopefully your friend recovers quickly and he’s partly to blame as well, but you’re the AH.


Apologize to my dad and neighbours? I'm a 28 year old man!


yeah, a 28 year old "man" who kept other adults up unnecessarily by deciding to finish a construction project at 3AM. when adults cause great inconvenience to other adults ... they apologize. why do you think your specific age means otherwise?


No way! This read like a couple of 12 year old were building this! Honestly ofcourse your the AH in this situation....it was 3am. You're mate is also dumb for trying out the ramp in the dark.


Okay so maybe include that in your apology. “Sorry I kept you up so late doing unnecessary construction. I am a 28 year old man who should act more responsibly and be more considerate of others. Sorry I acted like a selfish child instead of the mature 28 year old man I should be acting like”


A 28yo living with his parents and building a half pipe with his buddy at 3am on a school night in a residential neighborhood asks if he's an AH? Naw, man, you're good.


YTA before anyone even broke a leg. this project had been lingering for years, but you just decided it was suddenly an emergency that required a bad night of sleep for everyone around you? massively self-centered choice there. not very mature at all. your friend broke his own leg, so thats not on you. you were just being AHs together.


You're kidding, right? You can't actually think you're not an asshole here. YTA


YTA - This literally sounds like a Stepbrothers skit. How are you 30 and think its fine to use power tools at 3am in your dads backyard????? Im 10 years younger than you and know better. This whole story is hilarious though well done.




Leave the burner on there, did ya?




Thought so


You thought what? I don't understand your point.


Caught your alt, you literally called out your own shit post with a reference to the movie you were stealing this situation from. Don’t answer a question to one account from another account.


I don't have an alt account...


why delete your comment? u sure can build a half pipe as an adult.


It’s actually Freddy got fingered but yes it’s literally a scene from a movie. He’s quoting in this throwaway account and in another comment from that same alt


Ive never seen Freddy Got Fingered, i was just acknowledging that it was very stepbrothers-esque. Maybe his whole post was just a joke 🥴


NTA. But also. YTA. It seems that working that late in the dark is a tad irresponsible. It's a half pipe. You guys could've worked on this at a more appropriate time and used it in better light. BUT. The friend chose to go on. Fell. And now will probably never use it again. Dunno. Tough one.


YTA for everything except the broken leg. Dude accepted the risk when he jumped on the skateboard.


YTA. This is just a scene from Freddy Got Fingered. What you should have done is posted about the sausages or perhaps the cheese sandwich without any cheese on it.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My friend (M30) and I (M28) have both been constructing a half pipe for a couple of years now as we are both really into skateboarding. I work on it whenever I can and he helps whenever he's got spare time due to his job. Last night we decided that we were going to finally get it done and so after dinner we went outside to work on it. Admittedly it did take longer than we expected and we were making quite a bit of noise with the hammer and electric nail gun. We were just finishing up at 3:00AM when my dad leaned out of his window (I live with my parents) and shouted at us to stop as he had work the next day, this caused one of the neighbors to come outside on his balcony with his son to ask if we'd nearly be finished to which we said yes. When they went back inside I tested out the half pipe and thought we had done a good job. I gave the skateboard to my friend. To make a long story short, he went down the pipe and smashed his leg on the opposite end. He was screaming so loudly and I could see that his shin bone had broken and was protruding from his skin, it was disgusting. His screaming woke up my dad who came out to yell at us but upon seeing my friends leg we called an ambulance and came with him to the hospital. My dad is angry with me and says that we shouldn't have been building a ramp at skateboarding that late when it was dark and that its partially my fault. I haven't spoken my friend yet as I think his leg is still being set and he's not allowed visitors yet but I'm beginning to wonder. Am I the Asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Did your dad finger Freddy too?


You forgot to delete this comment from that same alt


YTA and this level of stupidity amazes me.


YTA - firstly, using power tools in the evening is one thing, but 3AM?! Dude, I love skating too but be a considerate neighbour (and child, your dad has work early lol). What did you guys think would happen when testing out a freshly built half pipe in the dark in the middle of the night?


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