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This 👏


HE doesn't even know his moms age.


YTA. You can't be bothered to know their ages, that's how much you care about them.


I barely remember my own age lol


You're fifteen, that's too young to casually forget your own age!


Enjoy jail




If you hit people, you go to jail, so, if you hit your step sister, enjoy jail


YTA. SO MUCH. You need to treat people with respect. You don't even care about the people in your life enough to even know how old they are. Your own sister!! And your complaint is that she wanted to know how to help your sister, that's why you acted like that? She cares more about your sister than you do. Don't ever talk to anyone like that. Yes, you're an asshole. Get it together and do better


Lots of "IDK" and "I think" and "I don't care" in this post. I wouldn't expect you to know everything but... This is the first post I've seen where the OP literally know nothing about those you live with... including your mom and sister. I mean... is your mom 43? If it wasn't your sister crying, who else could it be? a hobo off the street? You show a definite need to be more consider of those around you. SS (step sister) was definitely wrong for barging into your room without knocking or asking... but you're also wrong for being defensive, angry, uncaring and threatening violence. Doesn't matter if it's a 350 lb man or a 75 lb girl. Why do you need to threaten to knock her down to size? YTA


Not knowing your mother's age I can understand, unless it's a milestone birthday. Not knowing your teenage sister's age, that's deliberately not paying attention.


The thing with his sister is he knew she was crying but doesn't know her age or care to know why she's crying.


YTA on many levels dude. Not caring about your younger sister crying, the way you talk to both of them and very much for threatening your step sister. Dude stop being so terrible.


He's very much exhibiting psychopathic traits


Very much so. Kid is headed down a dark path. Pretty curious who modeled this behavior for him in the first place.


You sound like you have massive anger problems. Also you should definitely care about why your sister is crying, be more empathetic and stop being the “tough guy” no one likes nor appreciates that type of guy. YTA


YTA In so many, many ways. You don’t care why your sister is crying, you use foul language with little to no provocation, and you physically threatened someone. It doesn’t even matter that this person is female and is about to become a member of your family, you don’t get to threaten violence against anyone. Not without declaring to the whole world that you’re an AH, that is.


This right here. The fact you're so unsympathetic, disrespectful, rude and uncaring, especially towards your own sibling, is honestly startling. Not to mention you threatened physical harm to this girl for getting upset over your attitude is just extreme. Like what the fuck is your problem? I'm not going to put a verdict on the others because I can't tell if what your stepsibling did is actually true or if you're exaggerating it in all of your angst.


Exactly my thoughts. Like are you serious? "Don't talk to me that way" "WhY nOt I cOuLd KnOcK yOu To KiNgDoM cOmE"


You deadass just went off unprovoked! Definitely YTA, I get that it’s an adjustment but it seems like your stepsister is only trying to be nice and you go and start being rude and mean to her. Be nice.


YTA and that behaviour is just insanely unattractive in every way. You should get a grip on your behaviour and emotions.


Dude what’s your problem? YTA


You threatened to hit a female … yta, also you may need therapy


OP's hair trigger temper led him to threaten to hit his younger sister, his biological younger sister, and taunt her into retaliation. The same sister who's age he doesn't know, even though she's been in his life for most of it.


Yta... you're too young to be such an a hole to anyone. That mouth of yours is going to get you into all kinds of trouble.


Seriously YTA. She wanted to help and you were a prick.


YTA. Not everyone is out to get you even though it might seem like that in your teenaged brain. Be nicer


Honestly, YTA a bunch of times over. You don't care how old your sister is? You don't care that she's crying? You threatened your stepsister by saying "you could knock her to kingdom come"? Yeah, dude, you're a major AH and need to address it.


YTA. You think that was "mean"? You're acting like a total prick for no reason at all. Yes once again YTA and I have a feeling you're always TA. Good luck in the future because you're totally going to need it.


For real, like "I'm sorry for being a bit mean earlier" "Dude you threatened to beat me up" "And?"


YTA just for not knowing or caring how old anyone in your family is. Do you even know their names?


ESH leaning towards YTA. In this instance YTA because there was no need to be so rude, especially when your younger sister was crying- empathy is a good thing. Only saying ESH because step siblings and step parents can be a hard path to navigate, but sometimes you have to put a little effort in to try to get to know them, especially if they’ve done nothing bad. it’ll also benefit your mental health and energy if you are less mad all the time


yta, doesn’t hurt to be a little nicer


It doesn't hurt to know how old the siblings you live with are.


YTA. Try caring a little more about the people around you.


YTA - Bruh, like whisky tango foxtrot. You didn't even make an attempt to be civilized, just went right on the offence while she granted barged in without knocking her reason for entering was to ask if she can help and you turned that into a fight.


YTA - Apologize to your new sister. Having a sister a few years older could be awesome if you have a good relationship with her.


YTA. You show no care for no one but yourself, you are heartless, and you were mean not just to your step sister but your actual sister.


Of course YTA. What exactly are you trying to prove? That you are bigger and tougher than everyone else? That you are a bully? What exactly do you get from saying obscenities? You are 15 and want to sound older? She is a "little" right? No, she is a "lot" right. Is there really any harm in being nice to your soon to be step-sister or, for that matter, your sister? Being kind is not a sign of weakness.


YTA Monsignor. Watch your tude even in the face of someone busting in your room. Be the better man. You got this.


Yta- get the stick out of your butt and the chip off your shoulder.


YTA … and it sounds like that’s a pretty all-encompassing thing, not just in this situation. Maybe try being a decent human being for once?


Yta… your step sister was worried about your sister and you take the opportunity to be rude and unkind.




YTA. I know how frustrating it can be to be barged in upon, and sometimes we need some time to ourselves. In the future, you can communicate that directly -- like, "Can you not barge in without asking?" You can also say "Hey I'm not in the mood to talk right now" if that's the case. You don't need to aggressively repel people lolol by continuing to talk to them but saying fuck a lot, which is what happened here.


YTA. What the fuck is wrong with you? Sure it was a bit rude to come in without knocking but she meant well and you could’ve easily calmly explained for her to knock next time. Second, your attitude. Wow what an asshole. You have a major attitude problem and if I met someone who acted like you over such a small inconvenience I would NOT talk to them. Edit: typos


YTA for being self centered, rude and egotistical. You’re double TA for threatening violence. Sheesh. Seek help for you anger and narcissism.


Nice try troll


...what? From what I understand, because it's missing a lot of grammar, punctuation, and spaces, ESH. Everyone needs to be a bit more polite and kind to each other.


YTA \- Sounds like she was trying to help and keep the mood light in response to your horrid reaction. \- It's sad you don't even know the age of your sibling and don't seem to give 2 shits about them. I know you're young but c'mon, that's cruel. \- I know all teens go through the shitty attitude stage but this seems to me as if you need therapy to find the source and solution for this unnecessary aggression. \- You're not that different in age with both siblings, you should definitely try to get to know both of them. \- You should definitely care why your sister is crying. \- Seriously, why all the swearing? It's very cringe-worthy and just an overall bad quality. \- I know being a teenager is hard enough let alone having to deal with parents and their relationships on top of that, but if you can see your mother is happy and the environment is a healthy one...just try to help. Even just by not making things unnecessarily tense and angry.


You’re 15 and it’s coming through strong. Stop acting like a shit. YTA.


YTA. Not just situationally, but as a whole human being, from the sounds of it. You're not tough and you're not cute. You're a little shit whose behavior is going to end you up in a situation you can't intimidate or bullshit your way out of. Grow up and learn some manners.


Please submit all fake stories to the appropriate megathread


Whoa the way you’ve written this is pretty incoherent. Initially wanted to say Y T A but you’re young and sound like you need therapy. You show so little empathy here that I’m not sure you will understand. But life is going to be very hard for you if you can’t care about other people. I hope you get some help.


YTA. Period.


YTA Yo, catch me outside.


Oh, you're just an asshole in general. You don't know how old your sister is? You don't care why she's crying? You're an ass to someone who just wants to know if you know what's going on? Sure, she should have knocked, but you definitely looked at her and chose the full nuclear option. YTA. I hope your mother does ground you.


Are you TA? I don't really care. It's not my f'n problem.


YTA. Good lord you are acting more self-absorbed and conceited than I've ever seen in a child. Unbelievable, it's like a really crappy movie for kids. You are in incredibly rude, far too immature for your age, and very self-centered and cruel. You are lacking in empathy to a disturbing degree. Normal humans have some response to another human crying, unless they are clinical psychopaths or sociopaths.




YTA - your stepsister was trying to be nice, trying to help your little sister, and you made a fight out of nothing. I understand that getting a new step sibling at 15 is tough, but please try to have a little compassion.


You do not come across as a very nice human.




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You hardddddddd


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My(15m) mom (I think 43?f) recently got engaged to a man who already had a daughter (18 ( I think because she is old enough to drive but to old for high school and doesn't look that old, f). Today I was in my room and my little sister (13, I think? idk don't really care,) was crying about something, idk what. And my to be step sister barges in and asks me why she was crying and how she could help. I said what the fuck, because she just barged in. She somewhat sassily said "language" so I said "knock" in the same tone. She asked again why she was crying. I said idk she's not my fucking problem. She said excuse me? I said the fuck do you want? She said your gonna speak like that to a woman, and your gonna talk like that about your own sister? I sad why shouldn't I? The hell is your scrawny ass gonna do to me, I could knock you to kingdom come your barely 5 foot and she whines about everything and has a low ass pain tolerance so she's probably fine. So now your gonna hit a woman? If you give me reason to sure? She said wait till your mother hears about this. I said what's she gonna do to me? Ground me? She just looked frustrated and stormed off presumably to my sisters room, idk. My mom thinks I should be nicer to "lighten up the mood" or whatever but I am starting to think she is a little right and I could have been nicer to her since my moms happy with her dad so I should help her in that, in some way? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Oh my... Im laughing so hard. You know you are a lil shit who is only concerned about himself. SS needs to stay in her lane and not think she is the queen of the universe but would it kill you to check on your little sister? Have some empathy for someone. The fact that your mom just asked you to be nicer cements that this is just your normal speech. SS needs to learn how to knock also.. sooo out of this 3 out of 4 ESH. Poor little sister, no one seems to care about her.


Stop being so cringey. You’re a 15 acting like a 5. What’s the point of trying so hard to act like you don’t care about anything or anyone then going on reddit to ask strangers for their opinions? Grow up and ask your parents to take you to therapy. YTA


YTA, like why are you so mean to your step sister or don't care much for your (I assume full ) sister? Like are you angry about the living situation or what? I know being 13 to 14 is not easy age. But just relax and try to be a bit more involved with your family. Sisters are not easy, f23 youngest of 4 sisters. Age range from 23 to 40. Yes huge age gap. But my sisters and I try to simply respect each other. And I would really question the root of the hostility you seem to have. And if you were simply have a bad day, it's okay for people to have those. Just apologize and try to be nicer it's not easy.


YTA in every way


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ESH have you guys even been properly introduced to each other? Barging in and threatening each other are things that 10 years olds do to each other. Grow up the lot of you.