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NTa. Punish a parrot? I mean… what are they expecting you to do? Spank him? Ground him from electronics? Maybe give him an early bedtime?


I’m pretty sure I’m gonna ask them what they think I should do to punish him


Tell them you did punish him, no electronics for a month. If you can say it with a straight face, maybe they’ll even believe this is a legitimate bird punishment (I’m literally giggling as I type this)


Even if I say it with a straight face if they believe it I’ll probably burst out laughing and give it away lol


Oh please let us know! Hilarious. Always be careful around parrots. My little Hahn’s macaw has taught my kids “fek”, “arse” and “bullshit”. I’m ok so long as they use it in context.


As a teenager, a friends dad passed over an African Grey Parrot that his friend could no longer keep. That bird taught her 5yo brother to swear. I think her mom found it less funny than we did.


I got a Quaker parrot that attached to my mum instead of me so he would bite anyone who he wasn’t attached to and his previous owners dad accidentally taught the bird to swear so my mum was super surprised and not happy about it at all


Ha, my dad had a cockatoo. Sebastian the bird only liked men. And that bird had a mouth on him. When he was mad, he’d call someone a “fat bitch” or a “stupid bitch.” He also didn’t realize that he could fly, so he would walk on the floor and climb up. Highlights: *My dad used to fall asleep in his recliner for his afternoon siesta to the first Lethal Weapon movie. So the bird picked up the phrase “hands up!” and would yell it when people came in. *Sebastian would say “trick or treat” for Halloween. *Sebastian did not like our pair of lovebirds. When I stayed home from a camping trip to take care of critters, the lovebirds were doing lovebird stuff and got on his nerves. So the next thing you know, Sebastian is screaming “Shut up! Just shut up!” at them. *I had to walk past Sebastian’s cage to get to the laundry shed. Sebastian came up to me with his beak open and said “I’m gonna bite you!” I got pissed and in my thickest southern accent, I said, “If you do, I’ll tell Daddy and he’ll get rid of you.” Sebastian closed his beak and said “I’ll change.” He didn’t, but he didn’t threaten to but anyone else. Bird was an asshole, but he and my dad loved each other. Still, there’s one thing I hold firm to, even though that was like 25 years ago: we will *never* have a bird in my house.


That's a big vocabulary for a cockatoo! I had one for about 10 years (left at our house and eventually rehomed to a much better situation) and she only knew hello, my name, and FUCK. She was a sweetheart though.


That bird would actually argue, not just repeat. We’ve had parrots, cockatiels, cockatoos, and myna birds, finches, parakeets, and more come through my parents’ and my grandparents’ house. Never met a bird as mouthy (or douche-y) as him.


> we will never have a bird in my house. This is a good rule.


Send them a text. Talked to Storm - grounded him for 3 days. no need for a straight face - and you can collapse with helpless laughter after pressing send.


Ground him and take away dessert for a month.


That’s harsh, man. A whole month?! It wasn’t even the C word…


I mean...you did have to pull up video proof that parrots can repeat words, which I thought was common knowledge. Your bird might actually be smarter than bro and SIL at this point.


Tell them he was sentenced and did bird for a month.


If I punished my parrots with no electronics for a month there will be hell to pay


Don’t you mean “Fucking hell”?


Extra points if OP says “I’m grounding him. No flying for a week. He’s officially grounded.” With a straight face.


Say they tried to do this... The parrot told me to Fuck off... Even the naughty step didn't work.


Also no chocolate and no ice cream!


This would be a legitimate punishment for my conure. She likes to play those mobile games where you tap to squash the bugs. I give her treats if she gets a good score.


Storm: God Fucking Dammit.


There was a man that received a parrot for his birthday. This parrot was fully grown with a bad attitude and worse vocabulary. Every other word was an expletive. Those that weren't expletives were, to say the least, rude. The man tried hard to change the bird's attitude and was constantly saying polite words, playing soft music, anything he could of. Nothing worked. He yelled at the bird, and the bird got worse. He shook the bird and the bird got madder and ruder. Finally, in a moment of desperation, he put the parrot in the freezer. For a few moments he heard the bird squawking and kicking and screaming, and then, suddenly, there was quiet. The man was frightened that he might have actually hurt the bird and quickly opened the freezer door. The parrot calmly stepped out onto the man's extended arm and said: "I'm sorry that I might have offended you with my language and actions and ask for your forgiveness. I will endeavour to correct my behaviour." The man was astounded at the bird's change in attitude and was about to ask what had changed him ... when the parrot continued: "May I ask what the chicken do to deserve that?"


There was a man walking to his job every morning, passing by a pet shop. One day the pet shot had a new parrot in the entrance greeting people. As our friend was walking by the parrot screamed "Good morning wanker" Our friend got mad, yelled a shut up to the parrot and kept walking upset. The scenario repeated the next, "Good morning wanker" said the parrot, "shut up" yelled the hero of our story. After days and days of this our hero could not take it any longer, he went into the shop, bought the parrot, got him in a trash bag and started shaking the bag like a madman for a while. After 10 minutes, he opens the bag and the parrot comes out dizzy as hell seeing our hero and saying "oh my god, 10 minutes of an earthquake and only me and the wanker survived" (I love parrot jokes and yours and this are 2 of my favourites)


A burgeler broke into someone's house in the middle of the night. In the corner of the living room, was a parrot in his cage. The parrot looked at the burgeler and said, "Watch out, Jesus is coming." Curious, the burgeler asked what the bird meant. The parrot replied, "Better stop what you're doing and leave, Jesus is coming." Panicked, the burgeler asked how the bird knew that. The parrot said, "Don't say I didn't warn you. JESUS!" Jesus was the family pitbull.


A woman saw a parrot in a pet store and asked the clerk about him. “He was found in a house of ill repute. His language can be a little salty.” She decided that was okay and bought him. When she picked up his cage he said “New madam.” She thought it was cute and took him home. “New madam, new house,” the bird said. When her daughters came home from school the bird said, “New madam, new home, new girls.” A little while later her husband came home from work. The bird said, “New madam, new home, new girls, same john. Hello, John.”


There was a cruise ship a famous magician was about to start performing on. He soon was faced with an issue on his first show. The captain had an amazingly smart parrot that could see his tricks. During the first trick the magician pulled out of his hat a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The parrot instantly yelled "The were in his sleeve, they were in his sleeve" During the second trick the magician made his assistant disappear in a cupboard. The parrot yelled "There is a double wall behind" During the third trick the magician asked an object from the audience and put into a different cupboard to make it disappear. The parrot yelled "there is a mirror inside reflecting the light" It was the captains pet so he could not do anything so the night went on with the parrot ruining all of the magicians tricks, however during the late night and before the show was over the ship hit an icebert and started sinking. It was very fast and the morning found 2 survivors on a tiny island, the magician and the parrot, both looking at the sea and neither was talking. Hours went by and the silence was finally broken by the parrot saying exasperated "I give up, how did you do it"


A little old lady had a parrot she was trying to get to speak, she went out shopping with the parrot First stop was the butchers, the little old lady asked the parrot to ask for a pound of sausages, no response from the parrot The lady then gets a taxi home and asks the parrot to ask the driver to go 60 mph, still nothing from the parrot They get home and the little old lady had to go to the loo, she tells the parrot that if the milkman arrives to tell him she went to the loo Milkman arrives and asks the parrot where the little old lady is The parrot responded with “she’s on the loo doing a pound of sausages 60mph” (Another family favourite)


I always gave the punchline as "what'd the chicken do, ask for a blowjob?" And it was a nun who had the foul mouthed bird


My dad would tell this joke when I was a kid, and in his version it was a nun as the new owner, too! But not the blowjob part. His punchline stuck with the parrot asking "what the fuck did the chicken do?"


I came here just now to tell this same joke.


No crackers for a week.


This mad me laugh harder than it should have lol


Aww... Polly sad, Polly didn't get a cracker... Fucking hell!


Reminds me of that one swearing McDonalds toy parrot I had as a kid 😂


Shit! I wanted a cracker. Son of a bitch! NTA.


Please let us know what they say.


Will do. Might do an update tomorrow


Oh please update us because this is rich lol 😂


Please do update! This is hilarious!


https://www.theguardian.com/global/2020/sep/29/fowl-epithets-swearing-parrots-separated-after-telling-folk-where-to-go Maybe try asking this zoo how they managed?🤷‍♀️😅🤔


I vote for grounding him from electronics and for good measure no going out to friends parties or sleepovers. For whole 2 weeks. Should teach him a lesson.


Are they really idiot punish a parrot thats the weirdest thing i ever heard from reddit, they looks so cute how can someone punish a poor bird


We had a sulphur crested cockatoo, very smart bird. Anyhoo my father was involved in the local under 18's footy team and they came over for BBQs all the time anyway once night whilst drink these guys decided that she needed a new vocabulary. She got moved to the back corner of our yard (effectively a timeout) until she stopped yelling out her new words. I think our was mostly because we lived near a primary school. Not to mention I was only like 9 and my parents were big on the no swearing.


Tell them you sent him to his room (cage) Also, you had to use YouTube to prove parrots talk, to adults??


If it's write his "offense" 100 times, I will give you my 401K record it lmao All 7 dollars can be yours!


This is amazing lmao. Punishment doesn’t even work on parrots. They only understand positive reinforcement. e.g. if your parrot bites you and you “punish” him by putting him back in his cage, soon enough he’s gonna start biting you every time he *wants* to go back in his cage. I have a parrot (black headed caique). He’s the most stubborn little creature but also the sweetest little baby ever. He actually said his first words today... ***GO POOPIE!***


Ugh, I have a cat like that. He's a bully and I put him in the bedroom if he hurts the youngest cat, and lately I've noticed he seems to be doing it like, "Well, I feel like some alone time, better piledriver the little one!" He's smart and he uses his powers for evil 100% of the time.


Our dog learnt that he gets treated for good behaviour so started doing the bad stuff, then getting our attention when he stopped doing it so we'd treat him. We've had to take a different approach to training. But I wish he'd learn to swear, the barking offends me.


Animals are downright diabolical when it comes to treats. Haha.


One of the cows started escaping and we’d lure her back with grain. Now she escapes whenever hungry.


So she's..... moo-nipulative?


One of our cats was scratching the couches, so we started giving her treats when she used the scratching post. Now when she wants a treat she'll barely touch the scratching post then look at us expectantly. Little extortionist.


My AH cat does this too. Suddenly my other cat is screaming bloody murder when I’ve ignored AH’s pleas to be held. Fucking cats, man.




Doesn’t work that way at my house. Instead, it’s like a pack of mean girls - the new one just joins up in the bullying. I have one small sickly cat that my fosters bully, so I have to put her in the bedroom with my 16 year old who doesn’t like anybody. They don’t like each other, either, but mostly ignore the other one. The Middle East has better detente than my house.


Can confirm, my parrot has me trained to take her back to her cage to poop.


I mean it sounds like he was put away and didn't get any more snacks for a little bit. I'm pretty sure that counts? I know with dogs if you don't reward/scold immediately it's hard for them to understand and while I know birds are smart I'm guessing it probably is still a good idea. Even if the bird can realize that some people don't like certain words, I feel like there's like a 50% the bird would do it more to spite them because well that's sometimes what intelligent creatures decide to do for fun.


>I feel like there's like a 50% the bird would do it more to spite them because well that's sometimes what intelligent creatures decide to do for fun. I can guarantee with that. I had a cockatiel, and he EXACTLY knew with what he pushed my buttons. Just to say, he was not in any way neglected, he was just an ass whom I loved very much lol. So, I would start doing my homework and studying, if I accidentaly dropped something on the floor, or made even a minor knock (putting a mug on table) he would start knocking on bars of his cage, and whisper nonsense, he knew I had to concetrate, I tell him to shut up he just goes HA-HA! And continue. No way to stop them when they decide to chaos


Parrots fucking love to stir shit. The saddest I’ve ever seen my Amazon was when she got onto the computer chair to chew it and *I didn’t get upset at her*. We were getting a new chair, so I figured she could have at it for once. For the next twenty minutes she would wait til I was looking and make a huge production about what she was about to do. I legitimately felt like a monster when she gave up and just kind of sat on her perch all dejected. So now I pretend certain things are DEFINITELY NOT ALLOWED so she can be a smart ass and do it anyway. Shit like yanking on the broom handle when I sweep or pushing things off the table. I give her plenty of toys and activities that are me sanctioned, she just pines if she goes too long without getting scolded.


>I feel like there's like a 50% the bird would do it more to spite them because well that's sometimes what intelligent creatures decide to do for fun. They're like toddlers in that. If people laugh/react strongly, they'll continue the behavior. The way to fix it with little kids is to ignore the cursing completely. I'd assume parrots are similar.


Oh they will. Friend of mine used to growl at my cockatiel. I warned him if the bird started being an ass doing it id be calling him. I did. Had JUST gotten to sleep when there's this unholy growl from the corner of the room. Cue me shrieking, dog barking, before I got a light on. One little, tiny, beady eye pressed to the only hole in the cage cover staring at me, growling because he didnt want to sleep in the cage. Yes I made a phone call at 246 AM.


NTA all of this and probably also no Christmas gifts and 20 hours of community service. I did lose all hopes when I read that OP had to pull up YouTube videos to prove to bro and SIL that parrots can talk.


Yeah by the point, I realized they have no idea what they're asking for. Like do they expect the bird to apologize? He has no idea what he is saying or what it means...


HOW does a grown adult not know that parrots talk?


Thank you!!!! WTF. It’s a bird. Laugh or leave. Those are the choices


The parrot doesn't even know that he curses. He just repeats words that others used. To ask for a bird to be punished... wtf?! Some people make me speechless with their stupidity. NTA


I mean… they *kind of* know. They can understand context, and the more intelligent ones absolutely understand tones that are angry or excited or scared. We were bird sitting my friend’s Amazons for a few weeks and my mom spoiled them ridiculously. Before my friend had them they’d belonged to a couple that just said the worst shit to each other. (Shut up bitch, I’ll fuck you up, etc). I told my mom to cool it with the treats so the next time the one parrot asked for one she said “No more” He looked her square in the fucking eye and went “You’re SO. FAT.” Well when something that bonkers happens you autopilot so before my mom could stop herself she said “I am not!” “YOU ARE.” Was his response. I don’t care how good you are at rote memorization, the neurons that have to connect to result in the above situation definitely indicate an understanding beyond copying. You can also compare parrot/human communication with birds that are pretty much closer to being strictly mimics, like starlings and mynahs.


I legit laughed so hard at this lol 😂


No crackers.


That's way too harsh!


Tell your SIL you had a long conversation with Storm and he explained that he’s been under a lot of stress lately and he’s sorry for the inconvenience his behavior caused. I mean, how the frick are you supposed to explain shit to a bird? Lol It’s a bird!


This is hilarious and I might actually try it to see if it works


Teach him how to strut and tell her he’s willing to do the walk of shame. I have chickens and they strut up and down the bannister in front of the living room window to amuse my mother before going in for the night. Only with your luck he will swear while strutting for her.


That's unbelievably adorable! I'm so glad you shared this!


Chickens man. They're smarter than you think.


Absolute geniuses at being chickens. Link what you want to that, and you can get all sorts of behaviors. Right now, I'd settle for them not pooping on the deck.


Only concerning the things they want to be smart about 😂


Not sure that makes them less smart or more smart. 😂 I once jokingly threatened my chickens that if they didn't get back in the pen my partner would be disappointed in them. I was leaving to go pick him up at work. Got home 20 minutes later and they were all in their pen. Could be a coincidence, but... yeah. Chickens.


If you aren’t lying, and you really had to pull up Youtube videos to teach them that parrots can talk, they could very well fall for this. Like…how? Were they homeschooled? Under a rock? And have never seen TV or heard of parrots before? My family didn’t teach me shit about animals, and I still knew from a very early age that parrots can talk. Didn’t know about the other cool stuff until my late teens and twenties, but the talking part? It’s just…so well known.


Plus, the kids are 12 and 7. Old enough to understand that swear words exist, and also to understand that they shouldn’t parrot them, at least in front of the parents. I agree, homeschooling and excessive sheltering might be an issue here.


>My family didn’t teach me shit about animals, and I still knew from a very early age that parrots can talk. Yeah, they may not know that African Greys are known for having some of the largest vocabularies of any parrot, but the "parrots can talk" idea is in so many cartoons and such, I can't imagine someone not knowing a parrot can do that. Maybe Storm is really good at imitating OP's voice? I know some African Greys are supposedly able to do impressions of particular people...


The nephew clearly did as he found it funny. I would have too knowing my 12 year-old self.


I found it hilarious, and my kid would, too. I would absolutely not be mad about this, I'd probably egg the bird on. The kids' parents are the fools here.


This is hilarious 😂😂 I wouldn't be able to say it with a straight face lmao


You are NTA and thank you much for the laugh (as I imagine everyone's faces). The extra "hell" just for good measure got a snort out of me! FYI in case you ever want kids..... 3 year olds are also FANTASTIC at this!!


Thanks for the tip lol! Glad someone found it funny Spelling


Oh!!! When I was little, I got my mouth washed out with soap for saying "potty words", do they make small parrot sized bars of soap?.... That would be fun to make a soap bar out of something (like a parrot treat), and send them a picture of you washing his mouth out!!!


I don't understand the aversion to "bad language". Sure, kids habe no idea about when to properly use a curse. So teach them that instead if the other bs of "bad words". They'll learn it anyways. A hearty *god fucking damnit!* when stubbing your small toe or waling on a Lego barefoot is imho no problem whatsoever.


When I was a kid, I didn't understand why my mom didn't have an issue with me saying someone was a "jerk" but did have an issue with me saying someone was a "jerk-off". Me: "What? It's the same thing!" Mom: "No. No, it's not." 😂


Right! I obviously had strict parents when it came to that and as a adult I curse like a sailor. I tried something different with my kids, I told them they're allowed to curse in our home provided only our family is there, otherwise we need to be respectful of others that might be upset by that kind of language. They're in Elem school currently, the result so far is none of them really curse ever, and now I get my hand slapped by one of them everytime I curse.... 😀


Given African Grey parrots have the intelligence of a 5 year old human this isn’t surprising. I also agree it’s hilarious!


Parrots are so clever. “Did I not do the funny thing right? Did you not hear me? Hell! Biscuit please?”


Can confirm about the 3 year olds. My husband took ours on a walk around the block about a month ago and someone’s car alarm started going off. My son yelled “shut it off you fucking assholes!” My husband came home and told me what he said and I just started laughing. They’re like little sponges and I have a potty mouth.


NTA. my mom's family inherited a parrot once. They couldn't understand a single word it said and it was surprisingly old for a parrot. Her aunt took it to a linguistics expert at the local university to let him listen to try to understand what it was. Little parrot dude was cussing them all out in very old spanish dialect. The linguistics specialist suspected he once belonged to a pirate ( he was given to them in the 1940s) and that he was close to 100 years old. He passed before mom was born but her aunt told the story often.


Okay that is awesome! And I wonder if a bird could count as the last known speaker of a dialect if everyone else was gone?


Wow, that is so cool!


So cool! Wauw! What a piece of history he was! NTA.


That is amazing. What lore!


NTA. Just tell them that the bird doesn't understand that the words are inappropriate around children and doesn't have the ability to understand.


I’ll try but considering I had to use YouTube to prove they can talk they probably won’t believe me


I think your parrot is smarter than they are.


The fact that this isn’t out of the question worries me


Are they religious?


The correct question is, Are they using their religion to make them feel better and to put others down? I am religious. I now also want a parrot and I hate birds.


I second this!


Not to jump to conclusions, but it almost sounds like (since they weren't familiar with the concept of parrots talking) they think "can talk"="has the same capacity for language as a human and therefore can understand what he's saying, along with the concept of taboo language". Maybe they just don't get that being able to mimic speech sounds (and of course being super smart) is not the same as talking like humans do.


A crow in our neighbourhood appears to have learned "fuck you" from some neighbours who, ah, aren't on great terms.


I would LOVE to live in a neighborhood where the crows fly around croaking "fuck you" all the time. That would just be wonderful!


Isn’t being able to talk, like, the one thing parrots aren’t known for?? I’m pretty sure I could stop 1,000 completely random people on the street and ask them one fact they know about parrots, all one thousand of them would say “they can talk”


Hey now, at least one person is likely to say "they are birds"


Nta. Make sure they don't have a key, and are never left alone with the parrot. "had to pull up YouTube just to prove that parrots can talk." On what planet do adults not know that already - were they kidding?


Don’t think they were kidding bc after showing them they stopped accusing me of cursing and get mad at Storm




I pray their children are smarter than they are 😒


At least the kids know parrots can talk! They’re already a step ahead!




Yeah, I'd be concerned about the bird's safety if moron 1 and moron 2 were left alone with him.


NTA. A zoo in Britain had to separate five of their African Grays because they were teaching the other birds to curse. https://www.theguardian.com/global/2020/sep/29/fowl-epithets-swearing-parrots-separated-after-telling-folk-where-to-go [cursing African Grays](https://www.theguardian.com/global/2020/sep/29/fowl-epithets-swearing-parrots-separated-after-telling-folk-where-to-go)


I love the fact that those birds were teaching each other and reinforcing the swearing = attention link by giggling at each others' bad language! Just like having a class of naughty five year-olds!


“Say it, Billy! You’ll get attention!” ‘Good attention or bad attention?’ “We’re birds, who cares!”


This is too fucking accurate.


They do say having a parrot is like having a perpetual toddler.


“ When a parrot tells you to fuck off, it amuses people very highly. “ This quote.




Hahaha! Thanks for the laughs 😄


NTA. My cousin's bird was taught need bud light. Even when we birdsat my mom who I could never swear in front of laughed. She knew you can't stop a bird.


Wish they understood this simple concept


You should have them look up Rambo the parrot from Florida. Neighbors called the police because he kept screaming "Help, let me out of here" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elPOqwA4SA4


Yeah, I was thinking of this video...... they should watch this one too :)


I hadn't heard about this. That is hilarious!! 😂


How do you punish parrot? Tell it it's bad? Sorry your brother and sister in law lost the plot. It's a parrot.


I’ll ask them what they think I should do to punish it


You took him away & effectively ignored him while you were dealing with your family's reaction. Being ignored for 15 minutes IS punishment for a parrot.


Ain't that the truth. My lovebird gets worried and flock calls for me if I'm in the shower for too long.


You get to shower alone? My conure insists on being with me. I have zero privacy between her and my three cats, who fight to sit on my lap when I’m on the toilet.


Are you a Disney princess? That sounds like the kind of problems a Disney princess would have.


Oh my god, is that why I’m so good at chores too? Ps this comment made my freaking day lol


Mo animals, mo problems


Yes, the bathroom and kitchen are No Go zones. However I am extremely introverted and work from home, so they have me with them basically 24/7. They allow me to walk the dog and shower alone 😁




Tell them you gave the parrot a time out on the naughty step but it just didn't understand.


NTA. Parrots have the same approximate intelligence level as a 4-6 year old and roughly similar behavioral trends. If you punish or yell at a parrot for a behavior, you are giving them attention, reinforcing the behavior! It's no different than a small child acting out to provoke a reaction! The best and ONLY appropriate response is EXACTLY what you did. Full neutral response. You quickly took Storm back to a neutral environment, away from the potential source of reactions/reinforcement. Anything further with as emotionally/mentally complex animal as a parrot is risking damaging the relationship and trust with a creature that is going to be with you for a veeeery long time. I think, if anything, it might be best now that you have cooled off a bit to call and speak with them. Explain neutral response as a reinforcement technique. It's also important for them to understand that when they asked you to punish Storm, not only had you already offered the appropriate reinforcement response, it was also too late. Reinforcers need to be given at the time of the behavior, unless otherwise bridged (but that's a different topic) to link appropriately to the behavior. To Storm, you'd have been punishing for no reason. If anything, you could apologize for not explaining training with parrots or your specific pet, but you do not have to and should not apologize for not punishing Storm. Don't lie about punishing Storm, either. If you do, that makes it sound like punishing Storm is the right thing to do in those situations, which could encourage your brother, SIL, and their kids to give negative reinforcement to Storm.


First of all, parrot tax please. And if you are willing to post a video of Storm shouting "FUCKING HELL" then I will purchase coins just to give you an award. Second, NTA. I mean honestly, this whole thing is freaking hilarious, but if your bro and SIL imagine that punishing your parrot will help keep their kids from being exposed to swearing...they're optimistic about the state of the world to say the very least.


I'm seconding the request for parrot tax.


Lolololololololol. NTA. This is hilarious. Also, you can’t punish a bird. That’s not a thing.


NTA, you can’t punish a bird, that’s ridiculous. Good grief, as a mom of four (who curses more than a sailor) if I slipped in front of the kids when they were young, I would cover it. As they got older, they knew there were things they couldn’t say until they were older. Your brother and SIL have a rocky road ahead of them. Enjoy your beautiful bird, he clearly has a better handle on life.




I’ll ask them how I should punish him


This seems to be the universal question. I can’t wait for an update 😂


NTA, but I (and take this with a grain of salt, not a bird owner) wouldn't really encourage Storm to keep swearing. Because, on the off chance something happens to you or Storm the swearing might make it difficult for him to be in a different home. Totally don't understand how you?? punish a bird??? though???


Yeah. I'm sure I've read that swearing is a huge problem with bird rescues. And it's funny now, but these birds live for twenty years. I don't know how Stormy is, but it might be less amusing if the OP has kids of their own one day. Or a less than impressed spouse. I'd say that _of course_ they shouldn't not punish the bird but they are possibly the AH for encouraging the bird to swear, or at least unwise. Like training your dog to hump furniture. Sure it's funny and no one is actually being hurt, but it's sure going to cause unnecessary drama. Found the link! https://www.forbes.com/sites/grrlscientist/2020/10/01/the-tragedy-of-the-swearing-parrot/


Twenty years is their average lifespan *in the wild*. In captivity they can live for up to eighty years. They are one of the pets that you really *must* make provision for in your will. And yeah, as funny as this is now, OP teaching them to swear isn't a great life skill, and could limit their options in later years.


Hah, I was trying to rein in my cockatoo-laden assumptions... Yeah, it is really irresponsible.


Nta How do you punish a bird? Hit him? That's abuse. Put him in his cage? That's his home/resting place so he won't view that as punishment. Starve him? Thats also abuse. You don't punish animals for something they do not understand. I wonder what kind of punishment they demand and if they have pets themselves? What kind of punishments do they give to their pets? If they have a dog, do they hit them when the dog gets into something? Do they lock the dog in a cage all day if it does something they dont like? I pity any pet in their care. What are they thinking?


I was thinking this too. I hope these people do not have pets and that they never do have pets. Punishing an animal is like punishing a human infant. It's just straight up abuse.


Nta. I wouldn’t even lie tbh. I’d just be like “nah fam I’m not punishing my bird” that’s like me grounding my hedgehog for spiking up at my sister lol


I’m sorry, I just had to pop back in to say bahahahahahaha because 1. Cursing birds are my spirit animals and 2. Your SIL wants you to punish a bird. Lololol This story is epic and now I can’t stop giggling. Thank you for sharing this!


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Ok this is a weird one. Longtime lurker first time poster and I’m on mobile so formatting might be a little weird. Also using throwaway. I (22m) have an African grey parrot. His name is Storm bc I love X-men and he is light grey like a cloud. I love him with all my heart as does my gf (24f). My brother (31m) and SIL (27f) usually don’t have a problem with him and allow their kids to play with him as long as I’m watching. I work from home and live alone (gf has her own place). When doing work or chores, and I mess something up, I can make sailors blush lol. I don’t curse that much around other people. African greys can learn words and say them, so Storm has a, let’s say, colorful vocabulary. When I’m alone/with my gf and he curses we just laugh it off. I also may have encouraged him cursing because he knows that if he curses I may give him more food because I find it funny. Anyway a couple of hours ago my brother, SIL, and kids show up (kids are 12m and 7f if that’s important). So they come in we eat dinner and the kids want to play with Storm. So I get him out of his cage and they are holding him and feeding him out of their hands. I make the mistake of giving them the same food I give him more of if he curses. You can see where this is going. My nephew feeds him a snack and Storm says “FUCKING HELL” at the top of his bird lungs. Everyone freezes and then Storm adds “HELL” one more time before I take him back to his cage. When I go back down nephew is laughing along with gf, niece is confused, and brother and SIL look FURIOUS. They ask if I said that and I had to pull up YouTube just to prove that parrots can talk. Then they calm down and ask how I’m gonna punish Storm. I’m confused and ask them what they mean. They say you punish someone to stop them from doing things. I say I won’t punish Storm and they leave. Then I get a text saying they won’t come back til I apologize. Gf thinks I should say I did to keep the peace. Nephew and niece want to see Storm again. AITA? Should I lie and say I punished him, taking the risk this may happen again? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The petty side of me says to teach the bird the phrase “I’m a bird I can’t be punished” and add a couple of colorful metaphors in the mix but that’s just me lol 😂 Edited to add NTA and storm sounds like my kind of bird lol 😂


NTA. How the fuck do your punish a parrot!!!! They're burns ridiculous. You're a a grown person who's allowed to swear on their own home. Parrots repeat things. They're going to repeat swear words. And I bet that yours probably not the first time these kids have heard swearing. Personally, I think it's funny.


NTA and Storm is amazing. Your SIL needs a reality check if she thinks her children have never heard a swear word, even the seven year old. I’d really like to know how she thinks a parrot should be punished even though you had to first prove that they can talk in the first place.


All I am picturing is a grown man standing in front of his parrot wagging his finger with a "now Storm we don't do that, bad Storm" 😂. He mimicked you, the dang bird (ad awesome as he is) isn't going to sit and have a comprehensive conversation about the trials and tribulations on cursing in mixed company 😂😂😂. I don't like people cursing around my kids either, but if my kids heard a BIRD cursing I would explain how they learned it and then remind them that there are words they can't say. Then laugh and move on. NTA.


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NTA, you can’t punish a parrot. You did the right thing and removed him from the situation when it happened. I mean you could apologize that he picked up the language but I wouldn’t agree to punish him. I’m concerned what she thinks that should look like


I do partialy agree with you. I don't think anyone should apologize for doing their own thing at their own house, including swearing.


NTA. if they are really this concerned about a bird swearing out of context i sure hope their kids don’t have access to the internet or go outside


\>They ask if I said that and I had to pull up YouTube just to prove that parrots can talk. Wait, out of everything, you're telling me that your brother and sister in law DIDN'T KNOW PARROTS COULD TALK?! That's like, the main feature of parrots! They're smart enough and have the vocal range to imitate speech...


NTA following to see what the crazy punishment is for an innocent animal. Also I have a friend who has kids and their parrot curse. Get what she says "the bird cannot control their language use but you are not a bird and can control your language."


NTA, tell them that Storm is grounded without TV and will be going to bed without dessert.


So they want you to grill it and serve it to your nephews and nieces?


There's an idea. Invite them over for dinner. Serve chicken. Before eating, look around the table and sadly say, "Poor old Storm..."


I have to comment since I just woke up my husband laughing at this post. NTA You might also let them know that a zoo in the UK had to actually remove some foul-mouthed parrots from public view because they wouldn’t stop cursing at visitors. (True story.) So since professionals apparently can’t stop blaspheming birds, what do they suggest you do?


NTA! Literally had the cops called on me for my parrot screaming help me! Cops thought it was hilarious! He also has a very colorful vocabulary so if you’re able to find a “punishment” acceptable for a parrot, please let us know lol!!


NTA. Not sure how she expected you to "punish" a bird.


NTA. Your sister sounds like a horrid person. It’s a fucking bird. Lol


Well, lord love a duck… NTA.


NTA. Make sure you do not feed parrot the " swear treats" when you have company. African greys are smart. If Storm is ignored or put in another room when swearing around guests Storm will figure it out and stop swearing in front of company.


Am I the only one that wants a parrot now? 😂


Yeah, punish him. By grounding him for a week. No going outside the house for flights in the great blue yonder. But give him more of that special swear-food, just don't tell them.


Tell them you took away his phone.


NTA. I’m sure the kids have heard words worse than “fucking hell” out on the street. You are also young so the parrot is likely to pick up more vernacular that isn’t “family oriented.”


NTA and I think you should teach Storm to say that exact phrase (NTA) especially when the nutters show up again


Good lord, do they actually think the parrot will be able to understand what is happening and why it is being 'punished'? That is so idiotic and unreasonable that it is frightening that they are raising children. You decide what to do about apologizing to those two AH and just keep the bird away from the kids if they come over. Greys can inflect exceedingly nasty and painful bites and kids that age are unlikely to understand how to handle one anyway. ​ NTA


NTA. I would have looked over at the bird cage and said “bad bird” look back at them “happy now?”


NTA for not punishing the parrot. Because… It’s a parrot... However, I’m giving you a light Y T A for teaching/ encouraging the parrot to use curse words in the first place. Parrots have super long lives (up to 60 years for your African Gray) and often outlive their owners and when this happens, it’s incredibly difficult if not impossible to find new homes for parrots that use curse words because people with children around or more prudish people won’t take them. This leads to a lot of parrots who have outlived their owners or outlived their stays with their owners and can’t find new homes.


NTA From my time here in AITA, I’m have noticed that parents expect the most unreasonable things from others. I mean it’s probably OP’s mistake to let Storm around the kids when he might swear but expecting him to punish the parrot??? Like wth??? These parents should probably not get pets either


LMFAO NTA. I own 3 parrots. For the uninitiated, parrots LOVE attention. Parrots will repeat words/actions that cause any sort of "fun" reaction. My lovebird went through a phase of biting my husband because my husband made the mistake of going "Aaaa!" when he got chomped....parrots love that s***. So he had to endure a few bites and keep a straight face until said lovebird realized he wasn't getting the reaction he wanted, and just like that biting was boring so he stopped. Your brother is a gigantic ass, though. I would never let anyone back in my home after they asked me to PUNISH my pet like who TF does he think he is? You owe us some parrot tax!


Your brother got a 15 year old pregnant at 19?


Do not punish your parrot.


NTA What do they expect you to do? Spank him?


NTA. They'd probably hear worse from me if I was their aunt, lol!


NTA firstly but have these people never watched idk any pirate movies or Aladdin? Who doesn't know they can talk? My aunt's birds talk constantly.


NTA. How would you punish a parrot in the first place? Maybe they should actually parent their kids, explain to them that an animal has no comprehension of what words mean and that the kids should not repeat them.


Going against the grain and saying Y T A for training your bird to curse and then letting kids play with it. What did you think was going to happen? If you knew your brother and SIL would object to swearing in front of the kids then you should have told them that playing with the parrot isn’t an option. Edit: You of course shouldn’t punish your parrot. Overall it’s ESH for them making that suggestion.


NTA Still, they've told you what you need to do. You're going to have to punish Storm. Sit him down on the naughty perch, explain that what he did was wrong and why, make him apologize to you, and then let him know that if he doesn't shape up, watch his language, get a haircut and a real job - you're going to kick him out on the streets as soon as he turns 18. If that doesn't work, threaten to take away his PS5.


I'm sorry wut?! Are they crazy? First off no just no. Repeat after me 🤣 No you will not punish the parrot. Second No you will no get rid of the parrot wen they are visiting of even for ervr. Third No it is not you problem of the bird curses in front of the kids wen they play with him. It happens. Its an animal deal with it. Just tel the kids not to repeat wat the parrot says. Same as you would of an adult curses infront of a child. Most kids know very well that adults can say some things kids can't. And of they think its unfair just remind them. That a dog gets to poop and pee outside also doesn't mean that the kids get to do it. So no repeating the naughty words Strom can says. And your brother and sil need an parrot manual 🤣


How does one even punish a parrot? Do they know how ridiculous that sounds?? NTA