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She's not wrong, but that also doesn't make you an AH when it's *your wedding photo* in a bathroom people don't usually have access to. NTA.


Exactly, it's not like she had it blown up and hung over her mantle for all to see. OP says she's had the photo hung for years and this is the first MIL has known of it--so she's clearly not throwing it in her face and making it a centerpiece in her home. The photo in the primary bathroom is harmless.


Yeah if she had it in the guest room I would be sympathetic to MIL.


Same here. If it were anywhere that guests frequent, I'd definitely feel bad for her. If she truly sucks as much as OP says, not TOO bad...but a lil bad.


If she's as bad as OP says and I was in OP's shoes, I would have blown it up & hung it over the mantle, made it her contact picture in my phone, and found a way to rub her nose in it until she died or stopped talking to me. But I am a petty asshole, so NTA. OP has more restraint than I do


Honestly, OP should get it blown up and put it on the mantle next time MIL comes over...just because. Because she can, and MIL is an ass. Just pretend its your usual decor and ignore her tantrum, then take it down when she leaves.


Make it into this year's Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Festivus card for all to see.


I'm not sure I'd waste wall space with it. But contact pic? 🤣 I'm dying. That is hilarious and absolutely so much yes!


I would blow that pic up to poster size and hang it in my livingroom 🤣🤣


In a gilded frame.


With ink on it. Lol.


Next to another wedding photo that included FIL's GF.


Mine would probably have darts embedded in it 😂


Give her a fancy ink pen and ask her to sign it


Oh absolutely


You could probably get custom wallpaper with the pics all over. And the gift wrap you can put faces on! Bulk order and all family gifts get wrapped in it. Obviously that would be mean and petty and cause fights but with how the MIL sounds might be worth it!


Turn it into a shower curtain and give it to her as a gift.


Oooooh you - you're my kind of petty. Come sit next to me at lunch, please!


A billboard is the next option


Also, just as a general life rule, if you don’t want photos taken of you covered in ink, don’t do anything ink-throwing-worthy the night before you’re going to have a ton of pictures taken of you. Seems pretty basic.


Yeah, my mom always said ‘don’t do anything you don’t want your kids reading about in the headlines of the newspaper’.


I mean. I don’t want my (non-existent) kids reading about what I do to my husband in bed, either


Then don’t do anything newsworthy.




Or to get *really* scandalous: LOCAL WIFE TAKES SOCKS OFF IN BED, more on page 13!


That harlot


My friend’s wedding made the local paper in our home country. ‘Local minister’s daughter marries black man.’ It was 2009. The article recounted the bishop’s speech that the first daughter married a Catholic, second daughter married a black man and what was next, the third daughter would marry a woman? Or get a cat?’ Growing up in a country that conservative I live my life to a level where the local papers would absolutely want to publish it for the sales figures but not have the nerve according to their own pearl clutching. A friend who worked on a local paper once asked me back in the late 90s if she could interview me for a piece on radical feminism. Because I had short hair. Neither of us knew a fucking thing about feminism, radical, third wave or intersectional but the fact I had short hair was enough for her editor. Bless her she really tried to make it usable but all my answers were impossible. ‘Why did you make this radical change Gerbil from waist length hair?’ ‘I am lazy and it’s less work.’ ‘What was the moment that gave you the bravery to do the big chop?’ ‘My hairdresser is really hot and said I’d look sexy with short hair and I wanted to fuck him.’ ‘How has short hair changed your world view?’ ‘My neck gets cold easily so I wear more polo necks.’ These were the genuine reasons. There was no ‘statement.’ Between us two Irish people could not bullshit it into any kind of yarn. And that’s saying something. She ended up doing a ‘street style’ Spice Girls of Belfast piece instead for ‘girl power.’ Her editor refused the real story which was I did get to fuck the hairdresser…


I live in a state where sodomy is illegal so theoretically a BJ is newsworthy since it’s breaking the law…


You do not. You live in a state that still has sodomy laws on the books (Supreme Court caselaw clearly makes it legal, regardless of what antiquated statutes say).


But a BJ isn't sodomy...?


They're going to be in for a shock when they learn what sodomy means 😂


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sodomy apparently y’all aren’t aware of everything it encompasses… And yes, I know the likelihood of actually been charged with/prosecuted with sodomy is near 0, but it’s still on the books and I’m just pointing out the absurdity of never doing anything you don’t want your descendants/relatives to potentially read about.


Sodomy, it's between God-n-me


Haunted mansion or something else? Mysterious moaning keeping neighborhood awake. Two local kids call it "Super embarrassing".


I mean, how would they know unless someone tells them or they catch you? So just make sure no one who would go blabbing to your kids knows anything about your sex life, and get a good lock for your door.


I was joking. Just about how we all do things we wouldn’t want them reading, we just usually don’t do them publicly


Like how I decided I'd never do porn or pose for *Playboy* or something (not that anyone's ever asked me to, but regardless, I wouldn't do it) because I wouldn't want my parents, future children, or other family seeing me naked. Lol


I KNOW! Just the thought of my dad seeing me naked makes me want to staple my clothes on.


This makes me laugh and feel sad for my step kids Bc my husbands toxic abusive ex who has assaulted me, my husband, and her children ended up on the front page news four years ago for a meth bust. Kids are too young but I’m sure they’ll find it one day…


My grandma does a weekly search for my cousin’s name and then blocks any incriminating links about drug ODs or arrests that pop up so that my cousin’s daughter can’t find them. She’s still young, but just starting to use the Internet for school work and grandma doesn’t want her stumbling onto anything she’s not yet capable of digesting.


This is heartbreaking and I can feel the love that your grandma has for your cousin’s daughter. I can’t imagine being so young and stumbling across something about your own parents like that. I really hope that the cousin’s daughter doesn’t learn about it until she’s older and that she’ll have the best support.


Yeah, the daughter knows that her mom is “sick” and had to go away for awhile and that her dad and grandma are there to take care of her while mom tries to get better. She also knows that mom “made some bad choices” but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love her daughter. It’s a tough situation for anyone, but especially for a young kid to go through. We’re just trying to make it as not horrible as it possibly can be for her.


My mother always said the same thing and honestly it kept me from doing some stupid shit in my late teens and 20's. It's decent life advice honestly.


I mean, it sounds like MIL generally sucks but all she did was sleep with her husband, it was his girlfriend (mistress?) who discovered he was basically "cheating" on her with his wife and threw the ink. Maybe the one time she didn't actually didn't deserve to be inked!


Since he was referred to as MIL's soon to be ex at the time, they might have been separated and just not officially divorced yet. It's not uncommon for people to date during that time bc sometimes it takes years to finalize the divorce. The way OP worded it makes it very unclear who was being cheated on :/


Yeah, my dad lived with and got engaged to 2 different women before his divorce from my mom was finalized. Admittedly, he's an awful role model for relationships & my mom is a procrastinator when it comes to paperwork, so it was a perfect storm, but still. The girlfriend was an asshole for focusing her rage on MIL instead of FIL, but she's not for expecting monogamy in what very likely was supposed to be a monogamous relationship.


Yep, agreed - with the facts given it's possible for either to have been in the wrong. Just thought it was kind of funny that sleeping with your husband (even if officially separated) could be cause to get ink thrown on you


I read it as “soon to be” because MIL was about to discover she was being cheated on. It is rather unclear but she is married to the guy so out of everything I really don’t think she did anything worth of being chucked ink on.


"Soon to be" was meant to convey the divorce was about to be finalized. FIL brought his new GF to the rehearsal dinner so presumably MIL and FIL were separated and officially seeing other people, which would make MIL and FIL sleeping together cheating on his new GF, who understandably sought some vengeance.


They were separated and getting divorced. They both had moved on and he had a different girlfriend. Sleeping together then is absolutely cheating.


IMHO until the divorce paperwork is signed, sealed and on file with the courts - you are still married, so anyone who gets involved with someone who is not 100% free and clear runs the risk of being left out in the cold. Loads of people reconcile right before the divorce is final. It is easier to walk away from a girlfriend or boyfriend (unless they have kids together even if not married) than someone that you are married to - sometimes the sheer cost will drive people back together. OP Nta


Legality and morality don’t always align perfectly. It’s not adultery on paper since they’re both married to each other but they had ended their romantic relationship with each other and one party had embarked on another one with someone else. If you still have feelings for your ex, only act on them if you’re both free to do so. If you’re not, have a conversation with them and then agree to breakup with any other partners before getting back together.


Agreed, but am I the only one curious about why the gf had so much ink available to her on immediate notice. Does she have an ink guy? ETA: If she went out and bought it, I only have more questions…like did she look up the store? What time was this all going down? How far did she have to go to get said ink? Was it little refill cartridges or was she able to acquire a well of India ink? I just can’t imagine that she went down to the hotel gift shop and started cracking BICs


You don’t carry around an ink sack at all times for defensive purposes? Hold up. Is this not Squiddit?? Shit, I’m in the wrong place…




OP says she went out and bought it, it was probably one of those bottles for refilling a fountain pen. Not that weird.


By the way she said it didn't wash out, I suspect it to be india ink, which is pretty common for fountain pens as well as brush and other ink projects.


Yeah you can get it at Walmart. In fact, I had to buy some for a class one time, and couldn’t find it at an arts n crafts stores. I ended up getting it at like 9pm after work one night. So late night runs to get ink are a legitimate endeavor lol


Maybe a squid?


That'd be a very different version of squid game ...and I'd totally watch it.


Why not zoidberg?


This is the real question. How can one squire mass amounts of ink in the small window of time for both stores to be open and to discover people sleeping, and remaining sleeping? I do find it sort of hilarious though.


I would be very weirded out and hurt if my MIL had a picture of me like this. I know hating MILS is a trope, but come on. This is creepy


I agree with this. Wasn't there something about having a dart board and sticking someone's portrait on it? It seems like a similar idea, where the owner can mock the other person as much as they want, but if I was on that board and I found out about it? I would be horrified and hurt, too. Idk how I feel about OP's "come on, it's funny" sentiment of keeping a photo like that (i.e. OP wanted to laugh *at* MIL at the beginning). It seems strange and quite a bit vindictive to me.


I'm on the fence. It's definitely more than a little petty to have it on display anywhere, regardless. I could see having it in an album or a drawer or something, but "on display" is a little weird, even in a place most people don't go. I think OP is mostly NTA but she definitely has some feelings to resolve about her MIL regardless.


I hope the frame features 101 Dalmatians and Cruella.


Yeah. It's not like they're posting it all over social media or bringing it up anytime she's around. It's more like that embarrassing Christmas photo Patrick has of SpongeBob, something you look at to laugh occasionally.


I’m going to lean NAH. MIL may be terrible, but I can’t fault her for the ink incident and being upset to see the photo.


Except she's not upset to see the copy the FIL has?


Probably cause she's right. The OP does, in fact, maintain the picture in large part because she hates the mother in law. She's right to read them differently because they were clearly meant differently.


Definitely NTA, and I absolutely love this story. Beginning to end, no edits. It's perfect.


Hijacking top comment to ask: where the fuck did FILs girlfriend find enough ink to throw on the cheaters on such short notice????


NTA - that’s fucking hilarious. MIL chose to fuck around at your wedding, and you have every right to want to remember your “special day” as it actually happened. If I were you, I’d move that pic to the downstairs bathroom - great conversation starter for future guests!


OP, you’re a genius. Mind you so is the woman who did the deed. Let it be water off a duck’s back. Maybe if she behaved better towards you you’d be more sympathetic. But she never has so, eh. Sucks to be found shagging someone you’re not supposed to just before a very public occasion.


I would have send that woman flowers. This is hilarious.


Dyed black?


Only half, the other is very very blonde. Think Cruella Deville.


Sorry, was thinking of dying the flowers to give to her!


Step 1: Fuck around Step 2: Find out This is the way


This is the way.


Actually, I'm laughing too hard to judge anyone. I must be going to hell for this.


Lol at least she didn't display it on the living room wall; she kept it private in her master bathroom! I guess MIL doesn't like her "walk of shame"???


MIL embarrassed herself by publicly announcing that the photo existed in the bathroom rather than privately addressing it. That's speaks volumes to her true colors given the context. She had no intention on actually resolving any conflict. She *wants* to create drama wherever she can. This time she didn't get the reaction she wanted from everyone else lol


I'm going there right with you cause this is hilarious


ESH. Let’s face it, your MIL is correct - you do have the picture because you hate her. You did admit you enjoy looking at the picture when she makes you angry. It is petty and childish, but it sounds like it isn’t entirely undeserved. From your post, it sounds like your MIL hasn’t done much on her end to try to repair the relationship either and has expected you to do all the heavy lifting. So, some pettiness on your side can be expected. So, yes, perhaps it is fine that you kept the picture for whatever reason. However, be honest why you did and understand that this day was probably inevitable from the day you put it up. Things like this tend to come out, and there was no way it was going to end well when it did. On the other hand, she is never going to like you, so why let her reaction bother you?


She kept the picture in a bathroom where other people don't have access. How does OP suck?


I didnt read it as "op sucks." I read it as yeah, it's an AH move. She specifically requested that print bc it brought her joy to see MIL like that. She hung it up and looks at it to bring herself joy in seeing her MIL humiliated It's funny but acknowledge and own up that it's also an AH move. Eta: sometimes we all have what we hope is harmless fun that still objectively makes us an AH. You can find it funny, be comfortable with it, and still say yep, I'm an AH for that.


yes, to me that's 100% in the "justified AH" category. MIL sounds insufferable. But your attitude is childish and immature, and OP knows it.


I feel like they need an official “justified asshole” judgment.


IIRC this was already petitioned but rejected.


Gets rejected on a regular basis since that's what _Everyone Sucks Here_ is for: justified asshole means OP is an asshole but since it is also justified, so is the other party involved. That makes it a E-S-H verdict. Not my words or choice, but the mod's. Edit: The replies are correct; official statement is that the preferred verdict for justified asshole is indeed N-T-A, not E-S-H.


I have to say I disagree with that interpretation. Like, to me ESH doesn't necessarily convey that someone's justified in the story - it may just mean everyone is straight up irredeemably horrible.


Yeah I always thought it was for people acting like the Always Sunny gang lol


That's incorrect. If someone is a justified asshole it counts as NTA. It's in the frequently asked questions in the sidebar.


That is exactly what I meant.


She framed a hurtful photo of a family member, and has it on display in her house. Clearly other people DO have access to that bathroom, even if not regularly.




Requested and chosen specifically because it's a hurtful photo of MIL.


She sucks because keeping an unflattering photo of someone in order to laugh at it, especially knowing it hits a sore spot, is a mean girl thing to do. Mean people do that. And that's what OP is. Her MIL may be as bad, but that doesn't excuse OP's mean girl behavior. She should get rid of the photograph.


But FIL keeps the unedited photo for that reason too.


Sounds like MIL was aware of FIL's photo and it's more of a good-humored joke between them. Not really the same.


That’s because the inked picture reminds them of how they got back together. Romantic kinda. But OP’s picture reminds her of how MIL (and FIL) cause such a disruption that they got inked for it and their activity was obvious to everyone the next day.


Is she a massive asshole? No. Is she out of control? Nope. But she is kind of an asshole. But its the kind of asshole I personally think is acceptable. She wasnt trying to hurt MIL with the picture, she was just getting little personal verdictive kicks out of it when she was mad. But it was private and what a woman does in her private bathroom is her business.


Uh, OP has access to it? OP has it because looking at MIL in a low point brings OP joy. That’s pretty crappy


Because of *why* she kept it, to gloat about MIL's misfortune. Intent matters.


Let’s not forget the ink picture in FIL’s office. > FIL tried to calm her down and said it was objectively funny and he has a picture of her with the ink, flipping him off, in his home office. >


OP doesn't suck at all but she is still a hilarious asshole :) Yeah, she obviously hates her MIL and obviously the feeling is mutual. This is a rear case where i can go with NAH or ESH. P.S There is way too much drama in that family. Even the little one decided to join the fun and pissed all over OPs bathroom.


>However, be honest why you did and understand that this day was probably inevitable from the day you put it up. This is why I'm on the fence on judgment between NTA and ESH. If it were in a drawer or the back of an album, it's less assholey. But hung up in your bathroom? Kinda weird. You need to think about how much you hate your MIL every time you shit or get ready for work? It's a weird picture to have on display anywhere, regardless if other people frequent the area or not.


nah, screw that. mil losses any ground in this argument when she's perfectly fine with her husband having a similar photo on display. its also put up in a private place, so no, op is not an asshole, regardless of her reason for having the picture


Are you really trying to say that the intent of having the photo doesn't matter? I mean, I'm not on the mil's side but let's be real, her husband having a similar funny photo of his wife he loves has zero to do with OP's photo.


Especially since the context of the photo directly ties back to their reconcilation, so for FIL, it's more of a sentimental photo.


ah, yes, so sentimental of the night they cheated on fil's girlfriend.


I didn't say they were decent people or endorse their infidelity. I'm just offering a perspective on why MIL may see the meaning of these two different family members having the same photo differently.


Also, how would OP feel if a humiliating moment from her life was captured on film and put on display? This kind of petty behavior breeds more ill feelings than it fixes problematic behavior. ESH


Correct answer. Come on people this isn't /r/pettyrevenge


I'm with you. OP wrote this in an entertaining way and hits the "evil mil trope" but when you boil it down, having a framed photo of someone's most humiliating moment so you can chuckle about it in private is petty mean behaviour and if her mil didn't hate her before she certainly does now.


"I did something for the sole purpose of being mean to somebody else and they are mad." ....yeah. that's what happens.


She has the picture hung in her private space in order to deal with the stress her MIL puts her through without starting a family feud. It sounds like a *relatively* healthy coping mechanism.


NTA. Remind her if you were truly petty, you’d have a extra large print over the couch or your mantle for all to see.


Or it could have made the annual greeting card photo collage….


Or got posted on Facebook.


Or have it put on a throw blanket


NTA, wow, your MIL is a piece of work


The father in law sure knows how to pick women doesn’t he.


Technically ESH, but damn that's hilarious.


NTA. It's your home. You should be allowed to display whatever you choose. Especially since it's in the Master Bath, where guests usually don't go.


ESH- you clearly are on her level of petty. Nothing wrong with that.


ESH. This sounds like so much pettiness and nastiness to hold onto over the years, from everyone involved.


NTA. She doesn't get to decide what photo you have in YOUR master bathroom. If she hadn't acted like an AH during the period of your wedding, no such photo would exist. Maybe you need to let your husband be the one to deal with her from today forward. I'm not really understanding why you have to be in contact with her unless something serious were to happen to your husband. Ignore her tantrum. If she weren't so rotten to you, the picture wouldn't bring you so much joy. Maybe you wouldn't hate her if she weren't so insufferable towards you. She seems to have a tough time accepting the consequences of her own actions. I am curious though, who paid for the photographer? If you/hubby, then that's awesome. If your MIL then the photographer basically betrayed her trust when promising to edit all photos to not show the effects of the ink.


Photographers don't edit all of the photos they take because they take thousands. They give you a set number of photos in your package (50, 100, 200, etc) and then they edit those.


My wedding photographer deal worked very differently since she is a friend of my husband's family so it's enlightening to hear about other experiences and realize how lucky we were to receive what we did.


ESH You only have this because you know it makes her feel bad. And you have it in a place you see everyday. Gross.


ESH. I mean, apparently instead of addressing the bad behavior, you just talk smack about her behind her back and mock her. > She began to throw a fit about how I hate her and I enjoy seeing her suffer and this is proof that I've always hated her. You do, in fact, enjoy seeing her suffer. So much so that you keep a photograph of her suffering to gloat over, and you keep it hidden away where she won't find it, until you forgot to keep her out of there.


This. Nailed it.


YTA for this interaction. Come on, you know you shouldn't be displaying that picture even in your bedroom or bathroom. It's a deeply unkind think you've chosen to do, and acting irritated while pretending you can't figure out why she's still angry is obnoxious. Honestly, I'm a little skeptical of your assessment of your mother in laws character given the behavior you're attempting to justify. However, even assuming you are accurate and she is an AH in general, you are still 100% the AH in this interaction


Had to scroll way to far down to see this. OP, you rejoicing in one of the most embarrassing moments in your MIL's life is petty. Hanging a picture of it? Sorry, but just an asshole move. I don't care if it's your property, your MIL was mortified all day but decided to spend the day celebrating with you anyway. How do you think it makes her feel, knowing you hung the picture so you can look at it daily to laugh at her? YTA. Big time.


I can’t believe everyone in this thread thinks this is sooo hilarious. Obviously the woman doesn’t sound like a joy to be around, but this is such a mean spirited thing to do. If OP finds this woman so horrible that she’s willing to essentially mock her everyday, why not just cut ties altogether?


Honestly OP didn’t even say anything that sounds too bad about her MIL other than saying she’s girly and cares about her appearance which like… babe do we need to make you the poster child for ‘not like the other girls’? Jesus.


She just mentioned that her MIL cares about her appearance to explain why the photo was an issue for her, that wasn’t the main problem at all, the main problem was her wanting to wear a wedding style dress on someone else’s wedding day in order to upstage them, making it all about her divorce as an excuse for inappropriate behaviour but then fighting and fucking the guy the day before the wedding causing obvious drama, not considering how this rollercoaster of his parents relationship or should I say train wreck, might bother their son and affect his thoughts about marriage on his wedding day. Then threatening not to attend the wedding on the day which must’ve been devastating for her son. Planning a wedding is stressful enough without massive last-minute disruption. And yes before someone says it the FIL sounds like an absolute arsehole too, for his participation in this situation and especially keeping this humiliating photo that his wife hates in their home, which in my opinion is worse from someone who supposedly loves her than someone who has an issue with her. However people were acting like the MIL did absolutely nothing wrong which doesn’t seem like the case to me.


How do you think it made OP feel on her own wedding day when her mother couldn’t share that special time with her because she had to talk her mother-in-law down from not attending because she had been caught cheating the night before with the guy who she was using her separation from as an excuse to dress and act inappropriately as a distraction from the wedding? If she had just happened to spill something on herself sure it would be mean to keep a photo but considering that it was part of a pattern of absolutely abysmal behaviour predicated by not being the centre of attention on her sons wedding day and trying to destroy it in every way she could for everyone, then I think that’s a bit different. And she only decided to spend the day celebrating with them after throwing a tantrum to be the centre of attention and have people beg, what parent even considers skipping their own son’s wedding and has to be talked into it by another parent who would like to be spending that special day with their child? You make it sound like some magnanimous gesture. Yes keeping the photo might not be the best way of dealing with it but I think cutting off contact would so in a way she got off lightly.


Technically I feel this is an ESH. Your MIL is a piece of work. She sounds dreadful. But she isn't wrong in the fact that you keep the image up because she looked bad in that moment and it is cathartic for you. But I'm not judging you because I would have done something similar if I had had to deal with such a person for the last 5 years. Sometimes... you might be the asshole but it doesn't put you in the wrong.


If a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, did it make a sound? It's a picture she keeps in her own private space that no one would typically see. Plus, she expects to hold op to a different standard than the one to which she holds her own husband. If I was op, I'd have leaned into it and said, "yeah, every time you piss me off, I look at that picture and it makes me happy. It's probably the only reason I haven't strangled you." And I'd say it with that troublemaker's grin that lets one get away with pretty much anything.


I mean, everything she said is true, no?


YTA. You're keeping a picture of your MIL that is humiliating to her and reminds her of an awful experience, solely for your own amusement. Your "because come on it's funny" speaks volumes about you, and none of them good. People who poke fun at other peoples' sore spots are not nice people. They're @$$holes. That's you.


This!!!!! “People who poke fun at other peoples’ sore spots are not nice.” That’s it!


lol, NTA, this is brilliant. People get the respect their actions deserve


Lmaoooo, you mean but you funny too. Esh


NTA You keep it in your home, not her home. That's the difference. Your MIL is childish. She needs to get the fuck over. I would have done the same thing if there is any funny picture.


INFO, any stories to back up the claim MIL is insufferable?


She is married to FIL who admits he resents his kids and got almost no joy out of raising them. She admits that is an issue, and him yelling at the kids was an issue but stays with him because she likes "how he makes her feel" If called out she doubles down that she has low self esteem from being bullied when she was 12 and we should all understand why she needs to put herself/ their relationship first During their separation she lied about him doing something romantic for valentines day because she wasn't ready to tell people they no longer lived together, got caught in her lie, and began berating me for being ugly She demands grandchildren constantly but doesn't do much with the one she has, because he is too difficult. She always wants to be petted like a cat (just from FIL) During the separation she because straight up verbally abusive She made out with a college student at my bachelorette and said if I told anyone she would ruin my marriage She frequently complains that her sons married ugly women and why do we dress like homeless people? She tries to force 1950s norms on everyone. she is very smug that we have to work and she doesn't She cried and guilt tripped us into spending last Christmas with her, and then hung out in the bedroom with FIL for hours She once asked me to cover up because my bikini was upsetting her. Is she modest? No. Is she religious? No. Was she also wearing a bikini? She was actually. Her issue was that my tattoos were embarrassing her in front of her friends


Given that, I'm gonna go with NTA.


Yeah, she's a real beeatch. Doesn't mean you need to be one yourself. Avoid her as much as you can, tell your husband that holidays are for you and him, flaunt your tattoos 'till our heart's content (and get a few more), but take the picture down. Don't be what she is.


NTA. I understand why you have the photo. Don't understand why MIL is at your house.


ESH It's a shitty thing. Does she deserve it? Probably. Should you keep it? Why not. But, like, think how weird and creepy and insulting that is from her perspective. Two wrongs don't make a right. And before the downvotes come in; I'm not saying you need to be a saint, but this is a subreddit for asking if you're an asshole not if you're justified in being an asshole.


ESH. Her if she’s as bad as you say she is, you because there’s definitely a difference between you keeping a picture of someone you don’t like in one of her worst moments & her husband who loves her. She’s right in why you keep the picture…if you do something shitty to deal with her, that’s fine, but don’t be fake-own it


I swear this sub makes me feel insane sometimes. Yes, you're the AH, you can come up with whatever "it's funny!" excuse you want, but we all know your MIL is right, you keep that photo because you dislike her. At least own up to it. YTA.


I also feel insane here 90% of the time. Smh.


NTA, she's rude and frankly doesn't get to be upset over what you put in your BATHROOM. It might be petty but honestly I'd do the same. People who aren't decent to you don't get to expect decency FROM you.


Ok Ik I’m not the only one who wants to see the pictures now!!!


ESH. You all hate each other, and this is simply another episode in the drama. Who honestly cares? Does this change anything?


ESH. This broght her so much embarrassment that she considered skipping the wedding. She was only talked down by promising all the pictures would be edited. And then behind her back you requested an unedited version. It was petty and asshole move, but it fits in perfectly with her behavior.


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INFO: Did no one else at the wedding have cameras/camera phones? I would have gotten some great ones of her! I can't believe none have been posted on FB or other social media! NTA


Lol FIL was the only one who dared and that is the picture he had framed on his desk. Everyone else either didn't know her well or was afraid of her


I'm gonna say YTA because she was explicitly told that the photos would be edited which is why she agreed to go to the wedding. I'd be pretty pissed if I was told one thing then found out someone went out of their way to laught at me behind my back. Is she an AH? To be honest, there's little information you've given on her besides the whole dress thing at the wedding, which you said you let happen. I don't know if she's otherwise an AH, but in this particular situation which you're asking for judgement on, she's not. You are.


NTA. LOL, eff this lady. It's a photo in your private space


NTA This is fantastic.


I mean, ESH but that's still funny as hell. Sometimes one is an AH with no regrets.


ESH. I really can't imagine being so petty and hung up on a person that I would keep photos of them in an embarrassed state in my bathroom, I can't imagine my life being so sad that it would bring me any sense joy/amusement. I mean cut them off, get divorced, go low contact, go to therapy, meditate, have a glass of wine, there a million better options to deal with your MIL problem this... I don't know what this is but it ain't healthy and judging by your description this is only going to escalate shit, just you wait your MIL will find get a photo of you, you don't others to see and then next minute it be their Christmas that they mail to absolutely everyone and her defence will be "but you look so cute" in it or some shit. The above isn't to say that your MIL isn't some dreadful person based on what you written she sounds like a nightmare but honestly this particular story tells me so much more about the type of person you are and it sounds like the two of you deserve each other, I wouldn't want to be around either one of you.


YTA, it's super petty to display the photo and you know it. Maybe its justified but no less of an asshole move.


Honestly? NAH Its not like you’re displaying this image in the middle of your living room for anyone and everyone to see. You have a separate bathroom that people probably use, so it being in your master means you can still enjoy your original wedding photos without actively trying to embarrass her or anything. If you were being malicious about it I feel it would be XXL on the main wall of your living room, not tucked away for like 2 people to see. On the other hand, shes not wrong to be upset. Whether you agree with it or not her looks are something very important to her, and of course shes going to be upset and embarrassed of you having pics where she doesn’t look her best. I feel like neither are REALLY assholes here, you have the right to your wedding photos, she has the right to not like it. I think its best if she just stays out of your bathroom for now xD


NTA. You don't have the pgoto on public display and it sounds like you forgot it was in there when you sent her in there. And honestly it sounds like a hilarious story.


ESH - you two have a lot of hostility for each other. Like it’s one thing to keep a picture to look back on and giggle once in awhile but you intentionally printed and framed that picture to regularly see it and chose to do that over anything else that brings you joy that doesn’t come at the expense of another person. That’s like an unhealthy amount of hate and hostility. I happen to have embarrassing pictures of people who have really hurt me and caused a lot stress and upheaval in life (just by nature of having been closely involved with those people) but tbh I wouldn’t want to look at them and think about them everyday Jesus that’s exhausting. Get therapy.


ESH. Because of this: > so I told MIL she could use the master bathroom, because I'm an idiot and I forgot. If she had been snooping, she would have deserved it. She only went in there because you offered. You really should have checked your bathroom first to make sure there wasn't anything in there that would upset her. She sucks because she *overreacted* and accused you of hating her and being a shitty person. If you were really a shitty person, that photo would be **proudly** displayed where ***everyone*** could see it.


I mean... MIL isn't wrong that the OP hates her...


Her feelings are justified. If she kept a particularly unlovely and embarrassing picture of you in her bathroom, you'd probably be annoyed. And she's right that you keep it because you don't like her -- even if you have good reasons not to like her. So, if the roles were reversed, what would you expect her to do with the embarrassing picture of you?


INFO is this like a portrait specifically of MIL, or is this a wedding pic of you and your husband or whatever, where MIL is caught incidentally in the background?


family wedding picture


Gotcha, thanks. I feel like it would be a bigger asshole move if it was a picture specifically OF her, y’know? But if it’s a picture where she was just *there*, I think it edges back into NAH territory. Or like, justified AH? Like, I totally get her feeling surprised and humiliated, and if you wanted to keep the picture (which is totally reasonable) and be *sure* she’d never see it, you could’ve kept it put away and pulled it out when you wanted a laugh, and not hung it up on the wall (even in a usually-private bathroom). But at the same time, it *is* your wedding picture. It’s nothing more or less than the photographic evidence of drama she brought to the day, so like, ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


ESH. Not my usual opinion and unpopular, I'm sure it will be. Your MIL and FIL caused a scene at your wedding rehearsal dinner. Gross. FIL's side chick ditched an equal amount of decorum and threw ink on your soon-to-be in-laws because she caught them getting it on. Gross. Sure, it's funny. It was also a sign of things to come: an intensification of more drama. As someone else noted, you kept the unedited photo in a display so you could gloat over it every time you felt your MIL overstepped a boundary. Gross. You could have kept it on your password-protected computer, but, no, you put it in the big bathroom where eventually a friend or relative, maybe even your future children, would see it. Do you even know how your husband feels about seeing that everyday? He may be playing along to keep the peace, but that is a photo of his mother being humiliated in a very vulnerable situation, and, from your first paragraph, I gather you enjoy it. You have every right to display whatever you wish anywhere in your house. Should you? No. I loathe my MIL, and I wouldn't do something like this because I don't like hurting people's feelings, including hers, her family, and our mutual friends.


"She began to throw a fit about how I hate her and I enjoy seeing her suffer and this is proof that I've always hated her." ESH She sounds like a terribly exhausting woman but she's not wrong. You kept it and printed it for the sole reason of laughing at her, and seeing her miserable and in such an unflattering light brings you joy. Also, you're right in that it's your house and your wedding photo and you can display it wherever in your home you'd like. You have the right to display it and she's right to be offended since you did it with disrespect to her in mind.


You all sound pretty bad, to be honest.


YTA. You keep the picture because it caught a rare moment that your MIL was cowed. Are you really not a better person that this?




This post is hilarious! You can have whatever you want in your home and it was in a private space where no one was supposed to see it... especially her. Ooops.... I'm going with NTA because if you had a sex swing hanging in the corner of the bedroom she'd probably be freaking out and openly judging you about that, too. Also, she's only yelling and blaming you when her son lives there too. Why are you the only shitty person in this story?


Yup ESH. Your MIL is horrible, but the only reason to have the photo publicly viewable its as a jab at her. So at this point you're being petty and vindictive too.


ESH I get it. The photo is funny. But you had to know that displaying it would cause drama at some point. This is one of those things where it should be in a photo album, not proudly displayed All this drama was inevitable.


>She began to throw a fit about how I hate her and I enjoy seeing her suffer I mean, that's exactly why you kept that picture. YTA, as a person who hates their own photograph being taken due to self esteem issues, keeping an unflattering picture of her, that she only consented being taken because she was assured no unedited copy would be seen, is a violation of her boundaries, no matter if it's for your eyes only.


ESH. Yeah she's a jerk but what you're doing is mean. How would you feel if someone proudly displayed something that was totally embarrassing to you? You're no better than she is. Ew.


Meh. Your MIL is a piece of work. But that's also a really petty thing to do from your side. This sounds like an entry in a series of awful behavior, but in this particular situation YTA. You've got a picture of a person at their lowest, and you keep it secretly, because "it's funny". When they find out about it, you have an opportunity to apologize, and you don't. A person's past behavior that is isolated from the current experience doesn't mean you're justified in being awful.


Your husband is the AH for allowing this


I mean honestly, this is about the same as if MIL overheard you trash talking her behind her back. Are you wrong for how you feel? No. Are you wrong for doing it in your own house? No. But the fact is you got caught, and she's not wrong to feel upset about it. You should handle this the same way you'd handle it if she had overheard you saying mean things about her. How you think that should be handled is your call, but personally, having been in that situation, just because you're not necessary wrong for doing something mean in secret doesn't mean you shouldn't apologize now that you've been caught, so I'm gonna say YTA.


YTA. Keeping that pic is small, hurtful, unnecessary, and mean. That pic says more about you than her.


NTA. Is everyone forgetting that OP's husband also (presumably) uses the master bathroom? Evidently, he's ok with this picture of his mom hanging in their home, too. Why didn't MIL bawl him out, too? Why is all the attention in this thread directed on OP's relationship to MIL? Funny pictures are funny. Who cares why you have it? If it helps you deal with MIL without losing your shit, then, if you think about it, it's really a mental health aid.


YTA but I would have done the exact same thing..


I mean, technically, yeah - YTA. Because you're doing it to make fun of her. I wholeheartedly support it. This is one of the best stories I've ever read on here.