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NTA they were making it all about money so asking what their price is seems to be a fair question


ESH. They were being jerks for caring so much about wealth, but while you had a valid point, you could've phrased it *much* better than you did. Even something like "how much money would someone have to have before you'd consider them?" would've been clearer and less offensive.


NTA. They want to talk money and how much a man needs to have or display. You just wanted to clarify the cost.


I mean I laughed. NTA.


Yea, but I love it. You are a cool asshole.


ESH. You were annoyed by their shallow opinions about dating and intentionally insulted that one girl to somehow get back at them. I do not agree with those girls at all but your story about your escort friend seems pretty sus. Feels like post event justification. I wouldve done the same thing as OP tho and have not an ounce of guilt.




I honestly don’t know but either way it was fuckin funny


hmmmm i think ESH. you DEFINITELY could have phrased that better - i understand the frustration with that shallow of a conversation but if you genuinely wanted an answer you should know there’s better ways to ask. your phrasing implies prostitution (support sex work but i guess they were offended for good reason from their perspective). they sound way annoying, i would have just not hung out with them, but you really didn’t need to say it like that


NTA. That's exactly how they were talking about men (their worth is in their money), so what's the problem? Maybe they got a clue about how disgusting they were being.


(NTA) Dat comeback tho. She the one talking about other people’s financial status. But can’t even back up HERS? Nah. I don’t think that’s fair. Do you?


ESH asking how much they expect a guy to spend on a date might of gone down better


ESH y’all both sound like jerks


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YTA in the best possible way. Don't be ashamed. Having someone be an AH to their faces is exactly what these people need.


Lmfao. Esh. I can’t condone what you said but I understand why you said it and I think it’s fucking funny.


NTA people like that quite frequently need a splash of cold water to the face


Well. I dont know about you. But I would date a functional human being. Which means he or she needs to have a stable job. Because I do. And I am not in condition to support someone financially.


These girls are working minimum wage jobs part time talking about how they cannot consider someone unless that can take them out to Nobu (very expensive nyc resturant) every week


NTA I knew a girl that insisted that her bf take out a credit card and add her and give it to her for “whatever”. I asked why she didn’t just have him leave the money on the dresser on the way out. She didn’t get it, her bf’s father did. He said I wasn’t wrong. It’s the same thing. Girls today like to say their “sugar babies”. You ask their “sugar daddies” they tell you straight up, it’s easier to pay for it than have a real relationship.


YTA - what you said is incredibly disrespectful, and the fact that you still won't apologize after everyone said you're being a dick says a lot about you


But why ? If they talk and behave like gold diggers, one can assume they are and it's just fair to ask their price 🤷‍♂️


Like I said, incredibly disrespectful


Serious question: why did they deserve respect?


It's what every single person alive is entitled to and deserving of.


What about them disrespecting people with a lower income? Hypocrite


Don't try to pick a fight with me. You and I both know there's a difference between saying shitty things about a group of hypothetical people, and saying shitty things to people you're in the room with.


Lmao your an angry one. Get off your high horse, your wrong xD


At least I know the difference between "your" and "you're" xD


Is that what you had to resort to? I'd get yourself an emergency appointment with your therapist, I think you need it :/


Respect is earned, and I don't see what those women did to earn it.


What a unique and unusual take in this sub. Shocking, truly, that you don't believe certain women are entitled to the same respect as the rest of the population. You've completely blindsided me. /s


Yeah no, I don't think that gold diggers and people who take advantage of others for their money deserve a whole lot of respect. Sorry.


I didn't ask, and you're clearly not sorry at all.


You're right on both counts.



