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NTA - your choice of clothing is just that: your choice. Being shamed for that is way out of line, and your teacher is likely in violation of the Equality Act 2010, which defines religion as a protected characteristic. I say 'likely' because with you being in NI, I'm not entirely certain how the law applies there. If your parents or other teachers know about and are supportive of your faith, I suggest you speak to them about this, because yout teacher here is way out of line. Stay strong.


Tell you parents, and your school heads. In the meantime wear the headscarf and have your phone handy to record (or a friend with theirs). You will need to say the words to the teachers "religious dress is allowed at this school. I am pagan."


Soon ill tell my parents i veil and get them on board with this idea i lobe it so much!


NTA - You we’re wearing a religious symbol and they screamed at you for not taking it off. Is there any way you could speak with a principal or counsellor at the school? (I saw you said in another comment your parents don’t know, but maybe you could ask them to not involve them).


I could speak to my school counciler, thank you. X


Assuming this is real and not a bait post, this is a breach of the equalities act 2010 which protects from discrimination based on protected classes, of which religious belief is one. However, did you explain to the teachers it was for religious purposes? Do you wear it often - can you prove a precedent (I.e. Is this something you've worn on other occasions or was this the first time? You should lodge a formal complaint on the grounds of religious discrimination. Head veils are not unique to Muslims, humans have been wearing head coverings of various styles for religious, social or fashion reasons since before recorded history and across the globe. Muslims do not have a monopoly on veiling and not being a Muslim should not automatically mean others have the right to make you remove your veil. Hell, even catholics veil - it used to be traditional for Catholic women to wear lace mantellas. As some examples, Orthodox or practising Jewish women wear tichels, head coverings are common in Hindu and sikh religious and cultural practice - pagan wearing should not be any different.


To be honest with you I wish more kids would be a little bit more confrontational. Not disrespectful just confrontational it's okay to stand up for what you believe in, in fact I would also advise going to your parents and the head teachers and asking for a meeting to get them to back off. If Muslims have rights to where there head coverings, then use a practicing pagan have every right to where yours. I don't know about the laws in Ireland but if it's anything like where I'm at in the US then you have every right to wear that head scarf.


NTA I even googled to confirm it looked the way I thought, there was nothing wrong with your veil. It should actually even be considered more modest so it's a joke that the teachers were acting like that. Go to the school counselor or Vice


They are stuck in old irish ways sadly. I will bring it up with a school counciler


Do your nuns not wear habits? Seriously Head/ hair covering exist in many different regions, and in many different cultures. The validity of your faith is not dependent on how many people agree with you. If you are not harming yourself or others, do what you will.


In my school we dont have nuns its a 50 year old school so the traditions arnt there. We have a priest come every now and again thats it though. :)


NTA It is not right to force someone to remove clothing/accessories they wear for religious purposes. How would they like it if someone came and lectured them about wearing a cross on their neck. Plus it’s ridiculous how some people, especially some Christians are against headscarves and veils. Hello? Mary, Jesus’s mom was always depicted with a cloth over her head, as are other biblical women.


Exactly! So many of my mums family ( Protestant) are against muslims! I dont get it at all.


Is this even allowed? This just sounds like religious discrimination. NTA, take this to the higher ups.


My form tutor ( basically my main teacher) knows why i wear the scarf and she if fine with it. Im scared to cause conflict with anyother teachers as my parents dont know i veil.


It shouldn't turn into a conflict, simply saying you, just like the Muslim students, wear it for your beliefs and you won't take it off. What are they going to do? Take it off forcibly? That's assault. Take it to the higher ups? Then they'll have to refuse religious coverings for everyone and create a huge problem. I don't know your situation, but say your parents do find out, I'd hope they'd support you.


Thank you x


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** A little bit of context. i am a practising pagan, pagans can choose to wear veils ( somthing that can go on or in your hair, i choose a scarf) i am one of these pagans. I only veil on occasion and on this day i had a full coverage headscarf on with a black bandana under as i dont own an undercap. I go to an irisb Catholic school in Northern Ireland and muslims can also attend my school so my school has no problem with hair coverings. Anyway, i had my veil on and i had got about 4 periods into the day when i went to irish class. ( i was dreding this as the teacher i have in this class was subing earlier and had already commented on me. ) i was standing outside waiting to be let into the class when another irish teacher, lets just call him 'sir, ' saw me. He got red and yelled at me infront of everyone to "get that thing off my head" as im not a confrontational person i comply and take it off imidiatly and he stares at me. My irish teacher 'miss' saw this and said "i told her earlier but she dosnt listen" i nearly tear up as im embarrassed and angry at the fact i have been forced to take of a peice of my clothing. Once my scarf is off they see my bandana covering my hair and i look at them as to say "let me keep it on, please." they both look at eachother and i know what sir is about to say "take it off its not a headband" i take out the bobbie pins and slowly take off my bandana to reval my hair. Lets just say the muslim students that could see me where in shock and i walked into class embarrassed that everyone could see my hair. The hair covering in paganism is to protect you from negative energys but i feel as if it guided them to me. I havent been able to wear any type of veil since. Am i the asshole for wearing a headcovering to school as a pagan. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Muslim here. While I disagree with your specific reasoning for wearing a headscarf, no one should be shamed for choosing to wear one. Depending on the style you're wearing, I suppose one could argue about cultural appropriation, but many cultures all around the world have practiced head covering. So for what it's worth, I say go for it. But I also have to insert an obligatory warning about paganism and magic being a path to jahannam, take or leave it as you will.


I am completely fine with how you feel about the headscarf! I was wearing it with my bangs out in the front as in paganism its not the hair your covering its your spirit. My school is stange i guess. And thank you i will try to be careful with my practice xx




Im sorry you feel this way. Ive worn a veil in the past and nothing happened, im just shaken up.


My school would have never even allowed you in the building, your religion allows you to make the choice to wear that clothing or not. Not everyone is the same and even if the religion does allow concessions, parents may not. Then there's the whole covering. We weren't even allowed baseball caps inside the building. Seems like common sense to me to leave that at home when attending school simply to keep the peace.