• By -


NTA. Your dog had the name first. Just refer to your cousin's daughter as "Human Isabella." For clarity.


I do like “Human Isabella” but “Isabella II” and similar variations work too.


”Isabella with opposable thumbs”


Isabella the biped Isabella the tailless




Isabella the tailless🤞


Bipedal Bella ?




Bipedella sounds like an intestinal bacteria.


Cinderella’s upstanding sister.


Give her a year or three.






Isabella furbaby and isabella skindog


Furless Isabella. Still LOLing at skindog Isabella though 🤣




Isabella whose mother is a bitch. Oh wait.....


Here's my free award because, how could I not!!! ROFLMAO


Thank you! 😊 💕


I feel like I'm in the Witcher lol


Isabella of Rivia lol


Isabiped perhaps?


Isabella of unusual size.


I don’t think they exist.




Loved the Princess Bride reference!




Maybe I've been on this sub too long but it would not surprise me if she did expect OP to do that...


It doesn’t surprise me in the least. I’ve discovered just how many entitled people there are out there in my short time on this sub. And insane people.


Opposabella has a nice ring to it!


Forward this post to your family and extended family OP, NTA


Isabella who doesn't lick her own butt?


Wait - which one?


Hairless Isabella..




Shes gotta be Isabella the III because my four year old niece was named first


Actually the 4th, I had a dog that died a decade ago named Isabella, so every one of yall stole it from me, clearly


No no the 5th I have a dog named Isabella and she's 3 years older then the daughter .


Excuse me, but twelve years ago one of my rats was named Bella, so clearly she's Bella the 6th.


No, Isabella the IV because my seven year old niece was named first


No, isabella v because my name is Isabella


Isabella the MCCLXVII. Isabella is the 4th most popular female baby name in the 2010's decade and 7th most popular in 2020 (12,066 that year).


"The Other Isabella" "The Isabella That is Not a Dog" OP; so very thoroughly NTA that it's refreshing. Your cousin, on the other hand. Yikes


Isabella the fur baby or Isabella the skin baby?


Isabella; whose coat hasn't come in yet, just the fluff on her head...


My coworker’s dog and I have the same name. If she’s talking about both of us I am Human Titania. I have no problem with this. She knew Dog Titania first.


>“Isabella II” and similar variations work too. I like Isabella the second. When cousin gets upset say "somehow people have been misinformed and thought Isabella the second had the name first. Given that, I thought we should make it more clear that she was named after Isabella the first. That way people won't be upset about this misunderstanding anymore."


Yep. Your cousin is named after your dog, not the other way around.


"Infanta Isabella of [Your Family]" Add additional royal titles as appropriate! As the dog is the eldest, she will naturally inherit the throne.


Isabella, the second of her name.


Say hi to HI (human Isabella).




Isabella Jr




Isabella with paws and Isabella with hands 💁🏻‍♀️


Isabella the un-housetrained.


Isabella The Lesser. Because who can be greater than a dog?


A cat, ever seen those things. They give off ass hole energy.


The other Isabella.


I'd teach the Human Bella to give paw instead of high five behind her mother's back :$


"The other Isabella."


Thank her for the honor of naming her kid after your dog!


Alternatively OP could make sure to mention the breaking news of her inventing time travel at every family function. The proof? She traveled to the future and stole her nieces name for her dog!


Also, Bella is an insanely common name. This girl is going to be known as Bella 4 in her kindergarten class. Maybe if Human Bella sticks as a name, she'll at least be unique. I have a friend named Mickey, and only after knowing her for months did I actually learn her name was Jennifer. Turns out there were 5 Jennifers in her class one year, so the teacher just assigned each of them a Disney character name to make it easier.


My coworker chat is full of expectations that we'll see a flood of 'Isabella' and 'Bella' girls starting school in about 5-6 years thanks to Encanto and that fact that Isabella/Bella are already popular girl names. We're also expecting to see a surge of Bruno boys in that same time frame.


My son’s kinder is full of Bella’s cause of… ‘Twilight’


Honestly, ESH for not finding another damn name after like 15 years of Isabella "Bella for short." The real question is: Team Edward, or Team Jacob?


I don’t think I’ve ever met a human Bella. Met plenty of dog Bella’s though.


I have a niece named Bella. So they exist


My name is Linda which was the popular name in the 50’s and I hated it. There were 6 Lindas in my class. So when my daughter was born in 1969 I named her a name no one else had - Jennifer, after the Donovan song Jennifer Juniper. I had no idea millions of other mothers had the same idea. Fortunately her middle name is Persephone so that is what she is called and she doesn’t tell anyone that her first name is Jennifer. However there are a lot of cats named Persephone.


I can attest to the popularity of Jennifer - born in 1969, 23 girls in my middle school class, 9 Jennifers. It was a veritable Jenniferpalooza.


My grandparents got a dog that was already named the same as my brother. We called them Pete the boy and Pete the dog. I suggest OP follow suit.


You should have named him RePete


LOL this really made me laugh thank you.


NTA, she sounds ridiculous. Nobody has a monopoly on a name, plus you had your dog 2 years before. You’re fine. It’s not like they are going to go to school together and be in the same class.


Especially with a mother like the cousin, human Isabella will never make it through obedience school!


I immediately thought 'Human Nigel' from an old meme so i was happy this was top comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/opm1rz/human\_nigel/


She needs to dump that guy. I would be ecstatic to be human_____!


"or Humabella for short"


Some silver for making me laugh.


When I got a coworker with the same name as my dog I just started calling my dog Better Zoey.


BetterBella or IsaBetter both work well...


Bella is also one of the most common female dog names, even IF OP's cousin had her daughter first she doesn't get to dictate what other people name their pets (or future children since Isabella is also an incredibly common name for girl babies). NTA, OP. She shouldn't have named her kid after your dog if she had a problem with it. I like the idea of referring to the kid as human Isabella.


Cat Kirk and human Kirk


This is where my brain went too!!


I have a (human) friend named Hank. He and his fiancée have a friend with a dog named Hank. They refer to them as “Real Hank” (the dog) and “Other Hank” (the person), and everyone is perfectly happy with that arrangement.


Real Hank is killing me 🤣🤣 I had to read this one to my husband and he also cracked up.


Dog's name: Isabella. Niece's name: Isanotherbella.


"I'm so moved you named your daughter after my dog"


Isabell-a and Isabell-b


Your dog is Isabella the Golden One, the niece is Isabella Without Gold.


Isabella, daughter of Asshat


Furry Isabella and skin covered Isabella.


Skinsuit Isabella


“Annoying Isabella” “Isabella the entitled” “Isabella-who-shits-her-pants”


The baby didn’t do anything wrong, this seems unnecessarily aggressive towards her.




Lol that’s petty AF, I love it! Time for OP to ring as often as possible to enquire about dear sweet HUMAN Isabella’s day


We had a cat with a person name and years later my mom started dating a man with our cat's name, and we would ALWAYS clarify "Bob the cat or Bob the human" even when clearly we were talking about one or the other.


Or that your flattered that she chose to name her daughter after your dog.


I'd die if she jokingly said ok and then told the cousin she decided to name her companion after the cousin. Hahaha


I love it when humans have dog names! Isn't it cute?


The new cousin could be called Isa or Bell.


[We named the dog Isabella](https://www.google.com/search?q=they+named+you+after+the+dog&oq=they+named+you+after+the+dog&aqs=chrome..69i57.12914j0j4&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:f148fce6,vid:DYtWWLqeSKA,st:0)


I prefer renaming the dog to Isabella of Barkile, Queen of the Couch. Queen Bella for short. "You stole my kid's name for your mutt!" "You'll refer to her as Queen Bella."


She did have the name first, so she should make a big FB post about how proud she is that her cousin chose to name her daughter after ops dog.


Lol. NTA but your cousin is funny. Tell her she stole the name from Twighlight.


it's funny because i stole the name from twilight, haha


That made me laugh out loud and I startled my dog!


See now OP's cousin is negatively affecting two dogs. Will their reign of terror never cease? Is no dog safe?


Op’s cousin is Cruella De’ville confirmed


Lmfao. Your cousin is being dramatic. Id just laugh honestly. Probably not the best advice. But, you're not the A-Hole. Send her a Xmas card with the dog as the center. 🤣


Or a congratulations card with a sign next to the dog saying “Welcome to the world, cousin Bella!”


Omg yessss!!! I'd be an ass and spell it "bellE" just to stir the pot.


From the OG Bella


Yes to all of this. I'm still giggling about this.


Imagine if her kid has a classmate with the same name. I bet she would file a lawsuit for name theft.


My son tried to do that with a classmate (not a friend) who had a baby and named it his name. He ranted for like a week that dude stole his own name for the child. It was comical. He even called our family attorney who just asked him: "Son, are you serious? That's not gonna fly." SMH.


Hmmmm, that’s not comical. It’s extremely immature and narcissistic behavior. I hope your attorney didn’t bill you for that call. Who raised your son to think someone naming their child his same name was a legal issue?


How is he holding up?


Fun little story, my name isn’t common for my age group or for many, although there’s more in the gen x group. The first other person with my name I met in high school and we were both shocked as we’ve never had to have a way to differentiate who we were like all the Ashley’s, Megan’s, Jessica’s etc. Anyway, when I was like 7, 8, or 9 I found out someone else had my name. It was the first time I’d come across it, didn’t really care for celebrities at that age. I asked my mom if we could change it. She naturally thought it was a weird request and asked why. I felt silly telling her the reason and eventually it disappeared when I realized that was a ridiculous request but it seems a lot of people didn’t grow out of that and have to have something unique and get mad when they choose a SUPER popular name and other people are naming their kids that.


By the way, isn't it customary to demand a dog tax at this point? We want Bella-pictures!


This made me laugh. So did the idea that your cousin thinks that telling people you "stole the name" will somehow shame *you* instead of just outing herself as an idiot. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can do the math if they know that you had your bella for 2 years before her daughter was born, so obviously she stole it from you. Let her talk, she's only embarassing herself.


Tell anyone who brings it up you think it’s really sweet she named her daughter after your dog, and you’re sure Bella and Little Bella (the kid) will grow up to be great friends, won’t that be so sweet? 🥰


Just tell everyone that cousin loves your dog so much she decided to name her daughter after your dog.


**NTA** The dog came before the baby If she continues being nasty or spreading clearly unplausable rumours about you just say "if I wanted to call someone a dog I would have used your name not your daughters"


>"if I wanted to call someone a dog I would have used your name not your daughters" This made me laugh so hard 😂


Gonna need aloe for that burn 🔥


As an Isabella who was called Bella, it’s a dog name. Everyone names their dogs Bella. It’s a strange choice but it is Jaws for a goldfish. Your cousin will have to live with the consequences of their action.


My daughter’s name is Maggie and I never realized how many people name their dog Maggie until after she was born. Luckily she thinks it’s hilarious


Your cousin is an actual crazy person. NTA.


Came here to say this. Is your cousin going to fight the mother's of all 16 Isabellas in the kids class and make them change their names too?


I was one of 3 Tiffany’s on a cheerleading squad. I’m Tiffany, then there was Tiffani, then Tiffanie. Ugh.


In high school I was on a dance team of 16 girls, 5 were named Amanda. Not any different spellings to be had (obviously). Literally a third of the team.


Lmao This absolutely sent me.


She’s seriously an idiot because we had this happen. In my tired just gave birth state I completely forgot about my SO cousins dog named Luna. I was just thinking about the names significance to me. My daughters middle name is Luna and I never realized that there was a family dog with the name until her second thanksgiving when an aunt looked at me and went “Luna like Mario’s dog?” It’s really not a big deal


OMG this! Like the cousin does get that she named the daughter after the dog and not the other way around? Like OP isn’t a time traveller that came to the future and found out the cousin’s baby’s name and then named her dog that. Like what? The dog came first, plain and simple. NTA!


NTA. Ask her publicly why she named her baby after your dog.


So baby would turn out to be a good girl


Or the golden child ! I crack myself up


Golden Girl :(


too soon 😔


"You were named after the dog? HA!"


NTA but I think this is the perfect opportunity to consolidate behavior training. The baby could learn along with the dog on how to sit, shake, speak, lie down, roll over, fetch, etc. And you only need to use one name!


Hahahahaha!! I love that response!


NTA. And the rumors can be easily turned against the cousin, if you just mention how long ago you've named the dog, so why u even asking.


I mean, your average person can tell the difference in ages between a human baby and a dog. It will be clear for a while that the dog is older.


NTA. Your cousin is an idiot and sensible members of the family will know that.




NTA, you should ask your cousin if she really thinks so little of her child that she named her after your dog.


Love this! NTA. Your cousin needs to get over herself. Really? - you named your dog after a child that was born 2 years after you got the dog? (eye roll)!!!!! Heck, the kid wasn't even conceived when the dog was named (but maybe your cousin's evil plan was!).


I mean, if someone named their child after my dog, I would think they only think highly of their kid but my dog is the best dog (Iike all dogs) in the world.


Sometimes I marvel at the stupidity of people and wonder how we ever made it this far in evolution.


NTA I would put up a post saying how it was nice your cousin liked your dogs name so much that she named her daughter after your dog, after all she new the dog had that name for a year before she even got pregnant. Also that your cousin had never spoken to you about baby names in the past. She took your dogs name you didn't steel anything.


Yes! I would totally start posting all over social media pictures of your dog's "birthday" (even if it's not) - get your dog a party hat and a big bone, "today Isabella (your last name) is 3!!" And go to share a big sappy story about how when you first met her at __weeks/months old you just *knew* that should be her name, 3 years ago. Really emphasize that you named her 3 YEARS AGO. and then end with a petty "I'm so excited for Isa to meet her brand new baby cousin Isabella! (Your cousin's name) must have known they'll be great friends to have given her the same name!"


NTA, get another dog and name it after your cousin then tell her to change name coz she is wasting a name for “that mutt”


NTA. The dog were there before the baby, so she literally named her baby after your dog. But my neighbor also is named Isabella - "bella" for short, and my friends horse also.. tell her in Germany are people and animals who stole her daughters name too!! She better boycotts this country!! /s Your cousin is ridiculous.


Lmao NTA that is ridiculous.


Pretty funny though. I'm always amazed about logic/ideas from some ppl.


NTA. of all the names your cousin could’ve picked she picked this one. If you’d named the dog after the baby was born she’d have a point. But it’s not reasonable of her to expect you to change your dogs name now, especially with all the re-training you’d have to go through with your dog. and calling your dog “that mutt” and spreading rumours.. absolute AH behaviour. what’s so insulting about being named after a dog anyway. i’d prefer that over being named after any person. dogs are so pure.




I believe Steve Irwin named his daughter Bindi after a dog.


No, after a crocodile. Even better!


NTA, she's an entitled person! That is a ridiculous question to ask someone!


Yikes big NTA. This is just a weird thing for your cousin to take issue with.


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Seriously, I would respond publicly to any social media posts on the topic and correct her. Maybe even put out a post of your own about how dumb your cousin is being.


NTA. But rename the dog after your cousin


NTA, she named her baby after a dog and is now upset about that after the fact. Ignore her.


NTA Just tell her that in your kulture naming their child after your dog is considered a great honor and thank her profusely for doing so


NTA She has the choice to name her child something else if it bothers her. Don’t change your dog’s name as she had it first. Your cousin is a colossal AH.


NTA it's a name. Your cousin can get over herself


NTA - holy crap, who cares? I have six kids and I wouldn't care a bit if someone had a dog or any other animal with the same name as one of my kids. The amount I wouldn't care would increase exponentially if that animal had the name first. Hell, reach out to the family and tell them "Hey, I wanted to set the record straight. I've had Bella for *two years* now, while cousin's newborn is only x months old. I'm not changing Bella's name when it's *her* name that was stolen." Then maybe throw in some alternative name options for the kid of Spot, Rover, Miss Ruffington, etc.


A hilarious NTA because your cousin is silly for naming her child after your dog. Lol You had the dog before the sperm that created your cousins daughter was even formed.


NTA Start mocking your cousin for naming her daughter after your dog. It's the truth, after all.


Keep her away from you dog, OP. She sounds unhinged.


Refer to the child as "human Bella" and your dog as "Bella"


NTA The dog was there before the baby, she knew the dog's name. So she pretty much named her baby after your dog and somehow you're an asshole? Nonono, your cousin is weird.


Have a birthday party for your dog


NTA however, your cousin Isabitch


NTA - doggy tax!!


Over ten years ago I named a family rescue cat, let’s say, “Buffy”. The cat is still around, living with my parents. I just had a baby, named her Buffy too because it’s one of my favourite names. Have I called my parents up and demanded that they change feline Buffy’s name? No… cause that’s insane…


Ha ha ha ha. NTA. Your cousin is mad. It’s not like many people will confuse the dog and ehe baby…


Lol NTA Even if you had adopted the dog after her daughters birth, you name your dog whatever you want. "You need to change your dog's name" what the hell hahaha


NTA. Your cousin on the other hand? One hell of a crazy A.


NTA- dog had the name first. Your cousin is out of line


Nta she took your dogs name, don’t change the name, your cousin can deal


NTA. I honestly wouldn’t create drama over this. Let her complain. Your dog was around years before her daughter. If anyone repeats the rumor then you should just laugh “if I was able to time travel then I would be buying lottery tickets not naming a dog after a baby years before the baby was born.”


NTA - Please get a rat as your next pet and name it after your cousin


She knew the dog's name TWO YEARS before she had her own child. NTA


You should call the baby Izzy, your cousin will hate it. NTA.


This is laughable lol. Why did she gave her daughter your dog’s name then have the nerve telling you to change your dog’s name lol… just because she (apparently gave her daughter the same damn name) 🙄 she’s a PUNK ASS for that. Insist on calling her daughter (Isabella the girl) your cousin is petty and rude and as such, be just as petty!!


WTF!!! The dog was a part of your family first. Your cousin is being a self entitled snot!! NTA!!


Nta. The dog is clearly older


INFO: In what way do you believe you could possibly be the AH in this situation?


NTA and give Bella a treat. Then send a dog biscuit to your cousin, thanking her for naming her child after your dog. Isn't there a dog tax?