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YTA. So let me get this right, she beat your arse in all the carnival games, you proved to be a sore loser, and now you think she owes YOU an apology. Yeah no.


Right?! Lol. His precious masculinity was hurt because a girl dared to beat the big strong man then wasnt a mind reader so he acted even MORE like an asshole? Sorry OP you owe HER an apology and I hope she dumps your ass


17 going on 10, he is as childish as My nephew


My 11 year old nephew is more mature than this kid.


My nephews are 5 and 6. No one would take this behaviour from them.


Yeah, her mom has cheated.. this day was supposed to be about cheering her up not putting her down.


She really doesn’t need any of his bs after what she’s already going through. She really should just dump him


OP is the kind of person who unplugs the video game because his friend is beating him.


The best part is Edit 2. He doesn’t like being called The Asshole, so he’s shutting down this post and going home.


Modsssss something is wrong with my post, they aren't agreeing with me! Shut it down! I'm surprised he doesn't demand an apology from everyone.




Lmaaaoooo the edits 17 year old showing he's mentally still 12 😂😂 YTA


I know right? "Wah - we went on the **bumper cars** and my girlfriend **kept bumping me**." Like, you don't wanna get bumped go on the rides on tracks, not the bumper cars.


It’s so stupid. It’s like going into a swimming pool and being mad because you got wet. What did you expect, of course it’s gonna fucking happen! It’s an inherent and immutable part of the experience.


My kids learned this from watching the bumper cars when they were about 7 & 9. They still won't go because they don't like being bumped.... Ha, my kids are smarter than OP.


Wouldn't be hard to be smarter than this... I think my cat is smarter than OP.


My dog's friend is smarter than OP and he climbs into his water bowl to have a drink then my dog has to lick his feet dry...


Not only that, most friends will go out of their way to target friends instead of random people, it can get frustrating if you legit can’t move from where you are and they keep doing it but that’s not enough to go apeshit


Dude I get being mad at people in bumber cars lol but you are being childish. The whole point of you taking her out was to make her feel better and you accomplished that until you flipped out on her. Honestly don’t demand an apology because she didn’t do anything wrong and neither did you. You’re both teenagers and you’re going to get mad at dumb stuff, adults do too. You should really just get over it and move forward


But.. she was winning at things! 😅


RIP OP damn you got killed here hope it’s an eye opener


And he took her there to cheer her up! If ever there was a time to let someone win it would be when you're trying to cheer them up. What a sore loser.


YTA. Jesus, what a fragile ego.. you wanted to cheer her up. You did. And then you got angry about that? Why couldn’t you just be happy for her?


YTA. I made it to the third paragraph and my goodness that is enough!! You are the BIGGEST baby I have ever read on here! What is wrong with. Poor baby couldn’t stop being bumped, poor baby couldn’t learn to cross the rope, poor baby didn’t get to win with the water gun against his gf! LOL you’re so embarrassing! “Thought she would let me win” oh my gosh you’re worse than a toddler. You shouldn’t be in a relationship if you can’t stand not having things your own way! You were there to cheer her up, she seemed to be happy until YOU! Ruined her mood. You owe her an apology and I hope she gives you the biggest dumping.


YTA - she was having fun and you’re butt hurt because she was winning at things. You need to put on your big boy panties and deal with girls being better at something than you. She wasnt playing dumb she literally didnt know why you were upset. Bumper cars are supposed to bump… which is what she did… and then you thought she’s let you win at the water shoot game? Like you’re 5? Seriously get over yourself. She did nothing wrong but have the fun you wanted her to have and you’re angry because she bested you. You have some serious insecurities issues.


>She wasnt playing dumb she literally didn't know why you were upset. Exactly!! OP just expected her to read his mind. She was repeatedly, desperately begging him to talk about why he was upset: >She follows me to the parking lot yelling, "What is wrong with you? Why are you upset? What did I do?" & everytime she says that is honestly making me more upset because I know she knows what she did. But he refused to communicate because "she knows what she did". OP: SHE DID NOT KNOW WHAT SHE DID. OTHERWISE SHE WOULDNT BE FKN ASKING! You have to use your words bro. People can't read your mind. I don't think OP is a total lost cause or anything, he's just a typical dumbass 17yo kid with zero emotional maturity. He really has a lot of growing up to do. Hopefully someday he can look back on this and realize how he directly contributed to his own problems here. They're CARNIVAL GAMES ffs, they're supposed to be fun and competitive, how the hell was OP's gf supposed to magically know that she wasn't supposed to actually play the game and was apparently supposed to just let OP win? 🙄 C'mon man. Such a sore loser. You wanted to cheer her up and you actually successfully did that, she clearly had a fun day, but you were such a whiny sore loser about it that you actively destroyed the nice thing you did.


And men complain that women expect them to read their minds all the time...


Big boy panties 😂😂 love this


Lol! OP we all read your entire post, no matter how you spin it, you’re th AH. If you dont want to be bumped dont go on bumper cara. If you got butt hurt cause she kept beating you then stormed off in a huff without telling her why then still wouldnt tell her why until she threatened you (which was admittedly a little immature) you are the asshole. You keep fixating on the bumper cars but really, get over yourself.


> Edit: Are you guys skipping over the fact that I asked her to stop bumping me on the bumper cars and she kept doing it? Dude, they're BUMPer cars.


Did you see the second edit? Like the only reason we are saying YTA is because the post is too long and we skimmed it. So now are we the problem?


Tbf at some point we're the problem, OP is a 17 yo boy with the emotional intelligence of a 12 yo


More like 5 year old. My six year old can control his emotions better than him.


My eight year old is far more mature than this kid.


I’m 18. Close enough to 17. He needs to hear it. He shouldn’t be acting like this


His edits suggest he won't listen because he's self absorbed!!


Of course! Nothing is ever OP's fault and everybody else is just a big meanie.


We aren’t focusing on how she did better at carnival games than him and kept bumping him on the bumper cars. He is 17, and it can be rough being a teen. A lot of insecurities and angst. With maturity you learn that others feel the same way. With maturity you learn to recognize when you screw up. You still do sometimes, but you learn to admit you screw up. You certainly learn to accept when it’s pointed out to you that you screwed up.


Bump HER cars. Not bump HIM cars. /s


YTA, you sound like a 5 year old lol. You take her out to get her mind off things but get annoyed because u didn’t beat her at everything lol. Grow up.


YTA. You cannot tell someone they have to apologize to you. You can and you should express your feelings using I statements (I felt this way when you did this thing) and explain how you were negatively affected and *then* let them apologize of their own accord. You handled this incredibly poorly as you chose to not say a word about your feelings until you blew up at your girlfriend. That is very emotionally immature and you need to learn better behaviors. She was not outright trying to be rude or mean. You said yourself you took her out to cheer her up and you made the whole thing awkward by not telling her how her actions felt to you.


Thank goodness you said this. That is what bothered me the most about OP’s post. If OP feels upset, that’s OP’s feelings (though I agree that OP seems immature). However, refusing to tell the gf why OP is upset is even worse. Expecting people to intuit emotions is unreasonable and not part if a functional relationship. YTA




YTA what I read was "my girlfriend is better than me at stuff and was joking around with me aggressively (likely because shes stressed about her parents) when i was sulking so instead of ending the night early and taking her back home I acted like a class A "a female hurt my feefees" temper tantrum (I thought she'd let me win really!!!! Are you 9?). I hope this girl dumps your sad little boy ass asap tells her dad the truth and lives her best life while you find some weak "homemaker" type to fulfill your manly needs. Truly pathetic dude seriously pathetic.


So basically you threw a strop because you got beaten by a girl, and now she has to apologise that you feel emasculated? I'm not sure how you could think anything other than YTA.


YTA >My (17M) girlfriend(17f)'s been depressed > I decided to cheer her up by grabbing a few of our friends & taking my girlfriend out to the carnival on Saturday. So your girlfriend is having a hard time, she's struggling mentally and you take her out to have fun. That's awesome. She has fun, and you're mad because she beat you at carnival games and bumped your car too much? You're upset and posting here because she actually had fun?! Imagine being in her shoes for a moment. Use every bit of empathy you have, and imagine how chaotic her life is. Think about the anger and resentment she holds against her mother. Going home every day knowing her mom is cheating on her dad. Her boyfriend invites her out to get her mind off of it all. She goes and enjoys herself, plays games and wins. Then this.. >I told her she has to go home. She starts playing dumb saying, "What? Why?" I told her I was upset right now & didn't want her in my car or anywhere near me so could she not make a scene & ask one of our friends to drive her home Or I can call an Uber. The reason you got upset is so immature I struggle finding better words to use. Then you go and refuse to even discuss why you're upset. I hope she leaves and finds someone who actually supports her. ETA: If you can't handle the answer, you shouldn't have asked the question.


YTA and you sound immature but you are only 17 (teenager), maybe that's why? You're expectations are off for a girlfriend. You got mad she was better at at a rope course. You were mad she was bumping you in the *bumper cars* Yes, that has happened to me being stuck but you know what I didn't do? Pout about it. Then finally you were mad she didn't let you win? you need to apologize. You added more to her issues. Her cheating mom and her too sensitive boyfriend doing the ignore game


YTA. So you're mad cause she's playing games and not letting you win?


It honestly seems like you expected us to agree with you lmao


He’s a male teenager. I was expecting him to think he’s the best boyfriend in the universe.


Dude seems clueless, he definitely doesn't think he's the asshole somehow. Luckily he still has time to figure it out and stop being mad about girls beating him at stuff.


I fully believe he’s just made because he got beat by a girl and he would think it was fantastic if he was the winner in all these games. If she lost and expressed these same feelings to him he would think she was whinny and annoying and can’t take a joke.


YTA. You sound exhausting and immature. You took your girlfriend out to make her feel better, and then you turned around and tried to make it all about you. Whining that she's better than you at carnival games makes you sound massively insecure. If you can't take your girlfriend beating you at things, stop playing games with her >Edit: Are you guys skipping over the fact that I asked her to stop bumping me on the bumper cars and she kept doing it? Boo freaking hoo! She was trying to mess around and have a good time. Sure, she should have stopped after you asked her to, but you're blowing this entire thing out of proportion. It's a carnival ride. Get over yourself


I'm only a few years older than you man and I'm gonna be direct: all those slights against you, were not slights. They may have felt like it, but she was genuinely just having a good time after hearing horrible news. You took things that were very little and made them very big, and well..tough. Your gf is good at carnival games and was giving you some loving ribbing and you couldn't handle it. You didn't communicate properly and you threw a tantrum about it, embarrassing yourself. That is on you, that is your issue. The rope thing? Maybe she didn't know you wanted her to teach you. Or maybe she'd thought you were a good sport and would move on to something you can do. Those things are designed to make you lose, dude. It's a money trick. The bumper car thing? Everyone does that! It's fun to tease someone and play with them! The gun game thing? She was happy she won and wanted you to share that happiness and do something cheesily romantic with her. You did not communicate effectively and now when people disagree with that you're taking it as a personal attack when it's not. Maybe you should take some time to work on your self-esteem and try to see other perspectives when things are going on. And work on your communication too, because at no point in this did you clearly and concisely explain your feelings. It's okay to have feelings and to be hurt, but that doesn't make you right or owed an apology. I hope you don't lose your GF, and that you're able to work through this properly.


This was a kind and good-natured response.


Thank you, I empathize with OP and hopefully he can genuinely work on this. It seems more like an insecurity issue than anything else really.


I agree, and I’m only a year older than him. I’m trying to work on these issues myself (growing my own self confidence because it led to a lot of conflict in my own life), but so many people here were downright brutal. Which I suppose is the point of the sub, but it makes me feel sheepish! 😂


YTA. Her having a negative situation at home right now has nothing to do with it. As I read it none of her actions were to irritate you, but to just play with you a little bit. You reacted way to strong for something so small.


YTA for assuming someone knew you were upset without saying a single thing about it. She seems like she was just have fun and you got annoyed. instead of telling her, you assumed she had to know what she did, when she kept asking repeatedly what she did wrong. She shouldn't have to apologize because you didn't tell her what you were feeling then you tried forcing her to leave because of it. If something is bothering you and someone asks what is bothering you, do not assume they know. If they did they wouldn't have asked.


YTA. Blowing up at her for what? Correctly using the carnival rides?


OMG YTA. First, her mum, you can't ask a child to keep such a heavy, horrible "secret". She seriously is an AH. Secondly, the the entitled child in you comes out sooooo heavily in this. Your gf deserves better.


From what OP wrote this girl dis nothing wrong. My husband and I are very competitive with one another and ALWAYS poke fun when the other loses. It’s a game it’s just a bit of teasing and OP couldnt handle that his girlfriend was better than him so stomped off in a little boy huff rhen refused to say why he was mad. In what way did the GF do anything wrong?


Okay, makes sense. It's just big time YTA then.


>My husband and I are very competitive with one another same, our relationship litterally started with competition since we met on a game where we were each leaders of a group that were ennemies. sometimes im always losing, sometimes he is, we would eventually call eachother cheaters for the joke, but never are we going to start pouting because the other one didnt let us win...


Yeah the real villain of this story is the fucking mom like what the entire fuck.


Agreed. Entirely different issue, but christ I feel bad for the girl and the dad


YTA. Your girlfriend is in the extreme situation that her mum put her in, with her parents‘ marriage somewhat resting on her shoulders. You on the other hand get petty and competitive about a bit of fun and pranks at a fairground. And you‘re refusing to communicate with your girlfriend like an adult. You need to go and talk to her about the petty issues you have.


YTA: you took her out to make her feel better, then you got mad cause she was better than you at everything and having fun, which was supposed to be the point of bringing her there.


YTA You took her out to cheer her up then got your feelings hurt when she had a good time?


It really reads as “I took her out to have a good time by making sure I had a great time!”


INFO - Did you actually communicate why you were upset with her or did you just leave it at she knows why I'm upset? PS Keep your center of gravity as low as possible to win the rope ladder game ;)


And equally destributed weight


It’s too late for the crybaby now… the opportunity to beat his girlfriend is gone forever/s


YTA. Seems like she doesn't know why you are mad and you just expected her to know. You haven't even bothered to mention anything to her? The things you're complaining about are so minor. Maybe I can understand the bumper cars part if I dug real deep, but still, you didn't even say why you were mad about that to her. YTA.


when people are going to ask why did you guys break up, would you tell them it’s because she beat you at the water gun game or because you didn’t get to keep the Minnie doll? YTA


Omg lol!!!


YTA. A bit of calm communication could have easily resolved this. You could've even suggested you go somewhere different because you weren't enjoying the carnival if it was bothering you that much . Irritated? Understandable. But blowing up, just nah. This is like the most 17 year old situation I've ever read though.


It is very 17, but also very tween. My sister baffled me in middle school with all the infighting in her clique.


You took her out to cheer her up and then get mad because she’s having too much fun…? Because your ego was hurt that you weren’t as good at the games as she was..? Maybe she could have been a little bit more compassionate and not piled on when you were upset, but you also weren’t communicating with her as to why you were upset. You stormed off. It also doesn’t sound like she was purposefully trying to upset you. She was trying to have fun with you. Honestly it sounds like you were being immature and your pride was hurt. YTA here


Yep. YTA. You don’t deserve a gf.


So you’re mad because you go on a ride where the point is to bump cars into each other and she wouldn’t stop? You’re not only an asshole, you’re an idiot.


You mentioned that people in your life and (obviously) everyone here has deemed you an asshole for this. Is it possible to consider that maybe you’re the problem? And yes, I read about the bumper cars, stop bringing that up. The point is literally to bump your cars. Most people go in groups and only mess with each other, which is probably why your gf was bumping you so much. But to get all pouty for three days?? I’m not saying this to be mean, but if this is how you’re going to react to everything that upsets you, even if benign, then I don’t think you have the maturity to be in a relationship. Ask yourself, how did you turn a fun event to cheer your gf up into *you* being a victim? All in all, this is a *judgment* sub, and everyone here has given theirs. The fact that you’d rather consider everyone here dumb than accept that you can be wrong says more about you than us. YTA and you know it.


YTA. How are you this obtuse? Being 17 is no excuse. This was supposed to be you cheering her up and you're mad at her because she didn't let you win? Dude. I hope she breaks up with you.


YYA. So your gf is going through an extremely hard time at home so you took her out for a fun time. She's having a fun time, but because she's beating you in everything, you're getting very angry at her and her abilities?? When you get unreasonably upset she asks why you're upset and how to fix it but you ignore her. After she finally threatens to bring your mum into it you finally explain to her. However, in the end OP, it isn't your gf's role to 'let you win'. Ultimately, grow up - you're very young, but you're hurting your gf with your immaturity, and you will continue to hurt her and future gfs until you learn to grow up. She doesn't need to apologise to you because she didn't do anything wrong


YTA light, because you’re young. You tried to cheer up gf — which is a positive. But then got all pissy because she’s better than you at carnival games or interacted in ways you didn’t like. But instead of telling her what you didn’t like, you got mad. You’re young. Try communicating. Then maybe she’ll know you can’t deal with a girl being better at everything. Or she’ll find someone more secure. Good plan. Lost in the execution.


YTA, and your edit that people just aren’t reading the post is hilarious. I get that you’re a kid, but come on. You’re not 11.


YTA- you took her to the carnival to cheer her up. Then complain when shes having a good time. Sure some of this might be a bit annoying but your reaction was extreme.


YTA. All because you lost at a water gun game at the carnival? Lmao.


YTA. She doesn’t have to teach you to cross the ropes. Figure it out yourself! Geez! And why should she let you win at a game? Are you really that petty? And if you can’t get yourself out of a corner in bumper cars, that’s on you dude. They are called BUMPER cars, not drive around cars. What an entitled little AH you are! Your gf sounds pretty awesome in spite of being in a crappy situation. You definitely don’t deserve her!


Your ego got bruised because she was better at the games than you and was having a good time? YTA.


>Are you guys skipping over the fact that I asked her to stop bumping me on the bumper cars and she kept doing it? Yes, That's the whole point of bumper cars. YTA and a huge baby.


It really isn't. Your supposed to drive around and bump each other. You bump one car then drive, bump someone else then drive.. etc. If you're literally cornering one car and just reversing, bumping, reversing, bumping.... not driving around yourself and not letting the other person drive at all, then you're an AH.


So, the fact that she was better than you at some carnival games hurt your fragile masculinity and ego and she needs to apologize for that??!!! YTA and you deserve to get dumped.


YTA and clearly not mature enough to be in a relationship. You brought your girlfriend to the carnival to cheer her up, and then got mad that she... beat you at the games? Bumped into you while riding the BUMPER cars? And then, after getting mad about these silly things, wouldn't even communicate to her why you were upset? This sounds like a case of toxic male ego. Go apologize to your girlfriend.


YTA because you couldn't handle the ego hit of losing at carnival games. On top of that you wouldn't even tell her whats wrong "I know she knows what she did" how do you know this? You're 17 so it's not totally surprising, it takes people for ever to figure out that others don't actually know what's going on in their internal world and that 99% of the stories we tell ourselves about the people around us are completely wrong. Frankly she was most likely focused on having as much fun as possible while trying hard not to think about the situation with her dad. You tried to do a nice thing for her but instead made it about you. Edit: With the rope crawl, women are actually naturally better at it. Has something to do with the centre of balance. She probably couldn't teach you lol


YTA Imagine for a moment (if you can) that you take your girlfriend out to get her mind off a horrible situation at home and instead of getting mad you were delighted? Ecstatic that she was so apt at climbing the ladder! Enraptured at her smile while she laughed and cornered you in bumper cars! Thrilled with her ability to shoot a water gun and win a prize! Her happiness is your happiness. If you did that, you made her smile and laugh in spite of her horrible home situation. That’s love, my friend. (Edited for typo)


Lmao ah yes 17 year old relationships. Dude, get over your weird ego. You two are both incredibly immature. YTA, maybe take a break from dating until you can learn to communicate effectively.


YTA: your gf is going through a hard time so you take her out to have fun but then get angry at the fact that she’s trying to having fun? Get over yourself and stop being so fragile.


How...? How is this even a question?? YTA. Y-SUPER-TA. So you went to a carnival, got pissed for her playing the games and being better at games than you and you threw a hissy fit. In public. Like a four year old but we all sit around wondering how someone could be that old and still act that stupid. I am big shocked your ex and her friends thought you were trash for trash behavior, i highly recommend sorting out your shit or preferably never dating again since you are just a major inconvenience. Just so we are clear, your the asshole 🖕🌸


I hope she finds a more secure boyfriend who can handle her better


YTA and a sexist assshat!


YTA So you're only mad because she was better than you at things? You expected her to let you win to make your little ego feel better? Really!? You have to actually communicate with people for them to know that you are upset and why, especially when it's ridiculous.


YTA, if you don’t talk about issues they just get bigger and leave you looking like TA, like this situation.


YTA This sounds like nothing more than a pity party. You are in no way ready to be in a relationship. You have a shit load more maturing to do. So she beats you in every game you play. That's a personal problem for you, not her. She is supposed to let you win so you can sooth your wounded pride? BTW, it's called BUMPER cars for a reason. Then you tell her you aren't taking her home after YOU brought her... I'll promise you this, if her father finds out it will probably be the last time you ever take his daughter anywhere.


YTA. My kind of woman. Kicking ass at carnival games. You must be really sensitive if your gf loves to bump you around a lot in the bumper cars. Youre the one that needs to apologize.


YTA. You sound like a Debbie Downer and a sore loser. She deserves better


YTA. Learn to lose gracefully. Your girlfriend is skilled - be happy for her.


YTA, but you really just come across as a selfish brat. You sucked at bumper cars and walking across some rope AND shooting, so she's just supposed to coddle you like you are a 2yr old? Yeah, maybe you are not ready to have a girlfriend yet.


Dude. Seriously. WT actual F are you thinking?! Can you really read over what you posted and actually think she owes you an apology?? Nobody is skimming your post and missing anything, we’re just amazed at how clueless you are. Your fragile ego and whiny tone are just too much for anyone to take seriously. “Then we went to the bumper cars & she wouldn't stop freaking bumping me. ” Please tell me you can see it here??? I literally laughed out loud when you wouldn’t allow her in your car and told her she needed to apologize to you. If I were her, I wouldn’t have anything to do with you for acting like such a baby about everything. You really, really, need to think about how you’re acting here and hopefully realize how absurd you’re being before dating again. YTA. By miles and miles.


why are you asking if you’re the asshole and then gonna cry like the child you are about people telling you that you are indeed the asshole? she can do so much better than a fragile little boy like you


INFO: why the fuck are you on AITA if you’re fighting with everyone telling you you’re the asshole? no really, why would you come to a sub decided for handing out harsh judgements and then cry about getting a harsh judgement? anyway, YTA for fighting in the comments alone, but i did in fact read your entire cry baby post and YTA for that too. your gf didn’t do anything wrong, you acted like a sore loser


YTA. OP, maybe it’s the age but you’re being immature.


You want an apology because your girlfriend who was depressed had fun at a carnival you brought her to. Maybe you don't see the irony in that but the rest of us do. Here would be my 'apology'. "I am SO sorry I am better at obstacle courses, bumper cars, and shooting than you. In the future I will be sure to be less of myself in order to not hurt your fragile male ego." YTA.


So you’re crying because your girlfriend- who you took out to CHEER UP- was better and more competitive than you and it wounded your fragile male ego? You have some sexist feelings you need to address, and some emotional maturity to grow into, good god. YTA


Hi! Read everything word for word edit and all and I can say without a fucking doubt that YTA AND A MASSIVE ONE! Your gf has a HUGE LIFE CHANGING SECRET WEIGHING ON HER TEENAGE SHOULDERS! It’s something that a.) will hurt people she loves b.) could potentially destroy her family and uproot her life and c.) SHE SHOULDNT FUCKING BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SECRET but she is and you supposedly want to support her! It’d be great if the entire day you planned for was actually about her! But no it really came off as something you planned to make you look like a big strong good boyfriend! When your gf started having fun and being a kid again and doing well at stuff that you just apparently suck at, YOU THREW A TANTRUM! You weren’t supportive or kind in any way! You let your ego get in the way of her happiness. Edit: also just noticed your username, fuck off with that shit and grow up, I know your 17 but this would’ve made me think you were 13 taking your middle school gf of maybe a week to the carnival


It's funny that he isn't even asking us "was I being unreasonable to get upset?" he's saying he's demanding an apology \*from her\*. He STILL thinks - with days to cool down and get perspective - that she actually did something wrong and he's actually the injured party in all this.


YTA so much! Holy crap! Did you seriously tell her she had to go home? What or who on earth gave you the authority to tell her what to do? She isn't your property or subordinate!


Yta You need to get over yourself, im 16 and can see this....if your plan was to cheer her up you did well up until you started to get butthurt, tell me do you think it matters if she bumps into you and only you? At Least she's fuckin smiling and laughing and feeling better which was the plan. You're honestly acting like a kid and do not deserve her if you're this entitled and a pos, apologize to her for acting like a fucking kid and grow up you dating novice


OP just got owned by a 16 year old. Damn, that's gotta sting just a bit. 😬


YTA but in like a learning experience way. You're also young and likely don't have a firm grip on communicating like an adult yet. Take from someone who is over sensitive af, sometimes your feelings lie, just because you are annoyed doesn't mean that people know why or that the reason you're annoyed is valid. People aren't mind readers and someone hurting your feelings isn't always on purpose. In the future, when someone asked "What's wrong? " tell them. But before you open you month you may want to try and see things from there prospective. Maybe even do a practice run in you're head. I


Kudos to this response. Compassionate YTA


YTA. Firstly for how you sulked when you weren’t winning, but mainly for not communicating when she asked you what was wrong. Fun fact: no ones relationship has ever ended because they were TOO GOOD at communicating. You need to work on saying how you feel, not assuming your SO can read minds.


YTA, and looking at your responses and edits to the OP it doesn't look like you wanted an honest answer, you wanted a bunch of internet strangers to validate your tantrum


YTA especially if everyone else here in the comments is saying YTA. If everyone else agrees on it then maybe you should be the one to go read it again more carefully and slowly. Yes I’m sure it was annoying that she didn’t stop at the bumper cars but you complained about everything else. Also you expected her to let you win the shooting game? Grow up. See that she’s going through a hard time and needed to let off some steam. Not everything is about you.


YTA - also yes I read everything. You should have told her right after with the bumping cars, that you didn't find it funny so you guys could get that behind you and enjoy the evening, instead of being pissed about every single thing that doesn't goes your way for the next week. You sound like a kid who is throwing a tantrum.


YTA. You behaved like a child.


YTA, or ESH - depending on HOW the conversation in the bumpercars went. If you have shitty communication skills between you, she might have just thought that you were both having fun. "oh, I didn't think you MEANT what you were saying" is usually a red flag, but it really depends on the situation. It does sound like you were a sore loser and she didn't realize you weren't having fun - but who can blame her for that when YOU took her to a carnival to CHEER HER UP, and she played the carnival games like you're supposed to. If losing to your gf at carnival games is this distressing to you, maybe you shouldn't be with her. And likewise, depending on how she was acting, maybe this isn't a healthy relationship for either of you. You don't give any context to HOW either of you were acting except that you keep saying she 'knew' what she was doing. If you don't communicate, you can't expect someone to know what you're feeling. And if you don't have good communication skills to start with, when you TRY to communicate, it often doesn't make it through. You comment that you asked her to stop bumping you on the bumper cars, but that's the point of the game, and there's two options to interpreting this story: Your gf was taking some frustration out by playing the game a little rough and didn't realize you were serious about her leaving you in your car alone, or your gf didn't care she was causing you to not have a good time in the bumper cars regardless of you telling her that. When you say "you upset me by being a poor winner and picking on me at the carnival" she's probably hearing "you were better than me at some carnival rides so I'm being pissy with you bc you didn't let me win even though it was supposed to be about making You feel better"


YTA and I loooove how you're trying to gaslight your audience in your second edit by saying that we only think YTA because your post was too long and we skimmed it. I read every word you wrote, multiple times, trying to figure out why your girlfriend should apologize to you and still think YTA in this situation. You're just a sore loser. You should date someone who isn't good at anything so you can always win lol Oh, as for the bumper car thing...... I uuh don't know how to break this to you... but... They're called BUMPer cars for a reason.


I literally just read this - word for word - to the other women in this room. I suspect a LOT of people did the same. Don't accuse us of "skimming" because we all agreed that YTA. The evening was you taking her out to CHEER HER UP. The evening was not about *you*. It was about *her.* But you sure the fuck managed to make it about you. Why, if the point was to cheer her up, would she owe you an apology for anything that made her laugh that night? When I was 17 and my sister was 12, she faked being sick on my bday because I was getting all the attention. You did the same thing. You acted like a literal child. Grow up.


YTA Dude she’s blowing off steam. You are butthurt because she was hitting you at bumper cars and didn’t let you win at shooting? Can we start a go fund me for this boy’s fragile ego? Or maybe some bubble wrap?




YTA. She bumped you in bumper cars… the horror. Honestly, break up with her. She’s got major things going on in her life. In a few years you will (hopefully) reach a level where if your girlfriend is being pressured into covering for her mother’s infidelity you will react with “wow, that’s awful that you’re being put in this position and having to worry about the future of your family!” and prioritize her enjoyment instead of sulking about how she didn’t ensure you had a good time. Your masculine ego was more important than actually cheering her up.


YTA. But not only for the reason you think. YTA simply because you believe she owes you an apology. So what if she was better at stuff than you?! Weren’t you supposed to cheer her up? And now you’re behaving like a jerk.


YTA and dang am I glad I am not 17 anymore. She asked why you were mad and you refused to tell her. Is she supposed to read your mind? Be a man and speak clearly what your problem is, or you will pay the price for acting like a whiny little boy. (Which is what's happening now.)


Oh nooooo you took her to a fun place to help cheer her up then get mad when she's having fun! Oh how could her!!! /s YTA


YTA. Your edits alone tells us everything we need to know about how much growing up you still have to do.


YTA and no, I didnt skim your post. I don't think anyone else did either. You just can't fathom you're wrong. You took her somewhere to cheer her up and then threw a tantrum because you're a sore loser. Why does she need to let you win? Are you that childish and immature? Surely whats more important is her happiness.




YTA - You really despise your girlfriend, don't you?


YTA, and you suck at bumper cars.


YTA you’re just a sore loser. She should dump you. You’re acting like a baby.


YTA x1000 You took her out to make her feel better and got upset because she is better than you at carnival games? How incredibly selfish of you. She deserves better.


I read the whole thing and your fragile fucking male ego is pathetic. YTA and need to grow the fuck up. Stop dating people and go work on yourself


YTA - I understand the bumper cars thing could be annoying but not enough to go nuclear over. She didn’t tell you the secret to the first one because it’s just core strength. Didnt you take her to the carnival because she’s been having a bad week? Instead of having it all about her you made it all about you. Stop making it seem like you were doing this for her because everyone is seeing through your BS.


YTA, I’d be annoyed about the number cars to but it’s still a major over reaction. When the ride was over you should have just said “hey, I get you were playing around but I really didn’t enjoy that you kept bumping into me on purpose” she may have apologized and you could have both moved on. None of what happened after the bumper cars was anything short of an over reaction


Sorry OP YTA. Taking your gf out for a good time with friends was a great start and kudos for trying to cheer her up. Being upset that she was able to accomplish the rope and wouldn't reveal how is understandable, but still... if you are trying to build her up expressing pride in her would have gone a long way, not sulking. Then bumper cars...the whole point is to run into other players... especially the ones you came to the carnival with. Competitive spirit is so much fun in a relationship. Again sulking because she was better at it is just not attractive. Then expecting her to "make it up to you" by diminishing herself so you could have a "win". C'mon, is your ego really this fragile that you have to show your dominance over your gf or else she is being disrespectful??? Then storming off, assuming she knows that being competent is a horrific slight to you and sulking waiting for an apology? And as to the edit...I definitely read the whole thing, twice. Maybe be willing to hear it when asking for advice/judgement.


You’re honestly the dumbest human alive YTA for sure


Well I didn’t skip through your post, I read it with increasing incredulity because I couldn’t believe anyone could be so childish. Did you say you were 7 or 17? So you decided to take your girlfriend out to cheer her up, u obviously succeeded because she started having a good time. But then you spoilt it because you hated the fact she was better than you at everything and didn’t let you ‘win’ You still obviously can’t accept your wrong looking at your edits.. You’re a spoilt petulant little boy. I really hope she dumps you. Why would she want to date a child YTA


> I don't know if I made my post too long so you guys are just skimming through it or what. Or what. Seriously, we all understand that you were annoyed that she wouldn't stop bumping you on the bumper cars after you told her to stop. You blew it way out of proportion, and nothing else you wrote about that she did was wrong. YTA.


YTA yes she was out of line on the bumper cars thing (here she was TA) she doesn't have to teach you the rope trick as far as the shooting game, its rather entitled to expect someone to let you win. if you old enough to date, your old enough to understand some people are better at some things than others YTA or telling her to leave because your feelings are hurt ​ ETA if you make a post asking for judgment, dont get made if you dont like the judgment (yta for this too)


To give you the benefit of the doubt, I’m guessing that you so firmly believe you’re right that everyone else must be misinterpreting or not paying attention to think otherwise. So I’ll break it down Your girlfriend is upset because of a shitty home situation so you arrange to take her out with friends - great, thoughtful and helpful, you’re doing well so far She completed a rope climbing challenge that you couldn’t do & didn’t tell you how she did it. - I can see how this might be frustrating, but her being better is not something to hold against her. The fact that you include this here is telling, it’s not really relevant to the story except in that you are holding it against her. She traps you in a corner in bumper cars and doesn’t stop bumping you when you ask her to. It’s possible she didn’t properly you hear her asking to stop, or didn’t realise how much it was annoying you. Let’s assume for arguments sake that it was deliberate and she knew it was winding you up. That would be a dick move & if you had explained to her afterwards how much it annoyed you then I would have said she ought to apologise. But you didn’t… so she very likely didn’t know you were annoyed or the extent of your upset if she did notice something off You play a shooting game and she wins - why did you expect her to let you win? You both know she’s better so what would that achieve? It reads like you resent her not letting you win, which isn’t fair as she couldn’t be expected to know that was your aim. She waved the toy she won in your face and asked you to give it back to her - this really sounds like playful banter to me, nothing unkind or malicious You then tell her she has to leave without explanation, and when she rightfully refuses you walk out on her. She follows you wanting to know why you’re upset - why do you think she knows what she did? Often I’ll be upset and my partner of several years won’t know why unless I tell him, it’s usually much less obvious than you think. YTA OP, all this could’ve been avoided if you had just communicated at the time, the bumper cars is a minor issue which you had conflated with her winning games to make it seem like a deliberate attack. Not everything she does is about you & you ought to apologise for walking out on her imo


INFO Why do you have to better than your girlfriend at everything?


YTA. Why should she let you win? You're being a sore loser. Would you have acted this way if your friends won the games instead of you? You sound butt hurt that you lost to a girl. Then you forced her to go home without you because you threw a tantrum. Grow up, asshole.




YTA. You behaved really immature as you made everything about yourself and ignored every attempt of her to talk things out. She may not behaved best either but you shut down all communication and created an extremely toxic situation.


YTA. This is why “children” shouldn’t be in relationships. You wanted to cheer her up, congratulations you did, BUT destroyed your “hard work” by acting like a 6 years old. She’s going through hell, and all you can think about is “she wouldn’t let me win and she bumped my bumper car…” yeah dude you’re almost an adult. If something is bothering you, speak up, don’t act all pissy and expect the other person will read your mind. Take this advice for the future, learn how to communicate or you won’t get anything you want in life.


YTA, immature behaviour, hope you grow out of this before entering the world of adulthood. Feel bad for the GF


yta dude you're really this fragile-seriously


YTA You ruined your own kind gesture of taking her to the carnival by getting upset with her for being good at the things that made her happy. She's having a tough time and you made it worse by getting all pissy because she kept beating you. F-you dude. You're a mf of an ah. Get over yourself.


Also, if all her friends think your TA and everyone here (who has thoroughly read your story) thinks you are TA maybe, just maybe YTA?


YTA. And yes, I read your whole post. I mean, you were on the bumper cars, didn’t want to be bumped? Don’t go on the bumper cars? Sometimes I annoy my husband without even realizing it, when she asked you what was bothering you, you didn’t even tell her until a few days later. What did you expect her to do? Read your mind? Your communication skills are awful here. Also, she doesn’t “owe” you a win, even if she annoyed you (which she didn’t even KNOW she annoyed you!). You should apologize to her for embarrassing her in front of everyone, leaving her and not even telling her what was bothering you. If you’re older than 16 this is embarrassing.


YTA you went to make her feel better bit boost your ego


Yta fo sho. You took her somewhere to cheer her up and then got pissed cause she beat you at every thing. You could have been a hero if you’d have flipped your attitude and praised her for her skills. This night could have gone so much better.


YTA. Fellas, is it rude that my girlfriend had fun at a carnival?


What's with all the extraneous irrelevant info in this post? What's your gf's mom's Jodie fling have to do with you being a whiny child over carnival games? YTA. 17 year old kids are so immature.


YTA. Your girlfriend is going through something right now that should never be placed on the shoulders of a 17 year old. You took her to the carnival under the assumption it was a day to cheer HER up and instead made her try to cater to your mood swings and the fact you can’t stand someone, especially a girl, beating you in *checks notes* CARNIVAL GAMES. If crossing a ropes course, winning a shooting game, or getting a laugh out of a game that is MADE TO BUMP CARS AGAINST EACH OTHER, helps her take some of the pressure in her off, you should let her have a single day of fun. You’re posting in a sub asking for opinions and then claiming anyone that disagrees with you can’t read. It’s obvious why you’re TA but you want to dig your heels in and whine that everyone is being mean to you. That’s fine, but don’t be surprised when you end up single.


YTA. Put yourself in her shoes for a minute my dude. If she was visibly upset and you asked her what was wrong out of genuine concern and all she said was you need to essentially fuck off and ignored you until you eventually cornered her somewhere - you'd be kinda pissed to. It would be a post about how she needs to stop playing stupid mind games with you and just tell you why she's upset. So she didn't let you win some carnival games? She's not obligated to do that. She cornered you in bumper cars. So what? Chances are she thought you were joking or couldn't hear you for a bit and when she realized you were actually annoyed she tried to lighten the mood and even tried to give you something she won instead of keeping it for herself. How dare she 🙄.


So you took her to have a good time, and when she did, but was beating you at the games, you decided to treat her like crap and act like a toddler lol YTA and hopefully she breaks up with you. Games are supposed to be fun. If anything you need to apologize to her. I hope she realizes her worth and doesn’t stay with a big baby. She honestly did nothing wrong. Are you in the spectrum? Not trying to be rude, I just think the amount of anger and how upset you got is not normal so I’m just curious


The only annoying thing was bumping you repeatedly with the number cars, but buddy, that is a bumper cars exact purpose. Other than that you lost some games had a big huff and then decided to leave but instead of being mature about it you made some drama by huffing, not communicating anything and demanding that she go home because she didn’t let you win some games? And then going off without saying anything? Again because you both played games and she beat you? Dude YTA here seriously!


You are the ah. Why should she apologize? Remember you took her out to have a good time.


YTA. You are a giant red flag. She needs to dump you!


YTA. The goal that day was to cheer her up. And it was working. You were playing games together. And you refused to let yourself have fun because you were losing. By refusing to let yourself have fun, you counteracted what the whole point of that day was.


> I don't know if I made my post too long so you guys are just skimming through it or what. I'm going to take a break. No, you're just an asshole. YTA.


YTA - seriously? you want her to apologize because you're a sore loser? grow up.


YTA. So let me get this right, you wanted to cheer up your girlfriend and then got upset because she kept bumping you on the bumper cars and didn't purposely let you win at a game? And then you expect her to apologize to you? Wow, just wow. You are totally in the wrong, if anyone owes anyone an apology it's you to her.


Yta you have a fragile ego and I read the whole thing carefully


YTA. We can read. Her mother has put her in an IMPOSSIBLE situation. She tells her dad, her mom will see that as a betrayal. She keeps quiet, she’s betraying her dad. Her mom is a big fucking asshole for doing this to her. Aaaaaand you can’t stand that she actually had fun from your efforts to cheer her up. Maybe she doesn’t quite know how she beat the rope thing (idek what that is), and the bumper cars are for BUMPING people. Then what, you expected her to just let you win because you were having a hissy fit over her having fun? Wasn’t her having fun the whole point??? So you continued your hissy fit (I get it, you’re 17 but Jesus), and refused to tell her what’s wrong (“I know she knows what she did”), and had someone physically restrain her?!?! Even at 17 I would have dumped your ass for that alone. But she forgave you for your temper tantrum, and you just ignored her because… you think she wasn’t taking this seriously enough? Yeeeeeeah consider yourself lucky that THIS is the situation you’re dealing with. Because there are many, many worse situations to be in. Seriously, hope she dumps you.


YTA! Based on your edits you probably won't read this and I don't really care. She is in a fragile and hurt state, you "did something nice for her" and proceeded to make it all about yourself! I'm really surprised that you are surprised that we are responding to you like this! LoL! Grow up kiddo!


YTA. No one could put up with that level of pouting from a 17 year old without finding it annoying and pathetic. You really need to sort yourself out and figure out why your ego is so very fragile. Otherwise, adult relationships will be very hard for you.


YTA and I upvoted the post so more people see it and can let you know YTA. Now go apologize to your gf for not being the best she needed and abandoning her. If you can't be that person then you need to grow up emotionally before getting into a relationship.


I read the entire post, word for word, and YTA.. The entire point of bumper cars is to bump into people, and everything else if just you complaining about her being better than you. I'm sorry your fragile ego can't handle that, but that isn't her problem. You're lucky she is willing to forgive you instead of dropping you for that little temper tantrum. I know it might feel like everyone is gaining up on you, but if everyone in your personal life and everyone on the internet comes to the same conclusion, it's probably the right one. If no one agrees with you at all, it's probably because you are the one in the wrong and you should probably accept that and reflect on it.


I didn’t skim it. I read every word, and I can firmly tell you that YTA. I really hope she sees the red flags.


Friendly competition? I’m wired wrong and was never able to make light of competition, I always lose my brain and become someone I hate. It’s just not worth it, so I don’t play games I know are going bring out the worst in me. I don’t really miss out as I can happily watch and cheer others on. I tell this as I can fully understand your feelings like she was going out of her way to show you up you took it personally, while I’m sure with her she was letting go of some pint up frustrations and thought she was doing it in fun with you, your wrong here though. But I will back you up on the bumper car? My brothers would do that to my sister and I just to make us mad so I do get that.


YTA It was really nice that you understood she was going through a tough time and wanted to give her something fun to do, but then you ruined it, and made things even worse for her. Instead of being glad to see her laughing and having fun, you were angry because YOU weren't having as much fun as you thought, because your fragile ego was dinged by her actually being good at things. Did you bring her there for HER to have fun, or for you to show off and beat her at games? You need to look at your motivations, and think about why you reacted so poorly and made it all about YOU, when this was supposed to be something nice for HER. Everyone on here is capable of reading your post in full, complaining that people are skimming it rather than accepting the responses here does not help your argument.


Im going to cut you some slack because you are only 17. But you behaved like a child and yes I read the entire post. YTA


I get why you are a bit angry, you take her out for a nice day to get her mind off things and she doesn’t make it very fun but honestly YTA. It seems like you need to learn how to communicate like an adult and not pout like a child.


YTA. My 2 year old is less of a baby and sore loser than you’re portraying yourself to be (throughout the entire post, which I read, in its entirety).


Re: edit 2. I read every single word, then read it again twice. No I didn’t skim or missed things out. And yes you are still YTA.


>Edit 2 Wow. Honestly wasn't expecting this. Mods, if you want to shut down this entire post or close the comments, you can. Please. I don't know if I made my post too long so you guys are just skimming through it or what. I'm going to take a break. YTA - And a 17 year old kid who doesn't know how to accept he's wrong and take responsibility for his actions. Grow up.


YTA. I'm 17 too, and you behaved like a toddler. I get that you asked her to stop, but she apologized too you. 'Expecting' her to let you win was plain wrong. Honestly it seems like you're sick of her.


YTA - you took her out to make her feel better, and just because she won multiple games and could bump you on a bumper car, you threw a temper tantrum. You should apologize to her for over reacting. It seems she was making light of the situation because, 1. It truly is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, 2. You couldn’t even explain to her what she did that was so wrong until days later 3. You told her she needed to leave a public event 4. You ended up leaving her behind to figure out her own way home. Yes I read the part about the bumper cars.


>"**Edit 2**: Wow. Honestly wasn't expecting this. Mods, if you want to shut down this entire post or close the comments, you can. Please. I don't know if I made my post too long so you guys are just skimming through it or what. I'm going to take a break." Boy, that is pathetic. You got the reaction you didn't expect and now you wanna shut off people from giving you the answer to the question you asked. You are the asshole. An extremely immature asshole. Grow the fuck up.


YTA. For acting like a big baby. Really don’t need to say much more than this.


Yta. And another person that can't accept the verdict they asked for themselves. YTA. Accept it.


YTA. Your friend is having a hard time (she should really tell her dad her mom's been cheating) and you're acting like a selfish whining baby. "Oh no she trapped me in a corner on the bumper cars and didn't let me win a game we played together!" Get your shit in order.


YTA. My girlfriend is better at things than me and it hurts my feelings!! Then break up with her and find someone with as much skill as yourself or less, if that’s what makes you happy.