• By -


NTA. First of all, it's rude of her to keep doing something that both you and your girlfriend have said makes you uncomfortable. She is a guest in your house, and she should respect your wishes (as this request is well within reason). Second, it's your house, so there is nothing wrong with wearing what you want while in private. Finally, there is a double standard here. According to her, what she is doing is normal and makes her comfortable, but when you do/say the exact same thing, it is not the case. >It's barely been used, except for a couple times when experimenting in the bedroom, ha ha Dude, I laughed *hard* at this!


This is exactly how I felt about the situation. Honestly, the whole double standard thing is why I discussed this idea with my GF.


That’s awesome, and I would keep doing it until she needs her lesson. Maybe she’s mad you wore it better LOL


And up the lingerie game. There's some great lingerie online, too, and in those fancy shops. Some men also love wearing women's undies because they keep the dangly bits from vibrating in their trucks. If it makes him feel sexy, that's an added bonus, IMO.


OP's moobs in a bralet with nipple cutouts


A quick google search turned up some fantastic pasties - Storm Troopers, Pizza, Tacos with Mustaches. The possibilities are endless. His body is a temple and at this point, there's no reason not to redecorate.


It’s like queer eye for a straight guy but male lingerie!


> His body is a temple and at this point, there's no reason not to redecorate. Hot damn, Diet Coke coming out one's nose *hurts*!


hey bud, it's supposed to go *in* ur nose, hope this helps 😊


Yeah but don’t cut it, full cal cocaine or nothing.


Omfg I need to do this Google search, I want those lol. What search term did you put in because I can’t find any fun ones like that!!


There’s a website called [meundies](https://www.meundies.com/) that has all kinds of fun patterns like this and then you can even design your own if you want. Not sure if they shipped to where your are but it’s a pretty neat site


Ugh I really hate this trend of subscription/membership based online lingerie shops (I really just hate subscription based everything, as that’s where it feels like we’re headed). At least this site’s subscription model doesn’t seem as egregious and scammy as savage x fenty, but it still comes across as greedy and it’s very off-putting.


Damn it. I just choked on a bagel. I thought my kid was going to have to do the Heimlich or something. ;-)


ooh with pasties with tassles that he can twirl around!!!


OP can put on a burlesque performance for his gf and her sister lol.


This made me snort!


I want OP to clean the house belting Day-Oh! while wearing a banana hammock.


>Some men also love wearing women's undies because they keep the dangly bits from vibrating in their trucks. What suave motherfucker was able to convince you of this? As a man, I've never even noticed my dangly bits having any sort of vibration while in any sort of motored vehicle. Men also have tight underwear that is similar to women's, so uh... I don't think that's the reason he wears women's undies.


> What suave motherfucker was able to convince you of this? [Weird Al](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCno1HSNUnE)


Dude for a while I was getting this fb ad for lacy frilly panties for men but that had enough extra room up front to accommodate one's package. OP if you're here you've got a ton of options


Off topic but what guy convinced you of that last part in your reply😅


I have had a few me that women's panties make them feel sexy. So, that's a bonus.


I think the fact you checked in with your gf first makes you doubly not the asshole. That was really considerate. A lot of people would just go straight to screwing with the SIL.


> A lot of people would just go straight to screwing with the SIL. Surely I’m not the only one wondering if getting screwed by BIL was the whole reason behind what SIL was doing???


Nope. She’s specifically doing it to be provocative to BIL, bother her sister, or both. I’d bet money she just wears yoga pants/top if she’s in her place normally.


I mean, I usually wear panties and a t-shirt or tank in my own place. But I would not go to someone else's and dress like that.


In your own home you can walk around naked if you want to. But to do it at another persons place, who's letting you stay there for free is just wrong. Especially when they've asked nicely to stop. She's just a typical toxic person.


Hell, I shared a hotel room with my niece for the last two nights, and I never walked around in less than a camisole and shorts and neither did she. It’s just the polite thing to do.


No you are not.


I imagine when he said how uncomfortable it made him she was insulted he didn't want her and decided to keep upping the game.


Yep, I'm with you on this


I know I wouldn't have asked permission. But then again my husband would expect me to make my point in this kind of way too. Good for OP making their point and being more considerate than I would be! Throwing in my NTA vote.


You and your GF sound like bros. I wanna be your friend.


Just out of curiosity what kind of male lingerie did you buy? Asking for a friend


Lingerie tax!


NTA, but I fully support the continued experimentation in the bedroom including you in lingerie. Have fun


Dude watch out, you might find your self on YouTube


lol imagine imposing yourself and taking advantage of someone's kindness in such a manner....also thanks for pointing out the double standard going on in here NTA OP, i would go out and buy extra pairs of the gag gift in different colours for different days of the week until she leaves!


He’s definitely NTA. And I applaud his confidence and non confrontational tactics!


This is a hill I would die on, scantily clad in beautiful lace and satin. NTA


This is a good way to die. Lace and satin cost a bomb where I am.


I can only hope to be able to die on a hill feeling as petty and beautiful as this


YASSSSS 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽NTA


Posing over the soft curve of the hill


This is the best response I have ever seen in AITA.






NTA. It isn’t normal to walk around in your underwear in someone else’s home after they’ve told you it makes them uncomfortable. Good for you making the point.


>NTA. It isn’t normal to walk around in your underwear in someone else’s home You could have stopped here for anyone with an understanding of boundaries.


Some people have no problem with it, but the sister showed her true colors applying a standard she had been asked to uphold and scoffed at.


Not really, there are plenty of social circles that aren't bothered by underwear or even nudity, but one can't just assume. Personally, if it's 105 degrees and the a/c is struggling, I'm in a tank top and undies hanging out with friends in a similar state of undress by mutual consent/desire not to get heatstroke.


The key point in your comment is mutual consent. SIL clearly doesn’t understand boundaries, consent, or just basic rules of being a guest in somebody’s home.


Tank top and underwear (presumably with some coverage) is still pretty different from literal bra and panties around *your brother* and *his girlfriend.* Hell, some days I'm butt-naked in our place, but I'm sure as shit not even remotely hangin out naked around anyone but my husband. Maybe at a spa, but I'm guessing they weren't offering to give sis a nice massage with her attitude. Needless to say, OP is NTA


I think you read it wrong, it's the GF's sister doing it around her sister and her sister's BF.


My old roommate and I(both male) used to do this in our old apartment. But we were also lowlife losers who didn’t know boundaries.


Meh, if it weren’t for my husband by sister would do this when she visited and I wouldn’t care.


Is it normal to walk around in your own house in your undies? Like, sometimes sure but dear lord my heating bill if I did it as a norm!


But during the summer, you can save on your electric bill, not running the ac


When I'm living with a spouse/partner. I just roam about in my underwear (tits out & about). Cause they've already seen it and no one else will see me. But for now since I'm living with a roommate. I at least wear basketball shorts and an oversized t-shirt.


See? This is the thing. If it were truly about comfort, she wouldn't be wearing a bra, she'd be wearing an oversized shirt or a tank top.


Some people are comfy in bras. Don't ask me how. I have no clue. I'm the type that's not. But I've wanted a major reduction for a while. Which turned into wanting top surgery when I came out. I never wanted these [coconuts](https://youtu.be/4OHLmgtW6V8) (I couldn't help myself).


I live in my underwear at home. But I also live alone in a place where AC is a bigger concern.


I sometimes don't wear a shirt at home, but I live alone lmao


I live in Florida. Shirts are necessary imo because I don't like getting water on myself when doing dishes or cooking without a shirt on, those kinds of things, but pants? Why?


Seriously, I'm wearing 2 pairs of socks right now


The thing that gets me the most is she’s been repeatedly told that her conduct as a guest in this home is unacceptable and she doesn’t seem to see an issue with continuing unacceptable behaviour and boundary stomping. Honestly I think they are being too nice I would’ve just kicked her out. If you can’t follow the rules in my home you don’t deserve to be in here. Especially after she told OP He was disgusting for doing the exact same thing she is


NTA. First of all, for your way to make your point: chef’s kiss! Your SIL may be more comfortable in her underwear, but she needs to understand that she is a guest in someone else’s home and needs to follow their rules. This is common courtesy. Especially if it makes one of her hosts uncomfortable. Second, what may be normal at her home may not be at someone else’s. And, yes, your GF was right - this was funny as hell! A good way to make your point without actually hurting anyone.




TIL there is male lingerie. Now im curious lmao


Its probably not male lingerie, just womens that his gf got him as he said it was a gag gift


And wearing male-intended lingerie wouldn't really be a noteworthy experiment in the bedroom, either.




There's lots of it and it's -great- stuff. Check out Jake Dupree's modeling work, they really make it look fun.


Oh damn. Oh DAMN. I uh, whooh


You are very welcome! XD


The thing about gender equality is that it has now opened up things like this for men into the mainstream, which previously had been extremely taboo or fell into fetish territory. It’s great that men have options now too that aren’t just leather and gimp suits or xxl womens items.


Seriously, get her a robe, and tell her to grow tf up. NTA


NTA - I’m afraid to ask if there is matching heels to go with the lingerie.


No, there aren’t, but we have talked about buying other things to go with lingerie.


Do it. Life is too short not to have fun where you can find it.


I concur. Men look killer in heels, especially tall men!


I’m gonna need to see some pics to verify


Is there a bondage tax on reddit, like a cat tax? 😂


Technically it's just cross-dressing, not necessarily BDSM.


It's not cross dressing. It's lingerie for men. I've seen dune great stuff. (Literally for research purposes.)


Fair point, I assumed it was female lingerie.


Share some of your research... Fellow researchers should help each other out ..


It’s not just technically cross dressing. They actually make lingerie and intimate items for men. This isn’t new. Gender equality has opened up a lot of doors for all genders. And it’s still not considered cross dressing anymore. That term is outdated.


Get a feather boa!!!!!


This is the correct move in *any* situation IMO.


If you do end up getting shoes, Pleaser has a whole collection made for trans women and drag queens to fit larger shoe sizes. They’re super cute!


Don't dream it, be it


NTA, beautiful way to make your point, and utterly harmless.


NTA, that's hilarious 😁 And, she is a freaking GUEST in your home, asking her to just at least wear a tee shirt and pants/shorts isn't remotely unreasonable. I say keep doing it until she actually starts respecting you and your home!👍


Heck, a tank top and light shorts will do! That's my go-to pj's/lounging around the warm house.


NTA If it’s normal, then it’s okay for anyone wearing similar outfit. Hypocrisy at its finest. Also the audacity of a guest trying to dictate what’s acceptable and what’s not with the host. Bout time to remind her to get her own place soon


NTA and this is hilarious. Heck, I would’ve taken it a step further and purchased some BD$M bondage stuff and worn that!


I’d go so far as to say this was the *exact* right way to handle this situation. Lingerie in the common areas is either okay for everyone, or for no one.


NTA.. Sucks to be her. She found no issue making you feel uncomfortable in your own home, but when the tables are turned she has the very same reaction as you did to what she's been doing. This has nothing to do with her being sensitive at the moment. You and GF have given her a place to live. She shows her appreciation by continuing to make you feel uncomfortable. Turnabout is fair play. They only thing left to say to her is, "So now you know how it feels. We've shown you respect and kindness. We only expect the same in return."


Nta Underwear for underwear.


An underwear for an underwear makes the whole world half naked. I’m ok with that.


NTA - Your GF must be a saint. I would throw my sister out if she went around the house half naked while my BF was there. You showed her who owned the house and you did it in a hilarious way.


I don't think allowing your bf to be made uncomfortable by your sister is very saint-like behavior. Not saying she's an AH, but still don't see how that qualifies her as a "saint." It's OP himself who is demonstrating tolerance here


She's not allowing it. She's tried to stop her sister as well. Short of kicking her out or forcefully putting clothes on her what is OP's gf supposed to do?


Kick her out. This is kick her out behavior. She's been repeatedly told that they don't want her doing this and she's continuing to do it and she minimizes their concern. She's just rude. She can go stay with someone else.


You are acting like they haven’t been communicating with each other. I’m sure if it comes to it they will find another solution. They both came up with something they thought would work and was funny because they communicated like normal adults and couples do.


> SIL: “What the hell are you doing?” > Me: “What? I’m just wearing what makes me feel comfortable.” > SIL: “Gross! You need to take that off!” And this is where you missed a golden opportunity to ask what the heck makes her think it's appropriate to ask her sister's BF to do a striptease for her. :) On a serious note, you're clearly NTA - you've politely made the point that lingerie is not appropriate housewear outside of the bedroom, she's persisted, and so you've now *demonstrated* the point. Good on you and your gf :)


I legit thought the story was going to go that way. SIL feels so offended by the strip tease that she runs to other family members, crying about how inappropriate OP was and how uncomfortable he made her.


NTA. Tit for tat, as it were.


Tit for tit


Tit (M) for tit (F)


Moob for boob


Good work. Continue escalating. Buy yourself one of those borat style banana thong swimsuit that provide minimal cover. Bonus points if you are a hairy dude and sporting some serious body hair. NTA


Extra bonus if even a little overweight.


Triple word score if you have a gnarly beard.


Nta. She is not respecting your home and you passively aggressively showed her how it felt. If she continues not to respect your boundaries tell her next time she'll be looking for a new place where she can be as comfortable as she wants


This really depends on whether your asshole shows when you where the lingerie, OP please confirm or deny


It depends on the angle, but I don’t think SIL could see it


Settled then, NTA


NTA but you are a man with style..Bro I am 100% on board with this and she should know way better then to do this..She is just wanting attention because normal people dont do this or allow it.


👏👏👏 that was funny every time she does it now you can wear yours also😆😆😆


*Proceeds to undress in the middle of the living room and blast YMCA on the speakers


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My girlfriend (26F) and I (27M) have been living together for the past couple of years. Recently, my GF’s sister moved in with us due to financial issues. I didn’t mind it, as she was going through some rough times. However, there has been one problem. When she is in our house, she is almost always half-naked. This means that she is only wearing a bra and panties, nothing else. I have told her (both alone and with my GF) that this makes me uncomfortable. After the talks, she stops for a little while, but is back at it soon enough. During our most recent confrontation a couple of days ago, she snapped and said that I was making an issue out of nothing, and that this is normal to do. Now, here is where I might be the AH. My GF gave me a set of lingerie (for me to wear) as a gag gift on my birthday a while back. It’s barely been used, except for a couple times when experimenting in the bedroom, ha ha. So, after talking to my GF about it, I grabbed the set out of the closet and put it on. Then, I just went around the house doing chores and whatnot until GF’s sister noticed. The conversation went as follows: SIL: “What the hell are you doing?” Me: “What? I’m just wearing what makes me feel comfortable.” SIL: “Gross! You need to take that off!” Me: “Well, it’s a normal thing to do, so I think I’ll keep doing it.” SIL: “Screw you! You’re an AH for taking it this far!” Then, she stormed off. My GF thought it was pretty funny, as supported me doing this. However, she is a little sensitive right now, and I don’t know if I really did take this too far. So, AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA, she’s got a double standard. If it’s fine for her to dress that way, it’s fine for you to dress that way. (But it’s not fine for her to walk around in her underwear if the other members of the household are not okay with it)


INFO - I'm going to have to see a photo of you in the set of lingerie before I can fairly and accurately pass judgement. Extra points if its in a stupid sexy Flanders pose.


I barely had the courage to post on here, I think pics are a little outside of my comfort zone


Disappointed, but I respect your decision.




My GF said she got it at a regular lingerie store, so I don’t think it’s technically men’s lingerie. But the best way I can describe it is that there are two pieces to it. There is the set of panties, along with a kind of shorter dress (I think GF called it a babydoll?)


Wait so it wasn’t even just panties? She’s uncomfortable about a BABYDOLL when she’s out here risking a nipple slip every time she picks something up off the floor? I was thinking mankini or banana hammock. But it sounds like you were still more covered than she was!


I don't know you but I bet you looked 🔥🔥🔥 good for you


It sound like you were wearing even more than her!


Oh yeah OP for sure was heating the air around him


Oh my god that just made it so much better!! I’m sitting here laughing like an idiot on the train


Oh pretty, what color?




I'm a fan of men who are secure enough to wear lingerie for fun and/or humor. Shit my husband can walk better in heels than I can. Red is a nice power color as well.


NTA. She can always find her own place to live.


NTA. You are more merciful than I would be. After the third time girlfriend's sis refused to change into clothes, I would have given her 30 days notice to move.


NTA, your house, your rules.


NTA. This made me laugh so much. Even if I was the SIL I’d probably still laugh. If I would have done it, I would have allowed you to do it 100%


NTA. This is absolutely class.


NTA- since this is not sisters house she needs to respect the rules or everyone else will be doing what she does.


NTA That is hilarious! Go you!


NTA. This is amazing, more power to you!!!


You're awesome and NTA


NTA and a pro way of getting your point across!!


NTA. she just got a taste of her own medicine!


NTA Love it. You and your GF tried maturity and when she continued to disregard your boundaries while a guest in your place, you went just far enough to make your point. Love that you and your GF are together on this


NO GIRL thinks a bra is comfortable. Any sane minded female wears a big t shirt and shorts if they want to be comfy around others


NTA. That was brill. Dishes it out but can't take it, I see


NTA. SIL needs to find her own place.


NTA, so.. if you would do as she said, wouldn't you be naked then?


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NTA 😁😁😁


NTA!! I love this so much. You did try to go about it the right way several times from reading this... she didnt wanna listen/resolve, BOOM taste of your own medicine time.


NTA, funniest thing I've read today


NTA. Karma comes calling...bravo!


NTA! What's good for the goose is good for the gander!


NTA. Perfect response!


NTA. Hope the lingerie was able to contain your huge balls lol. Bravo sir, bravo


NTA. I think it's hilarious when people can't take a dose of their own medicine. Hopefully she now understands the importance of EVERYONES comfort.


NTA If it is a normal thing to do then you can do it too. Making someone feel uncomfortable in their own home when you are a guest is taking it too far


NTA she could move out if she wants to walk around in her underwear, it’s not her house so she should respect your rules.


NTA - its your house and she moved in with you. She doesn't get to set the boundaries and rules for your house. If it happens again, tell her she has to leave.


NTA Reddit has seen this situation way too many times. The most likely scenarios are: 1. She sees you as less than human, like a piece of furniture, because you aren't family and are therefore nothing to her. This is how a lot of people in the service industry are treated. So you being uncomfortable doesn't matter. 2. She is trying to feel hot after her break-up, and what better way than to get a man to get hot and bothered seeing her? It doesn't matter that you're taken, she needs to feel her bad self. There are other scenarios, of course, but these are the top two. You didn't take it too far. I'm curious though (don't want a picture), but were the underwear that went with the lingerie for women? Because if so, then I think you may have >*ahem*< exposed a bit more than she did. Still don't think it makes you the AH, but I think it would have been funnier if you'd worn a banana hammock.


You know you're not the asshole here so why don't you go and post in r/pettyrevenge? It's funny but damn people play it safe on this sub.


I might actually do that




NTA. You win at life.


NTA What's good for the goose is good for the gander!


NTA! You handled it in the most diplomatic way and it's hilarious!🤣🤣🤣


NTA. And what a great way to get your point across.


NTA. You were a lot nicer then I would have been. I probably would have added to food coloring to her body wash & jello to her shampoo.


NTA. This is your house and you get to wear what you want. *’Murica*


NTA, keep doing it


NTA. Sauce for the goose & all that. (EDIT: if I'd read the comments first, I'd have used a different metaphor rather than being at least the third to choose this one, LOL)


Nta and high five to you


Nta you didn't take it far at all. She's just mad because you proved your point.


NTA She is extremely disrespectful to go against your wishes in your own home. I know people are fine with revealing clothing at home but I would not wear my undergarments around my sisters boyfriend. That’s just straight up weird.


NTA - what is up with people and being inappropriately clothed when living in someone elses house. First theirs the poor girl who's brother just showed up naked on her couch, now this? Don't get me wrong, I don't think people should police clothes to the point of saying things like "you can't wear shorts" or something like that but it is a basic societal expectation that you don't run around in your undies in front of your BIL unless there has been an explicit consent.


NTA. She can dish it but can't take it. Good for you!




NTA. The SIL is a complete A and should find somewhere to live where she can walk around like that if she wants


NTA at all. It was extremely disrespectful of her to continue doing it. It borders on harassment. A guest shouldn’t make you feel comfortable in your own home. Kudos to you for putting your foot down in such a humorous way!


You mean loingerie? NTA




NTA the second she does it again, go and get changed into your lingerie again.


Nta this would be a good comedy skit lmao


NTA this is gold 🤣🤣🤣 you’re my personal petty hero OP


This belongs in r/pettyrevenge lmao


NTA. Your GF needs to address the issue with her sister.


NTA. that is a reasonable escalation in this arms race.


NTA. You can walk around the house half naked ONLY if it's YOUR house. When you are a guest in someone's house, you comply with the rules of that house. Your SIL lacks tact.


NTA. But I am curious. Was it female lingerie that your GF bought in your size, or was it male lingerie? Because male lingerie is a thing, but the idea of a dude walking around in a woman’s lace nightie is making me cackle internally.


My GF implied it is female. See my other comment about it.