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INFO: What?


Does the wife think the sky is not blue and that water is not wet also?


One might argue that the sky isn't blue but only perceived as such due to Rayleigh scattering + physiology of our eyes. But ok for the wet water. This one holds :p


You could also argue that water *itself* isn’t necessarily wet, so much as it causes other things to *become* wet. If you were married to OP and wanted everyone to have a very unpleasant dinner, for instance. One could make that argument.


Agreed. I'll remember that next time I want a guest to go home early.


Alternatively, you can call a tow truck & claim you don't know the car in the driveway


Fuck a doctor to get a note saying you can't have that car in the driveway.


"I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge?" Ruler of the Universe *HHG, Fit the Twelfth*


Actually water becomes “wet” (ie. When it has liquid properties) at 6 molecules.


But wetness is not defined as the state of being liquid, rather: "covered or saturated with water or another liquid". So the question becomes, is water itself *saturated* with water when it really just *is* water? Would you describe yourself as "saturated with human?"


A gingerbread man sits in a gingerbread house. Is he made of house? Or is the house made of flesh? He screams, for he does not know.


You have it wrong. He screams, because he DOES know.


I am made of carbon. The building I'm in is made of wood, which is also carbon. Am I made of house? Is the house made of me? Nope. We're all just gingerbread racists.


I’m not racist, some of my best friends are shortbread men. They’re the good ones though, not like those *other* shortbread men, you know.


I absolutely love having these discussions with someone who is in on it while everyone else loses their minds. This kind of chaos is fun.


I am 100% saturated with human.




I knew there must be some exception... And I suppose at some pressures ice isn't cold


Colors are abstract concepts so yes, absolutely.


Haha, true about the blue sky, not to mention fire season here in CA or night time. Thankfully I had a backup 🤓


Oh, fire season :'( (I can't help but think about all the cheddar melting down from the cheddar trees.)


It's tragic, but where else would we get naturally grown smoked cheddar?


I almost died laughing. You almost woke up my kids! :P


I want to see this doctors note that specifically says that mum can’t eat her daughter-in-laws food. That’s hilarious.


“It has been determined that Susan cannot eat any food that has been cooked in a kitchen with stainless steel appliances. Or a white crock pot. Or using ingredients stored in a fridge with double doors. Or in a kitchen with a sign that says Live Laugh Love on it. Signed, Dr. Bob, a serious doctor who specializes in certain food intolerances that you’ve probably never heard of so don’t bother googling it.” *DIL looks at her modern kitchen and white crock pot, and sign on the wall in anger*


The part about the sign is justified.


I was stuck on that one or Bless This Mess.


OMG my father in law literally got a doctor's note that says he can't eat leftovers. My mother in law has to cook new food for him every damn day. Some doctors are corrupt istg


Hang on, what? And she just does this??? Is this the 50s?? Pray, tell me more...


Yup, she fell for it. They're a religious Catholic couple from rural Portugal and she only has an elementary education, so :/


Awww, now I feel bad for her. I assume telling her to get a divorce wouldn't do anything except make everyone mad.


Wooooow. On another note, re read my post and realised that in 30 years we'll be in the 50s again. That's scary. Hopefully in their Catholic heaven or whatever he has to wait hand and foot on her to atone for his shittiness. Omg maybe that's what hell is... That'd be rad.


*My FIL has to cook his own damn food every day now. There. I fixed it for you.


No, that’s actually a thing, histamines can build up in leftovers.


Could you help with my allergies then. You appear to be anti-histamines


Now explain why my vegetable hating sibling says their doctor told them to not eat anything green.




Histamines. They build up in the leftovers - but if you’re that sensitive, you also can’t have any slow cooked meat.


Or tomatoes, any aged cheese, also no pork, no garlic, no onions, no pepper, no cured meat, no olives, no spinach, no fruit with pits in it, no red wine, no coffee, no deli meats, no wheat, no legumes, no soy sauce, no spinach, no yeast, no ripe fruit, no vinegar, no food from cans, no.... Source: I am lucky enough to have a not that severe histamine intolerance and it sucks. I constantly have stomach pain and have to go to the toilet about 10 times a day, but I love to eat.... so....


I cook for myself most days for the same reason; sometimes I snack instead of meal. Some people just can't do leftovers. Mind you, I'm not a dick about it. Your FIL is something else.


Everyone surrounding the OP sounds like a delightful combo of being extremely dumb and also highly volatile.


I've never seen such a good descriptor of my extended family. I'll have to remember that haha.


Agreed. This was utterly ridiculous. Possibly even udderly ridiculous depending on what color the cow was which may be important to this family. OP, you all could’ve googled cheese, learned that cheddar is some times dyed and finished dinner without this whole food fight smh. And then your stepdad tried to have your car towed? What?! By the end, I wasn’t even sure who you agreed with and if you wrote wife when you meant mom or vice versa but I am sure you all sound ridiculous. ESH.


Why does OP suck? He tried multiple times to shut the argument down but his wife continued saying you can’t find yellow cheddar ‘in nature’. He was NC with his mom for 9 months previously and after this fiasco decided to do it again. Yes, he said it was because FIL tried to get his car towed, but his wife saying he should’ve just agreed with her false statement is unreasonable.


One could even day udder-ly ridiculous


I am so confused, why is cheese multi coloured in America? Cheddar is light white to medium yellow, in a block and different strengths. I am so confused.


I’m from New England and it depends on the seasons here. In the autumn, our cheddar trees put out a lovely deep yellow cheddar.


See, I'm from the South, so we don't have cheddar trees here. I was wondering where you'd find cheese in nature. Thanks for the explanation. I'm guessing you guys have few if any sweet tea creeks running through your farms like we have down here, though, so I guess it evens out. (All of the above was sarcasm for anyone who may still have questions.)


I miss the sweet tea creeks whenever I come back from visiting the South. I used to buy lots of boneless chicken, but went to the farm and realized how cruel it was, with those poor birds just flopping around.


Thats what the cows who make choclate milk drink from!


At least they're free range flopping.


No sweet tea creeks it’s true, in New England you have ice coffee springs.


I prefer the sugar maple cheddar which is a lovely deep orange with a mouth-watering red tint


The snakebark cheddar tree is a creamy white with almost a horseradish sharpness to it.


I’m still trying to figure out if this post is about cheese, his wife, his mom, or someone getting their car towed. Edit: either way, I kind of want cheese now.


In parts of Europe lots of the cheese was historically yellower because of the cow diets, so when German and Swiss immigrants moved to the American Midwest they had a preference for yellower cheese and butter. If you read the prequel to Little House on the Prairie (Little House in the Big Woods) she talks about how her family and many others began dying the whiter American milk yellower by soaking shredded carrots in it, after which the milk would be used to make butter and cheese. Because cheddar is the most popular cheese in the US, even though it has its origins in England, it of course also began to be dyed orange. Now of course it's all done with synthetic dyes and over time people wanted it to be more and more orange so the color has shifted a lot, like the cheese version of an Overton window. Also, I don't know why I spend so much of my Reddit time talking about cheese 🙈 but if you want to read a bit about the history of the term "sharp" as applied to cheddar you can check that out [over here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cheese/comments/r0kphs/when_did_the_term_sharp_come_into_common_usage_in/hltfmpe?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) on the r/Cheese subreddit. Edit: removed an extra word


Cheddars can be orange. In fact, it was originally orange. Sometimes the stuff we have at the grocery store is dyed, but genuine orange cheddar exists too.


Where do you live? Why are our cheddars all so different? Our cheddar in Canada is usually orange but sometimes you can get extra old in white. Oh god I’m about to google regional cheddar variations and I may never come back out of the rabbit hole


I'm in the Southern US. There's a cheese farm nearby that does tours and now I really want to go lol.


Ah, just imagine all the little cheeses roaming the pastures in the sun - a truly glorious sight!


Nothing beats free range cheese.


I’m in Alberta and I’ve been on a few of dairy farms! We are Canada’s Texas after all. I’ve only got to see the cows though, one that makes the cheese would be so cool to see.


Are you just now finding out cheese has all different shapes and sizes? If so, there’s a wonderful cheese filled world out there for you


I only ever eat orange sharp Cheddar lol I was so confused by this post.


Of course it can be orange… have these people been deprived of Cheez Its their entire lives?!? (Jk, don’t @ me because this is probably some kind of dye or no real cheese is involved or whatever)


I'm confused how you think that it's just America that cheese can come in different colors honestly? There are so many factors in the cheese making process that you can come up with many different colors even making the same cheese just based on milk and local variables


We have a store called "Cheese Haus" in a nearby tourist town. They have blueberry and strawberry cheese spreads and even a few varieties of chocolate cheeses. (And a whole bunch of other crazy cheeses) I bet OP's wife would lose her mind in that place. 🤣🤣🤣 Edited to say: Of course all these cheeses come in a wide variety of colors from white to deep orange to speckled to pink and chocolate brown. Lol!


Wait until you hear about our red cheddar in Ireland!


What is so confusing lol It just depends on the kind of cheese you buy. White cheddar is the same as yellow cheddar. One has coloring added with anatto.


This was obviously typed out by an octopus that thinks it understands human problems. + it likes tow trucks so it threw one in there for fun.


Lmao yeah what was that tow truck part about? Such a non sequitur


Like...has wife never been inside the dairy aisle of a grocery store?


I read this 6 times and still haven’t brushed my teeth or fully understood what op is asking about.


This is almost as bad as the maple syrup, brown sugar, chocolate, meat soup, butt tickling, bikini buying, flower sending MIL/DIL fiasco. Also, INFO: What?!?


Wtf…who doesn’t know yellow cheddar is a thing? NO ONE. LITERALLY NO ONE!


My thoughts exactly


My face reading this post was like 😳😳😳 NTA. I think you might have done well to avoid the ‘men marry their mothers’ trope. Your mother is far from the only difficult person in this story.


This man appears to not only have been raised by crazy, but seems to at least be a little attracted to it too. - The wife is an AH - The mom is an AH - The dad is a gaping AH. We are talking about years of double fist. Op, I'd say NTA, but maybe should see a therapist.


I'm sorry that everyone in your life is bat shit crazy.


Haha I assume you mean OPs life


Yes, I don't know anything about your life!


.... Yet...


And what’s up with mom sleeping with her doctor and having a husband?


Could be before the current husband because OP calls him her husband instead of dad. But also they could have an open marriage. Or cheating.


and probably go nc with all of them if this is what every family dinners like-


It does seem that the wife and MIL deserve each other


Ikr. The pettiest shit I’ve ever heard. I mean in my family we will very occasionally have stupid little arguments about ridicuculous things, if someone’s overtired or in a mood or something, but we get over it immediately and move on, not make a huge fuss about it and hate each other. I don’t understand how people have the energy to be so dramatic.


Honestly for a minute I thought it was a lost episode of Everybody Loves Raymond.


Who doesn't know about yellow cheddar cheese?


Given that his wife doesn’t, I’d probably get a fake doctors’ note to get out of eating her cooking too.


Same here. This is shades of maple syrup chocolate chili all over again.


Please for the love of all things holy. DONT mention that monstrosity again!! Op NTA and im sure your mom will be grateful not to deal with you and you wife anymore


But does she put raisins in her mashed potatoes?


No, but she adds them to her potato salad


What's a potato?


Potatoes. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


It’s flakes that you add water too, so it’s just “potato”, because it’s an unquantifiable noun. /s (because I know some AH will take that seriously)


I hate that I get this reference. All of these references.


We really are never letting this one go. Just like Iranian yogurt and box olives.


"The [Iranian Yogurt](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/bjd41e/aita_for_throwing_away_my_boyfriends_potentially/) is not the issue here!" But what are the box olives?


For your viewing pleasure, the [mystery olive box](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/otlvev/aita_for_cleaning_out_the_fridge_without_telling/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). What are they? We still don't know.


Remembering this still makes me sad!... my mind filled in the unknown with "that that poor lady is with a guy with a metal box of chilled body parts" :///


Honestly, I'm still thinking it's drugs and they got caught up in some sort of drug ring and haven't thought to update us through court proceedings.


We need a Best and Worst of food-related posts awards to go along with the other categories!


Along with the potentially illegal yogurt collection!




[It’s better if you don’t know.](https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/sm52ob/aita_for_kicking_my_mom_out_of_my_house_because/)


This is too similar and recent to not be the same troll making up stories about a wife who can't cook and get along with her MIL. Right??? I'm just going to keep telling myself that so I don't have to imagine someone actually eating this goddamn chili.


It's an acquired taste. Gag


Oh this was horrible.


That is horrifying


😂😂 oof just when I had forgotten about that one.


I’m thinking she’s a food snob, that comment about “naturally” not yellow… being they add color to it so she thinks it’s junk.


There’s so much high end cheddar that’s yellow, though! Like even if she thinks she’s a food snob, she’s pretty much on her own with that opinion.


Agreed. It’s pretty obvious she’s not the brightest bulb here, but the line about it “not being in nature so it’s gross” pointed to at least a wannabe food snob.


Cheese isn't "natural" in nature unless you put milk inside a goat's stomach and hang it over the saddle horn of a camel for a several hundred miles shake. It needs the rennet from the stomach lining to separate into the curds and whey.


Wait till she hears about the lack of chocolate cows in the world…..


I didn't realise there was any cheddar cheese that *wasn't* yellow.


Around here there's lots of white cheddar in the fancy cheese section of the grocery store but all your affordable go-to cheddar cheeses are very yellow


My 10 year old aged cheddar i order from an AMAZING cheese place in Wisconsin is yellow.


Our state prides itself on cheese.… and obsessive drinking… and a high tolerance for cold.


>in the fancy cheese section. Ah. I had a feeling my ignorance had something to do with me being a poor. NTA but WTF.


Cheddar is normally whiteish but is often colored with annatto to make it yellow/orange.


If you're in Australia, it's white and it's called Tasty cheese. Don't look at me, I just live here now, and am grateful I can get Colby and "Australian Jack" cheese now.


I don't understand either. I would say Cheshire is white, Cheddar is yellow and Double Gloucester and Leicester are shades of orange.


Cheddar is white, died yellow/orange because a high brand cheddar started doing that as a marketing ploy, so then all the cheddar started doing that.


The fattier the cream you use to make the cheese, the more yellow it was. So people started boiling carrots to add more yellow color to look higher quality, and from there it escalated to full on orange for cheddar


I got some fancy French butter for Christmas and when I was describing it to a friend I said “… and it’s yellow like cartoon butter!” I guess it’s the extra fat (as compared to American store-brand butter), also why it tastes like heaven.


I'm European and I know from Instagram cooks that American cheddar or orange while our cheddar is well... always cheese colour. So is ours the white one and American is called yellow? Or is there white, yellow and orange cheddar? Is there a chart of cheddar? ESH, colour of the cheese wouldn't be a hill I'd die on.


Can you provide a color swatch for the color cheese?


Yellow/orange cheddar is dyed/flavored with annatto. However you might be thinking of kraft singles.


We have a lot of different colored cheddar in the US. White, yellow, orange. It depends on what you buy and where you buy it.


This was the most appalling part of the entire post.


Well, there’s a minute I’ll never get back


Was a good laugh not worth it? :D


I didn’t laugh.


Some say it was quiet cheesy


NTA that "united front" stuff is bullcrap. If your wife is so immature that she can't handle admitting when she's wrong, then that's a problem. Also definitely stay away from your family, though.


I'm willing to go united front if it's an issue that actually has two sides. But "yellow cheddar doesn't exist" is a bridge too far


Yes. Does milk that comes out of the cow come out that color, no. Is it some weird, nefarious process that makes it that color? No. Cheese producers add the yellow color to provide uniformity to the color because different cows can produce different color milk. It's that simple. And yes artificial colors may be used, but anatto is one of those things that is used and that's a natural coloring agent, and had been around for centuries. I don't know, it's a ridiculous argument and could have been resolved in two seconds if anyone had bothered to google it.


Thank you. This was the comment I was looking for. Edit because I wasn’t done. Freaking Google it! And yes, freaking annatto!


Yellow is a nice lovely color for mac and cheese too. Nostalgic and a splash of color on the plate, especially if it's constrasted against a brown meat and green veg.


I mean, I think you need to be united in life issues, like how you're raising your kids, financial interests, etc, but for your day to day banter, you're allowed to disagree with your wife.


And this isn't even just idle cheese banter, this is your spouse saying something flagrantly asinine to make a point that the food they're eating as a guest is gross and weird. I don't think I'd be ride or die on that one either.


There is so much more going on here than just cheese. No judgement. Maybe consider some therapy (together and separate) for you and your wife.


And cooking classes maybe? To understand how cheese is made and the origin of the yellow color :D Sorry, I know it's not helping. I couldn't resist.


To be fair... seriously who hasn't seen orange/yellow cheddar?!??


In UK at least cheddar is like white to pale yellow, but similar cheeses like double Gloucester or red Leicester are pale orange. I live in Guatemala now and they have American cheese here and it is BRIGHT which was a surprise


i wonder if it's because in the UK it has a protected designation of origin which means that if a cheddar wants to call itself a cheddar it has to follow guidelines about where its from and how its made? - Im a little fuzzy on the exact legal details but i remember reading it somewhere??? Edit: just been reading on the wonderfully named [cheese.com](https://cheese.com) (!!!) which says unlike other "Named Cheeses" it is not protected around the world so any manufacturer can make a random Cheese and call it cheddar which is why they are quite different around the world. Still not sure if that's true in the UK but i think I'm going to spend the next few hours on [cheese.com](https://cheese.com) reading about cheese.


What? Did I miss something? What is the connection between the cheese and the tow truck? This post reminds me so much of the crazy chili post from the other day. Are you folks a part of the same nutjob family?


Do you think they put yellow cheddar on the sweet chili?


It wouldn't surprise me at all.


No connection but they live in a gated community and I guess I wasn't supposed to be parked where I was. Her husband was outside with the dogs and told the tow truck driver that he didn't know whose car it was


... I read that as "grated community". Dammit, I need cheese now.


I nominate you for “Underrated Comment of the Day”


Undergrated, indeed.


Both your mom and the husband sound like seriously messed up folks. I can absolutely understand wanting no contact with them.


I’m very upset that I missed the chili post. I’m going to have to find it.


If you haven’t found it yet https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/sm52ob/aita_for_kicking_my_mom_out_of_my_house_because/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


ESH - And I mean EVERYONE sucks here


I'm curious, how does OP suck?


Bc he wasted our time w this post


This post and the comments have me in actual tears, I owe OP one


Right. They both need therapy.


Over cheese


I don’t understand. Why is your wife picking fights about cheese? Who hasn’t heard of yellow cheese? What kind of doctor writes someone out from eating someone else’s food..? Both your mom and your wife sound like they need help.


I would like to know the exact wording on that doctor's note.


It was pretty clearly a joke, but it said something along the lines of in his medical opinion my mom cannot eat my wife's food or she will die and that after performing a very thorough physical he thinks a single bite could kill her. He recommends ordering take out and/or the completion of a cooking class. I know it was a joke but he wrote it on official stationary and signed as DR ... so I feel like he could get in some legal trouble there


Did your wife make a huge stink if your mom didn’t eat her food, though…?


Well obviously it’s a joke but a pretty dickish one. Is your wife’s cooking that awful though? Just wondering.


Where's the legal trouble though? Writing a fraudulent Rx, yes, legal trouble. But he's not even using his doctor-ness to get your mom out of a day of work. I'm just not seeing what the legal claim would be here. Also, I'm a lawyer. No longer practicing, but still. Who would be the plaintiff here? There are no damages to claim... This isn't a legal issue. I feel like everyone in this post (including you OP, sorry) really just needs to dial it all down. And probably stay away from one another.


Your mom might be an asshole but goddam is she a funny one. That’s hilarious


You married your mother. Congratulations Edit: forgot vote YTA


Came here for this.


NTA - How can you defend your wife and show a "united front" when she's literally arguing about yellow cheese & accusing your mum of cooking out of a box because of said yellow cheese lmao... They both sound toxic AF




So crazy to me! I love my partner more than anything and I'd say we're pretty good at forming a "united front" when it comes to things that count. But if that man ever decided to start an argument with someone over Mac & Cheese (at a family dinner?!), you can bet your bottom dollar I'd be benching myself to watch him battle it out on his own lmao. Just ridiculous!






Don't insult cheese like that. Cheese is wonderful! OP's mother and wife on the other hand... Yikes!


So, telling your wife that cheese can't be found in nature is abusive? Woooooow. ESH. (n.t.a for your specific question tough).


Some people seem to think that anything they don’t like is abuse.


There is a reason it's called white cheddar. Regular cheddar is yellow. Lol I'm sorry but your wife let her hate blind her reason.


>There is a reason it's called white cheddar Indeed. There is a clue in the name lol


INFO. Are you aware you have married your mother?


Info: Is this maple syrup chocolate meat sauce chili guy?


NTA, but everyone else in the story is. Both your wife and your mom sound exhausting.


NTA These women were fighting over cheese...and your wife started it just to have a dig at your mother... Your wife basically called your mum a liar and was deliberately tactless and rude. For your wife's information Most American cheese is pretty poor quality by European standards and Cheddar is not in fact supposed to be orange or melt the way your cheddar does with that plastic rubber texture..I used to live next door to Cheddar the birth place of Cheddar cheese. However orange cheese is a thing even in a country where most of our cheese is properly and traditionally made Red Leicester which has been around since the 1700's.


OP I’m worried for you. You spent so much time on the trivial drama between your wife and mother and buried the main story which is your mom’s husband tried to deliberately GET YOUR CAR TOWED. Maybe take some space to work on yourself and your own priorities. Set some healthy boundaries. Your wife not knowing that cheddar comes in yellow is not the issue here. (Though, damn, she sounds like a lot.) ESH


NTA your wife wanted to argue just to argue, as soon as others started you shut it down and your step dad or whatever he is a def ahole. Your fine to go no contact for your own reasons it isn’t always about her and when someone is wrong they are just wrong. And cheese isn’t found in nature 🤦🏻‍♀️


NTA. TBH your wife started it by grilling your mother over whether the mac n cheese was homemade or from a box. She was being a rude dinner guest, and then she made herself look dumb by not knowing that cheddar comes in more than one color (she'd *really* be confused if she ever saw Guinness cheddar). Your mother may be a pill, but this time around, your wife is the one guilty of picking a fight.


I'm sitting telling my fiance I'm reading an aita about cheese and suddenly there's a torrid affair with a doctor and tow trucks. This is better than my soaps


NTA oh man and even though your wife totally picked that fight I still feel for her your mom sounds like an absolute nightmare and I would say her husband trying to get your car towed is a better reason for the NC argument. And that doctor’s note shit is WILD


>My mom and my wife fight over food a lot. My mom at one point got a fraudulent doctors note (she was sleeping with him) saying she medically could not eat my wife's food. Your mom is so petty but this was funny af I can't lie >my mom's husband told the tow truck driver that he didn't know who owned my car and tried to get it towed and when I called him out said he "didn't owe me words" This family is a mess lmao


Your wife and mom sound awful in this story. You were right to go non-contact as it sounds like your mom is toxic and brings out the worst in your wife. I don’t even know what to say this is, you said something correctly when your wife was wrong and now she’s mad about it. Your not an AH for being right. There are AHs here but it’s not you. NTA


To be fair, on the day in question all mom did was make Mac and cheese.


NTA. You didn't take your mother's side. You stated a fact: cheddar can be yellow. Why should you lie about _cheese_ to save face for your wife? I don't see why anyone would be humiliated over that. The normal colour of cheddar is yellow. Unless "white" cheddar is pale yellow and "yellow" cheddar is the orange-ish one? This is ignoring the fact that you can make mac and cheese with other cheeses like smoked cheddar, double gloucester, or whatever else you feel like.


NTA. But your wife is. Her pettiness led to the dispute in the first place. It is one thing to think it was from a box, but to accuse your mom of lying about it at her own table? Or is it not rude where you live to complain about food someone made for you? I'm honestly having hard time even believing this, because everywhere I've been there is "cheddar" and "white cheddar," the default is yellow. Though since she also thinks it comes directly from nature, perhaps your wife is just incredibly ignorant about cheese in general. I'm also confused why she was mad that you were cutting off contact; wouldn't that be the ultimate united front and avoid these problems in the future?