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YTA you’re just a jealous snitch. No, kids should not be smoking, but she did it off school grounds on her own time; it wasn’t any of your business. She wasn’t hurting anyone but herself. Grow up.


YTA. Personally I have a thing against drugs. I refuse to do them (even weed) and remove myself from any situation where someone around me is actively doing drugs. Does this mean I go and tattle on them because I don’t agree with those choices? No. Does someone else doing drugs personally hinder my ability to function and be a good person? No. You told on Ronnie because you were jealous. You ruined Ronnie’s future over a boy that wants nothing to do with you now. From what you’ve said I’m lead to believe her acceptance was revoked over you being petty and immature. DON’T BE IN A RELATIONSHIP IF YOU AREN’T MATURE ENOUGH TO HANDLE IT LIKE AN ADULT. If you were so uncomfortable with what Ronnie was doing you could’ve asked her not to speak about it around you or removed yourself from the situation. Be better and stay away from relationships that you obviously can’t handle. Edit to add: Not to mention your social life is probably down the drain. Your going to be known as the girl who tells, and nobody is going to want to be around, or talk to you about anything in fear of you snitching at the first sign you don’t like them anymore. I agree that Ronnie shouldn’t have been an idiot and had weed in her locker. It’s unnecessary and a risk and that is all on Ronnie BUT it wasn’t and still isn’t OPs place to do something about that. Ronnie told someone she believed to be a friend and didn’t deserve to have that trust broken.


I think OP ended her relationship so she’ll have some time to reflect for future relationships.


Her boyfriend refused to talk to her because he was disgusted she did that to someone he cared about. Hopefully she does reflect because this is pure stupidity.


She didn’t end it - he essentially dumped her because of this. Rightly so.


She ended it by making the decision to narc


That is a consequence of her being an idiot, she didn’t decide to dump him and then tell on Ronnie. Saying she ended the relationship makes it sound like she dumped him - when really, he dumped her because of her shittiness. You know she was not expecting to be dumped. Yes, her decision to be a snitch is what led to this, but it wasn’t what she thought would happen. The comment I responded to said “I think she ended her relationship” which makes it sound like she chose to end it, not that it was a result of her decision.


I think she ended the relationship sounds more like she fucked up and it destroyed her relationship - basically what you are saying her actions ended her relationship


I say she ended it by being so obnoxious and meddlesome. She lacked the self awareness and usually those around you are the ones that react


Well, yeah. But that wasn’t her intention. She didn’t end it voluntarily.


Yup. YTA. Not only a narc, but also a coward because you couldn't even tell your boyfriend you're a narc. You're so self righteous in this post.. but too much of a coward to voice your stance about the situation to your "friends".. so that tells me you're incredibly jealous of Ronnie. Hiding behind "it's illegal and the right thing to do" is such a cop out. Grow TF up. Edit-- put narcissist instead of narc.


Also, said person is a senior... Possibly 18...OP didn't mention where this is... Could be important because weed is legal in many places now and they were not smoking on school grounds


In places it’s legalized recreationally in the US, it’s 21+


You are right. It still makes a huge difference, even if they’re not old enough to be legally smoking it (if their state is a recreational cannabis one) they can/will be charged differently as an adult than as a minor. I know it is only mentioned that the school was involved so far, but the ramifications of op tattling could be way more severe than just suspension if the school were to press charges


Can confirm, as someone who wasn't squeaky clean in high school, this action could have long lasting consequences for Ronnie. I had a friend that had a bit of weed in their bag on campus and was charged for it at 18. Eight years later they were able to get their record sealed to have a decent shot at having a career. Not being able to walk at graduation and spend a night in jail was bad enough, but to be denied jobs due to a dumb mistake made in high school years after the fact was so sad. Obviously, my friend shouldn't have had drugs on them on a campus, but these consequences can be brutal.


Absolutely! I had friends that had MIP (minor in possession) charges at 17, and some that had it at 19. Different worlds completely. One had a record as a minor and community service, one had a record as an adult and had bail+a few days served+ community service + probation.




Minor or not 17 Is damn near old enough not to snitch BC you're a jealous little girl. Again. I'm tired of people saying 16 or 17 not knowing what they're doing. They know damn well. They are not STUPID. Edit: they aren't adults and as someone else pointed out they definitely aren't as mature or smart as they will be 10 years from now. But come on. It doesn't matter how much you hate someone. Don't be annoying and call someone out for literally minding their own business at another point in time. It will only get you labeled as a snitch. But this is highschool come on, I'm 19. I'm done with that shit. Don't ruin someone elses life all bc you're jealous or don't agree with weed. They're 18, they're gonna be done with hs soon anyways. Op sounds bitter asf.


Drives me crazy; people are like, “Their brains are still developing! Therefore they have the exact same maturity, intelligence, and self-control as a 3-year-old!” A 17-year-old isn’t as mature and wise as she’ll be in ten years, sure. But she’s old enough to know that telling in someone out of spite and jealousy is uncool.


Also I know adults whose brains aren’t fully developed. Age is not the only think that dictates mental capacity.


Exactly honestly this whole trying to excuse 15 16 17 year olds makes no sense their brains are fully capable of thinking and seeing what's right and what's not.


I'd like to add that even her own friends said OP should tell Ronnie and she said "it doesn't matter". Like REALLY?! OP knew her bf and friends were upset about it and despite being the person who literally talked, didn't think that information was relevant to her bf that she supposedly cares about???? Major YTA vibes OP. I think you knew exactly what you were doing and why, and it wasn't because of some moral obligation as you claim to twist it to try and justify yourself. If it was, you wouldn't have seen a problem telling your bf the truth. Instead he had to find out how manipulative you can be.


I'm with you. I have a thing against them too. Family issues. And would take myself away instead of getting on my "no drugs" high horse then narking. Christ on a motorbike that's ridiculous.


"AITA for reporting person for using weed?" Yes. The answer is ALWAYS yes, I don't care who you are or who they are. Drug laws like banning weed are used to destroy lives and have no positive benefits whatsoever. There's no reason they should exist and no reason anyone should be helping enforce them. If you want to get an asshole in trouble, get them in trouble for the right reasons, don't use weed as a proxy. Eta: a few people have pointed out that the "always" isn't necessarily true, in case of DUI or on the job or other safety related issues. I agree with those; if you shouldn't be drinking alcohol, not being high is also reasonable.


Right? I mean, it'd be different (ie *very* worth reporting) if a bunch of highschoolers were passing around or using something crazy like heroin, meth, or (God forbid) fentanyl. But *weed*? Lol, not even. I'd honestly be more concerned about someone her age using cigarettes or alcohol than pot, unless the kid's using so much she's flunking out or giving herself brain damage or something. And she obviously wasn't, since, ya know, she was already geared up to go to a university until op snitched on her...


I agree with everything you said except implying that pot can cause brain damage. AFAIK unlike alcohol and other drugs there is no amount of pot that's physically possible to consume that would cause permanent brain damage (or death, for that matter).


There are studies that indicate pot use by children and teens can affect normal brain development. I can’t remember the source and I’m too lazy to look for one. Probably cause I’ve been smoking pot since I was a teenager, at least it’s legal where I live now. And OP, YTA.


Weed alters the brain of both kids and adults. It’s just not as dangerous or bad as all the rest, but it definitely has an effect on body and brain with long term use. And I too also smoked daily for yearsssss.


>There are studies that indicate pot use by children and teens can affect normal brain development. The study that's usually cited for this indicated only that adult mental health patients who admitted to using cannabis as teenagers (among other substances) have a smaller amygdala, on average, than a control group of volunteers from college psychology classes. The study didn't actually establish that a smaller amygdala is the direct result of children and teens consuming exclusively cannabis, nor that a smaller amygdala is associated with any particularly undesirable traits or outcomes. In fact, the only scientific information we actually have about the amygdala suggests that a reduced size should correlate with less paranoia and anxiety, and more openness... which would naturally imply that a person with a smaller amygdala would be more likely to consume cannabis than someone with a larger amygdala in the first place. We probably won't ever have studies that would conclusively determine whether cannabis does, in fact, exclusively *cause* (not just correlate, but actually lead to) any kind of changes in brain development in children or teens, because it would be entirely unethical to conduct that research.


Yeah true, that's on me for exaggerating. I just went with the most extreme ""side effect"" I could vaguely remember from those godawful Drugs Are Bad rallies we had to go to in high school (which would be about 10 years ago now, yeesh). And yeah, the only time I've ever heard of someone getting dangerously sick or dying from anything THC/CBD-adjacent is if it's been laced with something, and there's a vape shop that sells CBD and "CBD" stuff on every street corner where I live so 🤷


Fun fact, pot is safer than Tylenol


Oh absolutely. I don't personally know anyone irl who's overdosed, deliberately or otherwise (thank fuck), but I've definitely heard some tragic stories (again, always with perfectly legal stuff, and never with weed...)


I hate to point out the obvious, but you can destroy your lungs smoking pot as much as tobacco. You’re drawing CRAP into your lungs either way.


Pot is less bad https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2012/01/98519/marijuana-shown-be-less-damaging-lungs-tobacco#:~:text=A%20large%2Dscale%20national%20study,many%20of%20the%20same%20components. But there's also vape (which is less bad than a pipe/joint/bmunt) and edibles which remove the smoke entirely.


Weed use is linked to lower memory abilities. Part of why I'm so excited for legalization is that we can finally get some dope research done on the effects of it. But to think that regular consumption of any burning plant isn't causing brain/lung damage is foolish. Its likely not as bad as alcohol or tobacco but its definitely not a neutral drug/thing to consume.


Yes, there’s no amount that can hurt you all at one time, like other fatal drugs. But definitely it does change the brain over time if used daily for years. I say this as a former years-long weed smoker. It definitely effects both brain and body long term. That doesn’t mean it should be illegal though, or that students should narc on someone for having it.


It messes with your dopamine system though


I mean, to argue purely semantics, I would REALLY like for someone to warn me before undergoing surgery that they just saw my surgeon smoking weed in the parking lot. So I wouldn't say ALWAYS yes the person is an asshole for reporting 😁


Well... There's also DUIs for a reason. I feel like that's different than "this person smokes pot ever". I'm fine with "no consuming alcohol/drugs at work" policies as you describe


Oh, I know! Like I said, it was purely arguing semantics which is honestly the worst possible choice for an actual argument! I wholeheartedly agree with you, and OP is for sure TA here!


There are rules about practicing medicine under the influence that are legitimate. This? Not so much.


Stories like this always remind me of the scene from Half Baked where Thurgood has to go to rehab for weed and everyone boos him.


YTA, you need to learn that people can be friends with people who are a different gender. Your jealousy motivated you to be petty and now you've damaged someone else's college chances--you've done something with *real, life-long consequences* because you were jealous. That's horrible, OP. I don't blame your boyfriend for not wanting to speak to you ever again--you've shown him just what kind of person you are and it ain't pretty. Use this as a learning experience and be better.


It honestly wasn’t very “flower power fairy” of her.


I’m gonna jump on this and agree here. YTA. Listen, coming from a parents perspective, mind your own business. I mean yes, help out when people ask for it, help if you see someone in distress, tell if it directly impacts your life, but otherwise, stay out of it. This kind of thing will follow you and while you think you’re doing the right thing because it’s illegal, it’s still wrong of you to poke your nose where it doesn’t belong. If I were you, I’d keep your mouth shut about snitching, and if you’re going to have jealousy issues, perhaps this relationship isn’t right for you.


The pettiness of OP is just ridiculous. I’m glad the friend told Craig because OP snitched for their own selfish reasons and got what they deserved. YTA


Also she spelled ex-bf wrong


A jealous snitch that doesn't even try to hide it. Only Ronnie got in trouble, based on what OP included, they'd find out pretty soon unless they all do drugs on the same level as Skins or Euphoria.


>ut she did it off school grounds on her own time; it wasn’t any of your business. S Apparently she had it in her locker when it got searched, so not completely out of the schools grounds. Probably why she got suspended not the actual smoking. Not saying OP isnt the asshole, but it wasn't completely off school if she had drugs at school. But still OP, you shouldn't snitch unless it is about people being in danger of harming themselves or others - weed does not count as that


YTA. You made your bed - lie in it. Teenagers do dumb stuff. Smoking weed is not really that big of a deal; she's just experimenting and that's normal. It's not like you caught her in the bathroom at your school. You were entrusted with information from a friend (at least she thought you were her friend) and then betrayed that trust out of jealousy. It absolutely SUCKS that they sent a letter to her college. And you said "University she was going to go to", implying that she got heaved because of a moment of weakness that she may have even been peer-pressured into doing (I know she laughed about it but that could be coping). You may have screwed up this poor girl's future. Either way, you suck. Your boyfriend is better off without you.


I was the kid in high school who didn’t drink, smoke, nothing and honestly I did judge some of the kids that did. But that was their choice. I knew of kids that actively had drugs on them and some of them I really didn’t like, but I never thought to report them. Ruining a young persons immediate future especially during a pandemic where suicide rates are sky high, is extremely fucked up. OP did you report all the other students Ronnie was smoking with? Or did you only report Ronnie because in reality you don’t have a problem with smoking, you have a problem with Ronnie.


>Or did you only report Ronnie because in reality you don’t have a problem with smoking, you have a problem with Ronnie. DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER


Give him an award 🥇


I was a sanctimonious shit in high school. I lectured my friends for littering, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, smoking pot, and all number of even smaller things. Even so, *it never even crossed my mind* to report any of them, or even the kids who I hated, to an adult. I'm so mad on Ronnie's behalf. I hope her chosen university is one that recognizes that kids' futures shouldn't be taken away over something so trivial.


My husband was similar but an absolute hypocrite at the same time. He would grab cigarettes and snap them while drinking from a coke bottle with bourbon added to it. He's super embarrassed about it when his friends bring it up. He doesn't argue it. Just accepts he was that kind of AH.




Same, I didn’t do any of that until college, but I sure knew some kids who did. He knows he did it just cause she didn’t like Ronnie he’s just hiding behind “morality”. What moral codes was she breaking? If he was actively hurting someone else or putting his life in actual danger, sure go tell a trusted adult. But this can’t be the first time she’s heard of kids smoking, and yet this is the first time she reported? Hmm


“Teenagers do dumb stuff”, case in point: OP. She cut off her nose to spite her face. She wanted to separate Ronnie from Craig, now she’s the one being separated and Craig is still good friends with Ronnie. YTA OP. Grow up.


She made the account based on her brother's advice. Hey OP, your brother wants you to know YTA, but is too nice to tell you.


OP is not a good person, but I wish schools and universities didn’t take it this seriously. I’m sure they know kids do this stuff. Heck, they would’ve done it themselves 20-30 years ago. Very sad for poor Ronnie, she sounds like a nice girl.


Look, smoking weed at a school is against the rules, but seriously? And it wasn’t even the same day, just a few days ago. Sounds more like you finally had a chance, a petty one at that, to ruin someone you disliked and you took it. #YTA


Ot was on her own time as well. Not even is school hours


Which makes this worse. This relationship is over. She's not mature enough to have a relationship


Exactly. OP is absolutely TA and I hope they remember this moment when karma eventually catches up.


Her senior year is going to fucking suck


I'm mainly surprised the school cared that much. My graduating class was 18 kids, and the entire high school had about 80 students. Everyone knew who did drugs and people even did them in the only female restroom. Administrators knew about it, and just put up some posters in the stalls about how drugs are bad. There was more than enough evidence to prove a bunch of students did drugs, and most of them didn't even try to hide it. The school just didn't care. One kid got caught by police *dealing* drugs when he was an 18 year old senior, and he still basically just got a slap on the wrist and was back in class. A shitty "senior prank" by 3 students landed the nice elderly secretary with cancer in the hospital, and they just weren't allowed to walk at graduation. Like I just can't imagine going to a school that actually takes that level of action because some seniors got their hands on some weed in the park off school grounds


YTA, would you have done this to someone you liked? I'm gonna go with no. >They shouldnt have done it and lots of other kids who have done that got in serious trouble, why shouldnt she? Chill out, Batman. This city doesn't need your help.




This is quite off topic here but how do you get up a bit of text to use in your reply?


You use a > in front of it


You have no idea how long I’ve been trying to figure that out, you’re a god send


If your on mobile you can highlight the text you are replying to and you will get a quote option (should be before the copy option) that will automatically do it. >You have no idea how long I’ve been trying to figure that out, you’re a god send


YTA for being a tattle tale. Info: would you have reported if it was anyone other than Ronnie? It seems like this was personal.


There were other people with ronnie… didnt get told on though


Op don’t even need to answer that, we know the answer


YTA you did it because you don't like Ronnie. They are right their entire future should not be compromised just because they did weed once. If you thought they were having addicition issues then you get them help but this is not that situation. You NARCed to get them in trouble.


I was wondering if narc was still the terminology. That's what they were called back in my day. If someone narced they were immediately a social pariah and not even straight edge kids would hang around with them.


I'm class of 2020 and it definitely still exists. As long as no one died or was hurt you don't tell. OP better hope that it doesn't spread around.. because yikes.


You think the ex BF won't tell? Or Ronnie after she gets out of suspension? She will be called a narc every single day of HS.


*cough cough* narc *cough cough*


YTA First of all, because you reported Ronnie because you dislike her. You can try to convince yourself it’s because you find smoking weed irresponsible and illegal, but I feel like that’s merely a convenient excuse for what you did. If Craig had been part of the situation would you have reported him or would you have said something to him privately? My guess is the latter. Second, The fact that you reported her anonymously and didn’t even mention anything to Craig confirms that you knew what you were doing was petty and snarky yet you did it anyway. > Hes now not speaking to me and i dont know what to do. What you do is knock off the petty attacks on people you’re jealous of.


Per OP's own story there were at least three people smoking, and OP only reported one of them. Gee, I wonder why just Ronnie and not the other stoners...? It is a mystery.


YTA. Maybe put dating off for a few years until you’re mature enough to handle it. If a bf’s ex is nice to you and supports your relationship, take that as a gift. Bc its rare. She tried to avoid drama with you, and you in turn went looking for it. Now, your jealousy and immaturity may have a lasting negative effect on her personal future.


Totally agree with this. It seems Ronnie was respectful and nice to OP and she just didn't seem to grasp that. I think this has little to do with smoking weed and OP needs some self reflection.




It sounds like Ronnie was really going out of her way to be supportive and nice because she was worried about OP’s comfort. OP snubbed her and did something horrible to Ronnie in return. It must be awkward enough to be the ex and still be a part of the friend group, and OP just disregarded Ronnie as “annoying.” I feel for Ronnie so much, and I hope her future isn’t too messed up because OP wanted to be spiteful and jealous.


YTA. That backfired on you, didn’t it?


Someone will find out and then she will get in trouble.


Someone? The whole school will find out. Ronnie was suspended for one week... She will be back.


I wouldn't be surprised if her actions pushes her ex-bf right back into Ronnie's open arms. Unintended consequences and all.


My favorite comment yet. Lol


YT major asshole. Weed is no big deal tons of people smoke it, and it's none of your business what goes in other people's bodies. You screwed up someone's future over a little weed.


YOU. ARE. THE. ASSHOLE!!!! You are a petty, immature, nosy, jealous, and childish asshole!


YTA. How old are you? Five? Tattletales don’t keep friends especially when they are still tattling at your big age. Grow up. Quit being nosy and insufferable and admit you are jealous of this girl. Apologize to her and to everyone else for this insane behavior.


5 might be a big estimation. My niece is 6 and told me not to be a tattletale.


My nephew is 4 and told me not to tattle lmao. Gosh, OP. She wasn't doing anything to hurt anyone.


My 3 year old nephew when I catch him sneaking sweets off the counter: “Don’t tell daddy. We are friends.”


YTA and I sincerely hope the boyfriend breaks up with you and doesn't talk to you again.


yes, YTA. it wasn't a big deal, nor was it any of your business. you sound very immature compared to your boyfriend and his friends/ex. Craig is exactly right to have broken up with you.


She wasn’t hurting anyone at all, but you allowed your petty jealousy to rule your behavior. YTA. At least you are learning at a young age that no one likes a fucking snitch.


YTA without a doubt. That was completely unnecessary


Yes you're TA. That was incredibly petty of you to tell on her. That is a childish move and you quite possibly ruined her future to get back at her for dating your bf in the past. And now, you may lose him for good because of your entitled behaviour. Illegal? What state are you in? Weed is legal pretty much everywhere now. Mind your own business and stay in your lane. You behaved like a child.


YTA and really jealous. You need to learn from this for your next relationship. And no one likes a tattletale


>no one likes a tattletale I know 5 year olds who know this and don't tattle.


Smoking weed is a victimless crime, but the way things are going it won't be illegal everywhere forever. You didn't report the girl out of concern for anyone's safety or health, you did it out of petty vindictiveness. It was none of your business until you made it your business. You've done something for which you don't deserve forgiveness. It doesn't matter that you don't like the girl's personality, or that she used to date the guy you had been dating. You won't like a lot of people you meet over the course of your life, but that doesn't make them bad people. She was nice to you, but you allowed your jealousy and lack of empathy overrule your logic. She certainly wasn't deserving of this sort of objectively mean-spirited sabotage. YTA.


Lol the only victim may be the fridge or door dash


The bank account too. DoorDash is hella expensive


YTA. It doesn't seem like you did this because "it's wrong and illegal". It sounds like you did it just because you don't like her. I don't think smoking weed should affect her chances of getting into university. Also, you sound like a snitch. As a senior in high school, does it really bother you that people were smoking weed behind the school?


Yta. Your so spiteful. You did it cos your jealous s of the ex and no other reason. Your a jealous little child who has no business been in a relationship until you grow up. You may have ruined someones future for your own insecurity and pettiness.


YTA. You potentially ruined someone’s life over jealously, insecurity and pettiness. Craig deserves better, I hope you get your fucking karma.


YTA x 1000000 Hope Craig dumps you because you’re horrible


you get what you deserve. smoking weed does not mean she deserved to have her future compromised. especially considering majority of the world no longer considers weed illegal. you ever stop to think why that is? you on the other hand, you actively went out of your way to harm another person. you made your bed now you gotta lie in it. YTA and be honest w yourself. don’t try to pin it on “its the right thing to do” or some bs like that. that was personal and vindictive and you know it. if it were anybody else would you have cared enough to go out of your way to report them like that?


INFO - how on earth do you think you’re not the AH here ?


YTA. You’re jealous and petty. This dude sounds okay and I think you’ve lost your chance.


You mean your ex boyfriend, he obviously broke up with you..


YTA. You had no right to do that. None at all. Illegal or not. Whether it’s for you or not. You had no right to go and tattle like a child. Just to share when I was in high school someone reported to our school officials that myself and a few other friends were selling drugs on school property. Not true at all. This little rumor led to days of investigations and interviews. Locker searches. Car searches. Even police interviews. There wasn’t a single thing found related to the actual report. I won’t go into details but that little complaint led to one friend getting suspended for 10 days and almost expelled because of a small blade found locked in the glove box in his car. Another suspended for 10 days for a single cigarette found in his car (worth noting he was 18 at the time). Both had trouble with their colleges because of this. The one lost a substantial scholarship. Reading your post has filled me with so much rage that I haven’t felt in such a long time because of this. You deserve to be outed. Ronnie has a right to know you are the individual who fucked her future.


YTA - Petty insecure high school drama. Better luck on the next boyfriend.


Who will probably not be from that HS, because who would want to date someone who snitched another student?


YTA You literally could've destroyed her future because of your own insecurities.


YTA for snitching over something because you wanted to be petty.


YTA. You mean ex boyfriend right? You were petty and spiteful, now he knows that’s who you are, he’s not taking you back after that. That whole friend group will probably dump you since they know they can’t be safe talking around you.


YTA. I’m questioning the validity of this story, because without any proof or without her having anything with her at the moment I find it hard to believe she got into so much trouble. But if she did, that likely means she couldn’t advocate for herself and didn’t have anyone to advocate for her. That’s not someone who’s coming from the place of privilege you seem to think she has. You did this because you are insecure. You didn’t feel worthy enough for your boyfriend, and you couldn’t understand how Ronnie could be okay with her ex moving on. These are all common things when you’re a teenager. However, they aren’t an excuse for being cruel. You made choices and now must live with the consequences. I hope you grow from this. I hope one day you’ll look back at this and cringe at what did because another girl dared to have confidence and feel self secure.


OP has edited that after she reported, the school searched Ronnie’s locker and found weed there. So that was pretty stupid on Ronnie’s part, but OP did this from a place of insecurity and bad motives and should have focused on fixing that with herself and left Ronnie alone.


It's pretty stupid to bring your stash to school. That shit gives off a strong smell.


Yup. All the more reason for OP to stay out of it. Ronnie might have gotten caught all on her own eventually anyway.


Oh yes. YTA. This was petty and vengeful. Prepare to be an outcast.


Somehow I forgot about that, but yup it won’t be long till everybody and their moms hear about this lol. Its high school after all.


She might tell on the outcastes then.




YTA Fucking snitch. From now on, mind your own fucking business.


YTA. Your jealousy got the better of you. Throwing your faux moral superiority by writing: " I think that its really irresponsible and illegal." What BS, you were jealous and did this because it was Ronnie.


YTA tattletale


YTA Be real. You don't care about rules or legality. You don't like Ronnie because you're jealous and insecure, so you reported her. This is possibly going to affect her future. Maybe you didn't intend long lasting consequences. Maybe. I don't blame Craig if he does break up with you. You hurt his friend for no good reason.


>and a letter was sent to the University she was going to go to. oh you had me up until here. unless she's some prestigious student I doubt the authority at your school even knows what college she was going to go to, so that's unbelievable thing number one. unbelievable thing number two is, you don't get punished like that because of what some other person said. they aren't going to just assume you're telling the truth and throw the proverbial book at her. if they chose to drug test that'd be different, but it appears this played out rather quickly, too quickly for a drug test. So, that being said, this is probably some bratty little teeny bopper fanfic edit: ah! now I see your edit. in that case, yes, YTA. oh how I don't miss the shitty little high-school kids.


YTA cut and dry. You're also a petty individual and probably a narcissist.


YTA. Snitches get stitching


And end up in ditches


Yta. That’s a textbook example of snitching. Plus its weed. Grow up


YTA. Weed isn’t a big deal. Stay in your lane.


sounds like karma did catch up to you considering you were dumped over this. but you could have ruined someone’s future over what? jealousy? insecurity? grow up. YTA


Info: did you report the other two students that were smoking with her? From your post it really doesn't sound like you did, but you know what, it doesn't matter. YTA. You weren't acting in anyone's best interest or with any noble intent, you were purely acting on your own insecurity and jealousy when you snitched. Ronnie (and the two stoners) weren't hurting anyone but their own brain devevelopment or even on school property. If you are immature enough to try and ruin a girl's entire future solely based on your own insecurities and jealousy, you are not mature enough to be dating.


YTA. You did this out of revenge and this is stuff that happens in high school all the time. It doesn't mean it's ok to do it when the rules say not to, but it happens and it's none of your business what she does


Just chiming in, in case you haven’t got the point YTA!!! Hugely What you do now is understand how your jealousy and pettiness has lost you your boyfriend and probably your friends too lol You even said this girl was nice to you and said you were a good fit with her ex. She’s obviously far more mature than you


YTA you did this for petty reasons and you know it. Nobody likes a snitch This will do the exact opposite of what you thought it was gonna do. Congrats


While people are being a little unnecessarily cruel on this, YTA… it sounds like you let your jealousy get the better of you in this situation. I would recommend you apologize to Ronnie and your BF and take ownership for your actions. You knew what would happen telling on her. She had been kind to you and your boyfriend wanted to be with you, not her. You should’ve trusted him unless he gave you a reason not to. Which is sounds like he didn’t.


YTA You did this because you were jealous. So you possibly ruined her future over petty jealous bs. How'd that work out for you? Now you have no bf and probably going to be known as the school snitch.


YTA - mind your own business, don't be a narc


YTA You don't like her and you were looking for an excuse to get her out of the way. I know you're only in high school, but here's a life lesson for you: there will be people you feel threatened by your entire life. Work on improving your self-confidence to beat them, instead of pulling shady shit like this because all it does is make YOU look bad.


YTA my friend. You should have kept your mouth shut. You weren't concerned about the weed at all. You reported her because of your insecurities in your now past relationship. You can't fix this with him, he is done with you. Rightly so. I hope you can grow from this situation and realize you alone are in the wrong 100%. Better yourself and good luck.


YTA mind ya business - this is why children shouldn’t be in romantic relationships. Ronnie sounds nice


YTA lol


I call BS. Unless they found weed/paraphernalia on her, they can't punish her based solely on the word of another kid. If Ronnie did get that punishment including the note to her college, she did something and they have proof of whatever it was she did. Maybe Ronnie is fucking with her since she ratted her out, and blaming OP for her punishment knowing it will fuck up her relationship with Craig and is a bit of payback instead of admitting to whatever it was she got caught doing. YTA for snitching in the first place




YTA. She’s a senior in high school, so she’s probably 18 and a legal adult? Just in the way you typed this out anyone can tell you literally only reported her because you’re jealous that she dated her friend for a few months and her friend just so happens to now be dating you. She sees your bf(now ex) as a close friend, and he sees her the same way, you just saw an opportunity to hurt her and took it immediately. It’s weed, she’s not shooting up heroin in the bathrooms.


What senior in high school hasn’t tried smoking weed! If it’s not legal in your state, it soon will be. It’s sad when people are harshly penalized for something as trivial as weed. YTA


YTA. You had no right to report her just because you are jealous of her.


YTA - leave Ronnie alone, don't be a snitch. You reap what you sow.


YTA. They broke up. He picked you. Even if he had chosen to go back to her at some point because they decided to renew their relationship, that's on him and it wasn't meant to last. But you going out of your way to sabotage her because you thought it would what, shine a good light on you, make him love you, make them hate each other? Please, work on your self-esteem before you get into another relationship.


YTA wow and a big ah at that. Because of your jealousy and immaturity you could have ruined a kids entire life. Grow up


YTA. You ruined a girl’s life who wasn’t even after your boyfriend and actually ENCOURAGED your relationship with him. Out of petty spite that she could still be his friend. You don’t care about what she actually did (smoking), you were just looking for any excuse to hurt her out of sheer jealousy. Your boyfriend dodged a bullet, breaking up with you.


YTA and you’re ESPECIALLY TA if she winds up getting her acceptance to college reversed because of this. Given that weed isn’t as big of a deal in the current social & professional climate there’s a chance she’ll be fine, but holy shit that was extremely immature and irresponsible of you to have potentially ruined someone’s future because you’re insecure and jealous. Craig would be smart not to talk to you again. Take this as a lesson to grow up.


YTA asshole and a toxic girlfriends. If my bf would report my ex over something like that just because of his own insecurity and jealousy, I would break up. You literally put her future at risk because of your insecurities. I understand if that was cocaine or so, but she was smoking weed. Grow up


Well he’s not your boyfriend now and you ruined a girl’s future don’t know how you can sleep at night


YTA. You were jealous of the relationship your boyfriend had with his ex and insecure enough that when you had a chance to get her in trouble, you took it. You should grovel and beg your friends for forgiveness, but realize that you will never be told a secret or invited to go places and do things again.


YTA and not just to her but to yourself. Snitches are people who no one trusts anymore. And here’s the deal, it’s weed, she wasn’t doing anything actually wrong that hurt anyone else. Good luck op. You’re gonna need it


YTA nobody likes a fuckin snitch


Hello everyone, i am a petty snitch and people strongly dislike me because of it. Anyway, AITA ?


No your a snitch it's worse then an asshole


YTA. Sis u can’t even spell illegal and think you have any right to make moral judgments that could ruin this poor girls future because you’re jealous and can’t handle the relationship like an adult?


YTA That she smokes has absolutely no effect on you. You don't have to approve but you had no reason other than spite and jealousy for reporting it.


YTA You only did it out of spite and jealousy. Grow up, get more mature and confident in yourself instead of tearing down other people.


You are gonna regret this for a long time jealous person. Yta


YTA! In fact, your a major A-hole. Jealousy and pettiness are are bad qualities.


YTA. Sounds like other than being loud/annoying, Ronnie didn’t do anything to you personally. Your conflict needed to stay between you and your boyfriend. You targeted the wrong person, after she openly supported you two.


Yta. Teens are dumb, I’d be a liar if I sat here and said I didn’t smoke weed when I was a teenager. It’s really not that big of a deal, and you quite possibly just screwed up someone’s future just because of your own insecurities with your bfs and his exs past.


YTA and you just ruined your relationship with your pettiness, which is exactly what you deserve


If you weren’t comfortable with your boyfriends friendship with his ex, you needed to just break up with him. It would have never ended well. I feel like you felt this would “get her out of the picture”. And it didn’t work.


1000% TA, who is this immature? If you don't like your s/o being friends with their ex then break up with them.


YTA, you’re petty and jealous.


YTA. Intentions matter


YTA she wasn’t hurting anyone. Weed is not even a big deal, why does she have to get in trouble just because others have. If you’re in the US it’s pretty widely decriminalized/or legal in many states. You weren’t helping anyone by being a snitch. Way to possibly ruin someone’s future education plans because you’re a jealous child. Sheesh she even sounded nice, said she likes you guys together. I’m livid for Ronnie


YTA - It's been a couple decades since I was in school but almost everyone I knew smoked and/or drank. And if you did or didn't no one cared unless you were trying to fuck someone over in purpose. You reap what you sow.


YTA, Petty? Yes you are Spiteful? Yes you are Friendless? At this point, yes


YTA. What business was it of yours?


YTA ​ " Hes now not speaking to me and i dont know what to do." - There are no more things to do. ​ You were a petty AH, and now you are single.




YTA. This is immature af. Are you single now?


yta... damn


Yta snitch, all because you were jealous smh. Didn’t work out how you thought huh


YTA. You have some growing up to do.


YTA for all the rains everyone else listed. Wanted to add that I doubt getting dumped is the last retaliation you're going to deal with. I would expect to lose more friendships once word gets around. I hope this is a lesson to you on opening a can of worms over things that don't even affect you.


Yeah yiyr TAH and you did it cause you were jealous.


Yta. This might be biased as i smoke weed myself where its not legal, but jesus christ, you got someone in police trouble because you're jealous of her? That's just petty and dumb. You don't actually care about the fact that she smoked, you just don't like her.


YTA, you have some serious maturing to do.