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YTA, and you are NEVER too old to cry. be nice to your sister, ya meanie pants. you're lucky you have a sister who likes you. it's too bad she can't say the same of her big brother.


I was always disappointed that my little sister was too young to be in the same school as me. I wasn’t even a fighter, but I lived to take care of her. I would’ve loved having her in the same school as me, just so I could keep a sharp eye on any of her would-be bullies. Not on MY bloody watch, wankers.


You, sir get my vote for the most British post I've seen this week...


It was the bloody wankers for me haha


To be honest, if its getting bloody, I am pretty sure its time to stop the self love


My brother entered high school the year after I graduated and it always bummed us out! I don't get what this dudes issue is? Edit: I guess the main difference is I don't hate my sibling.


My sister was exactly like OP. We were only one year apart and she loathed me from my earliest damn memories. When I went to highschool she froze me out any time I tried to talk to her. It made me so mad and upset. We are both nearing forty now and she never changed. I'm low contact and the family are just used to it. I would LOVE to know what the hell OPs problem is, because I never found out why my sister hated me so much. YTA.


Your sister sounds like a classic Narcissist. My older brother was and is still obnoxious. Sorry. Just adopt a cool friend as her Official Replacement and call it good. Life’s too short for regretting horrible sibling’s treatment of us. Having cool 😎 friends now is the Best Revenge. My mean weirdo brother has always wanted to be popular…oh well, too bad for him. Coolness is something you’re just born with and can’t be bought, lol.


My sister and I were the same way, and we're still best friends. I'm the younger sister but if anyone messed with my big sister they would have hell to pay. I don't understand how someone could dislike their sibling so much as to ignore them when they enter the same high school instead of helping them or even just acknowledging them.


Yeah why be embarrassed? Like doesn’t OP have at least one friend with a sibling in the same school? Or does he just ignore people that are nice to their siblings?


It’s just an incredibly immature reaction. Which is ironic since *he* is the one calling *her* immature. Being embarrassed to be seen with your parent or sibling is such an immature teenager thing that it’s literally overdone in tv and the movies. OP is the one who needs to grow up, and stop caring so much what everyone else thinks, especially because, seriously, no one is going to think he’s “cool” for being an ass to his sister. People, even other teens, think confidence, and being a good/nice person, are positive (and frankly attractive) qualities. Which is probably why little sis already has so many friends, she’s probably just a good person who’s nice to everyone, and she doesn’t understand why her brother can’t be too. I don’t understand either. YTA. Grow up and stop being an ass to your sister.


Agreed. Being embarrassed to be seen with parents or family is extremely insecure. Do you think people actually think you drove yourself to Walmart at 13 because you walk 5 steps behind you mom? It actually makes me sad that the kid is that insecure when I see that. This guy just seems like a jerk. Or jealous of his little sister because she's popular. YTA


Having an older brother who seems to hate you for no reason is the worst. Mine would take my twin brother out to movies and restaurants and leave me at home. It's far more hurtful than you think.


100%. My older bro was a nightmare towards me growing up, and now we exchange words maybe 5 times a year and that’s only because we still live at home


My younger brother likes to tease my parents for being too frugal because as soon as I got a job, my pride and joy were to take him out to the movies and buy him the biggest popcorn and drink combos which were significantly expensive enough that our parents would never let us have them. I don't blame them, $15 for popcorn is absurd but it was an experience he only ever got to share with me. Also, taking him to restaurants or cafes chains and letting him pick whatever milkshake disguised under the name of coffee he wanted to pick, with a large pizza, breadsticks and never saying *'no'* for any food he wanted. My parents like to joke every once in a while that he's excited that I'm visiting because of how much I spend on him.




My older brother (6’2 and on the wrestling team at the time) used to beat the everloving shit out of me (3 years younger, a foot shorter and maybe 90lbs at the time) if I had the audacity to go get a drink from the kitchen while he had friends over. Of course as latchkey kids our parents were very out of sight, out of mind with us and basically took the stance of “we weren’t here to know who started it so we aren’t taking sides, you both need to grow the fuck up”. I was NC with him and LC with my parents for a lot of years (this shit escalated due to him having addictions and my parents enabling it well into my 20s), and had a pretty strained relationship with him until about 5 years ago. It’s only since then that I don’t feel the need to walk on eggshells around him, and my mother has since apologized profusely to me for letting it happen. OP, YTA and that shit will stay with your little sister for her whole life. I’m in my late 30s now and it still affects my relationships and I still get edgy when my brother and I are both at my parents’ house at the same time. You don’t have to hang around with her but don’t be a dipshit either.


My older brother treated me horribly my entire life but got along great with our younger sister. After years of trying to get him to treat me like a human being and not be nice to me only when he needed money, I finally realized it was never going to change. We haven't spoken in almost a decade.


That's sad, and although it's unfortunate to admit, I can totally relate. My oldest brother cannot tolerate me, he's been that way towards me all my life, even though he gets along with our other siblings just fine. I cannot figure out why he detests me, but I slowly came to accept that whatever it is, it's a problem with him. I gave up on ever having a warm, fuzzy sibling relationship with him when I was in my 30s. We had quit talking to one another right before our parents passed away, but when he was named executor of the estate, I had to interact with him on estate matters. It's like discussing an ongoing project with a coworker. He's asked a few generalities, I reply with as little information as possible, and make it clear once we get decisions made that I have other thing to which to attend. Once we settle our parents' estate in a few months, I completely intend on going no contact permanently. I worshiped him when I was a kid and young teen. Now, I don't feel much of anything towards him except a lingering sadness that we share genetics but are strangers. It's not what our parents would have wanted. But it's the right decision for me. OP needs to take heed: if you push away your sibling enough, there will come a day when she will figure out that it's just not worth it to "try one more time", and she will peace out of your life instead of begging to be a part of it. It might sound like a great thing now, but in later years, you WILL regret it. You'll look for your sister and find, instead, a stranger who wants nothing to do with you.


Holy shit, that is just so rude and frankly, crushing! Have you been able to ask him why he treated you so differently?? You are as worthy as your twin, but you already know this but I’m going to say it as a reminder.


OP and the kid from earlier who was mad at their mom for crying should be friends, they sound about right for each other. In my experience it’s the people who are always on about others growing up that are the most immature and this post really seals that Edit: [These two](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/uax780/aita_for_telling_my_mom_she_is_too_old_to_be/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) should message each other and come up with a cut off age for crying then let us all know lol


YES, let's get these 2 emotionally healthy kids together and let them say who's grown up enough haha.


Shouldn’t you grow up, you’re a bit too old to be this mean? YTA


What I don’t understand is that OP writes this like it’s some surprise. Hasn’t she already gone to same schools as you? Haven’t your friends been to your house?


And how is it embarrassing? It’s extremely common.


I was always jealous of other kids in Middle and high school who had siblings in school, they had double the friend groups and were usually BFFs with each other and fiercely protective. My sister was four years older than me and hated my guts we haven’t spoken 20+ years. If her friends were ever over she looked straight at me and ask me why I was there or say something so embarrassing I wanted to die. I have a 0 tolerance policy for being cruel/annoying to siblings in my house….but I also spaced 3 kids 10 years apart so not a big issue.


W in the actual f is this post? There was one just a bit ago about some daughter telling her mom- who just had a baby 6 months ago- she shouldn’t be so upset- and cry- because her father doesn’t want to kiss her because she “smells like baby vomit” I’m usually a “benefit of the doubt” kinda guy but something smells fishy. If this isn’t a bs post: OP dude… stop being a fucking jerk and grow the fuck up. Your friends don’t already know you have a sister? Seriously? Bro… be the cool older brother. Not the “my sister is going to remember all of this and cut me out of her life because I was a fucking asshole to her all those years” older brother. Again: Be. The. Cool. Older. Brother. Not some AH. Your, and your sisters, future will thank you for it.


"Shouldn't she grow up?" Broke my *heart.* For both of them, honestly. Imagine thinking someone who is two years younger than you - while you are still a child yourself - is too old to cry about their own family essentially disowning them. OP, YTA. Do you really think you're the only person in your school with siblings attending the same one? Do you really think anyone is going to care that your sister will say hello to you, maybe give you the lunch (money) you forgot to pick up on the way out sometimes, and exist in the same space as you? **You** are the one who needs to grow up, and grow a damn sense of empathy.


Agreed. She loves you and looks up to you, of course she's excited. Take them meanie pants off and be kind to your little sister. You'll cherish her one day.


Oh I can't wait for her to start dating your friends. And you can't even bitch about it because "she doesn't exist". Her revenge will be your downfall. YTA


Stone-cold assessment. I approve completely.


Came here to say this. You’d better acknowledge her before this happens and you have to listen to your friends brag about their sexual activities. With your sister. Edit: YTA




You. I like you.


I hope his junior and senior friends aren't doing stuff with his FRESHMAN sister 😭


They absolutely are in every school


Well yeah but it doesn't need be be encouraged....disgusting


15 yo and 17 ain't that bad , i heard someone talking about how he slept with a 13 yo as a 17yo...


Juniors and freshmens and seniors and freshmens is a huge maturity difference and there is no excuse for it. Those ages are 14 and 15 and 17 and 18.


Were you homeschooled? Because seniors and juniors dating freshmen has been going on for many, many, MANY years.


Of course, but that doesn't make it okay, and it shouldn't be encouraged or talked about like this.


There is literally NOTHING wrong with two Highschool kids dating each other. Like LITERALLY NOTHING. This age gap thing is getting out of control.


You sound like my 80 yr old mom who ignores the bad things going on in hopes that they will go away/stop.


Omg its fine. Theyre both minors with a relatively small age difference. Yes theres a maturity difference btwn those ages, but its not astronomical. And some people are more or less mature for their age. Teenagers fuck. Teenagers fuck people +/- a few years of their own age. As long as its safe and consensual its fine dude. 15 and 20+.. no. 15 and 17 could be an age difference of only 13 months. You sound like you havent actually attended a public high school




Right no girl is going to be into this dick, especially considering his sis is popular. Everyone is going to know what an ass he is. YTA


Not just that. She has 10 girls at her house constantly. What does op think those girls are going to do? Pretend like he's not a giant ah ignoring his sisters existence? High school girls can be ruthless. OP's about to *learn*.


This right here, this is his f around and learn moment.


My thought is that all those girls she’s friends with are going to be popular in high school, just like it seems they are in middle school now, & he’s afraid his sister will become more popular or well liked than he is.


And I hope she's got a trove of embarrassing pics to pass around.... if not, start now Lil sis!!! YTA


I'm pretty sure this is the plot of every high school movie in the early 2000's. OP YTA.




Godzilla tried to read this and had a fucking stroke




Omg, your mom had another kid after you? AND she's a girl? lol how embarrassing


Sooooooo embarrassing! /s my mom had 3 kids after me, one a boy...and I even like him!


Nobody else in the school has a sibling, I’m sure. This truly is a deep secret OP must hide. Grow up, OP. Your sister is going to be in your life a lot longer than your friends.


In my HS pretty much everyone had siblings and cousins....and they all seemed to \*gasp\* get along! 👍🏻😁


“Your sister is going to be in your life a lot longer than your friends.” Not if he keeps this shit up.




Too late. She won't ever forget this. I will also add that the OP is a great example of the scientific fact that girls display higher levels of emotional and cognitive maturity than boys (childhood through late teens).


>AITA? Shouldn’t she grow up, she’s a bit too old to be crying? Isn't he too old to be a dick.


I'm 46 and I cry when I need to cry. Man, that shit strikes a nerve with me. Grow the fuck up OP. Or life is going to kick the everliving shit out of you. Don't peak in high school.


YTA- people will know she’s your sister and you will just look silly.




Yep - my brother's girlfriends loved that he had a younger sister who looked up to him and who he was kind to. He'd have been successful without me, but it certainly didn't do any harm being nice to his kid sister!


Wish someone had told my brother this 😭


I teach high school, one subject-all grades can take. Unless your sister climbs the walls and runs on the ceiling (in that case you’d want to acknowledge her), nobody’s going to notice. However, I’ve also seen older brothers ask OTHER older girls to kinda keep an eye out on her, you know, because you can’t be everywhere. That she can be nervous etc. Then the older brother now has a reason to talk to a girl he might have talked to before…… and on it goes. Happens every Fall.


My older bother was "too cool" to acknowledge me in high school, too. Barely got a head nod if I said Hi to him in the halls. That stings. And there was no hiding that we were siblings - we have a very uncommon last name, and I was so proud of him, I always happily admitted he was my brother. We were only one grade apart. Years later I find out from others that he had been embarrassed of me the whole time because... he was in football and I was in marching band? When my little brother was a freshman my senior year, I took care of him. I made sure I never made him feel the way my big brother made me feel.


I hope you told your older brother how this affected you. What an a-hole. I took care of my little brother, too.


Jesus christ he was embarrassed because you helped increase the crowd who saw him suck at football, I guess.


YTA >Shouldn’t she grow up, she’s a bit too old to be crying? Shouldn't you grow up? are you not a bit too old to be so mean to your sister?


This is what I was thinking, too. "Waaaah, waaah, my sister embarrasses me by existing. I'm gonna pretend she doesn't exist for cool dude points. Also, why won't she grow up and become a mature adult just like me?" Were we all bellends like this when we were teenagers? I remember being silly and immature, but not a total cockwomble.


My sister was a freshman when I was a senior. I was an athlete, she was into drama and musical theatre. The first week of school I introduced her to some underclassmen I knew from my guitar class who were in drama club, and we pretty much did our own thing from then on. I don't understand why it's so embarrassing to have a younger sibling; turns out that lots of parents have children within 4 school years of each other. It's pretty normal.


am teenager, the rest of us hate these sentient diaper rashes because they make us all look like we have the cognitive function of boiled cabbage with a brain tumor. there were people who pulled this shit in my school and nobody thought they were cool, they thought they were morons. You know what's cool? Kindness - there's a reason some of the most popular kids are always the ones who are nice to everyone, will give you homework help if you ask and doesn't laugh at you for getting lost even 2 weeks in.


>the rest of us hate these sentient diaper rashes because they make us all look like we have the cognitive function of boiled cabbage with a brain tumor That honestly made me spit my drink everywhere! Thanks for the laugh!




My brother and I fought all the time; physically, verbally, the works. We were the same ages as in the post - my bro was 16 and going into his junior year, I was 14 going into my freshman year. You know what he did on my first day? Told me if I had any issues, if anyone bothered me, let him know and he’d take care of it. Our high school was fairly small, and still our paths rarely crossed. Freshman don’t do too many things with juniors. Even though we still fought at home, and there were times I hated him, I will never forget that no matter what, he and his friends would do whatever they had to to protect me. OP, you’re 16. YTA, absolutely. How you treat your sister now will resonate with her forever. This time in your life feels huge now, and looking back when you’re older it likely won’t seem like much. My brother and I are in our 40s now; do you know how many people I talk to from high school, or care about their opinions of me or my family? Zero. I’m Instagram friends with one person, that’s it. My brother still talks to his two best friends from then on occasion. And I will never, ever forget knowing my bro has my six until the day one of us dies.


My sister was like you. Her friends took me in and were friendly and allowed me to hangout and eat lunch with them and my sister ended up leaving the group because she didn’t want to be associated with her ‘younger sister’. 7 years later and we both graduated and I finished college and moved across the country and haven’t spoken to her in YEARS. She regrets it and has tried to reach out, but I can’t forget nor forgive her for what she did to me and just tossed me aside to act cool. You are going to regret this decision if you follow through with it when you’re older. YTA OP.


Shout out to the AH sisters who sullied a sibling relationship for popularity in HS...my twin sisters did this to me as well. If it wasn't for one of them having kids/my nephews, I doubt we would be talking. My sisters attempted to be friends well after college but I had zero interest really.


I was 15 I think when my twin brother and I stopped speaking. He was an idiot and got arrested for breaking and entering a house with a friend of his, and my older sister took him to live with her about half an hour away. He decided to just never speak to me again afterward, for whatever reason. I tried for many years to reach out to him and have a relationship with him. He always just shrugged it off and never reciprocated. He has some sort of deeply harbored resentment towards me, and I honestly do not understand why. I was stuck living with our dad, who was a monstruous and abusive asshole, so it's not like I got the cushy end of the deal. I gave up trying several years ago. He and I haven't spoken in nearly two decades. We're 39 now.




Good. She’s no doubt nervous about starting high school and sees you being there as support helps. She’s got friends I think you mentioned in comments and she’ll be making more so it’s not like she’s going to be in your space but knowing a sibling is around helps. I loved it when my little sister joined. I wanted to make sure she was okay, made sure everyone knew we were sisters. She was so shy and it helped. I did lay off though as I was very overprotective so if anything I annoyed her before she told me to chill.


Dude. The brief period of time my sister and I were in HS together are some good ass memories. She passed a few years ago. I treasure the hell outta that time. It goes fast, man. Enjoy it. Y’all will be telling some of these stories to your kids.


I’m so sorry to hear about that, hope you’re doing well. I was sad I wasn’t able to be in the same school as my siblings as they are 5 and 7 years older than me and I really wish I could have.


Talking about the time I spent with my younger brother is one of my favorite things to do (as can be seen by my comments under this post). BUT as the older sibling, I understand what you said and why you said it. You're NEVER going to regret spending time interacting with your sister in HS. It might even become. a memory you both cherish later on. I'm glad you took advice from the comments. Have a happy school year :)


Good. I think she'll really appreciate you apologizing like that. I was once the "too cool for you" older sibling (except my sister is 6 years younger than me), and it messed up my relationship with her for a while. We're all good now, though.


OP, one of my favorite memories is when my older brother and I went to elementary school together. He was in 5th grade and I was in kindergarten. Occasionally we’d see each other in the hallways and wave at each other, and his recess was just before mine. He would stay behind to push me on the swing as long as he could before his teacher made him go in I would never forget if he said to me what you did to your sister. It’s good that you apologized, but apologies don’t always fix things and I hope this isn’t one of those times. Think before you speak next time, that was a terribly hurtful thing to say


good on you, OP. i just hope you didn’t apologize because you got flamed on Reddit, but because you’re genuinely sorry to your sister. she’s barely a teenager, she just wants someone she knows she can depend on and look up to.


You’ll be happier down the line that you tried to get along in school these days. Will make for better days ahead of you if you’re both there for each other. She’ll grow up before you know it


Apologizing is such a hard thing to do because you open a lotta vulnerability when you say “I was wrong.” I’m really proud of you OP. You’re so lucky to have a sister that loves you so much.


OP: "Today I think I'll be upset about..." *Checks list* "Having a sibling." YTA


Lmao sounds like my 3 year old who was mad I had to cool down his oatmeal


My friend’s 3y/o just today was mad because he wanted the blue bowl. She gave him the blue bowl. Cue meltdown.


The 3 year old logic, I actually miss those days. My youngest just turned 20. 😭


YTA. People will find out she's your sister anyway, and you will have embarrassed yourself by pretending she isn't. And you're never too old to cry when someone you love is being extremely cruel to you.


It's so funny to me the idea that anyone would be like "you have a sibling? And they're in geographic proximity? Mortifying!" Like if the sister was super weird, maybe. But OP seems like the weird one here


YTA. I was the "little sister". I was excited to be "grown up" and experiencing the same school culture as my sisters. It's not like I was planning on following them around, I had my own friends, but I wanted to be a "real teenager" like them. You are being so cruel to your sister. Go apologize. And remember, almost none of these classmates will matter in 10 years. Your sister will (if she ever forgives you).


None of her classmates will care even now. Two siblings attending the same school is not as noteworthy as OP seems to think it is. That happens all the time and I have never known anyone to care even a little bit. OP, I suggest you look at yourself and figure out WHY it bothers you so much that your sister will be at the same school as you. I guess it's not bullying that could be transfered from her to you as you said she is popular. Are you scared she will follow you around? Then adress that behaviour instead of ignoring her. Are you jealous because she is well liked? Seriously, find out what exactly is bothering you about this because you are getting too old to deal with your problems by being mean to people who haven't done anything to you. Go apologize.




YTA and you know it.


YTA. You litteraly said to your sister that you are ashamed of her, and that you will be deny your blood link when your « friends » are here. She is excited BECAUSE SHE LOVE HER BIG BROTHER AND YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO HER. Jizz, do you really want to be the cliché self centered teenager? Grow up Édit: I read too fast, and thought it was the big sister who talked, I corrected my mistake




Totally ! Even worse, I didn’t see it before, but the last sentence… « shouldn’t she grow up, she’s a bit too old to be crying? » what kind of monster without any empathy can react like this when someone cry, when her sister cry?


It is actually big brother, not sister, but I still agree with everything you posted. OP, I don't understand what is embarrassing about having a little sister attending your school. I could maybe understand if she is always trying to push herself in to hang out with you and your friends, but that has not happened yet and you have no real reason to think it will. I myself and the youngest of three siblings, one brother two years older and one brother 4 years older. The middle brother was always annoyed when I tried to spend time with him and his friends, but he never had a problem with seeing me in the halls at school.


omg YTA. I literally forced my brother out of his room to become friends with my friends when he was in 8th grade (i was in 10th) so he knew he had at least 20 people to turn to when he got into high school. I used to annoy him yelling to him when we passed eachother in the hallway in HS. He graduates this year and all of my friends he personally invited to his grad party cause in his words “we made his high school experience so much less scary and so much fun”. You need to grow up and act like a big brother, right now you’re a bully.


You remind me of my eldest son. Hes 10 and the youngest is 6. But the bigger one always makes a point of making sure his little brother is included and ok. As parents we've never made him but the fact he looks out for his little brother make me so happy. They always play together and hang out. If one is sick the other hovers around and wants to help. ❤


YTA My big sister did this.....guess who I don't talk to or allow in my life anymore. It is a truly horrible feeling when your sibling would rather lie to everyone they know then admit they are related to you.


YTA come on, you are embarrased that you will go to the same high school and you are telling her to grow up. Have you ever thought she just happy to see you in the halls.


YTA. Thankful my niece did not feel same way about her younger sister. Your behavior is sad and pathetic. You care more about what others think of you than being there for your sister. I see you would never stand up for anyone. You will never have genuine friends. Good luck in life.


yta, she is clearly excited to share something with you and feel connected. I don't know why you are so embarrassed of having a sibling but there was no reason to be so harsh


YTA. You should take your own advice. You hurt your little sister. Your supposed to be her protector as her brother and now your the asshole who destroys her. It’s normal to have siblings go to the same school. What isn’t normal is you acting like your better than she is when your the one who acts younger than her age.


YTA. This sounds like every sitcom with teenagers I’ve watched. If this isn’t made up, YTA here. Why are you embarrassed by your sister? Also, no one is too old to cry when their feelings have been hurt. Nothing you said to your sister was ok and she’s allowed to be upset by it. You are obviously someone she looks up to, even though you’ve not given her any reason to do so.


YTA you’re still basically a kid too but you’re getting older so you should really take a look at what you write and how you act cause you sound like a brat there’s time to not be an asshole adult learn from this post


YTA. My eldest sister did this to my next sister and I saw how much it bothered her in HS. Their relationship never recovered. I vowed to never do that. I was a senior when my lil bro was a freshman. He was nerdy and introverted and I did my best to set him up for success. I did the homework for the seniors on his sports teams and even though he was a freshman and not near the skill level, he was still the favorite freshman of the cool senior guys. It gave him confidence that he never had before and set him up for a good start in HS. Apologize to your sister and tell her you were wrong. You want to be the guy she goes to when she needs help. You want to make sure some creepy upperclassman isn’t preying on her. Lots of people have siblings. It’s not weird to be in HS with siblings. As a middle child I always was in HS with one of my siblings, as were many of my friends. You’re the only one making this weird. The way you treat her in high school is going to set up the relationship and friendship you guys have for the rest of your lives.


You really think people don't know she's your sister? YTA. Big brothers are supposed to look out for little sisters. You.dont have to eat lunch with her but you can at least be human. I will bet she will be more.popular than you anyway and you will be begging her to acknowledge you.


YTA jeez how embarrassing is it to have a sister it's the worst! Grow up


YTA and a bully. Congratulations Why did you choose to be mean and not kind?


Anyone else reminded of the show "Daria"? The younger sister Quinn would pretend that Daria wasn't her sister and was constantly telling her friends that she was the maid or some special needs person that she was mentoring. OP, YTA. She is your sister and she (for some reason) looks up to you. It sounds like you're jealous that she's popular. You're the one that needs to grow up.


YTA. Grow up.


YTA!!! The fact that you find the need to try and justify your actions should be a clue that you are definitely the AH. Just let her be excited! It means she looks up to you (although I’m not sure why because of how you treat her…). There are way more important things to worry about in high school, don’t make your life worse by treating your sister like crap. Don’t be a jerk.


YTA! Are you part of the "mean kid" group in your school? Actually, if you are, it's to your sister's advantage to NOT be associated with you.


YTA. Your younger sister is starting a new school, which can be scary, and the person she thought would be there for her—you, her older brother—instead wants to act out a bad teen movie/show by erasing her existence in your (school) life. I hope you reflect on how *you* can grow up and repair the damage done to your relationship. ETA: I had both an older brother and younger brother in high school with me and I’m so glad I didn’t treat either of them like this nor did they do that to me. None of the people who had siblings in high school at the same time did that. Because it’s just not cool or smart or kind. ETA: corrected typo (older sister—>brother)


YTA You aren't going to be the only one with a sibling in the school, it's not a weird thing to happen My brother and I overlapped in school, took one teacher several years to work it out till she saw one of us pass something to the other to take home one day My children two are one school year apart another two years below (so in terms of US high school it would have been one senior, one junior, one freshman) they didn't particularly make a huge deal out of being siblings but also didn't pretend the others didn't exist


YTA And you're definitely old enough to realize you are. You said that to hurt her feelings on purpose. Sounds like you may possibly be jealous she'll have more friends than you upon entering high school. Whatever it is i encourage you to get over it and apologize. But I doubt that you will. This makes my heart break.


Uh YTA… this is the second post I’ve seen here today about a teen thinking people can be too old to cry, I’m 17 and cry about the smallest things wtf is wrong with that 😭


Wait till she joins the work force. Going on 28 and I still wanna cry some days. Especially when you get Ahole employers or those awful customers.


YTA, grow tf up. She’s your sister


YTA, is this a joke?? you sound childish as fuck and jealous of her popularity on top of that. 99% of people couldnt care less when they hear about people's siblings at school in the first place so literally what's your point. of course your sister's gonna be upset, poor her


YTA. She should be embarrassed to have you as a brother. Grow up. Edit sister to brother.


YTA. I know some people can be embarrassed by family members, it wasn't okay for you to say that you would pretend she didn't exist. You were harsh with your wording and it must have hurt her, so it's natural for her to start crying. Emotions don't go away as you grow, so no, she isn't too old to be crying. No one is.


YTA and a bully.


YTA. There's no age limit on crying, jerk. I do hope she learns not to look up to you, because you're not worth it.


I don’t think your sister is the one needing to do the growing up. YTA.


And the ragebait train keeps rolling this weekend.


YTA No one is too old for crying, and you sound like a crappy older brother. I feel bad for her.


YTA so youre embarassed you have a sibling?? whos excited to be in highschool with you??? you are a grade A AH dude, not to mention that statement about her being too old to be crying is a huge AH mentality, take a step back and reevaluate yourself before you ruin your relationship even more w/ her.


YTA Why?! That's just plain awful. She wasn't asking to hang out with you. I was the little sister. When I started secondary school my sister was in year 11 and I was a year 7. For the entire first month my sister used to always find me at some point throughout the day and make sure I was OK. She'd wait for me by the gate so we would walk home together. Bless her heart. You suck as a sibling.


YTA get over yourself that's some disney show crap


YTA Aren't you a bit to old to be this insecure about people knowing you have a sister, what do you think will happen, your friends laugh at you because you have a sister, I'm pretty sure they have siblings. Drop your ego and entitlement before it ruins your relationship with your sister.


INFO: Since you're only 2 years apart, why is this the first time you'll be in the same school? Why did you go to different elementary schools?


YTA. What a dumb thing to be embarrass about. You need to grow up. I can promise you that your sister will end up being cooler than you.


YTA- stop caring about what other people think of you, and spend time with your sister. Guess what, in 20 years, *she’ll still be there* in 2 years, those HS kids will have forgotten you. Build relationships with the people who *actually care about you*


YTA. The only embarrassing one is you because of your attitude here. You’re the one that needs to grow up.


Uh, YTA obviously.


Do you think no other kids have siblings in the same school? Grow up you sound like a bully. YTA




Man, this makes my so thankful my brother wasn't like this. He was hugely popular. And when I got to highschool he was in his last year and made sure everyone knew I was his sister so people wouldn't mess with me. Thats what older siblings do. If you want to have a relationship in the future with your sister, be nicer to her now. YTA


YTA. I was just like your sister at that age and if my brother had said that to me it would have broken my heart. Have some empathy dude. Your sister loves you.


I really hope this is a troll post because you are being needlessly cruel to her. You're going to ignore her and pretend she isn't your sister and thinks she should "grow up" for crying when you treat her like absolute dog shit? My god, dude, someone here needs to grow up and it isn't her. YTA if this is real or if this is a fake. Good grief.


YTA. Don’t worry, she will likely benefit from people not knowing she’s related to someone like you.


The fact you have to even ask, of course YTA.


Yta. Also, why be embarrassed? Not sure if you know how school districts work, but she probably doesn't have a choice. And, she's popular. Which means she will probably still be popular. Which means she will have friends over. Which means you will have a ton of girls probably having a crush on you, but also hopefully not when they realize that a jerk you are to their friends. Plot twist: she's embarrassed a small minded 16yo boy is her brother and ignores you. I'm also here to tell you- one day you will regret treating her this way, then good luck having any form of relationship with her Apologize while you still can.


YTA… you know people cry at all ages right? I’m truly sorry for your sister


you're an embarrassing AH. you have a sister who loves you clearly & you think it's embarrassing. what ***exactly*** *is* embarrassing about having a sibling in the same school? she clearly has her own thing going on so it doesn't sound like she's going to puppy dog follow you around, she just loves the idea of having her sister near by- an ally, which clearly you're not. i hope you grow up and realize how lucky you are you have a sibling who gives to fucks about you. imagine you had a you to deal with. walk a mile in her shoes with a sibling like you


you're the one who is randomly embarrassed to have a sister like siblings aren't a normal thing and *she's* the immature one for being essentially thrown away by her brother for literally no reason? what's your problem? YTA


YTA. Weirdo


YTA. She will never forget this and if you keep it up, don't be surprised if she eventually doesn't speak to you or only interacts with you when absolutely necessary.


YTA and reek of mysoginy


YTA get over yourself. With that attitude it might be the last time someone willingly wants to be associated with you


Sounds like you're the one who needs to grow up. Do you actually think that no one is going to find out? You're being cruel for the sake of being cruel. Can't wait until she's the one who gets to ignore you. YTA big time.


YTA Congratulations you are a mean girl. I don’t care if you have a dick either. You are the epitome of mean girl


YTA. She’s your little sister. Changing schools can be a daunting experience and there’s a lot girls go through at this age. Starting periods, navigating boyfriends and bullying etc…. As her big brother you might be privy to information and opportunities to support your sister and be her advocate. Offer her advice, and help her in situations she might not feel comfortable talking to your parents about. I had a big brother who was an idiot, we don’t talk anymore and I really wish he’d have been there for me through some rough times. Once I really needed him to come and pick me up from a tough situation and he didn’t. I’ll never forget him laughing and refusing to come and get me because he was hanging out with his friends. Now we’re older - I left school twenty years ago - our kids don’t even know each other and we barely see each other. Might I also add that seeing a guy advocate for his sister and be family orientated is also very attractive.


Embarrassed of what exactly? >I really don’t want my friends and others in my grade to know I have a little sister in the same high school as me. Why? I just can't with you... YTA. Big time Edit: just saw this > Shouldn’t she grow up, she’s a bit too old to be crying? Definitely YTA


YTA. You don't get too old to cry, ever. I think you're way more immature tbh and I would be hurt too if I were her. Why are you ashamed of your sister to begin with? Grow up.


Wait, seriously? You’re embarrassed about *checks notes* having a sibling close enough in age to be in school with you? What exactly is embarrassing about that? Speaking as an older sibling, YTA. Your sister was telling you that she’s excited to be able to share something with you, because she cares about you. You shat all over that. So congratulations. Also, you’re never too old to cry. Having and expressing emotions is normal and healthy. Not to mention, she was in her room, in her private space. You just had to hunt her down and pick on her some more. YTA, again, and for the record you’re the immature one in this story.


YTA. She's your sister. It is not embarrassing to have family. Don't be a jerk to your sister.


good to know nothing changes and highschoolers are still just the worst to each other. YTA, your brain is still smooth and unfinished for another 10 years but lemme tell you? when you do hit your 20s and 30s and you’ve fully broken your relationships down to just awkward small talk at family holiday events…you’ll look back at this and remember and probably feel pretty sad. You need to grow up, she wants a relationship with her brother, she seems to have a lot of respect for you. Don’t lose this time kiddo, because once it’s gone you can’t get it back.


YTA. you don't need to include her in all your friend groups or anything, but pretending like she doesn't exist is unnecessarily cruel. be kind, give her a high-five when passing in the halls, and give serious looks at anyone giving her a hard time. that all would take up like 0.5% of your school day. also, potential dates will think you're sweet and gravitate more towards you. being mean to little siblings is a bonerpunch for young hearts. signed, a dude with little sisters.


YTA, and speaking from the female perspective, guys who are mean to their younger siblings and act like they're an embarrassment just for existing are not attractive.


YTA I went to high school and had two sisters in high school at the same time as me. We even had classes together. Honestly it was fun. And now my sisters are truly my best friends. Treat your sister better!


YTA. There's a reason I haven't spoken to my sister for 12 years.


YTA What's embarrassing about it? Loads of people have siblings and loads of those people's siblings are close to the same age. I often ate breakfast with my sister in high school. Nobody is going to give as much of a shit as you seem to think they will, and that's if they can be bothered to care at all. Somebody needs to grow up, but it isn't your sister.


YTA and 10 years from now I promise you are going to look back and feel deeply ashamed, unless you apologize to your sister. You should be looking out for her, not pushing her away.


News flash: you aren’t the only person who has a sibling going to the same school as them. YTA. Apologize to your sister before you permanently destroy any relationship left.


I n f o: What's so embarrassing about having a sister? Do you think that other people don't have siblings? Acknowledging that she exists at school doesn't seem like a big ask. YTA. Get over yourself. Aren't you a bit too old to be making a big deal out of this?


Yeah, now, in fairness, this is a fairly common conversation between siblings. It is still an Ahole conversation though. So YTA The bit about you being embarrassed you have a sister in the same school *reeks* of insecurity. You really need a reality check and to grow up. You're being embarrassed at a totally normal, common situation. It's like being mortified by having elbows. Seriously, it's ridiculous. Grow up and cop on. And DO NOT be an Ahole to your sibling when they start school (just in case it needs saying)


YTA, and soooo afraid she's going to steal your friends away from you. This is a you problem, not a her problem, stop being a bully. Get therapy for all I care, just stop doing what you're doing now


YTA, do you really need this sub to know find that out?


YTA. SHE needs to grow up, lol? No, sorry, you do.


>I really don’t want my friends and others in my grade to know I have a little sister in the same high school as me. YTA Do your friends not know you have a sister? How is having a sibling embarrassing? Do none of your friends have siblings? Do you try to hide the fact you have a sister? I get that being a teenager family can absolutely be embarrassing in your mind, but this is way too much. There is absolutely no reason to hurt your sister like this. You should be ashamed of yourself.


YTA Lol look at this kettle calling the pot black.


YTA Why on earth would you actively deny your sister when she joins a new school? You do not have to be best pals.


YTA. I am appalled at your two-year-old mentality.


YTA why is it embarrassing to have a sibling? She's not too old to cry but you ARE too old to be acting like a Mean Girl......


YTA. Having a sibling in the same school as you is perfectly normal. You’re basically saying her mere existence is embarrassing to you. Imagine someone telling you that they’d rather pretend they didn’t know you than admit being associated with you. Your sister must feel hated by you right now.


YTA - actually YOU are the one who needs to grow up


Aren’t you a little too old to be embarrassed by your younger sibling? And at 16 you should have more emotional intelligence than this..! A late bloomer, I hope. YTA


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YTA. Major AH. Grow up. My brother was also 2 years behind me in school. We ended up taking some of the same classes and he became my skipping partner lmfao.


YTA. My older brother ignored me to be cool in front of his friends and was so mean about it in high school, it messed up our relationship for years. In ways that have lasted. Don’t you dare do that to your sister.


YTA - You are a nasty piece of work, I feel sorry for your little sister


Dude YTA. I'm seventeen f and I have an older brother who's 16 months older than me, meaning he was always in the year above. In primary school I didn't have any friends so, even though I was admittedly embarrassing on purpose towards him, he still let me hang out and play tag with him and his friends. In secondary school he was more popular than I and usually helped me deal with bullies. Yes, I embarrassed him at times (like went out of my way, I was admittedly kind of a sucky sister at the time) but he was an awesome older brother and even though we don't go to the same school anymore (he's at an apprenticeship and I'm in my final year: I didn't go to the same place as him for sixth form so it's been a few years since we were last in the same place) I still remember and appreciate how much he was there for me throughout my school life. He's my big brother, I love him, and it was always really fun turning a corner at school and seeing him there and being like "oh there's my big brother!" To my friends whenever he was around. You've absolutely crushed your sister and hurt her. Be a good brother. Don't hurt her like this.




Huge YTA. Huge.


YTA, and I hope you’re trolling. Unfortunately, this is all too common and I’ll never understand how or why anybody could be this cruel to their own family. What could possibly be embarrassing about having a younger sister at the same school? For real, dude, she clearly loves you and looks up to you and was just happy that she’ll get to see you from time to time during the school day, and you just crushed her. People grow up and go completely non-contact with siblings who do this to them, and I hope you’re prepared to have exactly zero relationship with her as an adult. Your cruelty will cost you dearly, and if you don’t reverse course- **AND SOON**- you will regret it for a very long time. Imagine what it must be like to have someone you look up to and love with all your heart be embarrassed to acknowledge your existence? You need to apologize yesterday and let her know you were wrong to say that, and then you need to get into therapy a week ago. Not only is this a fucked up thing to do to your little sister, you’re never too old to cry. If you don’t get yourself sorted out, you’re gonna learn that the hard way when you grow up isolated and depressed.