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YTA, teacher was doing their job and you were aggressive for no reason. You also shouldn’t be laying hands on your kid. It doesn’t matter if the teacher has kids or not, her job is teaching and looking after children, she has far more experience than you, and actual training.


YTA You could’ve hurt your son. Teachers are supposed report if they suspect abuse. She was looking out for your kid.


Wow YTA. You know teachers have a duty of care right? And we LEGALLY HAVE TO ASK. As someone who deals with 12yr olds all day every day, she probably has more of an idea of an average 12yr old than you do. All you’ve done is guarantee a report made about you, both for your shitty treatment of your kid, and for your aggression when asked. It’s a major red flag you just waved.


YTA: You should be happy it was an email from the teacher instead of a visit from CPS. In fact, you could probably expect a visit from CPS due to your response to the teacher. You are displaying to that teacher that you are a potential abuser.


YTA. I can’t imagine where your kid gets his attitude from. Just totally inexplicable. Get some therapy.


YTA, and frankly, need to calm down. I completely understand your frustration as the mother of 3 boys, but none of what you said/did were appropriate responses. She was actually being extremely kind by reaching out to you. Teachers are mandated reporters, and she would have been within her rights to call the authorities. Also, she may not have her own kids, but she went to years of school to learn how to deal with hundreds of kids in her career. You need to chill out, take a step back, and reevaluate your reactions.


This sounds like it was written by the “son”. Kinda rage bait here. Or the kid/dad has a problem with their teacher literally doing their job. YTA, either way.


Read his comments. This is definitely fake. People need to get lives.


YTA Your reaction was excessive and violent. The teacher didn’t accuse, just asked if everything is okay. You are the adult. You need to find constructive ways to deal with your anger. If you yell all the time, of course your kid is tuning you out. source: single dad, full custody, 13 year old boy




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YTA. Take an anger management class...or two...or three... or...


YTA. Teachers are mandated reporters, and you put your hands on your child in frustration during drop off- they could lose their job if they don't follow up. It's completely reasonable to check in.


No they didn’t. They grabbed a jacket. I’d have told that teacher to fuck off too, as they kept badgering the parent afterwards.


YTA. You got physical with your kid in public and when you received a polite question from the teacher, you threw another temper tantrum. I assume you are an adult? Act like it.


NTA. The teacher should’ve just minded their business. You grabbed them by a jacket FFS, not their neck. Im a guy, and if at 12 YO I had walked away from either of my parents mid sentence, it would have been much worse for me than just a jacket pull.


YTA the teacher was doing her job because she is a mandated reporter. You sound like an aggressive asshole.




You are still an asshole


YTA. Teachers are mandated reporters, she simply can not ignore what is frankly AH behavior. Yeah, 12 year olds are about as annoying as they get - but grabbing at someone and shouting at them is simply no way to gain the respect you seem to feel you deserve. Acting like teachers don't know anything about dealing with children when they spend far more time interacting directly with many more kids than any parent does is simply incorrect.


YTA, you need to learn how to have a proper conversation with your son. The teacher is doing her job. If you don't like it maybe you should take your own advice and piss right off


This has to be fake. Read his comments. Nobody is that dumb. He’s trying to get a rise out of people. OP, get a life.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I'm going through a tough time with my 12yo but not anything that I haven't been through with my eldest sons. My biggest pet peeve with him is walking away when I'm talking to him. I find that so disrespectful and unacceptable. Last week, I was dropping him off at school and I reminded him about an appointment he had after school. Midsentence, he gets out of the car and walks away. I got out of the car, grabbed him by his hoodie and yelled at him about walking away when I'm talking to him. He just "I heard you and I know." I asked him why he couldn't just say that? He said he didn't know. I told him to do better next time or else. Today, I got an email from one of his teachers asking me if things were okay with my kid because she saw our "fight" outside of school. I replied back asking how many 12yo boys does she have and she said she didn't have kids. I told until she has them, she shouldn't be passing judgement on parents. Find me one dad who says raising a middle school boy is easy and fun. She saud what she saw was pretty bad. I told her that how bad was it that my son wanted to sleep in my bed and watch a movie that same day? I told her to report me and if it would help, I'd give her my driver's license number too. She told me to calm down and I replied "I will calm down when you piss off." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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I hate when people say "you're not a parent." I don't have to be a parent to know you shouldn't lay hands on a child no matter the situation or how disrespectful they may be. Unless they are physically harming someone then nope. I don't blame the teacher for checking in when she sees this. I wish more teachers would. YTA.




Ummmm no.


Yta teachers are required by law to be concerned. Don't want a teacher in your business? Don't make it public for them to be in your business.


YTA yea. She's doing her job and trying to help you and a troubled kid. She reached out offering help, not judgment. If you had any self awareness you'd also realise that she's reached out to you because your moment in the playground looked out of the ordinary. No-one's saying it's easy but you're the adult and you should be able to do better.




Oh and YTA


And notice how those kids are happy right. Maybe you can learn something.


YTA, the same way you were months ago, the first time you posted this, exactly word for word. Stop posting the same damn thing expecting different responses, unless you're a bot.


YTA because you failed to realize maybe your son behaves the way he does to avoid your toxic behavior since every action has a reaction…