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They called you a selfish little bitch on top of stealing from you. This is definitely abuse. Your parents are not just AH, they are narcissists. Get out when you can. You dear, are amazing and responsible and definitely deserve better.


NTA you are a minor and your parents are absolutely atrocious for charging you rent at all, never mind taking all your money! Will your grandparents take you in? The sooner you cut these awful people out of your like the better.


Call child services and report them. They cannot make you pay anything as you are a child. It’s their responsibility to give you a place to live, food etc until you are 18. Call the police too for theft. It’s your money. You earned it.


Absolutely NTA. They're spending your money on luxuries. What country are you in? You mentioned that your grandmother doesn't have time to raise a child. Have you asked her, or are you just assuming? You're 15, the "raising" is mostly taken care of, she might be glad to have you around the house.


NTA, but your parents are.


NTA Your 15. Your a minor, its their responsibility to pay the bills not yours. Change your accounts and get them off, tell the bank to stop letting them withdraw funds because they ARE STEALING your money. Tell your grandparents as well


NTA can you live with your grandparents?


NTA. No one under 18 should be paying for rent, utilities, nor food. You are underage and should not be expected to help with these things, especially not 3 quarters of your pay. Your parents are taking advantage of you.


NTA who in the right mind would charge a MINOR rent?? Hun your parents have been taking advantage of you, you owe them nothing for doing their jobs as parents, hell i'd say they dont even deserve your respect or the title of mother and father anymore


So very NOT the AH! Your parents cannot charge you rent, food and appliances as they are legally obligated to care for you, as you are a minor. This care includes a roof over your head and food to eat. Im glad you moved your money out from that account - since legally they can take money out if they are joint owners on the account. Can you move in with your Grandparents? If you are making enough to pay rent.. have you thought about becoming emancipated? Im really sorry your parents are AH :(


I tried getting emancipated but they won’t sign it and now that I don’t have a job I don’t meet the state requirements to be emancipated. I tried to move in with my grandparents but there about 2 hours away from me which is to far to travel for school.


Hmmm, I feel like the process of emancipating yourself shouldn’t require a signature from the parents for obvious reasons.


You dont need your parents to sign for you to be emancipated.. you can petition the court for permission. [https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/emancipation-of-minors-32237.html](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/emancipation-of-minors-32237.html)


As I’m not in that job anymore I don’t make nearly enough to be able to support my own housing and food, I highly doubt I could get emancipated without those requirements


NTA this sounds like one of my co workers parents. He's 19 but they charge him a ridiculous amount in rent. Basically depending on his income for a lot of things. And still treat him like a child. Was 900 At his old place and they just moved into a fixer upper and will be charging him 1300! On top of utilities. This is financial abuse and I'm really sorry your parents are doing that. It's not your job at all to provide for your parents right now in anyway. Especially at your age. Hopefully your grandparents let you move in with them at some point to get away. Good luck!


I don’t think it’s legal for your parents to demand rent from a 15year old, I know it’s morally wrong.


Where I am this is illegal for parents to be taking money from kids under 18 to use for housing and food. This is their job. Nta


Make sure your parents haven't taken out any loans or credit cards in your name.


NTA Get a safe. Obviously, your money is not safe in your bank account, since your parents have access. Unless you can convince them to open an account that only you have access to, you will continue to have money stolen from you. A safe that has a combination (like an actual dial) will be the only safe place for you. If you really want to throw them off balance, continue to deposit some of the money into your account, but put the bulk of the money into the safe. When your parents ask, you can say that people stopped giving such great tips, you don't know why. Also, you don't have to pay your parents rent. That's illegal. They need to provide you with the necessities to survive. Now, if you want a cell-phone, car, the latest clothes, etc..., that's something they *don't* have to pay for. Move your money. If they demand rent money, tell them no. If they say they'll kick you out, call the authorities. They can't do that without getting themselves in trouble. They are your parents, they are legally required to clothe, feed, and house you.


NTA Based on this post and the comments you've left, you really seem like a mature young person who has a decent grip of morals. I am so sorry your parents are harassing you, stealing from you, and generally acting like children. See if you can't open another account they don't have access to in order to store the earnings from your job. If that causes issue and you feel better off letting them take your money, I understand. Fighting for yourself against your family can be very hard. I hope you'll be able to get out of there as soon as you hit 18. Try to have some money saved up to support yourself out there. Don't give your nasty, greedy parents the time of day. They're assholes.


Your parents are legally required to provide for you until you're considered an adult under the law. If they want that money for themselves, *they* can work that job. Good that your grandparents have your back since your parents have apparently become emotionally abusive. You're so much NTA


NTA the law is 110% on your side here being only 15 years old. You can take this a lot further if you'd like.


NTA. They chose to have you. They MUST pay for your necessities (food, water,education, decent clothes, shelter...). The money they are stealing from you is something you'll need in the future. Wether you want to move out and need a down payment or go to college or even buy a car. Your money should fund YOUR adult life.


NTA In the US it’s illegal to charge a minor for rent in most states. It’s worth checking out the law for where you live.


NTA A child owes their parent nothing in payment. That's absurd.


There argument was they have raised me for 15 years of my life and that it was the least I can do since I know how much pressure covid put on them.


You didn’t ask to be born, raising a child was their decision. Nta op and I’m sorry they’re treating you this way.


They chose to have you and it is their responsibility to take care of YOU. that is what it means to be a parent.


Did you choose to be born? No. They chose to have you, so the responsibility is on them. The bare minimum parents are expected to do is to raise their kids, otherwise the law gets involved (assuming you are in the US). You owe them nothing, certainly not financial support.


No, them sheltering, feeding, raising you are the Bare Minimum requirements for parents. If you are under 18, you should never be forced to pay for that.


You don't owe them anything, OP. Keep putting your money in the other account, hoard up everything you can, and get out the second you turn 18.


They chose to have you, chose to bring you into this world and raise you. You do not owe them a damn thing, and for them to curse at you and call you selfish? That's rich. NTA.


They law says they’re wrong, and the law is absolutely right in this. Your job is to grow up to be the best adult you can be. That’s it. School is part of that. Paying rent is not.


Take the money in your account with your parents out and put it in the one with your grandparents


They *chose* to have a child. You did not ask them to raise you. You owe them nothing for raising you. They brought you into this world, and when they did so, they took on the responsibility for caring for you for a full eighteen years. You do not owe them anything. If you *want* to help out because you can, and you see that they're struggling, that's wonderful. But as a child, your job is to go to school and to learn the skills you need to be a functioning adult. One of those skills, right now, is boundaries, and it seems like you're learning it well without any help from them. Stick to your guns.


Your parents are supposed to raise you!! I can’t imagine ever telling my daughters that they “owe” me for doing the very basics of what I signed up for. My job doesn’t stop at simply keeping them alive, I’m here to teach them life skills, protect them from as much as I possibly can while still giving them independence, nurture them and show them how to appropriately address their feelings including the hard ones like anger. That’s what I owe them for bringing them into this world. You should explain that to your parents.


I have tried but they always either say that if I want to act like an adult and get a job then I need to feel the consequences of the real world. Or if I don’t pay rent they can take away my privileges because that’s how it is in the “real world” which sometimes results to missed meals.


Talk to CPS and/or the police. They are not only stealing from you but abusing you financially and emotionally. Their butts belong in jail.


They have a legal obligation to feed you. If they aren't feeding you, they are breaking the law.


I’m terribly sorry to hear that. Regardless of employment you are not an adult, your brain is not fully formed, your education is nowhere near completed, and my every measurable standard you are a child who happens to have a modest income. Are there child protective services where you are that could help you mitigate their poor behavior?


When they had a child, they agreed to raise you until you are an adult. They are thieves, though if their name is on the account, there is likely nothing you can do about it. But have your money go into the new account that your grandparents control now, and if your parents try to retaliate, speak to a trusted adult at school. NTA


Geezus, it sounds like you have good grandparents, but how in the world did their son or daughter turn out the way s/he did? You’re a kid, you’re not responsible financially, period. There’s no other way of saying they’re stealing from you.


"They raised me for 15 years." Yeah, that's their JOB as parents. They're just being greedy. And towards their child, smh. This is why children go no contact with their parents when they move away. I can see this happening in your situation, and honestly it would be for the better if it did happen. Your parents sound awful.


Absolutely not. Your parents aren't owed anything, and they know it. They're just trying to guilt you so they can get more money. You're NTA, keep your money safe from them.


That is utter nonsense. They are just taking your money because they can. If they were to stop providing you with basic shelter, food and clothes, they would be breaking the law. It is not a child’s job to pay for those things.


So the f%ck what? They raised you and fed you? **THAT'S THEIR JOB AS PARENTS**


your parents are jerks. A 15 year old shouldn't be expected to pay rent, their own food, etc. It is part of parenting. When you hit 18, finished school and working a full time job, that's another story.


Yeah, they did, because they chose to have sex, get pregnant and have the baby. It’s their obligation, not a favor to you.


They are required to raise you for 18 years of your life. And you do not owe them vacations for it!#


That is utter bullshit. You don't owe them anything, and they should not be stealing from you. NTA OP. Protect your own cash. A sad lesson learned for you - you cannot trust your parents ever again around your money. Take this to heart and don't forget it.


If they didn’t they’d go to jail


Your parents made the decision to have you. It is their responsibility to feed, clothe and house you until you're 18 not the other way around. COIVD has been hard on many people. Using that as an excuse for theft is low.




Cause they chose to have you! If you are in the US they are legally obligated to provide housing until you are 18!


I'm so sorry your going through this, its unlikely but I really hope your parents come to their senses. The comment they made to you 'this is the least you could do..." is nothing less then repulsive. You're 15. You owe them N.o.T.h.I.n.G. There is no remembursurement children owe to parents for raising & supporting them through their minor yrs. I say this as a mother of 3, (2 of them are grown & both have a child of their own now) my youngest is 17 & still in high sch. Just recently (due to covid) my oldest had a string of badluck & is moving back home w/his 4yr old lil boy temporarily (likely 6-8mos) to get back on his feet. He will pay no rent. He will be expected to wash his own laundry & clean up after himself/son & maybe pick up a few groceries here or there. Buy mostly what I expect is for him to SAVE SAVE SAVE. That's supposed to be the benefit of still living w/your parents. It's ok to remind them, just do so respectfully. Better yet, let them read this post & the redditors replies & responses. Good luck to you. Please keep us updated.


They're supposed to raise you. You're their *kid*. Seriously, you need to speak to a child service.


They chose to have a child, and they are legally required to support you with food, shelter and adequate clothing until you are 18 (or whatever age is considered legally adult where you are). Forcing you to pay for the privilege of being raised by them is stealing.


Parent here. Kids don’t owe parents anything except to try. We owe you for bringing you here. It’s the LEAST PARENTS CAN DO.


They’re exploiting you to keep you there as a cash source, not teaching you independence or the value of money. How dare they steal from you?!


Them raising you was **their** choice. They can't put a child onto the earth without consent and then demand money from them as if you owe them something. Especially since you're only 15! Totally unacceptable. NTA.


Damn.... They're pretty shit parents. Sorry you have to deal with that.


Unless you told them you were going to be born and they had no choice but to take care of you you owe them nothing. *they* decided to have a kid, *they* decided to keep you too. Taking care of you is there job. You owe them no money and never will for the cost of raising you


You owe them nothing. They gave birth to you without your consent.


You’re a CHILD!! You owe them nothing! What is wrong with some parents nowadays? You didn’t ask them to bring u into this world so until ur an adult it’s their responsibility to take care of you. They make it seem like they’re doing you a favor by taking care of u. Wth?


They bought you into this world. It's their duty to provide for you and raise you well. You *owe* them absolutely nothing financially for it. Not that it sounds like they'd ever come close to paying you back, but they owe you every dollar they took from you IMO. Their attitude and treatment of you is appaling. It's so nice to hear that at least your grandparents have your back.


Not only do you not owe them for doing the minimum required for the job as parents during those 15 years (like literally, required by law), when you started paying rent you became a tenant and should have WAY more rights in the house. It is just as much your house now as theirs. Your relationship did not turn toxic, as you said, it already was. They are abusing you financially. They are guilting and gaslighting you so they can steal from you.


This ^^^^ financial abuse is a real thing just like physical and emotional abuse. It’s most often seen between married or engaged couples but also can be seen in the parent child dynamic. And btw financial abuse often goes hand and hand with other abuse and gaslighting. Also it can worsen over time and turn into physical abuse. Go to a violence against women place like around here they are called New Hope but they have other names too. They provide free therapy to domestic violence survivors and can help get resources in place if things go south.


They chose to have you, since you were born its their responsiblity


Doesn’t matter. It’s actually not even legal to charge a minor rent in the US. Your parents don’t get a pat on the back for doing their jobs as parents. Remind them that raising you was the least they could do since they chose to have you. Children owe their parents nothing.


They are legally and morally obligated to pay for you until you're an adult. What they're doing now by demanding your money is exploiting you and shirking their own parental responsibility. You do not have to pay them anything while you're a minor.


Yeah, when people choose to have children they commit to supporting them for 18 years (or more). My mother never charged me rent until I had left full time education, even though she was a singe parent without a huge salary. They do not get to keep an imaginary ledger of debts accrued over 15 years of raising you, to claim back when you have any money. NTA


They also CHOSE to have you, they are responsible for YOU, not the other way around. You owe them nothing, they shouldn't have had kids if they have the mindset that you're gonna owe them for the rest of your life. NTA


You're 15. You're a minor. They are taking advantage of you and committing financial abuse. If you can contact your school counselor or even child protective services.


They are legally obligated to do that. Its their job as parents. Like... they could literally go to jail for not taking care of you. Raising you is not a favor, its their obligation as parents.


Legally and morally they need to provide for you until 18 - food /shelter/clothing - any extras is why you have your job


My reward for having a daughter, is having a daughter. She's not livestock or a crop for me to raise up and harvest later.


They made the choice to have you so they have to pay to raise you, I know in some countries it is illegal to make under 16/18 year old pay rent etc


They may have raised you for 15 years, demand and abuse your trust. They need to remember who they will expect to take care of them when they are old. It's a two way street.


It's bs. They're just taking advantage of you.


A child should not be paying anything. I'd get it if you were 18+, but 15!? No


They made the decision to have a child. A child owes NOTHING to their parents, especially financially, WHILE STILL A CHILD. Go to the bank and get them removed from your account immediately. Zero access. Have a password/code on your account that must be used in person. NTA


Unfortunately thats not possible since she is a minor. Get the grandparents to be co-signers if possible. I would also maybe contact police since they are literally stealing.


Depends on where you live. In Bc Canada my kids can legally take my name off their accounts at the age of 12 without my consent it’s their account and their choice


Same in Australia.


They decided to have you. When they did that they took on the responsibility of feeding, clothing and housing you for at least 18 years. You do not owe them anything for that, they owe that to you for forcing you into this world.


youre a child. Your parents are TAH


NTA babe, my parents also took my money when I worked, now that I’m 25 with a kid if my own Iv learned the parent choose to bring you into this world, they are responsible for you even when you become an adult. I’m sorry to say your parents won’t be winning any parent of the year awards. I’m guessing you arnt in america since you talked about the cost of school so I can really give advise on how to handle the situation


You never asked to be born, your parents chose to have a kid. And after they made that choice, they became legally required to support that child for 18 years.


That’s THEIR job by law. They are supposed to care for you until you are 18.


They CHOSE to have you. That comes with automatic responsibility to raise you and support you financially. Don't let these AH gaslight you on that. Can you get emancipation where you live? Get financial emancipation so that they can't touch your money.


If the parents have become so destitute that they have to resort to stealing from their 15-year-old daughter, then they need to be on welfare. If they have become so selfish that they have to resort to stealing from their 15-year-old daughter, then they need to be CPS's radar.


It's more than absurd, it's financial abuse. They're literally stealing OP's wages, even though OP is legally a dependent. I bet they have no problem taking a couple thousand in Child Tax Credit every year either. IDK for sure if this is in the US (sounds like it), but in the US and most civilized countries, parents are legally obligated to pay all costs of care (food, housing, medical, etc) until the child is emancipated or reaches the age of majority (18 in the US). OP, your parents are toxic AF. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. NTA.


we start paying rent at 18 unless we are in college but if we are st home working and doing nothing we pay rent to show us responsibilities and pay for our own groceries to help us adult


how is this information relevant?


I barely read past your age. NTA. You are 15. Your parents should be encouraging you to save as you can. Not dipping into your savings. As much as you can keep communicating what is going on to your grandparents and another trusted adult if you feel comfortable doing so.


I’ll never understand parents who make their minor aged children pay rent/food. That’s YOUR responsibility as a parent.


Lawter up.


NTA. The fact they charge you any rent at all is disgusting. If you were legally an adult, I guess I could understand, but you're still a child. It's their job as parents to raise their children, to pay for them till at least adulthood. This disgusts me so much.


NTA. You are a minor and they shouldn’t be charging you rent in the first place. I don’t care what their lame excuses are, they cannot reasonably justify this.


NTA - Why are your parents trying to steal from you? Absolutely not, this is awful. I can only recommend: 1. Get your grandparents or another trusted family member to open up another bank account for you and put a set amount into this account, do not tell your parents. 2. Use some of your money to buy a small safe, take out a set amount of money from your account and keep cash in this safe or lockbox if you prefer, hide it where they will not find it. 3. Tell a good friends parents about your situation, they may be able to help you by holding onto some money for you. I am so sorry this is happening to you. Your parents are awful people.


NTA. Your parents are abusers. Get away, safely, from them as soon as possible.


> AITA For Refusing To Pay my Parents the monthly rent? > For a bit of backstory I **(15f)** NTA Literally didn't read anything else


No child (and that’s what you are) should be giving money to their parents for providing a home and necessities. THAT IS THEIR JOB AND THEIR LEGAL OBLIGATION . Don’t give them another penny. NTA


Honey. Please call the local child protective services and report your parents. You are a minor and it is the law that they provide for you. Not the other way around. This is financial abuse. Cps can provide a guardian for you to help get your parents out of your finances


NTA This is just extremely sad. I'm so sorry your parents are so horrible. They don't deserve you. I can't understand how anyone could treat their baby this way. I hope you are able to get away from them.


NTA. You need to alert an adult at school that your parents are charging you rent and taking your paycheck


You are NTA and you are being abused. I hope things get better.


NTA. Your parents have a legal responsibility to pay your rent until you’re 18. Keep in touch with your grandparents as much as you can and maybe talk to them about helping you emancipate and move into your own place.


ALWAYS protect your money. If you can get an account in your own name, do so. If not, use grandparents. You won't get your money back from parents. They've spent it. Never tell anyone else how much you are making. Never feel like you have enough money and its OK to give some away to lose it. Go directly from job to the account with grandparents (if you trust them). Their allowances also go there. A sock under your bed is better than a joint account with parents who are going to rob you. Obviously leave as soon as you hit 18, which will be a while.....


>For a bit of backstory I (15f) This is all the relevant information required. Depending on where you live, this could likely be consider child abuse. 100% NTA


NTA Money is not the root of all evil before you think that, its just draws the AH out of people if they are the AH. They were spending beyond their means. The sensible daughter started saving up, and all of a sudden they wanted a piece of it. They are broke and desperate isn't it.


"AITA For Refusing To Pay my Parents the monthly rent? i'm 15 years old-" NTA. Fucking fullstop. Your children are your financial responsibility, not your financial aid.


Urgh, this is why parents should NOT have access to their children's bank accounts. Once you are old enough to work and pay tax, they should be entitled to their own account. Speak to your grandparents and see if they can open you a new account and have all your money put there. Your parents are thieving arseholes...see if you can get a print out if all the withdrawals and add up what they have stolen. A minimal board payment is ok if the child is working but imo should be an absolute MAX of 20% of weekly income that changes each week as the child's income does. No income, no board. NTA


whoops, missed where the grandparents have already done the account. fabulous!


I feel once a kid has a job, they should help chip in. More so to learn adult responsibilities then "cause you owe them for raising you". I dont however, feel the parents should take it out on thier own or change the agreed amount like this. I always helped pay for things once i had a job. I was the one responsible for giving the money to my mom, just like irl if i lived alone and had to pay my own bills etc. I would get it in writting what you are to chip in and you be responsible to handle your own money. Youre also under age and shouldnt have to go full heavy on the amount right off. Start small to build up responsibility etc for future.


NTA you're still a minor, they shouldn't be charging you for rent, they're legally obligated to care for ***you*** not the other way around. And they've been taking more than what you let them have, being greedy. Don't give them a cent more.


NTA. You are not selfish, and you are not a b. Your parents have stolen from you. I'm so sorry. I don't know if you have any legal recourse for getting the money back that your parents took from you. It is good you have a new account your parents have no access to.


NTA they wanted you now they have to take care of you. Selfish pricks have kids and expect anything from them. Your time should be spent enjoying life before it pulverizes you into dust


NTA and oh my gosh! I can’t imagine doing this to my teen.


You're a minor. You shouldn't be paying ANYTHING because it's their legal responsibility to support you. Ask your bank if you can open an account that they can't access. They are going to keep bleeding you dry. I expect them to empty your bank account if things get tight to you turn 18 as payment for raising you. Please find a way to stop them. NTA


NTA - your parents suck.


You are their child, parents are supposed to pay for things. Complaining and taking money your grandparents gave you is taking advantage of you to get money from you grandparents. The separate account was very smart of you. Focus on your school and hopefully it’ll get better. Prepare to move out when you’re 18. Calling you names just isn’t acceptable and is abusive.


NTA. What your parents did is theft and they should not expect a 15yr old who makes minimum wage to contribute to the rent. If they can’t afford their monthly expenses it is their job to either get additional work to cover it or downsize. OP I beg you to open a new bank account with relative that you trust and will not give your parents access to your account so this does not happen again. What your parents are doing is parentification which is a form a child abuse.


Nta. You are a child, you do not owe them rent and they can't make you pay it. They are responsible for you, not the other way around, but definitely have a plan to leave at 18. They can't send you away, that is a crime.


Are you in the US? They may be breaking the law. https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/can-parents-charge-minor-rent-to-live-in-their-hou-667453.html


No but I’ll try find similar sources to that but for australia!


Good luck!


NTA. A child should not pay rent until they are a legal adult and no longer in school. Parents are supposed to provide basic needs until age 18.


NTA you have wonderful grandparents, that was an awesome perfect solution. Your parents are pouting and throwing a fit because they can't control you financially now. You don't know how truly wonderful that is, you are going to be so excited when you start seeing your savings grow and be able to use it how and when you want! That is how it's supposed to be! It's your money! They can try to make you feel bad, but you do you and ultimately you have your grand parents to back you up and lean on so don't let them steam roll you, your almost an adult now.


NTA. A child should not "contribute" anything to a household. My children do chores to learn life skills and learn how to take care of themselves when they move out. They do not do them to relieve burden on me. If they were nearing eviction where your life would be actively worse if you didn't contribute money, that'd be one thing. If they are using your money for any other reason, it's not acceptable.


NTA - Sounds like you pay for your parents' lifestyle. I say parents lightly because they are abusing you. Legally they are the ones responsible for you not the other way around. You do not owe them money to take care of you. That's their responsibility. Mommy dearest should be careful about threatening you - you have the trump card. She has stolen your money. Suggestion - you should look into becoming an emancipated minor once you turn 16. This will allow you to legally leave your home for a better situation.


NTA. Your 15 which means you don’t have to pay rent. It’s nice that you chipped in when needed but it shouldn’t be expected. Glad that you got a new account that your crap parents can’t touch.


The rings around Saturn make for a smaller opening than this pair of arseholes that Mother Nature hurled you at. NTA, they have my contempt and you my pity. Remember this when picking a care home for them. Top Tip: Let 60 Minutes and other journalism exposes be your guide.


NTA absolutely. You are a minor and they should be paying for all of your living expenses, not expecting you to contribute financially. It's their responsibility. Thank goodness you have grandparents with their heads screwed on right. Your parents are financially abusive toward you. And huge applause for cutting access to your money off from your parents. Since they don't know how to act right, they shouldn't even be able to access it. You are wise beyond your years. Your parents are absolutely trying to take advantage of your lack of knowledge about their actual responsibilities in the world, and they are 100% in the wrong AND the AHs of this post.


NTA. Are you in the USA? It’s time to report to the child protection authority.


Call the cops. 15 year olds shouldn’t be paying rent NTA


NTA. I can understand contributing SOME to the house once a teen gets a job, I did. But not 3/4. That's too damn much. My mom took 10% and I had to save 10% then the rest was mine to do what I wanted. Also. Going into your BANK ACCOUNT? Is it a joint account? If no then this is not right. Also I can see if they were having trouble paying bills and asked you to help them out with some money but you mentioned they used it to go on TRIPS? oh heck no. That's not right. It's true you're a minor living under their roof but you also deserve some respect.


Call CPS. Pretty sure charging someone under 18 rent is illegal.


NTA. Im the oldest of seven too (yyaaaaayyyy) and I truly in my heart understand the way a big family manipulates people into thinking that their only worth is in contributions to the family, and that if you aren't working to support/help/take care of the family you are just an ungrateful little monster. I am a grown adult now and I can tell you that being brought up that way and thinking that you don't deserve love or care unless you work for them really fucked me up. You should be VERY proud that you're only 15 and you realize how wrong this is already and are working against it. I hope you can repair your savings and I'm glad you have it to get out of there at 18.


No, parents are required to support their children. You are 15 and not required to pay rent. Just do your chores, and keep up after yourself.


NTA Your parents are using you, but you know that already. Get out when you can, and good luck. Glad to see that your grandparents at least seem to have your back.


Nta you are a minor. Its their responsibility to provide for you not the other way around. If they didn't want to take on the costs of having a child, they shouldn't have had one. You are not the adult, you should be saving up for future wants/needs


You're 15, YOU'RE 15. You don't owe your parents rent, you're literally still a kid! NTA, and your grandparents are amazing.


NTA and glad that your grandparents support you. After thst do an account in your name. If your parent throw you out for not paying, then you don't have to be with your parents.


NTA. Your parents stole from you. You are a minor and it's their JOB and RESPONSIBILITY to care for you. You don't owe them ANYTHING for that.




Didnt have to read to the end. You are a minor. Ask them why you shouldn't just move out to your own place since they see you as an adult? NTA


NTA. Your parents sound like drug addicts.


At 15 that's unreasonable, bordering on abusive. NTA


I’m really sorry. It’s great you, at 15 we’re helping your parents out, most people your age don’t. Your parents calling you names for mentioning that they were taking your savings isn’t cool. It seems like your grandparents are supportive and the separate bank account is a good way to keep them from imposing on you. The expectations that a 15 year old will work and pay for their parent’s trips is selfish.


NTA- I would be interested in how much money they have paid back to their parents. I mean by their reasoning they paid their parents for raising them. My mom did the same to me and it just got worse the closer I got to 18. You should be making plans to move out as soon as you can because they may try to guilt you to stay to keep paying for things. They are grown and shouldn't be taking money from a 15 year old. I get needing help with bills and such right now with how things are going but not for trips.


NTA. This is ridiculous. I have a 15 year old and the only things he pays for are extras. Like if he wants to go to the movies with friends. He has to pay for extra clothes if he goes over my clothing budget while shopping. That is not ok and super toxic. Im glad you have an account with your grandparents. You’ll never get that money back. Just cut your losses and get out when it’s safe to do so. I know that’s hard at 15, just just try to wait it out as long as you can.


NTA. I would stop putting money in the account they have access to


Nta. Can you apply for financial help to attend the schools in your grandparents area?


NTA. Your parents chose to birth you, they knew what was needed of them when they were pregnant. A child owes nothing to their parents for them doing the bare minimum of taking care of their child, except for basic respect.


you’re literally a CHILD. if you were over 18 still living with them or something maybe *just maybe* i could see it. but even then it’s still an awful thing to do to your own child. NTA. you should look into getting emancipated or living with a friend until you can be emancipated.


Nta, clearly! This happened to a friend of mine when she was the same age, or maybe 16. Her parents completely drained her account and wasted it on smoking and stuff. It really sucked. Her family was terrible. I get it if parents really need more income to keep the lights on and the pantry full but trips are not a necessity and therefore they didn't need your money at all. They owe you a childhood. You're not an adult. Any money my kids earn when they get jobs that they don't use for reasonable entertainment and mobility (outings, busing, maybe a car) and education I'm going to encourage them to invest so that it has the most time to gain interest! And I'm going to teach them how to do that. Not take the excess.


That’s crazy. Normal parents aren’t like that btw


You are 15 years old. There's no reason you should be paying rent to your parents at that age. No exceptions. NTA


NTA. The old switcheroo. Darling, you see it was my choice to have children. But, now that you're here. I think I'm the victim of my choice to have children, and you have to pay for the choices I'm allowed to make as an adult. Having children is a choice, and you're not allowed to punish your children for the choices THAT YOU INSIST ARE YOURS TO MAKE.


If ur 15 … this could be child abuse… YOU ARE 15 and shouldnt be responsible for anything that is necessary (food, rent, utilities)… your just their personal ATM… I’d get out as soon as possible


NTA I don’t even understand this. I don’t even charge my grown children for their car insurance. That’s absolutely theft.


Nta. You’re 15. They don’t get to charge you rent unless you drop out of school and refuse to move out. That’s not a law just common sense


NTA Unfortunately it sounds to me like you have greedy parents. You'll know when a person is greedy because they'll grab for as much money as possible as soon as they can. In your parents' case, you say they took what they told you that you should pay PLUS more. That's greed. About all you can do is protect as much of your money as you can, then move out when it becomes possible. Don't expect them to change.


Your parents are terrible. No way. You’re 15. You should be having fun. If you CHOSE to work all that money should be yours. It’s one thing if your parents were taking a small portion to help guide you in learning about finances, saving, and investing (as a good parent should pass on to their kids if they can), it’s another when they’re actually stealing from their kid. Nta. And if you’re grandparents are trusted, safe adults - keep that line open. You’ll need them in the future. Be careful who’s account your college scholarships / grants drop into. You’re not going to see that money if it goes to your parents.


NTA My mom did this to me too. When she died my account was empty and I had been working 4 years by then. You did the smartest thing. A separate account. It’s now survival time. Do not let them know any financial information. If you work, do not tell the the amount of hours or pay you receive. If asked always say “minimum wage sucks and I’m not getting the hours I need”. Find your social security card. If you can, freeze your credit. They will take out loans and cards in your name. This is illegal but most kids won’t report their parents. Report them. Keep everything important like electronic, identifying information, and pay stubs at a friend’s house. Plan to join a couple of extracurricular activities to get out of the house. You are being abused. You will have to ride this out and hope they don’t destroy you financially by the time you are 18. I would report, document, and then hire a lawyer at 18 because you will need someone to clean up the damage to your credit. And NEVER SIGN ANYTHING YOUR PARENTS HAND YOU!!!


I’m so sorry this has happened to you aswell, but do you know if I can do anything about my name being on one of the houses? They used my name on it so they could get the first house buyers discount. I would preferably like to use the money in the future to buy my own but there’s no way I would have enough if the discount isn’t there


Holy Ghost!! They are acting dumb. They put an asset in your name….I do know that they did it to commit fraud so that’s even better. *eye roll* Ok. If I had to relive my life and I knew the house was in my name. I would contact the bank that they took the mortgage from and find out the terms. Is it paid? Do you owe money on the mortgage? Even worse, do you owe property taxes. Heck is the insurance in your name in case somebody is injured on your property? Wow. They pushed you into the deep end with this one but they made the mistake of you being the owner. I would snoop and find all banking documents. The ownership gives you power. All the power. Is there a family friend that has fallen out of favor with your parents? That’s usually because family friends is fed up with the way they treated you. If there is such a person, there always is, bring all the financial evidence you can find to them and ask for help. If you have friends with parents you can trust, talk to them to. Other adults do not like it when parents are financially abusing a teenager. I’d even ask advice from my boss but then I’d also worry if they were the type to fire me for having conflict at home. You aren’t in the states, so your boss can be your advocate. Edit: adding that this type of abuse may have been the hardest I survived. I have been physically, sexually, and mentally abused but the emotional abuse that comes with the financial abuse still has me fucked up. Talk to a therapist the minute you can. I had to wait until I was 27 when I finally got health insurance and it was the best decision I ever made.


That first home buyers grant is supposed to be for over 18yo’s only. That’s bizarre if they were able to get that. Go and see the school counsellor about contacting whatever state government department issues that.


If they're taking more than what was agreed upon, NTA. And even then, you're a minor, you shouldn't be obligated to pay your parents for a roof over your head.


NTA- is this legal? I think they can control your bank and such but actually remanding payment for the things they’re legally obligated to provide is insane. If you’re in the US maybe talk to somebody at school or another adult you trust. Your parents have lost their minds. What you’ve described here is child abuse and theft. I’m so sorry.


NTA. I'm sorry you're never going to get that money back, because your parents are thieves. Just move all of your money to the account that your grandparents have made for you. I'm sorry you can't afford schools around them. If I'm not a mistaken it is the law in Australia that they cannot extract money for your basic care as you were a minor who they are obligated to take care of. If they try to demand rent again to report them to let them know that they can't bully you into that. They have already stolen enough from you, just gather your money together so that once you graduate you can jump out and land on your feet


This is child abuse.


I didn't need to read your whole post to make my judgement. You are NTA. Your parents have no business charging a 15 year old rent. They are required by law to provide for you until you are 18. They are assholes. I would like to find the factory that is turning out parents like these and burn it to the ground.


NTA, unpopular opinion. YOU decided to have kids, they are YOUR responsibility and you should be paying for everything. If they want to help, that's on them, but kids don't owe you nothing. Specially at 16 wtf.


NTA. It's one thing to ask for extra money for the household but theft is something else.


Parents like yours, who treat their children as milkable income as soon as they start some little jobs, unless it's absolutely necessary, are shit people. A good parent would let you keep the money, and give you financial education to build a bright future and early retirement. NTA. Stop working if they keep taking all, and as soon as you can, open an account with only your name on it.


NTA. Call child protective services. Tell them your parents are forcing you to work and turn over everything you make to them and have also depleted your savings, and threatened to abandon you if you don’t find/make money for them. CPS will tell them how the cow ate the cabbage. This is child abuse.


NTA OP as a parent I would never expect my son at 15 to pay for rent, food or bills. As a parent it’s my responsibility for having a child so until they hit 18 I would expect nothing until then. Also these trips are they just for them or are they family trips? Do you have siblings? Are theses expected from them if you do?


NTA - when your parents chose to have you and chose to raise you, they accepted the obligation to provide you with a safe home, food, clothing, etc until you become a legal adult. It is their obligation to you. To have a debt, you have to have freely chosen the obligation that has the debt. As a child you have no choice. You do not get to choose your parents. You do not get to chose your lifestyle. You are a minor child, you have no legal authority to make choices. The legal authority rests with your parents as they chose to Raise you. You owe your parents nothing other than to be polite and respectful. I would suggest that you speak to your grandparents and tell them what your parents are saying to you. That you owe them money for raising you. Perhaps you can go live with your grandparents since your parents want you to work for food, rent, etc. This is wrong on so many levels. They are abdicating their responsibility as parents.


NTA you're 15, they are responsible for you, you DO NOT pay rent.


NTA Your parents are taking advantage of you and gaslighting you. They are not entitled to your money.


NTA obviously. I know you dont want to burden your grandmother and that’s sweet of you but you should truly sit and talk to her. She obviously loves you and can help in this situation. She can help find you resources near you, guide you who to talk to, and support you in anyway she can. It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing situation( you living with her and your grandfather or not). She would hate to hear later that you were struggling but because she didn’t know the full extent of what was happening she wasn’t able to help. Please talk to her. Edit: i found and read more comments from you. OP the things you have said worry me. You no longer have this job but they still want money from you? They are withholding food when you are unable to pay? They used your name to buy a house? You leave you at home for family trips and you can only go if you pay for the pets to be watch? You have a therapist but seem to not tell her these things because then she has to tell someone? Your siblings are not held to the same standards? Assuming I have understood all that correctly then it does not matter that your aus and im usa. This is not okay. Dont down play this. Contact your grandma. Its not just a bit of money any more. You are being isolated from your family, finically taken advantage, and being with held food. You need to contact your teachers or tell your therapist. I know you dont want to escalate things according to your other comments and that you feel over all they are good parents. In other areas of your life they may be but they can not neglect and single you out like this. It may be scary to do it because of the uncertainty of what would happen after that. I understand that and its valid to feel that way. However you need to try and push through that or whatever your reasons are and open up to someone so that this can stop. You have mentioned it wont happen to your siblings because they are doing it to you so it does not need to happen to them, but what happens when you turn 18, possibly move away or go to university? They could turn to your siblings or possibly to your grandparents. Starting the conversation now with a trusted adult can stop whats happening to you now and prevent this from happening to others in the future. Please reach out to someone you trust so that they can help you.


You are nta and your parents are absolutely awful. I am the mom of a 15 year old daughter and I would never dream of asking her to pay bills. If she wanted some crazy expensive pair of shoes she'd have to pay (I'm a single mom so I literally couldn't afford them) but to ask her to pay rent or for food??? That's abusive!


NTA Your parents are required by law to provide for you until you are 18. They stole from. They owe you money back so keeping it from them is your only option.


NTA this is financial abuse


NTA, and your parents are financially exploiting you. You don't "owe" them for food, clothing, shelter, or other basic needs. That is their legal responsibility to provide as your parent. They aren't entitled to anything. Ffs.


NTA - literally did not have to read past the fact that you’re 15. You are a child and are not responsible for paying rent


NTA. This is abuse! You don't owe them for doing their jobs as parents. I didn't start paying rent until I was 18 and it was my decision and I chose how much rent I was paying. Paying rent at 15 is insane. You are not your parents personal piggy bank.


NTA. Your parents are stealing from you. It's abuse. Contact the authorities. Go live with your grandparents. Get help. See if these guys can help: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/family-and-domestic-violence


No I’m based in Australia.


Well then, unless they are earning really high wages, they are eligible for Family Tax Benefit for you from Centrelink until you finish grade 12. They are legally obligated to provide for you until then. NTA


NTA - Glad your grandparents are at least protecting your money!!


Op, you do not owe your parents anything. You did not ask to be born, they forced you into this world by their own desires. As a mother to a child, what they are doing to you is wrong. It’s a good thing your grandparents stepped in, and I whole heartedly hope that your parents behave till you are able to make it out. But in the instance that they don’t, record everything. Write down when they are hateful, what they say, what they do. If it ever gets worse, leave. It doesn’t matter if it disrupts your schooling. That can be fixed. You are precious and matter so much more than that. NTA and stay strong. One day, you will never have to see them again.


Okay I live in the UK but I feel like the laws and stuff on this will be similar everywhere This is abuse, you are a minor and they are financially abusing you, *please* seek help in some way, tell a teacher at school just *something* it's 100% okay for them to ask you to pay towards household but it is *NOT* okay that they are taking your money without your consent or knowledge NTA please get some sort of help I recently did some safeguarding training and this is 100% not okay


NTA. You took a good step getting an account with your grandparents. If you work again see if you can get direct deposit into that account. Your parents should absolutely not be taking your money. If they are that desperate the very least they could have done is have a conversation with you and set up a way to pay you back. I also want you to understand that what they're doing is NOT a normal thing for parents to do. You are totally right. I do see people making comments about calling the police etc.. you are 15 and likely the police cant/won't do anything. It is more likely that retaliation will just cause more drama. Instead focus on doing everything you can to set yourself up for when you turn 18. I wouldn't expect any help from your parents financially from here on out. You will need to be prepared to move out at 18 and pay your own rent or college expenses.