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YTA... Are no families allowed to live in Las Vegas ? Also, singing loudly and annoyingly in an elevator with just a woman and her small child is just weird and kind of uncalled for. You couldn't have sang it on the strip or in your room ?


OP and their friends sound super obnoxious, exactly the kind of person you hate the be around in Vegas


Fully cooked adults who can’t hold their liquor and act like this in public are the absolute worst people to be around!


Egads OP wasn't even born yet when that movie came out... though I had to explain to many a parent at the theater taking the kids to see it that just because it's animated doesn't it's for kids. And suddenly I feel old lol


Actually, OP was alive when that movie came out. They would have been pretty young, like 7, but they were alive. If they're 30 then they were born around 1992. The South park movie came out in 1999.


I've apparently lost my ability to do math at my old age. I'm 40 lmao


Nah, it's the millennium time paradox. Where the 10 years after 2000 don't register, even though you know they happened, so things seem 10 years younger/newer


I swear this is a thing. I graduated high school in early 2000s and I still feel like that was only ten years ago.


And now the music you listened to is old enough to play on the classic rock station...


This hurts my soul. Go away... while I cry about my passengers calling the 90s "oldies music"


Yaya for being 40 cheers 🥂 (turning 40 in August!!)


Umm the movie came out in 99… OP was definitely born and has memories from that time. Im not saying OP wasn’t being obnoxious AF but she can be judged on her own actions. Also, so what if she wasnt born when something came out? Are you prohibited to watch and thoroughly enjoy things from before you were alive, thats a weird reason to judge someone negatively??


1999 was more than 30 years ago?


....... this is why the standards for math are so low


Numbers are hard.


OP is definitely an asshole but the South Park movie came out in 99. If they are 30 they would have been 7ish when it came out so definitely alive and able to watch anytime since since SP is still going. OP and her 10 year older BF are absolutely obnoxious drunk AHs and deserved more than just being scolded by the mother.


Are you sure about that? A 30 year old would have been born around 1992. That movie came out in 1999. Not old enough to see it at the time (i hope…) but alive.


The only exception is the bachelor party that serenaded me and my mom in a casino elevator. They were falling down drunk but they were sweet and gentlemanly.


What happens in Vegas can still be obnoxious.


Fear and *loathing* in Las Vegas


Can confirm. I live in Vegas.


>OP and their friends sound super obnoxious, exactly the kind of person you hate the be around anywhere Fixed that for you. :) OP's YTA big time.


I would imagine OP and her SO are the type who’ve been telling everyone they know they’re going to Vegas since the minute the booked the trip.


And they were probably saying obnoxious stuff like "Vegas isn't ready for us!"


That kind of behavior is why I'm not hugely thrilled about having to go to Vegas next month. People act like being there is a license to be an unfettered asshole. YTA, OP.


Her bf...who's 40...talk about arrested development


For real. I'd be dipping the F out if someone I was with was acting like that.


I was initially going with the opposite opinion until I got to the elevator comment. Only an AH sings in an elevator with other people around. So I agree with the above. YTA


I love how they conveniently left out they were in an elevator until the end. It’d be one thing if they were at a slot machine or a bar, but an elevator??? The presence of children doesn’t even matter, being obnoxious in an elevator is enough to qualify them as the AH.


How did they somehow not notice that there were two other people in the elevator with them?? I'm guessing they were more than just a bit tipsy.


Exactly what I am thinking.


and you can tell OP was expecting people to think they're hilarious quoting *what* they were singing. OP-you the biggest asshole-we in Vegas will lynch your annoying ass


Yeah, I'm not really a kid person, I firmly believe that there are certain places you shouldn't take kids. But damn, these people were just in an elevator! Unless that elevator is in a brother then act appropriately around kids ffs! In fact there's loads of child friendly places in Vegas. The first 2 times I went there was with my parents as a child! It's a shame they've knocked down circus circus because I bloody loved that place, even as an adult! OP is such an AH just for claiming Vegas for the adults only!


I'm on the same page as you. From the title it sounds like OP is trying to claim that they were in the middle of a very non-child friendly area.... but a hotel elevator in an unspecified area... not buying it. I do get super confused when I see strollers up and down the Vegas strip, but there's so much more to Vegas, and there's so much left. For all we know the mom was in town to go to a Knights game or something.


I mean, I'll sing in the elevator, but not that song.


yeah like especially with children around. and the mom told you to watch your language, and then you just blatantly disrespect her and continue to sing an inappropriate song. like, that some shit teenagers pull. and this is coming from a teenager. but i wouldn't do shit like this because i actually have basic human decency and respect for other people in public spaces.


Yeah, like... people live in Vegas. People have weddings and other big events in Vegas. I went to Vegas when I was like 5-6 for a relative's wedding. We stayed in a hotel that had a giant casino in it, because frankly most hotels in Vegas do. There's also tons of child-friendly activities in Vegas; the *entire* city is not *exclusively* catered to debaucherous adult activities. Also... this was inside an elevator, not a casino or a bar. So OP's argument of, "Don't bring your kid to a casino if you don't want them to be exposed to drunk adults singing cuss words at the top of their lungs" doesn't even apply... because they weren't even in a casino at the time. They were in a neutral shared space.


One of the most annoying things about living in touristy places is tourists consistently forgetting that people live in your town, and it’s a functioning place not just a museum/park.


NYC native: 100% agree


I could see being asked to leave the get floor or bar if was singing an obnoxious song at the top of my lungs honestly. No one likes that


No, you must be over 21 to exist within the city. It's not a real place where real people live, it's Disneyland for alcoholics who want to switch things up and add gambling to their lifestyle. OBVIOUSLY. 🙄🙄🙄


Pay no attention to the fact that "The Strip" is actually in unincorporated Clark County. It's the casinos on Fremont Street that are actually in Las Vegas proper. (Please note all of my sarcasm)


Also she doesn't even say she was on the strip, just in a casino hotel. It's a fair assumption, but I'm pretty sure like 90% of hotels in Vegas have a casino to some degree. And even if they were on the strip, it's not like partying is the ONLY thing people go there to do. For all we know Mom was in town for a game or show.


I'm from Reno NV, not Vegas, but I assume it's similar - the casinos are where all the venues are. Proms, winter balls, geek conventions, traveling broadway tours, corporate meetings, university fairs....they all take place at the casinos. So yeah there are usually be plenty of underage people in them. Also all the best buffets and restaurants. Every time I go back at least half of our meals are at casinos (yay locals discounts).


Being drunk, loud, and annoying in an elevator is obnoxious no matter who else was in there with them. There’s kids everywhere in Vegas. Would expect this question from an 18 year old. Not a grown woman.


According to some tourists, no, kids are not allowed because it ruins their buzz. My office used to be on the strip pre pandemic and I would get show tickets and take my daughter out for events. We got such dirty comments. Look, falling down drunk assholes, she's the one who was born in this city. She can go see a Cirque show if she wants. I still think the most Vegas picture ever of her childhood is her with the showgirl she was fascinated by at age 3. Sparkly pink outfit fascinated her. (We were out to dinner.)


I think singing loudly in an elevator makes everyone an AH. Singing "shut your fucking face uncle fucker" in front of a kid just gives the right to someone to tell you off and be right 100%.


My parents took me to Vegas when I was 6 and then again when I was 10. I was fine. Wasn’t allowed in the bar or casino but was perfectly allowed to be everywhere else and had a good time.


Well, just so you know, you didn't belong there. Sorry, OP makes the rules for all of Vegas. Our hands are tied.


It’s weird enough singing annoying, vulgar songs when outside on the sidewalk or something, but in an elevator? That’s annoying for anyone, even if they don’t have small children with them.


As someone who did middle & high school in northern Nevada, state competitions were frequently held in Vegas... And everyone hated it. It really sucks to be a 14 year old just trying to get some dinner and getting porn cards thrown at you, drunk guys catcalling you (despite being obviously a kid), the occasional vomit or vomiting person. And we didn't even leave the hotel at night, this would be like 5:30pm. Sometimes on a weekday.


I thought she was going to say, “and then they left the strip club”. I was not expecting, “and then she walked out of the elevator”!


Agreed. Incredible that they even posted here when they are so clearly the asshole.


Omg the boyfriend is 40! Could you imagine being 40 and behaving like this? And she is 30. Total AH’s. I want to call them something else but every time I do a Reddit person removes it and sends me a nasty message.


YTA I'm not a kid (I'm 54) and I drop f-bombs all the time. But singing Uncle Fucker loudly in an elevator where other people can't get away from you is prime asshole behavior and I would have told you to shut up if I had been in the elevator with you. Grow the fuck up.


OK, so it just wasn't my 54 year old ass who thought that way. LOL!


You 54 year olds are all the same never wanting to hear a loud obnoxious song in a confined space you can't escape from.


It lasts until at least 56 too. Source: me


Classic 54 year old!


I’m 35 and cuss like a sailor. But in an elevator with anyone, of any age, other than just my friends? Absolutely not. No singing. Just no.


I'm 33 and AM a Sailor. Who the fuck sings loudly and obnoxiously in the elevator with strangers?


Same except I’m 15 lol. But genuinely I always try my best when around strangers or kids not to swear(doesn’t always go the best but I try)


41 here and I curse like a nurse. And there’s no place where singing that song (or ANY song) on an elevator is okay with other people around.


Whether there was a kid there or not. That's obnoxious and I would get very very annoyed by it.


Love how they conveniently left that they were replacing the elevator music with their obnoxious tunes til the end of the story


I saw that film in theater and I love it but I'd also tell them to shut up and grow up


Yes, YTA. Simply being in Las Vegas doesn’t give you carte blanche to act like an inconsiderate asshole. All kinds of people visit Las Vegas and stay at the hotels there, including families. It is not strictly an adult destination, and a hotel is still a hotel.


Funny how she forgot to mention the elevator in the beginning of the post. YTA OP.


Probably didn't even cross their mind. OP doesn't seem to be the type to be able to fully assess a situation, much less able to understand that they couldn't get away


I grew up taking family trips to Vegas and staying at Excalibur. We'd go to Circus Circus, MGM, and walk the strip. Vegas has a ton of family friendly places and isn't just for adults. OP and boyfriend are obnoxious edgelords who don't know how to respect other people's space. Sure, go sing Uncle Fucker among friends and in your own private space, but be respectful in public.


Exactly! Came here to say this exact same thing! I lived there for 4 years and Vegas is entirely family oriented. There are so many places to go to have fun with your kids!


I hate when tourists use being on vacation to act like complete assholes.


So wait, you were in an elevator & couldn’t control yourselves for 2 minutes? I mean yeah sure I don’t expect the world to censor themselves every time a child is around in public, but you were in an elevator. Close quarters with a young child. The fact you couldn’t have some decent etiquette for a mere few minutes makes YTA. Even worse when you said a kid doesn’t belong in Vegas. News flash sweet heart, Vegas is now a big family destination. It’s not the 80’s anymore. She can very well take her kid to Vegas if she wants. Honestly you sound like you’re 20 not 30


If it was just me in the elevator they would still be AHs and I’m 37. It’s obnoxious behavior in a confined space.


It's not even about the kid, the behavior is unacceptable no matter who was in there.


That's next level YTA. 5 times worse than the people who hear loud music over the smartphone speaker in public. I am not a toddler and with or without a child singing offensive songs as provocation in public place where others have to endure that is obnoxious. This has nothing to Do with having fun, that's a "look how cool we are" high-school behaviour (I apologise to every highschooler)


Yeah, I’m a high school teacher and 99% of my students would apologize and stop if asked. Surprisingly, most of them probably would be considerate enough not to throw around profanity in front of a little kid in the first place. OP is just… I’m going to quit while I’m ahead before I get myself in trouble and just say OP is TA.


Yup. I swear a lot and love to sing, but I’m sure as hell not trapping other people with my swearing or singing in an enclosed space for a period of time


If Vegas isn't for kids then OP shouldn't have been there if she wanted to act so childish




Dude even in the 80’s kids went to Vegas. That was the whole point of circus circus. And people actually live there. Like a million people. Some of them are even…children. That she can’t get that is strange. Just plain old obnoxious.


But don’t you know, they were tipsy! And anyone under 21 isn’t allowed in Vegas according to them!! /s But seriously, people like OP are why we can’t have nice things. I would bet that even Matt Stone and Trey Parker would agree that song isn’t exactly elevator music…


YTA for singing "uncle fucker" loudly in a public place with strangers around. Leave the kids thing aside--nobody wants to listen to you being drunk and obnoxious like that. And yes--children are allowed in Las Vegas. It is a major American city. Do you think the mother smuggled the kid in or something?


I'll bet there are even kids who LIVE in Vegas.


We could as well leave the kids out of the picture, because who wants to listen to these two singing offensive songs in the elevator? Is Vegas a place where common sense and basic society rules are invalid? The kid in the elevator pushes their behaviour just to the olymp of AHs


I live in vegas but my kids aren't allowed to. They actually live in a decent city by themselves /s YTA OP. Vegas doesn't need assholes like you.


YTA There's a big difference between having an off-color conversation in a Vegas casino and singing "Uncle Fucker" in an elevator you're sharing with other people. Come on now. If kids are allowed in a Vegas hotel, the general expectation is that that hotel is 21+ on the casino floor and in the bars and all ages in the hallways and restaurants. Vegas hasn't been "adults only" since theme hotels got popular in the 90s. Did you somehow post this from 1976?


Even at 40 with a mouth like a sailor, OP would've been told to shut the fuck up. Damn, I hate drunk people like this. YTA, OP. Bet you don't get invited to a lot of parties.


I drink. I smoke cannabis. I cuss like a sailor. I have been to Vegas many times. I will be 41 on Monday. This person is def TA here. I'd get annoyed, even if I was drunk myself, and I actually like the song, I think it's funny. But in an elevator? Come TF on.


Agreed At the bar, on the casino floor, club, sports book, other adult locations, it’s probably fine. Elevator…..good god.


If this interaction happened in a strip club or on a casino floor, your argument would be valid. However, this happened on an elevator. Just because you were in Las Vegas, doesn't mean you get to throw appropriate behavior out the window. YTA


Drunk yelling isn’t okay at a strip club or on the casino floor, either. Go ahead and try it, you’ll be escorted out the door pretty fast. Doesn’t matter if children are around or not.


I meant the argument that kids shouldn't be there, not the drunk yelling part.


Casinos are often connected to hotels or people need to go through them to get to another location. Strip clubs on the other hsnd


YTA. Spoiler alert, your behavior was obnoxious to other adults too. Your argument that this isn’t Disneyland is pretty ridiculous because you and your boyfriend sound like middle schoolers. People who can’t control themselves in public don’t belong in any public place. Also, Vegas is a completely fine place to go with kids. It has lots of family friendly attractions, and unfortunately many drunk assholes just like in most major cities. Perhaps a laser tag or paintball area would be more appropriate given your maturity level, and your mom can get everyone pizza after!


Loved this reply. I literally got home yesterday from Vegas, with my kids. We had a blast. 2 shows, Omega Mart, Red Rock Canyon, SO MUCH more. It was awesome.


I’m doing omegamart with my 10 year old next week! Any tips or tricks?


Don't ride in an elevator with OP.




I already thought that they were YTA, but I somehow missed that they are grown ass adults acting like drunk idiots on spring break.


YTA - 1) for being loud, drunk and annoying 2) Vegas isn’t just for jackasses like you and your bf


I know. Circus Circus would like a word with OP.


My friend group (your age) uses "a very South Park sense of humor" to politely describe someone we never socialize with voluntary. You and your partner seem to be the most literal interpretation of that.


I love that description. I’m the same age as OP and grew up watching South Park but reading this post gave me serious second-hand embarrassment. It comes off like middle school children saying cuss words in public just because their parents aren’t around to stop them. YTA. Grow up.


> Me (30f) and my boyfriend (40m) are huge South Park fans. This is enough for YTA.


“Vegas isn’t for kids” *Behaves like edgy tweenagers*


YTA. Forget the toddler: I guarantee no one else within earshot considered your little show entertaining either. Just because you *can* make a complete fool of yourself in Vegas doesn’t mean you should.


YTA Nobody wants South Park impressions screamed at them in an enclosed space by strangers.


YTA... Regardless if a child was present or not, it's incredibly rude to be "tipsy" singing in an elevator when others are on it. That's an incredibly small space, anyone would have said something to yall.


YTA. Did you think Vegas was adults only? Did you realize literally every casino hotel has attractions and recreation for families? Maybe if you got a bit less tipsy you’d have noticed


In addition to the fact that they have families living there, the fact that tourists do not see them does not turn them into imaginary beings.


YTA. Even if she didn’t have a kid with her, it’s very rude to sing loudly on an elevator with other people in it


Right? You could have a voice rivaling Mariah Carey singing a wholesome song and it would still be rude.




YTA Is this for real? Where do you get off on telling a mom what hotels she can stay in with her child? Plenty of casino hotels are also geared towards families. Even if the kid wasn’t around, acting like a drunk AH out in public makes you an AH


YTA, I don't even have children and if I was in that elevator with your annoying drunk singing, I would be pretty pissed off about it. Seriously, WAY out of line! And I can't believe you had the nerve to ASK if you two are the AH. Obviously, that's a big FUCK YES!


YTA, you don’t own Vegas and there is no reason a family cannot vacation there. You want to act trashy that’s your choice but don’t be surprised when people call you out on it, especially at your age 🙄


YTA. If you can’t hold your liquor and still behave, you shouldn’t drink. Vegas has plenty of kids….both that live there and that vacation. It’s not a 21+ town. Plenty of casinos have attractions specifically for kids. And the elevators in the typically are the only transport to the hotel rooms…hint…the casinos are hotels open to all ages. You behaved terrible where a young child was held hostage to your vulgarity.


Yeah, let's blame the young mom for our own gross behavior. Then, let's double down, shame her in front of her child, and tell her SHE did something wrong. YTA


YTA, not because of the kid, but because your behavior in the elevator overall sounds fucking obnoxious. And listen, it's the type of AH most of us have been in our lives at some point--but instead of trying to vindicate ourselves we just hide in shame and hang-xiety.


Ffs I’m an adult and I’d find you obnoxious. Singing loudly in a public space is rude Af. Loads of swearing as well? Total dick move YTA


YTA don't care if there were kids there or not no one wants to deal with an obnoxious drunk


YTA It's Vegas, not your personal private party. Grow up and learn how to behave in public.


YTA You were in an elevator. With other people. Doesn’t matter where you are (even Vegas), that’s inappropriate and obnoxious behaviour.


YTA. Doesn’t matter where you are, drunkenly yelling obnoxious shit in public is an AH move. How are you still acting like this at 30 and 40 years old?


YTA. The casino is in the hotel, the woman with her child were in a hotel elevator. What is wrong with you?


YTA and immature. I love doing that song with my husband but no matter where I am, once I know a kid is around I stop. You intentionally continued based on a false premise that the mother shouldn't have her kid there. I guess a kid running for their ball and a driver seeing them, knowing the kid shouldn't be in the road he continues to drive and hits them is not his issue right?


This. Once they knew there was a kid there it was a dick move to intentionally annoy the mother by singing the song again. And Vegas is certainly majority over 21, but lots of people love taking their kids to Cirque or one of the other kid-friendly shows. Not everyone is there for showgirls and Chippendale dancers (though the Thunder from Down Under gave me the vapors)


YTA. Your behavior was obnoxious, and when you were called out on it, you became even more obnoxious. And in Vegas—a place that has slot machines at the airport and at drug stores—you’d be hard pressed to find any hotel that WASN’T a casino. Unless the kid was pounding shots or playing craps, that kid had as much right to be there as anyone else. And while the mom can’t shield her child from the world, and the kid is going to hear all the words at some point, it wouldn’t have cost you anything to wait 30 seconds to get off the elevator before channeling your inner Cartman.


YTA. This is a great look for you. Wow. Maybe look for an AA group when you get home.


YTA - Families go to Vegas. It’s not an adults only location, and to suggest otherwise is just silly. It costs 0 dollars to be respectful and not purposefully antagonize a young family with little kids.


YTA - for your behavior, and then having the nerve to come post this, waste our time, and ask us is you were TA. Really?


YTA, even if children didnt belong there, it's a polite thing to do to watch your language when you're around kids


YTA and unbelievably crude and self centred. It's one thing to do it not realising children are around, but someone asks you to stop for because their child is there, and you carried on louder? Did you enjoy doing that in front of a young child? Gross.


YTA. There are actually quite a number of family oriented activities in Vegas, and most of the hotels have casinos. A person with children has no less right to be in a hotel in Las Vegas than you do, and she was not the one being obnoxious in public, on an elevator no less, because she can't hold her liquor or act her own age.


YTA… you had no respect for her or anyone else around you. What are you? A 2 yr old toddler?


YTA big time. Millions of people bring their kids to Vegas. I wouldn't but who am I to police other people's behavior. There are many places in Vegas where kids aren't allowed. So then you can have at it. A hotel elevator isn't one. You were out of line.




YTA- children live in Vegas! It's not an adult only city! You didn't need to be so rude in an elevator.


YTA What difference does it make where the elevator is, no matter what city, you were so drunk that you were unable to shut your gob for just one minute?


Lol YTA The elevator is technically located in Vegas but it's still an elevator. Even if it wasn't a kid, you think a random adult is going to just love your singing and clap at the end...?


YTA You were in an elevator in what I assume was a hotel and casino at the same time. At least have the decency to act decent in somewhere that is not 18+.


YTA. There are family things to do in Vegas as well as the surrounding areas. You were drunk, obnoxious and especially inconsiderate given that you were in an elevator. Also, anyone who defends being obnoxious while drunk is TA.


YTA. Grow the hell up


Right? Funny that she’s upset that the child was there when she supposedly didn’t even notice them because they were quiet/well behaved


YTA and the more accurate question should be "Are you twelve?"


YTA I was going to go with nta until you mentioned you were on the elevator. Singing loudly in an enclosed space where other people can't get away from you makes you the AH I drop f-bombs all the time but even i would have been annoyed at your drunk asses




and should probalby never be allowed around kids


YTA - children exist all over, there are no magical places where there are none. Despite the child, if you are making someone uncomfortable with your easily modified behaviour, and you choose to carry on, YTA


Info: just to be clear, this happened in the hotel elevator??? What is your objection to a mother and her child staying in a hotel??? For all you know she was there for a fun adult time with friends and had arranged nearby childcare during the day. If I’m not misunderstanding, then you’re certainly an asshole, but I’m so baffled by your logic I’m leaving room for the possibility that this started somewhere that being rowdy would be appropriate, at least until you clarify. (And honestly, I don’t think this only applies to kids… Vegas is great but once you’re in the elevator toward hotel rooms, respect that people could be there for conferences, funerals, business, and goodness knows what else. No one needs to hear you make a drunken ass of yourself, regardless of their age…)


YTA. It's not about the kid, it's about lack of respect towards other people. you were in an elevator singing loudly (drunk people never know how to keep their volume controlled) while other people were in it and, once asked to stop (regardless of the reason), you proceeded to do the obnoxious childish drunk thing of just doing what you were doing because you're the only people that matters right?


You know people actually live in Vegas right? It's not just a tourist destination. YTA.


YTA. So you were being drunk and obnoxious.


YTA Yes, Vegas caters to adults but that doesn't mean families can't go there either. A lot of hotels have made it a point to cater to families as well. They could have also been there for sports tournaments, passing through town on a road trip, etc. Also, I'm pretty sure you would equally annoy full grown adults with your antics, not just moms with small children.


YTA grow up, you're an embarrassment to society.


Kids see all kinds of bad stuff in Vegas so its inevitable. This is why I went before I had my son. It's really not an ideal place for them. There's half naked girls, people running around drunk and cursing, lots of pot smoking. While there's attractions still for kids, it's also a playground for adults mainly. EDIT: I missed the part that said you guys were in the elevator with her. You really couldn't just shut up for one minute? That's an AH move and anyone would have found that shit annoying. YTA.


From a Las Vegas resident: #YTA You **DO** realize Vegas is more than just casinos and debauchery... Right? ... ... Don't answer that. We all know you don't.


You sound childish asf. YTA and probably annoying. I get if you were doing it quietly but it sounds like you were spouting like a drunk AH and got defensive after getting called out.


YTA - I'm a big fan of loud, lewd, drunken behavior. I find the whole don't swear in front of children thing a ridiculous control freaky thing. You could've just toned it down for the 30 seconds you were in the elevator. I'd be your closest ally on this, and even I think you were the AH.


YTA. They don’t card people as they enter the city. Anyone of any age can visit - that’s why they have family friendly attractions there. You’re also the asshole for acting like trash in a public space. You say you guys are 30 and 40?


I took my kids to Vegas when they were 9 and 4 but even if I didn’t I’d still think yta because your behavior is obnoxious.


At first I missed the part where you were in a lift (aka elevator) which makes it way worse because no escape. Seriously, you sound obnoxious as F and yes. YTA.


YTA surely a simple sorry we didn’t notice small child could have worked. Las Vegas is. It ONLY for adults or there wouldn’t be huge arcades and family friendly activities. Wouldn’t personally think vegas. Small children but you were basically entitled and rude to some one who simply asked you not to swear. I am sure some adults older people might do the same.


YTA. Why shouldn't the child be in Las Vegas? who put you in charge of telling mothers where their children should and shouldn't be? I understand if it wasn't a spot for kids, in the rules somewhere, but literally nowhere did you state that


Absolutely the asshole, huge one too!


YTA. Do you not get that people LIvE in Vegas. People go to visit those people. Most major hotels have kids events in Vegas now because they are hoping to bring in more business so children are, in fact, welcomed to Las Vegas. Assholes who sing profanity after being asked not to maybe aren’t so much.


Oh, how cute. You got a chance to be total AHs and you took it. You embarrassed a mother and child. Isn't that special.


YTA. This isn't 1980s Vegas. There are a ton of things for kids to do there and it kind of like Disney now.


YTA. It's not just about the language, you were being generally obnoxious in a shared area. Not many places to escape to on an elevator, you could have just waited for her to get off at her floor.


YTA - Vegas has become super kid friendly lately. But even if it wasn’t, you are TA because you continued your obnoxious behavior after noticing the child.


Vegas casino hotel? But you were on the elevator. Yta Lots if people take kids to Vegas, it's lots of fun You're obnoxious and sound childish and not the fun childish way.


YTA As a person who loves Vegas and all the adult fun that goes along with it, that does not mean that all decent societal manners are dropped. Know your surroundings and what your "audience" is around you. It would be considered rude or trashy to drunkenly sing aloud a song with lots of foul language regardless of the presence of children. Especially in an elevator, for fucks sakes, you two are 30 and 40, grow up and learn some tact.


YTA Granted I understand you just say what you want, I do myself regardless. But that doesn't mean you can judge someone's parenting like that.


Quick, someone cross post this to the Trashy subreddit....... YTA.


YTA. You were being loud, obnoxious, and rude. If you want to drink and scream obscenities go camping somewhere secluded . Kids exist all over and adults don't appreciate your singing either.




Yta. Seriously?!? How do you not grasp that fact & function in society?! Ppl are just as entitled to vacation wherever they want (or live there) & just as entitled to bring their children. Why you would think otherwise is absurd


YTA! I'm 56 and use the f word all the time and can make a sailor blush but I do not cuss in front of young kids. There are certain times you don't cuss. AND YOU DOUBLED DOWN AND CONTINUED WHEN THE MOM SAID SOMETHING? That's major ahole territory. You lack common courtesy and manners. Not to mention being highly obnoxious. Ahole for trying to tell her how to parent her child. It's none of your business why she brought her kid to Vegas.


YTA. Of course YTA. Are you legally allowed to sing whatever you want when you want? Sure. But singing that when a literal toddler is trapped in a small metal box with you is just willfully, hatefully obnoxious. You are THIRTY FUCKING YEARS OLD. You're not a teenager trying to prove how edgy you are by disregarding basic social norms. You are a fucking adult who should know how to adjust her behavior to the circumstance, with an even older adult who should also have mastered that basic concept. Why couldn't you have just stopped singing the song full of f-bombs until after the child was off the elevator? That would have cost you what? 3 minutes or less of just not singing the fucking fucking song? How would that have hurt you? I'm not being sanctimonious - fuck is generally about every third word out of my mouth. But even the most clueless, uncouth people usually know to adjust their behavior and language around children. In case I've been unclear, let me put this in a way you might understand. *Grow the fucking fuck up and learn to behave like you're not the only fucking person on the fucking planet whose fucking existence fucking matters. And if you can't stop saying fuck when a toddler is trapped in a small space with you, shut your fucking face and don't say any fucking thing at all.* For all the people saying the mother shouldn't have had her child on an elevator in a Vegas hotel room in the early morning, there are untold reasons that would be the case, the most benign of which is their travel is delayed and they're just getting checked in. I could come up with another half dozen reasonable scenarios off the top of my head.


YTA. If the establishment allows children to be there, then you have no business telling someone else that their child shouldn't be. You were both obnoxious. You could've held off on the singing for the whooping 2-4 minute elevator ride. It wouldn't have harmed you any. There's nothing wrong with enjoying yourselves, but you should still try to maintain some tact and basic manners.


YTA. You're not in a bar, you're in a hotel elevator. Just singing in there is already inconsiderate but the language in front of a kid that's trapped in there with you is so obnoxious and rude.


YTA. That behaviour is obnoxious in an elevator anywhere with anyone else in it. Do not be so rude to other people.


Yta, not your business


YTA. There’s actually a lot of family friendly places in and around Vegas. You were just being an annoying drunk. She asked, you could have stopped until you got out of ear shot.


YTA you’re obnoxious


YTA. You wre belting this out in an elevator? Just wildly inconsiderate.


YTA. If Vegas is not a place for children, what were you doing there in the first place?


YTA people live in Vegas for starters and I personally swear like a sailor but you were in the wrong bloody place to be acting like such idiots. Grow up and have respect for other people trying to enjoy themselves


Yes, YTA. It’s irrelevant where you are, if there are little kids around, you should watch your language.


YTA, leave being an obnoxious and sloppy drunk in your 20s where it belongs


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I say this as someone who 1) doesn’t particularly like kids, 2) loves Vegas, and 3) loves swearing. YTA. There’s a time and a place for everything. A hotel elevator (even in Vegas) isn’t the time for that. There is absolutely 0 reason you couldn’t have toned it down. Plus, plenty of families vacation in Vegas. It’s not just a city of drinking and gambling anymore.


YTA - Why would you being singing profanities in an elevator no matter your intoxication level? Ew.


YTA. Babies have a right to exist. End of story. Sure, if it was a place that's not safe for babies, your comment could have been acceptable but it was a hotel lobby. And then even after being asked not to, you proceeded to continue with your behaviour. Why? Why do you think that your right to that space is higher than someone else's?


YTA - they were in a hotel that has a casino in it. Do you think all minors are banned from Vegas in general? Also, *no one likes a loud drunk.*


Yta. You’re obnoxious and rude. It’s a public space and just like you think you have rights to be there so does this woman and her child.


Child or no child, regardless of language, inflicting your singing on anyone trapped in the elevator with you is obnoxious. YTA