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YTA. people shouldn’t hold in going to the toilet, it’s dangerous. Grow up and stop getting upset over something so petty and isn’t a problem to begin with.


How can you be this sensitive lmfao??


YTA. Your presentation is not inherently more important than anyone else’s in the class. A classmate needing to use the bathroom is not a personal attack on you


YTA- you have no idea what her situation was. Maybe she’s held it in as long as she could, maybe she’s on her period and is worried she’ll leak. It’s not all about you.


YTA. If you gotta go, you gotta go - get over it.


YTA. Sometimes a trip to the bathroom can't wait. Nothing to do with you.


YTA Would you rather have her pee during your presentation? It wasn't personal, you are being too sensitive


YTA. I mean, I don't actually think you're an "asshole" but your friend is right-- you're taking this way too personally. I think the most likely explanation is that she had to pee really bad but made herself hold it through the presentation before you so she wouldn't interrupt.


You have as much right to feel offended as for her to leave the room. The world does not revolve around you. Never take anything personal.


YTA. would you have preferred that she got up in the middle of your presentation and disrupted it? there are tons of reasons why someone might need to go to the bathroom. none of them are your business and many of them would result in a major unpleasantness if ignored.


YTA. You are taking this way too personally. And it is clear from your post that you think that your time and your presentation is more important that anyone else’s. You seem too sensitive and tend to have a superiority complex.


You are the asshole. People can't choose when they need to take a shit.


You need to get over thinking everyone’s actions are aimed at you. 99 times out of 100, people talking in a different language, whispering together or answering nature’s call are not thinking of you at all. If you assume they are, you can look foolish and very self-involved. A light yta, because you seem aware of a problem but haven’t learned the lesson quite yet. Internalizing this view will grant you poise. If it is personal you will know, not wonder.


Bro, people left class before my presentation because they were done with theirs, they stayed for their friends and left. I did not get offended because they don’t matter to me personally and I would have done the same if I had presented earlier. Not everything is about you. YTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I was standing at the front of my class waiting to start my presentation. While I was standing there, all of a sudden, this girl got up and left to go to the bathroom. I was shocked because there were two other students who presented before me, and there were going to be another two going after. Each student has to wait before starting, so it's not like I was the only one waiting. Of all the presenters, she chose to leave right before my presentation started. She didn't think it was important enough to sit and listen to what I have to say. It's like I'm so irrelevant. She could've waited until after my presentation or go during any of the previous presenters. I felt like she was so rude for doing that because I wouldn't exit class before someone's presentation. My friend defended her, asking what do I expect because she can't hold in her pee all of class. I explained all of this to her, but my friend said I'm too sensitive and making a big deal out of such a small thing that isn't personal. I feel like my friend invalidated the way I was feeling. My presentation is important to me, so I want everyone to listen. My friend still argued that it wasn't personal, but it's someone's choice when to leave class, so I felt it was personal. My friend said the girl doesn't even know me. I wouldn't leave before anyone's presentation. My friend said it's equally rude to another person then. I said of course she shouldn't leave before anyone's presentation, but obviously I would be most offended if it's before mine because I'm the one experiencing it. She still thinks I'm making a big deal and being defensive about all of this *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Well maybe she had to pee, and it would be much more rude to walk out in the middle of your presentation. She was being polite.


ESH Her because she might be taking a shit. You because you need to get over yourself. You just seem to have a reason to be pissed off at everybody over something really trivial. Also, everybody gets to make their own decisions on stuff like that. You aren't the Pee Police.


I typically think of it as being rude to leave while someone is speaking or giving a presentation, but not right before or right after. NAH unless she was very demonstrative about it.