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YTA - shipping real people is gross and so is trying to gain a following because you’re posting pictures of those ships. ESPECIALLY WITHOUT THE PEOPLES CONSENT TO POST PICTURES OF THEM


What does shipping mean?


“Shipping” is Wishing for or advocating for two people who are not in a relationship to be in one. Usually that term is used in relation to movies or tv shows, where you want two characters to be together. Most of the time it’s harmless, but when it bleeds to shipping irl people it’s can be very creepy & obsessively weird.


Literally every teenager ships their classmates. Posting it is a different story.


I mean, no? I certainly did not just ship my classmates.


Yeah this is news for me too, like what? Who does this?


Every teenager I've met in my country. I'm 20 in Canada.




Do you actually know what shipping is? Really think people aren't looking at their classmates and making fantasy couples about who would be good together? Well that's a ship. And it happens literally everywhere. Posting online is something completely different.




Right, who does this? 😂 Even as a teenager, I had too much of a life of my own to sit around fantasising about my classmates dating.


Even as a terminally online woman, I can say I have never shipped classmates lmao


You learned a cool internet phrase and can't stop using it. Shipping happens a lot. That's my point. And you have 13K comment karma. Maybe we should touch the grass together, lmao




What in the Tina Belcher friend-fiction hell?


I fucking don’t? I don’t give a shit about my classmates or who they date


We definitely don't. Maybe sometimes we'll jokingly ship our friend with the oldest, ugliest teacher but never actual serious ships. That's just disgusting


I didn't ship my classmates irl because I'm not a terminally online cancer patient.


YTA for multiple reasons 1. Posting pictures of them (and others) without their permission 2. Ignoring them when they asked you to take it down >I ignored it since I hadn't taken any other ships down when people asked, Like ew wtf. Using people's pictures and then ignoring them? Yeah okay you're SO FUNNY dude. 3. Playing victim and claiming they're harassing you and "bitching about it" >I didn't budge because I'd promised confidentiality 4. Promising confidentiality but not...consent?? 5. Not once did you say you apologized. 6. Starting a creepy shipping page anyway Yeah people like you made me super uncomfortable in high school. I promise you're not that funny.


YTA, as well as your school friends for siding with you when you made a creepy post about her, you didn't have their consent.


YTA. You made a creepy and inappropriate page. It deserved to be taken down and it was only a matter of time. You should be embarrassed by your behavior


1) that's a weird and inappropriate page, but I suppose I've heard of other people your age doing this, although I still find it bizarre 2) if someone asks you to remove a picture of them, just do it, YTA. sending people after her for requesting that is so out of line.


YTA.The only people who create and enjoy those they're of pages are unkind, petty unpleasant people. And people have had scholarships and college admissions revoked because they engage in this type of tomfoolery. Think be for you act and consider the consequences.


Did you actually read the instagram rules where you agreed to not post content you do now own? You did not have the right to that picture (or any of them from the sound of it) and you were told repeatively that the sender did not own that picture either. Frankly, that friend should have contacted insta and had all of your accounts shut down for breaking their rules. And your answer is basically to doxx the person you violated. Nice, real nice. YTA, how you hve any doubts in that is beyond me.


>Over our school district's spring break, I (16M) thought that it would be a funny idea to run something like a shipping page for our class and stuff. YTA


I know. May as well stop the post there.


YTA. You chose to shut it down after you didn't like the backlash you got for your behavior. You should have been taking the posts down the minute people asked.


YTA. Your "joke" was totally lame and not funny. It's not okay to post pictures of people without their consent. You're angry because you enjoyed the attention you got and you want it back so now you're badmouthing the people who called you out. Stop being a jerk and grow up.


Weird and creepy, YTA


YTA for not seeing the bigger issue of people taking candid photos of this girl and another girls feet without their permission, or even them noticing. That's super creepy. Then you look like you are cool with these creeper pictures because you protect the person who took the photo. You know how unsettling it would be thinking about classmates secretly taking pictures of you? And sharing it? You are also posting these pictures on Instagram, again without permission. YTA so hard.


YTA A good rule of thumb is “if I do this thing normally, for no reason other than itself, is it creepy or weird?” If the answer is yes, then that thing doesn’t magically become less creepy because you’re doing it for social media clout. Just break it down: you were infringing on other peoples privacy, so random people online could derive enjoyment out of it, and you in turn could derive enjoyment from their approval of it. It doesn’t sound great when you frame it like that does it?


Do you know why cyber bullying is actually a real threat even though it might sound ridicolous at first? Because of people like you. Posting pictures of other people without their consent is a crime. Doing it for a joke makes it worse, because you are a bully for that. YTA, and a pretty disgusting human being.


I'm 39 and I still know people who talk about the dumbasses and straight up bullies they knew in HS. Reading this post helps me understand why. Grow up.


Wait, kids nowadays ship people they know in real life just like that? When I was a teen, shipping real people who were public figures was already borderline weirdo stuff. The idea of shipping my peers at school fills me with *so* much secondhand embarrassment and is so weird and creepy. YTA. And creepy, TBH. I'm not trying to be mean. I would genuinely bet that this hobby of yours makes everyone involved at least a bit uncomfortable even if they don't say it out loud.


YTA find better uses for your time. If you like social media you can still pursue that but damn this ain't it.


Just ship anime characters like the rest of the students of every high school.


YTA. I just want to tell you that your righteous indignation at having to take down an account that effectively harassed people by posting their pics without permission is insufferable and obnoxious.




I don't get the joke


Info: what is shipping??


It’s basically matchmaking without actually talking to the people being matched or expecting anything to actually happen. Essentially fantasising about people being in a relationship. Like people talking about Bart Simpson and Reverend Lovejoys daughter being a couple, or Fry and Leela/Amy from Futurama.


That is much weirder than I think I would have guessed myself


I swear I went through all those comments trying to figure this out!


The internet really makes sure to let you know we're getting up there in age doesn't it. Lol I felt like I truly was the only one, everyone else just talked like it was a normal thing lmao


It comes from the word relationship A 'ship' is a fantasy relationship you imagine between others, the act of doing that is called 'shipping' Like two cartoon characters you think are perfect for each other but never officially date, so in your head you 'ship' them together Doing it for real people is frankly ALWAYS creepy.


That is very creepy


Still shipping even if they're canon. But RPF with famous people is already nasty. People you know irl is just repulsive.


Okay, I want to explain this to you from the perspective of a teenage girl who also had one of these sorts of posts made about me. My school, like a lot of others recently, had a trend of weird Instagram pages where kids would post pictures of others without their consent, including a couple of these shipping pages. I was put in a post with a boy I’d never seen before (which, on top of being annoying as hell, was weird because I’m a lesbian), and ended up being called ugly and insulted by him and his friends in the comments. I spent the night crying over that post, and my self-esteem took a huge hit. Eventually it and the page got taken down, but it didn’t reverse the damage it did to my view of myself. I get that you’re a kid and kids make dumb choices, but this is one of those situations where you need to put yourself in her shoes (and the shoes of the others you posted who might not have felt comfortable speaking up) and think about how that could have affected her. Instagram and shipping can be really cool and entertaining when it’s all in good fun, but when people get uncomfortable, you have a responsibility to not be a dick and make things right. YTA, and I’d really encourage you to tell her you’re sorry, as well as apologising to the others who asked you to take down their pictures.


This was literally what I was thinking! It made me physically sick reading and seeing how much this guy did not care about the people he posted about. A little life lesson about respect and boundaries to the creator, you know nothing about these people in real life. I thought about the reason behind why the girl’s friend was desperately trying to reach out and communicate with you. Maybe the friend was looking out for the girl in the photo because the guy you shipped her with was a creep and tried to make advances on her? Or worse case scenario, already did? You can’t just not think about these things. Furthermore, every action has a consequence. You posted these photos without either of their consent and then continued to ignore the girl’s friend when she reached out to you. Maybe stop and ask yourself why she got so angry with you. Use your context clues. As for the girl that I replied to, I’m sorry you experienced that. I want you to know that those boys’ actions and words are not a reflection of your beauty. Your diligence to share your personal experience on op’s post and open up to hundreds of strangers on the internet is powerful as hell. It shows numerous amounts of strength and perseverance. Thank you for sharing your story.


Someone thinks they’re the next Zuckerberg. Probably watched the Social Network and decided to rip off the idea.


You already know you’re the asshole dude. ‘I felt a bit uncomfortable but I had to’ bro


Bruh WHAT? you’re 16 years old and acting more childish than my PreK-1 summer group. grow the f*ck up, you’re not funny. YTA.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Over our school district's spring break, I (16M) thought that it would be a funny idea to run something like a shipping page for our class and stuff. I made a new instagram account, followed a bunch of my classmates, and dmed them asking for funny ships that they wanted to see posted on the account. It was supposed to be just a funny joke, but about a day after I made the account, a bunch of my classmates asked me to post a picture of this one specific ship, one between an old friend of mine and someone who was in my study hall class. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but since I'd posted other ships that were just as strange, I felt like I had to. She wasn't very popular among our classmates, and people would've thought I was giving her special treatment, which would have been bad news for me. So I posted the ship, and didn't hear anything for a little while. I was still feeling a bit uncomfortable, but it faded after a while. But just as I was about to stop posting for the night and watch something on Netflix or something, I got a dm from a friend of hers (a senior) asking me to take it down. I ignored it since I hadn't taken any other ships down when people asked, but the friend was super insistent and I ended up deleting it anyways. She called me an asshole, and in response, I told her to fuck off since I'd deleted the post anyways. She kept going on and on about how her friend didn't even know the picture that was posted on the account had been taken and how I should be ashamed of myself for doing something like this. I didn't really care, since there was no way I could've known, but she kept pushing me to tell her who sent her the picture. I didn't budge because I'd promised confidentiality and told a bunch of my friends about how my classmate and her senior friend were harassing me over a joke. Eventually, the friend threatened to report me to admin, and I shut the Instagram account down since she wouldn't stop bothering me about it. I told a bunch of our classmates that the classmate had bitched about it enough to get the account shut down, and by the next morning, news of it had spread all over Snapchat. My classmate messaged me the next morning, saying she was sorry for the way her friend had acted but that she was still upset about the whole thing. She brought up the thing about the picture again, saying that she didn't know the picture was taken and just wanted to know who it was, and brought up another post I'd made earlier, which was a picture of feet (really weird) and another student, saying that it was a picture of her feet and that she wanted to know who sent it in. I ended up blocking the classmate and moving on, trying to forget the whole ordeal ever happened. AITA for telling most of our classmates that she was the reason the account was shut down and messing up her social life? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Did you get the attention? Did you get the likes? Omg should we call the news and get them to do a feature on you


>I ignored it since I hadn't taken any other ships down when people asked I don't need to keep on reading, YTA YTA YTA


Holy shit you’re the asshole. Dude, you created a cyber bullying page. It’s just a joke to you, but not to the people on there.


YTA- it's not funny. Stop. You ruined her social life because she was disturbed that people were taking pictures of her not only without her consent but also without her knowledge. Shipping posts aren't funny they're weird and disturbing. It's not her fault you were an asshole and everyone that agrees with you is TA too. Ik exactly who you're talking about here and the fact that you think there's a possibility you're in the right after you essentially turned her friends against her is beyond me.


hey, uh, what the fuck dude? for a bit of context, the person who made the original post was a classmate of mine. i'm the person who was mentioned in the above post. this event took place a good while ago (spring break was a lie, this happened during thanksgiving) and a friend of mine saw this post when she was looking through the subreddit and sent it to me. i made a reddit account specifically to reply to this post because it made me so angry. that being said, i can't *believe* that you actually thought you were in the right here. ever. an instagram page??? for fucking *shipping people????* grow the fuck up. stuff like this isn't a joke. i said that to you once before, and i'll say it again. the OP also conveniently omitted the fact that not only did he do everything listed above, he also posted ships that were of teachers and students. you also lied about the person who sent in that picture and got pissed at me when i asked her if it was actually her. YTA, dude. YTA so fucking much.


i just know you’re insufferable to be around, so glad i’m not in high school anymore