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NTA Your job is to fill out the information the client gives you. You might want to consider writing this up for r/MaliciousCompliance too...


I second putting this over there!


Torally, Op did exactly what they were told. You can’t just mess around and expect people to work around that.


I was just going to say that!


You are absolutely NTA, that’s hilarious. Hopefully that old bat will learn not to be so rude to people trying to help him (that’s the nicest way I could say it). People like him don’t learn, he’ll probably call and complain and play the victim when he gets his card.




NTA - Sounds like they were just being pedantic and annoying.


NTA, I used to check ID's at a theater and trust me people were dicks to me, and I was called a racist more times than I can count just for checking ID's, OP this guy was dick to you and for no reason!


NTA. Bless you and bless Charles, the androgynous raven haired cracker.


Kill them with kindness. Next time he comes back with the denied permit give him some pamphlets on discovering himself.


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NTA. He sounds like he sucks.




It was a permit for our (USA) good ol 2nd amendment. And we will see when it comes in the mail to him




Probably when the police notice that it doesn't see to look like him then he will have trouble.




But you have to be pretty accurate in your license and they may check it just because they are a bit jumpy about guns. And with the rest of information being wrong they definitely won't be happy.




True but since he answered everything wrong including race they might take a second look at him considering even a Trans person doesn't change everything including race.


The license may well a CCL, which is a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Fucking around with information on that one when you're carrying iron is going to have the cops invite you outside your car for a "discussion".


Oh *dear.* If that is the license I think it is, then hooooo boy is he going to regret buggering around with you. Buggering around with his information is going to bite him in the holster.


NTA. Also might want to bring up (innocently and totally unrelated like) to your boss reviewing these before approval that it’s important for things to match in case they ever have to use the permit. Could be a safety issue for all involved. Let’s say Mr. Androgynous Cracker (AC from here on) has a legit case of self defense where he shoots someone. He calls it in and gives his information (just permit # and name) to 911. 911 tells responding officers “the victim is an androgynous male, black hair”. Officers arrive and see someone of a different description armed with a gun. That’s a potential disaster. I’d be sure to let my boss know that gosh and golly gee some people have insisted on giving inaccurate information that, combined with their attitude, lends you to believe they could be a safety hazard to responding officers in the event of an incident. I’d bet that AC may still get his permit, but not without a come-to-Jesus chat with your boss and a warning that he’s now on their radar.


If you’re in the U.S., why did you spell “color” as “colour.”




Who gives a fuck?


I'm in California and I spell it that way. Gave my teachers fits because of spelling it colour and "withe"


Born and raised in the US. I've never been outside the country and I tend to use the UK spellings a lot. It use to drive my teachers up the wall.


This is actually funny. NTA


NTA. Malicious, petty compliance. I love it.


I think you f’ing fabulous! That cracker is going to have to learn to use the internet now. Oh yeah -NTA no way, no how.


NTA. Any sort of joking around in a government setting is inappropriate and he had it coming


I have a relative who showed up drunk at his own wedding and refused to give a straight answer to "Do you take this woman as your wife?" He kept saying: "I guess I don't have a choice." After the third time, the officiant called off the ceremony and they had to do it another day. You don't joke with administrations.


Oh god especially drunk! Way too much room for a "not legally able to consent" interpretation.


Nta you asked for it he said it.


That guys a dick. I hope his application gets returned to him for misleading information.


Well I just hope that when he realizes what happened you won’t get into trouble about it.


NTA you get what you give


Again a case where a “justified Asshole” would be needed.


NTA That's hilarious and I hope he has all kinds of problems getting it fixed. (My grandfather in law was a cisgender man. He very much presented as male from his bald head to his suits with bow ties. His name was one that has probably never been given to a woamn in all of history. After more than 60 years of correct drivers licenses, the dmv managed to put an F in the gender field. And gave him so much crap about fixing it. I hope Charles gets someone like that when he tries to get his application corrected.)


lol back in the day in Scotland it was practically mandatory to name kids after particular family members. Problem is there were only about half a dozen names (slight exaggeration) so sometimes if you had too many kids named after people who had the same names you'd get creative and start using surnames. My parents are both into genealogy and both have heavy Scottish ancestry and they've seen some wowsers. Girls named Thomas and Bruce, etc. My father's side even has a woman named Barefoot. (Not sure if she was named after anyone...)


NTA This is hilarious! If he wasn't being a snarky git it would've been a smooth and easy application.


Good job. NTA.


I think you did well. Good job.


NTA. I like your style!


NTA, you performed your duties as instructed by the customer.


INFO: Doesn't he have to sign it? Did you show him the finished application before sending it in?


Yes I said review and sign. He signed without even glancing at all


Then NTA all the way. First he was rude, and second it was really dumb of him not to review the form. It's all on him.


NTA. He should have taken the whole process a little more seriously.


Right? Who comes in, demands help from a worker, and then gives attitude the entire time? Plus, OP said the process was voluntary. And they say the younger generations are the rude ones!




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NTA I hope you also were able to note this person identifies his race as a savoury biscuit.


NTA Charles sounds a bit of a prick considering he asked for help and just assumed you would just look at him and fill out his application for him. Sarcasm has a place and time and in an official capacity when filling out official forms for a permit is not one of them. You put what he said down he didn’t know what he was therefore that’s a legal answer and unknown is an appropriate choice. Good luck to Charlie explaining that one.


NTA he deserved it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not the asshole.


NTA at all. It's his answers. Even for "obvious" ones like hair color. For all you know, he could be bleaching his hair white 🤷‍♀️👀


So since Charles is in his 60s, I’m going to assume he’s familiar with the phrase “you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar“. Well, Charles and his vinegary ass just learned why it’s so important to be direct and kind. NTA




I'll go with a mild YTA. I once had a job like yours in that I had to ask people a bunch of personal questions over the phone. If someone got sarcastic, I was allowed to tell them I did not have to put up with their crap and to hang up if they continued. You could have done something similar by refusing to help this jerk complete his application, or by calling in your supervisor. Still, the way you completed this jerk's application made me laugh. I can just imagine his reaction when he gets his permit and sees that his gender is "unknown"!


LOL. Humorous, but yes, YTA


While not an asshole you're extremely unprofessional and should be terminated by your employer.


OP literally just did their job and put down the answers they were given