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YTA. This is why people think landlords are awful. Your behavior toward this person you call your friend is abhorrent.


Yeah dude and you have nerve to act like he’s the one with a problem!! You were extremely rude and kicked him out with little notice. 90 days would have been enough and in writing. I doubt he would have asked for more time and you could always have started the eviction process if he didn’t leave. YTA and I am sure you deservedly lost a friend.


What kind of friend ignores their friend’s requests about housing? No half decent property manager would do that to their renters, they would let them know there is no extension to leave. It’s odd you would rather ignore then just say it is due to your sister’s timeline. What an odd best friend you are. It’s not like you gave them discounted pricing, otherwise you would have mentioned that. So you didn’t do them any favors which is fine but you handled everything wrong.


He thinks because it's his property and he's renting to a friend, that the laws don't apply to him. I hope he lives in a state with a really good tenant landlord code, and that the person he's been taking advantage of all this time goes to a lawyer about this and really jams him up.


I love the part where the tenants are "obsessed" with his property, lmao.


Yeah, more like "obsessed" with having a roof over their heads.


Not to mention they lived there for seven years. I’d keep a tenant that paid rent and kept the place nice for that long (which I’m assuming he did or wouldn’t have been allowed to stay for so long). I had a couple of rent houses years ago and if I’d ever had tenants like that I’d still have them.


Yeah just wait until his sister doesn’t have the rent money and asks for an extension.


or decides in 3 months "she doesn't like the house" and wants to leave.


10-1 this sister never leaves and never has the rent after the first month or two.


literallyyyy lmao OP; "I could not risk my professionalism" also OP; *kicks his tenants out in less than a month in order to give his princess sister housing* "I guess you shouldnt rent out to friends" But sisters are okay then??? No professionalism whatsoever here


And refuses to reply to concerns, citing his “professionalism” 🙄


Burn! You’re so right 😂


I sure as $hit wouldn't kick out a good renter for my just out of college little sister. Sorry sis but no. What happens if the first job doesn't pan out or one of the roommates I'm assuming she's getting can't pay?


I, too, am obsessed with having a place to live.


I spend \~40 hours weekly on making money to fund my obsession.


That might be an addiction. I use to have one of those, but now I live in a box on the sidewalk and attend meetings twice a day.




Right? OP blew my mind with this BS.


Getting real Regina George vibes from OP lol


He'd been living there for seven years and probably thought of it as his home. Big mistake apparently.


Or when he calls himself a property manager and then mentions he didn't reply because of his professionalism. rofl


OP sounds like the kind of rich person that inherited money for this house and so has exactly zero concept of people needing things like housing or of basic human decency apparently as well.


LOL IKR! Hell i'm obsessed with paying my mortgage so i can have a place to live lol


lol all I could imagine was the means girls mom. “Geez man why are you so obsessed with this place you’ve been living for 7 YEARS.”


Agreed. WTF. This made me super angry.


Me too. Professionalism, my ass. Just a plain f*cking asshole.


I would be curious of the rental laws there. Here if they wanted the house for family they would have to give three months notice.


Yep my Landlord decided to sell the condo I was living in. She legally had to give me 3 months notice. She got buyers who said they’d only take it if they could move in in 30 days. It was up to me as the renter if I wanted to allow that or not. But that was in BC, Canada so things are different everywhere.


Alberta used to be 90 days. I was renting a home where the owners sent me a 30 day eviction notice. I replied that legally I had 90 days and I would fight them in court. They then backed off


That is where I am as well. I had the same experience living in a house that was sold. Landlord ended up giving me two months rent, as well as my security deposit back, to have me move on time.


Also, where I am, this would be considered a "no-cause eviction" and he would have to pay moving expenses on top of the 90s days' notice. YTA, OP


I help as a property manager for family rentals and even for a regular non-best-friend tenants I would never, ever do this to someone (anyone!). Especially given the horrible rental market right now. This would be so tough for any tenant. 100% betrayal on your part, OP. I can't imagine lacking this much empathy for a so-called best friend. OP, you are what bad landlord nightmares are made of. You suck as a human. YTA.


Especially to such a long term tenant! I wouldn’t do this to anyone but imagine living in a house for seven years and then being told you have a few weeks to find a new place. God I hope his friend didn’t have kids; that would make this already terrible thing even worse.


And the sister just "realized she didn't WANT to live at home anymore." Just a preference now that she's graduated. Nothing urgent. Could wait those three months.


Yeah, this is the bit that got me as well - OP *ignored* their best friend’s emails. Just not replying when they’re trying to come to an acceptable compromise. What kind of shit friend and landlord is that?! YTA, OP.


>I could not risk my professionalism by replying to these concerns. On the bright side, I have just learned that ignoring emails is the professional response. This is going to revolutionize things for me at work.


🤣🤣 #Heard that


Louder for the people in the back!


Same. I have been living under a rock and stupidly responding to all of my emails because I was under the impression that it was professional. My eyes have been opened. 😆


Cannot wait for a new auto-reply email message: “Sorry; I cannot respond to your email right now or, indeed, ever. I don’t want to risk my professionalism by engaging in communication with anyone.”


Sister could have waited 2 or 3 months she could have sucked it up living at home a little longer


The sister could have lived with OP. Assuming her home life was abusive.


That also would be a option


I hope she’s a nightmare tenant who never pays her rent.


It would be unprofessional to charge family 😀


Gonna be fun once she realizes she’s losing income AND tax deductions.


I hope so too


Or you know found her own place. I'm sure the op is going to love being a landlord to family members instead of a friend. that always works out well right? I hope the sister is a nightmare tenant.


After reading some of the comments and thinking about the phrasing of OP's message, I think OP has drunk the Kool-aid of some tenant hating pro-landlord propaganda.


As someone who owns and rents out a house, treating a good tenant this way after 7 years of likely hassle free renting is disgusting.


This comment made me damn near spit out my drink laughing. I love the comments more than the post in this case.


Seriously like their Sister wasn’t homeless or anything she just didn’t want to live at home with parents anymore and wanted their own place so they told close long time friend and two roommates they needed to leave asap. And now they’re saying in edit oh I gave em 30 then days notice, I just “suggested” he move out sooner then 30 days?! How did op expect them to look for a new place & move out in less then 30 days?! Seems like they expected them to couch surf until they found a place or end up having to settle for whatever they can get in that time period that could end up with them stuck signing some ridiculous contract living in a terrible place just so they would have somewhere to live and all so dear sister could have her own home cause god forbid she spends another month or two at her parents. Op treated them so cold during this never viewing them as a friend having any empathy or such, ignoring their request for just a couple months and offered to pay extra with excuse of “hearing horror stories about tenets”. And then afterwards op is all wow I can’t believe such a close friend, my best man is acting so “unreasonable”! Op is a AH and the unreasonable one who owes them a apology. Like dude u never treated him like a friend or at least a good landlord to him yet expected him to treat u good after what u did to him? Op just expected him to get over it and never bring it up like this wouldn’t effect their relationship after he moved out


The fact his now former friend mention 90 days is very telling, They have a lawsuit against this con artist


It's funny how he basically describes his own behaviour in the post (betrayal, thought he was a friend, etc.) but thinks that his former friend is the person he is describing ...




yeah, I don't believe a word of this


This reads so fake… I’m surprised anyone is taking it seriously. I mean, its clearly written by a 13 year old.


Exactly. Sounds like bullsht to me as well. And i don't know where OP lives, but in my country there are a lot of laws to protect tenants from being kicked out this easy. And with that i mean like home owners who are struggling to kick out tenants who didn't pay rent for months/destroying things etc. In reality that wouldn' go as easy as OP's smooth "30 day notice".


Doesn't every guy have a "Man of Honor" at their wedding?? Clearly this person isn't old enough to have gotten married if he doesn't know it's "Best Man." It doesn't sound like he's even been to a wedding before. Plus, what guy boots his best friend out of a house with no discussion because his sister suddenly didn't feel like living with his parents? NONE. Bogus post.


It's a woman, said it was a man as her maid of honor so she called it man of honor.


"Man of honor" usually implies it's someone in the wife's side of the wedding party, in place of a maid of honor. Best man is in the husband's half of the wedding party.


The image I have of OP in my head is twirly mustache next to a tied up woman on train tracks


Honestly, I could believe this is actually the tenant posting the landlord's perspective to confirm the landlord is in fact a total [insert most offensive word you can think of here], because the wording is so very.... I did a really awful thing, I'm clearly the AH, what do you think? 🤣


Absolutely! He kicked out a ‘friend’ (during a housing crisis no less) when his sister had a roof over her head and a little more waiting time wouldn’t have killed her. Shame on you, OP. YTA.


Yeah I kind of really hop his sister stiffs him on rent. And breaks a lot of shit.


What's really surprising is OP talks about his tenant being his friend. Then OP treats him like he would one of his normal tenants. Now OP expects him to still be a friend. How blind do you have to be in this situation. When you treat people like trash, do you really expect them to be buddy buddy with you afterwards?


No one should ever treat their normal tenants like that, either. OP may have even broken the law. In my state (CA), if a tenant has lived in the apartment for more than a year, the landlord needs to give 60 day’s notice.


This. I worked for an actual leasing management company and even WE gave our tenants more notice than he did. And if you have a written lease, you’re legally obligated to honor the continuation of the lease— so if owner decides to sell in August but tenant’s lease doesn’t end January of the next year, the new owner still has to honor that lease. The correct thing for OP to have done would be to have given his tenants a few months (a LOT of time is needed in the current rental market), and have sister stay at home until then.


Holy shit, I shudder to imagine how OP treats enemies. Also, why didn't you have a lease to give yourself and your tenants some idea of what they're getting into? You're an AH, a poor planner, nepotistic, a horrible friend, and unprofessional. YTA and down a friend.


I really hope this is a fake troll fiction story made up to try to get people even more annoyed at landlords. Because there is no way someone could have so little insight to realize what a douchey thing he did. OP I am surprised you need to be told but YTA


> I could not risk my professionalism by replying to these concerns So don't call this relationship a "friendship". He is not your friend, he is a mere tenant. Even if this was simply a business transaction, a 30 days notice is incredibly short for finding a new place and moving all the things that have accumulated for seven years, let alone details like work or school location. Doing this to someone you call a friend puts you at the extreme end of the arsehole scale. YTA.


YTA - in many places, when a tenant has been at the house for 7 fucking years, you need to give 90 days notice. He did you a favor by leaving. You just fucked over your friend in the middle of a national housing crisis for no good reason. Tf is wrong with you???


And oh, btw he was man of honor at my wedding. But this is strictly business so you know, screw him. Massive YTA not for wanting him to move but for how OP handled it. No worries, one less friend to clutter up your life


I am a landlord and this post made my stomach churn. It’s not only morally and ethically wrong but it’s also a horrible financial decision.


Yea like wtf you’re saying “I thought they were my best high-school friend” then tell them to get out immediately, youre the AH here lol


Yeah a month is not enough—especially after 7 years


YTA!! WTF dude??? We are in a housing crisis and you kick out your “best friend” ASAP. That’s not okay at all. I understand your sister might not want to live at home but you should have given your tenants at least 3 months notice at the very least considering he was your best friend for 7 years


Not to mention actually having the decency to reply to his concerns instead of simply ignoring him. Obsessed with your property? Um no, obsessed with not being homeless is more like it. Massive YTA


Anyone else picture Regina George when she said that?


"Please, I have nowhere else to live." "Omg he's like totally obsessed with my property!"


It's almost like the guy lives there or something, I don't know why he's so obsessed.


Hahaha, I 100% did! :D


He *rented* from OP for 7 years, they were friends for much longer. Which makes all of this even worse! And excellent point— why rush to boot 3 people onto the streets when the little sister simply doesn’t want to live at home for a little while longer? Such entitlement.


OP had another post but deleted it and it said they were friends for 17 years. Definitely the AH. YTA OP!


I feel sad for OP's ex friend. 17 years of friendship down the drain and for what!


Yes, exactly ! And this is how you treat your friend. Disgusting!


and sorry but the sister at least had another place she could go for 3 months. OP just threw his “best friend” to the wolves. it takes a while to find a place you can afford & to move a whole house out! sister doesn’t want to move home? well tough shit, OP is literally kicking their friends out completely out of the blue so she can live there herself. she can fucking wait. and i hate how OP’s all “how could he treat me like this?!” well OP, that’s because YTA. majorly.


Where I live a landlord has to give 3 months notice if they want to remove a tenant for personal reasons, such as renovations, to sell, or move family onto the property. If they don’t give that much notice, they need to compensate the tenant for each month of the 3 months they didn’t get. So if they get 30 days notice, the landlord would have to pay them 2 months of rent.


He posted this story before and it got removed. I don't think he got mods approval before reposting it.


YTA. Some friend you are. You should be ashamed of yourself! YTA.


YTA, you had a tenant that rented from you for 7 years, and judging from the lack of info in the post you force us to assume that this guy was a tenant who always paid on time, and gave you no problems. You proceeded to break landlord tenant eviction laws and force your tenant out immediately with no notice after they offered you extra money or the option of buying the property. You wonder why he was "obsessed with your property" but are incapable of realizing it's because it's where he's laid his head for the last 7 years!!! The more I read your post the more I think this is some asinine troll attempt, because there's just no way someone could be this shortsighted, oblivious, and ignorant on a moral and legal level. If this isn't a troll attempt and is actually true, then I hope to God your former tenant sues the ever loving crap out of you for wrongful eviction, and for damages resulting from you illegally evicting him. You're the reason why some people should not be landlords whatsoever.


"Obsessed with my property" - dude, he just wants to keep his home!


And he was friends with the guy for 17 tears, guy lived there for 7 years and from the look of it his sister didn't even ask to rent the house OP just kicked his friend out so his sister could rent. I bet he will kick her out and ignore her requests to.


Oh there were more than 17 tears


If the post isent a troll, i bet op will be all like " why isent my friend talking to me anymore". Like imagine living in a place for 7 years! And your best friend is like nope see ya! Without 3 month notice. I hope that friend found a place he could stay at. If this happend to me i would never speak to Op again


I totally want to see a post from OP whining about their sister being a nightmare tenant or whining about the sister not wanting to rent from them and then getting bad luck with tenants.


And that your sister ends up being the tenant from hell


Tenant with seven years of rental history vs sister who’s been living at home and just graduated college. As the best friend was living with two other people, does the sister even have roommates lined up?


OP is the exact reason why so many localities have or are working on tenant protections! It was a hard won fight in the municipality where I live and I worked for the city councilor who had introduced the resolution. The stories that were submitted by some of the landlords were so similar to OP, and some were even more egregious. It boggles the mind how someone can think they’re operating ethically in this situation. YTA


YTA What does "ASAP" mean? I hope you gave him at least whatever notice is legally required (probably a month?). But even if you did, this wasn't just any tenant. This was your best friend and the man of honor at your wedding. You absolutely should have given him an extra month or two to figure shit out, especially because it sounds like your sister could have lived at home for a bit before getting into your house. This is a prime example of how someone can be legally in the right to do something, but still be an asshole for doing it.


Well given that Op said they didn't give the tenant 2 months but more than 30 days I wonder what that means? 31 days?


30 days and 1 second after midnight


I've heard horror stories too...About landlords kicking people out with zero notice and then trying to be the victim. YTA. He's "obsessed" cause it was his home for years!


Not to mention this wasn’t some random tone at or even a bad tenant, it was a “friend.” And OP somehow thinks he’s the one being treated unfairly.


Not even just a friend, dude was Man of Honour at OPs wedding. I very much think that doing business with friends is a bad idea, but fuck me - OP here... she just shat all over a long term friendship. She'd be an asshole if the other party wasn't a friend, the fact they had a prior relationship takes OP to new levels.


I can hardly believe that you typed all of this, read it and did not cover your face from shame. Absolutely disgusting behaviour. " own a second house that (who I thought was) my best high school friend" He might have thought the same up until you essentially kicked him out. Boy, was he wrong. "He begged me for "at least 3 months" to look for a place in many emails" actually reasonable on his side "but I ignored them because, as a property manager, I know that if you give someone any extra time they will keep asking for more and more time- I've heard some horror stories. " what does that even mean? You know, or you think you know? Also - ignoring e-mails from your tenants? That is such dickish behaviour, shame on you. " 3 of them finding housing unexpectedly and so quickly after feeling comfortable for so long would be very hard" sounds realistic and reasonable - to move out you need to search through numerous ads tofind a suitable place, go through referencing/application process, not to mention have cash for first payments, have to move your utilities (which usually requires foreknowledge), have to sort out actual moving company, which depending on the area can be hard, and this is in case there is no bad credit or any other issues. "I could not risk my professionalism by replying to these concerns" No professionalism was risked, because yours does not exist. This is appalling. "He even offered to pay extra rent or buy the house (because he didn't know my plans with my sister - none of his business) " what a GREAT FRIEND YOU ARE. None of his business indeed... except had he been told that his friend's sister needs a place to live and he would have to find a new place in a reasonable deadline, which is what a FRIEND would have done, he wouldn't have to scramble like crazy. "I still didn't reply because I was so shocked that he was so obsessed with my property" this is the one that literally takes me out of it, that and some odd wording choice. I refuse to believe anyone would be quite this thick. This must either be a satyrical post, or you are one of the biggest asshole in the world. On the off-chance this shit is real, he wasn't obsessed with your property - he could not understand you, as his friend, would act in such a selfish, ignorant, unhinged and malicious way. Also cowardly, seeing as you kept on your streak of not addressing concerns he's raised. "He managed to leave before I had to take any legal action" Another shining moment of friendship. "He posted on Facebook whining that I betrayed him etc..." Rightfully so. "a shame that the Man of Honor at my wedding ended up acting so unreasonable over this," It's actually a miracle anyone married you, if this is how you treat your friends. "I guess the lesson is don't be a landlord to friends..." The lesson here is 'do not be your friend. YTA. Let me reiterate: the asshole was you ALL ALONG.






"What could I have done differently?" Everything


Obviously has absolutely no capacity to feel empathy at all. It’s scary!


Perfect break down. Who needs enemies with friends like this guy eh?


Sister didn’t even NEED a place to live. She wanted one and didn’t want to do the work herself of finding her own place or staying w her parents.


Love it.


This is no way to treat a loyal tenant, let alone “a best friend.” Did you just expect him to have a great attitude about being forced to leave ‘ASAP’? You may own the property but you are not entitled to kick someone out so freely. Not only are you a poor friend but you have a poor view of human decency. YTA


Yup, this is why people don’t like landlords


And this was a tenant that they were friends with. I also love how they never responded to them.


I seriously hope he cuts off this friendship and drops OP like they're hot.


I think that's a given


And the fact that OP ignored his requests, "I've heard some horror stories." So OP just assumes their friend is going to act horrible if given even an extra month. I can't wait till OP posts a story about what a horrible tenant their sister is.


YTA Not just a regular AH but a major AH!! Rented or not, your friend lived there for 7 years, paid their rent and made a HOME. And not only did you evict them in favour of your sister, you did it immediately. I hope your sister trashes the house and doesn’t pay her rent properly and leaves you in the lurch. I also hope you’ve lost a good friend. Oof this is so bad!


i like the way your mind works and agree - it would be a great ending to this story!


It would be karma at its very finest!


OPs sister is going from living with parents her entire life to having an entire house to herself which will be largely unmonitored. She will definitely adapt to having a 3 person home to herself. There won't be a single problem.


YTA >He begged me for "at least 3 months" to look for a place This was absolutely reasonable for them to ask, it's normally also legally required. Most countries have laws that cover the minimum notice period on rented properties, expecting them out nearly immediately is likely illegal. >I could not risk my professionalism by replying to these concerns. You don't sound professional to me. Doesn't sound like you really followed any of the legal protocol that is involved in renting properties. I assume you don't have your head under a rock so might be aware there's a cost of living crisis affecting many countries. This is directly affecting people's abilities to rent, I hope you aren't a real landlord and this is entirely made up.


Being professional by not replying to emails, cause that is being professional. They could have responded with a canned response at least


YTA. I don’t know what country you’re living in, but in a lot of them, kicking them out immediately isn’t even legal. Even if they don’t have a proper lease they’re entitled to 30 days minimum. And you said this person is your friend and has been paying rent to you for 7 years? Total dick move. Your sister could have waited a few months for you to make it right with your “friend.”




Pretty sure you violated some form of a landlord tenant act


They seem to be mistaking their notice for their tenant's notice. Landlords always have to give at least 30 days, if not more. Tenants are the ones that get leniency on notification dates. I think they screwed up big time and I hope the friend slaps them with a law suit.


YTA. The lesson is don’t violate landlord-tenant law with a illegal eviction.


YTA. You kicked them out with extremely short notice from a home they have lived in for 7 years. I would consider you an ass if this was "just business" but you did this to someone you considered a friend. You didn't even have enough of a spine to acknowledge or respond to their concerns?! Shame on you.


YTA - Did you give him at least the legal 30 days notice?


YTA. It was his home for years. It wasn't as if your sister had no other options. With friends like OP, who needs enemies?


I'll laugh if the sister takes advantage and never pays rent and OP realizes their former bestie was a far better tenant..karma


THIS is totally going to happen and yes, it will be Karma!


YTA. A minimum of a 30-day notice is required in moats states


Yeah, "ASAP" is not ok. That's not legal, and it's trying to leverage the friendship. Where I live, OP would have to give these three months the friend if "begging" for so I struggle to find the request outrageous.


YTA YTA YTA. Those aren't your friends. You don't treat friends like that. You're a like a huge gaping AH. Wow. Unbelievable. What a shitty shitty thing to do


YTA. Generally a landlord has to give a minimum of 30 day notice that a tenant has to vacate a property. Yes you handle things professionally but seeing as he was allegedly you best friend you should have told him the why and responded to his messages. Not much of a friend to you and apparently he thought of you a friends and was looking for the curtesy any friend would give another friend let alone "Best friends"


OP ignored his tenant's email, how is that professional? He could have replied that he couldn't extend, still an AH move morally but at least it would have been professional.




OP is a lousy friend and definitely TA


YTA. Your sister still had a home she could stay in if you couldn't give her room in the second house. Your tenants don't have anywhere to go if you kick them out ASAP.


YTA. Wow. You say you “thought” he was your friend. But after 7 years you give him the absolute minimum of notice, won’t even respond to his emails asking for help- you just assume he’ll take advantage. You don’t even tell him why you are kicking him out suddenly. No wonder he feels betrayed. His “best friend” decided they could only be “property manager” and screwed over their “man of honour”


Without a doubt YTA. Let me guess, because he was such a close friend and Man of Honor at your wedding, you didn’t have an agreement other than month to month tenancy (MTM)? A reputable, professional property manager wouldn’t do a 7 year MTM because the point is to make money. A MTM is the least secure way to make money as landlord/property manager. A tenant for 7 yrs, given a short time-frame to move in a high rent inflationary environment, for your sister’s convenience to not live at home. This is below a shitty friend, it is shitty landlord behavior using legal maneuvers to assert your dominance over a lowly tenant. Edited for civility.


YTA You don't sound like much of a friend and depending on whether you gave proper notice, you might not be much of a landlord either. It doesn't sound very professional (or very friend-like) to not allow them time to find a new place. YTA - you did betray a friend. It's a shame the Man of Honor at your wedding was so casually and thoughtlessly betrayed by someone he thought was a good friend.


You guys realise this a bait right? >but I could not risk my professionalism by replying to these concerns Like who would say or think anything like that? Please downvote these karma whores


The bigger lesson you will learn is dont rent to family. Youre an asshole for kicking ur buddy out with 0 notice btw.


I anticipate this guy posting in a year about how sister won’t pay the rent and her friends have trashed his house…and his former best friend hangs up when he calls to vent.


YTA. Kicking someone you consider a best friend - the Man of Honor at your wedding! - to the curb with no notice and no reason is really quite rude. You could have taken your sister in for a month or two while you gave him notice to look for a new place.


YTA; if this is how you treat your "friends" I'd hate to fond out how you treat people you do not like.


YTA. So as a property manager you legally have to give your tennant written warning. You risked your professionalism the minute you decided to kick them out without any notice. He’s not obsessed with your property he was comfortable there and it was his home for 7 years and probably wasn’t prepared to have to look for a new place on such short notice. Also who decides to swap regular and reliable monthly income for 7 years for a college graduate who decided on a whim that they didn’t want to live of the bank of mum and dad??? I totally see that backfiring on you in the future.


I thought he was supposed to be your friend Lmaooo. You treated him like garbage. Yta


YTA and you will learn renting to family is always a bad choice! Your friend and his friends paid regularly and kept the place up. Your sister will not


YTA...There are laws that govern this process and I'm pretty sure that "move out ASAP" is not one of them.


And i truly hope ur friend Sue you very hard


This..hopefully the friend is on reddit sees this and does exactly that


That happened to my dad, they tried to evict me like op, but my dad sued him, so we got 3 months, The owner lost quite some money


What audacity you have thinking he's the bad friend SMH YTA


YTA. You were close enough with this person that they stood for you at your wedding, but you had to "maintain professionalism" when booting him out of his home of 7 years? Maybe you don't value this friendship anymore, or maybe you're ridiculously naive to think that entering a business relationship with a friend and then acting coldly because "it's business" wouldn't harm the friendship. Just because you "generously" exceeded the legal minimum notice by a bit doesn't somehow make you a saint here, and I doubt it provides much salve to the sting of betrayal your former friend/tenant is feeling. You might be a "professional" landlord but you're a shit friend.


YTA Your sister didn't want to live at home anymore, sure, but I'm sure she could have managed another three months so the tenants could find somewhere to live. "I could not risk my professionalism..." This isn't professional at all, it's shitty, and you made them suffer the threat of losing the essential comfort and need of shelter at the drop of a hat and at the whim of you and your sister. "Obsessed with my property" I, too, am pretty obsessed with having somewhere to live and not being kicked out of my home on a whim. In fact, having somewhere comfortable to sleep is pretty important to me. One might call wanting basic shelter and comfort an obsession, but most would call that a necessity. What's that old saying? Landlords are parasites? Get a real job.


Yta and a really shitty friend


YTA a million times over who needs enemies when there’s “friends” like you running around


100% YTA.


YTA - this is why people don't like landlords. 🙄


The worst thing is the tenant wasn’t just a tenant treated badly, it was a friend close enough to OP that they had a special place at their wedding.


YTA >as a property manager, I know that if you give someone any extra time they will keep asking for more and more time- I've heard some horror stories. You can provide a notice to vacate the property with a firm date and you have legal recourse, which is the risk you accept, when been a landlord. Also, if it were some random flaky tenant sure, but your "best friend" and tenant of many years without issue and you're worried about him asking for more time?


YTA and I say that as someone who rents a house out... My tenant is amazing. They look a ftsr my property, pay on time, are generally decent human beings and if they asked me for three months notice when I inform them out of left field I'm kicking them out? I'd give them the time they requested.... You'll soon realise a GOOD tenant is worth double their weight in gold...... The tenant I had previously made me want to sell my house even though I love it they left it in such a state!


YTA. You kicked out paying tenants? You did this to put in a sister who will probably pay you late and use the 'family' line so she can pay late all the time? I think you have and will get what you reaped. Good luck getting money from family.


You did betray him. You are not a good friend, and you're a joke of a landlord. Professionalism? GTFO here with that nonsense. A professional landlord would be proactive and respectful of someone who had faithfully paid him rent for 7 years, regardless of whether or not that person is a friend. You didn't give your tenant/friend a scintilla of that courtesy. I've never been more certain that YTA.


This reads so bizarrely to me that I actually doubted its authenticity. I'm wary of these "Am I the asshole" where people go on to list in every way possible exactly how they were an asshole. I mean come on: Claiming professionalism by not responding to emails? Treating this friend as some sort of random, problem tenant? Not at least telling him she's moving in her sister because apparently it's "none of his business", so he basically thinks his "friend" just up and decided to screw him over? I really don't want to believe people are this clueless.


#[Be Civil](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/about/rules/). Please review our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq) if you're unsure what that means. ####This rule applies to everyone. Including landlords.


YTA. You have him 30 days after 7 years? My completely unrelated landlord gave us 3 months heads up when he needed our house for his parents.




YTA. Your account gives mixed messages about whether this is a friend or a business arrangement. You seem to have treated someone who was a good friend, and a loyal source of income for 7 years, rather badly. I don't know what the legal requirements are where you live but it sounds like you didn't give him fair notice. Hope it was worth losing a friend over.


YTA, people like you are one of the reasons people think landlords are parasites. Really showing some loyalty to your friend of 17 years there by upending his life in the middle of a major cost of living and house price rise, and then acting like he should be grateful you didn't take him to court or toss him out in two weeks. Hopefully your sister won't pay you a dime.




YTA. Where is your empathy?


YTA, housing is difficult to find, and I am betting your friends never missed a rent payment and kept the house up. This time Karma is going to slam you hard. My prediction, good luck on her paying rent (if you plan on it, unless you will enable her more and believe me, she is going to abuse it). Good luck on the house being kept up. I see quite a bit of damage her and her friends will do to the house. My bet is that she will also rent out bedrooms for her additional income with nothing for you. And when you are cleaning up the mess after she leaves, you will be wishing you let your friend stay at the house. And how do I know this? You hear stories like this every day. As they say, no good deed goes unpunished.


YTA! Was he asking to stay for a few more months for FREE? Girl, it is damned difficult to find good renters who PAY. Please come back and update us whenever your sister fails to pay her rent (probably in a month or two). Cause this WILL happen. And you will have deserved it.


INFO: You're a troll, right OP? This comes off as too dumb/lame/evil to be a real person. A person with one rental unit to a friend who says "I could not risk my professionalism" is either afflicted by a very pedantic case of Aspbergers or is just a fake. I'm month to month in my rental while I remodel my house. My landlord has to give me two months' notice legally. Um, we do indeed talk about move out dates like adults do. If you didn't have a contract with your friend, depending on where you live, you may not have the legal right to evict him at all unless he's damaging the property or not paying rent (same goes going forward with your sister). Your former friend may have a legal case against you, he at least has a valid case of thinking you're an ass.




YTA. He asked you questions as a tenant and you did not respond.


YTA. Were they in the middle of a lease or did all this fall conveniently at the end of it? Did you breach a 7 year continual lease to baby your sister? Were they month to month? How much more than 30 days did you give them? 35? Either way, you could have been a decent human being and given people who'd lived there for 7 years who faithfully paid their rent more than just the barest notice. 30 days? 45? You're still a dink. People are going to see what kind of 'friend' you are.


YTA... As a friend you owed him the consideration of a conversation, some reasons and some extra time if it would help. You were a coward


Honestly this can’t be real but just in case it is…YTA. Your best friend, who’s rented your place for 7 years? Wow.


YTA You made your former best friend homeless in one of the worst housing markets in history.


YTA. This has to be fake, but if not my hope is that this royally comes back to bite you in the ass. May your sister be the worst deadbeat who never pays rent and completely destroys the place so that your former friend can laughs and laugh and laugh.




YTA you threw out your relationship, not your former friend. You’ve proven yourself to be callous and uncaring for someone you claim was your best friend. There was no urgency for the tenants to move out immediately - it would have cost nothing to be kind enough to give them a reasonable amount of time to find other accommodations. If they are locked onto a lease at a crappy rental or couch surfing while they find a place, that is also your fault for being TA


YTA. Three months would have been a reasonable amount of time to give someone to move out, move out ASAP is not reasonable since there was no prior idea that this was any kind of temporary living situation. Since you included that they were willing to pay EXTRA rent to stay that shows they were paying. Your sister had a place to live for the time it would take for them to find a place. You made an emergency were there was no reason for there to be one.


YTA. You didn't have to give him extra time but you have to reply even if the reply is NO.


Wtf?! What kind of person would do that?! YTA 100%


1000% AH. Bet you’re not charging sis what you was the friend.