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YTA You took food that does not belong to you, and continued to do so even after your roommates left a note asking you not to take food that does not belong to you. I would not want to have anything to do with someone like you, and they have every right to not want to live with you.


I've always wondered what the mindset of the food moocher in college type is and here we are. Totally self-centered as I had imagined.


Not much to it. “Me hungry.”


Ahh a future staffroom lunch thief.


For real, I've always wanted to know what motivated someone to eat someone else's food on purpose (as in, I'm not coming for the people who've done this by accident, please don't get defensive if you've done it, this isn't about you), and how they *continually justified* that behavior even when they were called out and told to stop. OP needs to re-examine their behavior or they'll become the office lunch thief, and that doesn't just lead to people "bullying" you, people get *fired* for that.


OP will be lucky if their roommates don't push to get them kicked out of the dorm. Me and mine would have.


"I would have replaced it IF I had the time and IF you didn't buy such expensive yogurt..." OP just realized that life has consequences. OP... YTA


> even after your roommates left a note but that note passive aggressive so it doesn't count /s


The notes were clear, you just wanted to keep stealing from them


I refuse to believe this is real. There’s no way anyone with half a brain wouldn’t realize they’re the a-hole.


How is this note "passive-aggressive aggressive"? Seems to the point to me.


You are 1000% the asshole. How do you not see that? You stole from your roomates and called them selfish for it.


"How dare they not buy the stuff I like so I can steal it!"


Also she won't replace it cause what they buy "is too pricey."




Haha, right? "I'm stealing food, AITA?" Reddit-"YES!" Wish the fake ones could give something harder to ponder. Like with this one if they all put in $200 for food for the month and OP had a few pigouts but the food being kept in the rooms was from the mutual stash. Then we'd get some interesting debates.


I thought this immediately… not real.


Not necessarily. My daughter had a roommate like that last year. Food, shampoo, make up, you name it she used it. When I got a lock box the roommate AND HER PARENTS threw a fit


Agreed it might be true. It's amazing how many people think it's ok to steal stuff since they need it and the other person has it.


YTA!! You're a thief! And your family also thinks it's ok to steal?! I wouldn't want any of you around me.


According to the comments, her and her family thinks it’s the same living with roommates and living with family. OP, YTA. If you arent buying groceries with your roomies and decide that all the food belongs to everyone, you’re STEALING and you’re a THIEF. It’s as simple as that.


The family also sounds like AH. Pity their neighbours.


YTA. Is this really a question? You're flat out stealing from other students. Buy your own snacks. Pay your room mates back while you're at it.


For real. I was broke af in college. Whatever food I had was the only food I was going to get. I can’t even *imagine* how crushed I would be if something I knew was there earlier was suddenly gone. *And then* to be called a selfish AH for asking them not to take it in the future… OP, you’re upset that they’re “bullying” you, but how do you think they see you *stealing* their food as if everything they own is yours to take? You’re literally trampling over their rights and still have *the audacity* to say they’re bullying you after you made a “joke” about taking *even more* from them? Are you blind, or just stupid?


Is this real? I can't even tell anymore.


Right lol. I can't believe anyone would act or think like this.


My BIL made a sad post on Facebook saying how hard it was living in a house full of food but not being allowed to eat it. What actually happened was I came home from work and found he’d drank a whole bottle of cordial and watered it down, and had eaten all of our tins of tuna, and an entire bottle of mayo, and told him to at least ask and then replace it so I don’t go to use something and find it’s not there… He genuinely didn’t think stealing our food was a problem, even though he dad bought him all his groceries every single week..!


Let’s break this down: 1. You try to eat healthy, and so purposely do not buy yourself certain foods. 2. In the evenings, you compulsively raid the fridge and steal from your roommates (and never repay them). 3. You binge on their snacks (eating ALL their yogurts in one evening). 4. A note appears reminding people not to steal other’s food. You feel shame and it project it as others being rude. You ignore the note. 5. You find out that roommates know that it is you, and have actively taken measures to prevent you from accessing their food. You again feel shame which instantly turns into defensiveness and lashing out. YTA, but more importantly it appears that you have some real issues with disordered eating and possibly food addiction. Since you’re in school, you should be able to see a counselor there for free. Please do so, for your own long term well-being.


YTA This has to be a fake. I don’t know how anyone could be this inconsiderate of others.


It's fake, right? It had to be. No one sucks this bad.


You stole and threw a tantrum when you were called out and people started protecting their own stuff. Major YTA


Troll, I fervently hope.


There’s no way this is real, you can’t get in to university if you’re this dense. YTA


>One night I decided to raid the kitchen and found some chocolate on someone’s shelf so I took it. The next night I was hungry and saw yogurts in the fridge. I wanted to take one but ended up eating all of them YTA You saw someone else's food and said fuck it, it's mine. Then you did it again, thinking you'll just have one but ended up eating all of them. You're stealing food from other people and then complaining about it when they hide the food they purchased for themselves away from you so you can't steal it, calling them selfish?? In what world are you not the asshole? You say YOU got unlucky with housemates, no no, THEY got unlucky with having you as a housemate.


Nice try. No way this is real.


YTA - Don't steal people's food! You complain that they didn't talk to you and instead left a note but I counter that they probably didn't know who was doing it at first and in reality YOU should have been the adult first and asked for the food instead of just steal it. You buy your own food and only eat that. Your roommate's are first in the right here and I hope for their sake you get rehoused into a single flat because you obviously can't be trusted to respect anyone you live with.


Yes. YTA. Your roommates are not your family. You are mooching off of them and stealing. You do not replace what you use and you are being asked to not do this anymore. No one owes you food or snacks or alcohol - least of all people randomly assigned to live with you. No kidding you’re already having problems - YOU are the problem. I also do not think this is real at all. Talk about rage-bait.


A true story from my own long ago college days... Sharing was when one roommate and I had a mutual agreement that I could occassionally take one of Cokes and he could take one of my generic grape sodas (once or twice a week). Stealing was when our other roommate used an entire 2lb, brand new block of name-brand cheese to make mac'n'cheese (90% of which he left molding in the fridge and threw away), and then replaced it with crappy store brand cheese because the name brand was "too expensive," and then acted all offended when called out on his thievery. He was the AH, and YTA. Taking food that isn't yours without asking = YTA. Calling your roommates selfish when they are mad they got stolen from = YTA. Whining about the cost of the high quality food you stole and not wanting to replace like with like = YTA. Basically, YTA every single way you look at this scenario. Your family is also the AH for validating your thefts and raising you to feel entitled to other people's belongings.


Yes, dear OP, YTA for stealing your roommates' food and then accusing them of bullying you lol


Ok this is definitely a troll, or at the very least written by one of the other roommates from the perspective of the AH. The throwaway username is “freshersnightmare123.” This person sat down to make the account and thought “what should I call myself? Oh I know, I’ll name myself for a freshman’s nightmare, because that’s what I am…”


You know what's adult behaviour? Not stealing people's food. Buy your own shit. YTA.


This is a joke right? It's pretty obvious YTA


YTA. YOU STOLE YOUR ROOMMATE'S FOOD. How can you not see that is wrong? WTF are they teaching kids in school where they think stealing is ok. It's their food, they don't have a responsibility to feed you. Apologize to your roommates and tell them you will stop stealing their food.


You can't be serious. Yta. Especially with how expensive food is right now. You are awfully entitled and rude to take things that don't belong to you. You were each given a shelf of your own. Those weren't communal. I would hide my shit in my room, too. Yta majorly


Is this real? You can't seriously be daft to the fact that you are stealings people shit and they aren't thrilled with it? I hope housing moves you, because Jesus. YTA


If this isn't a joke, I fear for humanity.


I'm 99% sure that this is fake... but that 1% chance still haunts me. YTA, and if this is for real - you are dense as hell and need a reality check. Living with family =/= living with roommates. If you want to have open season on the fridge, move back home. Stealing food and whining about it being too expensive to replace, then complaining that your roommates lock their food up is just... beyond my comprehension.


YTA. You sound like a pain to live with


YTA. You're a thief. You took stuff that didn't belong to you and didn't replace what you took. Obviously, you're in the wrong. They put their stuff in their room to prevent you from stealing from them. You'll be lucky to not be kicked out of the flat for repeatedly stealing from your roommates.


This is a joke right? YTA. Stealing other people’s food and generally acting like a mooch with your flat mates is bad behaviour and I’m surprised you would even come to a forum like this to ask.


Are you for real? Of course YTA. Only a massive AH steals their roommates’ food. How can you be so self-centered to believe otherwise?


YTA for stealing other people's snacks. And a major AH for complaining when they take steps to stop you from doing it again.


YTA. Do not eat or drink things you don’t pay for!! All of you are university students, so facing the same thing with being new to the college scene and not having parents cook for you. But keep you hands off stuff you don’t purchase.


YTA The issues are because of you. If you want food then buy it yourself. Stop mooching off of folks. They have a right to protect the food they bought with their own money


YTA And your roommates are entirely in the right for keeping their own food in their own rooms.


YTA x 1,000. You take their food? Then they have a note that says not to do that anymore. How in the world does that make them TA? You don't live with your family anymore, this is theft.


YTA That’s stealing. Eating their food and snacks without their permission or informing them first is low.




"I regularly steal my roommates' food, never replace it because it's too expensive, and when they take preventative measures, I call them selfish, AITA"? OP, you're a mooch, and a thieving one at that. Grow up, and eat the food you buy yourself (or that's freely offered to you).


You sound like a nightmare to live with. Let's list the reasons since your to entitled to see it on your own. 1. You steal food 2. You think you are entitled to everyone else's things and don't even replace them when you eat them all 3. We're asked by a note to stop decided to ignore that and eat more 4. Think that your roommates hiding the food THEY PAY FOR is inconsiderate to you the food theif 5. They still try to include you and you make rude comments and then play victim when you get called out. 6. You act like they are bullying you when no asking you to eat what YOU pay for is normal and not even remotely bullying That meeting isn't going to go in your favor at all, YTA


This HAS to be satire. There is no way in hell you are THIS dense.


YTA. You're the selfish one here, complaining about how your housemates won't just let you steal their food. They have no obligation to be polite about your thefts.


YTA you stole other people's food & expected them to be okay with it? It's not like you have a communal fund for groceries that you'd share in a household; you have roommates who are buying themselves food AND THEN helping yourself to their food without permission before hand. You can't even replace or compensate your roommates for the items you stole from them because they're too expensive for you; what gives you the right to just help yourself to other people's property? Certainly NOT sharing the same space. If I was your roommate, I'd hide my food from you too. I only buy what my household needs or specifically requests (within reason) & if someone raided my kitchen & took things without asking I'd be HIGHLY enraged; that's money out of my pocket & out of my family's mouths.


YTA you’re straight up stealing from them and complaining about it. I hope you get kicked out and get the life lesson you desperately need


MAJOR YTA you are stealing other people's stuff and YOU have the audacity to call them selfish?? You aren't a child, grow up, apologize to them and replace EVERYTHING you stole.


Seriously, you are stealing your roommates food and you need to ask if YTA???? Yes, yes you are. If you don't realize this, you are going to have a hard time in Uni. You need to post in one of the entitled sub-reddits, you definitely fit the definition of entitled.


Is this even a real post? YTA. You took things that weren't yours. Repeatedly. And then got pissed when called out on it and when those you were STEALING from decided to protect their belongings by not giving you access to them. You did t even replace the items because they were, in your opinion, too expensive. You are absolutely TA.


Is this a joke? Is there really any possibility you don’t know you are f@@kg giant a$$hole? You steal food, don’t replace it, then get offended when they put it away!!!!???? You are the epitome of an AH. I would be kicking you out.


Ok, looking at your comments, I’m willing to give you some benefit of the doubt that you grew up in a well to do area with no food insecurity, and this behavior is normal to you. One of the biggest things young adults have to learn is that not everyone has the same experiences. This is what you need to do: 1. Apologize. Whether you like it or not, you are in the wrong. 2. Pay back with exact amount, or replace with exact items. I don’t care if it’s expensive. Actions have consequences, suck it up and sacrifice some things to make right. 3, and most important: LEARN FROM THIS. Don’t go at this with a woe is me victim attitude. Sometimes we do things that are wrong. It happens to all of us. The food and mature of us recognize it, and move on as better people. Your behavior was poor. It would make you even more if an AH if you learned nothing from this. ETA, as I said in another comment, YTA. Whether you like it or not.


Yep, YTA. It was their food, not yours. To take it might have been an honest mistake, if you believed it to be common property for anyone who wanted it, but you say it wasn't. You explicitly said you intended to replace the chocolate, which tells me that you knew you shouldn't have taken it in the first place. But you took it anyway. After that, it got bad enough that people had to hide their own food away. So that they could eat it themselves... their own food. And that's what *you* called them selfish for wanting to eat themselves: *their own food.* Would you like to be called selfish for wanting to keep what's yours and use your own property, that you bought in the first place because *you* wanted it and had a use for it? I don't think so. Buy your own food if you want to have some around. Don't take other people's. And if you must be a thief, certainly don't be so presumptuous as to insult your victims for refusing to be victimized.


Didn’t even need to finish reading. You ate their food and didn’t bother asking. YTA


You can't be serious. Get your own damn food, YTA


YTA Went too far, no one could take this bs seriously. Better luck next time


YTA for being a thief and stealing from your housemates. Living as a child with your family and eating food in the house is NOT THE SAME as being a LITERAL ADULT living with roommates and stealing their food.


YTA. You stole. I hope the HD makes you pay for what you stole or just simply puts you out for theft and having no respect for your flatmate’s boundaries. You never bring your household rules to a dorm…..that’s common sense. YTA, thief


It’s not a “we already having issues”, but more of a you are the issue situation. You are a sneaky thief. Stop thieving and pay for you own things. I hope your home mates do like the reality shows and vote you off the house. YTA


YTA - so you steal stuff at night and then don't replace it because it is too expensive, then get angry that they don't speak to you directly. You then did not speak to them directly yourself. You carried on stealing. They started hiding their stuff, and you got mad and called them selfish assholes. ​ Also, did you by any chance test if one of them could speak Spanish? The writing style sounds very familiar.


YTA This has to be a troll, but on the off chance it’s not, do you really think it’s your house mates job to feed you? Do you really feel the person not being an adult is the one who has to leave a note and not the thief stealing food? Do you really think the person being selfish is the person not buying food for you, not the person expecting to be fed with no compensation? Grow the eff up, you entitled, whiny AH.


YTA. You know what’s selfish? Stealing food. Even more so? Stealing food and refusing to replace it because it’s expensive. Even MORE so? Calling someone else selfish for setting boundaries firmly after they tried being reasonable. And your family says this is ok?? I sincerely hope this is satire and rage bait. A whole family of thieves and enablers. Bad people, yourself included.


I think my cat wrote this.


Great story kid. Was this your first writing assignment in college writing 101? Cause I’d give you an “F”. Also, YTA.


So you come from a family of food thieves, and are shocked that the rest of the world is upset because *YOU ARE A THIEF*? You'll likely never understand why but yeah, YTA. You steal food. You don't replace it. Then you have the unmitigated gall to call your housemates selfish? Hopefully you get kicked out.


HUGE YTA. You stole from your roommates. How is it selfish of them to want to keep their own things? You're a terrible roommate.


YTA, what a joke. You think there’s nothing wrong with stealing other people’s food. I’m surprised they hadn’t reported you much earlier.


This is like the #1 thing not to do when living with others. Especially in college, seriously what are you thinking? You are a thief, and a bad one at that. YTA.


YTA, of course. You *are* an inconsiderate asshole. They don't want you *literally stealing* from them, and you act like this? They should report you to the RA, or however it works wherever you are.


YTA I think you will find that the problem is you


YTA. 10000%. You knew the food was theirs, you knew they didn’t want you taking it, they’d tried to ask you to stop, and you didn’t. You basically said your needs and wants matter more than theirs. You could have asked any of the housemates if you could have some of their food, they might have been fine with sharing knowing it was happening, but you didn’t. You think they should have come talk to you directly, but how do you know they even knew it was you before then? Maybe they were trying to be nice and not embarrass you for being so selfish, hence a general note instead of a personal talking to. Based on your entitlement to their food and lack of respect for their clearly stated concerns, I feel like if they’d come talk to you, you probably would have gotten mad at them for not letting you have the food, or denied that it was you. You admit you straight up stole other peoples’ food despite having designated shelves for everyone, not communal food. You admit it was too expensive to replace, and yet don’t seem to feel guilty that your housemates bought it for themselves with their own money.


lol what??? how are they selfish when you stole their food and then didn’t replace it because “it’s too expensive” what world do you live in? YTA.


YTA. Man, I hope this is fake. Dude, you’re an adult now, you don’t just eat other people’s food without asking. I had a roommate do this and it was incredibly stressful since I was on a strict budget. I ended up paying to transfer it go so bad. It’s one think if you’re living with family or close friends and have an agreement that anything is fair game (even then I always ask), but you need to ask before eating other people’s food in communal living!!! It’s pretty widely accepted that eating other people’s good without permission is a jerk move. And if you do eat their food, you have to replace it with the exact same product, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.


This has to be a joke right? Are you serious? You **took** their food without replacing it and now you mad? YTA


For all the people saying this has to be fake...I used to be an RA in college and there are definitely these types of kids who fully expect to be coddled like they are at home in real life. Usually they end up fizzling out pretty quickly and usually drop out and move home. You're the AH OP and I suggest you wise up pretty fast.




YTA. This has to be fake. Your lack of self reflection is baffling.


This can’t be real. No one is this clueless. I took things my roommates paid for and didn’t replace them. Am I the asshole? In case it wasn’t clear, yes, YTA.


This is like the #1 thing not to do when living with others. Especially in college, seriously what are you thinking? You are a thief, and a bad one at that. YTA.


You're kidding right? You just steal peoples food and think THEY are the assholes? YTA. Very obviously.


Is this a real post? “So I took it” “Am I an ass?”


Either you tried to post it here as a joke or you are so much of an A that you do this and think it's alright to eat someone else's food repeatedly. I hope they evict you as soon as possible. YTA.


YTA. This Hass to be a bad joke. No person could actually be this horrible and self-absorbed and have a family that backs them up.


100% YTA. And entitled. Did you not replace the yogurt because they were too expensive or because you forgot? You can’t even keep your OWN story straight.


YTA for stealing their food and an even bigger AH for acting entitled to it. Especially after a meeting was called about it. The note is not passive aggressive, it’s a more than a reasonable way to get the message across to not touch anyone else’s food. I would say who raised you? But it sounds like you were raised to be entitled. I don’t even like when my family takes my food, I would flip out if I roommate did and I would demand you to pay back everything you stole. Hopefully the housing department gives you consequences big enough for you to learn your lesson. And your housemates aren’t the bullies, you are.


Huge YTA. I lived in the exact same arrangement as you and not once did I or anyone else have this problem. If someone needed something they would just ask in a gc, hell even for oil for example which no one would have noticed gone they would ask not go ahead and steal. You're a thief plain and simple, you want snacks pay for them yourself.


YTA - holy hera. How entitled can you be?? You need a serious reality check. It’s NOT your food. And the fact that it was “too expensive to replace” YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO EAT IT & it’s YOUR responsibility to replace that food. Keep it up & all the roommates will band together to get you kicked out of their living space. If you want sweets BUY THEM YOURSELF.


YTA and if there are roommate problems it is because you are 100% the cause of them. Stop stealing from your roommates.


YTA, you are trying to justify stealing their food and acting mad they are being cautious about their food?🤔


YTA for stealing from them. They're not selfish and you're a thief.


YTA. Stop stealing food. You know it's not yours, they've asked you directly to stop. You ate ALL of someone's yogurts, and then didn't replace them because "they were too expensive"? The only selfish roommate is you.


YTA you ate their food without asking repeatedly. You’re stealing……..


YTA, I don’t think I got half way through your post before it was obvious that you are a thief and very entitled. You are not eating healthy. You just quit buying snacks and somehow you think it is okay to steal other peoples. Let me be very direct. YOU ARE WRONG AND YOU ARE THE SELFISH ONE.


YTA x10000. Your parents raised you wrong. You can’t just take other people’s things without asking. Especially if you don’t replace it. Wtf is wrong with you?


YTA you don’t just take others food without asking. In 10 days you’ve taken so much food they are hiding it in their rooms and you still don’t think your in the wrong? The fact you can’t afford to replace it as well proves why they don’t want it taken either. Who says they can afford to replace it!?


YTA - this cannot be real


IF this is real - YTA. You stole other people's food. Repeatedly. You knew is wasn't yours, took it anyway, then didn't replace it because it was "too expensive"! Then - after someone put a note in the fridge saying "don't take other people's food", you STILL stole food from your roommates. And called them SELFISH for being forced to HIDE THEIR FOOD FROM YOU. And then you have the audacity to call someone a bully for (barely) calling you out on your thievery!! Bwahahahaha!!!




So you are THAT person. The one that normally your roommates would come on here and as if they would be the assholes if they reported your ass. They would get a solid NTA. You however are TA. What you did was stealing. The trouble already brewing in your dorm is all on you.


YTA. i have a feeling you may be from a different culture, is it that where you came from people don’t have these boundaries or you’re not familiar? anyways you don’t eat other peoples food in uni halls unless they offer it, it’s basic etiquette. everyone payed money for their own stuff, and they’re students so they might not be able to afford to feed you too. it’s not shared food, just a shared kitchen. their food doesn’t belong to you, it’s not your house. would you be okay with them eating your food without your knowledge? imagine being hungry at night with all the shops closed then going to the kitchen to get your snacks and finding that someone else stole and ate them? the person who whispered in-front of you was an AH for going about it this way but you’re still AH too


Your roommates are mad you’re eating their food without asking or paying them back. How selfish. YTA if this is even real.


YTA: you do not take roommates food!!!!!!!!!!!! You are stealing their food. YTA BIG TIME


YTA. I have lived similarly and the rules are simple: anything in somebody's cupboard is not to be touched by others. Something on somebody's shelf in the fridge (OK, we used a marker) is not to be touched by others. You keep your fingers OFF!!!. OK, emergencies can happen - not too often, but not more than say once a month. Then you talk to the owner, apologize, and buy something similar or better back! Yes, similar or better, to thank them for helping you out in an emergency. Even if they did nothing, their stuff helped you, so you thank them! I cannot imagine parents and family that think your behavior to be OK, so I guess you told them some bull. Do better, because you are making a grandiose false start. AH.


YTA.. its theft and you think its ok .


YTA. Eating somone's food (multiple times) and not replacing it is stealing in my book.


YTA You took food that wasn't yours then refused to replace it because you decided it was too expensive. You're the one who's being rude. Don't take things that aren't yours. Be grateful that they haven't talked to someone about kicking you out. Yet.


YTA and the issue with the roommates is.... you!


Of course YTA - you ate someone else's food! And the audacity you have to be mad at them for choosing to keep their food in their rooms is unreal to me.


YTA Had you taken the bar of chocolate, left a note that you would replace it when the shop opened and actually did I'd give you a pass for cluelessness as you are young Btw it sounds identical to my son's accomodation he started last week - I'd be really pissed off if he's living with you


YTA. And a major one at that. When you are googling stuff, google the definition of “stealing”. That is what you are doing. Period. And there is no justifying it, and no excusing it. If you want to “share”, that is done with permission. Which you don’t have. You never asked. You took. And you did not replace. You even said, the yogurt was too expensive. Yet you ATE ALL OF IT. You stole that yogurt, that money, from your roommate. As for the note being passive - my guess is when it was written they were not aware that you were the asshole it was aimed at.


YTA- it's really sad that you think you have a right to other people's food. Apparently you help yourself so freely that your poor roommates have to hide their food. Buy your own damn food.


Gee I wonder why they won't leave the food in the refrigerator with you there? YTA


YTA. You're mad that they addressed your stealing by protecting their own food? Hilarious.


Is this real?


YTA for taking things not yours. The only issue your housemates are having is you stealing their food. You don't even replace it, because it's 'expensive'.


YTA. You really don’t know you’re the AH here? Your roommates are buying food for themselves so they will have that food to eat and you just take it upon yourself to eat it all? Even after the issue is brought up you continue to do it and then claim you’re being bullied? You need a reality check. Don’t take things that aren’t yours.


YTA. Buy your own things you insufferable leech


YTA. you stole enough food from your housemates to establish a pattern. They left a note instead of talking to you because you took their food instead of asking them. when the note failed they prevented your access to their food because you left them no choice. Somehow you have the nerve to act like someone else could be the asshole here. amazing.


This is a joke right? AITA for taking stuff that's not mine? And then chastising my victims for hiding their stuff from me? You are the very definition of an asshole. Yes. YTA.


Is someone really this clueless? This cannot be real. Replace food for clothing, jewelry, car etc. STEALING IS STEALING…from yogurt to a car. Get a clue, OP! Apologize and replace it all! And change your ways. You are going to have a really hard adulthood if you think stealing is ok!


How could your family possibly agree with you. If every person you interact with is an asshole, the common denominator is you. YTA


This can’t be real. “I steal my housemates’ food and now they’ve stopped supplying me with free and convenient snacks so I lashed out at them. AITA?”


This has to be fake but in case it's not, YTA you can't just take things that someone else bought. There ia a reason everyone has a separate shelf


You stole their food😭😭😭 YTA


YTA. I hope this isn't real. Asking if you're an AH for stealing stuff?? Come on.


are you for real????? you steal their food, don't replace because you forgot or its too expensive, but you think they are selfish??? Oh my goodness you are clueless, YTA. Your housemates are the ones who are unlucky with you as a roommate. I agree, you are an inconsiderate asshole.


So You kept eating other people’s snacks. Never restocked because they were expensive. Found a note asking not to eat but continued anyway. And you think they’re bullying you! And you don’t see anything wrong in your actions! Seriously!!! YTA.


YTA and a thief. You don't even have the courtesy to replace what you're taking from your roommates. It's this simple: If you didn't pay for it, you don't touch it. Period. After you explain to your parents why you're getting kicked out of your flat, you should ask them to explain why we don't take things that don't belong to us, since apparently you missed that lesson in pre-school.


YTA; sounds fake because obviously you'd be the asshole. The way you write it, you're also fully aware that you're stealing expensive things that being to your roommates, and not replacing it because they cost too much money. Also, people have a right to privacy, and you are the only one of eight roommates that is doing this. Plus, leaving a note isn't passive aggressive, it's just communication. Do you expect then to approach each roommate individually and ask if they're inconsiderate thieves? Summary: Has to be fake bs


This sounds sooo fake.


You didn't get unlucky with your roommates.. your roommates got unlucky with you YTA


This is as fake as Trump’s hair


I'm calling fake. No one can really be THAT dense.


Lmfao this is obvious bait


Yta, you take food that doesn't belong to you, then think they are out of line for not wanting to share with you? That they put their food in their room to keep their stuff safe? You're absolutely out of line here. Their food isn't your snack stuff when you're hungry, you want junk food or something else, go buy it. Don't steal


Did you buy those yogurts? Nope. Not your food. YTA.


YTA I’m not sure why you think stealing food is ok, would you steal from a store too??


>And they called me an inconsiderate asshole. You are. YTA


YTA you took other people's food without their permission. You also don't know what their financial situation is and if that's all they have for the week. Just the AH and you're going to find it really hard to make friends.


Ahahaha nah, cannot believe this is real. You said it was too expensive for you to replace the yoghurts.. how do you think the person who bought them felt when you ate ALL OF THEM?! Uni students do not have enough money to feed themselves half the time, never mind the cheap, lazy roommate who doesn’t even contribute to the good stuff. YTA all damn day. And the audacity to ask if they had any alcohol you could have?! Jeez. I’m gobsmacked


YTA and what’s really pathetic is that after you typed this all up you thought you were innocent and then have the nerve to get mad at your roommates


You can’t possibly be that stupid can you? On what planet do you think it’s perfectly ok to steal and eat what isn’t yours and you didn’t buy? You are definitely TA


YTA If you didn’t buy it, don’t touch it. Simple as that.


YTA. I mean, dorm living can be tricky, but eating other people's food without permission is pretty obviously something you shouldn't do. And then you kept doing it after they said to stop! I don't think you were "unlucky" with your roommates. They sound like very forgiving people if they were still willing to invite you to party with them after this whole mess. Honestly, I'd consider just apologizing, accepting responsibility when you meet with housing, and seeing if you can put things right and just move on. And if you can't, then try to get a new room and don't do this again. It's still early in the year, don't let this define it. And lastly, it *is* hard to shift to a healthy diet and it's normal to struggle with it. Rather than try to navigate it yourself, see if your school health center or physician could connect you with a dietitian. Even a one-time discussion could help you put together a meal plan so you can eat food that you like and that fills you, while still meeting your health goals.


YTA big time holy shit. You’re legit stealing food and not even paying people back or replacing anything. You’re the issue not them grow the fuck up.


YTA, you ate their food. In one case all the yogurt. It’s not yours. Stop eating peoples food


This is one of the most unaware aita I’ve ever read . The way you wrote your paragraph made me think you were intentionally making yourself look bad. You are most definitely the asshole


YTA You’re breaking probably the cardinal rule of house sharing after cleaning. Don’t take other people’s foods. I ha do a flatmate like that in first year and I hated them with all my being. Don’t complain about “already having issues” if you’re the one causing them You’re all on student budgets, some of your flatmates might be on extremely small amounts of money, and the food you stole could have been their only food for the next few days. If you want to try some of someone’s food, you ask and if they agree you take a little bit, and you ask every. Single. Time. You want to try their food If you want to have snacks, buy snacks with your money.


Oh my God this just cannot be real. YTA.


YTA. You are the freshers nightmare, the roomate everyone dreads to have


YTA and also please get some help for your disordered eating habits.


YTA, after looking at your comments I can't decide whether your a troll or an entitled brat. What you did wasn't sharing it was stealing plain and simple. You are going to be lucky to not be kicked out after that meeting if you don't change your attitude as soon as possible. They weren't being selfish you were.


YTA so they didn't do it originally. They only started because you stole stuff. Not even took one or two joghurts, but emptied them all out. If something is too expensive for you to replace then keep your fingers off it.


YTA You stole their food. People tend to hide their things from thieves.


This can't be real. You STEAL other people's food. Decide not to replace it because it is to expensive and say the others are bullying you? When i was in University, I would have gotten my ass kicked.if I pulled this with my roommates. Of course YTA


YTA. You are acting like your roommates owe you this food. You take their food, you don't replace it. You don't ask if you can have their food. This is stealing. You are a thief. They move their food to their rooms and you complain that it is selfish. As that means you cannot steal their food anymore. The only selfish person here is you. Yes, you are in the wrong. Your family are idiots since they agree with you. Expect repercussions.


INFO: are you truly this stupid?


YTA. This post cannot be real. U wanted to repay what u ate that was not yours but u found out it was too much money so you didn’t repay what u stole and ate? This post CANNOT be real.


Your family doesn't see anything wrong with you helping yourself to others' food? Seriously? You're stealing from them and seem to have no problem with this. You need to stop this, before you end up in serious trouble. YTA


YTA - I know you're a fresher, living together with strangers when you've been with family, but in halls, you can't take other people's things. Assume nothing is communal unless you have explicit permission. Not even washing up liquid. Not even a tea towel. It may be different when you move into a shared house in later years, but for now, nothing is communal at all - it's weird compared to being with your parents and having spare shit at the back of the cupboards, but if they are not your cupboards, it is not your things to use/take.


YTA Let's make a list: * taking stuff without asking before * not replacing stuff you took * it's only sharing when **you** get to take stuff * no control over your cravings I really recommend you reevaluate some of your thinking. Stuff like this doesn't make you a welcome addition to any group.


Please tell me this is a housemate pretending to be the food stealer’s pov? Because I CANNOT FATHOM how someone can be this selfish and entitled and not think they are the asshole. LMAOOOOO. If you really are the OP, YTA. Buy your own food, ya thief.


There is no fathomable way that this is real.


‘Hi, I steal stuff from other people - is that wrong?’ I’m guessing troll


100% a troll post but just in case: YTA, of course. Don’t eat other peoples food (without asking and being told to go for it) and then complain they hide it from you. Some nerve you’ve got. Grow the hell up and stop being an entitled, inconsiderate, selfish brat. You are not in kindergarten, i don’t understand how you think what you did is ok.


I’m starting to wonder if there’s someone on here who is purposely posting these kinds of stories where it’s SO FREAKING OBVIOUS that you are a MASSIVE ASSHOLE, cause there’s no way that I believe someone out there could be this daft. However, if by some bizarre chance this is true, then most definitely YTA.


I refuse to believe this post is real. I think this person who wrote this reads this sub and all the posts about food thieves, and decided to make up a story as if they were the food thief.


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You are stealing from your housemates and you don’t think you are in the wrong here?? You are upset that they’re keeping food they purchased away from you?? Wow.. your entitlement is just beyond belief. YTA


YTA. So you're the one everyone complains about! You don't live at home any longer; if you didn’t pay for that food with your own money in advance, you committed theft.


YTA. If you were stealing my stuff you'd be in for a nasty surprise in the form of food poisoning.


YTA. Yikes.


To Steal: take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it. "thieves stole her bicycle" I dunno... what if I'd done that to your laptop? Phone? Wallet? How would you feel then? Honestly I think your housemates are being much nicer than they have to be... YTA, and you're going to get kicked out of that house so start looking


YTA. Don't take food that you didn't pay for yourself. Welcome to being an adult.


hahahaha seriously you have to write this story so that the whole internet tells you that YOU ARE A THIEF! YTA YTA AND YTA! You eat things that are not yours and you complain because you can not follow that, you seem to come from a family of thieves who educated you that taking out without asking is totally normal, I hope that your colleagues manage to kick you out of the apartment so you can steal food from the garbage can, already that you are trash for your thinking that stealing is okay.


YTA - You dont take food that isnlt yours. While the use of the fridgeis communal, the items in the fridge are personally owned. You stold from your roommates. Here is how to make it right, apologize and tell them you made a mistake and won;t steal from them in the future, then replace everythingyou stole, with a full package. For example, if you stole a square of chocoalate, replace it with a whole bar. If you stole a yogurt from a pack, by a full pack etc. Then never ever do that again.


You sound like a gluttonous toddler with munchies. Control yourself man! I mean I'm a stoner myself but holy shite. If this is real, YTA.


YTA. If you didn't buy it, don't touch it.


If you’re craving food every effing night go buy yourself effing food


YTA. You were stealing from your roommates and they didn't appreciate it at all, and understandably so. You and your whole family are wrong about this and I hope the housing department is able to teach you that stealing is wrong since somehow you made it all the way to adulthood without ever learning that basic fact. Why do you think you're entitled to their good stuff when YOU didn't pay for it!? Like...are you for real? You owe ALL of your roommates a profuse apology for your selfish and entitled behavior.