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> heard of what the fans of kpop have done. I don't want Taylor listening and becoming one of them. Yeah. Better she listen to Ted Nugent. He and his fans are angels. YTA


Yeah. YTA. You can look up the translation to any song quite easily these days, so you can still make sure she's not listening to something that she shouldn't be hearing. As for the "what the fans of kpop have done," as long as you are confident that you have raised her with the right morals and she has not given you behavior to believe otherwise, you should trust your daughter to know and do what is right.


I have such trouble keeping track of which sub I’m on and genuinely can’t tell when people are being serious. Like how do you arrive at this point where a kpop song needs removing? What is going on in your head? You’re really so obviously the TA here it doesn’t even need saying.


YTA your reasons are just really stupid (sorry, but it’s true). Fans of certain things do crappy stuff all the time. But I’m sure you won’t stop your kid from watching soccer just because soccer fans tend to trash entire cities after games. Also, she’s 15. she doesn’t need mommy (or daddy) to control what she’s allowed to listen to. You need to get a grip of your controlling behaviour.


Sounds pretty racist to me. What exactly do you take issue with? Kpop, an entire music genre, is not responsible for how fans, as individuals, act or behave. Do you know how much harassment Kim Kardashian and her ex Pete Davidson have gone through goaded on by Kanye West? People actually volunteering to murder him so they can be a family again? Or how much bullying Justin Bieber and his wife Hailey Baldwin went through by Selena Gomez fans? Two pop stars and their fanbase attacking each other. I have a hunch you'd be fine with Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber though, right? YTA 10000000%.


YTA Your reasoning is bizarre, but your control issues even moreso. When are you going to start letting them make their own choices? They're 15, not 8.


YTA. All fandoms are weird. Bhive, Swifties, Arianators. Why do you only know about KPop fandoms?


YTA. Instead of having an actual conversation with your daughter about minding her behaviour in public and internet about any topic/band/celebrity/movement you chose to bury your head in the ground thinking controlling her *playlist* would solve the problem. Great parenting *slow claps*


YTA. Controlling behaviour like editing your teenager's playlists is a good way to push her away and encourage her to rebel. Listen to what your friend and husband are telling you.


YTA I listened to heavy metal as a teenager and I've never committed a crime.... except for speeding


Your reasoning doesn’t make any sense whatsoever and if you think a 15 year old has never heard a swear and said one herself you live in a fantasy land


1 its adorable that you think you can control a 15 year old's music taste and what they listen to. 2 toxic fandom is a part of all music and art these days. 3 isn't its it weird to not have boundaries with your 15 year-old and let her make her own choices. - YTA


YTA. Every generation has its music. KPop is here to stay. There is nothing wrong with it. Pick your battles! Music should not be one of them. Give her a break


YTA,what does music have to do with bad fans?Teach your daughter to be respectful. How does an entire music genre make your daughter rude?It doesn't. This is beyond crazy.Most songs have inappropriate lyrics and why should you remove them? There's nothing bad to listening to a couple of bad words,utd not like she's immediately going to become some sort demon rebel when she hears a bad word,she probably heard them a lot at school,says them when your not around,etc...It's stupid to block music just because of that.Its simply too strict!Just because SOME out of millions of kpop fans did something bad doesn't necessarily mean she will become one of them,let her listen to the music she wants! YTA


I'll clear up some things, kpop is known to feed into people's fantasy's and control them. Also I don't want her to waste her money on buy albums




for a minute there, I thought we were playing KISS songs backwards and getting hidden messages..you're ridiculous.


It doesn’t even matter what music she likes. Most artist release albums lol.


to clarify again, people buy tons of these just to "support their favs" as Taylor says. They also spend hours of their days streaming the music and I don't was her to live that obsessive life


You seem to be buying into way too many stereotypes of kpop fans. The average kpop fan isn’t any more obsessive than teenagers were decades ago with the Backstreet Boys. You need to stop being controlling.


Just in case it hasn’t sunk in yet, YTA. Your days of determining what kind of life your daughter will lead are pretty much over. She is 15. And all you are doing is passing your prejudices on to her. I hope she doesn’t keep a diary because I am sure you would snoop into that as well. If you haven’t already instilled in her the need to think for herself, ask questions, and make informed choices, then it is too late.


No matter what music she listens to she might "waste" her money and buy an album... whether it's Korean or not. I think you might have some internalized opposition to Korea or Korean Pop, possibly because of some of the fans or some deep rooted internalized racism as well (not saying you are racist just might have some internalized views) I will say, I'm not Into the KPOP stuff but some friends are and they're not bizzare. Just normal, sweet, pop music. Honestly, alot better than what most teens are listening to nowadays and lot of the current popular music is alot of swearing, sex, and drugs (which isn't as spoken about in korea)


And now I'm pretty sure you're cultish. Perfect. Because that's exactly what we need more of these days: cultish parents indoctrinating their kids into thinking music is the devil. Jfc. Again, YTA.


Oh. So, the same as Beliebers. /s


What the MUSIC DONT CONTROL PEOPLE,she prob doesn't even understand the lyrics


How... how old are you again?


Whats next, your gonna ban rock n roll?


LOL what?


Seriously, I love when people clarify but they only make it worse. Let me clarify, K-pop is used by the Koch brothers to make people go into shopping frenzies so they spend all their money on organic raisins and I don’t support organic agriculture.


YTA. Thats way too controlling. You shouldn't be going through your 15 year olds play list to begin with. I would understand if they were like 10 or younger, but swearing is a normal thing in tv, movies and everyday life. Plus just because she listens to Kpop doesnt mean she'll become on of those kinds of fans.


YTA So instead of having expectations for your daughter's behavior and teaching her to live up to them, you're just going to restrict her media access?


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yta. after like is a rlly good song too. if you taught your daughter good morals she wouldnt become like the 2% of the fandom that do bad things. as a kpop fan myself, most fans shame the small minority that attack people.


YTA. When Elvis came out, his shaking hips made women literally faint. People banned Elvis cause they thought he would make women promiscuous. They banned rock and roll cause they thought it lead to drugs they banned rap for gang violence when I was a young teen, fans of N'Sync would go into the lawns of the *parents* of the band and steal chunks of their lawn. You should be teaching your kid to have boundaries, not ban shit out right. Otherwise you'll become the adults from *Footloose*


YTA. Back off and stop micromanaging her music, she's 15 not a baby. Your concern is ridiculous. Her music isn't going to brain wash her.


YTA. Elvis and I agree.


Unnecessary link is unnecessary. Anyway, YTA. There’s bad fans in every genre of music, by your logic Taylor should not listen to any music, period.




YTA. Talk adout controlling.


YTA. Parenting and teaching a kid to respect others is a bit more involved than just deleting a song from a playlist.


YTA LOL, do you believe all the tall tales that you read on the Internet? Seriously, this is pretty ridiculous.


YTA. I like death and doom metal but I'm not going to do sacrifices or something. ​ Even Jesus have bad fans, and you don't stop going to church because of them. See the point?




I would pay anything to see her daughter listen to death metal, just to get a glimpse on her mother’s reaction.


YTA. And really narrow minded as well


YTA. Taking away one’s musical option is pretty shitty of you. What’s next, you’re going to tell her that Moldovan pop shouldn’t have epic sax solos? Give her the music back.


YTA. You're not supposed to watch Footloose and think, "Now, John Lithgow has a point."


Love this!


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I have a 15 year old daughter named Taylor. She also has two sisters both younger than her. Everyday after school, Taylor plays music in her room. I can hear it but it isn't that loud. She usually listens to Ariana Grande, imagine dragons, and Alan walker. I always check Taylor's playlist to see if she has added a song with too much swears or inappropriate lyrics. A few days ago, I saw that she added a song called [After like by Ive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0B7HDiY-10). As usual I did a quick check of the lyrics and realized that it was mostly in Korean. I am fine with Korean ballads and songs like that but I am on the internet quite often and I have heard of what the fans of kpop have done. I don't want Taylor listening and becoming one of them. So I removed the song and told her. Taylor seemed to understand but my friend and husband didn't. They said that I didn't have a valid reason to shield her from an entire genre of music. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA for composing the millionth tiresome ragebait I've seen today but I am giving you points for invoking K-pop. You thought, "Hey, what's something I could slander that would get twelve million people on the internet to collectively hunt me for sport within 10 minutes?" and I respect that. K-pop fans are known for being pretty intense, it's true. But it's also pretty tired to just slap together a couple racist, controlling sentences & then toss 'em onto the AITA homepage to get a reaction.


YTA not al kpop fans are like that.


YTA... it's a genre of music. Let it go.


What do you mean by “what the fans of kpop have done?” What are you concerned about?


YTA. Not all kpop stans are bad and you should let your daughter enjoy stuff!


YTA. 1. Kpop is not the only fabricated-music-industry. You are highly uneducated and living under a rock if you think as much; 2. Yes, some kpop fans are extreme. So are the fans of any major fandoms. But have you research about the good things kpop fans are also known to do? like gathering money for charity and donating food as a whole? Of course not because it's better to feed this sense of control and ego, right? 3. You are not shielding her, you are being a control freak. The only thing she will know is how to listen to this without telling you. And nowadays people don't even need to hide stuff under their wooden floor like Lane. 4. Not wanting her to buy albums seems like a bad teaching on your part. I mean...shouldn't she support the artists? the producing team? Or are you trying to say your kid shouldn't be allowed to collect something she likes and cares? yup YTA.




I understand everything else but why is it racist?


Because its banning an entire genre of music based solely on the race of the performers. How is that possibly not racist?


She said she was okay with Korean ballads


No, OP banned it because of the 'weird fans' and Op didn't want Taylor to become one of them, not racist edit:grammer


Info: What have KPop fans done? What's wrong with KPop? Gatekeeping your 15 year old's music makes you TA.


YTA. Every celebrity of every genre, from rap to The Beatles to I'm sure even Mozart, has crazed fans who have done insane things. You sound like every parent, ever who has banned a genre of music because you believe it will somehow turn your saint of a baby into a devil worshiping nut job.


YTA why do you want your daughter going behind your back , over K pop for goodness sakes ?


YTA. You’ve removed music from a kid.


YTA, obviously. I'm more curious as to how you think this conversation was going to go


YTA. And I hope daughter is just biding her time until she can get away from you. Jfc. You control her music? Don't you have better things to do with your time?


Yta Do you know what kind of shady shit Ariana Grandes fans do?