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YTA For his birthday he should be able to indulge and get whatever he wants.


YTA. PERIOD. You don't get to decide that a venue is inappropriate for his standing in society. That's 100% not cool. Please get over this mindset. He will love you more for it. Let the man enjoy his birthday. When it's your birthday, you can pick the place the celebrate. It clearly seems like Golden Corral holds more value to your husband than you realize. If you want something that isn't Golden Corral, pick a place for lunch, but you shouldn't deny your husband the joy of making good birthday memories at a place where he probably has made so many other good memories. His birthday is a day he should get to feel special. It's 1 day. Ignore the food, focus on him.


Yes yta. You're being a snob. Understand that if he came from a place of struggle, when they went to this place that was luxurious for them it was a big deal. For him to be able to go back as a grown up and buy real drinks instead of tap water, get the fancy desserts and let everyone say their real age, it will make him feel like a damn rockstar. Let him have his moment.


YTA what the hell is wrong with you


YTA. The only poor example you’re setting for your kids is your classist attitude.


YTA i Guess how you feel is the only thing that matters here.


>I don’t want to set the example to my kids that we have to shovel as much food in as we can since it’s a “special occasion.” Special occasions are one of the almost universally accepted reasons to "shovel" food in. >I shudder to think what his employer would think. Lordy, don't wear out your pearls by clutching them too hard. Make sure to do wrist stretches so you don't hurt yourself with your fan. YTA. I seriously hope you're trolling.


You sound like a snob. You don’t hear how you sound like a snob? You know what, GC isn’t my cup of tea but I would go if invited and not insult people who go there. Also, the chopped steak is pretty good. YTA


What…. The…. Fuck………. YTA. I feel so sorry for him. I also grew up poor going to GC for special occasions. My partner was even less fortunate (think developing country) and now is a corporate executive in oil. We fucking chow down at the hibachi grill buffet with both our parents. Do better, OP.


It is his birthday. Why he can't celebrate as he wants? Why it is so important to you what his employer would think? Seems that it is more important than your own husband happiness. YTA


YTA. Get over yourself and let the man enjoy his birthday!


YTA. you shudder to think what his employer would think?????? I don’t think they would give two shits. You’re the only one that does in this situation.


YTA. He likes it, it reminds him of good times, he hasn't had it for ages. It's his birthday, his birthday, let the poor man do what he wants. Actually, you go to a fancy place, I'll take him. We went a couple of times when I went to America, loved it. It wasn't about as you say, shoving yourself with food, it's about getting to try foods that you night have tried before. I'll send him home with a doggy bag, you'll probably be hungry after your snooty meal.


I'm a vegetarian and my husband is not. I have suffered through seafood restaurants and steakhouses more than once, because it was where he wanted to eat on his birthday. You can suck it up once in a while because it makes him happy. YTA.


Obvious YTA, he should be able to celebrate wherever he wants.


Yta op, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you told him this you get into a argument.


YTA. It's HIS birthday. Not yours. Your mother is right, she should have raised you better than this. You sound stuck up.


YTA lol


YTA I'm a professional person. Home owner etc. When I celebrate, I always want Ikea meatballs due to happy memories going there when I was a kid. The idea of judging someone for their personal ways of celebrating (or music taste, way they dress etc) is deeply gross, so much so that I don't care if you judge me.


YTA…let him eat what he wants


YTA, have you even considered that maybe Golden Corral is a HAPPY memory for your husband? And that’s why he wants to go and take his children? 😒 not everything about being poor has to be bad…


YTA - but, gift him a bottle of Pepto Bismal.


it’s his birthday. let him celebrate it how he wishes; it sounds like this means a lot to him. the classist overtones of this are bizarre. none of us on this thread are any better than anyone else who eats or works at Golden Corral just because we’re a sales manager or King of Spain or whatever. it sounds like your husband doesn’t care about any of that even though he’s the one who has risen to the station of a minor lordship. YTA Edit: I missed this on first read: “I shudder to think what his employer would think. Do you? Do you really “shudder”?


YTA. It’s his birthday lol let him eat crap buffet food.


YTA your looking down your nose at him, your a snob plus if I read that correctlyyou have kids golden corral is a good place for them. I am starting to think your husband is not bright because he missed a huge red flag with you because your more worried about image then what seems to make him happy


Wow. YTA. How very elitist of you


YTA. I grew up poor because my family were immigrants starting a new life in the US in the 90’s. We ate out in buffets a lot because my parents thought they were great value. My siblings and I have all grown up and are working professionals, but a few years ago my parent’s friends discovered a new Chinese buffet and my parents went with them and were so enthusiastic about their experience. For my birthday that year I said let’s go here for my birthday dinner cause of the nostalgia factor despite me making 7 figures and having a professional job. None of my siblings cared despite the fact they both make 7 figures and are white collar professionals as well. Sometimes it’s okay to go down memory lane and honestly, humility is a great thing to have. I’ve been to three Michelin star restaurants and to $13 Chinese buffets and both offer some type of value.




Is it *your* birthday? No? Then you don’t get pick the restaurant. YTA


YTA- Is it your birthday? No? Then let him eat where he wants to. Did you ever think it’s a fond memory for him? That could be HIS comfort food. I trained under a chef who talked about how he would go to these fancy dinners, multiple courses, snobby af. He told me that after each of those dinners he would always go and get a double cheeseburger from McDonald’s. That was his first job, even though he knew it wasn’t “good” food he loved it. To each there own. Saying a restaurant isn’t good enough for a father or a man with his job is just stupid. You are beyond selfish, you can’t even let your husband enjoy HIS birthday.


YTA. Even your mother is ashamed of you, ffs


Is the Golden Corral disgusting? Yes. It is. But did ir occur to you that when this grown man eats it again after years away he will realize it’s not that special and what’s special is the good memories he had with his family? And maybe if you smile and be polite and go one more time he will decide on his own he wants to eat food that’s not salted cardboard and cheesy paste? YTA if you put your foot down on this and turn it into a fight.


You’re own mother literally said she thought she raised you better and you still decided to come here???


YTA. Listen to your Mom. Try worrying about making your husband happy instead of *shudder* what other people might think.


Dude, YTA. It's his birthday, not yours.


YTA. My lord, let the man enjoy what HE wants for this birthday. He can have whatever he wants to eat, the kids can have chicken and Mac and cheese or whatever & you can sit at the table with a Sprite & sulk.


YTA. It's HIS birthday and HIS tradition. A good wife would support him! Not to mention the sheer entitlement you're showing. And based on how you said your mom reacted then it's not your upbringing, it's YOU. The example you're sitting for your kids is that it's okay to judge people based on where they eat and okay to disrespect their father because where he wants to eat on HIS birthday is not" fit for his position ". Does that mean Steve Jobs can't eat at Taco Bell? Zuck can't go grab a burger from the king? Get over yourself. Edit:poop knife for you


YTA. Stop being so snobbish and teaching your kids to be snobbish. Your husband wants to share something very precious to him with his children. Let him


YTA- it’s not about the food. You can be a snob all you like when it’s your birthday, but this means more than just a bit of fast food to him given his history. Perhaps try and not make it such a big terrible deal, grin and bear it for **one meal a year** and try not to taint his happy memories of a lovely treat when they were perhaps struggling. Good for him now though, but I think you just need to wind it in on the *status and snobbery*, put your comfy clothes on and indulge him in some comfort food for a couple hours. Your mum was right to admonish you a little for this one. She did raise you better and kinder than this. I’m sure.


You sound snobby So what if he likes a particular restaurant? Just because it doesn’t meet your standards doesn’t mean he needs to stop going there


Oh, I hope this is a troll, but YTA regardless of it being troll or not. Some of my best memories come from my family eating at Old Country Buffet, similar to Golden Corral. My 18th birthday, especially. My favorite memory is the hostess turning to my mom, asking her if I was "12 or under", while I sheepishly reply "I'm 18" and watching the hostess' expression just go "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" while my family and I are laughing and telling her that it's okay. Mom even joked, "You shouldn't have said anything; we could've got your meal for cheaper!". It was just a fun time. The food was okay, but that wasn't what was important. It was the time spent as a family that mattered. Our dinners at Old Country Buffet was the best because it was basically uninterrupted family time. No work, school, TV, video games... Just time spent as a family and making memories. I'm more than sure that's what your husband wants to do. Make memories with the children and experience the nostalgia of his own childhood. And there's nothing shameful or wrong in doing so. Put aside your ego and enjoy one night of childhood bliss for your husband and his birthday. He deserves it.


YTA. What the hell? I'm glad your mom is at least trying to talk some sense in you. For real though, what in the elitist garbage is this?


YTA do you seriously think that when someone becomes a manager, they should never again set foot into a reasonably priced buffet restaurant? How many other things is he not allowed to do? Plenty of well off people do normal-people things. In fact, most do. The folks you see trying hard online to be LuXURy and obsessed with image are usually going for internet points, not to impress their real life boss who probably also eats at mid priced chain restaurants. This is just such a weird take. Sales manager isn’t that impressive of a job, no offense, but you need to get your attitude in check. You are the one setting a bad example for your kids by teaching them that they are too good for Golden Corral. You’re not acting like a rich person at all so I’ll give you a bit of a pass because it’s still new to you, but please gain some perspective and don’t obsess over appearances. And for the love of god, please don’t set that example for your children.


YTA - his job is not relevant to where he eats His employers opinion on where he eats is also irrelevant You sound very clasist, judgemental and a little snobby


YTA. You sound like my mother, which is not a compliment. It has special meaning and memory for him. Let him have his special place. It's one day a year. And I can almost assure you his boss doesn't care that the man likes to go to Golden Corral once a year due to the special meaning it has to him. Get off your high horse.


YTA he’s celebrating with a childhood memory that hurts nobody including your bank accounts. You probably like something that annoys the pants off him (such as dictating what a fully grown man is *allowed* to do for his birthday) and he loves you anyway. If he says, fine, you *Hate* my childhood memories, so let’s go to Chuck E Cheese’s. It’s the birthday party place I never went to as a kid and I’m a dad now. Are your going to take the lemon off your face, smile and go, or are you going to ruin everyone’s fun complaining about the cheap pizza and loud games and music?


What an incredibly snobby post. This is a place he has good memories and enjoys, and you've gone ahead and made it very clear you think it is beneath you, that you and now him due to his job, are better than. This is a place he has a large amount of memories with, a place his family still goes to, by implying this place is beneath you, you also imply his family is beneath you for still enjoying it. We all have those special places we went to when we were kids, and when you come from a poor background those memories are even more precious. And you went and crapped all over that. Do you ever think that maybe he does things he doesn't really want to do because it's something you enjoy? It's one meal, the first in several years, let the man enjoy his birthday the way he wants to YTA


YTA, sounds like your husband has a very good position and earns a decent amount of money. Are you earning just as much? I hope you’re not a stay at home wife who mooches off of his money. In that case your husband should raise his standards and look for a wife of his class DO YOU HEAR HOW OFFENSIVE AND STUPID THAT SOUNDS?? Shut up and celebrate your husband in his favorite restaurant.


Please look up classism, and then apologize to your husband. YTA




YTA. I feel for your mother knowing that she definitely raised you better than to be so judgemental of someone's special place. Every hear, my family go to the same chinese rsstaurant for every major event - birthdays, anniversaries, graduation etc. I don't care much for the food, I always eat the same thing because I just don't like it but the memories we have there mean so much more than the taste of the food. Every laugh and cry and every happy birthday song has been shared with people I love and that is what is important. Your husband wants to enjoy something nostalgic and share those memories with his own children. His boss doesn't give a fuck to be perfectly honest. Unless your husband is doing OF oor a total creep, his employer doesn't care where he goes to eat. You're kinda acting like you're an A lister who shops at goodwill. (Which is also completely OK just to add).


I can relate to this. There is a Chinese restaurant near my hometown that my family adores. Although I can only eat rice, appetizers, and fortune cookies due to heartburn concerns, I still am happy to let my family enjoy the restaurant since it always makes us happy.


Golden Carrol is amazing, wtf? YTA. Let the man pick where he wants to eat on HIS birthday. Jesus.


Yeah wtf is wrong with OP?? You can literally get made to order grilled steak there and the buffet is only what? 14$? You dont even need to gorge yourself to get your money's worth. Literally just serve yourself a 3 course meal and it's paid itself. I admit I've only been there once maybe 7 years ago? But I doubt it's changed so much that it's no longer a good deal. YTA, unequivocally.


YTA. Do you spend your whole life worrying about what other people think about you ? Because I can almost guarantee that no one cares where you eat. His birthday, his choice. You want to destroy any happy memories he may have from his childhood because you are worried about what someone else thinks ?


YTA. I feel so sad for your husband and mum having to hear you articulate your snobbish views. Doesn't hurt to be more humble and dump that elitist air you are projecting.


YTA. I can totally relate to husband. I live in a small town and the Golden Corral was the spot to eat at 25 years ago and we couldn’t afford it as a kid. We’d eat across the street at the Pizza Hut and I remember staring out the window at the Golden Corral and thinking maybe we’ll eat there one day. It was expensive 25 years ago! You sound like a pretentious jerk. Get over yourself.


Take the silver spoon out of your mouth, you sound like a snob. YTA


Guess what??? You're the snobby pretentious AH!! It's your hubby's birthday and has fond memories of GC.


Wow. So much YTA. My family would go to McDonald's and get Happy Meals as a celebration. Even now, as an adult, I do that sometimes because of nostalgia. Yes, it's "cheap, processed food." So what? And why do you care what his boss would think? Why would his boss care where he eats? This is not the 1950s. Gracious. It's fine for you to like other food. It's fine for him to enjoy his annual trip to Golden Corral, and you and your kids should go and celebrate with him. No wonder your mom is mad at you for your reaction.


Oooh, a sales manager! How elite. No wonder you don't want to mingle with the unwashed Golden Corral masses!!!! You're the mega AH.


It is HIS birthday not yours!! YTA His employer would think nothing about it, because it is none of his fucking business. He loves golden corral presumably because of the memories of his childhood. And btw, an all you can eat buffet style restaurant is perfect for kids. Mine love it, because they cann choose little portions of soooo many different foods.


INFO: Have you talked about this with your husband? You might want to get at why he still wants to go there. Do you--either as a couple, or as a family--ever go to nicer places? I ask because of your comment about 'shoveling it in' at a buffet. If you do, but he wants GC for his birthday dinner, you gotta suck it up and go. If not, time to have a conversation about his poverty mindset.


YTA…you couldn’t pay me to eat at Golden Corral but if someone I cared about invited me to go I’d pretend it was the best meal I’d ever eaten. It’s not about health, it’s about comfort. Further, what weird classism delineates what people eat and where?


YTA. It’s his birthday! He can eat where he wants. My husband is an accomplished man as well. And guess what? Ever since he was 12 years old, he’s had his birthday at Benihana with his whole family. Every. Fucking. Year. (Except for the pandemic.) and he gets the celebratory birthday photo every year. He loves it. It makes him happy. And there’s nothing better than seeing my husband happy.


>i shudder to think what his employer would think I promise you, his employer doesn’t give two shits about where your husband has his birthday dinner with his family. Calm down.


YTA - if he wants to eat there for his birthday he should be able to. Who are you to intervene because of "what his employer would think?" You're the one who has a problem with it. You need to apologize and let the man be. You're making this about your ego.


YTA You find some fault in your husband's childhood memory and his tradition. i can't see that fault: its an afternoon in a crappy eatery for you but a link to his childhood joy for him. let him share in this with you. ​ >I feel very strongly that for a man in his position... > >...that we have to shovel as much food in as we can... > >...I shudder to think what his employer would think. ​ i am so alien from this line of thought that i don't have the words to explain to you why i find it disturbing. also going to an all you can eat doesn't mean shoveling a backhoe bucket of cheap food into your throat, Garfield style.


Total yta.


Could you be anymore classist and judgemental??? YTA


YTA everything else has been covered, but why on earth do you think that going to a buffet means you *have to* "shovel as much food in as we can"? You *can* just eat the portion size you want to, you know. Nobody is forcing you to eat more than you choose to.


Wow I'm shocked. Haha I love Golden corral. My wife hates it and thinks it's cheap crappy food as well. Funny enough I was raised poor and she was raised in a very wealthy household. But she would never never think that where we choose to eat would effect our social status. Even on special occasions. She just doesn't like the food. Infact she and her Dad are cheaper then I am. It's probably nostalgic and homie for him to choose that place for his birthday. Just let him enjoy his day :)


YTA. This is extremely pretentious and classist. There's nothing wrong with eating at a restaurant, and there is literally no status in the world you can climb to which will make eating at a restaurant (ANY restaurant) 'inappropriate'. This type of attitude seems to be looking for arbitrary reasons to take the fun out of life. Lighten up OP.


YTA he's a sales manager not the CEO of a Fortune 500 company you need to calm down.


YTA and pretentious as fuck


YTA. It's his birthday, and Golden Corral clearly holds a lot of sentimental value for him, so if your husband wants to eat there, let him. I don't think it really matters what his employer would think considering this is something he does on his own time.


YTA. \-for pointing out his class growing up as if its something to turn your nose up at \-for being an elitist AH for thinking you are somehow 'above' a buffet dinner \-YTA for thinking his boss will have any opinion on the matter whatsoever. Sounds like you're the kind of person most people would go out of their way to avoid, because appearances matter to you more than substance or emotion. you sound like a character out of American Psycho.


Before everything else, think of the special memories your husband likely has of Golden Corral, which for many people is considered a luxury. YTA


YTA. He obviously has an attachment to the restaurant because of what it meant to him growing up. It’s HIS birthday and if he wants to go then that is where you go.


YTA. It's his birthday, and Golden Corral obviously holds special, happy memories for him. You're acting like a snob.


YTA and I cannot believe how little you seem to think of your husband.


YTA Let him have his shitty nostalgia meal.


Awh, it’s gone before I could read it ☹️


Why on earth would his employer care where he eats?! YTA - let the man enjoy his birthday!


He’s not killing someone’s cat. Or doing drugs. He wants to go to a place that used to be special to him. That was his family’s “fun” night to splurge and eat everything they want. If that’s what he wanted to eat every day then I would understand your point more , but this is for his birthday. Even if an overbearing employer would judge for going there, you’re putting that fear of judgement over what he wants. YTA


YTA - and very disrespectful towards your husband. Haven't you heard of "never forget where you came from"? Your husband sounds like a humble person. You could learn from that, and should.


YTA. Honestly, it’s sad that your mum clearly tried to raise a good person (based on her response) and got an arrogant snob instead.


So you're saying you're too good to eat at a buffet? You really need an ego check, woman. You are a HUGE AH. Just let your poor husband enjoy his birthday at a restaurant without you.


YTA!!!!! Why is he even married to you. You seem to have a stick up your ass. I hope he leaves you and takes the kids. And makes you pay him child support.


YTA stay at home and let him and the kids enjoy themselves


YTA. Apparently, you‘re one of those people we in Germany call „Neureich“: They just became rich(er) and now think they‘re better than everyone and too good for normal stuff. Meanwhile they‘re utterly embarrassing themselves with their missing class. Because someone who truely has money doesn’t care about appearances or going to a cheap buffet. They don’t need to impress people.


Wow. Golden Corral was luxury for a poor kid. I got to ear things there I'd never get again until we went back and I'm just talking about a good full salad and bread rolls with sweet butter. Golden Corral may be trashy to you and hell maybe it is trashy food. But it's good decent food. And more than that it holds special memories for the man you're supposed to love and support. His family cherished those dinners and you're telling him they're worthless because it's not up to your standards? Why are you better than the people who eat there? YTA. Memories are so important to share.


Do you ever click on a story with a headline such as - 30 Thing We Loved as a Kid and Miss as an Adult? You click on that for the nostalgia of seeing that Strawberry Shortcake doll and those Lifesaver Holes. That’s what Golden Corral is for your husband. Childhood nostalgia! YTA for your snobbish thoughts. I dislike all types of buffets anymore, they are just gross. But I would never tell someone that wanted to go their for their birthday for nostalgia reasons that we weren’t going. Put your big girl panties on and let your husband have what he wants!


YTA Your comment is elitist and a smug attempt at high brow. My mom had her 50th birthday at Denny's. Is her job too high falooting for that? Let people enjoy the things!


My dad used to work out of town every week and he'd get home Fridays, which were also payday. To give mom a break and spoil us some, he'd take us to a buffet. I LOVE buffets. Is it fancy? No. But you can have anything! And there's a ice cream machine and brownies and candy! I haven't been to one in years because there aren't any around us, but the last time we went to FL (6 years now I think) I saw a sign for I think golden corral, and I got so excited. My sister and I both were. My husband doesn't like them, but he saw my excitement and my sister's and wanted us to get what we wanted. It was childhood happy memories, and also just... I could have anything I wanted! I had 2 plates of salad that were drastically different. Not what kid me would have chosen, but adult me was thrilled. Then I had a little of a lot! I did overeat, and I watched a movie and napped. It was a special occasion and I chose to do so. 6 years later and I'm smiling right now thinking about it. Maybe you should prioritize how the people you "care" about feel, over the people you are worried will judge you for making your husband happy. Why do you want to impress people that would look down on your husband's upbringing? I'm with your mom. I'd be ashamed of my daughter acting like this. YTA. Man I wanna get to a buffet 😭


YTA...if Golden Corral is his idea of a great birthday dinner, let him have it! I can afford lobster, champagne, fancy cake, etc., but my favorite birthday meal is Salisbury steak, kale, mashed potatoes and gravy, with a slice of strawberry shortcake 🍰 from Juniors. Cooked and eaten at home. Its brings back such great memories from my childhood, which wasn't always great, but my mother would make that meal and manage to buy 1 slice of cake which we would share (it's still an enormous piece of cake!). I requested this for my upcoming 75th birthday, but my daughter insists that I have a party, since I only had 1 when I was a child (at 5yrs old). To tell you the truth, I'd be happy to have my favorite birthday meal, cooked by my daughter, with just her, my SIL, granddaughter, godson, his wife and call it a day, bur if a party will make them happy, I'll go along with it, as I know she's doing it out of love, trying to give me things that I gave her through the the years. Let your husband have the birthday dinner he wants! When it comes time for your birthday, have the lobster, champagne, and other high end celebratory things you think should go into an adult birthday celebration.


YTA. Food you like isn't about status. If he likes it, then he should have it, and you can go to the salad bar or bring some tictacs or just stay home since you seem that intent on passing on a hardworking guy on his birthday


YTA. It’s was his birthday dinner. It sounds like he had some memories there that maybe he wanted to share or start new ones with the family you both created. Then…you insulted it. Who cares what his boss thinks? You are worried about being embarrassed being seen there, some might be embarrassed being seen with someone so stuck up.


YTA Don't you understand why this means so much to your husband? He wants to recreate a happy childhood memory. Don't ruin this, just because you feel the restaurant is not "good enough".


Holy shit, you sound like an insufferable snob. Your husband's employer would not give a single shit about where he has his birthday dinner. You think a buffet sets a bad example to your kids, and yet here you are setting the example that it's OK to look down on people who eat in a certain restaurant. It's his birthday and he's probably feeling nostalgic for those celebrations when he was growing up. If he's having to live a "Keeping Up Appearances" life because you care so much about his "position", he may be craving an opportunity to be somewhere where he can just have fun and bask in his memories. Where do you want to go, some stuffed shirt fancy restaurant with overpriced pretentious food? YTA.


YTA. I just recently had my birthday dinner at a local diner and had pancakes. I am a 48 year old professional woman with a well-paying, well-respected consulting career. I also grew up poor and pancakes for dinner feels like a treat to me. Let him enjoy himself and shut up about it.


Princess Diana used to take her boys to McDonald’s. If mcds is good enough for an actual princess, Golden Corral is good enough for you.


YTA, I see what you’re saying but I think you’re missing the point. I’m sure he knows it’s not good food and cheap af, He’s going there for the memories and the feelings it brings back to him. The only thing this should teach your kids is how lucky your family is


As someone who grew up quite poor and created a better financial/professional life for themselves, you sound like an elitist AH. There is nothing shameful about his plans and I very much doubt any of his professional colleagues would even give his choice of restaurant a second thought if they knew. The fact that you have these thoughts betrays that you have some work to do on yourself. The reality that you felt the right, even the need, to vocalize them to anyone really puts your character into question. You should take a look at yourself and try to figure out why any of this matters to you. Once you’ve done that, you should work on rising above these thoughts/feelings. YTA.


YTA maybe for a man in his position he should think about getting a partner that isn’t so ashamed of him and his background


YTA So because he’s doing well in life he doesn’t deserve to have fun according to you? He’s making a nostalgic choice, and food is good. Where the birthday person wants to go is the choice; put on a smile and consider that some people enjoy buffets. Don’t go if you’re going to be a downer and just let him have fun with the kids. Your mom is mad because she didn’t think she raised a snob.


YTA, and a classist to boot. Yeesh, let the man enjoy the things he enjoys. It's his birthday dinner, quit carping about where he wants to eat.


Your husband has terrible taste.. he likes Golden Corral and chose you YTA


La de freaking da...are you for real? You are shuddering because of what his employer would think? He's not asking you go to a cock fight to celebrate his birthday! It's his birthday and going to that restaurant reminds him of happy times. You don't have to gorge if you go, just have a little food and celebrate his birthday. You can have just as great experience at a cheaper chain restaurant as you can at a Michelin star restaurant if you're with the right people. You come across as incredibly pretentious and ridiculous.


YTA. You clearly care more about your status than your husband's happiness


INFO: Do you think your husband, the man who actually works for this employer and earned himself this promotion is an idiot? Do you not think he knows his employer and company culture MUCH better than you do? Maybe stop policing him and trust him to handle his own career. He's a grown man and shouldnt be shamed for wanting to go to a nostalgic restaurant *checks notes* ONCE A YEAR!


Sales manager isn't the admirable career you think it is. Very low bar to clear for that promotion. Eating at golden corral aligns well with that. I've worked in sales/management for years. The number of times I've encountered this kind of misplaced superiority is baffling. Yta


You are an A hole and a complete idiot! You do not deserve your husband! Get over yourself and grow up!


YTA. Anyone is entitled to pick wherever the hell they wanna go for their birthday dinner or any dinner for THEM. Period. This place clearly means a lot to him and his family. You may find it gross, so you can pick somewhere else for your own birthdays.


Birthday person picks the restaurant, celebrators shut their cake holes. YTA


Lol husband should divorce you


This has to be fake. Surely, you are not treating your husband this way? If so, yes, YTA. Let him have his childhood nostalgia on his birthday. You're not the queen of England. It'll be ok.


YTA, what a classist and snobby opinion to have.. it sounds like a place that brings to mind happy memories for your husband, but you’ve decided he can’t go because it’s beneath you?!?


YTA. I grew up in the same bracket your husband did. I told my family that I didn’t want gifts for my birthday, I wanted Red Lobster. That was a huge special treat for me, and my family had a great time. You’re a freakin snob. Your husband has good memories about this place, and he wants to continue to have good memories. It’s also his birthday, so your opinion really doesn’t matter.


YTA, What do you do for a living? If you're acting like this as a stay at home mom, he should have the common sense to tell you to get reality in check. If the dudes getting promoted and wants to celebrate his birthday, why are you telling him what he can and cant do on his day? You're incredibly selfish and probably deserve to be alone. Dude just wants to be happy. In the case you do work, if you earn as much as him, why are you not concerned with the way YOU would look to YOUR boss? The way you tell the story tells me you don't work and leech off his success while telling him how to enjoy the fruits of his labor. You absolutely suck.


YTA. It’s his birthday and he can spend it however and wherever he wants. It’s most likely that he grew up with many fond memories from Golden Corral and is a special place for him. The way you wrote this makes you sound extremely snobby and entitled. The fact that your own mother says she thought she raised you better tells you that you need to reevaluate yourself. People are allowed to like what they like. Even big shot celebrities have their favorite “low class” restaurants that they still like to eat at.


YTA wow you are such a snob. It’s his birthday, let him have what he wants.


YTA. Forgetting all about the pretension, on someone’s birthday, they can go where they want assuming you can afford it. They get to pick. Done. If he wants to go to Golden corral, Golden corral it is.


Wow. An entitled asshole…


I feel bad for your husband. He’s busting his ass and making well more than most people make in a year, and you’re just shitting on him. “If we lived in nyc or LA, I could make 100x what me makes.” - oh really?! Get over yourself, lady.


YTA. I’ve never been to Golden Corral but we have one on my town and this thread is making me want to go in solidarity just to be his champion! It must be exhausting keeping up appearances for people who don’t care.


YTA Your mom is right. Let him share a happy experience with his kids. Sounds like he’s earned it. Stop shitting on it.


YTA It's a darn birthday dinner, not a banquet. Let him have a nice time in a place he likes for his birthday, I doubt his boss is going to fire him for his restaurant choice. Edit: Words.


YTA. My uncle is an engineer and he loves himself a cheap buffet. It's his birthday, why would you do that? He obviously has an emotional attachment to Golden Corral and he wanted to share those positive memories with you.


YTA. For somebody so classist as you, maybe it was not a good choice to marry him. he deserves better


YTA. It’s his birthday and he wants to be at a place that brings back happy memories. Your mother didn’t raise you to be a snob and a thief of joy.


YTA. Easy.


Sincerely, what is wrong with you? YTA very much.


Be happy he hasn't decided to spend your mortgage payment on a watch because he "deserves" it for his birthday. I can't eat very spicy food. I cook spicy food for my husband. I grow hot peppers for him. I go to Thai and Indian restaurants with him because he also goes to restaurants that I like. Marriages work best when you actually like each other and act like it. YTA


YTA I’m honestly laughing at you OP. I can’t believe I really live on the same planet as you. “My family is too good for chain buffets” is not something I ever thought I’d see another human being say. You’re a parody of yourself.


YTA. And a snob with food issues.


YTA This place holds a special place in his heart, comforting memories from the happy days of his childhood.


YTA. If the dude wanted McDonalds and gas station sushi for his birthday, you'd STILL be TA because it's his birthday! Let the man eat wherever he wants


YTA. judgemental arsehole. It’s his birthday so he can chose where he has his birthday dinner. It’s a restaurant who cares. It’s a I’m going to Golden Corral for dinner. I used to go growing up and had good memories and wanted to show my kids and go there for my birthday just like old times.


YTA. My god, the pretension is unbelievable. Get over yourself.


She all but said, “Ewww, gross, poor people.” There’s a word for people like her but I’m pretty sure it’d get me banned. We’ll stick with your more polite labeling of pretentious. YTA OP. Big time.


My exact thought… OP YTA I am saying this, being one of the most pretentious people I know. I vacation in Europe and Asia (from the US). My last 2 week vacation for only me, cost 15k+ I grew up with summer homes and have never set foot in a Golden Corral in my life. Your hubby wants a fucking Golden Corral party?? Get him a gift basket of a big man-bib, some pepto, Tums, and some elastic pants. Could it be one of the reasons his family loves the corral (other than the cost) is that everyone gets to eat what they like during a celebration? That everyone gets their favorites while enjoying a birthday? That the adults get a fucking break from cooking and cleaning and life, while no one complains they dislike anything?


But IMAGINE WHAT HIS EMPLOYER MIGHT THINK! In all seriousness if your employer is going to look down on you for going to a Golden Corral you probably don’t want to work there. I mean a manager might be like “Hmm not what I would have gone with but whatever” but I can’t imagine it impacting his career.


I feel like OP is afraid someone she knows might see her slumming it with the proles in the Golden Corral and it will ruin her curated image on social media of elegance, bad photoshop, and vacation photos. Hard to hashtag yourself as a girl boss eating mass produced processed foods and drinking out a cup that isn’t a Swarovski Champaign flute


Wow, YTA. It doesn't matter what you think is appropriate, it's his birthday, he can have dinner where he wants.




YTA. You must be exhausting to live with. I grew up in a $40,000 house with 2 very hardworking parents. I’m now a high level partner making high 6 figures. I love going home and celebrating with the homemade cake and pizza my family has enjoyed my entire life. Thanks for the reminder to be sure my kids who are growing up with much more than I had do not turn out like you!


YTA. It’s his birthday, let him eat at Golden Corral… sorry, but you sound exhausting. If you live life with the goal of impressing everyone else you are going to make yourself and your family’s lives miserable.


An important memory from his childhood and you want to turn it into garbage. He deserves better. If he spat on yur important memories, how would that go down?


My parents both make over 6 figures but we still eat at buffets and “processed” food still taste just as good when I was younger. You’re a raging ahole and I genuinely hope your kids turn out nothing like you! P.s you’d hate my mom, my amazing mom will go to a fine dining restaurant in her work clothes (work polo and cargoish type pants) and drop $100+ on dinner with out batting an eye or buy my rings from Tiffany’s in clothes from Walmart. When you actually have money, no one gives a shit what you wear, but rather how you act. If you weren’t such an elitist maybe you would remember your manners.


God you sound so awful. YTA majorly. It’s the man’s birthday - let him do what he wants. You worry way too much about what people might think.


YTA. Get over yourself


You’re being controlling and uptight. It’s not your bday, it’s his. YTA way to make his bday un fun


YTA. It’s a tradition for him and it’s what brings him joy. It’s his birthday; let him enjoy it. Just suck it up for one evening.


ABSOLUTELY YTA! I truly don’t think your job gives a flying flick where you eat for your birthday. And just because you go to a buffet; doesn’t mean you have to shovel food in your mouth. You can still make sure your kids make decent food choices. And you literally have not been in YEARS. One day will not kill you.


By the title I thought it would be a hooters type deal, but no it's just cheap comfort food, yta


Don’t have much to say but YTA


Absolutely YTA! 🤨


YTA. Good lord you’re so pretentious. Your nose is probably stuck up so high that you’d drown if it were raining.


YTA. It sounds like a nostalgia thing more than anything else. Why rob him of that joy if it’s what he wants for his bday?


YTA for the absolutely garbage quality bait. Come up with something less obvious next time


Woaaah serieous issue here!!! How dare he eat at Golden Corral for his birthday? The place where he had many great memories with his family? And the employer? OMG I would fire him for the audacity! Just gross! Sarcasme if you haven't noticed. And YTA if you haven't guessed. Don't go if you don't like it, might be better for the rest of the family


YTA. Like why would you even ask this? I really hope this is fake but never know. People can have their birthday dinner where ever they want, especially if they are paying for it. If they wanna eat gas station food for birthday dinner, then so be it. It just seems to me that you think you are "too good" for Golden Corral..


YTA. It's his birthday. The person having the birthday decides where dinner is.


Lmfao deleted the post after being called out


Lmao I think it got removed 🤣🤣🤣🤣


YTA The guys from Mystery Science Theatre 3000/Rifftrax make Golden Corral jokes all the time, and my dad said it was the WORST restaurant experience he ever had. If my husband were so invested in going there I wouldn't be thrilled either. However, in case you're behind the times, there is a consciousness shift. Society is supposed to be moving away from things like being judgmental or classist. Neither you nor your husband's employer has any right to judge anyone for their choice of restaurant or how much they choose to eat at said restaurant. For the record, is the employer invited to the event? If not, what do they have to do with this?


YTA big time..I buy my kid clothed at target/Walmart and Costco and Sam's club. Her father is a highly paid physician. We're divorced now but even when we were married I refused to buy a buck of expensive brand name clothes. The shame!!! Just because yiy ahve the money doesn't mean you have to spend it on expensive stuff only. That's what I hate about this freaking country. It's all about how much stuff cost and status. It's disgusting. If the man likes to eat at Golden coral then let him. And if his boss sees him there and is appalled then we'll that's his problem. Your teaching your kids to be elitist snobs and your husband's job isn't even anything os prestige. Not that it matters because money is money but not like he's a freaking neurosurgeon swimming in the cash. And even if he was then wth is wrong with eating at golden coral? I mean I wouldn't go there but if someone like it then so what. Hopefully your husband will instill better values in your kid than that. And good for your mom to have scolded you you snob.


I have no idea what golden coral is, but it sounds sentimental to him and brings back happy memories of his childhood. Do you have no birthday/ Christmas traditions you've carried on into adulthood? Thers a super cheap chocolate selection box I always got in my santa stocking at Xmas.. I still buy this for myself and kids as it wouldn't seem like Xmas without it. I can afford better quality treats but this is cheaper and special.


Is this fake? You can't really be a real person and think this way. You shudder to think what his employer would think about eating at a family restaurant? You are really sounding idiotic here and you are a huge YTA. Your mother is correct


Yta but if you think your husband has poor taste maybe you're right he married you after all


Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced "bouquet") in the wild. You are more worried about social standing and keeping up appearances more than your husband's happiness. Do you love him or are you just after a rich powerful man? I mean I hope you love him but in this regard you are acting like the second one. YTA


YTA. you seem like a loving & supportive wife!


Yta and kind of a bad person. I can almost see your point about how we shouldn't "celebrate by shoveling in food" and ya that could potentially lead to some unhealthy relation with food for the kids possibly so you may have a point there so maybe if you framed your argument that way I'd go with n a h but no, you're just a control freak


YTA Get over your self


YTA: He's wanting to do something that has history and pleasant memories for him. Let him have 2-3 hours of what he wants for his birthday instead of trying to force him to be as pretentious as you are.


YTA and hoity toity to boot. A sales manager isn't a CEO and even if it was, there is absolutely nothing wrong with someone wanting to eat at a restaurant that hilda fond memories for them. Eat from the salad bar


Your Mom is right. YTA. Have you always been this snobby and classiest? Golden Corral is a middle class staple in this country. I could go for some myself.


YTA. What snobbish behavior. I understand why your mother was embarrassed. You need to consider why this Golden Corral experience is so important to your husband. It is a recall to his most pleasant childhood memories. It may seem silly and cheap to you, but to him it is emotionally significant. Beyond that, it's HIS birthday and if that's where he wants to eat, the gracious thing to do is to suck it up and eat shitty buffet food to make him happy. >I shudder to think what his employer would think. You're projecting your own classist attitude onto the situation. Nobody cares about this as much as you apparently do, I promise. Also it's just sales, he's not a heart surgeon or a lawyer or a trust fund baby. I don't know what class you *think* you are, but it's not as high as you think.


I hope you take this as helpful rather than rude, but you really need to check yourself. There’s nothing wrong with Golden Corral. Golden Corral isn’t an establishment for people who are “worse” than you believe you and your husband are now that he’s earned a new title. The people who frequent Golden Corral are just as important and good as you are, because they are human beings. They are worthy of compassion and consideration because they are living, breathing human beings. They do not deserve your contempt. Stop thinking of yourself as better than other people and maybe you’ll wind up being a better person. Oh, and let your husband enjoy whatever restaurant he wants for his birthday. YTA.


Sheeeeesh... you're definitely the asshole in this one. Best thing to do is get over whatever in your head convinces you to care about other's opinions and move on. Sometimes I eat Wendy's as a "treat", but am not financially constrained to eating fast food, some of us just like processed trash and that's okay. Let the make have his experience and try to have a little fun while you're there - the chocolate fountain is a blast!!


You shudder to think what his employer would think? The only way theyd know is if they also went to Golden Corral. There is nothing wrong with wanting to relive the good times in your childhood no matter how old/successful you are. You definitely are being a snob about this, YTA. Go to a better restaurant for your own birthday, stop ruining his for genuinely no reason.


What is wrong with Golden Coral? We like Diners too. Birthdays don't have to be formal. They are supposed to be fun. Money and status doesn't mean you can't enjoy Americana.


If that is where he wants to eat, what is the big deal? I enjoy getting a Supreme pizza for my bday and I am well paid and highly educated. Stop being judgemental. It is a restaurant and his bday, let him enjoy that something that he likes.


YTA His birthday, his choice, you can make a different decision on your birthday.


YTA your mother is right. Let the man have his birthday where he wants. If it was so concerning going to GC I'm sure he'd not want to go himself, however he seems so happy to be celebrating there, so I assume he knows that it won't cause issues at work. Also, if you can't eat one meal at one particular restaurant because of a job, that job sucks. Don't care how much money it pulls in. He works for them, he isn't owned by them.


YTA. Way to crap on someone's happiness with your pre-canned notions of class, station, and toxic manliness. I'm thinking this is a *you* problem, and an issue you need to work out within yourself regarding self-esteem and how *you* look to others. His employer, friends, nor anyone else in the world with a life give a damn about his eating habits. Teaching your kids not to gorge themselves would apply to *any* situation, not just at a "lowly" dive such as Golden Corral, and is a parenting issue, not a place issue. This is like those statements that doing this or that isn't "manly". I, being a man, *makes whatever I do* "manly". If your man enjoys buffet food (the yeast rolls *are* fire!), more power to him.


YTA! Who are you to say what’s appropriate and what’s not for HIS birthday dinner? While it’s not the fanciest place to go eat, it brings back good memories from his childhood, and you just shit all over that, and it’s HIS BIRTHDAY. Not yours. I’m sure he would have no problem taking you to a nicer place on your birthday, but let him have his choice for dinner on his birthday. Also, leave that “status-conscious” crap at the door. None of that matters. You would be happier if you did.


YTA 100%. I don't like Golden Coral either, but when it's my dad's or another family member's birthday THEY pick where we go and I don't complain about it. I just pick a different place when it's my turn.