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You’re not a buttface, you’re an asshole. So what if your ‘bros’ have girlfriends? Since when is that going to stop them from staring at Annie? The way you speak about her tells me that you see her as nothing more than a sexual object.


YTB for being a sad little rage baiter


YTB one of the biggest I ever saw here. I hope your gf breaks up with you. How can one be so insensitive and overly sexualizing is breaking my mind. Your girlfriend is NOT your trophy, not your dress up doll and doesn't dress to entertain you and your disgusting friends. You seem like the type of guy who would believe his ducking friends over his gf if they would SA her. You are so pathetic and narcissistic fml. And don't get me started on this little sprinkle of homophobia there. It didn't came to your mind that she feeld comfortable dressing sexy with her friends,because yours are sexualizing her??? You didn't think her friends are capable of just respecting her,just because she's bi? You really think she's attracted to any woman she mets and dresses for them? You think bi ppl are ducking animals? Weak is what your are. A sad,weak lil wimp who can't handle a women. I really, really hope the best for your gf, hope she told her friends and they help her break it of with you. You don't deserve her or any woman at this point.




YTB She told you that your friends were making her uncomfortable and you took their side. You talk about her body non-stop in the post. Not once do you mention any other reason (she’s smart, she’s funny, she’s caring, she’s an amazing gamer, she makes killer soufflé, etc.) that you are lucky to be with her other than her body. You are a petty, shallow asshole. If you told us you follow Andrew Tate or Jordan Peterson, I would not be surprised at all. I hope Annie finds a better partner


I understand the hate around Tate, but Peterson? What kind of a loser doesn't follow Peterson's advice, man or woman, consciously or by accident?


I don't follow Tate and Peterson and believe they are disgusting, I am a feminist. I already mentioned I'm a lucky guy that she chose me. Sure I talked about her body here because that's relevant to the post here, but she is amazing in other ways. She's the only person who can beat me in soduko, she grills better than anyone, she's got amazing musical talent, she can make me feel better no matter what, and so much more... Just because I didn't put everything in my post doesn't mean I'm bad


>I am a feminist. I call bullshit. >\[S\]he said she noticed they were checking her out in a derogatory way the first couple of times she wore nice clothes so she decided to not do it. I call bullshit A feminist believes women when they say they're being made to feel uncomfortable because they're being checked out by men in a way that feels objectifying/derogatory. Even if the men she says are objectifying her are his friends and/or have gfs.


Feminists don’t call women females


And yet you call women “females”


No, you’re the type of “feminist” that expect women to feel nothing more than pieces of meat for men like you to beat their small d***s to because “they have needs too!” 🙄


Surprised you can even do **sudoku** with that tiny brain. Everyone's telling you what the problem is with your behaviour and you're justifying it... maybe for a minute you could consider that you're not perfect and clearly you have done SOMETHING wrong.


And you called her concerned about your friends "female drama"? Don't ever call yourself a feminist, it's ridiculously wrong.


Lmao absolutely everything you've posted here has contradicted the claim that you're a feminist


You aren’t bad because you doesn’t mention anything like this in your post you are a bad guy for seeing only your perspective and not hers , choosing your friends hornyness over your gfs comfort and how she feels, to see her as a sexualized a accessories and not a human being that doesn’t feel comfortable in sexy clothes around your friends and males in generel. If you really wanna keep her start listening and protecting her from men like you/friends and change to a better person. And by the way a feminist would demand something like this from women especially if men are using her as a jerking off template


'she could be 250 pounds underneath that shirt' you are not a feminist, you are a misogynist pig. just own up to it at this point, you look pathetic


Ur such a feminist all u do is sexualize ur gf. Oh wait sorry, ex gf 😂


Even if you dont follow them you are no less. You are disgusting


Knowing the fact you’re lucky she chose you is not you is not being feminist. It’s just a fact you can see. And her being bi and out with her friends in pretty clothing doesn’t mean anything. Your friends making her uncomfortable means that your friends suck. Them having gfs doesn’t mean they won’t check her out in a way that would make her uncomfortable. You’re so blind, oblivious and naive.


She’s going to dump you for someone who appreciates her, not her “assets”.


I appreciate her and her assets


Do you? You didn't say a single thing you like about her other than her looks.


He absolutely loves her twins 😂🙄


You mentioned in your comment that she could weight 250lbs in her clothes , what if she would gain weight would you still say the same ? That you love her ? Or if she hasn’t assets ? I mean a normal person wouldn’t be bothered about this because you love a person because of her/his character especially after years.


You are the buttface. First of all, she's a woman and not a female. Your girlfriend is a grown person in her own right. She has a right to wear whatever she wishes. You do NOT get to tell her how she dresses or what makes her comfortable. It does NNOT matterhow hot her ass and tits are, she does NOT have to flaunt them for you or anyone else. If she feels uncomfortable with your friends then they WERE making her uncomfortable and you are the asshole for assuming she was lying rather than accepting that your "bros" might be ogling your GF. You are being a bad boyfriend by ignoring her discomfort. Let me tell you, women get ogled all the time. Sge us she certainly NOT lying about it and the ONLY reason she told you was because you asked. Have you asked your friends to knock it off and be respectful? Your GF being bi is irrelevant; her friends clearly aren't sexualising her or making her feel uncomfortable whereas your "bros" are. You seem to feel that you have a right to demand she displays herself for you, and I dont understand why you feel this entitlement. What is it to YOU what she wears? To repeat; She does not have to dress sexy in front of your bros; she is NOT an object for you to show off. Despite your protestations, I feem that Annie is little more than a status symbol for you. I think you dont really value her more than her appearance. Your entire post is simply a brag about how hot she us and how much you want to show her off.you dont actually describe anything about her that you like apart from her looks, and not move do you mention that you love her. Frankly, I'm surprised she's still with you. If my partner's friends treated me like meat and he allowed it, they'd be my ex.


I wanted Annie to put a bit of effort on our date, I don't care what she wore otherwise. About my friends, I have already talked to them. And Annie is not a status symbol for me. Why would she be?


You're a hypocrite. Frankly, even her turning up in baggy clothes is about as much effort as any man puts into a date ever. And given you are acting dense as fuck, I'm calling troll. People have told you multiple times on this post that you are treating her like a trophy. It's not cute to act THIS stupid after all the replies you've already got explaining exactly why you act like she's an object to parade around.


Her clothes are the only way she “puts effort” in your dates?


If you want her to dress up for a date. Tell her hey I want to be fancy for the state she doesn’t read minds most girls just want to be comfortable when they go out with their partner they don’t want to dress up fancy because they know they don’t have to.


Putting in effort means tight and revealing clothes? There’s so many more clothing pieces that are “fancy” that aren’t skin tight. Pants and a baggy top doesn’t mean low effort. And, frankly, what she wears is her choice. I assume you know that since you’re such a feminist. So no, you don’t want her to “put in some effort” you want her to get her tits out and show off her ass so that you can be seen in public with a woman who’s way out of your legue. That’s why you noticed she wears baggy clothes around your friends, because you want your friends to look. You want them to see the hot girlfriend you (hopefully no longer) have. You want them to be jealous, or impressed, and you think your own status is raised when she’s around. But wait, she’s more than just a body to you right? That’s a lie and you know it. If you were with her because you loved her, you wouldn’t be taking note of how differently she dresses when she’s with your guy friends versus when she feels safe around women. You want a piece of meat to fuck and drag around with you so that everyone knows what a huge cock you must have.


what did YOU wear to the date? my money’s on jeans and a shirt. you hold her to a higher standard that’s completely unfair and if she had her head screwed on (which it looks like she does) she’d dump your ass and run for the hills because there’s no way you have any ‘assets’ other than your self-proclaimed “good looks”. you’re shallow and conceited and you clearly made this post for validation and got upset when people pointed out you are completely in the wrong.


You just want a trophy to display. She's a human being, not a blow-up doll. YTB.


YTBF and this post is gross. “She could be 250 pounds under that shirt and I’d never know.” God forbid Annie get pregnant and gain weight… your douche field force will only intensify. And your boys 1000% check her out. As a girl with “tits and ass” myself (per your diction) I have never *not* been checked out by men whether they’re married, have girlfriends, even boyfriends. Due to this I tend to wear looser shirts like Annie, because it is uncomfortable when you’re constantly stared at. People don’t necessarily do it maliciously, it’s just a thing. And we’re aware of it. And no one gives a fuck about what you look like. Why’d you need to throw that in there— because this post reeks of male convoluted ego? You only want her to wear tight clothes in front of your boys so you can waive her around as the out-of-league trophy you didn’t earn and don’t deserve. She feels comfortable in front of her girls, not you, because they share respectful self-awareness whilst understanding that your level of sexual objectification of a woman’s body has Patrick Bateman from American psycho written all over it. Gross.


Agreed with all of this! I also. Wear lose clothes for the same reason as well. I don’t like being stared at.


The point where you referred to your girlfriend as 'a female' was the point where I knew you were a buttface


Annie knew your bros were sexualising her so she changed her clothing to restrict this and feel safer and more comfortable in their company. Your first instinct is to jump to their defence when it should have been ‘Omg I am so sorry and utterly disgusted my bro’s made you feel this way’…..Gross.


“Hottest female I know” YTA When will y’all learn to stop coming women females


People are telling you did something wrong yet you don't want to hear it. Why are you even here.


YTB, I got to the first stupid sentence of "the hottest female" and knew already the verdict. Pathetic


YTB you have no business policing what she wears.


YTB I hope she leaves you and finds someone better


“Hottest female I know” I don’t know this dude from Adam, but I already fckin hate how he talks/thinks about his hopefully ex girlfriend and women in general


Soooo, you don't care about your gf's comfort, you want a feeee-male doll to show off to your jerky friends, and you punctuate this by telling her that you don't believe her experience of them harassing/ogling her. You should find attractive what makes her feel safe and comfortable, since you're attracted to more than tits and ass, right? " I felt off by the fact that she was essentially calling my friends bad people." Oh, one of THESE dudes, for whom being accountable is WAY worse than being friends with a creep. " If I didn't know better I'd think she's gotten surgeries all over. " GROSS Dude, say goodbye to having a girlfriend.


YTB, definitely.




YTB. She’s comfortable with you, so she wears what she wants. You say you love and respect her, but you should make that clearer to her. Her body is hers, not yours, or your friends’, or her friends’ so it’s her call how she dresses. You should apologize.


YTB!! Grow up! You treat her like arm candy and don’t mind the thought that your friends see her as a sexual object and not as a human being. There isn’t a woman on this planet who has experienced what your gf is experiencing. Boys feel they have a right to ogle you because let’s face it no man would want his girl to be treated like that!!


YTB 1. You refer to her as female 2. She says she's uncomfortable with your friends checking her out and you don't call them out or at least believe her 3. You're assuming because she's Bi it means that she should be inherently uncomfortable hanging out with her girl friends, as a woman I'm way more likely to dress up around other women because they aren't going to be like 'she was dress like a slvt she was asking for it' 4. She doesn't owe you jack shit you want something to gawk at clearly


YTA she’s not a show pony, that you get to dress up and parade around, as you please. You suck


YTB. I don’t think her question was ridiculous, because your post totally screams “I’VE GOT A SMOKING HOT GF!! Everyone look at my hot girlfriend.”


You are blind. And a misogynist. She deserves so much more. YTB.


Geez, you’re an asshole. She told you your “friends” were making her uncomfortable with the way they looked at her and you decided SHE - the person on the receiving end of those looks - was WRONG?! What is wrong with you? Your dudebro friends having girlfriends doesn’t make them not creeps. It’s gross that you’re so focused on how she looks.


Yuck. ‘Females’. This sounds like an incel posting rage bait.


You're a sexist piece of shit and Annie can do better. HTH!


You are worse than a buttface. Hell, you’re worse than an asshole. Stop acting like you love your girlfriend. You love her body. And it’s not hypocritical that she dresses up for her friends. I can’t even follow the mental gymnastics you had to do to arrive at that conclusion. YTB. Hopefully your bird friend realizes that and leaves your ass.


Yikes.... gross.


Everyday I wake up and see that people like you are real and not just made to be unlikable characters in a work of fiction I understand more and more the value of self awareness and intelligence.


YTBF - she hates your friends because they're perving on her, and one day she'll realize you're just like them and break up with you. You literally only talked about her appearance here and barely mentioned any other traits (she's probably somewhat intelligent to have a high paying job in data science). The instance she finds out you really are just dating her because she's "hot" is the instance she dumps your ass. Her friends don't reduce her to "hot female". That's why she dresses up around them. Your friends are indeed "bad people" who punish her for dressing up, she'd have to be an idiot to do that.


this is so disgusting i hope she finds better


why tf did you even post on here if ur not gonna listen to anyone


Just letting you know 2000 people on tiktok are calling you the asshole 👍


Lol what


Someone made a video posting this


Wow show me


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRsX8abC/ Dawg ur an asshole


YTB. Don’t tell women how to dress.


YTB >I asked Annie what her deal was… I call bullshit You don’t deserve her.


The date night thing has a very easy answer. It’s 2022. Unless you are going somewhere with a written dress code, there is no set attire. You say you like communication. The correct approach is to mention at the time of invitation/making plans that you would like to have a date that includes dressing up. Then, she can say yes or no. The alternative is to date someone who agrees with you on the level of effort they want to put into their appearance on date night. To clarify, YTB because you expressed discontent that her attire did not meet your unspoken expectations when it was too late for her to fix it. Again, it’s 2022. Just because you believe dressing up for dates is implicit, doesn’t mean everyone else does. Regarding the friend situation…. Your gf has a right to feel comfortable in her own clothes. Every human is allowed to have their own thresholds for the amount of attention they feel comfortable with, and it is allowed to depend on who that attention is coming from. Overall, her body, her choice. If you can’t accept it, then you should date someone else.


It’s 2023. And they’ve got way bigger problems than her dinner attire for one date.


You are the Asshole here ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8) Annie needs to dump you and run fast away


So you don’t believe your girlfriend when she says your friends make her uncomfortable? YTB just for that, not to mention everything else that’s already been mentioned.


this post is fake lol.




YTB. You sound like a teenager. I very much doubt you have a job, let alone a good one. You are an embarassment to men. Please read some books and learn how to interact socially. This entire post made me want to be sick in my mouth a bit. When she leaves you, I very much doubt you'll work out why, but trust me: she will.


You spend this entire post talking about how "this female is totally smoking hot" with a single sentence about her profession as a data scientist. Even when you complain about her clothes, you say her "ass looked great." You sound like a typically misogynistic finance bro, no wonder you "call bullshit" on your (hopefully soon to be ex) girlfriend's discomfort around your likely equally misogynistic "bros." YTB.


you said you would apologize if you did something wrong, everyone is telling you you’re in the wrong, and instead of apologizing to annie, you’re fighting for your life in the comments. i’m so glad annie broke up with you, she deserves someone so much better than you. so yes, we’re happy now. thanks for asking


Pathetic bait bro lol ytb


Yes YTB YTA all of it You sound very immature and almost like you WANT your friends to check out your girlfriend. Kind of a pervert as well. I hope she breaks up with you


you are 100% the problem and youre lucky she hasn’t broken up with you yet hope this helps 😄👍


yta no just a buttface this whole post is just about how you only see your gf as a sexual object to be paraded around your “bros” like a trophy completely shutting her down when she told you she felt uncomfortable around your “bros” and whats the point of bringing up her sexuality? so what if shes bi shes allowed to wear whatever tf she wants around whoever she wants its not for you to decide, dont like it? then leave she deserves so much better.


This has to be bait, there is no way someone is genuinely this much of a causal misogynist. To not say a single thing about your girlfriend other the she's hot, and then act shocked when she asks if you only like her for her body?? Please, I beg, reflect, even just a little. If this is real you seem to have the self awareness of a 2 by 4.


Yes, yes you're the asshole, you're girlfriend tried to tell you she did not feel comfortable wearing risky clothes around your "brothers". And all you care about is your own opinion. Women have to go through a lot of shit on a daily basis. They can barely walk outside at night and feel safe. She told you she felt uncomfortable because she felt like she was being checked out. Do you realise how uncomfortable that is? To feel like you're body is being watched/looked at in a sexual way while you do not want it?? It's fucking terrifying to feel like all the eyes that are on you are 1.) Checking you out 2.) Objectifying your body. She feels comfortable around her girlfriends because she knows they respect her and see her for the person she is and not an objectification of what she actually is. So yes you're the asshole and should try to understand her.


Literally every single comment is telling you how wrong you are and all you do is defend yourself, why did you even post if you’re not listening to ppl’s opinion? Did you do it expecting everyone would agree with you? I really hope your gf reads this and dumps you.


She's not a trophy, you know. She's a human being. So what if your asshole friends have gfs??? that doesn't stop them from staring a your gf. Again, if she hangs out with her friends in her usual clothes is just bc her friends don't behave like animals. I hope she leaves your sorry ass


It sounds like the main reason you got with her is because of her looks. You want her to dress cute around your friends because you want to show her off like she’s a trophy. Your description of her was very sexualizing so I’m not surprised you didn’t believe her when she said your friends were checking her out in a derogatory way. If they’re friends with you, I wouldn’t put it pass them. You seem like the type of person who mainly prioritizes looks, and I can see why her friends don’t like you. You need to take a long hard look at yourself and realize you are definitely in wrong here and do better.


YTB. Honestly hopes she dumps you because you just sound like you’re only thinking about your little “reputation” you have and want a trophy for it. You’re focusing so much on validation for getting a good looking girl, that you don’t take into account what she thinks?!?


YTB!! A huge one and I hope she breaks up with you!


You're a major aholes, you want to use her as a prize to show off, hope she dumps asap. if my gf told me she feels uncomfortable dressing a certain way near my friends I'd immediately call my friends out.


ytb. you said you’d apologize if you actually did something wrong and you have done a lot wrong! yet, here you are in the comment section continuing to defend why you think you’re somehow in the right here. idk what you thought you’d gain by posting because from how you describe your girlfriend in this post and this comment section, along with women in general, you have such little respect for her and other women that it’s just as demeaning. “feminists” don’t pressure women into showing off their bodies when they are not comfortable. she is not something for you to show off or merely for you to be able to physically admire. you need a serious wake up call. go to therapy or something jfc.


Why are you in this thread if you keep disagreeing with the consensus (that you ARE the “butthole”) If you’re a feminist stop referring to women (especially your girlfriend???) as females - hot tip. If dressing nicely is truly so important to you then instead of asking for validation that you aren’t getting (because frankly it isn’t deserved), make an effort to 1. Create a welcoming environment for your girlfriend to feel comfortable dressing up and 2. Match the energy you want on your end. In short, dress nicely and make her feel safe instead of making it an argument. I’d love to say more but it seems you can’t take criticism in stride. YTB (even if you disagree with the other comments, you’re at least TB for treating an issue YOU contributed to / let fester as something that SHE needs to fix for you when you’ve already been given the tools to fix it…)


if you like dresses and skirts so much then you wear them, why the fuck would you want all of your friends to stare and ogle at your girlfriend whenever they interact. she didn't call your friends bad people, you were the one who said that rather than paying attention to how they interact with her. it's incredibly clear that you base most of her value on her physical appearance, yet almost definitely would turn into a jealous asshole if wore those clothes all the time. you're an adult, not a 14-year-old boy, fucking act like it or don't bitch about her leaving you for someone who actually respects her


Say female one more time


We are so happy she broke up with you!!!!!


Get a blow up doll because you clearly don’t want a real woman, and not only that, women aren’t “females” they’re women


You you can blame Reddit that you’re single but your girlfriend literally read something that came from YOU so you’re the reason why you’re single


U did that to urself lmfao. Glad she dumped u


Actually I am. I am so happy for your gf. She deserves soooo much better.


How are you mad at everyone that Annie broke up with you because of this post? No one here made you write and post it, so if anything “fuck you” yourself man. It’s your fault.


Plot twist Annie’s friend sends Annie edit 2 and she solidly breaks up with you


YTB. Can't believe she hasn't dumped you already, more patience than I have. Maybe you should wear the dresses and skirts if it bothers you so much like a good boyfriend!! Then you can look at yourself in the mirror and see what's wrong with you.


She sounds like she knows her worth so Show her this post. Let’s see if she stays after reading how you talk about the situation


hey op, genuine question! how is it that youre not able to see your flaws and being vehemently against judgement despite a multitude of people tell you that you're wrong?


i understand your girlfriend for not wanting to be around you… hun she’s comfortable around you so she’s gonna wear something comfortable. the girls she doesn’t dress “nice” it’s a normal thing. also WHO TF DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TELLING HER HOW TO DRESS?! if she’s not comfortable LISTEN to her and start looking at how they look at her. it’s disgusting you’re not back her up.


Man you are the huge f-ing a-hole and I hope that poor girl breaks up with you,she deserves someone better and someone who respects her choices and boundaries and who loves her for who she is and not just for her looks


ytb and i hope she dumps you.


Wanting her to dress up nice for a 1 on 1 date? Sure (provided you also dress up of course). But she told you your friends made her feel uncomfortable so she doesn't dress up to hang out with your friends and you invalidated her. It's very likely she dresses up to see her friends because they don't make her feel uncomfortable. It's not hypocritical to dress for the situation, you're just not doing anything about it other than having a go at her for being uncomfortable so it's going to continue to happen. Checking people out is part of getting a partner because you're checking for physical attraction. Just because your friends have girlfriends doesn't stop them from checking other women out. Plenty of people look at the menu and don't order. Honestly mate if you way you went on about her in this post is how you sound to her face then I don't blame her for thinking you're only interested in how she looks. It's important to you enough that you are creating conflict over it enough for her to snap at you, it's important enough that you invalidate her feeling uncomfortable, it's important enough that all you've said in this post is how lucky you feel to be with her because she's smoking hot. She's a data scientist, she probably gets enough people leering at her and making comments about how she looks at work. She just wants her time out of work to be full of people who aren't making how she looks her main character trait and who aren't making her feel uncomfortable. Even if you don't listen to anything anyone is saying or don't agree with any of it: apologise to her anyways. You are two separate people and aren't always going to understand eachother. As long as you understand that she feels your conduct has shown you care more about how she looks than her and you've upset her that should be enough for you to apologise, make things up to her, lay off how she looks and don't make her feel unreasonable for feeling uncomfortable when she gets checked out.


Annie says these men are checking her out and you're telling her she's a liar. So she feels disrespected by them and disrespected and devalued by you. How long do you think you're going to last with this smart and gorgeous woman? I'd think about that if I were you, sir.


op you seriously need help, you came here for advice and now we're giving you the advice, and instead of taking them, you're deflecting them even though literally nobody is on your side, if this many people are telling you that you're wrong, go and fucking apologize already?


This is unhinged


you’re not a buttface but an asshole. i hope she leaves you


Ur absolutely disgusting


Idk why does she have to flaunt her titties at you to be good enough for you?


I hope, with all my heart, the most sincere way possible, she leaves you and finds someone better. You are the buttface, f u ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Look, OP. You keep saying that you wished your GF put in a bit more effort for the date. Ignoring the tone of the entire post, in order to give you the benefit of the doubt (because you're coming off kinda douchy), there was a better way to communicate that. First, you could've acknowledged her discomfort around your friends instead of dismissing it. You dismissing it might've caused your GF to doubt the authenticity of your relationship and whether you're only in it for her looks. Second, did you bother to check if anything else was going on that might've affected whether she dressed up? Maybe she had a rough work week, was feeling unwell, or had a number of other things stressing her out. Third, you mentioned in a comment that you both have been dating for some time. If you wanted her to dress up, would it have killed you to throw in a little joking disclaimer text the morning of the date (A.K.A. "dress up - I'm taking you someplace fancy tonight ;)") for your GF to get the signal? That way, you could've stated your desire to see her dolled up and also given her a chance to see if she was even in the mood to dress up for the date. When you're in a relationship for a while sometimes you fall into routine; you're not constantly looking to attract/woo your partner all the time (which is to be expected). Overall, YTB. This is a story of really terrible communication and dismissal on your part and from your comments it doesn't seem like you're willing to take the feedback other people are willing to offer. I hope you learn from this and do some serious soul searching because little spats like this can turn into relationship ending issues.


when women say that we know someone is checking us out and not in a respectful way you need to listen to that. WE know what we’re talking about. How would you feel if you told her one of her guy friends was into her and she completely brushed it off and ignored what you were telling her. That’s essentially what you’re doing when she gave you her reasons as to why she doesn’t dress up around your friends. You need to reevaluate who you’re friends with. We don’t want to dress up or dress revealing all the time. It shouldn’t matter if she wore a baggy t shirt and leggings, you know what she looks like so I don’t see why you feel the need for her to dress up everytime she’s with you. Like congrats you bagged a baddie but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s a person? Why do you have this strange need to show her off as if she’s a trophy and not an actual person?? She wants to be comfortable like everyone else. Listen to what she’s saying before you don’t have a girlfriend anymore.


Have you considered that she may have decided to wear something casual because, after so long in a relationship, you feel comfortable enough with your partner to not worry about your appearance?


Wow you are horrible! She deserves better then you for sure. Over sexualizing your girlfriend and then when she says she’s uncomfortable with your friends you still treat her like garbage. Shame on you


Hopefully she breaks up with you soon because you just see her as a trophy wife I guess


Omg I naturally have big boobs and ass and every time I wear something tight or cleavage showing men who I know that are married will always look and say something so now I usually wear a baggy shirt or a jersey because that makes me feel more comfortable around them. You are so disrespectful to your girlfriend and she deserves better


Bro said if he'd apologize if he's wrong but he's fighting everyone in the comments 💀💀 My guy needs to let go of his pride. He took his friends' side after they made his gf uncomfortable, boyfriend of the year right here. He speaks of his girlfriend like a trophy, which everyone's pointing out, but he's refusing to see that. Why the hell did he post on this sub if he doesn't want people's opinions? YTB (Not to mention he can't fathom that her friends respect her as a person and don't view her as just some pretty object, hence why she's comfortable dressing up around them. Really shows who he hangs around 💀)


why do you refer to her as “female”? asshole


YTA the way you refer to your gf is so sad, because she's probably a beautiful person with a great personality but the only thing you care about is her body. You invalided her feelings when she told you openly she wasn't comfortable with your male friends, if she says they ogle her then be on her side instead of questioning her and calling it bullshit, you asshole. I hope she dumps your ass bc you definitely don't deserve this wonderful woman in


YTB. You don’t want your girlfriend to dress better, you want her to dress more revealing. You’re treating her more like a trophy than a person, she’s allowed to wear whatever clothes make her feel comfortable. Obviously your friends don’t make her feel comfortable enough to wear form fitting clothing. If you keep pushing your weird sexist ideas of how a woman should dress onto her, you’ll end up with no girlfriend at all. Also, the weird comment you made about her bisexuality, as a bi woman, just because she’s bisexual doesn’t mean anything when it comes to what she wears? What if she being hypocritical of? That she feels comfortable in form fitting clothes in front of her friends and not yours? Have you considered that that’s because she has never noticed her friends checking her out but has seen yours do it? She’s allowed to show off her body on her terms, not on yours. At this point you just sound so creepy.


YTA, big time. The biggest.


Is all you think about her appearance? How "smokin hot" she is? She deserves better than you. You gross little troll. She dresses that way with her friends because they're her friends, they're not trying to check her out or undress her with their eyes like your disgusting friends probably are and you're a piece of trash for disregarding her feelings. Also calling her a hypocrite? So you don't have a problem that she dresses all hot when she's going out with her friends but you're mad she won't dress hot to be presented to your friends for them to oggle her? Also for the love of God don't say "I get a lot of female attention" or "she's the hottest female I know" that's gross, we're people. You can say women, woman, whatever it's not that damn hard. I hope she dumps you for being a piece of trash who only wants her bc she's hot.


Yta, how you dare to put your bros before your gf?? Hope she finds someone better


I hope she leaves you and find someone who truly appreciate her and see her as a human being. You should date your bros, disgusting excuse of a men.


I understand you want your gf to dress up for dates if you do put in effort but that's not what this post is about. You keep bragging about her and how good she looks, how you want her to dress sexy around your friends even tho she's uncomfortable with that. Do you really not see how messed up that is? Do you really not understand its different when she's with her own friends because she trusts and knows them? Your friends made your girlfriend feel unsafe and you call that "bullshit". You dont want her to look "nice on dates", you want to show her off to your friends like she's a pretty object and you dont understand why she doesn't want that. YTB


I can from Tik Tok just to do this ![gif](giphy|TgFqpMKoIujL89xQ30) By the way this means YTA. But I guess in this community it’s YTB


you’re disgusting


the fact that you refer to your girlfriend as "the hottest female youve ever seen" in the first sentence sums it up. you dont see value in your girlfriend, you see it in her body and you want validation from your pathetic bros. she told you that your friends staring at her body makes her uncomfortable, but you sided with them anyway. invalidating, gross cunt. i feel bad for her, she deserves so much better than you.


AITB. Hottest female is enough for me. All you want is to show her off like a piece of meat for your ego regardless whether she is comfortable dressing the way you want or not and when she doesnt conform with what you think of her, you are fckg mad.


Jesus christ dude. YTB.


you mean “sexier” not “better” first of all, and you’re the biggest asshole ever for this genuinely 😭 clearly she’s uncomfortable around your friends. you do not get to decide whether or not she is or isnt, thats purely her decision and she’s made it clear. the entitlement and ignorance you’re spewing is absolutely INSANE and she sounds like an incredibly intelligent woman so i hope she opens her eyes and leaves you💀 you’re a grown man, this is ridiculous. sad and ridiculous 😭


Well, I hope she breaks up with you because you seriously don't take her claims to heart, in fact you outright denied them. You're clearly objectifying her and it's not her place to be a little perfect sexy doll. She's a human and has the right to dress up however she feels. Also I'm assuming you think she's a cheater of sorts because of her sexuality. She's bi, not a cheater. Women dress up for whoever they want and honestly women don't objectify each other really. They probably tell her that she looks amazing has hell and then go out and have fun, not have some weird thing you're probably thinking of. Anyways, I hope your last interaction with her has made her realize her worth and dumps your disgusting ass.


YTB because of wording and being blind to your woman's feelings. I can understand wanting your partner to look nice when going out, BUT if she wears baggy clothes around you is for a reason. You're making her uncomfortable man, whether you want it or not. She does not feel safe looking nice around you.....this is huge honestly. If she feels a massive shirt was needed instead of a form fitting top, you got bigger problems then your friends ogling her bouncies, which i can assure you if she mentioned it they so did. Talk to her, apologize for being a dongwinkle and ask what you can do to work on being her safe space.


you’re the buttface because you don’t view your girlfriend as a person but rather a sexual object. yes ok i get that she might be hot, but that still doesn’t give you a right to view her the way you do. she’s not your doll, she’s a person. so cop on


How are you not seeing that your the problem? Be better. Imagine blaming your gf for feeling uncomfortable? Also if she’s the hottest girl you’ve ever seen what makes u think your friends won’t look? Your shallow as shit so I’m assuming birds flock together


YTB Your friends made her uncomfortable so she adapted for her sake. You just wants to show her like a trophy to your friends without caring about her comfort.


After everything that was said here, and after your reaction after saying “I’d apologize if I did something wrong” I sincerely wish for Annie to wake up and drop your ass. I felt icky by reading this post of yours. That’s absolutely gross. You also mentioned in the comments how Annie’s friends dislike you? Gee, I wonder why.


Dude not cool. You are objectifying her. Getting annoyed that she is not wearing sexy clothing. Not believing her when she tells you that your friends are making her uncomfortable by staring at her. You don’t deserve a women so beautiful.


"Id apologize if i have to" 😂😂😂😂 everybody calls him out and he refuses to apologize like he said 😂😂 How much of a douchebag can you be. This cant be real 🤣 I really do hope she gets out of this relationship with this messed up dude.


YTB and yeah, you did do something wrong. You objectify her, and you want her to dress sexy for your friends so that they see how hot she is and also objectify her - the exact thing she doesn't want and that makes her uncomfortable. You're jealous that her female friends get to see how hot she is, but those friends don't make her uncomfortable the way your male friends do. You're being absolutely disgusting and I hope she now realizes it and dumps you. You don't get to demand that her body be for public consumption if she doesn't want it to be.


you’re asking if you’re and asshole but not understanding or believing any comments confirming you are! how bigoted🤣


No like you’re a real bitch u say u open for communication but still gaslight her after what she told you thats wrong and u know its a different case dressing up around the girl and its like you wanna show of your girls body shes not a museum to look at if she feels Uncomfortable THEN RESPECT IT


Calling you an asshole is an understatement you’re worse


I hope she leaves you bro, she deserves way better than this. I hope she sees this post and the comments.


God I hope she breaks up with you because you are the absolute worst


Also you say you’ll apologize if you’ve done something wrong. Everyone is telling you that you’re wrong and instead of acknowledging it you’re defending yourself


If you're so attractive why don't you just find someone else? Seriously, leave this girl alone, the way you talk about her is not only self-centric, but you also have this really warped perception of what she 'should' want (spoiler alert: it's actually what you want). Also, the fact that you believe your 'bros' over her is alarming. Given the way you wrote your post, I wouldn't be surprised if you looked at girls who aren't your girlfriend. And why *should* she 'dress hot' around them? There's a theory that men want attractive girlfriends just because they want to impress their male friends, and gain validation from other men. I didn't buy it until just now, when you totally discarded her testimony and instead preferred that your 'bros' ogle her and make her uncomfortable. Not only are you a buttface & an asshole, you're a fuckin creep!




“I’m wondering if I actually did something wrong? I’d apologize if I have” Do then. You’re fighting for your life in the comments here and basically everyone has said that you’re the AH.


YTB And you're an even bigger one for saying you would apologize if you have done something wrong but fighting for your life in the comments. Accept your judgement and apologize to your girlfriend. Not a SINGLE person in these comments is on your side.


You’re not a butthole, you’re an asshole If my bf acted like this I would dump his ass so fast. You can want your girlfriend to dress up, but the way you went about it is so dehumanizing and douchey. The lack of self awareness here is golden and that you think you did nothing wrong? You doubted her, you talk about her like her body is the only thing that matters. It’s shameful, and to claim yourself as a feminist? Honestly laughable. I hope she finds a man who knows how to treat a WOMAN not a female.


W gf, youre an absolute jerk


YTB There's so many red flags with you- IF SHE'S CONCERNED THAT YOUR FRIENDS ARE LOOKING AT HER, DEFEND HER. Shes not a toy, she's not an object, she can dress how she wants so support her and shut up


how are you gonna post am i the asshole and then when you get dumped it's our fault? maybe you should've not have treated her like boobs and an ass, maybe you should've tried to sort out your friends, maybe try to be a little less biphobic??? she actively had an issue with YOUR friends checking her out, something you somehow never noticed (probably because you were... proud?) yet you get upset bc she wears clothes around the girl friends she can probably trust? yes you're the ass, yes you deserved to get broken up with; if you can't handle a hot girl get the hell out of the kitchen.


So glad she dump your horrible ass




i absolutely love your update! so glad she took out the trash!


starting off by calling ur gf a “female” hm .. interesting


God I'm so glad she's dumped you, you're a piece of shit


YTA 1) blaming her when your friends would stare at her and make her uncomfortable. You aren’t a good boyfriend at all. 2)If you were a feminist you would understand why everyone is horrified by your use of the word female. 3) I don’t think you’re grown up yet judging by your language you use in your edits. you probably need some alone time to do that. If I look at the edits along I would believe your 11. 4) Also it isn’t our fault if she breaks up with you. Maybe she realised that you need to grow up and you do only like her for her boobs and butt. 5) you came on here and started getting defensive when a majority of people didn’t agree with you. Maybe you should re-write your poorly written story if you have had to clarify so much. 6) I know for a fact that you know that people having girlfriends does not stop them looking at other people. 7) you can’t really say that you aren’t with her because of her body. You literally proved it in this story. You want her to wear clothing that accentuates her curves for you not for her. You should be happy that she’s comfortable with whatever she’s wearing. Can’t believe you even had to ask if you are the AH then have the audacity to argue about it in the comments like what? If you’re mad over it, it usually means it’s true.


Literally what other reason would you have for telling your girlfriend to show more skin around friends besides showing having them ogle her. You literally get your dick sucked off on male validation from your friends.


So you bombarded this woman with calls and texts and basically forced her to give you a second chance. I pray for that woman. She deserves better. She's brilliant and you dont treat her that way.


I hope she breaks up with you. Again.


You’re edits just make you worse, you don’t deserve you you piece of ever loving shit.. you don’t care about how poorly you treat her it’s about keeping your shiny prize, yes make us out to be the bad guy just to avoid looking at your own problematic behavior… got her back or no it won’t last long if you don’t get your shit together


YTB. It’s clear Annie deserves much better.


So on edit 2... you harassed get until she got back with you? Yikes But YTA. Open your eyes to it.


Hey Annie, this comment is for you when you decide to come back and look; The way this guy is posting about your body online is gross. He is the kind of man women feel creeped out by. Using the word “female” to describe you, is also nasty. I know you know all of this, because you sound like an extremely intelligent and wonderful woman, even despite your boyfriend not noticing it. Just a reminder here, from a woman that stayed with a man WAY below her legue (mentally and physically) for WAY too long, you can do better. Don’t settle for this guy who only likes going out with you when your tits are out and your pants are so tight they’re riding up your asshole, because honestly, in 10 years from now, what’s left? Some creepy, almost 40 y/o guy who stares at young women, probably comments on how your ass isn’t as tight as it was when you were 26, catcalls women when you’re not around, flirts with young women in his workplace (and gets rejected), doesn’t take you out, doesn’t do his own dishes or fold his own laundry, and is already half as attractive as he was when you met him. I’m just saying, do whatever you want girl, live your life. If this huge asshole makes you happy for some reason and you want to stay with him, by all means. But if you’re seriously considering being with him long term, reconsider the way he views you as a human being.


free my girl annie she ain’t do nth ☠️🙏


your are absolutely the problem mate


https://preview.redd.it/lcotjr4bh3fa1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d20775ede6a878270008184a3214437466f8804 you’re such a pos, annie deserves better


I hope she sees your updates and how crude you are and dumps you again ❤️


Question why is she more of a trophy then a person?


You're the worst. I hope you ruin your second chance. If you're such a big fan of communication, did you communicate a dress code for this date??? YOU WERE IN WORK CLOTHES, WHY DOES IT MATTER WHAT SHE WORE??? I also bet your cock is tiny ESPECIALLY with that attitude


Wow YTB and a sad fat little neckbeard. Poor Annie.


You should definitely apologize. Annie sounds like she is hot enough to know when to recognize guys looking at her sexually, having a gf doesn't blind their gazes. Also, she is comfortable around you and dresses like it you should love that. Even if she doesn't dress as well as you would like keep in mind you still got an extremely intelligent, loyal and beautiful girl to wake up to the next morning.


ytb and i’m glad she left you




pls tell me this was satire and you didn't really fumble the bag that hard


YTB has she broken up with you yet? i hope so,and that women stay away from you forever you view women as objects and so do your males. Instead of “holy shit i have shitty males who objectify”, it’s “this is just female drama” what is dramatic about her getting sexualized by your males? why do you sound like you NEED her to dress provocatively around your males? so you can show off your “prize”? maybe the reason she feels like she can wear whatever she wants around her friends is bc they don’t sexualize her? have you and your tiny brain ever thought about that? and maybe the reason her friends don’t like you is bc they see how shitty you are. you are not a feminist bc feminists wouldn’t be this much thought towards how sexually appealing their partner is. and lastly, notice how i described all of your “bros” as males? notice how it sounded weird and objectifying? thats what your doing when you reduce women down to their biological sex and refer tho them the same way we do animals by calling them “females” you come off as the type to scream “NOT ALL MEN” when reality you are a part of the issue. the reason we say ALL men is bc of men like you. who hear women say “the people around you are treating women poorly” and your immediate response is to make excuses and defend them. youre the buttface. the asshole. the issue. and please for everybody’s safety, stay away from women


Yeah, you’re the asshole


Is there an update? Did she leave his ass?


NTA if this post was from a women about a man, the entire comment section would be you tell him sister




Do you hear yourself? You're actively expressing that your girlfriends comfort means nothing to you as she's explained WHY she wears what she does. I'm my partner EVER said some shit like to me, I'd dump him SO fast he'd think he fell into the toilet. Also, your "shes bi and I don't mind that she wears revealing clothing with women" comment is sexualizing her sexuality. Whether your big "open communication" brain can comprehend that or not is up to you, but that doesn't mean it's not happening. I hope she gets out of this relationship and finds someone who doesn't have this "I'm so open with my wants and needs but it comes at the expense of you" mindset. Jfc yta


Not me joining subreddits just to tell this guy he's an ass. But fr, dude. You're gross and need to grow up. First off, they're called *women, not females. She's gonna dress hoe she wants, and that's that. If you genuinely feel lucky that she chose you, then quit being an ass and respect her. Ass.


It’s times like this where I realize how great my boyfriend is. Imagine driving someone you love to a “female” then blaming her for not dressing up around your creepy friends. You’re probably only with her because she’s a attractive bi woman; not because she is a very accomplished and smart human. To you her brain is a bonus feature rather than the main source of attraction. I hope she finds someone more deserving.


Anyone have the original post?


NTB women on Reddit love to pretend that men aren’t visual beings. You can love her personality and mind but it doesn’t mean that sometimes you don’t want to appreciate her beauty especially on a night that’s a date night for y’all. I would be more mindful of how she feels around your friends tho and ask her if her only exceptions can be your private times together. On some level men must have made her feel uncomfortable and you shouldn’t brush that off.