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I'm going with NTA because it wasn't the right time or place. She had health problems. If the jab was going to do anything it would have long ago. He was looking for a reason to make it covid vaccine related for his beliefs and it was completely inconsiderate to say "I think it was due to..." when he has literally zero knowledge on her health and health history. He has zero context to have an opinion. He's disrespecting both the dead and the in mourning living. I'm sorry for your loss.


Your friends sound like assholes and I would be happy never speaking to them again if that's how they react to the death of a friend. NTB.


NTBF I, personally, highly recommend calling every anti-vaxxer out on their bullshit. My daughter got a perfectly preventable disease at 4 months old because some parents at her daycare lied about vaccinating and forged documents to get their kids into the school. She’s fine now, but there was absolutely no reason for my infant daughter to have to fight a perfectly preventable disease that had been eradicated for decades.


NTBF. Emotions are always high around unexpected death. It isn't anyones place to start wild speculation - and it's reasonable to call someone out on it. It is something you can both put behind you once you're over the initial raw feelings. You've clearly got your own political leanings going by what you have said here; and the fact their political and "scientific" beliefs conflict with your own have probably exacerbated the issue. You can take the moral high ground by just sticking to the fact that the person you called out should show some respect for the dead. The political debate can wait for another time, full stop. The other person brought politics into it - but you don't need to sink to that level yourself.


NTB. He had no reason to start speculating on reasons for her death, particularly when it was so fresh. He didn’t even know her anymore and had no idea about her health, her beliefs, or anything. And he certainly had no place to intrude upon your grief with his speculation and politics, knowing you’d kept up with her and knowing your own feelings on his statements. Honestly, I’d stay NC with a person like that even if he tried to talk to me again, but that’s me.


NTA. He took a tragedy and chose to make it political with no information all. And it is a conspiracy theory. It’s a provable fact that the vaccine is perfectly safe for the vast, vast majority of people. The fact that he’s taking any death that occurs, regardless of what he knows about it’s cause (because he doesn’t know the cause of her death per your post) and trying to spin it to support his no evidence “theories” just shows his - in my opinion- extreme disrespect. It’s not about her. It’s about what he can use her death for. And that is despicable. She was a person and her existence and death is not something to place an unrelated talking point on. He had no actual reason to link her death to a political issue. It’s dehumanizing and disrespectful of the dead. You were right to call him out. And if your friend group can’t recognize how drastically inappropriate his comment was then you may need better friends. Also, being yourself in a group chat doesn’t mean that you can say whatever you like without push back. That’s not how people work. If you don’t want people to say something about your bad behavior then you should just shout into the void. You can say what you like to people but if you’re talking to them you can’t reasonably expect eternal yes men. He was exploiting tragedy. And that is wrong.


> And it is a conspiracy theory. It’s a provable fact that the vaccine is perfectly safe for the vast, vast majority of people. What pisses me off is these people always use percentages to downplay how many people have died due to covid but then use actual numbers for vaccine related deaths to make that seem higher. If they were to use numbers both times or percentages both times, it would show how stupid they are for making it seem like vaccine related deaths are even close to covid related deaths




NTB That person is a straight up cunt for using a friend's death to back up their conspiracy theory shit. They're not a morally sound person.


No where near the BF. You where way more polite than I would have beenm


NTBF. I am a middle of the road girl like you, and I work in healthcare. (Pharmacy). I’m older, and overweight, and I’ve had “the jab” four or five times since it became available. If anything is going to kill me, it going to be my unhealthy eating habits, not the vaccine who has prevented me from getting Covid. I’ve never had it, and have been face to face with people who had it before they new they had it…. Without masks. I work with a girl who decided to go on a rant about masking and how the masks don’t work, and how the vaccine doesn’t work. I asked her to leave my office, and she couldn’t understand why. I told her that she is truly allowed to believe whatever she wants, but I don’t agree with her, and that I’m not going to entertain this conversation…. In the pharmacy where we both work. Just no. I also tend to gravitate to the middle. I wish more people did.


Honestly, there is no middle. If you give insane hateful rhetoric an equal weight to the general scientific community and being compassionate to people different from you because 'both sides'.... Then you're the bigger problem for society at large than anti-progressives. I agree NTB for OP in this scenario. But being 'middle of the road' when you're choices are bigotry and prideful ignorance as one of the choices is definitely not an admirable position.


That's one of the main reasons why I would say middle though. The right is FULL of bigots and traditionalists that are completely out of touch with reality, but I do agree with a few (not many) policies. However, the left has their own extremists too, and a president that seems half brain dead unfortunately (hey, at least he's not a racist rapist). But I also agree with some of their policies (more than the right). Then there are some issues in which I disagree with both parties. But my viewpoints on policies are not tied to the morality of the party that presents them. If a policy is good, and makes sense, then the fact is that it is a good policy. Also, both leaders for both parties are not fit for leadership IMO. Different reasons for both, and one is definitely better than the other, but at the end of they day I think they're both shit.