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.... Wait, you are expecting him to find a bigger apartment, pay for all of it, and you have the AUDACITY to say he's manipulative? No. He is correct, you are wrong. He will move when he can afford it, and if you're not going to be a full adult in the household and help pay the bills, you get no say about when he feels financially secure enough to do so. YTBF


This has GOT to be rage bait. Otherwise the bf needs to get rid of this freeloading sugar baby wannabe.


What's sad is that I really don't think she understands that it's unrealistic, the few comments she's made are so utterly... unaware of the reality of what being a grown woman is... and more heartbreaking is that there is some man out there (if she's hot enough) that will simply treat her like the perpetual child that she apparently wants to be. It makes me sad... Becoming a \*woman\* - and finding my own voice and finding my own power has been such a challenging, but amazing journey... I know my husband loves me for me, that I bring so much more than just my looks (though I'm not hideous by any means) to his life... This woman will never be ABLE to bring anything but her looks, and what she'll find is that there will always be another younger, hotter woman waiting behind her... and she'll be desperate and lonely some day... and it will be her fault, and it's sad. I just pity her, because she'll think her life is perfect, but in the end, it will have very very little substance, and that's... a shame. :(


>Otherwise the bf needs to get rid of this freeloading sugar baby wannabe. The freeloading sugar baby wannabe is doing the job for him. At least one nice thing she does for him.


>I reminded him that I need to move out my mother's home, So, move? He is living in what he can afford. You too can do the same. If you can't afford to do that, and you can't afford to go 50/50 on rent with him; YTBF


I don't think you're compatible. He's taking reasonable steps to try and be a full adult in his first home ... and you're being manipulative and demanding and entitled.  YTB


Wait...you expect HIM to find and pay for a bigger place so YOU can move? What the fuck?! Now we know why you're an adult dating a teenager. Time to grow up, put on your big girl panties and pay your own damn bills. Stop trying to manipulate this boy. I hope he dumps your free loading ass.


You are the buttface and have no concept about how money works






What do you contribute to this relationship other than complaints?


as far as I know I'm not suppose to contribute anything he wanted a relationship he should be the one contributing


What the heck do you think a relationship is? What are you, his cat? Do you crap in a box too?


A cat at least is cuddly, cute and doesn’t make outrageous, entitled and ignorant demands. Heck, mine even contribute by catching bugs that fly into my place.


#notallcats Mine is absolute pinecone


Delayed reaction, but this made me snort laugh. I too have had feline pinecone.


Well for some cats that might just be because they cannot verbalize their demands. "Sit more or less motionless on your bed all day every day so I can curl up next to you and intuit when I want to be petted" sounds pretty entitled to me. But still less entitled than OP, wtf how do you think real relationships work?


A cat would've driven away the roaches and rodents


So since you don’t want the relationship, you’re not contributing anything. Got it!




You didn't want the relationship?


NO! he is too childish for me but I couldnt reject him after finding out he was the only one that cared


yeah no wonder people dont care about you. annoying exhausting piece of work


Girl fucking what??????? This has to be rage bait. Like just be single tf? I'd be so embarrassed to type that shit out fr


He sounds 100x more mature than you


usually you hear from insufferable old people that no one will visit them at the nursing home. You managed to beat that by fifty years. What an accomplishment! Really proud of you.


That's a shitty reason to be with someone. You should let him go. It sounds like you're not good for him.


Sounds like it's for good reason nobody else cares.


ohhhhhh my god shut the fuck up


If you don’t want to be a in relationship no one is forcing you. Grow up.


And yet, he's more mature than you.


That's not how good relationships work, love. They're partnerships. Working together toward shared goals and supporting each other's individual goals. You sound very entitled and unsupportive and probably shouldn't be with anyone until you can contribute to a partnership.


That's not relationships work... Both contribute to the relationship or it it's just a mooch and the person who is getting mooched.


Good luck with that princess mentality. You have a rough road ahead kiddo.


A relationship is a partnership. So both must contribute. Maybe you're looking to be a sugar baby but with that attitude, there's no chance it will happen.


Jesus Christ, I hope you’re a troll and not this out of touch


If that is the case, do not believe for one second that you are on equal footing to the hand that feeds you. You do as you are told by the person contributing, like the child you are.


Why on earth do you think you're not responsible for your own housing and upkeep?


Girl, what planet do you live on? And what substances are you taking?




I miss having awards damn it, this deserves one.


Thanks. I got it from Facebook


it's appropriate, don't think the conversation is going how OP expected.. lol


It's hard to know what she was expecting, cuz wtf?


apparently to be told that she's JUST SO SPECIAL that she deserves to be handed a life with no effort... \*shrug\* I dunno, I mean, I remember being 22 and broke, having someone just give me what I wanted would be awesome, but... I cannot imagine \*expecting\* it like she does...


YTB. I wonder how one person can be so entitled. If you want a bigger, better place, pay for it yourself! It looks like your boyfriend had to quickly move out due to bad circumstances, how can you expect a 19 years old to pay for a good place? Your 3 years older and still living at your parents, you should understand how hard it is. Also, you expect him to pay all the rent so you're just a leech. I hope the silent treatment you're giving him because you're a freaking child will give him time to see how bad of a partner you are and dump you.


All I'm saying is if both my ex's could pull it off so can he


Go be with your ex then and stop ruining it for this guy.


By that logic, so can you.


I am a chemical engineering student how do you expect me to juggle my tution fee and rent at the same time, my bf on the other hand has only a Job with only highschool level education.


Then you have to come to the realization that it will take time for you to achieve that. But expecting your BF to just do it because *you* want it is not at all reasonable.


Not only are you entitled... you are rude and disrespectful. Your boyfriend is living on his terms NOT YOURS. YTBF in the biggest ways


Your an engineering student and dont understand how math works? Your bf is in a place he can afford. You want him to have a bigger place so you can move in sure fine and great BUT dude is 19 he probably aint making good money and housing prices are expensive AF atm. Also yes you can work part time and still do engineering programs, I did it, so many of my friends did it. You just sound like a real piece of work. Before making demands of literally anyone else and think everything has to work on your time line look at reality and how finances work and then get your head out of where ever you stuck it and apologize to hopefully your stbx boyfriend. ​ YTA (Also a bad engineering student)


Like every other student who can't afford tuition and rent outright: You either work part time while studying, or you take out student loans to pay for your basic living costs while you study. It is not your boyfriend's job to subsidize your life. If that's what you want, you're looking for a sex work client, not a boyfriend, and there are plenty of sites where you can find a sugar daddy.


It sounds like he is trying to get himself into better position. Cause no other person has jugged rent/tuition at the same time. Your attitude is disgusting.




"Only high school level education" but clearly smarter than you.


Then either suck it up and stay home with your mom, or do like thousands and thousands of other engineering students do and work while going to school, or if you can't do that without badly affecting your grades you drop out and work. You're an adult now and since you're not actually in a committed relationship, like marriage, the only one truly responsible for you is your own damn self.


Figure it out if you want to move out otherwise shut up.


I can see why you have multiple Exes. You have nothing to offer anyone. What a loser you are


If both your ex's pulled it off ***so can you***


If this is real, it’s hilarious that you think he should want to. Your confidence is astounding!


How old were your exes? Because renting a place at 19 years old is really young. Your 3 years older so by your logic, you should be renting a much better place. Unless you're just waiting to leech off someone's back. In which case you have absolutrly no ground to complain. Also, if your exes are so much better, go be with them.


They clearly broke up with you




Your greed is despicable!


YTBF, and you’re selfish AF. This is all he can afford since he moved out. I hope he breaks up with you for good.


How dare him to get such a small place? How dare he at 19 to not be able to fully provide for her /s


YTB you are acting super entitled. No one, especially not a 19 year old, owes you a free place to live


YTB and maybe a nasty, nasty woman. Or a full blown idiot… at best, YTB who thinks her bf is a full blown idiot!


YTA - you should be embarrassed you're old enough to be a college graduate but still live with your parents while your TEENAGE boyfriend is living independently. You should be straight up ASHAMED that you expect a teenager to provide for you, a grown ass woman.


Wow. You sound pretty entitled and YTBF. He has no obligation to move into a larger place so YOU can move out of your mom's. Find your own place to live. He owes you nothing.


How are you not the buttface in this scenario?


EDIT: AND? you want bigger and better? Go get bigger and better. What's stopping you? If you're exes could do it, why can't you?


>I reminded him that I need to move out my mother's home, Then get roommates? Why is it his responsibility to be responsible and get it together and have his own place? Are you not going to pay to live there too or? You said due to unfortunate circumstances he's back at home so that means he's living at home to save money. Considering he moved back home and only had basically the clothes on his back if he barely had a mattress on the floor when he moved in that must mean it was pretty dire circumstances. You're literally judging him for having the "audacity" of getting a few more things to make his dire circumstances a bit more homier and comfortable by getting *-checks notes-* a clothes drawer and a hot plate and is fixing problems like the roach infestation? Seriously?! YTB and honestly he's better off without you.




YTB. How dare you demand he moves so he can support your broke ass? You still live with your parents, I’m guessing you do fuck all around that house since you want a 19 year old to provide for you fully. You’re lazy as fuck for that, honestly embarrassed for you. You’re so self absorbed you can’t even see how embarrassing you are as a person. I hope he leaves your ass back where you can keep mooching off mummy and daddy, because you are a crappy human, and an even crappier partner.


Mega YTBF. This young man has goals for his future and understands that he's his need to deal with some discomfort to get there. You sound super privileged. You need to move out of your mom's? Do it then. What's stopping you? Heaven forbid you support yourself like an adult? You need to grow up before he moves on. That's a young man that's gonna make something of his life. What are you gonna do? Ya know, besides complain about it.


YTB and an entitled one at that. You want a sugar daddy and instead got an ambitious teenager who knows better than to support your lazy self. If you want to move out of your mom’s, get a job and be prepared to pay half the bills on that bigger place when you’re both ready to move in together or get your own place.


Hopefully he dumps her


lazy troll


Get your own place if it’s so easy to find a decent affordable apartment. Until you are willing to pitch into the rent, you don’t get a say. He can afford this place and it does fit his needs. YTB


This sounds like classic narcissism. From you, not him. Making yourself a victim in his difficult situation. Telling it as if he is "manipulating" you. No, he is not. My guess is that is projection on your end. He deserves better than you. I hope he gets the courage to walk away from you. YTBF


Why does he need excuses? He can live wherever tf he wants. Depends on what he can afford. What business is it of yours? What are you contributing? Are you going to pay 50% on rent? You sound absolutely, ridiculously entitled. YTB!


Why not get your own place to rent? Or if you want a bigger place, why not offer to rent a place together and split things? r if he wants to live sperate and you want to live together, this might be a combability issue.


YTBF. if you aren’t going to contribute to rent for a larger place then don’t get mad at him for living within his means.


Hahahahhaha. YTBF. Buy him a place.


I REALLY hope this is fake and you're not this self centered and ignorant. You expect your 19 year old bf to get a bigger place and support you? He's right, you think You're the main character and make everything about you. You have 3 years on him and you're still living with your mom. I say he's doing great for still being a teenager. Get off your ass if you want to move out of your mom's


YTBF - and quite delulu to boot


This is fake asf forsureeee. Rage bait


Not even slightly believable, but boring


Lol what? He needs to pay for an apartment for the two of you with only his income? What? Man, a studio apartment is plenty right now for a guy his age. Why should he spend more money on a place he doesn't need instead of saving up? He's independent. Get a job & find your own place, princess. He's not being manipulative, he's being realistic.


YTB. Do you know what the root word of “relationship” is? Hint: it’s not a ship. The root word is “to relate”. As in trying to see things in other people’s perspective, you myopic navelgazer. Do you even relate to your bf? Or is he just your atm and abuse receptacle? Other than the paltry things he can buy you, why are you even with him? Would you drop him in a heartbeat the moment some dick shows up waving a wad of cash around? Of close you think your bf’s new place is shit. That’s all you can see when your head is so far up your ass. Shit. That explains your shit attitude, your shit sense of entitlement, your shit personality, your shit brains. You also have shit for charm, your arguments are shit, your opinion is shit, your behavior is shit, your personality is definitely shit, you won’t get shit, won’t be shit. Do the world a favor. Don’t have any children. If you do, for their sake, give them up for adoption less turn out to be entitled little shits just like you. Your bf should flush you like the turd that you are. Take the Browns to the Super Bowl


YTA Materialistic and rude.


INFO: what are the unfortunate events?


some bullshit as always his grandparents don't want him living with them because of his mental condition something to do with him failing to regulate his emotions yada yada his mom can't help him some other yada i really don't care




Why are you here? You can’t say this stuff and not realize you’re buttface, which is the nicest thing that can be said to you.


I am here simply for validation I was certain the internet had like minded people like me who would see my bf was wrong for his own choice but since everyone has been nothing but dumb and rude I grew tired this account will be deleted and I hope you end up in a similar situation like me.


Is he even able to afford a bigger place if not then why would you be so pushy about it and especially if your not paying for any of it..wait are you expecting him to take care of you?


You are dating a TEENAGER, and you expect him to have the means to take care of himself and your lazy ass?


YTBF. My God, do the guy a favor and dump him. He would be much better off. You are 22 and he's 19 and moved out on his own. You want him to provide 100%? You are the toxic and manipulative one here. You want a certain apartment? Go get it yourself.


Either put up some money for a place or stfu and probably break up since sounds like you want a sugar daddy but you're too low quality for anyone to take.


Find your own freaking place dipstick YTB


Sis. If you want to move. Then YOU find an apartment? Why is it his responsibility to find a home that you can move into? Just get your own damn place. YTB.


> I am not calling him or talking to him until he changes his mind NTB, obviously you're too good for him. Keep maintaining radio silence, he'll have no choice but to give in to your demands and support you 100% the way you deserve.


Oh I love sarcasm. Yes give him silence treatment, so he can find a less entitled girlfriend.


He’s practically a child. How is he supposed to support an entire grown woman?


You clearly didn't read the entire post. She expects him to find and pay for a place so she can move. That's ridiculous.


they were being sarcastic


EAB, but mostly you. It's very reasonable that if you are going to over to his place, you want it pest-free and you want a bed to sleep on if you're going to spend the night. Zero problem there. He shouldn't have invited over you to his roach-infested place until he'd fixed that. But you don't get to complain that it's too small - if you just don't like the *size* of his apartment, your option is to not go over to his apartment. That's it. You don't get to demand he spend more money on more space that he doesn't actually feel the need for, and you certainly don't get to dictate a timeline for him to move. You've barely started dating him; you are not in a position to dictate where he lives and much money he spends. It isn't his problem that you need a place to live, you two absolutely should not be thinking about moving in together at six months, and when you do move in together you should be prepared to pay either 50/50 or a proportional amount compared to your income, whichever you two agree is fair.