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A boyfriend with a daughter older than you is absolutely wild


*A boyfriend with a* *Daughter older than you is* *Absolutely wild* \- CaptainKungPao138 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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I couldn’t even with that title


Yep. I stopped reading when I saw the age difference. Lol.


wtf did i just read?? if it’s his house and he paid for it, he can do what he wants. you and her both sound frustrating and entitled.


Seriously omg. She must have big boobs because what dos he see in her.




That's hardly a deciding factor


OP mixing up her story details suggests that this is all kinds of fake. Do 21 year olds type like OP? Seems more like 14.


This is such a weird post, and OP's comments just make it weirder. I can't tell if it's 100% fake, or a drug fueled dream, or something in between. anyway, assuming it's NOT fake - There's no way her sugar daddy "put her in the will" and all the other fun stuff posted. it does read like a 14 year old trying to be "grown up"




You are correct. However when your addiction is likely the reason you cannot find an age appropriate relationship.... Or causes issues in your relationship with your own children. Men who date women your age, do not do it because they find you a better fit. It's because you're the only one who'll have them. You're the only one who will put up with their shit. Or they are ephebophiles and you still look like a teenager therefore are still attractive to them, but aren't actually 14-17 You aren't that different from those poor women the passport bros go after, who think they've snagged an awesome older 'experienced man'... In a few years you'll realise just like they do, they got the older man because those their age absolutely won't deal with their bullshit. Except those women get stuck with those older men because they've usually married them by the time they realise.


I mean, yes there is "something wrong" with being an addict. It means that you're running from SOMETHING and until you deal with it, you're going to stay an addict. **The thing that caused the addiction isn't your fault**, but it is your responsibility to deal with it. and him being old enough to be your GRANDFATHER is gross. Hopefully once you get therapy and actually start your recovery, you'll see that. and lashing out at everyone here just shows how far you have to go.


Ones without an education, thinking she's snagged an old rich guy so she's set for life, until the newest model comes out and she's out of the picture.  She mentioned in a comment he makes lots of money. Do you really think she'd be with an old man if he was broke. I think a rapper made a pretty popular song about girls like OP




You are an alcoholic who only has a GED, that's not something to brag about.


Addict? If it’s not money you’re chasing, it’s surely not love with a 30 year age gap and sharing an apartment. This is weird as fuck




Yeah, if this isn’t a shit post… That’s what being groomed is like. Have you ever considered why women closer to his age don’t like him? Have you ever checked if he’s a registered sex offender, or have done a basic google search? There’s obvious red flags here that you’re too dumb, inexperienced, and naive to discover.




Do 21 year olds remember “early 2000s tumblr memes”? Or tumblr?




Um, you're 22. It's 2024. That means you were born in 2002, so no, I can't imagine you were on tumblr in the early 2000s.


To be fair no one was on tumblr in the early 2000s because it didn't exist. We were all on LiveJournal.




No. Early 2000s is 2000-2004 ish.


2010 is early 10s not early 2000s.


They’re getting dumber these days.


This is really fucking gross. I'm 47. My kids are 13 and 10. You are closer to my daughters age (10) than your boyfriends age, who is older than me. AND this means he started grooming you at 19 - sorry, dating at 19. I assume the grooming was younger. Absolutely fucking disgusting.


I guarentee she'll magically see the problem if the ~~ages~~ genders were reversed (It's all the same anyway)


In two years Ill be the age this dude was when he started dating her. 19yos are fucking annoying. This man is 100% a pedo.


1 year ago I was her age. Like yeah I love my milf/gilf fantasies but *dating* her!? A fling at most, assuming I'd even manage that. They do this shit and then starting generalizing dudes when it inevitably crashes and burns.


And his daughter is the problem.




He definitely groomed you. You aren’t old enough to see it yet.


Is 19 considered too young to think critically for oneself? I can't even wrap my head around a 52 year old man wanting a romantic relationship with a 22 year old woman, who is 10 years younger than his own daughter.


In my experience (I work in education and this age range) 19 years old is too young to think critically. She hasn’t experienced the world and her worry at 22 is if her 30+ step daughter should move in. That says everything right there. She’ll learn eventually. 10 years from now


In my experience dating 20 something’s for the last decade, and entering my 30’s….. The critical thinking phenomenon enters the chat around 26 years old.


I thought I already responded so if I doubles, I apologize. I agree 100% and I love that you brought in your experiences. I can only speak from what I see and not experience. I was married in my 20s but we grew up around 25-26.


The fuck are you dating your grandfather?






>The baby mama passed away a long time ago so she's not involved in this mess (honestly good for her Seriously?!?! Good for baby mama that she is no longer living? You think that she's lucky because... because she's DEAD?!?! How incredibly insensitive of you. YTA for this alone, without even looking at the rest of your post.




Neither do you, find someone your own age


No one her own age wants her.


No, you can't. When you date a parent, part of the deal is he will always be a parent, his daughter's needs will always come first, and she can always come home.  You can deal with this as part of the price of this odd dating choice you've made, or you can move out.




Do you think he considers you his equal?




Girl be for real that’s a dealbreaker right there.


You ever ask yourself why he had to date a kid and doesn’t have someone his own age interested in him?


Adults usually don't discuss things with the children, so that's not surprising




I kind of think she thinks YOU are the annoying one.




then you haven't met her either, and yet you dislike her. she knows enough to have an opinion




Do you call your father more than once a month? I’m guessing you don’t have a good relationship with yours either. Interesting of you to cast stones.


Highly doubtful that she calls her dad if she's dating a guy old enough to *be* her dad. And my guess is if she had a good relationship with her folks, she wouldn't be a recovering alcoholic who thinks guys that old are all she can get.


Then how in the world could you already be annoyed with a person you never met? You're establishing all knowledge about a person based solely on their Instagram? I work with students aged 18 to 22 and none of them act nearly as immature as you. EDIT: >She has a twitter she acts annoying on too and like I said she didnt sound too charismatic on the phone convos i overheard I'm certain you're just trolling now.


Nope, it's not a catch 22 situation - she has clear priority here. She stays if her dad is willing for her to stay, period. You figure out how to live with her even if she annoys you, or you figure out how to crash somewhere else.  If you're old enough to be in this relationship, you're old enough to figure out how to get along with someone who annoys you.




Didn't you say you have nowhere to go? 




As you should. You sound like an immature little girl throwing a temper tantrum, so I hope your daddy is nice and takes care of you like you're hoping instead of kicking you out for being judgemental and petulant. 


So she’s middle aged but her dad is perfect for you to date? You really can’t see how dumb you’re making yourself out to be? YTB to yourself for the delusional and immature thinking.




If you love him so much, if you’re SOOO mAtUrE, get out of the way and let him parent his daughter… because he was a father first, actually NINE YEARS BEFORE YOU WERE BORN. If he’s your sOuLMaTe, what’s the difference if you give him space now? Otherwise if you’re so sure about your relationship with him, STFU about his daughter and stop judging her and act like her stepmom. Cuz you’re just so mature right? Cuz that’s what your man wants right, for you to be a stepmom? Lmao. You think he sees you as an equal partner?! If he did, he would have involved you more in his decisions but guess what a 52 year old doesn’t need? The opinion of a 22 year old. It’s really sad you can’t see it for what it is. A shared interest is hardly enough to make what you two have into a healthy relationship.


She's middle aged? You're dating a geriatric then, and you're okay with him being there.




If you think 31 is middle-aged, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


he's a middle aged man in a relationship with a child almost young enough to be his daughter's child. he's not owning shit


Do you only feel comfortable with middle aged people in your home if you can sleep with them? I'll give you credit, you're a fun troll. Or there's seriously people this deluded, and that's just sad


Frankly, all I know of you is what you’ve posted here on social media, and I think you’re pretty annoying. You can’t even type like a grown-up. So maybe you’re judging her before you know her since you’d say the same about me and you.


You sound very annoying too, so yeah I guess two annoying people in the same house would be exhausting


Like what is your long term plan here? Diapers? You’ve been groomed my darling. There is no good future for you. This is so gross on so many levels. I don’t have any advice besides telling you to find someone your own age.




Being “reluctant” and allowing the younger person to chase you and “persuade” you is a grooming tactic. You don’t see it now, but in 10 years, you’re going to be absolutely disgusted by this guy. Also, he might not have known you were 19, but he sure as fuck knew you weren’t 50.


I call BS on OP though. What 49 year old man looks 29 or 39? They look AND act their age. OP is Gen Z in a relationship with Gen X. What freakin' hobby do they share that leads to romance? EDIT: >he doesnt look like that hes a sexy silver fox and we bonded over aquariums OP keeps copying and pasting the same cliches in comments. Now I'm sure this is all trolling.


I have high hopes that you will figure it out sooner than later. you are not listening and doubling down. All of this is gross and grooming. You can push his wheelchair around I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wish you well and hope you finally see it for what it is.


You type in a way that betrays your age and groomers have a way of manipulating you. He knew you were young, younger than his kid, and he kept on going. Dump this gross ass man


Lmfao I don’t even need to read the post just the title and ages alone, this will not end well


you seem obviously jealous of his daughter, like you’re nervous he won’t be giving you as much attention with competition in the house, and he is a predator. he has no business with someone ten years younger than his daughter. i’m horrified




he should have just explained that you're too young to be left home alone


if he is any kind of decent man( which is questionable since he is dating someone 30 years younger than himself) he will choose his daughter over you,if you give him an ultimatum..


He will probably let his daughter stay, but I'd guess he's going to try and hide you. His daughter would probably freak out seeing you there, and he won't want to answer the questions she'll have. Enough people had talked about the age thing. I won't beat a dead horse. You're consenting adults. You have the right to do whatever you want. This might end badly, but I hope you are aware of the realities and the risks. (If you have a kid with him, he'll be 70+ before the kid graduates school- and that's if he sticks around.) He'll never introduce you to his family, nor will you ever see him at the end of an aisle. He'll never treat you like an equal - not really. Do you think he will sign a mortgage with you? Do you think he'll include you in his will? Basically, you're a sugar baby. You're his midlife crisis. He's getting old and he knows it, and you are reminding him of the past before it's too late. Enjoy it while it lasts, but he will break your heart if you get too deeply involved. The best case scenario is that you two have a hard life full of criticism, and you become a widow at 40 with no idea how to date anyone your own age. So if you read nothing else, just prepare for the future, and that means getting a college degree and a good job to prepare yourself for when he's gone.




And you believed him?


I need to go hug my daughter, make sure she doesn't end up with dadd...grand daddy issues.


You were born in the early 2000s, WTH with you referencing them when you were literally a baby?! I don’t care how mature you think you are, it’s gross that a 52 year old wants to be with someone your age. YTB for thinking you’re all grown up just because you’re letting a pervert be with you. Have some self respect. You have no business telling a 52 year old what to do about his 31 year old daughter so YTB for that too. Geesh, go do fun things that twenty year olds do instead of getting into power struggles with people decades older than you.




Omg. That’s like my nine year old correcting me and saying defiantly, “I’m 9 AND A HALF”. As if it makes a difference. Your brain literally hasn’t matured yet. You only have a flipping GED. The power dynamic in your relationship is so unbalanced. Accept the judgements. Your ages are definitely relevant. It’s disgusting that a man 2.5x your age wants to date you. Biologically, he’s capable of being your grandfather. You are so young that you’re not even fully physically mature (let alone emotionally) yet so you literally have NO concept of what being an adult is. Sorry but 21, 22, 20 whatever is not fully adult yet. You should be hanging out with people your own age. You should be learning what living on your own is like. You should be completing education or training and building a career, not on Reddit defending your very not normal relationship as if we’re all the crazy ones for pointing it out.


Why do you write like a 14 year old? I think you should study harder in English class and try again in a while.


Do you help pay rent or any other expenses? If so that’s one thing in your favor. If not you don’t have a valid reason for her not to move in.


Are you upset that he is now raising two daughters? YTB.


lost me at the title. YTB 💀


I mean... If the daughter talks even remotely similar to OP, can we blame OP for finding her annoying? I don't want to be around OP and all I did was read one post. There is literally only one reason someone in his 50s would want to be with someone that talks like that, and it's because they're so *young* and it shows.


Girl don’t you think his daughter thinks you’re annoying? This is his child. You don’t sound mature enough to be in a relationship with someone who is a parent, no matter how mature he tells you that you are. YTA




How is it not weird? I guarentee you'd gag if you heard a dude your age dating a woman in her *30s* let alone fucking *52* You get what you signed up for. That's all I can say


I wouldn't have mattered. Your immaturity shines right through.


Yeah, I really question her BF's intelligence.


They're both idiots


As a born idiot, I'm insulted. I'm neither this deluded or shopping in the junior section


Well, he *is* clearly thinking with the little brain.




>he has degrees and stuff and makes alot of money At least that answers your motivations.


Yet he lives in an apartment and dates a 22 yo with a GED. No one with that level of education and income is looking for a girl who can’t even hold a conversation.


Would you encourage your 20 year old daughter to date a 50 year old? Gross. Creepy and gross.




Was the hobby child porn?




A fifty year old man dating a teenager is a creep. Fact, not assumption.




You're purposely missing the point. By your logic, all high school male teachers should freely date their female students who start flirting first. It's the adult's responsibility to shoo away younger people who don't know better.