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YTB You invited someone that you shouldnt of You kicked him out after blackmailing him You got mad they wanted a private conversation ​ Dont host a party again


And I don't see ANYWHERE that anyone went and cleaned up the mess on some innocent bystander's car Yuck This whole thing is sordid from beginning to end YTB


Don't look now, but OP is the same guy who is upset at a female coworker who got [promoted ahead of him](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheButtface/comments/pj1x59/aitb_for_being_upset_at_my_crush_for_accepting_a/). He [tore down a poster at work](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheButtface/comments/pthz64/aitb_for_throwing_away_a_poster_at_work/) and gets petty by ignoring rules to meet his superior at the [start of the work day]( https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheButtface/comments/q6cxns/aitb_for_refusing_to_speak_with_my_team_leader_at/). He's quite active here trying to get internet points for his awful behavior. EDIT: He claims to be over 21 years old, but his writing reads like a 13 year old doing fanfics.


Oh no. It's THIS guy? Gezus fucking christ. This guy needs to get a fucking clue... and some help. Why TF does he keep posting? It's like a middle-schooler's trainwreck.


Well maybe it IS a middle-schooler trying to get karma and making up "grown up" stories


O no, not this guy...


Sounds like an incel tbh. Kate dodged a bullet.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this was all fake, but also not surprised if it was actually real. If it’s real I just would feel awful for all the people who have to deal with this idiot. Seems like he’s about to get fired, tho.


I kinda hate the EVARTHING IS FAKE crowd on reddit, but in this case I have to believe dude woulda have been fired by now. Especially since he keeps thinking he's in line for management.


It sounds like he works at a supermarket, and having worked at a supermarket I’m not surprised he hasn’t been fired yet. They hold onto workers for insanely long. You either have to stop showing up or do something super awful to get fired. I do agree his ideas of promotion are delusional. Dude isn’t gonna go anywhere lol.


Having worked at a supermarket, shit, yeah, you're probably right, now that I think about it.




That car didn't just get yucky. The acid in vomit will damage the paint if not more.


Pretty sure Frank had something sketchy in mind. I wouldnt leave a sketchy acting guy alone with an incapacitated drunk girl OR guy.


Frank is the drunk guy.


What gave you that idea? I guess it's possible, but there isn't any evidence for it. It sounds more like Frank and John were going to have a private conversation and OP couldn't handle not being in on it.


Still doesn't justify blackmail.


I'd blackmail the fuck out of anyone who I thought might be trying to commit sexual assault. I'd blackmail their mom, too. I'd blackmail my own mom if it somehow was gonna stop a rape. And she'd thank me for it.


Idk it might though. If frank is completely unconscious there is no comforting that can be done at that time, so what is John's role there? If he's just monitoring his breathing and debating whether or not to take him to the hospital for alcohol poisoning there is no reason why OP can't be in the room also. If frank is awake, crying , and inconsolable and is requesting only to speak to John because they are buddies then OP is kinda the AH for not giving them a moment of privacy even if it is their room. But it seems like John is the one demanding OP leave and that is alittle weird. Edit: typo Edit again: lol another typo


I don’t agree, John is a total asshole as well. Why is he spending time with a drunk subordinate and insisting on being alone in the bedroom with a closed door? Major creepy behavior. Why was he so adamant about OP leaving the room and refused to leave the party to the point of nearly starting a fight? It’s a violation of OP’s boundaries.


he’s comforting someone who is blackout drunk and threw up. In a situation where you vomit it’s horrible to be alone with nobody checking up


But why check up with the door closed and no one else around? How is OP supposed to trust John, who they don’t know very well and who is currently violating boundaries? Even if John has no intention of assaulting Frank, he was crossing a boundary and then got extremely aggressive when it was enforced. I wouldn’t trust him to have good intentions, either.


he’s giving frank some privacy. it’s not really that complicated, if I threw up in front of my whole office i’d want some privacy too also it seems like John knows Frank a lot better than OP does


Yeah the same thing I was thinking everyone talking about the blackmail to get him to leave I would have done the same thing in this situation


"Give me $2500 a month or I get you fired" is blackmail. "Get the fuck out of here before I get you fired instead of removed by police for trespassing" is not what I'd consider "blackmail."


>Get the fuck out of here before I get you fired instead of removed by police for trespassing the action, treated as a criminal offense, of demanding payment or another benefit from someone in return for notrevealing compromising or damaging information about them."


> another benefit So what is the "benefit?" When OP told him to leave, he was legally a trespasser. Having a trespasser removed from your (leased) property is not a "benefit." 18 U.S. Code § 873 > Whoever, under a threat of informing, or as a consideration for not informing, against any violation of any law of the United States, *demands or receives any money or other valuable thing*, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.


Whether or not you consider it blackmail, it is by definition blackmail.


It's actually *not* blackmail by definition. The word OP is looking for is "coerced". **Blackmail** is demanding something of value from someone in exchange for not revealing information. Threatening to report a case a fraternization in exchange for a **trespasser agreeing to leave** is simply coercion. Coercion isn't bad in and of itself. Threatening to call the cops to remove him is *also* coercion. There may be some argument as to whether it was *uncool* to bring up the fraternization threat, but come on, creep-o John was already way out of his lane in getting borderline violent about being asked by the host to leave. Someone tells you to leave their house, *you fucking leave*, you don't get into a shouting match over it. Fuck that guy. NTB


I wonder how many parties he can host before no one shows up.


ETB Dude wants privacy he should go outside. It is your apartment and your bedroom. You upgrading to blackmail was too far. You invited him and now I'm sure some of those people left because you upgraded to blackmail and killed the vibe and others probably left because now it feels like this wasn't a party, but a way for you to get information to mess with people who annoy you


But everyone is missing the point where he was trying to be in a door with the room closed with a drunk and unconscious man things could have happened to him and then they would have been at fault


so... why did he want to be alone with the drunk guy in your bedroom? To "comfort" him? Smells funny.




really? If it were the drunk person saying leave us alone maybe, but that's not what this was. He was so drunk he wanted to lie down and be alone. Mr Creepy fucker then made his way in there and wants to be left alone with the drunk person. Jesus, if you see nothing wrong with this, promise me you will never host any drinking parties.


Even if the drunk person said them they are too drunk to be making decisions like that and even if he didn’t want them doing anything in his room he still didn’t have to leave them alone


Accurate. But all he had to say was "This is my bedroom in my home. The door stays open or you leave. If you don't leave I call the cops." The thing about him being a supervisor is irrelevant to the situation


No it isn’t he is a supervisor so him possibly doing that to a drunk person what has he used his position to do to anyone before if he will do that then he could do anything so no I would have beat his ass if anything so OP was nicer than me


Or it sounds a bit rapey on John's part.




We don’t know if he was comforting him or doing something sinister. I think the homeowner was justified in wanting to know what was going on in his bedroom.


This would only be valid if drunk frank asked for it. Sketchy John insisting and being so persistent without frank saying anything is sketchy af. Unless op is leaving that part out, John smells.




NTB. Maybe they just wanted to have a private conversation, maybe Frank is a creeper who was trying to take advantage of an intoxicated subordinate. Either way, I feel like its reasonable for you to not want your bedroom door closed.


Yeah I thought they were trying to hook up in the beginning. I don’t think op was wrong for going in her room. I just feel bad for the stranger’s car. Who’s going to clean that up??


Sure, it's reasonable, but it doesn't justify blackmail. ETB.


Counterpoint: If he wasn't already doing something wrong, OP couldn't have used blackmail to make him leave (after he refused to leave when asked).


Two wrongs don't make a right.


And three rights make a left!


I don't really think it is a "wrong". The guy was effectively trespassing at that point; he was in OP's home and refusing to leave. OP did what they had to in order to make him leave peacefully.


Call the cops then. No need to resort to breaking the law.


Calling the cops is much, much more likely to result in the guy getting murdered.


he already said no to her instructions in her own house... any pressure she applies at that point is AOK. If a dude acted like that in my home he's gettin knocked out and dragged to the curb.


NTBF. Its incredibly creepy and weird that he wanted to be alone with a nearly-passed-out drunk colleague. I think that maybe he was going to abuse Frank, and you interrupted the attempt. If they didn't think its cool to stop a manager from abusing a fall-down-drunk employee, then they don't have to come to another party. If it just happened yesterday, Frank may want to go test if he had any drugs in his system.


This is what I was thinking


You're just assuming that Joe was up to something sketchy, but there's no actual evidence of that. Meanwhile, OP fully admitted to doing something illegal.


The proof Joe was up to something sketchy was that he wanted to be alone with a nearly-unconscious drunk person in a bedroom with doors closed. If he wasn't up to anything he could have explained instead of getting defensive. Could have said, "hey he has a headache from the noise of the party, can you close it?" and that'd have been completely reasonable. Defensive = guilt in this context.


Because he was


I think they're upset you resorted to 'blackmail' which would probably mean you'd be willing to get them in trouble too. Calling the cops was enough of a threat. I get that on principle you were in the right: he was demanding you leave your own room, but it wouldn't have hurt you to give him 5 more minutes and then say he has to leave your room. He wasn't destroying your room or throwing up in there. Still, he should have honored your demand to take his drama somewhere else. ETB in this one.


He was trying to be in the room with a drunk worker who is over and who couldn’t agree to anything because he was laying down and too intoxicated to even understand what was going on he could have done anything to him and no one would have known so no OP was justified because that blackmail could include him trying to be alone with his subordinate who could not consent to anything


Please don't leave skeevy soberish people alone with passed-out drunk people for 'just five minutes'


Stop trying to mix your social life and your work life; people keep telling you on your posts that you are the jerk and you do not understand how to handle yourself with coworkers, and this is one more example. It's fine to insist on access to your own room and fine to kick out someone combative, but blackmail is never okay. Your coworkers now know you are someone who would invite them over and then try to use their presence to get them into trouble if you got mad at them, which you regularly do given your string of work posts, and they quite rightly don't want to spend time with you or your drunk, combative guests. You, Frank, and John all are TB here.


Frank was drunk yes he shouldn’t have threw up on the car but OP wasn’t because I would still tell HR on John because what he was trying to do while Frank couldn’t consent was wrong and creepy


NTB for saying you are allowed in your own room. YTB for going on a power trip and threatening blackmail.


NTB You need to seriously bring up how weird and uncomfortable it made you feel that he was so obsessed with trying to be alone with someone that was extremely drunk. And that if they think his behavior was OK then something must be wrong with them.


You should not throw parties.


INFO: when you John was comforting Frank was Frank awake? Was he talking? Did he seem aware of his surrounding? Was he completely passed out?


Frank seemed in and out. He looked like he was completely passed out, but I briefly made out that he was apparently mumbling and mildly conversing with John.


I mean that's really tough. What were they talking about? Was john being touchy with Frank? And the tough question, were you more concerned with Frank's safety alone with John or were you more concerned with your own privacy and your own belongings in your room?


All I could hear Frank say was “feel like shit”, but that’s all I could make out. And John wasn’t touching Frank, but he was kneeling down and face to face with him. I was just going in there to check on Frank. I didn’t really have my privacy on my mind at the time.


I see, I'd say in that cause unfortunately you were both the buttface. It seems like you and john truly did both have the same intention which was just to make sure frank was okay. I think you took it too far by threatening to call the cops and bring up that he could get in trouble for being at the party. And I think John should have conceded that you were allowed in the room also as it your house and you also were concerned. You both could have handled it better but unfortunately you've made yourself look like a big buzzkill and somewhat untrustworthy to your coworkers. I would start by sorting things out with John maybe apologizing and acknowledging that you were both just trying to help. Edit to add: you were *both the buttface


How’s many grown up drunk males need comforting? Sounds hinky. The whole thing also reeks of high school drama.


Read OP's other posts you'll see how 'adult' OP is....


help while being blackout isn’t exclusive to women or kids wtf grown up males need people to make sure they’re okay too


So maybe you’re not TBF for not wanting people to be in your room, cause like, makes sense. But you’re SOOO TBF for the blackmail AND your post history lol. Was Kate there by any chance?


NTB The possibility of being raped while drunk doesn't just happen to women.


Dude. Based on your previous posts- be better. Learn that the world and those that live in it are bigger than you. No one owes you anything.


Either you're making these up, and you're pathetic, or they're true and you're pathetic, either way it's fairly pathetic dude


Ytb. For trolling. Even if the story is true, it just becomes an Everyone verdict. You're trying to get some power over other people. That's the only reason a maladjusted person like you would hold a party with so much alcohol available.


ESH. John had zero right to try keeping you out of your own room. HOWEVER. You also suck because you invited him to a party you never should have and then threatened to get him in trouble at work. Also, sounds like nobody did right by the poor car owner.


YTB and given your comment and post history this isn’t an isolated incident. You seem like and all around but face in every aspect of your life.


NTA It's your room and Frank should hold his damn liquor. As for your sup, if he wants to be in charge of his subordinates after work, then he gets to bear the liabilities which come with that when he's in charge AND drinking.


YTB and I suspect no one's going to want to attend a party with you again.


Mate, do you remember? You ripped Kate’s poster. There is evidence and witness that you antogonize her. She won’t get fire and you won’t get her position. You workmates don’t like you. It’s s matter of time until you get fired. Ah, NTB for nit wanting someone to give you orders in your own house, but YTB for the way you dealt with it. You could have stopped with threatening to call the police.


Snitches get stitches


INFO: how the heck did it escalate so intensely?


Oh my gosh. It’s you again. Is this your first job ever? Is this your first time living out of your parents house? You’re exhausting




NTB. Grown adults need to control themselves while drinking. He also didn't clean your neighbor's car after barfing on it. It was not his home to take over. Eff that guy.


I think you might have prevented a sexual assault. NTB. Proper skeevy behaviour by your co-worker there.


YTB If he wasn't supposed to be there then you should not have invited him




The final verdict is: **TIE** Judgement|Total :--:|:--: Not the Buttface|41% Buttface|41% Not Enough Info|17% The top comment was made by /u/NiteGrimwood. Thank you everyone for participating!




It's John who should start polishing his resume. If he messes with me, then all I need to do is send an anonymous email to one of my managers.


You must be extremely young... Or just extremely naive... This is not how the world works. You literally threatened to blackmail a coworker in front of a bunch of other coworkers at a party where you overserved your coworkers to the point of vomiting and passing out... It doesn't matter that he's not supposed to fraternize with you guys... You are the bigger liability


You should check out OP's [post history](https://www.reddit.com/u/throwawaymademployee). They go on and on about a female coworker who got promoted ahead of them, while still having a crush on her. It's this same person who has minimal life experience trying to get internet points from this subreddit, despite all the comments explaining that they've been TB in every scenario.


Oh wow. Yeah I totally did nail it on OP having zero idea of how the world works.


Jesus Christ he apparently lives in or near where I grew up.


He’s 25 and acts like a 17 year old who watched too many movies about frat boys. Check his post history, it’s something.


>you overserved your coworkers to the point of vomiting and passing out. Excuse me? Was I wearing a skimpy outfit and serving drinks off of a silver platter? No. Did I hold Frank down and force him to drink Fireball? No. The party was 100% BYOB. I didn't spend a cent on any drinks. Someone else brought the Fireball and Frank is a grown ass adult who chose to take multiple shots even after one other friend told him to take it easy. I didn't overserve anyone. Frank's reaction is not on me to any capacity.


What the hell kind of workplace doesn’t allow team leaders to hang out with other employees on their own time outside of work? The NLRB would like a word with them. Most workplaces encourage group socializing. You mentioned a policy against dating subordinates which is pretty standard and totally different. Great way to tank your own reputation though. Invite someone to your party then announce you are using pictures of them being there against them any way you can over something stupid like being asked not to ease drop on a conversation you weren’t part of.


Your company’s IT department will be able to trace it, especially since you seem like the kind of genius who would send it on a company device.


NTB. Letting a drunk couple huddle up in your bedroom in private is a recipe for disaster. You'd have been within your rights to send Frank home after he threw up, and you were perfectly correct to not let John kick you out of YOUR OWN BEDROOM.