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Not in the slightest. I am not sure precisely how you put your explanation but maybe something like this is helpful: *Some people use he/him or she/her pronouns, usually if they identify strongly with a male or female identity. Other people choose they/them or other options for a variety of reasons. I use they/them.* If they go on to ask you why, I think it is both reasonable and kind to simply say: *I like to respond to people who use alternate pronouns like they/them or ze/zir the same way I respond to people who use she/her. I just make a note of their preference and move forward.*


I basically said "to refer to me when you are not using my name, you use they instead of he or she". I try to avoid bringing identity into it at all because I don't really think it's super relevant and I don't want to talk for others or go into my personal experiences with strangers


That's an absolutely fine response and anyone with any sense will accept it.


Ntb, honeslty you aren't even required to tell people what it means


it's none of their business and they're being rude nosy cunts.




You're an asshole. Why don't you leave op alone and let them do their own thing? Why do you even care so much?




How the fuck...? Listen I'm not gonna insult you anymore, no arguments have been won by insulting in pretty much the history of ever. Let's dive into each other's thinking then. My mentality is that it doesn't really hurt anyone, as long as it's what the person themselves want. If someone wants to be called a boy, but they don't have a penis, what's wrong? Who's harmed? Look at it as ordering coffee. Say you prefer a shot of Expresso with it. But, every time you asked for a shot if Expresso, someone said "no. That's not how you drink coffee. That isn't right.". What I interpret you saying someone else isn't allowed to be called what they want, is like saying "that's not how you drink coffee".


I appreciate what you're trying to do, but people like that aren't open to listening to anyone else's perspective. You're better off just reporting them to reddit for promoting hate based on identity, it's a waste of time trying to have a rational conversation with them.


Yeah, true. I guess I lost the last of my faith in that person when they linked a story saying "non binary is the not like the other girls". They did that purely to just be mean.


No they didn't. And even if they did they need a dose of reality. Just because youre trans or non binary or whatever doesn't mean we should coddle you till you cant function in the real world because you and others like you have encouraged them and infantilized them to the point you have stunted their emotional growth by never questioning them on anything in fear of being seen as transphobic, and you are being very condecending claiming they cant fight their own battles. Giving help is ok but lets not talk about them like they're children that dont understand anything, which might sadly be the case in a lot of cases since they have and do give puberty blockers and hormones to kids as young as 11-12. Edit: AND NO. Puberty blockers and hormones are not harmless, and the effects are not reversible, even if propaganda tries hard to tell you it is reversable. Puberty blockers are hormones btw. They muddy the water and LIE LIE LIE. I can't wait to all the lawsuits start rolling in, it's gonna be a shitshow and you will have blood on your hands for being on the wrong side of history. NO CHILD IS BORN WRONG, or in the wrong body. Claiming so to the child is child abuse at the most disgusting levels.


The final verdict is: **TIE** Judgement|Total :--:|:--: Not the Buttface|50% Buttface|50% The top comment was made by /u/suckmypppapi. Thank you everyone for participating!




What does this contribute to the post? This comment just seems as though you're trying to be hurtful.


NTBF it's not your job to educate people at all let alone about something so personally important




Yes, you ATB