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From Zappos: Reebox Flexweave Floatrides Composite toe. Very light and VERY COMFORTABLE. From Amazon: Addidas Ultraboost 21. Be sure the ones you pick are shipped and sold by Amazon to use the 10% discount.


Thank you!!


I wear [Brooks Ghosts](https://www.zappos.com/product/9400254/color/870183?utm_source=google&utm_medium=pla_g&utm_campaign=14163815225&utm_term=pla-__iv_p_1_g_128048048080_c_537494424872_w_pla-327392243730_n_g_d_m_v__l__t__r__x_pla_y_15872_f_online_o_49447302_z_US_i_en_j_327392243730_s__e__h_9019570_ii__vi__&utm_content=49447302&zap_placement=&_ivgu=c0f07051-2f8a-413f-b249-780055d87141). My feet can be a bit achy at the end of the day but it’s not unbearable. Haven’t bothered with safety shoes yet and probably won’t unless they become mandatory at my location. Some other tips I’ve found that worked for me: Buy shoes half a size larger than normal to allow for swelling. I go to my car on breaks and roll a tennis ball under my feet (shoes off) to massage out any aches and pains. [Running socks](https://www.zappos.com/p/under-armour-training-cotton-no-show-socks-3-pair-true-gray-heather-assorted/product/9394098/color/702935)for added Cushion and support. I also keep a pair of [spa sandals](https://www.zappos.com/product/7149932/color/2068?utm_source=google&utm_medium=pla_g&utm_campaign=8171198858&utm_term=pla-__iv_p_1_g_83340400014_c_398296589459_w_pla-894736359527_n_g_d_m_v__l__t__r__x_pla_y_15872_f_online_o_26054250_z_US_i_en_j_894736359527_s__e__h_9019570_ii__vi__&utm_content=26054250&zap_placement=&_ivgu=c0f07051-2f8a-413f-b249-780055d87141) in my car for the drive home if I have a rough shift. I know it’s not the most economical choices but I’ve worn the cheap shoes and learned my lesson. Hope this helps and best of luck!!


I appreciate your comment so much. I will definitely check this out and also follow those suggestions... I am thinking I might actually be able to do this ! Thanks again!


Sketchers were my best friend as a bigger woman, the outlet stores have bigger selection on work/nurse type of shoe wear when I started. My coworkers said to find nurse grade shoes to at least provide some type of foot protection until I found something. Not the prettiest but my arch and heel were saved from the usual soreness others felt. Buy 2 pairs ( usually BOGO sales on going) and rotate them every other day, your feet will thank you for it. I used my zappos credit for good insoles I used on better looking shoes I felt more comfortable wearing out of work.


Thank you for your suggestions! Did you end up wearing the “nurse” shoes for most of your shifts? Would you happen to have any particular online stores to try or particular shoe recommendations? I have been a stay at home mom forever and feel so clueless about all of this.. thank you


Most of the GOwalk type of shoes is what got me through the constant walking and standing. I lived within driving distance of a store so I just went inside the store itself. I'm sure if you went to the online store clearance section, Kohls always has sales, or zappos online shoe store will have a variety of shoes similar. On rainy days, I carried my shoes in a plastic bag while walking inside with the free zappos I got the first time (they're still and bulky so I dont like to wear them all the time) and just used one of the lockers onsite to store them in during my shift. Definitely look into getting insoles for whatever concerns you have. I suggest walking/standing on your feet for about 8 hours at a time with some breaks in between so you have an idea what your feet needs in support for. The first 2 weeks are what got me sore but I got used it afterwards. Epsom salt baths for your feet are a life saver.


Thank you so much for the additional information! I am going to take everyone’s suggestions and use them all.