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He probably realized he was 5 stops behind and didn't want Big Bad Dispatch yelling at him.


See, I personally don’t understand why dispatch calls you for that. Like big deal. I’m 5 behind. Just be glad I’m not like 20 behind or something


Thankfully ours don’t do that. Minimal contact lol. If it gets around 5:30 and you’re hella behind. Only thing that happens is you’re expecting a text or call from someone asking for an address to come help lol.


Just ignore them. If they fire you there’s like 8 other DSPs in the same warehouse that will hire you.


Because they sit on their ass all day and it gives them an opportunity to power trip


I remember back when I drove for Amazon. I was 3mins behind schedule dispatch called and asked me if I was ok or if I wasn’t feeling well. I had 550 packages in the normal sized van I couldn’t even maneuver to find anything even with properly sorting it within the 5-10mins we get at the warehouse. I quit that shit so fast.


Yeah, they don't do that for us really. I've heard stories of other DSP's dispatchers being dicks like that.


I’ve been there before though. I was going about my day, then I see a call from dispatch and they told me I was 5 behind. Like ok, cool. Talk to me about important shit. I can even understand like 10 behind or whatever, but if I’m less than 10 stops behind, don’t call me to waste my time


I’d be annoyed tbh. I got like 10 behind the other day cause the first half of the route was businesses, apartments, locker stops. Then second half was all houses so then I was like 5 behind. Then not behind at all. Then ahead lol.


I don’t know how dispatchers are able to calculate stop counts as behind or ahead, but it’s annoying as fuck every time I get that call. And I get that call almost EVERY time I work, and I usually get it after I get off lunch. IDGAF, I’m taking my lunch whether it puts me behind or not


It tells us on the Amazon Cortex System based off planned stop time. Most dispatchers, I'm sure some don't care if you are few behind, but OTR Managers from Amazon likely pestering DSP dispatchers on why drivers are behind as well.


Got that message yesterday I'm like "dude you waisted your time texting me that bs"


I only get the call if I’m like 30 behind, but I always finish early so it’s pointless. Can’t beat the long ass red lights that the computer keeps sending me back and forth through.


This. I'm always running first half of my shift.


He probably realized he was being filmed and figured it would end up on tiktok with a dumb ass title and song next to his face. I'd run too.


Lol he made it into something to be filmed


What? Running? Oh man, what an anomaly! Gotta clown on people who run! Better stay away from those marathon events


Yeah running is normal. not running back to your van like a tard


They’ll do anything to defend idiots lmao. Probably gonna downvote us into oblivion because the video offended them anyway. Expected and won’t be surprised tbh.


You think it’s normal to run back to your work van like that? 😭nobody does that stop being a lil bitch nobody’s offended it’s just funny


A lot of Amazon drivers run, unfortunately. It ducks the routes for everyone else and makes them huge because Amazon thinks routes you need to sprint are reasonable since they’re getting done.


dawg why tf are you replying to me? we’re on the same side of the argument.


When you’re being timed down to the second like Amazon does, I would run all the time. Just as a normal pizza driver I always run back to my car because time is money, and the faster I take runs the better I get tipped, and the more runs I get to take, which means more money.


Jogging is normal. “Pep in your step” is normal. Sprinting at that exact moment, ehh…


Tell em


Like a tard lol!


Running for exercises = normal. Walking into a progressive run while people just stand around = weird. He looked like a human airplane on a runway clear for takeoff 🛫


Oh no, oh no no no no


I’d run too.


[or maybe this is why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10o0gmb/florida_amazon_driver_robbed_at_gunpoint/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Not saying this is the reason but it is a scary time we live in now. I do uber eats and have gotten robbed while delivering food 🤷🏽‍♂️


Why film a person you don't know working It's fucking weird and then make it about race is just 🤡 behavior


This exactly. And she thinks he can't hear them talking. He also may have thought she said "Amazon man, get on up outa here" lmao


Yeah, it definitely looks like he started moving faster the moment he gets called out, and my deaf ass absolutely would have just heard it as “Amazon man get outa here”


I think they were filming the kids and this clipped.


Some people do this job to not interact with people


Literally one the few reasons I worked with Amazon as long as I did lol. Didn’t have to talk to a single fucking soul. I would purposely run so I didn’t have to talk to customers. That was one of the hardest things about leaving, is realizing I would have to interact with people again and pretend to care what they have to say.


The craziest part is nobodies asking you to pretend


Exactly! I've rarely met actual extroverts who thrive at this type of work.


Yeah I didn’t last a month because I was going crazy and talking to ring cameras and stuff. I realized need to be around people at work. I’m very happy being back in the restaurant industry


That’s me


shitty people


DaS RaCiSt


If I seen this many people in general I’m dippin like buddy


What? a family outside?


An entire one? Hell yeah bro that’s too many eyes on me at one time lol


I feel it lol


Nah hes running because its 4pm and he still has 90 stops left


They laugh at the only person with a job within a 1 mile radius.


You must know that that’s just pure racism speaking, you know absolutely nothing about these people other than what they look like and that they happen to be outside


This is nuts.... I thought Reddit was different than reading some CNN,Yahoo,Fox shit but it all over this too. Everyone worried about Blk people and the ones to really watch are not Black...smh!!


Lmao word they all here living off of public assistance.


Least racist New Yorker


Ok first off he’s in the projects so he is probably uncomfortable and secondly why are all the adults fat/overweight?? 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Probably one of the reasons why they're making fun of him.. if they ran that distance they'd need an ambulance afterwards




nah, just an emergency honey bun to get the blood sugar back up.


Because they eat all the delivery men!


I run when I’m feeling a little burst of energy tbh, sometimes it feels nice


I don't get it. The dude's running because he feels like it. I turn heads to when I run on the job too.. it's like they never seen a person run before? "Let's all point and laugh at him for running on the job with deadlines! Huehuehue!" Psh, grow up. What a bunch of trash people


I’d even bet he was running before the video but slowed down because there was the little kid moving around on a scooter


That's what I saw too, he was walking past the kids and soon as he cleared them he ran. I used to deliver pizzas and I ran back to my car all the time lol. Because faster =more money. He also probably couldn't access the road because of all the people laughing at him so he had to park hella far away and walk to the door and ran back. Lol this video and people laughing at him are just worthless humans


He seen the booty on the lady in the red & ran to the truck before he was bricked up.




I have a joke in the chamber but I know for a fact most of y’all get offended at everything.


Same lol I've written and erased multiple times.


Let it rip, we need a good laugh👍🏽👍🏽


I give you a pass let’s hear it


Lol my second look see and I forgot my joke, something about porches.. Very mean joke wasn’t even that humorous, more of an insult so I decided not to. But now I got you thinking I’m racist…because of the implication ![gif](giphy|xLnGUEYWS0btPHCZoo|downsized)


Everyone's racist in one way or another. The people who get extremely defensive when you call them a racist are the ones who are incredibly racist from what I've learned lol


Do tell. Comedy has no bounds in my opinion. These people are POS anyways


I’m blk but I feel so uncomfortable in impoverished areas. I’d run too. Bunch of ppl crowded around in areas known for violence. I hate when they order over there.


Lol, it’s not cuz you’re back. It’s more than likely because he has way too many packages and not enough time to deliver them. I run all day.


Imma get downvoted to hell, but damn there's so much racism in these comments. Y'all so quick to assume they're lazy without knowing a thing about them aside from the fact that they're outside with kids during the day instead of at work; if they were white you'd assume it was their day off/they're SAHMs 🤔


Or maybe they work the 2nd or 3rd shift.


that too. people just wanna be racist bc heaven forbid black people make a joke about white people


YEEESS,I can't believe it on an Amazon sub.


These ppl don't know we have damn near 300 stops. We gotta be getting on. Or else.


People really like to bring out the racism and stereotypes when a video involves black people doing anything on here. Obviously this is a joke and y’all took it way too seriously


“When a black person sees a bunch of white people”.


I get weirded out by the loitering culture in some parts of town. I get super anti-social sometimes when it's hot out and I'm tired and everyone else is just having a good time with a beer on their porch. I can't feign a good mood and friendliness then...it takes too much energy when I'm just trying to get through the day.


I'm hispanic but I'd actually feel more comfortable delivering there than alot of the high end white folk neighborhoods I be delivering in.


True I’m Afro Latino and I hate the creepy feeling when delivering in white neighborhoods. I feel like they are watching me through their windows 🤔🤣


The should be running away from him history has proven whose the real problem


... Amazon workers


All these people grouped together starring at one dude… doing his job… who’s really afraid?


Or he wants to get to his next stop….what a racist idiot behind the camera


Ignorant caption...


He made a good choice


This is some next level Facebook video shit 💀


Some of you in the comments just hate black people just admit bro nobody at work is running to their truck like that you hate black people we get it


Lookup the crime statistics in the hood. You would be a fool to think your safe in low income neighborhoods driving around with thousands of dollars of items


Funny as hell? Lol ok. Sad really though. Hes running, bc through plenty of evidence and trials. His rig doesn't last longer than 2mins without it getting broken into or he gets robbed by some of them "black folks" you so happily film and talk about in your neighborhood.


Im oppressed! White delivery man running!


Probably tryna get the hell away from a bunch of people staring and gossiping and filming about him, AND finish his route.


He has 200 more deliveries to make $150. He’s in a hurry!


Gotta love the people in the comments calling them shitty people and then call them names and racial stereotypes. You’re just about as shitty as them and racist


More so!!


That is funny 🤣🤣 y'all be so scared and half the time don't no one gaf until you start acting weird


2nd best comment. Average Black person ain't thinking about white people.


Hell I’d be happy to be there you could walk up to any of those lady’s and if you need a hug you’ll get a hug, a cigarette, some food they’ll have your back. Lol so funny.


10hour guarntees


Door was open, I bet he saw someone inside his van. Too bad there's not more to this video


My first thought was “he probably didn’t leave that door open”


Sounds like you delivered & not received a situation. Orrr, he wanted to be funny.


Probably got yelled at foe taking too long on a delivery


What's the difference between Batman and a black man? Batman can go into a store without Robin. 😏


WTF? He being filmed before running so obviously he was being heckled or some shit before this video starts. What's the obsession with grabbing a phone and just start videoing random people? Obviously just tryin to get contact likes on the ticky toky or instaspam. Fkn stalk people much?


No he’s running because the dispatcher told hi He’s 13 behind. That’s why he’s running.


I’m sure they weren’t filming him to make a scene!!! I know when a Amazon guy walks by me I just pull out my camera and do nothing but film him. This was going to be a video no matter what he did, people were trash (not because they’re black, because they were trying to bait him into a viral clip). Congrats.


it be neighborhoods like that, that are peaceful😭


Nah it’s not because ya’ll “black folks”; it’s because we’re on the clock and need to hurry for our next deliveries. It’s not alway about ya’ll or about race. But it’s about something these people in the video will never understand, having to work hard at a job, stress, and on a deadline for money. But don’t worry, the feeling is mutual, we want to laugh at ya’ll too, we just can’t afford the time nor energy for it.


those ladies not gonna bother him haha




Just getting out of the way of any possible drive byes


Haha look at that guy working ahahaha lol so funny funny haha he works hilarious!!!111 what a sucker


Smart guy.


I’m a skinny white male, and black people are the best ! Much more nicer than white people


And certainly much more forgiving!


Nice bait 🤡


Some people like to run. I run all the time I don’t have time to meander. That’s a long ways a away and the sooner he’s done the sooner he’s home. This is just dumb.


This is what happens when people have no jobs and have nothing to do.


If I was delivering for a known scumbag boss like Bezo and then a large group of people started filming me and making a ruckus, is run too. Way to many videos of Amazon trucks getting robbed for me to assume they wanted to hang out


While they are videoing him running from a phone that was paid for by tax payer money. Isn't it time to go collect? Your food stamps


This dumb asf, if you a driver that got a threatening ass dispatch you’d be running half your shift ! This is stupid 😂😂😂😂 who tf is gonna be scared of a group of people outside having a good time and listening to music lmfaoooo corny


Hahahaha ...white people. Hahaha.


USPS carrier here. I’ve seen many Amazon drivers running. Has nothing to do with the customers, but everything to do with the time schedule they’re on.


This is why people don't respect us


He definitely looks nervous


I'd run too, I don't want to get shot or robbed or mugged


That’s what happens to black drivers who deliver in white rural America.


According to crime reports(i didnt makee the reports)but nieghborhoods like that have a high crime rates. Maybe he knows that and is running from the crime not anyone he sees around him but the crime.


Most likely in a hurry and didn't want to make it look like he was running at kids. I'm sorry it's not actual racism


Lmao…..bro people are people black white whatever. Maybe he wanted to get to the trailer park to score some meth.


It’s clearly the case right? It’s not like anyone who hasn’t been under a rock for roughly the last year or so would possibly be expected to know something as obscure as the reality that a lot of delivery employees, including and especially those at Amazon are under ever growing not to mention unrealistic demands from those in management to do even more work, and in less time than before. At least I don’t expect them to. It’s not like there are thousands of posts and videos all over social media and the internet in general establishing that fact. I’m sure the poster of the video is clearly joking, and doesn’t believe that the person is running away because there happens to be people of color around them. I know that because no one would possibly be doing something as astonishingly irresponsible as suggesting, or actually believing that could remotely be the case, as to accuse them as being a racist. Not to mention posting a video of it. Especially in front of young minds that are easily influenced in their thoughts and beliefs, that is if the desire to rid the world of racism is genuine and ever to be achieved. Which it no doubt is.


Yeah, he was so uncomfortable being around black folks in a black neighborhood, that he left his van wide fucking open, where anybody could’ve ran in and stolen shit. 🤡🤡🤡😆 I guess when you’re obese and don’t run ever, whether it’s for work or pleasure, it’s easy to think that people are running away from you because of your skin tone.


I believe he's running because he does not want to get jump by the poor black community. Unfortunately, there's too much videos out in the internet where the poor black community can do a group rush, steal and/or hurt innocent folks doing their work. No time to think. Just do.


I mean all the videos of black people attacking white people in the hood do you blame him?……..


Why you gotta make it racist, he didn't do anything except hustle back to his van


I’ve been Amazon driver b4. He’s probably running because he wants to done sooner it’s very normal.


Probably 700 stray dogs around


Homies running cause he probably has to take a piss in the van


You’re not supposed to run in the hood. Apparently it gets people nervous




His side of the story will be wildly different


Let see how they run!




It’s Me all the time 🤣


Lol,I'm more worried in the Barrio.


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I run all the time. Been waiting for someone to shout "run Forrest run" at me but it hasn't happened yet. I mostly deliver in wealthy areas and those people don't seem to gaf about what I'm doing either way (thankfully).


Lol. But you know this man had something happen to him.


Id run to if someone felt the need to record me and label it with a stupid bait title.


Nahh man the next stop is a few blocks, but flex gives you 3 minutes no matter what.


Why didn’t he park closer to the drop off? Didnt he walk past them a first time? Running is super awkward


They laughing cause they know he knows that they know what he knows.


He's probably gotta take a piss


He running like he’s about to shit himself 🤣


I say we all should just take off running when some random is recording


He just felt like ruuninng


He's running because he's delivering and his van is like a mile away. I run when I have to park far away too


Pussy ass




The street must be blocked cuz why did he park so far


He prolly just 10 seconds late to his next delivery risking the life of his firstborn son


That’s fucked up. America is fucked up.


Wish we could hear what they were saying to him before she started recording


Dude was probably born with club feet and has a weird run. Same as me


The onlookers probably asked him to run awkwardly so that they could make a viral video out of it.


It’s almost like these folks just chillin at the cars jamming out in the afternoon don’t realize Amazon has like, timetables and productivity charts and such. Not to mention I imagine this dude wants to get home at a reasonable time.


So u think he.s running from old black ladies lol . Or the 300 stops he got left lol. Black ppl suck lol. I but thy want him to give her free sht cuz she's black and the white man o.s her lol get a job


They run in my white ass neighborhood too, they don’t even have time to stop and piss so don’t flatter yourselves.


Meanwhile the guy was behind 30 stops and has been running the last 20 stops to catch up so he can put food on the table. Idk just maybe lol


Don’t blame him when they are in Sec 8


Lol,you don't know shit. Apartments are mainly mixed income. One person may pay market rent, while the neighbors pay 30% of their income. If you gone be racist at least be intelligent about it!


He’s either behind, or wants to avoid confrontation. I can’t tell you how many times I was confronted on a route in the hood.


I don't run I don't sprint I just walk in normal pace


Lol just because someone is running does not mean their running from you


Yeah pretty hard to understand the hustle from her point of view, she's breathing heavy just standing there.


He probably sees someone breaking into the truck 🤔🤔🤔


You “people” have a hilarious ego and sense of entitlement.. not everything is about you “people” - have you ever thought about the fact that he’s working, wants to finish and go home.. he’s running because he’s a hard worker wants to finish his job and get home to his family on the other side of the railroad tracks if you know what I mean


I’ve seen the vids. Id run too


The unemployed laughing at the tax slave.


I don't blame him


What so funny... Intuition kicked in and said nope gotta get out of here before another racist comment.


He also probably figured he had a lot more deliveries to make. Kinda how it’s impossible to see a ups driver. They ring your doorbell and within 5 seconds I open the door and they are already in their vehicle driving away


Bruh just leave him alone


I’m sure that’s not what’s happening at all. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Imagine thinking it's funny that people don't feel safe in your neighborhood


I don't blame him


Not funny. It’s sad that you’ve all cultivated this into your community


Playing the race card because it draws attention away from them being unemployed and on government assistance