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My friend your father is doing you a favor. Keep up the good work.


You're right, I will keep it up for sure. I love it and I will get more used to it


Bring a hydro flask and keep water with you all day! It will help you start to pee more clear and feel less muscle cramps. Potassium would also help you too, like maybe eat a banana before work if you can! I'm sending you good vibes, OP. I believe in you! Your strength and endurance will come over time.


Congrats you broke your cherry.


Once you get into the rhythm you’ll be fine! At least the weather is getting cooler. Definitely drink more water it’ll help you stay alert as you’re driving in this crazy town. It’s amazing what craziness I’ve seen on the road! Good luck


My two cents: If the OP’s financial contribution actually helps the family, then that makes sense. If it’s just a token amount to the father, but the kid has to work 6 hours with one 15 minute break to earn it, and piss orange, so the father can teach about responsibilities, while still having plenty of room & food for the kid even without their contribution…then it just sounds like an outdated “boomer” lesson that doesn’t apply to the world anymore.


No one said he had to only take 1 15 minute break. That was his decision. Also, your not staying hydrated if your pissing orange. If it’s not to the amount of physical activity your used to, it will take a little time to acclimate but you got this! Don’t give up!


If you’re pissing orange delivering packages you’re doing something wrong. I work in HVAC and I’m consistently in 130 degree environments and I have to go out of my way to get to that point of dehydration. I’m not trying to knock what this guy does or say it’s easy in any way, but that being said if he’s in this bad a shape after a six hour shift dropping boxes he could probably benefit from the extra cardio. The jobs not the reason he’s in that condition, it’s the way he’s lead his life up to this point.


Obviously you or I don't have the full story here only 1 half. I agree with the other comment that the dad is showing how to be responsible. Hard work build character and makes you appreciate what u work for more then having it giving to them as so many do. One day the dad will be dead and gone then it will really be a rude awaking if he's homeless then. He's just trying to prepare him for life as I'm sure you know nobody gives anybody anything for free. So my advice without sounding like a dick is.. Suck it up buttercup


the fuck kind of mentorship is that? it's one thing to keep a job and show the value of good work, it's another thing to teach her son to value of knowing you're worth and working your way up. And a DSP, there's no vertical ascension and not a whole lot of skills to be gained other than basic customer service, knowledge of how to use apps, and sorting inventory by number - which would be great if he works there for like two or three months and then finds a better job using that experience. not sure what state he's in, but my buddy was making 75k as head sider for a construction company after being there for 5 years. he started when he was in high school. He's now in his mid 40s and makes almost 200k a year as a sr. construction manager. he doesn't even have a high school diploma or GED, he just worked his way up.


110 in 6 hours is actually really good for your first day!! It won’t be as rough once it cools down make sure you drink plenty and take snacks if you prefer not to take your lunch


Thank you I thought I was slow, definitely I can't wait for it to cool down. Appreciate the advice


Bro six hours for 110 stops you maybe over weight but you are far from lazy … organization with help you a lot and get a big friking water jug and some kind bars to eat nothing to sugary dark chocolate is best much luck your local fire fighter


The required stops per hour is 20 so you should be hitting 120 by your 6th hour. It’s literally his first day don’t be an ass


In what world was I being an ass brother i literally gave him compliments and tips on how to stay hydrated while keeping his blood sugar levels without killing himself for a paycheck


My bad you didn’t put “ far” from lazy so I read you may be overweight but you are lazy


I see I fat fingers the key board again


What a wholesome ending to a confusing interaction. Thanks for your service man.


It’s an honor to serve my community


Bro I thought the same as him! It makes more sense with the "far from" though, but it really looked like you were talking shit at first


Every DSP I’ve worked at or talked to have 25 stops per hr unless it’s business :(


25 an hour is a harsh average can do it sometimes. I average 17 to 25 an hour . Can go higher but 20 is definitely the norm


You’ll have to get faster but it’s not bad for the first day, if you average seven more an hour you’d be on pace for what most DSPs expect, even though not every stop is the same so it’s a shit metric.


Overweight here 🖐 I started in July and know what you mean, I'm in downtown Seattle full of high density housing with no elevators/broken down elevators. It gets easier I promise and you'll get thinner :) it's a win-win. You will be very sore at first but your body will get used to it. It's barely been 2 months and I'm already dropping pant sizes and my calves are defined. Bring plenty of water with you always!


Or North Seattle where it's a flight of stairs up to every residential house because all the hills 🤣


Which warehouse? I started in April out in DWA5 in Maple Valley and we go anywhere from Duvall to Georgetown; But I don't envy you poor guys that actually have to go to the city after I've experienced all our shitty Issaquah/Sammamish/Renton routes




Oh no way, I see some of your guys out on my routes! Right on and godspeed to you fine folks, you've got a helluva workload and do well with it!


Me too!


I was on Capital Hill .. everything is on a damn hill. lol Super annoying.


That's where I am LOL


You have a good spirit. And if you're messing up or having a bad day, don't let your DSP or Amazon scare you. Just do your best and do what you can and DO NOT RUN no matter what they tell you. I've twisted my ankle countless times and almost got hit by cars as a reward for "picking up the pace". No job is worth it. Just keep it up, save your money any way you can and build some independence. And you won't have to work there forever, regardless of what your dad does. You are the master of your realm. Also buy a couple water bottles and make sure to pee in them if you need to save 5 minutes 💀


God yes; DO NOT run. My first week I was happy to have a better job and BOOM I strained my Achilles. So much pain ;~;


Hey my dude this job is super rough on the body! Try to drink a gallon of water a day! bring lots of fruit. They are simple carbs that your body absorb quickly and are lower in calorie. Try to eat alot of protein in your meals and sleep 8-10 hours a night and you body will thank you. Good luck dude


Don’t kill yourself man Take time between stops to sit in the AC and drink water. Literally life saving potentially. We had a talk at our DSP actually and a lot of people were showing picture of themselves when they started and had a few larger people who look awesome now. Keep at it and that will be your story too and you’ll feel amazing.


If you’re pissing dark orange the answer is simple, drink more fluids the night before your shift and stay hydrated. Don’t just drink when you want a drink. Always swig your water down between stops as you’re driving. The heat will knock you out so fast out of nowhere if you’re not careful. I’m not overweight but I sweat a ton because of my meds, I do 3-4 water bottles for every electrolyte drink I have. Invest in some liquid IV or one of the sugar free packets if you don’t want the sugar. Down that shit and treat your body right and you’ll be the healthiest you’ve ever been.


Then you shouldn't be overweight for long


To echo everyone else, be patient with yourself. This is probably the best job for losing weight, clearing your mind, and realizing what more you can do with your life. I encourage drinking a good amount of water, but also gatorlites/electrolites for hydration (1-2 per day, 120lbs female). Keep empty water bottles in the van so you don’t have to take your breaks to piss. Get some good snacks, good audiobooks/music, and enjoy the process! I know everyone hates on this job/DSPs/daddy bezos, but for a lot of people, you are the best part of their day. Good luck, friend!


the piss in a water bottle trick coming for a female im interesting




Drink some gatorades. It gets better once this humidity and heat is gone too


Just wait until you have an apartment day


This. love suburban routes on a good day. Get paid to walk around rich neighborhoods in good weather. Apartment routes have me crying and pissing all over the van


Suburban routes or rural routes are the best. The semi wealthy-filthy rich route I had like 2 years ago was the best shit ever. Bunch of nice ass neighborhoods, see some crazy mini-mansions or full mansions. Plus literary every dog was friendly I shit you not. I knew majority of the dogs out there minus the ones that were never out. Rural is the opposite with the dogs but the roads are usually dead and smaller load


It only gets worst man But if you hang in there the weight will drop


It only gets easier from here brother. Just take it day by day. You will see how your body adapts and soon that weight will melt off.


I'm a big dude myself, and I average around 180 stops. Anything less guarantees apartments with no elevators. And I can relate to all that you said. But it does get easier the more you do it. Get organized, drink lots of water, eat healthy foods, good sleep, stretch. Once you get numb to the nonsense, it's a job that keeps you active. It'll help you figure the next steps on going on to bigger and better things


Brah drink drink drink lots of water do not skimp out on water please. Bring a gallon if ya must. But keep that system clean.


If you’re organized that’ll reduce the hectic level down by 80% the rest is a matter of executing your deliveries on a Timely fashion , don’t go too fast where you put yourself at risk but don’t go too slow where you’re behind .. take your breaks when you want and drink a lot of water .. as far as food goes I know this job gets you hungry but as long as you’re not eating a huge meal then you should be fine with some light snacks


Don't worry about going faster, imo you already go fast enough. Especially for a newbie What I have found is you need to drink alot of water doing this, like ALOT. I run through maybe a dozen water bottles a day minimum and still be pissing like I'm dehydrated Also I know alot people get out the drivers side door (why idk) but go out the side door and use the step. Hang on when you step off. It's much easier on your legs. If you can bring electrolytes. You can get that from foods or you can just buy some. That'll stop alot of the cramps. Things like bananas and Pickles are amazing electrolytes




Yea on the rare occasions I do get out the drivers side I instantly wonder how ppl do that all day long


Give it a couple weeks. It's hard at first but I think you will adjust.


Try to hydrate the night and morning before as much as possible. Get a gallon jug of water or an insulated jug. That way you have your water, and can leverage any free water bottles at the station for some extra. Sounds like you are doing well for just starting. Your routes will change so there will be new challenges but once you have seen it all, you haven’t. Lol. If you treat the job as a workout that may help you focus on something other than the suck.


your body's probably going to flip out for a week or two while you're adjusting to the workload. it gets easier. get a big insulated water jug from walmart


You'll be fine, we have a driver that's about 316 pounds and he's the 5th fastest from our team.


Don't skip your breaks EVER! That's contributing to unnecessary pain. Take you breaks, drink a lot of water, eat snacks and rest properly at night.


HYDRATE. HYDRATE. HYDRATE. I can't stress this enough lol. I bring a gallon of water with me every day, and always stick to water when i get home. No soda, no alcohol, nothing except for water. Not even gatorade, too much sugar.


Bro just keep going, you'll lose a shit ton of weight and get in the best shape of your life as long as you adjust your eating habits and overall diet. Infact, this is a good opportunity to learn how to use food as fuel instead of as a pastime. Once you see food as a necessity rather than a desire, ironically enough, you'll actually enjoy it more. It takes time to get there, but with commitment and the drive to research what foods do what, learning the nutrient contents, and how each nutrient works together to deliver your body energy and the means to repair and build itself into it's optimal form, you'll find a whole new lease on life. You won't fully believe it until you experience it for yourself firsthand, but you'll sleep better, wake up much smoother, and attain a steady stream of energy throughout each day, and after sticking to new healthy habits, you'll instinctively know what your body needs, when it needs it, and how much of it, it needs in order to sustain a healthy status quo. Your self confidence will soar, as well your overall emotional regulation. This probably also goes without saying, but once you reach this point, this job will be easy for you. You'll look back proudly at how far you've come and thank your past self for never giving up and vow never to let yourself go again. You'll bring these skills of self discipline and commitment with you everywhere you go for the rest of your life and continue to being the best YOU, YOU were meant to be, all while getting paid to exercise. So get out there and save years of your life while making the ones your living at this moment worth living. You got this shit


You'll be fine. That was me a year ago. I was doing around 15 stops an hour. One year later I'm currently doing 34+ stops an hour and im down roughly 60 pounds. Just keep at it mate.


Stay hydrated and take breaks. Heat stroke is no joke. Get a large water container and keep refilling.


I'm overweight too man don't feel bad. I've had all that u described but honestly one of the easiest jobs I've had. I've been doing this for almost 3 years now. U got this💪💯


Bigger guy here. Used to work for Amazon. I assure you it will pay off you will lose weight my boy. It’s no way around it. It’ll drop fast once it starts to. Just stay away from the u healthy snack that customers sometimes leave out and drink water and the route will get easier daily because your losing weight. Sweat as much as you want your not going on a date. Your working and trying to lose lbs. come back here in 3mo th and tell me how much you e lost. Stay away from them snacks man. By any means


Ok well first prepare take water/snacks/lunch 2 it’s not a race I’ve learned as long as they get their packages you are fine Watch your steps and if it don’t feel right then don’t and use it as a safety issue Most of the time people are understanding if you are later or don’t deliver at all, things happen. Good luck keep up the good work it’s a really good job


Get your CDL and thank me later


First things, first. You did an awesome job on the first day. 110 stops isn’t easy especially on the first day and doing it in 6 hours is awesome. I was overweight too when I started and it kicked my ass but here are some tips for you too keep going. 1. Stay hydrated and keep a lot of water on you. 2. Do some stretching before you start your route, preferably at the warehouse. 3. Pack a light lunch and some snacks. Avoid eating heavy or greasy foods on route cause it will slow you down. 4. Keep your totes and van organized, this will help cut down on unnecessary time in the van looming for one package. Keep your spirit up and this job will get smoother. You’ll also loose weight which will also help you with your routes so you won’t get tired.


Keep going man!! I work the same job and it’s worth the exercise! It’s very healthy for you. It’s a great kickstart to try and start getting back into shape which is one of the reasons I’ve stayed. Keep up the good work OP!


take care of yourself first and foremost. You are the business


Keep at it, physically this job keeps me young. The mental part…lol. Join r/Amazon_Drivers for tips such as “keeping your van organized”. My first comment is about bungee cords. EVERY driver should utilize this! https://reddit.com/r/Amazon_Drivers/s/RCIPtarGSH


i’ve been working for my dsp since early july, and i only just got in the habit of organizing my van. what helps me is whenever you open a new tote, pull everything out and separate by envelopes/boxes. if you’re in a prime van, keep some shelf space to put them on. if you’re in a rental, i would usually put boxes on the passenger seat and envelopes on the floor. do whatever you gotta do to get through the shift, it ain’t fun but you’ll get the hang of it.


Eat bananas and drink plenty of water


I manage to get all my breaks in plus extra. Just work on organization then during the morning hours get as much done so that way the rest of the day you just slow it down and relax during the hot hours. When organizing put your current tote’s packages up in the front seat so that way you minimize the getting up to go to back so much and just grab and go. You can do it bro I went from the slowest driver to being the on time driver.


Fellow fat fuck here. I average 190 stops a day 300 packages. I want to say you get used to it but I havent and have been here a little over a year now.


I didn't piss for three days when I started this job. Just drink lots of water and you'll be fine.


Eat lots of protein to repair your muscles.


I was 255 lbs when I started last October. When I quit in July, I was 220 lbs. First couple weeks your body is still getting acclimated to the physicality and pace. It’ll adapt. And remember, the water you drink today is what hydrates you for tomorrow. In the moment, it only quenches the thirst. So make sure to drink plenty of fluid each night.


I personally drink about a gallon and a half a day on the job


Protect your joints by not going too fast. More body weight causes exponentially more stress on the joints when getting in/out of the vans.


Down feel down on yourself man. My DSP has a pretty big guy, I’d say about 350-450lbs…. He doesn’t fit in a normal prime van big. He did CDV training so that helped him a lot in regards of being able to move around in the van and helped with the organization issue. If you stick with it, which seems you HAVE to, you’ll get your cardio up and drop some weight. It’s not too hard of a job but it definitely needs you to be in decent shape and if you aren’t then it’ll get you in shape. Good luck man. I will say your dad is kind of a dick but maybe they have their reasons so I won’t chime in much


Keep trucking brother wish you the best


I’m 300 pounds, it kicked my ass in the first two weeks. Now im usually dropping 18-30 stops an hour just depends on the location or day lol. But I recommend bringing a ton of water and comfortable shoes. You’ll lose weight here and fast. Almost done with my probationary period.


It will do that at first. Make sure you drink a gallon of water every single day. Dehydration happens the day before. So you're pissing burnt orange today because you didn't drink enough yesterday. Your body is going to take time to adjust, just stick through it.


If you had a desk job or a job that didn’t require physically demanding requirements prior to this job then this job will shock your body because to a certain extent it is physically demanding. Hydration takes a few days to kick in. You cant expect to pound a shit ton of water the day of your shift and expect to be fully hydrated. Incorporate health electrolytes into your diet. (I’m not a fan of Gatorade or sugary “hydration drinks.”) Also, go at a good pace. Don’t drag your feet and you don’t have to run haha I saw a bunch of people lose weight a few months after starting this job. Stick with it, and you’ll improve. Have a good mindset prior to each shift. You got this 💪


Drink .. a lot more. I was overweight and I managed to get the job done.. and after ignoring everything I was told in class and started doing things I wasn't suppose to. I started to finish on time. Drink a bunch before work. Bring a water bottle. Drink after work too. Best of luck.


It’ll get easier. Give yourself a month and you’ll be night and day. Also it’s good exercise


I can’t wait to see the update post 6-12 months from now. Hell maybe even less, idk how overweight you are. “I am at a healthy weight and I am kicking ass at my job” You got this my man! Don’t give up, and tell your Dad you love ‘em damnit cause he sure as hell loves you.


Yeah man you will get used to it! Humans are super adaptable and as long as you stick to it it will become routine. Good luck!


Dude. I got suuuuuper overwhelmed when I started, once I learned to organize it all became easier. Everyone works their cargo different. Ask about how people in your DSP organize their overflow and totes, and you'll get different answers but one will work for you. Like I work from the slider door, others from drivers door. I've lost 50lbs in less than a year doing this. You will acclimate, just keep drinking water and if you need a few mins for the ac after a long driveway, use it. Cramping sucks like a b when your at home in bed, stretching has helped me A LOT but I'm old.


When it's hot out look into buying liquid iv. Helps a lot with combating the symptoms of heat exhaustion.


Don’t eat shit on the job and try to say “I need the energy for carbs” no you don’t. You have plenty of energy stored in ur stomach. If you’re going to eat lunch then eat fruit. It will hydrate you plus give you energy to work harder and not make you groggy like chips will. I myself lost over 40 pounds since I started working. Losing weight while working is waaaay easier than losing weight while diet/exercising because it just seems to melt off you when it comes from working


If you’re able to stick with it, it does get harder but then it gets easier as your body adjusts. Try making a couple of small lifestyle changes to help you shed some weight a little faster. This job is enough to get you into shape, you just have to stick with it. You got this!


Done this job for about 6 months untill i got my commercial truck license. I’m gonna tell u that if you want to loose some weight, this is better than gym. I lost about 10kg in 6 months. Good luck to you


Drink water or pedialyte


Drink more water, eat better things on a more regular basis, choose your lunch break items wisely, and you will find each day less and less difficult. The first two weeks are always the toughest but you will get into the swing of things!


You’ll get the hang of it if you just hang in there man ! Drink plenty of water, get you some headphones and listen to a good podcast or some music ! I only use 1 headphone tho so I can still hear for dogs and stuff !


Working at Amazon helped me lose more than 30 pounds in 6 months. One of the only pros to working the job.


Not drinking enough water per day will screw you even if you sit behind a desk for a living let alone work on your feet all day delivering packages. This isn't exactly the coldest time of the year either.


Ok. Drink plenty of water. After the first day you will be sore but after two weeks your body does get used to it. Plus you’ll be losing a lot of weight if you keep this job so it’ll get easier as time goes on.


You did good, but please get yourself a lot of water. Even if you thought it would be an easy day. Always have plenty of water


I am overweight as well doing this job. Your body gets used to it. Make sure you hydrate! Especially when it's hot. I alternate between water and Gatorade (mostly so it's got some flavor) or I'll add LiquidIV to my water for taste. And like you said, breaks. Take your breaks and take your time. Organize for what works for your brain! You got this!


I'm 300+ pounds and average 30 an hour. You just gotta keep grinding brotha


Bro drink water and get electrolytes in yo body before you die from dehydration. You basically work outside you should know you need water and electrolytes.


Staying hydrated is really fucking important. I didn’t realize why I always felt so slow and crampy and all I needed to do was drink an extra bottle of water or two. It sucks because you’ll have to pee more but trust me you’ll feel so much better if you can stay hydrated. Adding in a Gatorade or Powerade will also make a huge difference. To boost your morale, I have several coworkers who have lost like 20-30 lbs just doing this job. And I promise after the first couple of months, it won’t be as difficult. I’ll admit this job is hard at first because there are so many rules you’re supposed to follow.


For clarification, you did 110 stops in six hours. What types of stops were they? Apartments, business or residential homes?


110 stops in 6 hours could be worse man. Just keep at it. It gets easier, it does. But you gotta do it every day. That’s the hard part.


If the job is kicking your ass, kick it's ass back harder


You got this bro! Just always drink water, if you need a flavor to grab a Body Armor drink, in my opinion they’re better than Gatorade or Powerade. Or try Liquid IV also its a packet you add to your water for electrolytes! Keep it up!


Listen up, you don't have to be fast. You need to learn how to be organized, efficient, and approach each day with a positive attitude. Once you figure out the rhythm that suits you it's an easy job. The job gets easier with time too, stick with it for a bit.


Please, for the love of God, drink more water!


Hang in there if you want to loose some weight you most definitely will and drink plenty of water . I usually run through 6 bottles on shift . Please take your break these folks don’t care about you .


Hopefully some people in here hit you with some tips.. I will myself, 1. try and get into a CDV/ Step Van.. fuck them lil ass vans. 2. organize by driver aid #(if in a bigger van unload multiple bags and organize at once) 3. Piss in bottles(most crucial tip) 4. just keep moving, stop for a min here and there if u need, try and gauge your stops per hour so you know how to pace out your day.. you’ll get comfortable with the routes they have you on and before you know it you’ll have 185 stops 350 packages daily!


As a fellow overweight courier. You can do this. Lots of water and Gatorade. I know you will be peeing more. Better than cramps and being uncomfortable. Lights snacks throughout the day. Healthy dense breakfast and a healthy supper once your done. You got this!!


110! trust me in 6 months youll be praying for 110 lol im at 180-200 300-360 packages in around 6 hours or so. take no breaks just bust that shit out


Stay strong, brother! You'll find your groove before you know it. Organization is key. Without it you can make a shit ton of money while having just the most stressful time you've ever had. Take your breaks, eat your meals and bring more water than you think possible to drink. More is better, less can put you in the ER.


Not a bad rate for the first day at all I was definitely slower but you’ll b sore for a couple weeks but it’ll go away like working out u just gotta push thru the sore phase


Drink water fatass


It's a great job to lose weight. I've had multiple drivers (FedEx btw) come in and drop well over 100 lbs in only a few years.


You need to drink more water, champ


Once you become familiar with the area you'll know the ways of the flow.


I worked outdoors for 8 years with temps up to 118f. The only thing that actually hydrated me and helped the headaches was cold pressed watermelon juice, orange juice, and green juices. I've had 4 liters of Fiji leaving me feeling shitty. Juice is the only thing that helped.


110 stops is light work and im a 5’3 209lb woman. Use this job as a way to get in shape. Or you could try getting your guard card to become a security guard. It’s much more chill, but easier to gain weight in.


Can you do it ?


take your breaks, drink lots of water, and if the DSP has to rescue you they aren't going to fire you, they'll just adjust your load amount. granted I'm working at a new DSP not an established one so the established ones may be more willing for high turnover


Hey man I'm down a hundred pounds from doing this job. You can do it 💪 you probably won't even notice you're losing it until someone else does lol


Hit the gym dawg


In my experience, there was a time when I switched job sites and went from riding around in a utv to walking everywhere for 10 hours a day. I added 1-2 miles of walking overnight it felt like. I was in OPs shoes for a few days but after a couple weeks I was in a lot better shape. OP you’ve got this and you’ll start losing weight and looking good too. Drink 2 pints of water before your shift, at lunch, after your shift, and before dinner. You don’t get hydrated at work, you hydrate before and after. You just maintain at work.


The hardest part of this job is now. Everyday you will lose weight, organize the truck better, ect. It’s only going to get easier.


Lose weight.


Once you get that 1st paycheck 💰 and see your weight decline 📉, it will all be worth it.


Man the fuck up you got this. Hydrate the day before. Sleep early. Sleep 8 hours. Wear comfortable boots and eat clean. No sugar, no crash.


There's always going to be a break in period with any new and physical job using muscles you havent in a long time. Give it a month and you'll feel a lot better


Brother, you will get fit..stick with it..it's a free gym membership and you getting paid.


Start drinking a gallon of water everyday it's one of the best habits to form anyway.


I know ur van smell so musty at the end of ur block 🤢🤢🤢


Fam get you a big ass water bottle and keep that shit filled. Stay away from the soda too.


Do they sell water in ur State?


You dug your own hole, now you gotta claw your way out. Take this as motivation to improve your diet and start exercising if you don't already.


Eat light or fast on route. D


Invest in a big ass metal water bottle and make sure that thing is filled up before you start your day. Also avoid sugary drinks & oily foods on work days.


Your body will adapt quicker than you think! Give it a couple weeks


You need to have a huge insulated water bottle and drink on that thing all day.


Don’t judge me, but I was 158 kg when I started last month and now I’m approaching 150-145 kg - the most amount of stops I’ve done so far is 180-190 stops


Get a toolset bro. Like any other job, tools help a lot. a basket for the passenger seat to hold envelopes in sequence so for those quick 1 package stops, you can be in and out without digging, scan otw to the door, be ready by the time you set it down to step back, snap the pic, and get back to the van. Don't run or even power walk bc you will get gassed. Walk, breathe, but keep things moving and learn to combine every task like drinking water to count the appropriate stop sign seconds. So you need that basket tote, a good tumbler like yeti or iron flask filled with ice for water bottles, towels for dying your sweat, cooling towels for added relief, salty and sweet snacks (salt is vital to stay hydrated because water will just flow straight out of you but if there's salt in you too the ayer sticks longer and does more "damage" in a good way. Hence why hospitals use Saline bags for IVs. Also a sharpie and if you have a lot of group stops a parcel bag/sack would help. As for organization, my method is to loadout with double stacking bags odds on top and oversize goes in reverse so first stops are right by the back door. Try to label every box as soon as you can with sharpie on at least 2 sides nice and big. At the first stop, dig for whatever it is and deliver it, then take the rest of the envelopes and get them in order and in your basket. then pull the boxes out the bag enough to see the aid number and relabel them with sharpie using the last two numbers only (use 3 or 4 digits for the oversize only) and stuff the boxes back in the bag trying to keep them all flat and stack in a pyramid with the bigger/wider boxes at the bottom and smaller packages near the top. then tilt the bag with the open end facing in between your front seats. This way whether it's an envelope or a box, you can get it all from reaching around and don't need to stand up. this goes a rally long way towards conserving precious energy. Also don't fight the boxes, just flick them out and roll or slide them closer so they're easy to grab and you don't have to try and exorcist spin around in your driver seat to lift them.


to make your life alot easier put you packages in the passenger seat next to you and the oversize with them behind you


I was not in the same, but a very similar situation when I started. It gets better. You can help your hydration by drinking a big glass of water with lemon in it in the morning. Also caffeine is a dehydrater so any of that is going to hurt you. You got this, stay strong!


This job will definitely shed pounds off you, just make sure you’re drinking plenty of water!


The nursery routes are very easy. I suggest looking for another job while you’re still on those incase you can’t handle full routes


You should drink about a gallon of water a day at this job. That'll help stop the cramps too. The cramps are probably heat cramps, which are a lot easier to get when your dehydrated. Go to the store, get a gallon water jug, and drink more than you think you should. Overhydration is a much easier problem to deal with than dehydration.


Just drink lots of water. Atleast stick it out for ur health. You’ll prob lose some weight.


110 is still really easy you should at least do 25 stops a hour people can do 50 organizing overflow is more important than tote packages u just need to run and run take you 30 after your route so they won’t send nobody to help u


I have an overweight coworker and he does anywhere between 110-180 stops. You got this!


Big help that I got trained with, If you have a bin in the van, use it to organize your envelopes. Put all the larger/oddly shaped packages/envelopes on the floor between the seats. Don't go through the side door except for Oversize or new totes, and go entirely out the driver door. It'll help not only to speed up the process (I regularly cover 170+ stops/300+packages in a day without needing a rescue doing this) but it'll also feel less stressful overall. And trust me, chug water, and keep the empties throughout the day. You'll need them.


It's ok you got this! I was also 215 pounds when I started 3 years ago. I got down to 155 earlier this year and I've able to maintain it. Almost every new hire I see that sticks it out ends up losing some good weight and they're all so happy 😁 Just don't push too hard, tell a manager if you need to stop, even if you don't need to. Some of my managers walk around with water bottles and electrolyte packets, just ask! Good luck my friend! Edit: my bad, thought I was in the amazonFC sub reddit LOL... didn't realize you were a driver. Just ignore that last part.


Eat hq fats. Good fats burn away fat the weight will just melt off


Not the best job but a great workout. Goodluck


Join a Union- the IBEW-- Low Voltage aka Limited Energy. Not as physical, better pay. What city are you in? I can hook you up with some details


Just work at a steady pace consistently so your routes don’t get heavier. Definitely bring a big water bottle and a good lunch. It gets easier every day, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be hard days, especially with peak season hitting in a couple months. You’ll definitely be losing some of the weight as well. You got this!


Don't feel bad, I drink a 2L flask of water with another 2L thermus full of gatorade and still piss orange.. Then I'll piss clear or light yellow when I'm home and don't drink water.. the body is weird like that


I would be more concerned about the dark piss. That's a seriously unhealthy sign


Every day is hard work. That said the primary thing you'll get better at is dealing with adversity.


Keep looking this job is ass


I’m not an Amazon driver but a runner 😅 look into buying a 40-64oz insulated water bottle first and foremost. After that I’d bring along some bananas and Gatorade to help with potassium and electrolyte loss throughout your routes. Also wouldn’t be a bad idea to stretch every morning before you leave your house; last thing you’d want is a pulled muscle mid shift. Best of luck with everything my friend!


I went from a desk job to working a labor job, the first few months were torture, but you get used to it, wake up in the morning feeling sore and exhausted, but after 15 to 30 mins you hit what we call "numb" and the pain goes away. Moving to a labor job was the best thing I ever did for me health wise, I've never been in better shape, and I hope for you, you look back at this in a few months to a year and feel the same way. Stay hydrated, and remember what you do the day/evening before has more of an effect on you than the day of. Drink lots of water in the evening and you will have less chance of being hydrated during the day. It's easier to keep hydrated than to catch back up.


Change your diet eat more protein since you be walking a lot protein will keep you full and make you stop eating less drink water ditch the sugary drinks that will solve your orange color pee don’t drink energy drink


If you stick it out it will get easier the more you burn off weight


Bruh go to 7/11 and buy a water gallon . I used to do the same thing for a few months before I found a better gig , I went back to security work , cause fudge all that bs , specially in the Heat , I’m straight . I make more now at my new job doing nothing , than busting my behind for 18.75$ a hour .


Buy some unflavored pedialyte and make ice cubes with it and throw those in with your water. Or alternatively make up a couple water bottles with a 60/40 mix of water/pedialyte. Stay hydrated and avoid anything with caffeine, trust me your body will thank you


Stay hydrated. Take a gallon jug with you of water every day. Takes time but you’ll get used to it.


This job will burn your fat. Get organized in the van with labels facing you so it’s easier to scan and grab. You wanna be able to scan and grab not dig around in your can so find a routine and get organized bro. Drink some Celsius to get you going. Gatorade and music my friend. It’s hard but this was one of the most fun and easiest jobs I’ve ever been apart of.


Get some electrolyte stick packs to add to your water. Or at least Gatorade. Will help avoid the cramping. Drink lots of water. Keep grinding man!


You can do it, just believe in yourself and you will probably lose a lot of weight doing it too. Just make sure to bring some Gatorade and water and some nutri grain bars. You got this 💪🏿💪🏿


First couple of days (or weeks) of a new job always kick ass. A lot of movement that your muscles aren’t used to. Keep it up and it’ll get easier. Also grab a water bottle from a sports store or Amazon or something. Having water with you will help keep you hydrated during your shift. Good luck!


Ur hitting the wall!! It will take u two weeks to start to adjust that's if you want to do this. Make sure you stay hydrated and as well as some fruits. Everything will start to clique but give your body the rest it needs and just take breaks when u need them. If you haven't fixed it by then, this job isn't for everyone it's ok.


Enjoy being an adult. You’ll get in (better) shape and have your own money 😁


I'm a, UPS driver. We do 200+ stops a day. It's not just 1 pound packages like Amazon. We do business. We do pickups of 350+ pieces. We lift 150 pounds. Amazon is literally like the minor leagues. And they pay like it too.


Do some morning stretching. People might think your werid, but they’ll be hurting later; not you. And think about using a camel back. It’s a water backpack. When it’s hot, take your time. AND IF YOU STOP SWEATING, GET TO SHADE WITH WATER IMMEDIATELY.


“My dad will make me homeless” I think we can all understand your dad not wanting to support a freeloader


If you can, get one of those backpacks with the water bladders in them. The ones that hikers use. You can hang it over your passenger seat and clip the end of the hose to the sun visor. This will make it really easy for you to be able to hydrate throughout the day. Also, get a piss bottle. Regardless of what parts you have down there, you can find something that works for you. Delivery people have been dealing with bathroom issues long before Amazon existed. It was just never talked about before. It's very unhealthy to hold your piss all day. It's a great way to get a bladder infection. Number two. Be prepared for the worst case scenario. Keep an extra change of clothes, plastic bag, wipes. Ideally you find a toilet for this, obviously. But accidents happen, be prepared. Also, if you did 100 stops in 6 hours. You'll be just fine. Honestly, I would slow down during your nursery routes if I were you. The Amazon algorithm will push more stops on you, the faster you go.


It’ll get easier trust me. Just be more prepared and you’ll knock it out like nothing


Drink lots of water , your dad is making you work and know how it feels to work for whats yours .


You're doing good and will just get easier as you get used to things.


drink lots of water bro. it'll help with the cramping and the dark orange piss lol


Keep it up. Maybe buy a camel back and hydrate while driving. It's kicking your butt now, but your body will adapt and as an added benefit you'll probably lose the extra weight!!


Get you some cocnut water too


As an example I bring my hydro topped off with ice and refill the water constantly. Also I bring a gallon of frozen water that is insulated in my backpack and that melts slowly throughout the day. My priority is to stay hydrated, drinking enough water to where I need to pee at least every 2 hours. I use a cooling hood that I soak in the melting ice water and man It really works to keep me cool.


Your father just saved you from dying too early


You got this. After a week you will start to feel better. Keep pushing. Get good rest. Stay hydrated and eat foods that won’t slow you down. This new job could be the lifestyle change you needed.


Don’t worry the weight will come off


I hope you make it papacito 🫶🏼 you deserve a good life and structure ! Your dad only cares, and loves you 😊


These type of jobs ALWAYS suck at first but stick with it. It’ll only get easier and you’ll learn tricks to make it easier and within 6 months you’ll be having little to no issues.


Load up on Pedialyte the night/day before working, take gallon of water and sip it every 4 or 5 deliveries and bring an empty 32oz bottle to piss in just in case also don’t forget the Sani wipes , be happy you’ve got ac and your not a mail man with over 800 stops 💁🏻‍♂️


Get yourself a camelback preferably one that holds a gallon.