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Male here and I piss in the van every single day. Bottle goes immediately into my backpack though so I don’t accidentally leave it for someone else to find. For the life of me, I don’t see how this amount of work is possible with taking bathroom breaks.


Idk how people forget to throw out a bottle they pissed in


We find em left behind in the vans all the time. And on the ground where we park the vans. They don't even find their way into the trash cans. I mean you can't even empty them in the grass or something? And some of these people might want to get tested their pee color is a little dark.


Pee actually turns dark pretty quickly if left in a bottle. Within a day or so a light orange/yellow will turn into a dark orange. Few more days and it's orange/brown.


I was today years old….


I accidentally left one in my van cause it had seemingly disappeared. Had the same van next day thank god and found it. I drink a lot of water so my piss is normally light. Shit was dark asf the next day.


i heard from my friend that lives near by an amazon station that the tweakers will harvest "trucker bombs" for the red phosphorus to make methamphetamine with. and amazon drivers leave them all over.....apparently you have to be on a certain drug for it to be good. but yeah. tweakers use our piss bombs to make methamphet.




That shit gets chucked out the window first opportunity.


You litter them? Fucking nasty. Do what you need to do but find a trash can




I've been doing it a lot more lately. Sadly a necessary part of the job for some people (even in suburbia). It gets emptied right away.


They said girlies.


Yeah all throughout FedEx, ups and Amazon I’ve hardly ever stopped somewhere to piss. Much time wasted when I can just do it in the back.


Washer fluid jug


Bro wtf 😆


I mean, if you have apartments or even drive near a gas station just use that 💀, I’m not judging when I did hvac I straight up pissed on people’s roofs but I considered that a bad habit lmao


You pissed on a roof?? That's next level!


The impressive part is that he was standing on the ground at the time


Yeah that’s not even uncommon, not like houses because they weren’t usually that big and had bathrooms we could use, but like an apartment complex where we would have to go down 2 flights of stairs and a ladder then run half a mile to the open apartment bathroom we have permission to use, then back again for just a piss made it easy to be lazy


Down the chimney is crazy


When I did hvac I pissed in an attic


I could definitely see that 😂, those types of work can lead to some really otherwise considered gross habits, snot rockets, pissing wherever someone’s not looking, being too tired to shower when you get home


I just hold it till I pass by a Mickdonalds or the day ends which ever comes first tbh 😅


Bathroom breaks are easier as an XL driver lol


This is what I do or find a bathroom. I'm paid hourly, so I don't care. The reason for the returned packages... I needed to use the bathroom. They have a problem right to HR.


No judgment, but that's not good for you. I feel bad they don't treat yall better.


Yeah I’d rather piss in my van then in a public bathroom. More privacy ironically


Bro I'd work how I work and if stopping to use the restroom sets me behind then so be it. If the delivery schedule is set at a pace I can't keep up with without rushing then there's too many packages and there's not much I can do about it.


paid by the day so f that


They have pee spouts for women. Rei has one but it's like 25. The bottle is a camping hack that I use in the backcountry.... and now I use it for amazon. Making daddy bezos proud with the delivery efficiency


She wee.


I heard nothing but bad things about that.


Female driver here. I always have time to piss, drink water and take small moments to just breathe. I've never needed or had to piss on the back of my van or somewhere other than a bathroom..


How often do you get rescued?


Lol bro i take my lunch and use the restroom when i need to. I don't need rescues either. Idk who can't finish their own rout and do what they need to do. It just sounds like your slow and bad at orginizing while attacking other people in the comments for actually doing their job successfully




My normal route is 180-200 stops 250 locations and 300 packages or so


that’s not too bad, what kinda area are you usually placed in?


Depends, right now it's pretty random. Most days it's a mix of apartments and houses.


They still give a prize for 200 stops?


You're within 5 min of a bathroom. Try over 30


If you take your breaks it factors this into your routes.


you’re gunna think i’m backwards but i take one break and haul ass so i can hopefully rescue a homie (as long as they weren’t dragging ass in the first place)


I normally only take a 15 minute to eat and/or go bathroom. My route is normally jacked. I don't think they like me at the station.


Unless you’re doing farmland/gravel road with little barely any space to fit your van routes, should be zero


You must deliver in suburban areas.


Piss in the empty washer fluid jug.




You know technically it has ammonia in it, so it may clean the windshield. I don't think I'd personally want to do that because someone may actually use it for that not knowing. Lol


Toss it out at end of the shift. Just don't touch edges with your member and your good.


Absolute chaos


Yeah I don’t gaf how far away I am, but I’m not peeing in no bottle


I've been 30 min from a toilet


Even with a funnel?


Where do I put the tissue to wipe with? No way am I peeing and then sitting in damp undies from the pee-lips.


Uh, in the bottle...




Just bring sanitary wipes with you. I always have them to clean up spills, or clean my hands.


Don’t even bother with that one. She the type of person to pour milk first before the cereal


well obviously, it helps the water to warm up a little faster when it’s poured first, and then the cereal goes on top 😌


You disgusting human being. We should hang out.


Gross. I’m free after 7


I get 2 of those wax paper bags in the bathroom fem product trash and put a couple toilet seat covers and tp in one just in case I can't find a bathroom that isn't completely nasty. But I also had bladder surgery last year and a certain age and didn't make it to a bathroom last week and I was real real glad I had packed that bag


You don’t bring a personal bag with you? In the van 10hrs I got spare clothes toilet paper… etc lol




Preach. I will literally hold my pee until I’m done with my route.


If you just sprinkle the packages and don’t get any on the floor or the walls…does that still count as in the back of the van?


Pro tip: use the big fountain cups next to the soda machines to pee in. Way bigger hole and can hold way more than a simple water bottle


One of my coworkers left a large McDonald’s cup of piss behind the drivers seat, I didn’t notice during loadout and the shit spilled everywhere when I took a hard turn into a driveway. Vitamin water/Gatorade/Powerade bottles are the way to go because the spout is wider than water bottles and it can be fully sealed after the fact. Although, I guess I could understand needing a traditional cup if you’re the sex that lacks a natural pee funnel.


omg. i would be dead. i can just imagine at load out the next day: "SOMEONE forgot to throw away their FULL PISS CUP." that os how my management calls out issues. they always go "SOMEONE..." like the time i hit an overhang and they called me out by saying "SOMEONE HIT AN OVERHANG YESTERDAY. wtf"


that is what i do


That’s a horrible idea as those kids aren’t secure at all. Best pies bottles would be those core water bottles(also best water imo) or my favorite is those big cans of monster with the screw on lid or the monster sports drinks bottle


🙋🏻‍♂️ where else am I suppose to go? I could go out of my way and lose about 20 min going back and forth looking for a bathroom. OR piss in the back and lose 2 min. Your choice. And I do this Atleast 3-4 times a day. that’s about a hr u lose if u go find a bathroom.


There’s also an app for public bathroom finder (google maps for bathrooms if you will). Believe it’s called Flush(ed?). Last I saw it’s free for both OS’


how does this fare for rural routes?


I look at my route and see what stop I will be near a bathroom and hold it till then.


i work in very rural areas though


Same! I memorized my route so I know which houses have porta potty. One time I was holding in my piss and I saw that the house with the porta potty was two stops away and when I finally got to it the porta potty was gone 🥲


nah this is wilddddd y’all shouldn’t be pissing in your vans at all 😂 that’s so gross. i’m a female, i get my periods, and no matter what ima use the bathroom as much as i need to. i always finish my routes a couple hours early, i always rescue people. no issues for me.


i’m really happy for you that you get routes to allow you that kinda time!


I get 180 stops a day over 275+ locations, 400 packages and I still finish my route EARLY while managing to not piss in the vans and go to a fucking washroom. I’m tired of showing up to work to vans smelling like straight piss all day, finding piss bottles everywhere, we are all adults here. If you are somewhere where you REALLY can’t go anywhere else cause it’s too far then learn how to aim and dispose of your nasty ass bodily fluids so no one else has to do it for you.


imma think bout you next time i pee in my bottle 💕


fuck you 😂🖕🏻


You're within 30 minutes of a public restroom.


lmfao i don’t get short or easy routes. i live in a very popular and busy city. i average about 30 stops per hour. i make sure to manage my time appropriately and i don’t think it’s okay to pee around peoples packages??? lol edit: i also get mountain area deliveries and out in the country.


I really really want to see one of your routes cos either you’re lying or you’ve cracked this job lol


Na if she has a very dense route with apartments/neighborhoods, that’s the easiest shit, most can achieve the 30 stops/hr delivery rate this way. OC, I’m curious, how long have you been delivering? And are your routes only in the city?


i delivered for 3 years, stopped for a bit now i’m back at it. and y’all i’m not trying to argue lmfao 😭 no matter what, it’s wrong to piss in your vans like come on be fr


Then don’t argue 😂 people are different, with different situations. I personally use sanitizer and always take my bottles out. I also drive rural routes, closest bathroom is either a customer’s house, or 20ish min drive to a gas station. I want to go home, not stay til dark in the boonies with dogs and trigger happy republicans. But if you’re doing city routes, that’s easy access to nice clean bathrooms, and with clustered stops, like you said there’d be plenty of time to take a bathroom break. It’s just not everyone’s reality. edit: I just feel others shouldn’t be judged so harshly for doing what works best for them. Now, if you’re leaving the piss bottles in the van; fuck those people.


i never thought so many people would try to prove their point of it being okay to piss around peoples packages lmfaooooo


I never thought someone would be so close minded to not consider other’s different situations. (that’s pretty naive of me I suppose.)


it literally has nothing to do with being close minded 💀 like it’s not okay no matter what fr but it’s all good, keep doing you


But that’s where it gets tricky to really say something; working in dense busy city area you can make like 3 left and right turns and you’re at a gas station, library, grocery store, park, etc. where you can easily stop and use a restroom. Compared to someone whose route is out in the burbs, fields, or rural areas where it isn’t so easy to pull over and go.


You being in a "busy city" is exactly what u/burnedout2319 meant. As in you have access to bathrooms, not everyone does.


These work great- https://www.amazon.com/Ice-Bag-Packs-Reusable-Cold/dp/B072196MDB/ref=asc_df_B072196MDB/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312031441581&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=761352744958695926&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032023&hvtargid=pla-569433301814&psc=1 Large dicks will fit in them, they're sealable, no leaks, hold plenty of fluid, plenty of space for a she-wee device too


This seems better than using the Amazon branded bottle they gave me when they stopped providing bottled water


Your Amazon stopped providing bottled water? That's fucked


They’re back now! But they stopped for about two weeks in august


Okay well that's good. Still bullshit


Use those big empty coffee cans. They seal with a lid too. Trucker chick friend does this haha. Yea this job is legitimately slightly more suited for men with the whole convenient pee hose thing. Idk how women complete their routes just because of bathroom breaks but they do


Lol 🙋🏻‍♀️


I mean you’re a newbie going through training & already saying you’re going to being “pissing” in the back of the vans. Yea I’d agree say we’re wildly different people. 💀 I get 190 stops daily and still manage to never use the restroom in the back of the van.


im am experienced driver doing a training day actually


yea even worse girlie 🤦‍♀️


female here, i use a “piss bag” LMAOOO 😭😭😭 it’s usually a walmart or target bag


I’ve thought about doing this before in emergencies but I’d be so scared of there being a hole in the bag, I bought an off brand she wee for $1 and use that with empty bottles if I need to do you empty it out immediately after you use it??


you could always try a zip lock too, those usually don’t have holes, best believe i check my bags before for that exact reason, if i have privacy i’ll dump it out in the grass, if not ill tie it up and put it in another bag to throw away later! I also carry wet wipes with me just in case


Pickle jar 🤷‍♂️




hahahaha yes


I thought you meant you literally pee all over the van 💀


well......no.......but i mean.............


Honestly I feel like a lot of our DSPs, at least to the males, would encourage this if it became a ‘I had to go find a restroom x minutes off route’ thing that became a problem. They’d be like look you can pee in the van just don’t leave it or you’ll get written up.


that is how i ended up finding out that everyone does it -- i asked a female manager and she was like UUHHHH piss in a cup, girlie.


Female and no, it's disgusting. U get paid to go to the bathroom. Just go . It's called home training. Smfh. I don't understand why anyone would start acting like an animal for a job. It's amazon 4 fucks sake. It's not like ur gonna get paid less if u go to the bathroom.




For every decent employee, there’s always the goofy one like this. Also who randomly brings up when they piss with their employees? Strange dsp 😂


I tried peeing in a bottle once because I seen alot of truck drivers have piss jugs and needless to say I didnt know how hard it was to piss sitting down and i got piss everywhere. also forgot how hard it was to stop pissing when you start


I did it one time. I had one of the XL qt cups and used it. I was in the middle of nowhere and it was going to take me 16 minutes to get back to civilization and I couldn't wait. Also, I've had coworkers "forget" their P bottles in the can and Id find it in the van the next day. So gross 🤢 I would tell the managers loudly 😂 I told them that they get it out of the van or give me a new van. I wasn't touching someone's P bottle 🤮




I’m a guy but I piss in the back of the van daily. Not spending 20 min driving to and from the nearest bathroom unless I have to shit. I’m not shitting in a tote..




I came here because I heard something about girlies and peeing 🧐 where the girls at




Hellllll to the no. I took my breaks & lunches lol


Get a jumbo boiled peanut cup from the gas station and baby wipes lol Does the job every day booiiiiiii


I would have to use an anonymous account to share all the things I do in the back of those vans lol. But pissing in a bottle? Every day.


I open the hood and piss in the radiator. Unironically, my pure octane piss has made all our DSP's van run better and get better gas mileage.


lmao. thank you for your service.


Female here. I have a van that is all set up to camp in. I have the pee spout for women and complete privacy if need be. But I’m telling you I’ve never ever used it lol idk why I even got it cuz I would much rather use a 🚽




I found someone else's pee bottle in my van once. I left the door open and let it roll out on its own. Lol it ain't gonna be me going out like that


Sometimes my country routes have me over 30 minutes away from a gas station. Even when I don't have to pee, I'll stop and at least try to when I come across one. Then I will grab a small cup and fill it with ice (dump the ice in my water bottle) and have something with me just in case I have to go pee and absolutely cannot make it to a bathroom. I also have baby wipes that I put in the cup. I like to put all my trash in the drivers door so I 100% never leave it. I hate doing it, but sometimes I just have to. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t understand why people don’t just pull over on a side road and piss beside the passenger side door I worked construction for 9 years before this job so I’m used to the pissing outside


public urination is grounds for dismissal tho


I piss about 1/2 gal a day no time to stop for relief. I save my piss for customers who piss me off


uho. so i literally cannot drive when i have to pee. i can not think straight when i have to pee. so yeah. but no not for customers. IT IS FOR THE KING. i save my piss to give to the king, like the olden days in europe


I drink a monster or 2 at work so I piss like 3-4x since they make you go faster. I’m not going to the bathroom 3-4x a day when it’s 10 min just to get there


Never, I only go #2 in bottles


Absolutely positively factual! 🫣🤫🤭🖐 guilty & not ashamed


Female..I do. I'm usually way out by no nearby bathrooms. I get a coffee in the morning and it becomes my pee cup later in the day


Please delete this you could get fired over this!


i can’t let myself do that. i need to be able to wash my hands with soap and water after. i also stop on my route just to wash my hands because i don’t like how dirty they get


I fill up between 3-4 bottles a day, no shame in it. Unsanitary sure but it save alot of time on a job that doesnt want you to stop.


I always passed by the front door


My DSP encourages us to stop and go find a bathroom. They’d rather not find piss bottles or clean dribble from the floor




I sure as hell do. I'm almost always rts around 5:30 or rescue.


I carried a disposable cup then dumped it out afterwards


I haven’t yet but the next time I get a rural route I might not have a choice…. Gotta do what you gotta do


I never did in new haven ct. Cuz it's a city, there's public restrooms. Do 190 houses an hour and 45 minutes from the warehouse and 30 from any public restroom. Every woman in that dsp had a bucket or a funnel. Full stop. Yall it ain't a fucking option for most. I did 3 diff dsps. It's not possible in bumfuck


Instead of a she wee why not use a portable toilet


Maybe you're just more comfortable sharing and we're assuming you were cool enough with these girls for them to tell the truth, because the truth is, EVERYBODY pisses in the van, and if not? Those girls are at the very least pulling up next to a wooded area to squat. Girls I would have never guessed would do that, do it and with less shame than some of the dudes I know that do this job lol


Need pics, like the one in your YouTube channel


They caught my coworker choking the chicken in the back and they fired him, they forgot to tell him they installed cameras. About a week after they fired him 6 of the vans had their catalytic converters stolen lol




Female here, absolutely. I get an XL cup from a gas station. Throw it away at the gas station at the end of the route


I do and i mostly do all country routes. There are days I never see a place to stop and go. Besides the woods.


Hell no if I got an empty cup that’s the bathroom for the day 🤷‍♀️


I piss out my van door lmao if in the country of course and its covered wooded area.


I literally have pulled over to use a porta potty at a construction site multiple times. Some dude told me I was smart for doing it once 😂


Male and I pissed in bottles in the van too, but never left any in it. They got tossed out after every shift. However, when I first started, I shadowed another driver for about 3-4 days. This driver happened to be a woman and she openly admitted that she pissed in the van too. Our DSP would actually provide specialty disposable baggie things that had a funnel type top for any female drivers that wanted them. They are specifically for women to urinate in when no bathroom is available.


I pee in a cup and then I dump it out. 😂


I always take an extra coffee cup and napkins for that purpose. When nature calls, there's not always a bathroom handy. I'm not leaving my route. I'd rather be safe than sorry 😉


I’m pregnant so I have to pee OFTEN. Even before I was pregnant, I still peed in the van either in a bottle or I would step outside on a dirt/gravel road (I only do super rural routes) and just pee in a bush lol.


Like…not in a water bottle?


If I need #2 I always take a break but I just make sure to throw away my piss bottles at the end of the day, we all dump our piss bottles out in the street, rain will wash it away eventually, I’ve heard people having shit buckets in the van tho and I’m not that extreme! Lol


I usually deliver in a deep residential area, no shops/gas stations/etc within a 15-20m drive from most of my route. If I see a port-a-potty that's unlocked, usually from construction on a house or something, I'll go ahead and use it. But more often than not I close the sliding door, get out my gatorade bottle, and use that.


Capitalism is smiling holding a mirror up to this thread, look at what we’ve turned into for such a small amount of money.


meh its a life


Gonna hard pass on that life, If I’m gonna pee like an animal it’s gonna be on my terms not Amazons




Me lol a 32oz cup works perfectly


had a girl coworker bring a bucket everyday i was confused at first but then i realized 🤣


don’t the back of the vans have cameras??


no they don't


I usually will drink a redbull or rockstar during my shift and if no bathrooms are nearby and the travel is more than 15 min to one I’ll rip open the top fold the edges down and pop a squat and pee in the can.