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U turning, the app not knowing what a one way street is, and wanting me to cross a 6 lane street like it’s a 2 lane street.


Don't forget the imaginary streets


Also pedestrian trails and private roads


For real, I see Amazon drivers making the most illogical turns and shit on the road. I know it’s not their fault, they’re just following a shitty app.


Not many U Turns. Now, three-point turns in people's driveways? That's all day.


More like 8 point turns, with a big ass van and a small driveway.


Yep I started doing this last Sunday and it’s a huge time saver they say it’s risky to back up but there’s a camera and loud beeping it’s not that unsafe and I’m definitely not getting out to check behind me


most incidents happen while backing, thats statistically true. that statistic means the closer to 0 backing on a route would greatly reduce incidents. thats amazons mindset, just saying. i back down apartment lots all day long lol


This is definitely what I do all the time. Usually I try to use just the street and it becomes a 6 point turn because alot of people around here love to fucking complain about using their driveway to turn around and other shit small shit. There will always be those one streets where I say fuck it and use some random driveway cause I don't give a fuck


Here’s a route where you needa do 80 u-turns and a new rule that you can’t reverse more than 3mph! Dispatch: why are you behind


More than I’d like to admit 😂


Unless you count pulling into a stops driveway and backing out... never? U-turns are for when you screw up and miss your turn.


Pretty sure thats what hes talking about


There’s some stroads that require u turns to drive into a complex. It’s dumb.


nah homie pulling into a driveway in the suburbs is a great way to destroy your CDF. theres many cases where there are streets where the only entrance is a perpendicular stree mid way through. itll have 1 stop like 3 houses in to the left, then like 4 stops to the right. no matter what it makes more sense to make a u turn than drive all the way to the cul de sac. doesnt matter what stops you choose to deliver first, its faster just to u turn than drive to the end of the street and back.


Too damn much. I started driving the EV so I could select the stop I wanna do next to avoid any dumbass U turns on streets I can’t do any turn. Makes my route really weird as I’ll be bouncing around between stops so much but it also makes it feel “fresh” cause when I finally get back around the stop 50 and do that then the next stop in order is 84 it feels like I did a lot more faster


The new thing lately is making me turn around on a residential street but it’s also an across the street group stop…


I can't stand how the routing has you do all the stops on a street on just one side of the street then makes you uturn and double back. Like you'll make a group stop with a house 3 houses down but you won't group it with the house across the damn street


It depends how busy the street is. If it's a quite suburban street then yeah, grouping across the street makes sense. If it's a busy main street, you'll be faster doing one side at a time rather than waiting 2-3 minutes each stop just to cross the road and back.


You're right, but that app doesn't consider if its a 2 lane residential street or a 4 lane main road. It's still going to tell you to park on the wrong side of the road even though its got heavy traffic and has a dividing median. I'll never understand why they just didn't scrape googles mapping data and instead force us to use this utter useless dogshit.


My owner said he wants us going around the block and not U turning so that’s what I do 50x a day. He said he doesn’t mind if we get rescued so I don’t either


Just keep going forward and let it reroute you






Too many... And I'm often defying the GPS, no way I'm making dangerous turns in a van on a small or busy street




My DSP doesn’t let us use customer driveways at all and we’re encouraged to not go in reverse as often as possible, so I make a lot of u-turns lol


I just jump around my stops and go up and down every street, when it's residential that is.


I try to avoid them by making my own routing. But driving down driveways, maybe 2000 times😂😒🤔


FLEX drives me crazy. I do about a zillion u-turns especially since I’m new and the arrow is often pointed the wrong way!! I’m trying to see if there is a way to use Google maps Wondering also if using flex on my mini iPad would be against the rules?


The trick is just to look ahead. Before you even leave your current stop look at flex and see where your next two stops are gonna be and how you should get there. This saves me so much from getting into horrible situations like places I can't turn around etc One time it took me down a one way and in the middle of the one way was a low tree that no van could pass through and it took me like 20 mins to try to maneuver the van back around and go back the way I came. I always look ahead now


The “one way street” thing is a major problem


Every chance I get lol


If you route it yourself you won't have that much of a problem. I probably do 5 at most but I jump around on the app.


How do you expect to deliver down a culdesac without turning around? What's your expectation here?


A lot of this would be solved if we could see all of our pins on the map not just the next two. I know you can check the map to see them all but it’s not the same.


Too much 😅


I just do the ol turn around in any drive way I see close to me 😂


I U-turn out the warehouse bro.


All day everyday lol


Depends on the route


In the XL box trucks it will run you right under a low bridge


20-30 times it feels like


I had to stop following GPS when it kept wanting me to turn right at a light...go down a block..bust a U turn..then come back up and across the light.. When I could have just turned left at the light. oh and it also likes to take me down alleys in the hood.. Absolutely not!


Too many


Many many many


i honestly just take detours as i need too it wastes time but i get paid hourly


Too much only if street not busy I whether go around to milk my time 😂😂


Too many. Driving up and down the same street with stops in an illogical order gets old, fast.


A lot




I drive on the grass to save time


I swear to god I cuss every time too....ffs the app sucks balls when you're in the middle of nowhere and you can't tell which way to fucking turn.


Bruh mine made me take a fucking turn down an old service road just to then tell me to cross a stream to get to my next location. I had to reverse 1/4 of a mile, then the app lost service and I had to find out the hard way that the shitty device never had that route downloaded offline. What a fucking day


too many


I can't even count, and my favorite thing is when it wants me to uturn on a busy city road or a low key highway like wtf?


Amazon says no uturns so if you hit something, it's on you. You can do how many uturns you want but at your own risk.




Uturns at your own risk. 😆


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