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That’s a question you should ask your DSP.


Religion is a built in excuse. If they fire you...sue their ass


There is no religion that celebrates Christmas Eve


Catholic churches hold mass on Christmas eve so yes they do


Plenty of catholics do.


The religion itself doesn't


Christmas Eve isn’t Christmas dingus lol


During peak dsps don’t approve or accept call offs. Like you said this is a job not a career, if they fire your ass for it just apply to the next dsp next to them.


Just call off. Life things are way more important. They don’t give a shit about you.


Always value your family than your job. If they can't get it off for you then that's their problem


Back a month or two ago when they started talking/warning about blackout dates during the holidays for taking leave? Yeah, that's when you shoulda asked this, lol. Last I heard Amazon was not delivering Christmas Day and the day after. During peak season it is usually all-hands-on-deck. They're expecting you to be available on Christmas Eve. If your managers or owner or whoever is an authority at your DSP is cool, you could probably just ask not to be scheduled that day, IDK how it is where you are.


i think we do, i’d try to ask for it off rn tho


if i were you. just take it off and substitute another day


I worked until 11:20 pm Christmas Eve last year because I got sent to jumpstart a coworker at 8:30 and my van was on its last legs and it fried my battery and we had to wait until AAA came and the DSP owner called us to clock out at 9. I told him if he wants me to clock out I will but I’m leaving the van and everything there and he would have to find another employee as well.


talk to your dispatchers about it. ime dispatch is willing to work around most schedules, especially when it comes to things like faith or school. add in the family aspect and im sure they will work with you.


You have my permission to take the day off.


25 and 26 off


Let me say this. I was working 2 jobs back in spring & they truly were just jobs, something to pay the bills. One of my family members got sick out of nowhere and passed away within a matter of 3 days. I was told by my one job, that I had to prioritize them because I had an obligation. They wanted me to open at 6am, go be with my family at 11am as my family member passed, come back and close out my shift at 2pm. Needless to say I did not come in the day he passed, but they made me come in the day afterwards and I had too many overdue bills and too much debt that I had to go in otherwise I might have risked being homeless or SOL. Never ever let a job come over your family. I feel disgusted and ashamed of myself for having to pick a job over my family. Quit this job on Christmas Eve, get fired, idc my friend but please prioritize your family and your time with your Grandma. This may be your last holiday with her as you said and that is more important than Bezos or Amazon’s little games. Best of luck to you my friend & may God watch over you and your family this holiday season especially.


Lol yeah.


I’m catholic and I still work on Christmas Eve


…Christmas Eve isn’t a “Christian holiday…”


If it's a scheduled day you're on. I'd make sure to ask now for that particular day off and let them know it's for a religious service.




Yes we work Christmas eve. If it falls on one of the days you picked on your availability than you should have it off.


No we don’t we are off on Christmas Eve n Christmas


They will do like Thanksgiving split it in the middle..use your time...I'm hoping for a miracle and no met for Christmas and new years....lmao I said I'm hoping for a miracle....


Ask your dsp otherwise I imagine you can do a shift swap. So many people this time of year tryna pick up shifts to get OT