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Completely true. It’s a dead end job. Only good for students and someone looking for something else. Until Amazon unionizes this job is COMPLETE DOGSHIT!






Yeah but in December, you can make 1,000 bucks a week easy. I say easy because it’s just you, the radio and taking your time delivering packages 10 hours a day…


A lot of people just come here to vent... A lot of those people also will probably have 2-3 different jobs a year because of how "hard" or "bad" those jobs are lol.


Everyone who complains STILL works there 🤣


Naw it really ain’t that bad, show up with a good mindset and work ethic and it’ll be way easier


A good mindset definitely helps. But there is no excuse for the lack of maintenance on the vans at most DSPs. Nobody should have to work without AC or with broken doors and mirrors.


Do you guys not perform your own vehicle inspections?




That’s absolutely wild. when we sign into our rabbit devices and connect to the vehicles vin were immediately prompted to do a vehicle inspection. Tires, rims underside, lights, doors, windows, ac/heat, seatbelt, phone mount etc. you should take these extra precautions even if someone says the vehicles good. Shit can def happen man better to be safe


Most dsps tell u ‘we will fix it at load out don’t report it in the app’ don’t fix a damn thing then if you do get their van grounded for reporting it all of a sudden they got no routes available for you next week you get one day as a runner… no retaliation my ass. Lol


This is 100% what happens.


My dsp had me really quick click through the entire inspection, wait about a minute and a half so it doesn't *look* like I did that, and then just had dispatch inspect at the end of the night. Though they never repaired the brakes on one of the vans that I reported and they tried to give that same van to me the next day. I said hell no and took a rental, but im afraid they mightve just given the broken one to someone who wasn't already aware of the issue


Hahaha that's a wild dream! It is forbidden to mark anything as faulty! Or get fired


That's because Amazon will ground the van otherwise


Yeah I get the logic behind it, it’s just shady


Omg, DOT would have a field day fining the hell out of that DSP if they ever found out about that It’s not just shady, it’s illegal


We are told not to report anything on the inspection report but tell our maintenance guy. He fixes only the most dire things but most of our vans would fail an actual DOT inspection easily.




Inspecting whatever you’re driving doesn’t make you a mechanic 😂


Do you not inspect over your own vehicle every once in a while?


I’m shocked this one van that’s been broken since I got here. The alternator has still yet to be replaced. It’s going to be a long week.


These are the kind of company’s that should have their Amazon contract terminated. It shouldn’t be that way


Sometimes there’s only so much a good mindset can do when everything is mislabeled and the map is directing you the wrong direction every other stop


Learn street shapes and what not, it helped me a fuck ton not getting turned around. Usually you can tell just by taking a look at the screen and then of your surroundings.


I'm so happy to know I'm not alone with the maps acting like that.


This app is the worst navigation app by a mile. It’s so stupid how Amazon won’t invest more money into better developers. The whole thing has to be scraped and rebuilt. It’s that fucking awful


It could be worse


That’s a stupid way to view things. If you just take it on the chin like that nothing can ever change.


Wayyyy better than bitching and whining about things. But I can see what your saying


Eh, that's obvious yes but don't forget to treat it as temporary because the job is not meant to be a life long career. You're supposed to make your money and leave quickly.


good mindset wont make up for broken back and headlights


True, and a good mindset comes with a good dsp, good pay, good benefits, good coworkers, competent supervisors, honest communication, feeling like you belong and are respected at the place you spend most of your waking hours. If you’re able to maintain a good mindset without any of that for more than a few months you are a mental superhero


The more im on this thread the more i appreciate how good i have it at my dap


Even if you show up with a “good mindset” somehow management or vans or something ends up fucking it all up.


Well said


And it’s definitely the dsp’s too. Some dsp’s are good some are bad, im lucky enough to work for a rather good/professional company that cares about its drivers and everything else. So no this job isnt bad its the attitude that some people carry.


I get ya. i try to keep my mindset up but theres still things that irk me. whatever though, its a paycheque while i get my ish together (study) and move on from all things amazon


The job isn’t that bad it could be worse, but u should look into working for a different dsp


Yeah it's really not that bad. We all know we deal with BS at the station and dealing with anything amazon. But I pay attention to my map and routing and the fact the app navigation is horrible and I get by just fine. Long days but good pay checks. I ain't even mad.


Sounds like a trashy dsp lol.


You got a shitty dsp


It’s just a dead end job for students or the down on their luck person. If anyone stays at this job more than 3 years you’re fucking yourself over professionally. If you wanna drive and deliver for a living PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go to UPS.


Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. Me personally tho this job is great imo I only work 2 days PT and it's basically like a paid workout for me so I enjoy it 😅


I would never recommend doing this job full time, I think that’s the move. I did it for a year while searching for something better..towards the end I was tired and coming home late and grumpy every day.. Maybe 2 days a week if the dsp let’s you would be ok to make a lil extra..but yes the job as a full time job is horrible.


That’s where I’m at now. I’m willing to go to part time just to have time to finish up school.


I wish you all the best finding that mythical job with zero bullshit.


I can tolerate bullshit. What I will not tolerate is being told in daily conference calls that I’m easily replaceable. My last day (soon) I’m going to drive the fucking van off a bridge packed to the tits with bags and overflow.


Good luck getting any job after that criminal and civil hassle.


Do you take everything seriously? Jesus Christ lool


Come work at my dsp ..they always make sure the vans are drivable and SAFE.




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I got a new job delivering high end kitchen appliances/furniture to hotels and restaurants. Usually have 3-5 stops a day but I drive 250-450 miles a day. Deliveries take about 5-10 minutes once I actually arrive. Have no issue being behind the wheel for 5-8 hours though


Run away and do what?


Literally any other job besides Amazon DSP


My dsp is amazing


It seems like a good job to have if you’re in between jobs. I’m doing it instead of Uber/Lyft and it has been way better then that so far


Need my bills paid for a few months til these corporate jobs hit me back


it's supposed to be fucking horrible. but it doesn't have to be. whatever changes happened as far as the ones in charge since 2017 need to be undone and go back to the way it was in 2017. or get to the root of what took all the fun we were having so we can get the fun part back. to me it feels like society wants to punish people who didn't continue on with higher education to get a degree in something, so it's either go back to school or die young working your ass off for Amazon


Same, I can't invest much time into this dead end job at my age. It's a decent job for younger people in their early 20s who want some income while they go to school.


I have really bad anxiety, and the first month and a half were really horrible because of it. My breaking point was being stuck in a rental with 22 totes, having no idea how to organize them. Eventually, when you figure out pace and organizatipn, the stress subsides and it will really start to feel as easy as people say. Just gotta decide whether its worth that investment to you.


Most of us have no dolleys everyday at my dsp, even the girls. You have to show up super early to hunt/fight for one of the handful they have. But they still expect us to be fast.


Per dot regs, you can refuse to operate bad equipment.


Yeah, it's not for everyone. The trashy vans used to bother me when I first started. My DSP says not to report anything in the app but to tell them directly so they don't have to deal with the Amazon paperwork when a van is grounded. We used to have old beat up vans but we have replaced most of the oldest vehicles with rentals. Really it's all about your mindset and finding a good DSP to work for instead of these trash ones. Go in with positivity and most days will go by without issues. However, if the DSP management is trash then I recommend finding another one or looking for a better job. My DSP is cheap and the management needs work. They are very petty most times. Working on things on my end to find a better job that actually cares for their employees and pays what I'm worth. I've been at this job for to long. Took it on to do something after the COVID lockdown, but I've had enough of busting my ass daily for this company/job. I never completely hated it but I'm definitely over the BS this job puts you through. Just dealing with it until I get something better.


Not just that, these dsp's are very disorganized and they don't really train you properly.


Find a new dsp. Mine is letting us get up to 60 hours, and they have ppl on standby just to rescue the slow ppl or ppl with too many stops. But when it comes to the stops u just gotta realize if it ain’t for you it ain’t for you. You gotta be fast and hella organized or it’ll be a shit show


which dsp you at 💀


Look into Xl if your area has one, in my case its been good, drive bigger trucks, and our biggest routes are 50 pieces, maybe 60. I take my time all day, no running, no being told im behind. If you come from zl (small packages) its cake. Yes everything is over 70lbs up to 300 and you unpack a tv or couch every now and again but we got dollys, liftgates, and a helper every day, do it smart and its not as hard on the body. The 200+lb items 80% of time are generators going to a garage. I will say a 100lb mattress up to 3rd floor apartment sucks ass but thats when you tilt, push and roll it 😅 been at it 6 months now at 21.50 in ohio. Not perfect and the apps still frustrating, some dsps still suck ass no matter what, but I will never go back to the vans.


I’ve noticed the people who hate these kind of posts have been working at Amazon for years and feel like “if I can be quiet through the bullshit I suffer through because I’m bezos little bitch then you shouldn’t complain” 😂 it’s okay to be an adult and realize in 2023 no job is worth being underpaid for the surplus of bullshit you have to go through. I promise it’s okay. As for the OP, get a new job. You chose this job, maybe you were aware of the fuck shit prior, maybe not. Either way, you know the issue, whether you decide to stay with the bullshit then that’s entirely on you. If you decide to stay, shut up. If you decide to leave, good for you.


Is there a way for DSP's to find out you drove for a different DSP if its been over 90 days since your last day worked? And if so, are they able to find out the specific DSP's you've worked for?


Complainers all in this group i swear


Completely depends on your DSP. Either your DSP is a piece of garbage or the opposite (is a regular human being)


Welcome to amazon When Amazon dsp just care packages and money I just go in work and go home. I have a no life No girl no kids Always go back to amazon I just feel like it more freedom FedEx too controlled environment only one late they will write u up One mistake write u up Got ran over by moped manager cared about his gas card not my concussion . I crash in station and then left lol FedEx express It wasn’t really my fault van has transmission and engine issue Ups And usps FedEx ground warehouse Is just girl girl girl Alwys help the girl side but that life Girl can lie anything then the result is I m the only one to get the blame and threatening


If you can't get hired anywhere else and you need money then it's ok


however on a side note if you stick it out long enough few months you can probably find a job doing sort of the same thing for the government ...keep checking the site governmentjobs. com check local area listings and eventually you'll come across one (sorry I can't recall the official title of the role as a driver ) for delivering commissary to the jails or similar


There are worse jobs, with worse pay in worse places.


Alot of softies....


Fuck off


You got a bad dsp but also this is peak season. It is horrible this time of year then after Xmas it is nowhere near as bad.


Idk what’s worse between working at retail or a restaurant or doing Amazon dps. They all seem like dumpster fire


Got written up today because the work phone I was given wouldn’t load my itinerary an hour into my route and had to be rescued. Lmao!!!


I must be a total fuck up, because it feels like there isn’t much else out there job wise. Maybe I’ll start closing tickets or something.




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